The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, July 30, 1881, Image 2

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She ©U'vdaml SAvntucr, - ALEX. CHURCH. Editor Cleveland, iTjiT i) 1881. MORMONS. Tao M ,-m„a nussumaries from Utah have been p.v ebing in white ( ,Hn,ty for .n.>, lt a war. They have succeed eff i„ some thiaeeri converts to ,heir can,. and hum established a Suudav ■< hooi Their «wk has been (id m . ;d v t> a sec ion in the eas lern part of the county on the borders of ho Chart.. hoo. ■ river. These mish 'niuries are now abs nt attending a conureuce in Ha raison county. It is Ktipposo.i that they will return to their w.u ii after their conference closes Ten years ago these missionaries would have been stoned out of the country. And yet we are told that the people are gtowing better! lint strauge as it may appear Mormouism is increas¬ ing in the Stater-, and so is wickedness and crime of every character. Such a state of things is emulated to bring about war and bloodshed, if the reme¬ dy is not soon applied. 1c is jeopard¬ izing the homes of the American people, and hostile to a pure Government. It is evident that Monnonism must be de¬ molished ortho country is ruined; it « «» breathe will bo contaminated with the consequent results of the brutish crimes of bigamy. It is astonishing that at this eulighieuod day—when the world is fillod with tbo written word of God, that such open and defiant violations of the Divine law. and degradation of so¬ ciety should bn tolerated for a moment. But alas, it is too true, that too many persons yield to their animal passions to tbo entire banishment of tbo higher au„ ,„„re ,, W c el™»m» of «,,i, being. The sooner this thing is arrested the better for all concerned, Congress has the power. CAPTURED. We have often told you to quit 1 malts log whiskey; but you wouldn’t. Now you see yon have lost it. It is always beat to beed good advice if it does come from a weak source. Deputy Marshall, J. B Gaston cap¬ tured six barrels of “mountain dew’’ somewhere in Mossy Creek district a few nights ago. It is said that tbo whisky bad been hidden under the ground; but didn’t you know Jim would find i? Someday when you are not thinking about it he’ll pick you up and carr y t qu off. You can’t hide from him always. He has an eye like an Eagle, and pleuty of si nso and bravery to back it. Our advice to every one is to have nothing to do with whiskey in any way If you tinker with it you are cer¬ tain !o be injured in some way. Our sympathy is very weak toward tbi -e who willfully, knowingly and do uiutly violate tho law, And more es¬ pecially whan it has a tendency to in¬ put} tbe morals of the people. SAD ACCIDENT. We are f irry lo learn that a Mr. Nix of Union county had the misfortune to accidentally shoot himself on last Sat¬ urday Tho facts as learned, are about tin. o. Air. N. and a neighboring young man went to tho Blued mountain to j. uk after some cattle. They became thirsty and stopped at a cool spring 10 get water Mr. Nix laid his gun down and drank, and as he arose from the spring took hold of hia gun by the muz z'o to pick it up, when the caught, against a root and caused it to discharge its contents in the breast of its owner. Five largo buck ehot taking effect just in front of tbe right arm, cutting|the largo leader that unites the arm to tho breast, four of which made tl e'r txit near and to tbe right of tho spinal column, the other just under tho blade bone. He wasdo iug well at tho last account. We are told that tbe wound rimy, (though not necessarily), prove fatal. The young man and I D Itiecds have our condo¬ lence. The whiskey that was captured by Gaston last, week, belonged, we are tc!J, to the Coolies, on Mossy Crook. Instead of. six barrels wo believe it was only five. MINING. I Capt. Trimble has just returned from Dahlonega, bringing with bun a very ‘ *’ ,n0 screen which bo will apply to hia j little mill at the Thompson mine. ; It seems that this screen properly ap i piled will be of great advantage in sav. I M t{i0 liao ic l,ein K s.» very fine ! none but the finest gold can pessi bl ? P a83 tbrmj K li it, and when it does P aM thl0U « h ’ ,be «°PP er P lAtes are 80 1 arran R ed, that so lictle coarse sand or I - rav *> P :i?6es over ‘hero that they will ret:iitl neai! J every particle of gold that touches thoir surface. With this extra appliance, together with tbo energy ; nd practical experience of Mr. Trimble, lie will soon begin to take out the ‘precious' in good earnest. 