The independent. (Quitman, Ga.) 1873-1874, November 01, 1873, Image 3

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TIIK INDEPENDENT. SATIRD IV. NOVEHSKR 1, LOCAL MATTERS, ludci to Advert D'in<ritl4t All kind* of dry good* and groceries at panic privet*—Paine Ut Hail. Carriage and Buggy Depository Salomon Cohen, Savannah, Ga. Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant J. N. Lightfoot, Savannah. Ga. Cotton Factor* and Commission Merchants- In man, Swann tV Cos., Savanuah, Ga. Breamin'* European House- -John ikes nan, Sa vannah, Ga. Great Bargains for Cash—B. D. Edmondson, Quitman, Ga. A Family Sewing Machine for 16 -Jerome B. Hud son A Cos., N. i. Southern Gem Pianos—Ludden A Hates, Savan nah, Ga. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, etc. W\ K. Barnes A Cos., Quitman, Ga. Cottou Factor and Commissiou Merchant —James it. SheUlou, Savannah, Ga. New Carriage Manufactory—T. Epsom Howell, Quitman, Ga. New Stuck of General Merchandise—D. K. Creech, Qutuman, Ga. Clothing—C. M. Brown, of Fla., with Weiller A Bro., Baltimore, Md. Dentist -J. S. N. Snow, office up stairs, Finch’s corner. Red Rust-Proof Oats for sale—Daniel A. Horn, Boston, Ga. Farm, fanning utensils, provisions, etc., for Bale —Jas. Wilson. Groceries, Ship Chandlery, Canned Goods, Ac.— Claguoru A Cunningham, Savannah, Ga. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods—DeWitt, Mor gan A Cos., Savannah, Ga. Commiasiou Merchant and Purchasing Agent— Dr. D. Cox, Savannan. Ga. Wholeaale Grocer, commission Merchants, Ac.— Wia. 11. Stark, A Cos., Savanuah, Ga. Marshall House, Savannah, Ga.—A. B. Luce, Pro prietor. Merchant Tailor—Charles Gas*man, Savannah, Ga. Cigar Manufacturer and dealer in tobaccos —li. Davis, Savannah, Gs. Ten Pin Alley and liquors of all kinds—-Valentine Bather, Savannah, Ga. Candies, Cordials, syrup*, Fancy Confectionary, etc.- ii. Fitzgerald, Savannan, Ga. Clotning, Hats, Cups, Furuishing Goods, etc. — Geo. Apple, Savannah, Ga. Organ of tlie Baptist denomination Tin v irta tian lndcx, Auauts, Ga. Wholesale Boot and Shoe Store—Currier, Sher wood a Cos., New York. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Whidow Ola***, etc. JUcCah .v Groove*, Quitman. Dry Goode. Hardware, Ginneries, etc—John Till man, Quitman, Ga. Mens' Youths’ Boys* Clothing, at wholesale Heury a. Jonu Pai ei, New York. Drugs, Medicines, Di v Goods, Groceries. Hard ware, etc- Briggs, ueiks a Cos., QuiUoa.i, Ga. Wheeler A. Wilson Sewing Machines W. 11. Cieves, General Agent, Savannan, Oa. Clothing at wnnicsaie and retail i. L. Falk A Cos., Savan..aii, Ga. Cheap Goods of all descriptions, Groceries, etc— S. Siiandsl, Quitmuii, Ga. Books and Stationery at wholesale and retail John jl. Cooper iv Cos., Savannan, Ga. Sale ami Livery Stable -Cecil A Turasner, Quit man, Ga. Manufacture* of Cotton and Wool at the Quit man Factory -Dr. Henry Briggs, Florid'-in. Dr. E. A. Jelks, Practicing i'liyaician, Quit man, Ga. Edward 11. Harden, Attorney at Law, Quitman, ii .i. Clothittg made to order D. W. Price, Merchant railin', vuitiuu*., Ga. Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors, etc—Creech A .tcwHuiue, Quitman, llu. i .mies li. ilunnr, Attorney at Law, Quitman, Ga. •uiictt & Kingsberry, Attorney* at Law, Quit can, Ga. i fit .tv li u,itY. 11m p' * tv Match. Ukv. C. D. CAMrukLL, Pastor. Aervircs the Second ami Fourth Hu..days. Cfturcli Conference on Saturday before the Second Sunday in each month. Prayer meeting every Thursday Sunday Sc., oi at *> o'clock a. m. * hurrli. “ Hev. it. Q. Wav, Pastor. Services every Third Sundry, at 11 o’clock, a. m. Sunday School at 4 o’clock p. m. M <l h .i( hunh. Rev. S. S. Sweet, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock evening at o’clock. Sunday School at it o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday night in each week. Anew stock of tirwt clan* Ready' made Clothing j av Batons, Jelkm A Co’m. j Everybody knows Kay ton, because he sells cheap. Call ami see him at the New York Store. Some very Run Chignon* at 8. Rliandal's. I o Make Money Fast and honorably, sl2 50 per day, or $75 per week, by at once applying for a territorial right, (which are given free to agents), to sell the best, strongest, most useful, aud rapid selling Hewing ; Machine, and Patent Hutton Hole Worker, ever used or recommended by families, or buy one for your own use; it is only 10. Sent free every- j where by express. Address for particulars: Jkjiome B. Hudson A Cos., Cor. Greenwich A Cortlandt Sts,, N. Y. j New styles ladies fall and winter Hats, just re ceived at BttlOOK, .Jr/LKS .w Co's. The goods being all marked down cheap, if you want to pay nigh prices for your supplies, don't j tali at ’ Kay Ton s New Youk rkouE. j ———o No such bargains ever known as are offered at , Jno. Tillman h. ! *Ol7l HICHS GEM PIANOS, f u u f ion. This is to give notice that the exclusive right of sale for the original