The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, May 14, 1881, Image 2

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is worth the small price of the sheet, is a list of 2.000 Words of Similar Pro¬ nunciation. such as; The Colonel ate the Kernel. The Mayor owned a fast trotting Mare, Ye., See. The sheet can be used to good advantage by every one wbo writes the English Language. The sheets are sent by mail, postage prepaid, by the publisher, L. H. Rogers, 75 Maiden Lano, New York City. Price 25 cents each, or live ahoets for one dollar. Postage stamps received in payrneut. For tbe Advertiser. FAITH IN GOD. AND FAITH MAN. Mr. Editor: If you see proper you may publish this scrap, if not, burn it up and say nothing about it. I have never written any thing in my life for tho public; but am impressed to-night to drop a few thought*. 'Tie said in the Scripture, “have faith in God yet men complain and murmur—men who profess to know God in the forgiveness of their sins. Can a man have faith in God who complains of hard times to come? What does man know about the time to come? Is not man's hiud eight much better than the one in front? What cau a man see to morrow t Non¬ sense to complain to-day of the hard times of to morrow. Why did the blessed Son of God say iu the book of Matthew, vtake no thought for the things of to morrow?’, I think he meant, be ready to-day—know your sins are pardoned —live to day as your last. I say reader, in the fear of God. it is wise to live to-day as jour last, and have faith in God, who alone, can see the morrow. Then if to-morrow cornea, and you live, then you will Bee it. If you do not live through tho night, you have lived to-day, and have had faith in God you may feel like all is well. Friends, we must walk by faith aud not by sight. But first of all was the bard question asked, “why take thought for the tbiogs of to-monow.'' uf coarse wo understand that in the past. Sufficient has been the day uuto the evil thereof. Why not hare faith in God and do your duty, and expect it to so continue, ‘sufficient is the day unto the evil tbeieof." Complainers troubling over the future, not ^preparing to meet, it. Talk to them: Why do you not go to eburoh? A says,‘I have something to do to-morrow—must rest to-day, (Sunday) and be ready for Monday — not knowing that they will see Monday. Lotus go to church to-aay, “No, I have began son* piece of work—onnsf get it done. To-morrow 1 will have to to do this or that.' Not knowing they will need tbe time of to morrow. Have they faith in God, or in man' They l ave soma sort of faith in self. Well, brother, then can’t you help the preach er. lie is in need—his family must be fed. Then they say ‘no, I don’t have any faith in tho man no how.’ But it is not faith iu a man that will save you, but faith in God. Can a man believe God's word who will not help feed his ministers ’’ I say not. Why? Because it is said iu Malicbi. “Will a man rob God? Ye have robbed uie, oven this whole nation. Bring therefore all the goods aud prove me herewith, and see if i will notopsn the windws of Heaven, and pour out such a blessing that thore will not be room ouough to receive.' aud yet we eay we cannot divide, lest our faoiilss become in want. Have we faith iu God Lotus see—put the Lord to the test, and experience for ourselves that the word ofjpropbccy is true. Try the Lord by giviug aud believiug, and then it can be said or us, we have faith in God, as well as can be said by us, we hate faith in God. It matters not who our preacher is, we are under obliga¬ tions to take care of him; and show the outside world that we have faith in God. It is our duty, and we ought to do our duty. Now, I am sick of bearing preachers explain to their breiberiug and to siu> uers, that they themselves have so little faith in God, aud so much faith iu mau, while at tbe same time they preach, •have faith in God. They tell it that thsy have not much faith, by saying if such aud eucb churches does not pay more, I will quit attending them Weli, I thiuk they have but little faith in God. Brothor preacher, you cauuot get to Heaven unless you preach. God said •go, and lo I am w ith you alway. Elijah was fed. ‘No good thing will I withhold from you.' But you must walk upright ly, 'Once I was zealous; but now I am old: yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor bis seed begging bread.’ But you mnst be righteous. Then, brother, go preach the gospel, and have faith in God, and the Lord will see to it you will bo fsd. Do not forget that Jesus said ‘the poor have the gospel preached to them.’ Well, you say God says for you to preach—well, do it. God says for the people to care for thee. Well, they will do it. As you are im¬ pressed to preach, so they are impressed to take care of you. A Member of tbe M. E. Charch. Waroo, Lnmpkin Co., Ga. ' Men should not think too much of themselves, and yet A man should be carsful not to forget * himself. Tho,. who have koo.o r.»l grief eel dem seem sad. A USX. CHURCH. - - Editor Cleveland, Gcni'Kin. May l\ IS8I. ip -%r«” ’ ■ <*»/« rj4»f ** * W ii ica*. n that Mr. Waterman baa mild tbn banner to Mesru Ymry Sc Sprer. Mr ateniM.i prububln did # do ns good bjsineas ia Athens with a daily as hb .mtioutated. Tlio Ri’iet tide News Cor May 1881 is before us. it is a neat and indeed a ‘•Hcieotili)" Jourrn.l, published monthly in the .meres of the Arts mid Femuees, j hy Munu A Co,, 37 Park Row, New York PUao 15cts per