The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, May 14, 1881, Image 4

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will w y !>'!■;• Aa tii Prilf. oriin:nL‘r*n PrcJie tiuns ti'itiiv iii” II >:v Sri*-i>lisN Differ. I*r. M. F St- i»!ii*r»s n venting t<» tbe O-tineAfille /•>/« I rend :iu uriicl* in Hi« Baptist Btn not. tr-tn i’r >1 Gnmm r, mi ilia c <Um i i- in i-fl cm n' ii e ci'iijuncin»n nt the i IiuihM. i'i 1881 in I$88 win, h in Ray tic least is imi( only iihaunl anil ruli cufniiti. but. wasn a st nrigly nf rhiris picci’H nl silver. I nr Li, li'iKdi ns irieut Iv vnu! in u, •j'alilv b s -*• li li purp 8 nc the rxjtr.u-m m ih» liven .it bun it men unit woijnn, *ham | lo k tows fiTn svoak-mimtod, ami lies *-i investigate th laws nt (Lull ami, tuntiarinoro. put iiiipiirii (VM.hitoimo in Uji> nriesi ami the tcientirt.- ami u> da 1 and t idlings, sink under i hn *11'Cis of fear and din. It is Httiplv nutriior. I elatiu to he a acier. t'M, ami have observed the o orntit n t f the U'ss nl tjL-it for t,f v years, and will say u i In nt feir nf successful cou- 1 rad lotion, that Prof (Lnunmr « assert tinns uieniit only false but without a 1 a i iclc i f authority fiom the laws of tc enro All his claims are predicated o , u lafee ha h' and I assort that no on© «'Copt , u i\httnnonicr vstmim names ilie 0 i a ber a ut state, will tee any essential dido rupee hoi w ecu tins year and any other. Of cmirso tboro ail lis some ddlorenotv Tlio same laws that govern the sprotitini' of a pea, au 1 tbe rota- 111111 "I etins and wor,ds are immutable; ami :his year and any other year, will tie its healthy as last year; provided man dors his part in observing the laws of Lod and rm utaininp the best lauitsiy system. I bon, aud not till then, will pestilence black death, cholera yellow lever aud other scourges be sent upon man. It is all our own fault. We are commanded to know God s laws and if we ex ecu e them a d do our duty, we will never bo sick. We can t do it un¬ less wo obey God’s laws. Look at Marsai.l is and Pari ; at L>i>don durs inp the plague in Itiii.i Look at Phil¬ adelphia with yellow lever; at New Or** leans, Memphis and oilier cities, and you soo the cause of the scourge w as the fault of the people. Ttio conjunc¬ tion of tbe planet8 had nothing to do with it whatever, and I say, emphatic¬ ally, that the increased electricity, consequent upon iheir conjunction, is absolutely beneficial to man and all an duals, iu perfecting the grand plan of creation. In I I8<> was the first conjunction we have any reliable account of, aud then nothing extraordinary occurred. Prof. Glimmer says in 1710, Mars and Saturn were in perhelia. and 521)00 died iu Morse be.’. Why did no other city nufferf In 512, in Alexandria in Egypt 50,000 died. Why confined to Alexan¬ dria, if the cause was uuiversalf . This is poor logic. If the planets had any¬ thing to do with it. the effect would he 1 bo same everywhere. As to the star ot Bethlehem, in 1835, there is no doubt blit it will he seen, just as we see the new moon every month. But as to the earthquakes, pee'dance, cholera, black vomit, fires, snow aud rain, pre¬ dicted by the mountebank professor. I will assuie him nothing of the kind will bappvD,beyond the otdiuary operations of God’s laws. Ho says after the ‘black death,’ in 1885, there will be two years of lire and an outburst of fanaticism, which I opine is now rampant in him and Moody auu Monkey who predicate their religion on tear and sensational animalism. (July one truth is apparent in bis vast catalogue of evils in which he ‘says that thunders will rage and lightnings be awful; the sun will bo bbod red, iho m trors will fall aud i i sanity fiom religious causes will pie dominate everywhere, and that mortal¬ ity whero seveiage is defective will bo appalling.’ This much is true, which was proved by tbe death of a million people in Philadelphia Memphis, Lon¬ don and otuercitios, without a conjunc¬ tion of the planets. 1 would say to our friends to pay no attention to tbe sayings of a selfish egotist. I have ’observed the stars the moon and tbe sun, and seen fait rod hot and, seen eclipses ami transits and been thrown out of bed bv the earthquake of 1813. which sunk country from New Madrid to near the mouth <>f the Ohio, and made Lake and also the cataclysm which cu¬ ff iff* ! 