The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, June 18, 1881, Image 3

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C Published Every SUBR'day *»ors:i*1 . Offiee—In the Court House, room, Nonl - East, down Stairs, Cleveland, (la. OUR AGENTS ! Tho following Darned genUemen arc legally authorized to act as Agents for tho CLEVELAND Aadyektisek. If you have not paid your subscription asd't is convuncut to hand it to -cither of these gentlemen, yon will touch oblige Yours Truly. Alex. Cmmcu, Publisher. Rev. W. II. .Mo Aker, Dahionoga, Ga. ,J \V, 3is*ncs, Jllairsvillo, Ga. C. H. Kyylk, Mossy Greek, White Co. •Rev. J. C, Bell, T.seuteo Diet., VVhito Co. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, one year, SI .00 One copy, six month.?, 60 One copy, three months. - 60 ADVERTISING RATES : Advertisements inserted at the rate of .Si 00 per inch (or loss; first insertion, ami 60 cents tor each subsequent insertion. Advertisements not baviug tho number insertions marked on them, will be published until forbid, and charged accordingly. Contracts mado for three, six, or twelve mouths on liberal terms. Local Notices 10 cents per line. tsSSr^Kvery communication for publication in the Abvkrtiseii must hear the name of thcau- 3 her, not necessarily for publication, but as gu¬ aranty of good faith. We will not bo responsible lor tho opinions of correspondents; and no communication, will be admitted into its col uins, having for its end the defamation of private character, or in any other way scur¬ rilous in its import. Correspondence upon subjects of general importance solicited—though it mils' bo brief and to the point. All communications, business letters, and money remittances must be addressed to A LUX. CHURCH, Publisher. w i a M X tf'-J B r crrm naac j— » tiw w imar veerwr j i r rvsji si Ju'crionu MAGISTRATES’ COURTS. Mount Youali—StH hist.,—Third Fridays— Jas. 11. Reaves, J. P. Mossy Creek,,, 120 hist.....Third Saturday... William Furgerson, N. P., J. M. Horsey, J. P Naeooohee.,.427 llist.,...First Saturday... James AicClure, N. P. J. K. Lutnsden, J. P Shoal Creek...S02 hist.,...Fourth Saturday — 11. O. Hunt, N P., J. W. Blackwell, J. P. llluo Creek.,.721 hist.....Second Saturday... A. 11. Henderson, N. P., J. II. Freeman, J. P. Teseiitee...66S Diet.,...Fourth Saturday...IL M. Castleberry, N. 1‘. Augustus Allison, J. P. Town Cr««is’...S36 llist., ..Third Saturday... W. R. Hawkins, N. P., J. L. M-A»'•*«. r l> - TEE MAILS. Cleveland to Oainsville, Daily, except Sun da v Clovoland to Blaireville, Daily,except Sun¬ day. Tri-wcckly Cleveland to Dahionoga. Tri-weekly. Cleveland to liaysvillo Cleveland to Belton once a week. Cleveland to Tesnatee. "nee a wet k. KD'VAllD L. STEPHENS, P. M. ''vXiUfiXHbli ex lb. W U WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleveland, Georgia. Jar.. 10th 1881. J. J. KTMSEV, A TTORNF.Y AT LAW. Cleveland Ga. Office, Basement Masonic Hall. ""Jan. 10 th 1 SS 1 . wl’ M. G. BOYD, A TTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW Dahlonega Georgia. Courts Will pactiee in the Superior White, Hall, Dawson, Habersham Lumpkin, and the Supreme Court of the State. Jan. ICtb 1881. vkl’y ly. FRANK L HARALSON. , i ITCUNEY AT LAW, Atlanta Georgia. Will practice in all tho Counties < mbraoing i7 os tern one Blue Ridge Circuits. Also ; 20 Federal Supreme Conns of the State. \ I) business entrusted to my earo wi 1 re- 2 . ’e prompt attention. Junl . OHli lcS wl’y. ly. .PENSIONS. All Soldiers disabled by sickness or injurie; while in the army, arc entitled to Pensionss also, the heirs ol those feoklihrs who died from consequences of service. Send stamps for lull instructions in Tensions and all kinds boldiors claims. c. M. SITES «£■ CO-, Pension and Bounty Attorneys, C. P. O. Box 21, WASHINGTON,.D. T) I)JkjjUl it 4 rjlflfV I ORGANS IS useful J Os sets reeds only $ 6 ft. '"—fUjtjlr •'""''8126 