copy. One dol¬ lar and fifty ct nts per year What has become of the Macon Tel¬ egraph and Messenger? Have you cut ns ell, gentlemen, or are the papers stopped somewhere on the road, or have they been sent over ou the other side of the iPuo Ridge, as has frequently been the ease lu retofore? The Messenger is full of rows and we like to peruse its columns. We have on our table Dr. Foote’s Health Monthly for May. It is neatly printed, and contains Id pages, moat of which are well filled with very valuable information iu reference to bealtb-pre~ carving, Every family should have it. It is published by the Murray Hill Pub¬ lishing Coropauy, 121) East 23tb Street, New York Price with premium, fifty coots per year. ....... -- AMERICAN SENTRY. The above ia the title of a newspaper published iu Now York, iu the interest of the Natioual Greenback party. As we ar? not takiDg much slock in politics just now, aud whether its politics be right or wrong, we leave the public to decide; hot we must say it is a good family newspaper—containing a great deal of valuable, and general informa¬ tion. It is published weekly at the low prico of $1 00 peryear. Col, Sylvester, of Philadelphia, is spending some time in our town and vicinity, who in company with our fellow townsman, Mr. C. P. Craig, is prospecting amoug the ruiuing sectioua of our mountains, valleys, aDd river beds, where tho “precious’' liesin inex haustible bonanzas. We hope soon to see ocr river beds being operated noon by tho '‘suction" process. C’ol. Sylves¬ ter is au fuergetic, practical, aud pro¬ gressive gentlemau—means business, aud we wish him success. We are also glad to see our friend, Mr. C. P. Craig, taking so much interest in the building up of onr mountain country. THE CONTEST. Thor* is a contest, not between cap¬ ital and labor, in this case; bnt between capital and a selfish prejudice, which is impeding tbe progress of enterprise, in this aud all other countries where it exists. It is to bo lamented, that thore aro a few instances in our county. Cap italisf who are willing to invest and spend their mnn*” among us, should be invited tn ’omn, and when they do tvnit, 1 ; y should be treated, just as • r ar citizens of the country. We do -sot meat that they should have prefer r *• (P-Lit cud privileges, but only each i a ■ necessary for the operation of their -joterprlee. if toobtaiu this some one is damaged, ft aj reasonable corupensas tion be paid, and let the work goon, li we have not the capital, and desire to e*e prosperous, we must invite and induce capital from abroad. THE BIRD’S EYE. We have received from L. H. Rogers, New York, a “Bird s Eye view|of the English Language,’ a regular monu¬ ment cf p “ience. The sheet ia 22x38 inches, aud cootains more information for persons who write letters than we ever eaw or thought could be arranged on oue sheet. Price 25cts. Tbe fiiat part contains Rules for Spelling and Punctuation, also Rules for using Capital Letters and Letter Writing. Next is a “Bird's Eye View of the Correct Spell¬ ing of 25,000 Words.’’ Every word is before you at a single glance, and is easily found by a system of indexing, that is wonderful, thorough, and com¬ plete. There is also a “Bird’s Eye View of 20,000 Synonyms,” which is of great asaistanoe to writers. One of tbe most interesting features, which alone > Fmh Air in the Bedroom. How much air can be safely admitted into a sleeping or living room is a com mou question. Rattier, it Bhould be considered, how rapidly air cau be ad¬ mitted, without injury or risk and at how low a temperature. We cannot hav« too much fresh air. so long as we are warm enough, and are not exposed to draughts What is a draught? It is a swift current of air at a lower tem¬ perature than the body, which robs eith¬ er tbe whoia body, or an exposed part, of its heat so rapidly as to disturb the equilibrium of our circulation and give us cold. Y’oung and healthy persons can habituate themselves to sleeping in even a strong draught, as from an open wiudow if they cover themselves in cold weather, with an abundance of bed¬ clothes. But those who have been long accustomed to being sheltered from the outer air by sleeping in warm¬ ed and nearly or quite shut up rooms, are too susceptible to cold to bear a direct draught of cold air. Persons over seventy years of age, moreover, with lower vitality than iu their youth, will not bear a low temperature even in tho air they breathe. Like hot house plants they may be killed by a winter night’s chill and must be pro¬ tected by warmth at all times. As a rule we may say that, except for the most robust, the air which enters at night itfto a sleeping chamber should, in cold weather be admitted gradually only by cracks or moderate openings; or should have its force broken by some interposed obstacle, as a curtain etc , to avert its blowing immediately upon a sleeper in his bed. The ancieat fash¬ ion, however, of having bed curtains, which exclude almost all the air has rightly become almost obsolete. No wonder that psopl# dream horrid dreams and wake in the rrorniug wearied rath¬ er than refreshed when they sleep in rooms sealed up tightly on every side; breathing over and again their own bieaths, which grow more poisouous with every hour of the night —Amer¬ ican Health Primer. Cooking Fruit. The season of summer fruit is ap* proachiog—straw bo ries will soon be here, and these will be followed in quick successions by other sub-acid fruits, and it may bo well to repeat a hint we have often made on the mauoer of using sugar in cooking fruit. Every housewife should krow that sugar boil¬ ed with an acid, ift it be but for three minutes, will be ccfivarted into glucose which ------ ----------_______ is the form'of sugar found iu JBWOftS apple*/ f\*fc?