1 Wo promised to give a short history j of the Thompson vein this week, but have not been able as yet to obtain such information as wo desired for the pur poso. The Turning ol the Tide Capo Anu Advertiser! The awakening of the people to the dangers which beset tbo bitter partizan strife which was raging with a fearful intensity at the very moment the President was shot oy an assassin, will not fail of producing good effects upou the body politic. Not that it. eau be proved that tbe shots fired sr»».wis 2 BS!& the fierce political quarrel was the cause of tbo attack, as it tired the hearts of that class of persons of whom Guitoau is a representative, and made him impatient to become a hero, as be in his egotism and cowardice interpre¬ ted the word. Thank God tbo tide is turning! That attack on the President has brought men to their sense, and the people will no longer tolerato a class of men in office whoso ouly God is self, whoso only ambition is purely personal. That kind 1 &“o’) bin'll event, men bavo boon brought to clear er ideas of duty, and tbo fate of tbe | Republic, tbe many interests to civiliza tton, tho hopes that are therein centred, 1 have become tho prominent topics of conversation, and their importance has shown tho littleness and insignificance [ ! the r;‘«iz hopes mship and well-butng when compared ot fifty mill¬ with ions of people. It is full time for the turning of the tide, for it was sweeping us on to an¬ archy and ruin. Lee this event be tho new starting point for the purification and turning of tho tide in all that is cor¬ rupt and degrading in our politics. Let it awaken feelings of purer patriot¬ ism, greater iove for humanity, a sink¬ ing out of sight, forever, of tbo mean and petty motives which have actuated many of our public men, and fill them with purer, higher attributes, which shall entor into the spirit of the govern¬ ment and diffuse blessings. Wo need something higher in our politics, iu a country so favored oy Providence as this has been, than a mere scramble for office, something better than one official arrayed against another, seeking to re* tar«l the movements of government, and jeopardizing the peace und pros¬ perity of the nation. 'This time of ro gret, with our President bearing his wound heroically, with bis wife and friends showing a spirit of devotion worthy of all praise, with tho prayers of millions beseeching Almighty God to spare tho life so dear to his country—is the propitious season for new resolves, (or higher and nobler aims, for the turning of the tide which shall bear us on to the full realization of tho best Government ever vouchsafed to man. --------------4*4--— -r- (letting Rich without Labor, Have not tbe bondholders who have had their wealth doubled by the law got rich without working for it? Has not the man who held the mortgage of a farm for one-half its value and then by a rise in the value of money taken the whole farm, got rich without working for it? Has not the hard work j tiller of the soil who worked for h's money lost it? Has not the farmer been robbed by the law that made the i fundholder r.cli without working for it' tho *’« masses ‘here not_want front 1873 to and^ww 1875 and boob* dur¬ ing that period did not tho bondholders get licb without working for itf Who are getting riob now under the existing monetary laws of Ute country Not the • sons and daughters of toil but tho moo who don't work for it are getting rich. If tbe public creditor was paid “accord¬ ing to tbe exact performance of the contract,' tbe bondholder would not be so rich. A day’s work or a pound of wool would buy a bigger piece of tho public debt than now and the farmer wi uld bo richer. The increased wealth that has come to the bondholder by reason of restricting tho coinage of silver and boarding both gold and silver is the robbery of the law that falls up on the mau who works for bin money. Tho Greenbacker’s idea is Dot to scatter paper money broadcast over tko land but that tbe man who works for his money shall have it and the man who don't work shall not rob him of it un¬ der the form of law.— Chase's Enquirer. ----_, . -» — ---- Most of the newspapers are teeming with the sayings and doings of Guiteau, tbo ass .twin, “The Household" for August is be¬ fore us, filled as mual with the choicest reading. ---^.4^.