up. jgirelilus. Catalog. Fuke. Addcss BEATTY, tVashing ion, N. J. Tho bier shov: is all tho go. I Is “Tyro” sick 1 : Wheat U being cat with a vim. Our village is a quiet piaco now. Locals aro awful sense this weak Fine seasons again for farmers Garden vegetables au: pUwifal now. Parr's English Pad for sale at this office. The Wire Assensioti is outside and free to all. Tho washing of that buggy moans smooching. Wo aro informed that Ed. Black's pot wild cat is dead. Tho Thermometer went to D6 in the shade last Thursday. Tho morais of Cleveland aro decided* ly improving. We fear our Athens correspondent is dead. Flour is likely to got down to a rea¬ sonable price. Corn is growing so fast that you can almost hear it “crack.” Capt. Bosworfh of Dahionoga, was in town this week. The Capt is looking well. The whisky traffic is growing boauti fully small, and frightfully shy, and justly disrespectful in these parts. The Great Parisian Exposition will Exhibit in Cleveland on Thursday, Juno 30th. Wo were honored with a visit from Dr. James Phillips, and Ezokiol Fuller, Esq., of Habersham Co., last Tuesday. Some of our farmers tell us that they have cut this v car, somo of the best wheat that they have ever soon. John Palmer oneday last week, killed a straight out weezel, the first one we have seen for twenty years. A Grand Wire Asseusion will take place between Id and I o'clock, before the show optus, Flora the last accounts Mr. Hugh London's pet mink is growing finely j and will soon be largo enough to wado j into the chicken family. ! The alarm of firo wa'; given on Mon j day morning last dwelling. in tho direction The fire which of R T. Kcuimer’a | had caught from tho stove pipe was soon arrested and extinguished without material damage. The performance consists in Trapeze performances, Acrobats and Theatricals, acenmpanied with a splendid Brass Band. Any one indebted to us for subscrip¬ tion, or for anything else, can pay us in wheat if they choose to at tho cus¬ tomary price. When you have thresh¬ ed your wheat come along with it. We have in our office a staik of wheat grown in this town, by Air. C. P. Craig, five feet in length. The head is five and one quarter inches long and is well filled. From one quart sowed, Air. Craig thinks he w ill realize at least, two bushels of good wheat. There is no excuse Ur the extrava¬ gant price of bacon in this place, as it can ar.d lias been bought iu Gainesville recently, for nine cents. Wo speak whereof we. know . Alone poly is a great curse to the masses of the people iu any [country where it is practiced. Men 'should bo content with a reasouahlo ; per cent, on their investments. k * Tim T• . ;n tho County o: \ v ire are iv:- .: :>■ p .■■raided to beat CU ve httul on tho .rare Tuesday in «luly ‘rest, having wirp them their vow uv, for tho purpose of contracting. This is tho rcqu.rat of your (Uunty Sehtu-l (j id tnisaion'er, and don't forget the-ray. DIED, On Sunday. 12th inrt., Mrs. Margaret!:, wife of N. VV. «Lu '‘.son, of this county, after an illness of alxnfi 13 tnooius. Wo extend oar ever at bias to the ben aved huuiiy amt frx t OAHLONEGA DIB I ltiCT, Tit Btrexn. Porter Springs -Soules Chapel, Juuo 25 and 26. D.r soavilie—Dawsonvillo.fJuly 2nd and 3rd. Cleveland—Mossy Creek, July 9:h and Ellijay—Cart-ieay, July 16th and 17th. Dahionoga—Joucs’ Chnpelf July Mi; and 2-1 th. Jasper—Fair view, Augnof 6th and 7 th. Nacnocheo----------------* August 33th and 14 th. Clayton—Tennessee) Valley, August 20 and 21. Morganton-A'oung Cano, August 27th Blairsville—Young Cane, August 20th Hiwaasee—Stanton s Chapel, .Septem¬ ber 3rd and 4th. The District Conference will beheld at Dahlouegii, July 28—31. Introduc¬ tory service on Wednesday night before. Local Preachers and Exbortors will ho mindful of their especial interest in the third Quarterly Conference and ho present. will look careful Preachers in chargo ly to questions < l and 15, on page 62 of the Discipline, and to the headline of tho Section beginning on page 122. Yv A. Candler, P. E. A GREAT REDUCTION. We call tho attention of our readers to tho advertisement of Charles A. Wood & Co., No. 17 North Tenth Street Philadelphia, Pa., who manfacturo the Philadelphia Singer Sowing Machine, which they offer for twenty dollars. They warrant it to bean exact dupli¬ cate, and as good iu every respect as those manufactured by tlv old Singer Company, w hich they soli for fity dol¬ lars on installments, or forty dollars cash. The fact that Charles A. Wood <fe Co. offer to send their machine to ho examined before being paid for, ought to bo full guarantee that they are all they claim. The Old or the New. Just ns tho church hells were ringing their nine o'clock chime yesterday, Mr. Smiley remarked to iiauuab, ’Pass me the book.’ “Which will you have, Icbabod, the old or the new version V and she'brush¬ ed tho crumbs from hso apron and reached for ilia man tel-piece. ‘Hannah, as long as 1 live I shall read from that old leather covered Bible, The first thing I remember about my grandfa'her was his reading tin parable the foolish virgins from that very book. I remember i cried, and asked grandma if sbo couldn't a pare somo < il for those who were left outside. And then, Han¬ nah, I've heard my father load from that very same book,’ and bo patted the open pages lovingly, ‘that book is old, the loaves a o yellow with time, but it is sacred in this bouse. It has been in service at every wedding and birth and funeral in the family for nigh on to a hundred yean;, and every morning and every evening has some good truth been read from it. No, Hannah, tho now version may do for tho young folks, but you and I, with tho gates of heaven just turning their hinges for us, have no time to fool with it. I will read this morning the last chapter of Revelation, and let the glory of the future shiuo upou us aud do our hearis good.’ And as ho turned his eyes to the printed page there was a thick mist ou Bis glasses.— Now UacenRegister. ‘•My Tormented Back.’ is tho exclamation of more than one jioor hatch,vorkins mao and woman, Do you know why it aches? It ia be cause your kidneys are over tasked and Lieed streoglheninj:. aud your system needs to be cleansed of had humors. Kidney-wort ia the m^.iiciuo you need, “It acts like a chan. says a known physician, ‘I never knew it fail.' Liquid or dry sold by dru^ists. Heston Host. We will givo the Adveiitis n one year, with a full column of advertising free to the man who does ‘unto others as he would have them do uuto him,'if ho will make application, aud give satis¬ factory proof foun ; . j | soon m empty; ilm no-; h tub -■■! peace ami plenty, and songs of joy and glad¬ ness ring out on every side. VV'e have compromised too long. Tho time has come for war to the death. e constitutional amendment plan will t‘ ■ ' ; ' • v H* f t * * > . - ti ’-v .I’ll- t«' int.-v < r cut m this three! ion from Kansas to A!a-UC .'.use. to—a regular ground swell, that will sweep every true lem pentneo man and woman into lino and carry even prohibition , . over all ,, obsta cle —The Christian IUo»i«H. A. Delicious Dish. Boil netv potatoes and early bo ; seperately, but at the s.iouo time: wi ••! thoroughly cooked slice se;> ;*.i:e.y <- i while cull hot put a layer of beets in a deep dish spi inkle lightly with pepper oiui suit then add a layer of potutoe. spriukled with salt and pepor and lay on thin slices of neiv sweat butter thin slices of beets and potatoes with salt, pepor and butter as Before until the dish is full. Over tho whole pom enough thin sweet cream so that after filtering down through the beds and potatoes a few spoonfuls oi it will ho found in tho bottom of tho dish. Servo while still quite warm. You will bo sure to repeat this dish several times each year. Consistency a Jewel. Licensing whisky