|<fubd of sugar has f.8 much sweetning power as pounds of glucose, lu other words oue pouDd of sugar stirred into the fruit, after it is cooked and while yet warm, will make the fruit as sweet as 2i pounds added while the fruit is boiling. Save your sugar oy a little chemical knowl¬ edge. A merchant was asked how many children he had, and he replied. “Five boys, and each boy has two sisters.” Bow many children were there? Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue. It is hard for au emp • ty bag to stand upright. The most untiring, obstinate place seekers at the Federal capital are said to bs women. Much charity which begins at home is too feeble to get out of doors and much that begins out doors never gets into the home circle. TPatent R. S. k R. P. LACEY, No. 604 F. St. N. W„ ENTIFIC WASHINGTON, D, C. proprietors Twelve of the‘SCI¬ RECORD. year* experi¬ ence a* Solicitor* of Patent*. We procure Patents on Inventions, etc., andpratice Patent Law in all it* branches in the Patent Office and the U. S. Court*. Our Handbook on Pa¬ tents, with full direction* and advice, sent Free. Also sample compiea of tho Scientific Record, the cheapest useful and family jour¬ nal published; only 25 Cents a year. GOLD. We Great town need chanse to a take person to make subscriptions in money. every for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world Any one can become a successful sgent. Six elegant works of art given free te subscribers. The priee is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One augent reports taking 120 subscribers in a day. A lady sgent reports making over $200 clear prfit in ten day*. All who engage make money fast. You can devote to the business, or only your spur# time. You need not be awny from home over night. Youeando it as well as others, Full directions ami term* free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want a profita bie work send us your address at once. It UiORGE VOS great pay. STINSON 4 CO-, Portland, Maine FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGON Y? s; — OF — UNIFORM EXCELLENCE, T.4gtat t Stylisli I Warranted S 8AVS your HONEY, write for Catalogue aud PBICE LIST to {rf Also tho SOLB celebrated Manufacture!* Bo»xum The Boston Buckboard Co., Buckboabd or NEW HAVEN, CONN. B3B3AY WAGON. Cures by ABSORPTION (Nature's way ALL LUNG DISEASES THROAT DISEASES, BREATHING TROPHIES, It DPiIVES INTO the system curativeagents and hewling medicines. It DRAWS FROM tho diseased parts the poisons that cause death. Thousands testify to its virtues YOD CAM BE RELIEVED AND CURED Don't despair until you have tried this Pens!. hie, Easily Applied’ and EFFECTUAL Remedy. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of Price $2.00, ‘ by Send for T.iti- Tbe “Only'’ Lung Pad Co monials and our book, “Three WILLIMS BLOCK, Millions a Year.' Sent Fiee. DETROIT Mich. At WHOLESALE IN ATLANTA, Ga.. BY LAMAll. RANKIN Sc LAMAR. Wbolsale Druggists. jNTO'W IS THE TIME TO Advertise! NOW Is The Time To Subscribe FOR YOUR HOME Newspaper!!! THE CLEVELAND ADVERTISER IS THE BEST ADVETISING MEDIUM IN NORTH E AST GEORGIA, Ciculates in near ever County in the State, and almost every State in the Union, It is tbe CHEAPEST Cure | Back Ache nd all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder mil Urinary Organs by wearing tbe Improved Excelsior Kidney Tad. It is a mauvki. oi iikalinc and hkkikf Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless Powerful. Tt PITRES where nil else fails. A REVELA Tiox and REVOLUTION in Medicine. Ah sorption or direct application, as oeposed to unsatisfactory internal medicines. Send (or our trettise on Kidney troubles,sent froe. Sold hy druggists, or sent by mail, on receipt t f price. $2. aiidrkss This is the The “Only’’ Lung Pad Co Original and Genuine Kinney WILLIAMS BLOCK. Pad. Ask for it and tako no other DETROIT, Mich At WHOLESALE IN ATLANTA, Ga. BY LAMAR, RANKIN Sc LAMAR, Wholesale Druggists. Couutry Newspaper published in tho State One Dollaw* PERANNUM IN ADVANCE. ALEX. CHURCH, Publisher. THE NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS (YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Paper ia tbe World. Send for Sample Copy — Free. NEW YORK OBSERVER, 37 Park Row, New York. AGENTS WANTED to sell the LIFE OF General Hancock By T. E. WILSON, Editorial Staff New York World. With facts and figures sinco the days of Washington. A GYCLGPJJODI.v FOR VOTERS. A book worth having. Over 508 pages. 60 Illustrations. Sent on receipt of price, $2.00. The outfit for the business, 60 cts Apply atones. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 757 Broadway, N. Y. BEsTI You work business can us than make now before at money anything the faster public else. at Capital not required. We wiil Start you. $12 a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You can devote your whole time to tbe work or only your spare moments. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one willing to w>rk can fail to make enor¬ mous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free. A great opportunity for mak¬ ing money easily aud honorable. Address TRUE t CO., Augusta Maine.