and only Sotuuern Gem piano was given us in September, 1870, by the manufacturer, S. P. Hale, of New York, and we, or our authorized agents, are tlie only parties who can furnish them. All piano* sold under this name by other dealers are imitations, sent out from a different factory, and in no way identical with the “Southern Gem,” which we have sold j go largely for three years past. aep27-lm Lcdden & Bates, Sole Agents, j Hot Ruil Proof Oats. One hundred bushels, more or less, at J. A. 1 McNair's plantation near Cherry Lake, Madison county, Fla. These oats have been planted on the place of Mr. McNair for four or five succes sive years, and no rust has ever been discovered on them. They are thoroughly winnowed and n good sacks, from two to four bushel* in each, 1 and will be sold for cash very cheap. Persons wishing to purchase can call on J. A. McNair, Cherry Lake, or C. 0. Move, Quitman. Georgia. o 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 Wool Blankets, various qualities ’ ' Bttioos, Jelkb A Co's. ! Prolific Corn. The undersigned has now' on hand twenty ! bushels of Prolific Corn, vhich he offers for sale at SB.OO per bushel. This corn will bear from ! two to twelve ears from one grain. Wiii sell any quantity at the same rate, 25 cents per quart. Will deliver the same at his house near No. 17 A. A G. B. R-; Edmondson a store, in Quitman; Elijah Wade’s store, Brook* county, and Mr. Rivers’ store in Groorerrille. Order* left at any of the above named jsteees will be filled. oct4-4t J. V- Allen. o Goode cheaper than the cheapest at Jno. Tillman’s. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Groceries, Ac.,Ac. r *t low prices, a* Hatton's Nr* You* MORE ARREST*. THE COMMISSIONER'S UINDIC- Tl VEX ESS. Prejuilpes tlie Case. Declared the Pi isoner Should bo Commit ted Before a Witness was Examined. Cat oir the EiMiubutloa by AMarlng ihr UffMuUnt'a- Altuiarjr that up.iu Ihr Testimony of the Prosecutor he Would Commit the Accused. On Friday of last week unite a company of mounted mi ll entered our quiet village, armed with gnus aud pistols, hunting the United States Commissioner’s office to de liver James Guv, against whom Commis sioner Wade, upon the affidavit of one Hardwick, had issued a Warrant for a violation of the ku-klux laws. The Commissioner was very much rejoiced that he had succeeded in capturing the said Gav, exhibiting a spirit- of vindictive ness towards the prisoner, rather than a calm determination to administer the law j impartially, a characteristic that everyone I authorised to hold courts of inquiry i should possess, but which we regret to say since he has been abandoned by all res ' peetable citizens is a stranger to him. The defendant’s attorney asked for time to pro i cure witnesses to invalidate the prosecu tor's testimony, and prove that the de fendant took no part in whipping the mau —which was tlie foundation of the eh rge —but t tint he used every menus in his power to prevent it. The attorney was as sort'd that such evidence would do no good, as he was determined to take Hard* wick’s testimony, and would column he accused, when he well knew that the Cos rt to which he was commuting him for trial lmd not, nor would not take jurisdiction of the case, unless the United States At torney General is ns corrupt as he is, which is by no means impossible. But we think the highest evidence of his viudie j tiveuess was exhibited in the fraud and de cepiton he practiced upon Jim Murphy, who acted as Marshal in arresting Gay. Murphy is an ignorant man, without edu cation, can’t read a word or write his ! name. The Commissioner, so-called, told tlie poor, ignorant fellow that he was obliged to execute the warrant, or he never would have had anything to do with it. 15at clothed, as he thought, with United States authority, he had a perfect right to kill any mail that dare to speak to him. So, upon being asked bv a quiet, citizen if he had any hogs for sale, he immediately attempted to murder him. A warrant was sued out by Mr Demur, tlie tnnU thus wickedly assailed, for an assault with in tent to tnurd r, and he was arrested, and the i vit vigilant ( ommissioner soon issued his warrant against Devane for an attempt to rescue the prisoner from his own (Wade's) I United States Marshal. So, on Monday the said James Morphy and Gal Murphy, who was also c’ urged in the same war rant. warn taken before his Honor, Judge ; E. It Harden, who held the court of in I qitiry, and we learn (for we were not pres ent) that the contest between the contend ing lawyers waxed warmer and warmer un til the close of day —the prosecution be ing represented by Hunter. Turner and Bennett A Kingsberry, and the defend ant by ('apt. J. G. McCall. Wade and Sam Griffin assisting. After a night’s delibera tion uni consultation, the defendant’s counsel became satisfied that his client’s case was worse than lie at first thought it to lie. So