Newspaper Page Text
She ^vdiurtScv.. i i
Published Every Saitirduy Moniing,
Offiee—In the Court House, North- 1
East, down Stairs, Cleveland, tin. 1
OUR GEN rS ! |
A ;
The following named gentlemen are ■
legally authorized to act as Agents for
the Cleveland Aadvektiskk. If
you have not pa:d your subscription
and it, is convenent to hand it to either
of these gentlemen, you will much
oblige Yours Truly.
Alex. Ciu itcit, Publisher.
Rev. W. H. Me \eke, Dabionega, Ga.
•J. W. Miuks, lilairsville, Ga.
G. 11. Kytlk, Mossy Creek, White Co.
Rev. ,). C, Hell, Tesenteo Diet., White
Local Items.
More rain and stormy weather,
Mr. Ira Cox has an attack of measles.
Road working is now in the fashion.
Last Thursday was a cold and blus¬
tering day.
Tramps and dead-beats are on the
Preaching at the Baptist Church
next Sabbath. To-morrow
IVo havo not heard tbo lonesome
dove coo this year.
Col. II II Walker, of Cross Roys,
Ga , was in town this week.
A g 1 oat many strange faces have been
in ottr town this week.
Cleveland lies ono of the best Post
Masters in Georgia.
Hear in mind that the spring term of
our Superior Court will soon oe here,
Plenty of live peaches, up to this
Read the new advertisement of Mus¬
tang Liniment.
Mr. Thomas M. Hell, the r fficient
representative of the famous drvg house
of Daniel & Marsh, was in town this
There are plenty of dogs in Clevo
land. There are big fogs, little dogs,
and dogs, and they can all bark, too.
There is very little corn planted in
this county at this time; but at this
time last year there was but little to bo
The forests do not present as cheer
hil an appearance as is usual on the
IGfl. day of April.
Men who are not honorably omployed
stand a mighty good chanco to be dis¬
honorably employed.
Court is only two weeks off, and our
merchants have comparatively nothing
to sell; or if they have, they are afraid
to lot the people know it.
A lot of prisoners and witnesses in
town last Tuesday. Somebody had
lost a hog, and somebody else had lost
some fodder, and so goes the world.
The Cleveland High School is again
prcgiessing with the usual unabated
interest and energy of its Principal,
Mr. G. W. Scrogg8. A grand exhibi¬
tion is anticipated at the expiration of
this, the first term of the School,
Mr. Henry Roberson, formerly of
Lumpkin county, has been arrested on
the charge of having stolen a hog from
one Mr. RavaD, some 8 or 9 years ago,
and is now in jail at this place.
The general prediction is, that after
this week we arc to have some spring
weather-some weather that will enable
the lizzards to crawl out and bob up
and down on the sunny side of a log,
Hope it may be so, for the poor cow’s
J. R Cairns, Sheriff of Lenawee
Co., Mich, says.— I have worn an ’‘Only
Lung Pad - for Bronchial difficulties,
and have not been troubled, with a
cough nigbta eince wearing it.—See
A considerable amount of s ; ck
in ihe country.
Minnering time will hmu G« hen;,
and then ihe aveiago hoy will, if im
can’t, get a i-iinerick hook, bend a pin.
smt "honk ' his mama's newiiii! ilir.iml
and hie away to the banka of the shady
Don't forget to attend Sabba’h School
hoys. It is much better than strolling
around town and through the country,
hunting for “liUek Hetty." If you on
Iv learn the meaning of one verse iu
the Good Book you are amply paid for
the little trouble of attending the school.
Wo know the Superintendent and the
Teachers will take pleasure in giving
you all the instruction they are able to
give, and it may be worth to you, more
than much gold and silver, though it
costs you nothing.
For the Advertiser.
Mu. Editor: In your last issue I see
a letter from a correspondent in Athens,
who seems very much in sympathy with
the people of the mountains, for which
we return many thanks. Hut it is ab
surd for him to say that we have no
market for corn, for it is worth more to
day, iu this country, than it is in tbs
"city of learning/' Corn is worth 90
cts per bushel here; but you know the
cause of this to which 1 will not refer.
