The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, August 20, 1881, Image 4

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A : t > tu hi a in-? rouin •\« j> > v.-t *.*il * i.-'- ;>{.-r:iR<-i! lecture .'8 bet- i ai.|ih> v, as delivered <<■ cooily wi a New Vosk court room, fill : : 1 V ,( V. ilV ami lit! i id Stood *r. 1 husband (1 r habitual Bh •■'■a' nf er the ’ n tli!> m.ig • (T ;>ilv>ITS fciiR u till 1 die; 1 :y mid h ii - and d< • I-.: -ii'A’MU.on ) one a nteuce H ! , a;, : i >a:,; i ding is going ; • l)i unk 1 lit; ::■,•(■; id 'OglKstjttr < through ; | i : C l:: ; : .-. ::o.!K*: tur'lilllj Utjller c'u . i's era t.-! : i l'. 4 r<-owiug out the j iu;w iir idu grave. S pappose tho wo Ur ; to'ai elm jiu rad ireth whan she , i : nut it God 'ah it a r.h. H ■< hi".. CilliUOt iicllioVd Ja~.,a iia>.u and again anil again lias ee.ruinnii dn. 'ii tho h.ii-est men )?1 id . ni'i of tho brightest snmts iti heave v !/;• ware ■oieo conlirtnod inebriates; but ra •r ta «r Cases iu h uui and they were •red. God can suve one kind or un castiy us another. • •'■ : h ■ i.; 1 . ing with evil ' ml ■ d ■ • *i . G and lulls and gem a jiiti ad -i • •.: and slides and . ■ .1 g . t .) tin' • . ,<::d time and tii • 1 ; ! ii • i.m :: i>; ur bn idrodta time .-<c:oty and tin: (ifiurch !> • their pi r ie ! v. ith bun. and say, •.;a is hope* ■ Sts 1 Can’; !: <;;■(. , ith Inal a:}' long ■ ■. i ' m.■*i : •' : • ; to him ■ ad will listen to t!i i thousandth call of distress with ' he ' i no ; mpatliy as to til© lirst call. L.g all tho discouragod atop leaking down and looking around and begin to look up Horizontal ■ help will not iviur. 1 .h:v j rp'-n-.tiaeiur help v. id come, (jod will pass over ami throw behind Ilia back and cast into oblivion and pity and sympathize and par-don and •what more do you wand And all this for those who with pain of repentant te.-.rscry unto God lor relief, saying, ! can’i heip it!'—Tahnage. ......—- • —- 1 Serious Exchange of Sateheis. Home litlio time since, U. A. Riddle a monied may. arrived iu Demur with a view oi mi mg up some pro (i table min* mg invosunonts. luoaler ;o bo ready to advantage of any fortunate (•'hance Mr. Riddle brought with him -vAO.O Hi m government bonds and one oi two other thousand dollars iu the way of pocket money. Mr. Ridd'o was a gentleman of social habits fond of making new acquaintances and nut in ddferent to seeing every tiling there was to be seen in Denver and he forgot all about mining and other business and devoted liiiime f to having a good time, one oveidtig however the main object if IPs visit, pressed upon his mind and lie pa d his hotel bill, put liis $50,00(1 «>f government bonds in a gripsack and was rapidly conveyed by carriage to the I'nion Depot a short time before the Loadvihe tram was to pull out. It so happ* red that Mr. Joseph ("leciiry a uavtding reptesatiUtive of i, woral Kansas City and Ht. Rouis busi¬ ness iirms ha l made arrangements to no to Leadvilie ny the same train and he reached the Union Depot about the .