on Tuesday morning Capt. Mc- Call, who, we frankly say, always perse veres in the interest of his clients, made propositions for a compromise, the prose cuting attorneys believing that by acced ing to the propositions the boot interests ! of society' would be subserved, and the agreement was made. The prosecutor consenting, the defendants paid the cost and went home with feelings, as we are in formed, not very devoted to the Com- \ wissioner, who had so grossly deceived them. We have as vet been unable to as- ; certain the terms of the compromise, bull have no doubt it was for the best. Fine FVoncli Bruail Cloth, English Beavers , Casaiiuercß at Übioos, Jelkb at (Jo s. Personal. Since our last publication, our friend ! Col. B. F. Wurdlaw, of Madison, Fla., who is on a visit to his many friends in our town, has favored lis in our sanctum with frequent calls, and we confess that it j is always a pleasure to lay down our pen and look in his genial face and inter change ideas with him. It give us new life and animation, and rest to our wearied ] hand. He goes from berg to the Baptist Association in Lowndes county. He is a devoted member of the Baptist church, but not excessively egotistic or dogmatic in his opinions. He is a companionable fellow, and needs a companion, for it is not good (he thinks) to be alone. We hope some good lady will sympathize with him in his loneliness, and abundantly sup- i ply him with such smiles as will make i him truly happy. We can assure them ! that all their goodness w ill be appreciated and reciprocated by our friend. A beautiful lot of Columbus .leans, also Domes tic l'laiils. Home new and beautiful colors worthy j of special notice, at bttioos, JI.I.KS & Co's, j o Don't Fsll to ItsmrmWsr That the yellow fever is prevailing to an alarming extent at Bainbridge, and tha. the Great Eastern humbug exhibits there j the day before it reaches here, aud there j is no greater facility for the transmission j of the disease to our midst than that fur nished by this troop of greasy and un washed groomsmen and canvass spreaders and ring diggers. Our only safety de pends upon the exercise of prudence and caution. This roost fatal of all diseases might lx> brought here and spread all over the country in a day. We hope the peo ple will guard against it and warn the col- j ored people nf the danger. Tike Uikulkr tike Truttk like Ciealrr the Cunt. If the advertisements of the Great i Eastrfti bo true it is the greatest curse that could visit our already embarrassed country in a tinaueiul point of view. They would not stop here if they did not expect to make it protitahla. Ilow much will the people have to pay them to make it protit able? They say they have forty cages of animals, some of which cost them $15,- 000. According to their own statement, their outfit cost more than a half million of dollars. Aud, further, their own state ment shows that they have in all a thous and men and women, including actors, ac tresses and laborers, which will cost at least $1,500 per day to lizard them, be sides their wages, which cannot be loss— according to their own statement—than SI,OOO per day. Besides this there is the expense of their hundreds of horses, the daily expense of one or two trains of cars, county and city licenses, making in the aggregate their expenses not less than $1,500 per day. Now, it u! ir ...Ivertise inents be true these expenses cannot be less than the sum above stated; aud f course they expect the people of Brooks county to pay that, and a greater amount, that they may realize a profit—a sum much greater than our entire comity tax, and the people are complaining that they can’t pay that on account of the scarcity of money. Taking these facts and figures, isn't it conclusive evidence that their advertise ments are false; that the big pictures and long-winded advertim incuts are deceptions and frauds to allure and swindle by false pretences, the people out of their money. But w have more conclusive evidence of this gt'i it fraud than any w have referred to. I; will be remembered that less than ; one year ago this same gigantic humbug had their same monster lulls posted tip, and their hand bills scattered all over the country, assuring the people that the I Great Eastern was coming, with its four acres of pavilion, its 40 cages of animals, hundreds of horses, and its thousand men and women, and its steam piano, that | could be heard .