We will go now to the extension of
the N. E. IL. It. Mr. L, says it is only
57 miles from Lula to Rabun Gap. The
aggregate ^ cost of this road will be
.$(184,000 _ says Mr. L. Now. , tbo dia
tauco from Lula to Cleveland is about’
18 miles, which can be built for less
than $12,000 per mile. A road through
this country will be more beneficial t ()
Athens than the other. Now for the
proof of this matter, look at the amount
of t produce , that , i , * hauled * ill* Irora this u •
is .
Gainesville, ... and from . the
county to
counties North of the Blue Ridge. It
ail passes through the town of Clove
land. You see, if we had a road to our
town wo could stop it all at this point,
and tilt the city of learning with the
products of the mountains. If we were
to say thero was $5,000 worth of pro¬
duce passed through Cleveland per
month, we cannot think that wo would
miss it far. We 'hope v that our
at Athens will whisper something good
in the cars of the people of his city
about this matter. Wo hope to hear
from him again soon. M.
Wise sayings.
Mo t men keep on hand a large as¬
sortment of evils, while their stock of
excellencies is ruinously low.
When a man is always attributing
evil motives i« people you cannot help
recalling the adage, set a fox to catch a
If yon should boast that you never
told the truth perhaps von would do it
at that very moment for the first time iu
your life.
The man who is accused unjustly
can afford to maintain sileno , hut the
man who Is justly accused must make
as great a bother as possible in order
to throw people off the track.
It is said that love conquers al 1 things,
but. a jumping toothache that knows its
business aud strictly attends to it can
for the time being make a mau forget
that he ever loved at all.
Venture not into tho company of
those that are infected with the plague,
no, though thou thiuk thyself guarded
with an antidote.
To pronounce a man happv merely
becanso be is rich, is just as absurd as
to call a man healthy merely because ho
has enough to eat.
No man ought to complain if the
world measures him as hs measures
others. To measure one with his uwn
yardstick may be hard, but it is fair.
And when we are in prosperity we
aro ready to tbiDk our mountain will
never be brought low, so when wo are
in adversity we are ready to thiuk our
valley will never be filled up.
Kidney Diseases.
Kidney diseases affiiet the greater part
of the human race and they are con
stautlv on the increase, but where tho
virtues of Kidney-Wort have become
known, they are held’iu check
speedily cured. Let those who have
had to constantly dose spirits of nitre
and such stuff, give this great remedy a
trial and be cured. In the dry form it
is moat economical, in the liquid the
most convenient.— Phila. press.
Tiros. James. Darlington, England,
says;—The "Only Lung Pad’is being
thoroughly tried here. One lady has
already received great benefit, who has
suffered for years from Bronchitis and
Asthma, and congestion of right lung.
— i See Adv.
A Thrilling Incident.
We went ig op too molin' r-».s,
Our in isai e engine dialing us up rite
cm v mg giiiOes, Without all apple 0
ellbrt Mom< and there v ; ff
leys hueiclred out, and thiofiyh ilu-m
c uiised placid I’tiOHiis p'm, - tog l'"’o
mountain spr nga. W« had eioaonl at
iron bridge a d male a carve a' me
end of which another was in sit hi
winding to the left a :d a short distance
from tho Hack u couage I time stood m
the shadow of the hi Is Looking past
it to a point j tst beyond, which was
: visible from my side of the engine. 1
so w— oti, horroi! — and I excitedly c,\
claimed, "A c iild on the track !
At the exclamation the engineer
sprang from Ira seat. Otp* glance down
the track and iits face was pallid. A
child—three yeaiH old perhaps—stood
midway between the rahs. and not/me
hundred yards from the engine. M.
God !’ 1 heaid tnin utter in an agomz
od tone. I looked from him to the child
again. It stood facing .us, dapping its
little hands as it was wont to do from
its mother’s anus, perhaps, at the pass¬
ing ot tire cms. In another instant I
was 'brown forward—almost pitched
through i lv glass window in front id me.
In the same instant I heard a scream
a w oman s voice, and «its arms aloft
ami face pira'yzed with tuir ,r , the
mother sio d on the steps of the, collage. ,
We were nearer the eh Id. it was not
twenty yards from the engine, which '
under the pr« ssure of the air Leake was
bumping and jostling furiously. l
looked to the engineer, hi* scat was va¬
cant; again ahead; thu pilot was muiin
twenty feet of the elidd, the uai i siill j
in motion, too rapidly to be enecked
before reaching it. f shut my eves, my
heart stood still. Again the mother’s
peart rending scream and 1 open d my
ov, ' s tn Ht)0 ll,a <'hi d tossed several fern
iu lbe ail - My l»wJ as l averted
my eyes, and 1 fancied l heard the
, enjahing of the little form by the now
slowly revolving wheels, when in hnskv
tones 1 heard horn toward the cottage
; ;l ,, ,an ' 8 Vl f e uUer: ' Tnan k
1 1 opened my eves, and standing , upon
the pilot was John Akers, holding in
, his arms the child—its face wreathed in
smiles, l'ne engine was now at a stand
still. From the cottage the father
with . . . hlancltod , , . face .. and , , tiomhhng , ...