2,000 people in tin plaza of 8t. 7 m unay. But i positively assert the coop;notion of tue pianots had nothing to do with it. M. F. STEPHENSON. . be baby didu’t feel pretty good any boo poor little thing tbe car was e >iti amI tiie mail w s rough and everyboov else was cross and glum and the baby had onl;, one way iu which to exmesa „ its emotions ao it cned. And now ; 1 did cry Twenty-eight nilos r.f it and no oi?n ot a let up, and tbs tired mother just smothering it with baby talk aud locking tbe little thing in ber arms presently a t.-s’v looking mrui, an old bachelor if <* or thero was one, turned in hi» < . -ud snarled, “Can’t you shut U cur'd up?’ The light that glrnim e • from her eyes wa« dangerous, as she bogged tbe baby a little closer and firor. tuck at him, "I cau shut you up ga at icai quicker.* The howl of ap orobatiou weut up all over the car aud he shut up /—Burlington Hawk Eye. PERRY DAVIS 1 VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER A PIRRI.Y VEGETABLE REMEDY m 1NTIRHAL AMD UTCRMAL BSC, Is a sure rarr for all the disease# for which It Is recommended, aud Is always PERFECTLY SAFE In the baud* Of even the most inexperienced persons. It Is a sure and quick remedy for COUGHS, SORB THROAT, CHILLS, and similar troubles; affords Instant relief in the most malignant forms of DIPHTHERIA, and is the best known remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. The Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Med icine I n the World. It has been need with such wonderful success in alt parts of the world for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHCBA, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it is considered aa unfailing cure for these diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It Is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Mlsslonartss, Ministers, Managers of Plantations, Work-Shops, and Factories, Rhchui in Hospitals— -in abort by Every bod/, Everywhere, who has ever given it a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Pain In the Back and Side, and brings speedy and permanent relief in all oasea of Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Bums, Scalds, etc. Bo family can safely be without it. It will annually save many times its cost In doctors' bills, and its price brings it within the reach of all. It Is sold at »5e., 50«., and Di J>M bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietor*. February 23th, 1SS0. Upright, Pianos Tone Unequalled Ami Design for New and Elegant Parlor* Organs Ntjlcs UKoltOK WOODS & COMPAN Y I — MANUFACTURERS -o— Q VMBRIDGEPORT, MASS* CATALOGUES sent free. agents wanted. Corrcapewlence Solicited. AMW8EMKj«w$na» FAYTCNEO to To Young House¬ keepers FUSS TO AfiLBRIES* N )T',0E is hereliy given to all the readers , of this pa>,er and all tbeir friends and act|naiutanees throughout the United States ami Canada, that THE HOUSEHOLD ' 1 Will bo sent cne year as A Wedding Present To every newlv married couple whose address —and Ut cent? to pay for postage—is sent to f ho publisher within one year from tfao date of thcir I^sons marriage. sending for this present are reques ie«h? > send a copy of a paper eunt.auing a I notice of their marriage, or some other d^Ace that shall amount t a reasonable proof tha't they are entitled to the magazine under thd above offer. Address, THE HOUSEHOLD, ! .......Brattleitoro, Vt. \ GENTS WANTED lor the best and fastest. tl sellinj'pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Puplishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A GENTS WANTED for the Bust and Fnst est-Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced .33 per cent, National Pub lishing Co-, Atlanta, Ga. THE Telegaph and Messenger for 1881 . I--e MORE EDITORS, MORE TELEGRAPHIC Naws, MoRR ConRKSrOXDBSTS,, A nd New Type. All at a iMrge Additional Expense. We promise to spare neither pains or ex pease iu uiakiug our DAILY AND WEEKLY ( Among the most reliable papers in the South C rn States. 