-- Tbo contract for grading the North¬ eastern to Clarksville has been let, and wo suppose the work is progressing. We have nothing very special from the mines in any quarter this week, only that the operations are moving along quietly, with bright prospects ahead. Tae President has had a partial re¬ lapse but has about recovered from it. The sudden change caused groat anx¬ iety; but hopes are again buoyant. A few more such blows as the defeat of Conk, and Platt will send the Stal¬ warts up “Salt River,,' and the sooner they come the better. Eldridgo G. Lapbacn has been elected United States Senator to fill the vacan¬ cy Roscoe Con kling resigned. Tho de¬ feat of Conkling and Platt ia bound to weaken Stalwartism a little. So mote it be. A plaguo of rats has appeared noar Dagneux in Erance Innumerable swarms, which coma from tho direction of Lyous have invaded many communes doiug great damage to the crops. Some farmers have killed from five to six thousand rats in their fields iu a single day. Courier-Journal: The great temper¬ ance petition presented to the Georgia Legislature the other day was (it 10 fot t long and contained 30.000 signatures. It was greeted with applause. ----------—«<SE> *■— - Happiness is a roadside (lower grow¬ ing on the highways of usefulness; plucked it shall wither in thy hand; passed by it is fragrance to thy spirit. Trample the thyme boueach thy feet; be useful bo happy. Tho throe groat civilizers the dollar the locomotive and the telegraph should be made tile intelligent sonants and not the greedy and brutal masters of people,—it’. T. Allis. Iu Washington a conference has been bold at tbe Interior Department with a view to arriving at. some conclusion as to Little Chief and his band of North¬ ern Cbovenes. Secretaries Kirkwood and Lincoln, General Sherman and Little Chief were present, It was do t-ided that a delegation of Missouri River Indians, including Spotted Tail, Red Cloud, Stnuding Bear and others, should be invited to Washington early ir. September to discuss various vexed questions with the authorities there. The Northern Choyanes are very much dissatisfied with their present location in tlie Indian country, and want to go j north to the Missouri River country. 'They would prater to locate, at Fort Keoh, b it there is no Indian reservation there—A’. Y. Observer. - The Power oT the Press. In no way is the power of the press more surely shown than in the univer-. sal knowledge that has in less than a year been diffused throughout fifty millions of people of tho wonderful cur¬ ative properties of that splendid reme¬ dy Kidney-Wort. And the people from the Atlantic to the Pacific have shown their intelligence and their knowlege of what is in the papers by already making Kidney-Wort their household remedy for all diseases of the kidneys liver and bowels.— Herald. VASSATI COLKEGE. POUQHKEP3IE, N. Y. TOR T5IK LIBERAL EDUCATION OF W0TKY. Examinations for entrau'-e, Sept., 11th. Cata¬ logues sent on application DEAN, to Registrar. W. L. ALL’S Positive euro for Corns will cure Warts, Bunions, Sore and Inflamed joints. For sale at the Adver¬ tiser Office. P 17 \ mrpV’O 111 ORGANS IS useful stops, 7Y Uj sets roods only 885. Pi ••M£*$?idSaS83^n<»s$l25 up. , 1 'SEfIUus. Catalog. FitKis. Addess BEATTY, Washing¬ ton, N ..I. This Mystery Explained. QQAfx SjtjKJT) P ;itenc narB ° of an invaluable remedy for re¬ moving from tho human system pin and stomach wo; ms. It is the prescription «f a celebrated physician, and saved tbo life of the child" it was dispensed for. It has since been the means of saving the lires of thousands of chil¬ dren by its timely use. It is put up in the form of powders, ready for use, and children taka it readily, as it is a pleas¬ ant medicine. Sold by dealers in med¬ icine at 25 cents. KentatoSty Military, At FARMDALE P. 0., FRANKLIN CO., KY., Six miles from Frankfort, has tbo most healthful and beautiful location in the;State. A full and aide College Faculty, and expenses a* moderate as any first-class college. Thirty-seventh year begins Sept. 6th. For Catalogue-, etc., address as above COL- R. D. ALLE.V Superintendent, WE MUST EDUCATE! THE Cleveland High School FS Now in Fcsdon, which oponod July 11th. to continuo fivo months. Tuition, $1.00 por -L schollar, per month, and each to receive their pio ruta of the public fund. A liberal patrouage is solicited, 0. W. SCR0GGS, l‘rin. THE OKLY unormnn asr-jmat^tam^r^ -------...... —------ Ih EITHER uqni) OR DRV FORM bl That Act-af tiiesaiac time on I®®, TZEBQWZZS ,j AfFD tee Eimm. mi Y. A R E W & S § C K •? m {become Iicnntse ire allow these great organs poiro/iorl wgg \ cloaqcd or torpid, and | humors are therefore forced into the Mood jigSjij that should be cupelled n it argil;/. m WILL SURELY CURE m Ikidney diseases, LIVER COMPLAINTS, | PII.RS, CONSTIPATION, URINARY EJ fc| DISEASES, FEXIAI.K WEAKNESSES, ft \by AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, /jj causing free action of these organs 1 restoring their power to throw off disease. |wj