- tiiio timeas Mr. Uiadlo and with y, grip aek that looked tho tw-n brother r of ;bat belonging to tho diner gentle* man, Ir. aomo strange way the grip were changed and Mr. Riddle was on his way to Leadviile before ho disco voted the mistake. The only thing about the gripsack to indicate that it had an owner was tin card of E. 1 \ Hudson, of Kansas City. Flying back to Denver Mr. Riddle sent out dis¬ iv»! patches on every lino asking frantically “E. \\ limb-on.’ Rut no E. J’. Hudson could bo found. When Mr. Cheenry went to bed that night he iook <■.1 into his ..reek for a night-shirt, and found the doU.UUt). He went down stairs telegraphed to the frantic Riil <l!o in irver ami everything was made right .—Denver (Col) Heirs. ^'nhed IS ' Q 1 % d '4 a;. C o. 2 mhj R: C v* n 111 , cur Mill uil‘3 -I'-.-S' desired. n i. y ^vJ *■ * -els ilOANS roods IS only useful $65. . {ops, Pi a .f.:nne > 125 up. .11 Ins. Addcss BEATTY, 'Washing a; t. .nds far ,-aio at this oilier ' . .. r ..... i l m.. . ini meAoiCAcC’ rn I E 15 WHIT 15 OA iv W AGON MAXUFACTUItED Iff Tlio White Oak Warn Go. Holly Springs, 3I!ss, CA 1’ITAL, $150 000 CAPACITY, 30 Wagons a Day. Don’t sen.1 North for your farm wagons. Patronize home manufacturer. Tim Yv'hita !'.U Wagon is tho best and cheapest and tho freights are lower. Sample wagons sent to merchants at cost price. Send for circulars. Upright Pianos Unequalled lor Tone And Design New and Elegant i Pari or Or :gaos Styles ) G M 0 K/\V wl)S Ptliil’AN Y MANUFACTURERS C bM iU :11 IXJ h; POET., MASS CATALOGUES SENT FREE. AGENTS Gorreppendenco Solicited. jits ft : ’KiESLL'S.: vst -aotxr \i > m ««k. Jr* r-G Pa 1, <7 // A/ f : % AiTJ ’-v.’v,- 4 « c&s- sjrnmm asra " »sj? —asstu L>- /'j -- 'A ~ 1 J? A. mj , pg'M'-C'-o c. L~ . c-zw^ih fCA O its v<^ ABUloiRwtm Sras/SacK.. /MAa/wwU-,' C Av-fc. S—£*■'**& Sas's-GCC^ ~£// eurJs, ^ ( * I/j 6 w /ftKcuC f f «/ fy&bK /? ' . ____ ____ , r ^ t ' ££ £h/mj c£Plso--s> A A( IS, children. children. PENSIONS Tluynsuin TiionsandsyetentiUed. widows, i-or soi l'athors, Pensions 4 mxcRes mothers given 9 i ) i.'r for loss of linger,toe Th tmy hgukI-s f soldiura entitle.! to iNOiiifiA M ln "' i warrants procurrd. Imcpli ( ami sold. Soldicrt M :uk * 'airs ai'I'ly I"® f"rj;»«rri, htaat Send S' ..IP K '? l itizi-n-Soldipr.'’ and Fnaainn rrzx rr5 ^nrcv »EIA.STI0 3'LUC3 from all oG Ba! lln ceiiLor, Stil-Adjasl4i>z fc-lVl. ! Je U? the udaplgi a ENSiatc Act liu.Uin Ih-i.-r^prc,: t ,. : ^ * KUoa y /?y luJiYlh^'ilrfnta pGrucrv.- \ h tho Fii 'ir^rr, Willi ifeGt t ,r -v.jrd tho lit:i'itis itul'l r.rc; ,.y lay and nlghd. Sent end a radical r:» Cis-uiars :o certain, lVee, liitj i-aa.-Lij fcudd .Rw’ui'. by nia:', EGULESTOK TitUSU 4 L-., € A -•■ sl; ijS U Iff. ' D -1 a (?'?■ .At a ;S) i. . k 4 * b Si ii,.v p y VG' 1 *’;nf}nHve rAF i G!KD GOW Jti Ft! ‘.H;-it H'iy cn.iii'Tc ‘ fit' ‘do 1 M HpViI !, olllli \ ;> j.j , c I I*' J M i;’’i 11 f !** 'SU 1 :•) J :I \v.'( r-ii A • t, isnch a tiu ' Mn ; ! for M 1*'! ‘or kiium •' • '* Si G’ fjt'.y lAiDlDtl, i*, G;r« 4 WAriY;T? GiY'V/HKUIy • “ ,; a - 2 z. i t y to i. :s»•- uki. laa« - 1 ■ V» HI t J * i t il I'.ur ; 'I with M MU. J®U5 l t ■".