>vo miles. Who was it that believed them then that was liot dis appointed and swindled? Who will he- I lieve them now to be disappointed and swindled again? Very few. wc think. We would suggest to those who are fond of such exhibitions to consider their coun try’s interest for this one time and wait until the times are more favorable for such amusement, and when the expenses would not be so seriously felt. There will be other shows here this winter far superior to this, anil you will have other opportu nities, if act unwisely you will. It is your, duty to pay your merchants who have furnished you with supplies, your doctors who have saved your lives, your law yers who have guarded your legal inter ests, your preachers who have been labor ing to save your souls from sin, and above all in importance, pay Thu Indki'E.WEXT that warns you of coming evils, such as the Great Eastern, and the thieving, God forsaken Radical pestilences that infest the ! country, and when you have acted up to this standard of morals the preachers, and The Independent will rejoice at your de livery from sin aud Radicalism. On the day that the show is to bo in Qitttmun go to the Fair at Thomasville, aud you will see a show that will be en couraging and profitable to you, and your money expended w ill not be carried out of the country, but will still remain and cir culate in our midst. —— o— Whoa you want good goods :it low prices call 1 at ’ Kavtux’s New Youk Btoiii:. Evcryihing Down. Money seems to have gone out of ex istence, and everything gone down; the! prices offered the planter for hi t cotton j are contemptible, compured with the ac tual cost of production; but the blame is not to be attributed to our merchants, the cause is remote. Onr tin re!:. ; ■ ore offer ing liberal prices—far above toe cash prices—for cotton in payment of accounts, i If, in the payment of debts, the planter ' can get a fair price for cotton, lie lifts no right nor cause of complaint; for if fair prices will pay him out of debt and leave him a surplus he can hold the surplus. Notwithstanding all and singular the dis asters that befall the crops, John Tillman is offering to pay fair prices for cotton to all his customers who are indebted to him. And so anxious is he for money, for just a little he will sell the most fabulous quan tity of goods. Reader (don’t mention our j name, keep that a secret), we assure you , if you will slip in on John any time with-! in the next thirty days, and let him know you have money or cotton, you will get tie; best bargains you ever bought in y iuri life. Do as we toll you, but don’t men tion our name. Now is your time. He ; has a splendid stock of goods to select from. The HaptUt Ansoi ialion at Harmony La*t Sunday. We enjoyed the pleasure of visiting the j family of Mr. Vt eldon, seme four miles north of Boston, in Thomas county, on Saturday and Sunday last. On Sunday we were provided with a comfortable con vi yn e, and interesting company, to i the Association. The Association was largely attended —quite a number f min isters in attendance. The sermons were j earnest and persuasive; the ministers were much animated and zealous in the good cause. The Primitive Baptists are a peo- j pie in whom, ns Christians, w e have the j highest confidence. We think as a class j they live as near up to the “golden rule”, as it is possible in this life. The citizens ; in the immediate neighborhood had made ! at pie provisions, and came with supplies | sufficient to feed the immense crowd of visitors and strangers. Mr. W’s family carried a large basket, filled with tlie most inviting food, out of which a number of ns feasted, and there was plenty left. W e returned to Mr, W’s after the services, and with that interesting and happy family spent tl>e night. Their kindness will be gratefully remembered by mi I'Uluir GSUery. The picture gallery of Messrs. Kitchell k Etsou is getting to be the place of resort of almost nil the citizens of Quitman. The truth is, such artists have never been here. With the highest skill of the art, all their work is executed. Their pictures are attracting the attention, and exciting the admiration of all who havo refined tates. Now is the time, as their stay will be short. Don’t let the opportunity pass; such artists cannot afford to wait in a little tow n for patronage. There is richer re wards for their merit elsewhere, and they will seek it. It is true you can live with out their work, but certainly it is one of the highest pleasures, when loved ones are gone, to have them ever present with you in miniature. Money thus expended is never regretted. None have seen their work that don’t pronounce it superior to any ever done in this country. We have had quite a number taken, but find our friends (who desire to retain our shadow after the substance is gone) more numerous than the pictures. However, its long as the negatives last, we will en deavor to supply all who are curious to see what sort of an animal the editor of The I niu.i'ENDENT is. We would sifpgcst | to the Radicals generally, if they will let i our papers go directly to our subscribers, and w ill send us two dollars, wo w ill ftu ! uisli them with Tin; Indeit.ndknt for one | year, with the picture of the editor, so I that they may recognize him and flee at I his appearance. Httli’ DrMirrt. Thu most mshioimlilo hair tlrossurs have pmnrmncoil in favor