The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, September 03, 1881, Image 1

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I Hf ‘ t; Efflw N u. N‘ m (:17. .. , »~- 55» :5 W 12:35 5:: , ‘ 5;“ {5: 53:" » WM 5' .M " ~—5 {g 635 . L3???” ”WW 5 :5 ‘5‘), :\\“\ “ i WW“... f ' 5;" I I- 7 igfifii N 3 LAfx'bé ""1 ‘ ~ ‘ 1"? r" @732" T‘l- m I 1 :Mw'fa > .. " ‘: 5‘: 5, ' '5‘ “if; : g 35.; "v 5 “~ “-7. “‘55. k“ “3% x ‘4 5 5:55; 93.9 1.5% 8» « , “$5 ‘ {5% 5““ '5' ‘ 5‘ ‘fi 5.5; [if A 1,; «334‘ n,»,( .‘ 53‘ : PH _ - F ix» I ‘73 s M: ,. “$7 .. 51-; if} 3 ”$5" N 2555‘ . x 53; a ; _ if . -, .2; 2 ‘ v 5.“? ,; ‘§ ‘3! .5 @5533 13’". a 5 5 45.15 m 5 £5721 l '. - ‘W E35» ;- :2. 35.7.3; ”3‘53; .52: - ,‘5 ‘ , :{553 3, ? . 55‘"- ,- 3‘; at“? I my, ‘57:. fix" w *3 59‘ .5 . \‘J {:5 57:51:55 mini“ . L 2 u "3.5"” 5 y i; -. :53: 5 55. fr 5 “I . f5??? K] 1 i:\ “~35 1“ i515; v I; . , A v . .5 . V‘ u.“ .“5 1h '1 5:; .' 5 £ 15‘...» :5?“ . ’j/ .‘ o. “”5315 ‘ ff=;"..’ ‘3 " i :5 :5 5, I: i . 5, ‘wv' , ‘5 5 .5 a}: mu ~ 7 5? 5; / :5: 5.5. 55- S‘?‘ . "y .a g , . . - 1 555;? _ {1‘15 , » 5 , ;. {55 5 \i 5 ,9». . 2:; . L V L . 4i .T. = 5 L.‘ {t‘ 5; 5 i? . (55‘ 5.5 5:32 It}. 5 is: ,5» V .. 5:; 5., 3:. :53,» . 5.;5 ., , if: 54:4; 5.3. :52 5 F534: 5 “2' "1 '7‘ We ‘33 i" ’5‘“ d' 5 a“; :55} 1‘ ”id _» 5 a" .5, ,2; 55 ‘52:“ ,. .. . , g 2» 5.5 35': , Lg; “2:“ {M} NR 5:55;. ; E 5,. :5. .5»; 3 , . f . 1g": . 3‘5. A3“: ' A“ a". 5 5 5.515.. 5;. .5 . , ‘ 3535‘ t f 5 , 'Iéa‘Y’AQ {Emmy} VOJ SI]'' SytofVlfeT, Published Kvcry Stmirday Morning, Office—r.j tho Court House, room, East, (town .Stair?, Cleveland, Git. OUR A GEN rs ! The following natiKd gentleroon are legally authorized t*-» act as Agents for tho Cleveland A \ r;. jsiittser. you have not paid your subscription .md it is convert', nt to bund it to either of these gentlemen, you will much oblige Yours Truly, Alex. Church, Publisher. jRev. W. H. McAfee, Dablonega, Ga. J VV. Mkwics, Blairsvillo, Ga. C. H. Kytle, Mossy Creek, White Co. &EV. J. C, Bell, Tesenteo Dist., White Co. Guss Lyon, Burton, Rabun County, Ga. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, one year. $1.00. One copy, sis months, 60. One copy, ttiroc mouths, - SO. ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements inserted at tho rate of .$100 por inch (or less; first insertion, and 60 cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements not having tho number insertions marked on them, will be published until forbid, and charged accordingly. Contracts made for three, six, or twelve months on liberal terms. LocalNotices lo cents per line. Every communication for publication in the Advertise!; must boar the name of theau Hi-or, not necessarily for publication, but as gu¬ aranty of good faith. We.will not bo tor .. the opinions oi correspondents; ami siommunication, will be admitted into its .UiUdy having for its end the defamation ol private character, or in any other way rilous iu its import. Correspondence upon subjects of general ' l TiS» e *?iif° d ~ tb Z S ! > U mus ‘ "’’All ci>inmun.ications, -business letters, irumoy remit-nieces must be ad dressed -td ALEX. CHURCH, Publisher.'fiil gim’Jarj]. MAGISTRATES’ COURTS. Mount Yonuh—86L Hist.,—Third Fridays— Jas. H. Reaves, J. P. d. H, Jarrard N. P. Mossy Creek... 