0ur D ULy ig publishc d every day, (Mondays excopted). It contains the laetest news of the world, fullptar et qnotatior.s of all kinds, changed class daily. It is iu every respect a first diilv nekspapor. Our Weekly is the largest paper published South, containing sixty-four oolums, eight pagos—tillod almost entirely with choice roadiug matter. Every farmer especially, subscribe. TERMS: D.AILY —one year, $10; six months, $5.00 thre months, $2.50; one month,$1. WEEKLY—vne year, $2; six months &l; to slubs of five, one year, $1.75; to clubs of ten or more, one year, $1.50. Address, TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, Macon, Georgia PEARCE’S mPBOVED anooN Broadcast Seed-Sower. Sows Grain, Grass Seed, Bemp, Rice, Everything* No man caa do it so well by hand. It does tho work of 5 men. It has stood the test of y ears. Re ceived First Premium at 21 State Fairs in 2 years. Good, Substantial, Reliable Machine, warranted to do all that is claimed for it. Price only $6.00, Send stamp for descriptive circular, ‘ E. Whitman's Sons, Agents, H. M. Smith & Co., Baltimore, Md. Agents, Richmond, Va. GOODELL COMPANY, ANTRIM, N. H., 8ole Manufacturers. Slate - Roofing PAINT. SAVES HE SHINGLING. FIRE AND WATER-PROOF. CONTAINS NO TAR. MIXED READY FOR USE. ANYBODY CAN APPLY IT. With this Paint old shingles can bn made shingles to look for bettor one-third and last the longer than new re-sliingiliiff. cost of Equally brick good for tin or Iron; nnd for porous walls is unequalled. It is elastic—will expand or contract withhent or cold. This is ah mdisp(*ns uble quality in a durable ’toofing Paint. It will not crack, peel or scale; being slate, will n*>t rust or corrode. It has a heavy lKxly—one coat being equal It to throe of any other. is sold at a price that enables everyone to have a well-painted roof. Four handsome shades— Roof-Slate, Brown, Price Red and Bright Red. in barrels of 45 to 50 gallons, only “After 60 cent* per gallon. a most thorough use of this paint, wo most cordially re¬ commend it, nnd are satisfied that if once used It will be ordered a second and third time.”--[H, 0. B"w< a, in the ludc’tendcnt, Sept. 30 1880 Send ] for circular an 1 samples, and mention this paper. N. E. PAINT & OIL CO., 7 INDIA ST., BOSTON, MASS. Selling Agents for Bertram’s Oil Po ash for Brass,Gopper,Composition, &Cv I* najrs Agent: «o Sell tbs StlM&rd Agrteoltuial Book Farming for Profit TILLS HOW T iUSfflffiS ft Make Money Anti Swim* Itupplneae, es '’ - j. C. McCUKDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa, Merchants, Nurserymen, Manufactorers, Stationers Florists, and Business People everywhere »re delighted with, aad Make and Save Money by using the world-renowned Model printing Press use. UJ- - I nt model PRESS nas made me over ^o«Iast paBsHsaaffisa MODEL does til and evrn more than you claim for it **— I H SMYDHH. N.wton N. J.l'irst 1 ‘rijei.t F»ris, '78.»..dSydney, N. 5 . w., 79, Address all orders or inquiries to manufacturers t J. W. Daughadag & Co. 721 Chestnut St. Philadelphia ALgHU ATBHY. Rduor. J. 8. BaSSSTT. ♦ Oen't Mvertissr. Late ot “HOME and Farm.» “SOUTHlmi WEST,” Published at 816 Pnrs Street, St., Locis. By ALFRED AVERY & CO. Send for sample copies of “SOUTH and and WEST,” family which is published a first-class semi-monthly agricultural low price paper, 50 Gents Year. at the ignored. or a Politics are entirely General news, valuable infor¬ mation, and interesting reading matter are fur¬ nished. The best of correspondents contribute from nil sections of theoountrv. Useful premiums and liberal commissions will be given to dub raisers. Samples Fkeb. Address, “ SOUTH & WEST,” 210 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo, OP Urn dilfORPHINE Ha hit cured in 10 to30days.Te» year: es¬ VI IVIVliUKC tablished; - 1000 cured. Writ* Mat¬ ing cose. Du. Maash, Quincy, Mich. GST THE BEST. "Jfeori ;V£I/ luNABRlOCplfW™ _______ _ * 1 4 . isumbrnri If you iiitoml r oine day to g( t WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED, “DO IT HOW.” Till: N EW EDITION Contains over 118,000 Vfortl.;, 1D23 Pa, ;cs. 3000 Engravings, Eonr Pagos Colored Plates, 4 C 00 XLW’WOHDS mui iM.