of Louisiana Creole ITair Ufstoivr, and use it constantly in dressing the hair of their customers of the/on. Some of them eunniiitf-wise pur ; chase the Louisiana Hair Restorer by the i dozen, and emptying the bottles into a re | eeptaele of their own. claim it as their pe culiar invention and reap praises for their knowledge and skill. They are welcome to the trick for the sake of the additional beauty the th> y give to the looks and tresses of our fair Indies. It is for sale everywhere, however, and ladies can try it for themselves. Road the testi mony: Thomas Beaumont.barber. ofClurk.s\il!e, Tennessee, has had abundant opportunity of witnessing the effect of the Louisiana Creole Hair Restorer, as used hv his oils j turners, lie says it has proved very suc cessful, pleasing, in every ease, ull who | use it. i Mr. Ed. W. Munford, a well known j citizen of Memphis, Tennessee, gives us a I very flattering certificate, which is the more valuable from his disinclination, in general, to indorse any preparation sold. ! His knowledge of the intrinsic worth of j the Louisiana Hair Restorer is so great, j however, and instances of the success at tending its use came to him so frequently, i that, without hesitation, lie heartily in dorses it. For sale hy all druggists. ■ Goods of ail kinds offered ut panic price* at Jno. Tillman’s o A Correction• We stated in our last, that Sam Griffins’ brother a rote to him if he didn’t whip the damned editor of Thk Independent that he would come up and do it. This is what Sam told; hut his Bud contradicts him. He said if Sam didn’t whip the editor lie would whip Sam. The truth is,Bud isu clever fellow, and is uslmined of Sam’s ! conduct. Sam used to he a clever fellow,and : if it had not been for his evil associations I lie could and would have been highly respectable here. But he is now lost, be j youd all redemption, and wc sympathize with his brother, who has some pride of character. We would advise Bud not to j ! whip Sam. Poor fellow! lie is lost all ; sense of decency and honor, and we don’t think he could burn him with red hot ; iron. o—— - Whfclfr A Wllo*x Sewing Machine—A Orfal Ilurgiiin. A splendid Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine, with all the fixtures to do all kinds of work and make all kinds of ladies’ i what you call ’ums. Any person wishing j to purchase can, by applying at this office, j get an extraordinary bargain. The machine is new just from the j 1 shop. - o Uh'vi! st<. -f Dome*tic Dry Goods and Oro- , ecu ch, at Bnroos, Jllkm it Co’s, o Savannah Fair. We are indebted to Mr. J. H Estill fora complimentary ticket to the Third Annual j Exhibition of the Agricultural and Me j clmnicul Association, commencing Novem- ! her I7tii an 1 continuing until the 22rul. ! We certainly appreciate the compliment, and will put in an appcrance from day to day until the close, and as it doubtless will be one of the most interesting exhibi - i tions in the Stab*, we would suggest to oer readerf that it will be a convenient season i to visit Savannah. Dfui< Gfvin A way. With every box of fine Initial Paper and Enve lope's, at 30 cent*, we give away music of same amount. With everv piece of music ordered, we give away another of same price, “fiend your address to 11. L. ficmiEiNEii. oct2s-lm Book and Music Dealer, Savannah, Ga. j Great bargains, cheap goods, full stock at Kayton’h New York Store, j That Voting Man. Mr. H., of this county, is Very indignant because his manoeuvres around a certain I Association witli a widow and six bright, little urchins was not noticed. Never mind Billy, we will watch for you next time. A Splvnilid Plantation for Sal** and a Gmit If mica in Offered. A plantation nemr Quitman, containing j twelve hundred u-res—■three hundred 1 ucrcK in cultivation- -of excellent soil, with good, clay bottom. Fencing all good; buildinga plain but comfortable, with fine watcr; plenty of water miming through j the fields. The entire grain crop, with j all tlie stock of every kind, farming nte.o sds, etc., will be sold with tlie plantation j if purchaser desires. Terms favorable. For further particulars apply at this ; office. All correspondence addressed to | this office, with a view to purchase, will j be promptly attended to. lowa has a smaller per capita of State debt than any other State in the Union except Delaware, which has none, and i only New Jersey, Michigan and Deleware levy less State taxes in proportion to pop-1 uistion. Notice. All parties who pureh.isud fe tilizera from mo as igTlt tbr GifUiufti Mn Cos., cKulug thy pitMKmt year are hereby uhtilmfl to pay up at Unco, or suits will be instituted for the collection of the claims. This is not my act as ugcut, but tlie de termination ot the principal* o( t25-‘Jt J. H. Edmondson. Agont. Ql IT3I A \ MAIIKKT. COUlllftn'MJ WEEKLY lIY CItEEGI iW NKWSOJI. Uaoolno Gunnv yd 1C a 20 Ikon Ties. . lb 10 a 11 h.UT>N--fihm*UU*rs