120 Hist.,...Third Saturday... D. M. Davidson, N. P-, J.ii. Hrowlow J. P. Nacoochee...427 Dist.....First Saturday... James McClure, N. P. J. R. Lumsdon, J. P Shoal Creek...862 Dist.,...Fourth Saturday— 11. C. Hunt, N P., J. W. Biaekwoll, J. P. Blue Croek...721 Dist.....Second Saturday... Win. Black, N. P* G. W. McCollum, J. P. 8Tesentoe...56S Dist.,...Fourth Saturday...E. T. B. Ledford N. P', 11. A. Allison J. P. Town Creek...S36 Hist.,...Third Saturday... J. A.Cantrell. N. P., 11. It. llolton T V. THE MAILS. Cleveland to Gainsvi'le, Daily, except Pun day. Pun Cleveland to Elairevilie, Daily, except day, Tri-weekly* Cleveland to D-iklonega, Tri-weekly. Cleveland to lfaysville Cleveland to Belton once a week. Cleveland to Tesnatoe. once a week. EDWARD L. STEPHENS, 1’. M. 80 C-ktfe. W. K. WILLIAMS, A TTGRNEY A T LA Cleveland, Georgia. Jan. 10th 1881. J. J. KIMSEY, A TTORNEY AT TAW. Cleveland Ga. Office, Basement Masonic Hall. Jan. lOth 1881. wl’ M. G. BOYD, A TTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT t Dahlor.ega Georgia. Will pactice in the Superior Courts White, Hall, Dawson, Habersham aud the Supreme Court of the State. Jan. lOtb 1881. wkl’y ly. FRANK L HARALSON. JM, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta Georgia. ill practice iu all the Counties fie western au Blue ltidge Circuits. f , j C Federal Supreme Courisof the Nil business entrusted to my eare will 031 'o prompt attention. 01th 1S8 wi’y- ly. OUR OWN sacrxoxwwn Lgé. mz: {TS Amnxxcxxuzm. CLKVKLAN 1 ), GA., >UTiJliDAY MOMLNG, SIT?. 3 , 188 i Childhood. av LEOUV.B D. 1'RBNTrCTS. 'Tis rad,yet sweet to listen To tho soft wind's pent « swell: And think wo he r tho music Our childhood lovod so well; To gaze out on thoevc, Ami the boundless holds of nir, And feel again'our boyhood’s wish, J | To roam like angels there. ■'There arc many dreams of gladnoss j ’That cling around the past, And from the tomb of feeling Old thoughts come thronging fast; The forms wo loved so dearly, Jn the happy days now gone, Tho beautilui and lovely, So lair to look upon. ,\ These bright and gentle maidens, j Too Who glorious seemed and so formed heavenly for bliss, too Eor such a world as this; Whose dark, soft eyes seemed swimming' In a sea of liquid light; Aud whoso locks of gold were streaming O’er brows so sunny bright. Like the brightest buds of summer. They have fallen trom the stem; Yes, oh, it is a lovely dream, To fade from earth like them. And yet tho thought is saddening, To muse on such as they, Anil feel that nil tho beautiful Are passing swift away! That tho lair ones whom we love, Grow to each loving breast, ; Like tendrils of the clinging vino, And perish where they rest. j Distribution of Farit; Labor. I have been visiting another farmer and have learned something in fact I always learn something when my neighbors. There is to my mind better ... - gaming . . lufoi . ... mation tbau <'-j «»» ^ take tin occasional trip thTOU^ll region round ab Ut and talk with the i farmers and seo hew- they do things. | 'J’ljo whitih iiupressoa me the most watt tffe value of ca!cu> j I ***<1 planning with special reltil ence to tho equal diatribution of labor •through tho year. If buttar and cheeso are the leading products of a farm it cannot bo dennied that the system of mauagemeut will from necessity bo quite different from that where wheat or wool is the relied upon for the years income. Cir¬ cumstances of soil whether it bo a heavy clay or a light sand of climate hot dry or short or the opposite the distance from market etc.’ will all h ve much to do with determining just what shall be the best style of farming in any given case. There is a long list of things that come into one’s mind when a person asks what kind ot farming is the best farming or what kind