•;• i TO.jld etn, - s Mii' i i.’s. Jl will also a g.i-rii v . C Ao >rk ft -f whidi there is aiwavs a !>*«.»’•/ t?dh' l- ‘ .R ; i ; ( ami * U’*, terms -led to WaS the inyioi! i> is -j hetyi , iA¥er-f RaA Cuii be easily made wiCi - ^ cur ,j V- j s'i Well One Augers and hori.r & Bri i r man one ruuu it o ar< Boring ‘ *-ho only Ko, makers v>* tno un ' -/ and : -Brill»uy; GG.te; _— ¥1 urniHl •«! llu 1 iJuxt < » Kn*-Gj! Book wfatiy attd ot our cu i*«:iu v ;; a r, . ; s? > ;<> u . Circulars FitEJS. Ac Mi ess, lsoh!!> & t.thh. gi;d _ TO FAUMKStS and THRESHERIVIEN. If you want to buy Threshers, t'oiecrs Clover llullcrs. Horse or f’.nti incs (l itlu'r Pertablo or Trac¬ tion, to use for threshing, rawing or for general purposes), buy il The the “Starved Rooster” goods. Test is the Cheapest.'' For l’rice hist and Illustrated Pamphlets, ____________ (sent fret*) write to TheA vi.tmam © at M -.U K ■’ .*.-— .-.aa Ta\i.os Coju'Any, Manslield, O. ! j \L1/S ToiHTaml King worm Spe¬ cific cored a Tetter on my wife's j head that, had Moulded her a number of j tears- 1 have used this remedy in ni\ practise with eminent success. Dr. (t II Forrester, Lake IliUv, Fla. 'Mb ■****M* iH9'*.. -X“J* «r \ ; ?.?ai u i> i 1 vvqy u u *si a CTnvc O s j f Li ., I* * I L (Wl_ *% 4‘ ■ A * ' V; fi* „4‘ .ST !Y ;* Iff “ >1 m The only Toper Cook Stove that lm etoad i-o test of years, and given entire anil perfect satisfaction. 50,000 Now in usa. end growing in favor wherever ueoci. Tiioso who havo them will not do without them. The. Post Simple, Tho Most Durable, The Most Perfect, Tho Most Economical, Ko Sweltering llest, Mo Fires to Build, No Ashes to Remove, No Ruolio Carry, Mo Smoke, No Odor. FOR SHULER USE THE? ARE MSPEKSABLE. Docs every description of cooking or other work heretofore done by tbsordinaiy cooking sto\, or range, with ease and perfect comfort. Washing, ironing. without I aking, the broiling, insufferable fruit canning, heat the etc., old-fashioned etc., and of cook stove, always Onr “} ready. ‘.went Automatic Safety Can ” rend¬ ers the use of our stoves “perfectly safe ” in the hands of tho most careless or inexperi¬ enced. Send for full descriptive circular and price occupied list.—Special territory.—Address, inducements to agents in un¬ “HULL VAPOR STOVE COMPANY,” Cleveland, Ohiok April Kith, 1 - 81. CA 5- 1 N fj rb-S MV- 1 R m B K., [Gj A ‘{ ! ri.BUTtf-K r.- f :--rrrrtTT r '' T n > r KA ’ : Si' ii ■ J p S j k-n G 'Q c, at- ‘euriB. Npi (c5! . s rG ; r%-. \ x . Jr 5 ■ i“!W VO j ! tV.! I ft £ '..y-G/y is! A w¥ a ■ Li.I ’’Gv ; cVJ oo •v • ' t. ,i^ - j . w. - 1 - av. j.'. ,V. ( j ! FOR RAILROAD AND EXPRESS CG.ViF r c ESTIMATE 3 AND OR/GiKGS i ! i^Vn'HCD BOUMD CGAFAAf F IRE vGeUKLl--:’ PROOF ' m ma \a:V. ' EX ra seeuns L O C SC 3 W.H 6b ill ;-R ^ 4 J. J* mcm/f w u hv m MG . " u LW A a Hid iS -G GENUHAL AGENT COR i D1EB0U) SAFLlfa CUS o rV I ryitr3 Gl V a ("vsi) Fri I- ii © \ ^ J r '.i R R ’ C • © s u ti o N 0 ^-T» v i 0 B > 1/L5 s SL 1 Pi y%-i i.S D § liiaEj ^ A I O u is 5 pG’Sfj 4 rl -' ,*• •• 4 -nt ij Ph TG i a ! £i . a U F r“H ; A SJ Cs) F < & uA S 1 1 A yeaaAj •. Ul .. % !'4 'G «v-s r* | ST o w Gl rej H G o U-4 r*:> l© A/ hi S R M A 1 ' r‘H u G( O CD <1 a hi s P, tS Ki » Lj p-0 I ;r. i A # YiS.y >G. /Yr; /:?'