lb —a 12% Clear liibued ...... lb 13' % a 14 Hams lb -a 20 1 111 LAD -Sodn Biscuit lb u 15 Lemon Biscuit lb -- u 15 Ginger Huapps. lb 13 u 20 Beeswax !b —a 26 Beef Steak lb Ha lo Better —Goshen tb 45 a 62 Good Western tb —a 35 Candles Adamantine. tb a 25 Sperm tb 45 a 60 Coffee Bio .D> 25 a 30 Java, old Government, tb 30 * 40 Dry Goods—Prints, fancy. yd I*2* 9 a 15 \ Brown Shirtings yd 13 a IS * 4 BroWn Sheetings.. yd —a 15 4-1 “ “ yd —a 13 White Osnaburgs yd u 15 Striped “ . ... yd 15 Checks .. .jd 15 Yarns, Ass’t No’s stb 1 00 a 1 75 Flour North’n Superfine.bbl bOO alO 00 Northern Extra . . bbl 10 50 ull 00 North'll Earn yA Fancy.bbl 12 IK) als 00 Fish Mackerel No. I.huff bbl aOO alO 00 “ No. 1 kits 200 a 280 “ No. 2 bbl 700 a UOO “ No. 2 ...kits 250 a 2GO Herrings, No. 1 box 40 a 50 “ Scaled box 45 a 50 j Fowl!*--Chickens. .—a 3 00 Turkeys, large size each 100 a 1 25 ! Grain t orn, white, from store. bn —a 75 Oats bit 70 a 20 Hides and Skins Good Flint C.w . .ffi 12 * 14 Dry Sailed CoW Hides tb 10 a 12 Gout Skins each 10 a 20 Ottor Skins .each 100 a 300 InoN—Swede* tb 8 a 10 Lard \XX in bbl* tb 12 a 12* { Leaf . . ti tbs -a 120 ltcti.ied 3 lbs —a t 0 Liquors Whisky, Coinnton Proof gal 135 a1 40 Bectilled .gal 200 a 223 Bourbon, good .gal 350 a 400 Brandy, American gal 250 a 3 Ot) Burn, St. Croix 450 a5 00 Jamaica, good gal 500 a7 00 Gin, Imported .gal 500 a5 50 Gin, Common. . gal 225 a 250 i Scotch A Eng. Ales . doz 250 n 226 Porter, Genuine . doz 250 h 275 litTMliK.u Flooring hoards M 12 00 als 00 Dressed Flooring... M 1G 00 alB 00 Shingles, pile M 300 a 400 Meal • Fine bbl a 1 00 Hominy bbl a 1 00 ; Svittt gal a 50 ; Nails I and 5 and ... keg 750 a 800 .Oils -Kerosene. ... gal 35 u 40 Linnet <1 gal a 1 35 Powdkii--Bifle, fine .keg 725 a7 50 F. F. F. \ l / t tb can a 75 i Potatoes-Sweet bbl G 5 a 75 j Bice—Clean Carolina ... It) 0 a 10 Salt Liverpool sack 225 a 230 I Shot -Drop bag 3 (>0 a3 25 Buck ... bug 275 a 300 ! Soar—Family No. 1 tb a 10 Pale lb 8 n 10 Common to Fair tb o*a M Shoars Crushed & Pow’d. .tb 14 a 15 A White .H. 13*.; a 14 B White Tb 13 a 13‘ £ C Extra .tb 13 a 13% Yellow C tb 12 a 13 Florida. Tb 8 a 11 Smok’d Tobacco--Durham tb 70 a 75 Fruit* and Flowers . . tb (55 a 70 Other Grades tb 50 a GO Tobacco Common Sound tb GO a (55 -Medium . . . . .tb GO a G 5 Bright tb 75 a Hi Pocket Pieces Ib GO a 60 Dark Caddies, Sweet, .tb 70 a 80 Tallow -Good Ib —a 8 Vi NEC \r White Wine.... gal ft 50 Cider Vinegar gal a 50 \ Wool-—Unwashed It? a 25 Soda Ib. 10 a 15 Oysters 1 Tb can a 15 Sardines box a 25 Starch IT* 15 a 20 Sniff tb 75 a 100 The above arc cash prices. \K \V ADVEKTISEMEMK. PAINE & HALL, Having recently beceived a large and well assorted stock of (J enei*£il Altfrchandise, Consisting of DRYGOODS. BEADY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, Etc., ALSO A lutgc and well selected stock of Tamily anil Fanry Groceries. Owing to the great financial pressure, we have determined to sell goods ut PJUV&S 10 >7 77’ THE TIMES. Extraordinary bargains can now be obtained Foil CASH. We will take any kind of produce in exchange for goods, or in payment of accounts. Wc will also take certificates of deposit on the Savannah Banking and Trust Company. .YU of our customers are eunn stly requested 1 to come forward at once and ma-ic settlements of their accounts. oct2s-3m 13 m IN Vjy EUROPEAN HOUSE, Nos. 156, 153, 100 and 162, Bryan St., SAVANNAH, GA. mriE PBOPKiETon haying completed 1 tin necessary additions and improvements, caii now offer to Lib gneata ALL THE COMFORTS TO I!E OIL TAIXEI) A T OTHER HOTELS AT LESS THAN HALF TII E EXIE XS E. A Restaurant on tlie EUROPEAN PLAN has lioun added, where guests can, At all Hours, Order whatever can be obtained in the market. K(Yonis,, w it It Baonk $1 50 per day. Determined to be OUT DONE BY NONE all I can aak is a TRIAL, confident that complete satisfaction will be given. oct4-tf JOHN BRKSNAN, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE HOUSE VALENTINE BASLEB, (Successor to hia brother Antony Busier) THE WELL KNOWN reN pin ai.i.i:v, At the Old Stand, 174 Bryan St., OPPOSITE Tin: MARKET, Continues to keep on hand the heal of Brandies, Whiskies, Wines, Ales, AND ALL OTHER LIQUORS, My Foreign Liquors are ail of my own Impor tation. ngStf ?i <*v km.iMiots AMYemrisimii!sts. T II F FOURTH ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Kont li (J cor"ia • A. &IH. ASSOCIATION, TO BS HELD AT THOMASVILLE, GA., C<nmnvndHy TI'ESDA November i, 187il, mid lo Continue o Doi/x at the FAIR OROUNDS </ the Atmoclation. Tlie Fair Grounds are situated on tin* east side of Thnnmsville, about half mile } from the business portion of the town, j The premiums are all liberal and all tlie arrangements are ample for tlie exhibition of articles, and the display of machinery in uctual operation. Comfortable stalls for stock provided free of eliuiye. Speeial attention is called to