of agriculture should bo practiced. This being so it is a difficult matter to ma e plain the point that is seem j tngly clear iu my mind. He who by the soil would thrive no matter what he is J [ and making practice that tho soil most produce economical must- study dis j tribuHon of labor. Ha should so plan ' his and his will crops work that there be the least possible number of idle daj ; 3. Idle days upon a farm! It is an out¬ rage upon farm management that there is even a thought ot such a remark this. If a farmer evor is called “kill lime’ with bis working force he on tho highway to ruin. Profitable bor is that which is seasonabio and order to have this kind the whole must be seen from tho beginning work planned aud every day for, In this way tho farmer can his help tor tho year aud - thus steady and better help and at, rates. The farmer who gets into great rush and finds himself the help necessary to como out of harry iu good shapes is far less than ho wko keeps ahead of his work rather the work ahead of him rather than dragging it. This was the idea that struck mo on my recent visit or at least was of tho ideas and it has paid mo weli the journey. I mean hereafter to thoroughly distribute my rvork the year aud therefore hope to be i economical ln my management in j future. oiler better There opportunites are few for places a system in the management of time a large farm and where one is seon ning like clock-work with no end to work to be douo aud yet that never behind hand It is a pleasing because it is so evidently Cor. Farmers' Review. “I just went out to see a friend a moment,’ remarked Jones to his the other evening as he returned to seat in the theatre. “Indeed/ Mrs. J., with sarcastic emphasis; suppose from the <derof your that you had been out to see your enemy.” glories O'" Tadic Crow, Of all our pets among the ! and birds, I select for special nolle*' the hooded crow. Uc is not ;i ’beautiful bird cer¬ tainly: but, ho makes u;> for his not hand so u appearance, by his exceeding cleverness. We had no one in particu¬ lar for bcchnsV'of‘‘his’8Ulelo^“ many years We called him modrof Crab bio progression when noton win-. lbs liber ty was seldom restricted, unless ho had boon guilty of some prank more than usually audacious, and then hi? pun islunent would bo a day or two's con linement, which ho co^: greatly hated; but he soon managed to us iuu> giving him his freedom, and manifested the utmost gratitude to his liberator. •His moral sense was at least as obtuse as a cat’s. Ilo delighted in stealing, simply as it scorned for his own sake, not because he could make any any use use of his plunder. Spoons, needles, wires, pirns of thread, bails of worsts.,, little one's shoos and socks, anything au i ev¬ erything that was portable to which ho could get access, ho would carry off, aud carefully hide, covering them over with bits of turf; and tiion wiping his bill, in the most self-satisfied manner, hop away as though ho bad performed a highly meritorious action. Alas for the half-knitted stocking which be left on a chair or a table, if Crabble was about! The wire would quickly be pulled out and removed and tho stocking torn to tatters. I caught him j one day—and ac intensely droll figure ho h« enr—bopping cut- o‘nt of doors with a pipe in his bill. On another occasion ho made iff with a piece of tobacco. Wo never could make out whether ho had any intention of himself trying soothing effects of the weed, ‘lie bad, or affected to have, a great dislike bare feot, as