••- ; y. T3 03 ite- If; 'V: a \m \ • I */' . / I j (A ■ > , ! ■ ■ -t m 1 »*-.; ' 1 • b* 1 G A YE M V OH 1LD three <] nscs » the Patent, lismedy— 21 M).")-nnd tbev bronchty.wav half pint of worms .. i Sold bv DrugeistP. u O' LJ r 1 . U u 9 A ‘G i~~4 u> fj n !.| r m G> tH * 0 r GO cri 4 e| # ♦l 3 o G Pi fa KfJ aus ;j 1 -t H ■*5 •'■' r s cj A'-’Scj G o' E=j 6 i * (5 A (.) ‘-d G'G, .. y- -:-J "A a S ■j • i ■J V‘ u A r ‘* « -j!—': An -) {*’ <J» A CA ^ ■VI d !-G'g’ ct,- A: &£**■ G f-r-s o U > o fH I C r v M ,«i g 11 ;. rtcL ffa: v TT5‘.'^r% - ■ '4 A ■ S:,s . :j GfaTiGL x A*?# AG FA:' wM %*. 'AL o\ -Gs : AS/k cl *--- - J!OG PRESElwi < A Saw For a. HaeMuolhat L Svjfc and wiU Rosy as \ 03 lids on* /ippi.4 ^ -;r\ /J. VA AJSn A , i f: A/J •'•Am %■ Tills is the Kins- •,? C~vj TTaohinec. 14 SnwB o:? ii :■■ foot \o- ;-i a initintea. CO,CUC* i:\ > ; e. ' r, cheaynat i c.chitio, niaci _u; . /v-'V-rt'-fa ;L Cjret.t'.? free, Cniiad Ltllss HuruiU . • C ■ , Chicago, 111. X ftfiiS c..* i c .o,. r. ^sF'.jL a. • , ffi S’ . ©f n,' itc.y /.CdOk, ^ Ik £ « ** MEDICAL COY ’Oh SEKSS,” CGC/^ T h FKPF '0 - v ■ ■ rrc*i wb-. w 1-G J send ms narm uM p- :.»ut ad*,:\o>. a>a a.\ cents m To •r.> stamps to i v y V p^Oi «t/) any «,.= .. . -i- r>r-* rv^ON, ait AST UM r •• .• \ >A ;... >- V,. ' fa . 1 5 JL©A f ->i 4 A or BBONO/I3 s *-, «'• ni rmaiion in t!i s ft 12 of great value; ami H may in tiid p»ovi»Uy.ccoJ i many A use fid lives. !\H. ft. TS\RPR 1 VZ Ptf Atfe *« - PEAHOE'S HBPISOVE© iOO®f c.: QFMQcU'j GkOuR G ’—ro W J Kn dr m , M L.'X'A.ii' //''s ' /// WM •'/Y/ Vs/S ay; € -■A iJov-ji&sz&n*, Gvcso Seed, Memp, A i£o 9 Ait v-j 2S ing. Go Dan can do is r.o -.veil hv Land. it docs tlio TT-AIi of 5 mca» It Fan E-toca the test of years. Re¬ ceived MvA Premium si 21 St&to FAtg iA y ea: ’'h Good, SabstoUai. Reliable fiaohinQ, varramYd to do ail that is claimed for it. Price only $5,09c. Send stamp for descriptive circular,’ E. Whitman’s Sons, Agents, Baltimore, Md. II. M. Smith & Co., Agents, Richmond, Va. GOODE T T COMPAKYs Al-ETraM, is. XL, Solo Manufacturers. r Q JPTPl tu 5 SC<h kR» a Ro v ofmg ,, ,- 5 ~ : A • ..... v .... , 5 , ''A/s m ■ { AA.i AS >1 ■■' ■ '. C' 1 . :• CCS- '.'.j — A3> ii .u.-L. . N ? Jj. .. © BATES BAG'S S. ‘G TO, EJ LA ATG ITATFR-FACGF. FT vs' v cc\ >::> taig TAFSL.. AS.FSV ,FOA LAA, AFYFOGFCa A A,. FLY IT, Willi this Paint oi : p|unglt-s cap bo made U: lock 1 icUer i’-'i last longer 1 ban c -c shi-iAot; Co: cex-ikhd tito'cost of re-GrtinAimr. Equal''.face! brick f ir I La cr iron; (l. and for rmroud 'vvaiY ; an(:qi?n., a! It D clastic—v/iil > epand nr t nhtract wit:i hi'ator cobl. r L!ii i- .