Why suffer Ilitions pains and aches! y d I Why tormented with Riles, Constipation! jiff! j Why frightened over disordered headaches! Kidneys! Fji U Why endure nervous or sick j I Use KYDNEY-WORTancI rejoice in health | ? It is put up in Dry Yenetnblo Form, in tin KJ I I cans one package of which makes six oimrts u: FJ j medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Concern if j treted, for those that cannot readily prepare it. If \t J tJTXt acts with equal efficiency in either term, s&j GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. I RICE, $1.00 FJ WELLS, RICHARDSON’ & Co., Prop’s, I (Will send the dry post-paid.) BEBUXGTOX, TT. Bedford Alhim and Iron Springs Mass $ Adapted in chronic diarbcea, constipation and Scrofula.—ily. Latham, JM. L>., I’rePt Virginia Medical Society. Suecesstully used iu Dyspepsia, Cluouic Diarbcea and Scrofula.—i’rui. S. Jackson, University Pennsylvania. Efficient in antenna; excellent appetizer and blood purifier.—lb Fisher, M. D., Ga. Valuable in nervous prostration, indiges tion and chlorosis.—G. E. Mut.evvs, M. ill., N- C. A. tine tonio and alterative, very valuable in diseases peculiar to females, chronic fever and ague, bronchitis and disuses of the digestive organs.—). F . ltoughten, M. D-, Ala. Very beneficial iu strengthening ami im¬ proving a reduced system.—Uev John IV. iieekivith, Dishop of On. Invaluable as a nervous tonic.— lien. I. C. Fowler, Tcnu. Recommended as a prophylactic in Malarial districts-D. It. Fairex, M. D., N. 0. Restores debilitated systems to health.-T. C. Mercer, M. D., lud. ••Used with great benefit in Malarial Fever and Diphtheria.’’-^. F. Dupon, M. i>., tin. Prince of mineral tonics.-Franc is U ilium, M, D., N.C. Of great curative virtue.-Tiros. F. Rumbold, M. D., St Louis. Benetiicial in uterine derangements and malarious enodi'iotis.-G. M. Vail,M. D.,Ohio. Rest remedy over used in diseases of the throat.-P. A. Sifferd, M. D., X. C. Tonio, alterative, diuretic: one of natures greatest remedies.-Medical Association ot Lynchburg, Virginia. Adapted in certain affections of the kidneys and bladder; dyspepsia, lupus, chlorosis, scrofulous ami cutaneous aitections.-Rev. J. J . Moorman, M. D., Va. Relieves heaiaofce, promptly-both sick and nervous.-Uev, E. 0. Dodson, Va. Sample supply sent free to any physician desiring to test. Pamphlets sent free. Anal¬ ysis with each package. Water as it comes from the Springs $4 per case off) galons in gtass-$2.6 ( * for 5 galons, for 10 galons, $7 for 20 galon i in casks. Mass jO cents and $1; $2.l>0 and !?i for half doz. Pills, pure sugar coated,25e. 50e and $1 package $1.25, $2-50, and $6 half doz. Sent post paid any¬ where This Mass aud Pills contains in re¬ duced spaeo all tho curative powers of the water, and is convenient, palatable and solu¬ ble. Springs open for visitors Juno 1st. F.oard $35 per mouth. Speeiaisates to families and parties. Carriages meet visitors at Forest and Lawyer’s depot, each four miles from Springs, upon advice of arrival. Address A. 31. DAVIES, Pres of the Company. 75 Main St , Lynchburg, Va. For sale in Cleveland, Ga., fay OAKES & HENDERSON. Juno li ISSL 6ms. OPIUM Asul MOBPIlUVEIIabit cured in 10 toMdays.Ten years es¬ tablished; jono cured. \V • ite stat¬ ing case. Du. Maksh, Quincy, ilich. V UN NO IIS Plti’l DUTlOiHS For this Month's Weather, prepared expressly for STODDART’S REVIEW. Sample copy mailed for 3c. Stamp. J 3J. SrobDART, Pub., N. Y. Phil., or Chicago ecss TO FARMER3 and THRESHERIVSEN. If you want to bnv Threshers , Clover Hallers, Horse Powers or Engines (either Portable or tawing Trac¬ tion, to use for threshing, or for general purposes), buy the "Starved Rooster” goods. "The Pest is and the Illustrated Cheapest." Pamphlets, For Pricp U’ List Taylob 1 free) Comcast, " TiU! to Mansfield, - rh< ‘ a-tma* O. THU NEW YORK OBSERVER, THIS (YEAR. Tbo Largest and Best Family Paper in the World. | Send for Sample Copy — Free. NEw VOUK OBSERVE!!, 87 Park Row, New York NOW IS TI IE TIME TO Advertise! NOW Is Tho Time To Subscribe FOR YOUR HO r E Newspaper! ! ! THE O l.E VELA El) A D VEll USER IS THE BEST ADVETISING MEDIUM D7 NORTH EAST GEORGIA. Ciculates in near ever County in tho State, and almost every State in ti e Union. It is the CHEAPEST Country Newspaper published in the State One Do 1 Ini’ PEEANNUM IN ADVANCE. ALEX. CHURCH, Publisher. JL | U T ALL’S etfie. cured Tetter a Tetter and Ring tvornr wife/s Spe on my head that had troubled her a number of years- I have used this remedy in ray practise with eminent success." Dr. G. H. Forrester, Lake City, Fia. Blanks ol al kinds for sale at this offico