the littlo beys who often came to the houso with baskets of locks or with rnes9'igQ%'ih;’.d but g'oou reason to know. On the he was on terms of very good with the dogs aud cats; hut it afforded him exquisite delight to them, particularly to pinch tho point of an outstretched tail, if tho owner there¬ of happened to bo asleep: and a pinch of his sharp and powerful bill, whatev¬ er pleasure it might afford him to inflict, was no joko to his victim. Ouco au old woman was bringing a message to tho houso. Just as she was crossing a stylo, Crabbie’s quick eye fell on tho spotless cap which adorned the old body s head. It vvas an oppor¬ tunity too tempting to be resisted. Down ho swooped, neatly plucked off her head dress, and wish a triumphant “Cra, Cra,” Hew away with it,* Not be¬ ing aware there w as any such “uncauuy brute” about the house, her constorna tion may be imagined; and when aho appeared at tho back door bereft, of her white musliu mulch, and told, iu tones of horrified agitation, howshe had been diapoiled of it by a “craw,” sho met with much sympathy from the domes¬ tics, who hated Crabbio with a most perfect hatred. Aud littlo wonder they hated him. for he toased and tormented them unmercifully, and by his uovor euding tricks often imposed upon thorn a gieat amount of additional work. For instance, clothes on the bleaching green ho seemed to regard as spread out for the special purpose of affording him an opportunity of showing bow completely he could soil then. At any rate, what he did, whenever he got the chanco, was to march and hop ail over them iu tho most systematic manner, with .the dirtiest effect. What I am about to relate will appear to many incredible; but javing tre quentiy witnessed it, 1 can vouch for its accuracy in every particular. Our old cook was an expert dnsser of tho fine Sboetland shawls go veil known and so much prized. It is quite an complishmeut to be able to dress theso delicate fabrics, aud nouo but a Sheet lander can do it properly. The shawl, having been washed atld slightly starch ed, is stretched over the bleaching greou. a lew inches from ;be ground, with a multitude of wooder pegs like pencils, and allowed to dry in tho sun. Craobie would sit on some wall at a lit^ tie distauce, intently watchiig the pro ceedings of the old cook, win particu larly detested him, aud with whom ho had a standing feud. Then he would fly off', aud presently rotun with tho very filthiest and wettest cud be could fiud, and of set purpose drip it upon the outstretched shawl, then by rousiug tho righteous indignation <f poor Meg gy, who gavo expression to ler wrathful and outraged feelings in language much more forcible than choice; :l! which did not in the least affect Cralbie or die turb fits equanimity. Iu these ways, however, be got to be such a uuisaoco that it became nocessary <n bleaching days, or when a shawl was beiug dress*, R fd to make saro lie was n-it at l-.t=*s 4 «;. el -6 the bleaching or .!rc . » a« e> v tain to prove labor lost. But then be soon got so exceedingly cunning dial adroit in avoiding capture that it, h often impossible to secure and coniine him. At. last, as we could fall upon no plan of curing him of his thievish and mischievous propensities, we wore ob li e p,, ’ m< f rda f’ l,Uiv ' t ,p;ut wi ! h ' r l ' r *p' 0 ’ "/'" t0 « - ln lt!0 8(m1,1 ' lt:l:n >crs •'<»*' «"<• Lit!St* Johici} on -babies. : b,es am . . t , mg . cnnl to lick, or you : 'Vud Si*(Miin u pin hiotr into <>m, 1 ior 1 d“ii t uko pi;:, but won - nu ,ua0 at - me and son vm so lit Be, 1 voa s:l >' ,KKV lf 1 waa V vko my C T - and givo you a good thrashin . you cud i ® n !’ yeuvseli so maybe you can't 10 ^P being a nuisance, too. I hat's wor , 1 say wen our baby puts its gummy bands into my face won ime made to set and mind him, but you jest wait till ho gets as big as me, so would he a fair tite, aud then see what ilo do, that's all! I sposo I like that little feller, like ime tele to, but, wat he puts his gummy j hands fur in my face wen I kiss him? I no ware there is a biby which is i oider than ourn, btu no morn hat S!> ana ,c c,int v ' ir ( ani !,ut drr? that . naby wmie ! St,p 1 •. s as wears “ ako yur f hoad swim. It was m * l j stl ”P "iuiIoa, and n is made «t_ «ax. j Mary, that s tho house maid, when j 1 ®! ’ l ’“ 10 f rs ci, n ? *■' to 1 live w ith us, one oay ! bncle v Ned , he was a playin' with the » b:iby a !«V ho hl nc ' heon '. a ud he had the cork of a ale , , bottle sticken , on the c0 ! k t crtnv ’ a ' ld waa a lu / ,m baby P at ir In his mouth. Mary she cum m while i ho vvas a doia «• aad sbo 800 blni P a!1 ! c ^ l,t G ulok ’ aud sa0 raQ ia 1 ■’ l1 j kucboaai .. ta.«t as she cud ami brot i Unelo Ned a tumbler on a, tray. Iv. ; ° a and in 0, doa 1 taat " lr,s, thinker. . , any One day my father was roadm' some thing out loud which ho found in the paper about baby farmin, and old Guf for Peters, which was th ro, herd till father got done, and ho said he went iu fus a law to keep tho squires from leas*, in’ their land to tho farmers for seed vilo perposaes, cos, for his part, ho didn’t sec any difference between plantin ba¬ ilies and bury:u* 'em like they werodc ,d, aud lie believed itwasjes done to got rid of’em, cos how cud babies como up? There was a man and his wife and their little baby and they lived by their selves in tho woods ten hundred thou¬ sand miles from any house. The man fie hunted de.,rs with a gun, and tho woman stade at home to mind baby and cuke the meat. On oue ofilo dark nite the man Indent cum home, and the woman sho knew ho had got lost, and was killed by eabbages, andet by a wile boost, and she was afrade. Rime by, way in the nite, she herd something like a little chilo, a cryin’ and a cryin’ outside iu the dark, sometimes on one side of the house, and sometimes not, and she said it was a spirit vvich bad cum for her baby, she set in the middle of tho room and hugged her baby, and was frightened raose to doth And the thing kept a cryin’ and a cryin’ till her blood run cole, but baby was asleep in her arms, poor thing. At last she herd a noise at the windo, and she looked up and hollered, for she see two grate eyes lukin in thru the gias, like coles of fir e; well, jus thou there was a gun, fur it was a panther, and the man had cum homo and shot it. But wen ho wont in the house, his wife dideut know him, cos sho had went mad, ami she had hugged tho little baby so tite it was dead. Two babies wicb is jest alike is twins, but Misses Jonsiu she tole me an oflio crara inor, t Jr 8 f J0 8a '^ hern was twins, vvlcb Aiut so, cos I saw ’em, aud one is 1 a S' r b Maybe tho other is a twin, but { a lts ^his '‘*' . 0 a uo l ,alr good °' unless hoots won its got one has a mate: ben j ^";’ en t0 l,ie P oor who wants the othoi ? [ ^ duu K bow hilks which has | E uow twins 1 on ’ h ,r there , wudeut beeuuflthings ! bl tbo house for two babies to put in j tlu 'ir mouths, aly father he says babies ; P l! tm things in then* mouths is a in> 8t!act > 008 J u a uatchoral state they wmi j *?