shops to raise a revenue to educate tho children to be¬ come moral men and women. To license drunkard making and pray to God on the Sabbath day that you and yours may he delivered from temp Union. Professing to ho a Christian and vo¬ ting to give men license to make your neighbor a thief liar and murderer for that is tho record of tho liquor tra¬ ffic. To drink liquor smoke and chew to¬ bacco use profitnee language and then try to convince your children that it is wrong for them to do the same thing. To pray God to remove the curse of intemperance from the land and drink liquor every day (for pur post':;.}- Southern Tentrlitr. . .. ; - „ j s j’ ;’o r i a-erttd.-t tv.iAt for 'li.chin s warrifitiil f-r .-mi for Ilhwttat.:il (.'if Tc. iimoniids. :-.J CUACbGS A. AvOO!) & 1 IN. Tcath St., Fkiladobhia, Fa. j j M f79 ? A re: 1 j j WHITE SHERIFF'S SALE TIT Yv ILL be sold before tho Court House door i i:i the Town of Ci -v. ; mU Win to enmity Georgia, bn tho first L'ue»Liy in July next, within tho legal hours of sale tbo following property to wit: Lots of land Nos. on and 02, in tho 3rd hist, of originally Habersham now White county, each lot containing 280 acre- more or less. h!.-o threo-ruurtks of lot of kind i.’o. GO in tho 8rd district ol said county containing I Ml acres more or less—levied on ns tbo property of tin. Estate of ”. II. Bradly deceased, and to satis¬ fy a mortgage 11 fa issued from the Superior Court of White c.muty ueorght, in favor of C.:r line M. Gordon vs W. JC. Williams us r on tbo estate of F. it Bradley deceased. The above described property be ing in tho possossion of W. K. Williams as Administrator of said F. H Bradley deceased Levied on to secure the purchase money. This May 17th 1881. j Also at tho same time and place will sold parts oi lots of land Numbers Gd, 10 and 20 in tho :ird district of originally Habersham now White County, containing one hundred and thiity-fivo neves more . r less: said lands adjoining 1.0. I’itnerou the South and Fast, .‘id. W. Conley on the North and West, aod known as the Prior L Pitnor place, tolerably Weil improved. Levied. >n as tbo property I rior L. Pituer deceased and i. .-a i.-ty Tax ;i fas for Statu and County Taxes one for toe year 187'.* and the other lor the year 18 .- 1 ); the one for 187'.* agai. st the said Prior !,. Pitm r ami to**, one tor lSs<) J. I‘. Osborn ns'AUiuinistrator ol s:ii*l Said rmperty now in th«> po .-cssioti of |ht: widow of the said deceased. Levy made and ruiirnud to mo by , N. Van.hvur, L. C, j Ni.tice given us re.jtured by law. May ill st lssl. | AL<> at the same lime and place, parts of ! lots of land Nos. 82 and 8b in the 2nd distri-.l j I of originally Habers, but now White eotiu ty, known us the Eby Fain place, containing j seventy-five acres, more t r less, fi levied f.l on by Joel Potts, L. C., by \ irtue of u lVotn the Justices Court of tho 861st district. G, M. in j s.i.d county, in favor of Enoch Potts plait,lilf in ii fa, for tbo purchase money of said lands, nguiu&t W. t,‘. Smith dctcndatH iu 11 ia. Ba.d lands tolerably well improved, with dn filing* j ic.,and i fi now to. A iu good tho possession warauty of deed said has detenu- been j unt made l to said premises by the said Enoch Potts j nlcd pluiutitf and in recorded fi fa to the in the defendant Clerks in office file., of and the Superior Court of said county. Juncbrd 1881. E. M. CASTLEBERRY Shif. Jure 4ih 1881' oOus. , j, ' " 7 ' .... , \,'Vrt ''"tn**”} and .■ v. V i Hi: , OTf«.' UHGiV ;.'»••'! it*’ ?l. |, ; : i - aE. p. Willhuus <-t the ouurqv and ' vau - f.irt .-J...VC written, owns mmiih-u ui. d 1 '''■ l::us; part (l- 2 t.i A«.ur p.rti »t.- own : ''" r ...... ’’ aivi< "• ,l -‘ '" r 11 " 1 " ■ i tha. (tO-2t'L 11 will tin.;' ha loen our i eii , ' 1K . ■ ■; - . . ■ r : ulBPfOtit JuVSuns tU CLiDiUi'l such reguiaiionn ::ih! isj < i 1 FtUT dU> l >i HU ttinfiable terms its tho court may prehovibe, in : ■•r i i a eh: it in tt fair ami coo it able pa: t iciou <» i tl»’.pr<amsea. And your pc tuiomivs further | pv iy t : at such rule ami order uia.v bo anil j taken For perfecting service up.