the follow ing premiums not included in tlie Premi um Lists: SPECIAL PHEW I CMS. Tlie follow ing Speeial Premiums lire of | fen and by the South Georgia A. k. M. As | sociation, and by an oversight were left out j of the Premium fast: For the largest and best display of ar | tides, of ail kinds, embraced in de partment B, class Ist, to wit: Pre serves. pickles, jellies, catsups, etc., made by any one lady, tlie articles to be all manufactured by the ex hibitor SSO To the gentleman paying the largest amount of entry fees 25 To the lady paying the largest amount of entry fees 25 BY COL. P. M'otiASHAN. | For the best boy rider under 16 years of age—a splendid Spanish Saddle. ALSO TO THK FOLLOWING PREMIUMS.' For the largest crop of cotton pro duced upon one acre of upland, w ith a statement of the mode of cultiva tion, the amount and kind of ma nures used, the period of planting, the number of times plowed and bowed, tlie kind of seed used, with cost of production—lainl to lie measured and cotton weighed liy two or more disinterested parties, and certificates furnished by them— premium DO For the largest crop of cotton grown on five acres of land in one body, requirements as above 50: For the largest crop of corn grown on j one acre of upland—same require ments 50 J For the largest crop of corn grown on five acres of land in one body— j same requirements 20 For the largest crop of oats raised oil * five acres of land in one body—same | requirements 25 i For the largest crop of sweet pota toes raised on one acre—one-eighth of an acre to he dug and measured us above required 25 For the best five bales of upland cot i ton 50 ! For the best bale of upland cotton.. . 100 | GUAM) TOl ffNAMKNT F< i” ?* 17in old. FRIDAY, NOVEM HER 1X73. Grand Tournament Ball Friday Night. A. I>. WRIGHT, President, j CiiaS. P. Haskell, Secretary. ffSpi intern ] \i i a (WITH LATEST TMPOVEMTNT3.) FOB 20 YEARS THE Standard of Excellence |! THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Over 750,000 in Use. I v you think of buying a Sewing Machine it will pay you to examine the records of those now in j : uhu *and profit by exporicnco. Wliceler : Wilson Stiiiitb iiloik- us tin only Light lliinnlii{( Machini’, miag Ihr Rutary Ilook, milking a Loi U HtitU h, alike on both Hides <7 j tlu- fabric h< \v< and. All ulmttlf inaeliinuu waste , power in drawing the slmttlf back after the ! j stitch is formed, bringing double wear and iitram J ; upon both machine and operator, inmee, wlii | other machines rapidly w. ar out, the Wheel* ri •v. Wilton Luslm u Lifctim**, and proves an i i Ecotiomicttl investment. Do not believe all that | is premised by no-culled “Cheap” machine*, you ! should require proof that wars of use have tented | their value. Monty once thrown away cannot be recovered. Send for our circulars. Machine* sold on easy j terms, or monthly payment* taken. Old machine* ! put in order or received in exchange. WHEELER A WILSON MF*G CO.’B OFFICES: Savannah, Augusta, Macon and Columbus, Ga. \V. B. Cllvls, Gen. Agt., Savannah, Ga. maySl-llm _ The Best Low Price Piano Made IS THE SOUTHERN GE3I, WHICH WE HAVE SOLD IN LARGE NUMBERS, And with (treat Satisfaction! Exfra Large Size: Seven Octavos, Ho ewo and Case*, Carved Le*, , j French Action, Agraffj Treble, Overstrung Base. Finished in Elegant Style, and imrranted durable! REDUCED PRICES: $21)0, S3OO, $320, $3lO, S3BO. | It ih impouHible to produce a better piano for j ti. money. They are made for actual service, nd v. ill wear well. Wn Hell at these low prices, : in order to demonstrate that we can compete with New York houacH. BUY ONLY FROM US Or our authorized agent* throughout the South. Sovtukrh Glmm are now offered. Wo have exclusive contr 1 of the Southern Gi:m piano for the South, and they cannot be bad ex cept from ut. Do not be deceived; take none but thw genuine , which have been thoroughly tested. LUDDEN A BATES, Wholesale Southern Agent*. J. C., Agent. __ sep27-lm Kavi i.hi N. York Store open agate in Quit* man, with prices lower than .dace the war. Call and be satisfied. Genuine Durham Smoking 'iXdjaceo, manii/ao Kired by 55. L Lyon & Cos., 1 1 S. Sh&adal’*. A fine hud it* Hitr at fi. Bh*nd*lV. T. OPSON HOWELL New Carriage Manufactory. rnwE undersigned takes pleasure 1 in announcing to the public that he um opened a CARRIAGE, BUGGY and WAGON M A FS CC ACTOR Y IN QUITMAN, GEORGIA, (Near the Market) And in now prepared to do all work in that line as neat ** it can he done in the South. REPAIRING AND JOG WORK WILL lIK VOXE AT SHORT NOTICE. Painting ami Trimming CANNOT BE EXCELLED IN GEOR GIA. Mv principal icoodwnrkman ia Mi. HIRAM FRKTVVELL, an old and experienced workman. All work will he done promptly and on reaaona | hie term*, and warranted. I’lettae give me a (all befor* yon give twit Work toother.. aepti-im T. KPHOS HOWtiLb. NEW GOODS. ' \tu: HAVE now in store and TO AR. YV RI VF., a large stock of gooda in our line, j consibting of r 1 iiw 13 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWE L K Y IN ENDLESS VARIETY, ! liOLD I‘K.N'M, SI'KCTACLES, CLOCKS. WALKING CANES, SILVER CASTORS, SPOONS, FORKS, CUPS and RUTTER DISHES, SOUP LADLES CALL BELLS, TABLE KNIVES, POCKET KNIVES, PISTOLS, POWDER CAPS, CARTRIDGES of all aizea, GAME BAGS. SliuT BELTS, POWDER FLASKS, etc. etc., We are also Agonta for the SINGKIt SfcWINO MACHINES. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, —AND— GUNS AND PISTOLS HEPAIR ElTsy Wr reHpectfully ask that our old friends indffk public generally call and HEE US. No trouble to show goods. VV. E. BARNES CO. septliMf. LEG A L AOVIIRTBSEME ATS. SliPPilPs STATE UF GEOitGiA—Brooks County—Will be sold before the Court IJoua* door® wn of Quitman on the FIRST TUESDAY in .N-. ember next, within the legal bortrs oripale, tho follow iig property, viz: one hundred and twenty- Heven (127) acres of lam) of lot Istr. 521 in tno Thirteenth District of Brook* county; and on© hundred and five C 105) um * of lot No. 510 in the Twelfth District <>f Brook* courty. levied on as the property of John Delk, to aatibfy a fi. fa. siiect b> Brooks Superior Court, Di cembvr Terir , 18t;7,in favor of B. N. Vickers.for the uae of A. M. Sloan vb John Delk, pr., and E. Wade, security* October Ist, 1873. J. 11. D. McRAPh tin : '-It Deputy Sheriff 8.. C. CITATIONS. STATE OF GEORGIA--Bbook* Cobntt—. Win udah, David Hi urn having applied to tho Court of Ordinary for Letters of Adiniiuhtratioa upon tlie estate ot It. li. RF.NFROE,deceased, lata oi said county, tin sc arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the creditors and next of kin of R. It. RENFUOE, to bo and appear at the Ordinal v’b office within the time allowed dv law,and show cause, if an> they can, why permanent ad ministratiiH nhould not be granted to David Hior* on R. 11. REN L'TIOE’B estate. October Ist, 1673. J. Al. SHEARER, octt-4 Ordinary. _ STATE OF GEORGIA—Bhookh County.— Wmeeeas, Jas. O. Morton, Executor of Mat tnew Young, represents to the Court in bin peti tion duly fifed and entered on record, that be has fully Administered said Matthew Young’s estate. ’Thi!; ia, therefore, to cite all ptn-ous concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Executor should not be discharged from biw trust, and receive letters of dinmission on the FIRST MONDAY in January, 1874. Thi* October list, 1873. J. M. SHEARER, Ordinary. \V. G. Br.NTi.FY, Pep. CTk. oct4-3m STATE OF GEORGIA- I' oojss Copwrir.—Oa the FIRST MONDAY in V ' .nbe-r next I will apply to the Court of Ordinary said county for leave tn sell lot of land iiur.-l or three hundred and eight (308) in the Twelfth District of origi nally Irwin, now said county of Brooks, for tho benefit of heirs and creditors, except 70 acres, more or less, specifically bequeathed. October tat, 1873. W. I). ROUNTREE. ocfiMt Executor of L. C. Arrington, dec’d. STATE OF GEORGlA—Bnooits County.—On the FIRST MONDAY in November next I whi apply b. ilo Court of Ordiasry in Brooks county, for leave to sell all tho lands in Brooks county belonging to the estate of Uriah Ropers, late of said county, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. Octo ber fi, 1873. JOSEPH J. ROGERS, oct 11-It Administrator. Administrator’s Sale. amo MONTHS AFTER DATE APPLICATION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Brooks county, at tho first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave, to sell the lands belonging to the estate of William Folsom, late of said county, deceatied, for the benefit of tho heirs of said deceased. September Ist, 1873. W. R. RYALR, C. W. RYALL, sop6-2t Admr’s estate of Wm# Folsom. Notice to the Hoad CommibHioners of Brooks County# OFFICE COUNTY COURT, ) Quitman, Ga., October 28, 1873. j XN THE INSTRUCTbONS ISSUED FROM tliiw office during the present year, in regard to working the public roads of tho county, the undersigned has charged Uoad CommiseioncrM to . interfere as little as possible with the agricultu ral interest of the country. The cotton picking’ season being now nearly over, and the weather . good. It is therefore ordered. That the Hoad Gomiuta* dinners in each District of Brooks county ha\ j every person subject to road duty in their res pective diKtricis, summoned to work tho publio roads for three days, commencing Monday, No vember 3d proximo. Roads to W thoroughly worked 20 feet wide, stumps cut even with tlo surface and all obstructions removed. All de faulters must be promptly reported. EDWARD R. HARDEN, Judge County Com*t, Brooks County. aug2s-2t INMAN, SWANN A CO., COTTON FACTORS —AM)— COIriMISSION MEUCIIAXTS, - 96 Bay tit, Savannah, Ga , and Cotton Exchaugf, IGI Pearl St., New York, Will make liberal cash advances on cottou' kbta>- ments to cither onr bavaniir.h or New York Uou&*. .Will imv and sell futures on liberal termß. octl-3;n .t.SMAN,. I-WANN \ f-ri