'j'p e chi d in merry accent called
our, ‘Want to ride, papa?' Betook his
baby from John Aker’sexten led bands,
1 and folding her in his arms, ho sank
down on the eaith beside the track.
The engineer clambered buck to bis
porch and Rounded the whistle. The
paseengora looked out of -ho windows
wondering what had occurred. A trem
bling hand drew the lever, which Start¬
ed the eugiue to pudm'S. Jail and hissing
until it was pacing . at — .speed r . ...... ipgam
ey,'.s 1 1,,ok,ld wore tw on ' va6 the ' M+,e track f^F-bis ahead but they blue
wore dimmed Tears were on his
cheeks as he perhaps thought of w hat
would have been his feelings if his own
little girl bad been the one on the track.
! Not a word did either speak until at
| Christiauburg thousand oa tho foot top above of tno Allega level,
i nies, two the
1 the train stopped for supper. As wo
s aned to leave the eugiue 1 grasped
his hand.
•You did a heroic thing, sir—a bravo,
a noble act ’
*'I'was the air brake,’he modestly
; replied, ‘’(was the air brake that d:u
. it.’— Col/onbus Times.
Household tliuts.
Keep tea in a close chest or canister.
Keep collee by itself, as its odor affects
other articles.
Bread aud cake should be kept in a
tin box or stoue jar.
Cranberriws wnl keen all winter in a
Brkm uf water in a cellar.
Oil clotl, I. ruine.i b, the application
ill lye soap, as the lye eats the cloth,
Cranoerries, vvitli tboir malic and
citric acids, are good food for those 11 v
iug’iu malarious places.
To select nutmegs, pick them with a
pin. 1 fthey are good the oil will iu
stantly spread around the puncture.
When you drive a nail iuto a wall
clothes press or closet, to hang things
on, drive it through a spool up to the
A broom should never he permitted
to stand on its brush, as it makes it one¬
sided and ili-stiupen. Hang it up by a
loop in the handle.
Turn up !he big toe as hard as you
can for a cramp iu the leg. aud rub the
skin, where the cramp is. briskly. This
toe remedy is tno best possible lor a
q’ 0 ejean brass kettles, after washing
! clean taka 11 teac:i P of vin ®pM and a
i tabiespoonfui of fine salt; wash every
I 8 P ot ou tue iaR * c * e of kettle with it;
theuriuseoffm pare water.
Hon to get Well.
Thousands of persons are constantly
troubled with a combination of diseases.
Diseased kidneys and costive bowels
are their tormentors. They should
know that Kidney-Wort acts on these
orgaus at the same time, causing them
to throw off the poisiocs that have clog¬
ged them, and so renewing the whole
man. Hundreds testify to this.—Pitts
' burg Post.
Blanks of al kinds for sale at this office
L A y* 4 ____
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mid KM'VwY^ h1 I!m*s;ii»i,‘ time.
Becn.iitie it clean c of tlicpoison¬
ous liumora i t s. -oc in Kicnsy and Uri¬
nary DwiervecH, liiTioucnesa, Jaundice, Consti¬
pation, Piles, or m Uheumutism, Neuralgia
Nervous Disorder a end Fe"udo Compiaiftts.
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t«£.r tmnvnHNHSMMi rax i V”muiv s j x»k i — * mix ■ i »»i w
t r ? ‘tin Ofins, ono pa* Uajg ‘ of ' l-ich mnUi H Fix
i —n m — ■ wii i i - mi in —t i~rr~- ~
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I for the convenient^' of thorn that cannot
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WKUiS, UK M VrnsON A ( O., 1'rop's.
.Win semi the drv p«,-f-ini !.> kfkmvutox, VT.