-a tho tenants in cousuioit v.’ito reside beyond tho limits of this Slate afore uieutioiieii, so that they may be notified and bound by tho judgment and siiie it: the premi-os and that such other and further relief in the jnem >es way l»o granted y ur petitioners as tho nature ol tho ease way require, and as they would be inti tied to in a court of equity. Arid year peti¬ tioners will ever pntv Ae. BARROW x I'RAVIN Petitiounrs Ait'v. April 6th 1881. Original tiled itt office, April 11th 1881. J. P. Osborn, C. S. C. Served E. P. Williatnaand .1. R. Dean with i a true copy of the written application for par¬ [ tition, also the following notice appended to i the copy for each take notice, wo have filed iu the Clerk's office . I the Superior Court < f the county of White, the original petition of which the within is a copy; and on the first .Monday in May r.vxt. in said Superior Court will apply for partition thereunto. This April 12th l.-sl, BARROW A KRWIN Petitioners Attv's. K.M. r \STLKl>BURY, Sheri I ol White county, t>a. A. K. Childs and 1 Reuben N kurson, J - vs. John P* Kennedy and-! State of Georgia, Lis wife KateP.Keu- [Partition of lands in ne ly. P l v si mi .1. j Wii U' Superior Court, P, iton, l.dmnod L. , May Term* 1881. Patton, J.ifi-th K. j Idea u, and B. P. ’.Yill- y i a i: i s. ) It appearing to the C»U't ihal. the Jofendaste J- hn P. Kennedy and his wife kata P. Ken¬ nedy. and the defemiaut Kdun.ii.1 L. Patton do icsidc without the limits oi this Stale to w,.: in the tc of South Carolina, ain't tho defend <nt Pia-ston J. Fattoii does res ide with¬ out tho limits of the State to wit: in the State of North Carolina, and it further appearing that tin; ile.ik-ud..nfs Jesiau 11. id. an a id L 1. Wil.iati,.' ol -aid county and S'ate first above written hit'. , been duly s-orved with notice of the iineutiou to make application for partirion in this en.-u twenty day.- previous to ibis it is ordered that the said defendants John 1 , Kennedy hi- wife K ito P. Kennedy, I'.iu o 1 L. I’utt-.iu and I’r'-t.m J, Patton be -oived with du : and legal notice of this oppli. ariou tor partition bv publication of tho peiition and this order once a month for four months previous to the next term of this court iu the Cleveland Anvuifri-.Ki:, the tainc being tho Newspaper i» which the legal advertising of ti * .«: . .' o; \V :, . i ;os : c , said application stand for a hearing at tho next term of *i: ; s < ouri without noy otocr oc furthor notice to s,.;.i dufomluots. Mas la d, LSS1. U-vRllOW' J- ERWIN Att’ys for P- riti. nors. j AIjK A. S. LRW IN, Judge Superior Ibuit. Lnte.ed mi Minutes, i'.igo 21 fi and 2 L7 j 1 EUKCIA, White County. 1 J. P. Osborn Clerk of too Superior Court | of said county, do certify that tl.o foregoing I petition and order i< a true transcript from I the record in the Clerks office. Given under my baud and official signature. This May tho .id 1SS1. J. P. OSBORN, Clerk S, C. - May Tib, 1881, 4uis. ’ ! £o i f oung House I i I j keepers 1 i j HIKE TO VI.Ii UKIilKS* I VTOTiCE is hereby given to all tbo ren-lers ifi i.f this paper and all their friends I ite.jnaituances throughout tho United Btutes aud Canada, that j T Li E II O U S E II O L D j j Will be sunt cne year ( 1 A Wedding Tresellt ! • To every newly married couple whose address —and If) cents to pay for postage—is sent to . tho publisher within one year from the date of ibvir marriage. : ! Persons sending for this present are mines ieil to send a copy of a paper containing a notice of their marriage, or-some other ev. deuce ; hat shall amount to a reasonable proof j tha; they are entitled to the magazioe under tile above offer. . Addres-, THE HOUSEHOLD, j IfitATTLItBOKO, Vf.