■in ASSn< rr ■ ablo quality in a •R.rr.bU; Re •Lug r-iitr. It will not crack. ;vd or ; lv:ng' plait*, 'vviliivt ra,.,! ;>!' r . trroS.;, It has a heavy bo ' v—m.o c ?at Lciag equal it to soUl three <)f any nthcr. is ;:t ;■ ;;“S o that crakh'S qycryoPiOto v y.;.M< '1 i«.<if. Eour Laudsnnu: : iraS- ; ;,u A Yiiite, Brown, Eetl and A-riyitt kfak Piieo ia barrcld • f Co to 50 gallons, only 80 cents per ga’A tfnroug'* -o. “After a inost vae cf till”,, Yfa •;'. ' L:G y :■ >■ commeud if, igg! o s'G uc-: fG r-j I si each ur. S r; yi lu> a i-ivui'i an 1 t’LrS S i;p. ,, --[!I, r -. B'’W"n, in ike J-ai •yrvtt/.-j. ISso.’l circular samples, ami Send for :.n : mention this p.qier. It? 1 ' v o t.“ e r f%TV ■} ao'.Cc- . ...■ . *. V- V> •• --S w Vv.A v„ . fS-J) 7 H^LMA RT.. BOSTOfk !f.AS. Soiling for Ag(-Di« Lor i ■> : tr;::i,Y posit ion, ()S. G\ .I'o. iisi: Brass, Copper, Ami U ■, "vaAr,r,:tj tot!;” '-t-’JldfrdAyrictiHurai Sooi Ii via •• l ti is ii , L , 4 ..... for to?! A iblP £ LiVrnrjr __ Kew, A emrate, Corn;>rohcn*»h r ?. A Comnlcto Pam is itsclt*. A • to successful farming. c all rarm Crops. KaiiofeoRoy H Caro for Live Stock, ovs uiiago business, 1 Secure Piivcn many ih acf^'a* <;■;■*>$ r - ■very Fc.tnaxs. n>) j» res. KO Iihifuraiior.s. Houd in fo- Circuif ^iicoiuvs and terms to J. C.ZScCUIlBY ^ CO., Lfa-Uadolphia, Va. 1 attarGs, q •©’•©{ Mkli; iiiiGi V - 1A\ rn ;i n, Florists, L /."Lmcrc ’and e- :• .. .^lighted ; People with, and c are e nd Stive Money r.. Cc v/ori ;i-renowned Model •Pi, \ - ----- •*.-•••*- J -*~ w •• . .jrvyiwifi .Lai-;.-*. - ii . . Iti, la • . ■ :M prlnSng Dr. * req-j-red. strong, Mui.l, i:\sv •u •• vcii.u v.-'.-rih of ,tg »rk any o >y enn inanag-ejt, "We make and tk 3 vi cve^y year. ii nr.d am! •' a •£ A ; , r:«r.^ing in price from a d ;y c cv t st.av.ri ■, r c;rriuavs. Oi ur y .cua in t> oh:. I'KMKii j- s made n-o o-rcr S 6 o.f» last m uitb • ■ i y': :'.sS* ;\fap:.'< ti Rtfs. Houston, Tex. ! “ My Mo: ovi.-r i,: i\-v it: ell already in car t-rintintj ilOl'K'i. a!o V., !•'. V» \ •<. •. v r >, i-’alvucbd, Ills. * * *l'Ha d g I even i: . y*.u t;I.iI;»i f-.-r it.”—i. H. . . f H.S. V /;7 * 7 y. Adi.Ro ..s all e xtiei-> tvr ir.-.jttirieo to j -au-afacrtirorri; /. -\ r . Dimghtuh , & Co. i 'hxstnvt 81. mwetfua Alfiusb . .VERY, JsH. i ‘ A SB Advertiser, NTT, FJiior, Get/1 Lato oi ■ HOME AS3 FAIyM..” Siiy §rr?i' 1 II “'33 -ctllii RMla'y’ 1 ^ ^ Published at 21 C Pike Steest, St., Louis. By ALFRED AVERY & GO. Send for samplo pc-yics of ^Sd'nTH and WEST,» fannly which r .5 imMisle.'-.l a. lirst-elcss somi-monthly agrieidtaral nnd price pauer, Politics at tin* low of C-tiCrsTS a Ykau. arc entice'v k-jnoretl. Gt'iu-ralnew•:. valuable infor ination, find inbsresting reading matter are fnr !■ isbed. The best of co: rcspon<tcnts Useful contribiUro from all seer ions of the country. will begiven premiums to dub* and liberal cowuntesions raisers, samples Fkeb. Address, “ $Q0TH & WEST/’ f:!C Pino Street, St, Louts, MO. --------------------------- A IH.’NTS WANTED for tbe l.c -1 r.n<l Lgicr: t » selling pictorial Books and iitbies price reduced fa. pm cr n». N ation vs, 1’ri'i.isujxu Co., I’hituiichdiia., I’a.