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! Mustang Liuiuieri is v. ithontan uiuwic eonaL S,
ij «» umi «ow
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house. *A'vi\ Id dms r.c-wa oi
M, Mic H4JOBJ of .. d a i «. i .Uf! o» l)ur i N
j$ 'ulMiucd, oi' r i < £*.•* *■ ./ inurtyrs r*‘
{.„ .so '!-«•• I, or ’t ... t . ^ .* »| l)i • y J *l> \t I.* i IbU
a*j fj ^ r-\ p rj :<R O. r-' K. R PTL;
j LylisimssBai m i
Hf line wb'i-li >-ni'.siilv F'LE-il e-m-- euch ailments ofii
illTUAN >.flrIP
IthcRinef iiim. Swi-IUajs, S-.
« onUacnil HIukcJtK, iiiirniiy;
.Hid Mi uld-f, tSrui-< s aniltf
. v «r.iiifcs, riiisoiaiHS it--- A.’/
WtStlllJV-. V» ilf'lX'SK,* s.i'liiUilliI:. lie ‘
fni v i. .-( - ri'iaUilb -
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tifleasc. indeed It (verjr lnut form (viilmt-.t <>if external <Us-jW A.
Forthe Liter!; CaEATios it ,foi»it*.M
Sprains. Swinny, St in
|1 founder, li'oo; IIiiiik-sj H< Screw Sole-, Went., !l«w Si
eases, t.
Hollow Horn, Sei-ivlt iii s, D iml
Kitlis, Spavin, T'misli, Ktsittlioiie,
| Old tlic Siffhl Sores, iisjU Foil every Kvtl, otlai Film ailivmt ujion]
to willed tno occiH-'attSs of llto
Stable »t*d Jlusia l ard are UttUiwnt liable. 'Yj V
Tito Uric* a ng diatippoluta;®
always cui-es and nover
aud it is, positively,
unako experiments on your builiKni-'vitU untried
and unreliable articles at your expense.
for water and benzine $1,50 to $2.00per gallon.
tiie Lucas reliable and guaranteed tinted gloss
Circulars and Sample Cards oC Paint mailed
on application.
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WE B siER s
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Air School "Booh s <i tin. country aruln.-ed.
JA. A uthority Office in Wa-hin.Min. tire (Vorernnien Jua. I’riuting J££, s'
at I d.
JLvb mccommcuded by . i-ue Snpt’s S' hin-ls in TUB
36 State-, un 1 50 Collevo I'r. .. l-.
Y%ietiouary A.J ilii.r has K'«n placed iu m aro X~\
tiiaa 32,000 pnblio s.-hools iu L.S.
Published by G. &C.M5RR1AM, Springfield, Mas#
Vy Webster’s National Piiturial Di onaty
itido Page* Getavo. 6U0 Lugraviny- ’*
v UEXTS WAN1 r.T> f„r the Uetd ..ud Va-l
■7V. ct-Seffii.!' I’i'd.iri.l Books aud Jlih'.cr.
Prices ieduced hi per jnt. National i'ab
bsh'tig Co-, A thiuta, (i.i.
Agents iVANTDfbrt'-i'Btjst Hunk Msell
TI>K lilSIORV id lin' UllihK.
Si'I.KN 'll* Sm;l, KctiltAVl.Ni) [22 «l 2.S tu. j I'lil.K.
to t very Subscriber. Agcutr are ntakiug 5t io
to SlfiO per week. Seuu .or J-pect.! Terms to
Normteh. Established 1847] lie.ury Bii; i'eOl «hi;..g IV
«t vvdy k iti \ouro'VU iv*wii* jij u i at
\ tree. Nu risk. K*j;tdtir, if you wane
a business at whbh persons ui either
sc\ an ni.ikff irroat jtiiy all the time they v. ■ >rit
v. n:- for particulars to 11. JiALLE'i f i C'J.,
Porthttid, Maine.
r* cc -c-o.. , T r
JUL 'XU, aXA(<
GEOllG[A Whttc County,
1YTOTIC 11 is hereby given ’n II '.rrsong
iv having demands against .John Logan late
uf . aid county, deceased, to p ivsotu shiui to
us, properly rande out, within the time re
quirud by law, su ns to thow tueir ebaracter
and autoui't. Alt pontons ii .ebtod . «> said
deceased are hereby required to make imme¬
diate pavmont to us.
W. 11. LOG AN, { f,.
March 12 1$$I. 3yds