* lt 10 cat-lots ot things wieh they wud ; ‘ ud lb ©y wud starve, but I think 1 tbey un^ht olmost as we 1. starve to deih j ats t0 8 0C Pitied — l>azar ! " *”* Now is tho time to sow turnips, Plow the weeds under and have the ground in good order. Sow about ' three pounds of seed broadcast to tho acre. No futher care is required aud if - the weather is favorable a large crop • of green feed will be secured for cattle j and bogs can be turned iu late in the fall; they will help themselves aud save the work of harvesting. i NO. 33 v ■ ip! i ii on a mmuH'V Term s*ee. wi..tb< »,p with tii-* f ‘ 1 > !H'l! um >>!,.(!.' I : ‘•Site liVod a ;jte of vi>use and (li of lie chi-ioi;t mot bus r : tu , I bv enii gn.' (I f; till. in tho ! -V <*(1 t; Hi. t li * c riy age. 1 v- ar ■ It,cl U> 1 q R G ■ t- t u and d: ! vV . A md bra ted >r once said ilia* the tti> •* • mo • ■ c: cuts ho mr had wi-ro J'OU! ■ n ho wane to t to be nr i it-, i woman wh < wanted a ivi rc ■ an. an old nut id who didn’t l;m what she svuiikd, , , ... I it ! ‘ SCO n-> prove ... , Yes. ; - ; ; ‘ ■ - ' ‘, 1 1 h ' ' 1 ''' i * ‘ l l 1 ur 0d " lje !! j ., , i CTjgjanp*a*s»ff gg""*" pgj j j THE BEST j ; OF ALL I j i j IH Sa y Stf kuni] I vl M FOE SIAN AND BEAST. j For more thnn ft thAl of a eontrirytlio j v Ui'iIcBuMaslani; known to millions nil Liniment over 11* litis world buen -iso Lj > i ; **“ tin* only sate rvthine-• for the retim* off* a<-eUlcnts nnd i m. It is a medicine j nhove pric :nmf pi -rise— the beat of Its! Mod. For every loan of external pain ; « tho j j ; Ifi Mustang t-ii; invent is without an equal, d] ’• 31 {K'lietrnlrs flesh oml muse: oontiriu-P; - to M i (lie very limit-—making the j unco of pain nnd hiflmmmitidn iinpos ijj dll :H‘ si t 1 ill*. m Its a’e effects creation upon ftrd Human equally Flesh wonder- ;."<l p] ne fy* The Mexicali | j n if Liniment is needed by somebody inRI '•••.' t'very house. Kvury ilay lifting • news or$5 t h«* nffemy of ail i\ ivfal staid or fimrn ft subdued, ot rlHuiimfk martyrs iv- >’ m Htomd, I, or «'* n. >v valuable » luir<o or Ul ox ii K saved by tlio lidding power of this | LINIMENT l 1 §sj [V wliicli spoedily cures such ailments oi L'lfl Uie HUMAN FLESH ns Stlffl ti It <- 1 < in :■ tis in. t* HjAntiits. < (intructtcJ IUukcU-s, iiiirn andi| i rl bjniiil jS) Sprains, Si-nlds. Poi-ououH Uuts, If in Bilrs Is cm mulSS^ l? J Sores, 'ii.liiga, Ulcers, SUlIiics-s, ITroetbites, laimctM-MM, Gitibifthis. Old TfJ tj! JmS |iiideci5 ore Nippies, every fo; <'.,-*.--.<1 .if external Itreast. di^-J oml fejuase. j it he." Js vvitSnmt m scars, fell For tho Bkutk Cuv.\th)N il cures ^Fouiider, 5,t Sprains, Sivinisy, Stilt" Joints, K | Jensee, Foe Ttnrneis Hot, Screw Sores, Worm, Hoof Scali,| I»is-| . - SKollow Horn, ScriitclieH, Wiml- K . g'olb, Spavin, Tlinmli, ISinsboiie, B L ltd Sores, Pelt Evil, Film ailmentffl upon pH Ejithe F ivhfch s->is;iit and every other of 9 ^ Y. to tile occupants tiici i I© StnSiIt- iuni ''furl. Yitrit are liable, IjjB Tho JSe.vicaii Mustang I dniineiit c ,!l ,*1 wiiya cures nnd never disappoints; P 3 j and i’t is, positively, 1 THE BEST 06-* ALL I j j ! F03 MAN OS BEAST. *>>* Kith, Is-* I. 1 rasMI 1 ,i CJB i&t mm gloss r vs ,.;4 DON’T 0yi -I'-lmlMings vitU untried i i ictos ut your expense. 1KJNTT PAY tor w (tier cutd L.-nr.tne $1.50 to $LQ0per gallon. ]’--j iujy tLe T.nais rG.'abie and guaraateed tinted gloss PAINTS. C.v—-; nr* 1 S:i: ■;>'.« Cards of Faint ’.nailed OU ap;». Ciltitm. Jyil LlOHS & 00. 141 XOIUU VOl'KTK r.TKKKT, Dili ladelphia, Vpril 2nd 1881. fans.