-anin-s, Eio'-ra'tli’c'il Dictionary cf over C 7 CO 17nr2 ce. rr*’' ii>I» • “1«2 I>!*• ‘ ' nary/ an:: o«nij,lcte Unr-r^l t m* al JOL T flT a?» Ktihrii*': ii:'-. n« it;Iv YY jyCjL t‘ii* a > ia;my a :« ■>* **l!i»* a' Diet ry. % k very a:i<i tarn.iy nhould isavi* it •Li i>'rc"ii iiint i icivijco. |4 ,j ' GET THE STANDARD. Qffib f.f W ’.st.r * :! or r fO t :> n r ’8 tho .-aio of any «»i. r M»ri«*s i'i in iMctionarii’.". . ry^i*o A “liijrii* -1 authority Vhi'f « tin* i'ouita in Tfll <ii»fitiitiou. M — Justice hnifr. A, it nl in* )>t universal iiHiiiority ia doc id- A , in*; tho meaning u-*r<is. JlS. f*th* r ! »i« tiowwv \ as 1 .« <*n V*nught hy JyJ T%T any .* .a* io Mipjdy its ScJioujs, JLjr ictionary on u nin«--t»’nth* of tlio .S‘li«»ol H«*.*k-. i" rhe oonatry arc hiisod. jTjL uthority in (he ('.’.•v«-rnnnnt Uriating JtiL Jk Ollico at Wn-liin^ton. * ^*^1 ecnmotriiiU'A I >y S(at«* Riu*f's Rohool-* in * |f^ Rad f>0 { oliceo Uros’ts. JL? V*Kictionary timt has hc<*n plno^ii in more t.:an 22,000 i nhlic schools in l*.8. 13 IT NOT T'TS STANDARD? 'Publishedby G &C MERRIAM. Sprinefiold,Mass Aho Webster's flational Pictorial Dictfonatjl *nzo Panes Octavo. COO Engravings ' HULL VAPOR ROOK STOVE. S. The only Vapor Cook Stove that h&» stood tho test cf years, and given entire and perfect satisfaction. 50,000 Now in use. and growing In favor wherever used. Those who havo them will not do without them. Tho Mott Simple, The Mott Durable, Tho Mott Perfect, The Rost Economical, No Sweltering Host, No Fires to Build No Ashes to Remove, No Fuel to Carry, No Smoke, No Odor. FOE SUMER USE THEY IRE 1HDISPEHSABLE. Does every description of cooking or other work heretofore done by the ordinary cooking etoye Washing, or range, ironing, with ease baking, and perfect broiling, comfort. canning, etc., etc., without the fruit¬ neat of the old-fashioned insufferable always ready. cook stove, and Our "Patent Automatic Safety Can " rend* ew the use of our stoves “perfectly safe " In the hands of the most careless or inexperi¬ enced. Send for full descriptive circular and price list.— Special inducements to agents In un¬ occupied territory.—Address, “HULL VAPOR STOVE COMPANY," Cleveland, Obta April 16th, 1881. NEWSPAPER! ABLE, NEWSY, GOOD AND CHEAP. WEEKLY COIUIKK .IOUKXAL. The Courier-Journal, (HENRY WATER SON, Editor), is by circulation undreputaiion the acknowledged Representative Newspaper of the South. As a reliable and valuable newspaper, it has no superior in tkis country or in the world. It makes earnest, vigorous war on Protective tariff Robbery and Mormon Polygamy, two evil* that blight the prosperi¬ ty and morality of the United States. It is able, bright and newsy, contains the strongest editorials, the most complete summary of the news of tho world, tho best telegraphic and general correspondence, full tuif aud stock reports, market reports, fashion reports, Tal mage’s sermons, splendid original serial sto¬ ries and novelettes, poetry, department for children, answers to coracspondents, etc., etc.: in a word, everything to make it a doiight to the family cirele, and invaluable to the man of business, the farmer, tho mechanic, and the laborer Specimen cepies and full descriptivb premi¬ um circulars will bo sent free of charge to any ene on application. Subscription terms, pos¬ tage free, arc—for Daily, $12; Sunday, $2: $1.50. Weekly, with preiriuw, $2: without premium, Any one sanding four yearly subscribers and six dollars, will be entitled to an extra copy of the Weekly Courier-Journal one year, trey to any address. Address W.N. HALDEMAN, President Courier-Journnl Co., Louisville, Ky. $1500 No TO $20 risk. $6000 adayin A Women vour YEAR, own do locality. or as 85 wall to than as men. Many make more the amount stated above, No one can fail to make money last. Any one can do the work. You can make from 50 cts. to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money ma king ever offerred be'ore. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about tbe best paying business beforetbe public, send ns your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STINSON 40., Portland, Maine.