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Sto ^murlfen’ m
Published Every Saturday Morning.
Offiee—In the Court House, room, North
East, down Stairs, Cleveland, Ga.
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the Cleveland Aadvertiseii. If
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of these gentlemen, you will much
oblige Yours Truly,
Alex. Church, Publisher.
Rev. W. H. McAfee, Dablonoga, Ga.
J W. Medics, Blairsville, Ga.
C. H. Kytle, Mossy Greek, White Co.
Rev. J. C, Bell, Tesenteo Dist., White
Guss Lvox, Burton, Rabun County.
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Mount Yonah—SRI Hist.,—Third Fridays
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Mossy Creek... 128 Dist.,...Third Saturday...
D. M. Davidson, N . P., J. H. Browlow J. P.
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II. C, Hunt, N P., J. W. Blackwell, J. P.
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Cleveland to Gainsville, Daily, except Sun¬
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Cleveland to Ilaysvillo Tri-weekly.
Cleveland to Belton once a week.
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>3 ftt'tesftmnl toils.
! A TTORNE y a t la w,
Cleveland, Georgia.
tlan. 10th 1SSI.
A TTORNEY AT LAW. Cleveland Ga.
Office, Basement Masonic Ilall.
Jan. 10th 1881. wl’
Dahlonega Georgia.
Will pactiee in the Superior Courts of
White, Hall, Dawson, Habersham Lumpkin,
and the Supreme Court of the State.
Jan. 10th 1881. wkPy ly.
IL Atlanta Georgia.
, ill practice in all the Counties ombracing
Western an .1 Blue Ridge Circuits.
i ia Federal Supremo Courts of the State,
All business entrusted to my care will re
c ’ .Tanl.OIth re prompt 188 attention. wl’y- ,, ly- T
Walt ins.
Will the slow weeks never go?
Haik! the curfew ringeth low;
Iuto twilight soft and gray
Melts at lust the weary day;
Once again the night is hero,
Are you thinking of me, deal?
All day long my heart has heard
Just one softly whispered word;
All day long your name has come
To me through the busy hum;
Everywhere in hall and street
You have Lurried with me, sweet.
In the faces of the crowd,
In the cries that echo loud,
All throughout the hurrying throngs,
All amid the strife of tongues,
Nothing have voile, I heard or seen
.Save your your face, my queen
Other women come and go,
Other voices whisper low.
Other eyes grow dim or bright,
Shed or veil their changeful light;
But 1 stnDd apart, alone;
Waiting st^^ur you ,my own.
Ah! that waTliug. wauii D i you feel,
Darling, as tho slow days steal
Silent’ one by one away.
How my heart must yearn and pray
For the touch of lips and hand?
Darling, do you understand?
In tbo daily strife and stress
I)o you see the toes that press
Close and hard within. without?
All the dread and all the doubt,
All the fears that clasp and cling,
All the bitter questioning?
Fast, though with no clash of sword.
Gather all those phantom hordes;
Anu my soul, as falls the night,
Shrinks before the dusky crew,
Prays ami longs and yeurus for you.
Must I always watch nml wait,
Exiled, famished, at your gate?
Will you not bo brave and come
E-.o the pleading lips he dumb!
Ere within the weary eyes
Hope’s fats; glisuifier fadesanJ dies?
Ah! dca . heart, be strong and trunc!
See, a kingdom waits lor you!
High above all stain or scathe
Floats lov.’s banner, shinei love's faith.
F*t®*r „ n vou r r'" i "*'i ycrenct ,
Cdmfe! u>y own! .,,y Vovo! Toy qY;tr,!
Did you ever ride a mule? I don’t
mean a civilized creature accustomed
to good society, but a wi,d 9teed of the
plains brought up on tbe grass act!
rattlesnakes, and accustomed to cavort
regardless of the constitution as amend¬
ed, or ihe rights of man. Mules are
pretty much alike* the world over, only
the Texas mule isa little more so.
1 rode one tbe other day, and I’m go¬
ing to try t-o tell you about it. It won’t
bo very well written, because my right
arm has been in a sling, and I have
more bruises than bones. Y'ou see I
lell in love with a girl—deep as a forty
foot well—I mean my love, not tbo girl
—she isn t deep a bit—aud as my luck
would have it, another lbZlew fell about
tu| same distance at ti.e strue time.
lie's not a bad looking chap, and
wears store clothes on week days. He
parts his hair in the middle, and oils it
up with bergamot and cinnamon, lie
has his name printed on pieces of paste¬
board and drops them around promiscu¬
ously for fear people might forget that
A. Brown was about. I had to ac¬
knowledge the fact that between this
fellow and myself, iu the affections of
tbo divine Arminta, it was uip aud
tuck, with the dog a little ahead.
I put on my best clothes one day and
walked over to the gal’s bouse, intend¬
ing to move on her works, and have the
little thing settled without further de¬
bate. My rival was there, and seemed
to have on bis best clothes. That didn’t
amount to much, for I knew ihat at ten
o'clock, six hours after my arrival, he'd
have to wend his winding way home, for
the old lady he boarded with didu’t als
low irregular hours.
If he got to his frugal couch, or rather
the house containing it, he mightskin his
| ! he knuckles wouldn’t and kick in after his bootsoff’, but, aud but
get that hour,
the haymow is not a very pleasant bed¬
room iu flea time. But I was soon res
| lieved that of all broke anxiety. the sitting. We bad a diver
siou up
Araminta is possessed of a little bro¬
ther—l hate girl’s brothers! If they
are little they play tricks on you, and if
they are big they borrow your money,
get drunk, and iusule you with impunity,
knowing that you are iu love with the
smterand won’t resent an insult.
While we were talking in a small way,
and looking volumes of love at tbe girl
and wrath at each other, we heard a
fearful yell in tbe garden patch, and
running out. found little brother ou tho
ground in active convulsions. He had
beOD trying to eat llis way through the
melon patch. It was a disgU8tiug fail
ul . 0) j or eould not have burstod open
a ocl gone into the coutents of more than
ten or twelve. was, it lookotl a3 if there was
fining to be a death in the family, and
Araminta screamed a scream and yelled
at ns to run for a doctor.
Wo both took in the situation at a
glance—the man that got tho doctor
tirst would get A araminta for life. My
rival went out over the fence like a
deer, and seized the only horse In the
stable* Ho bi idled and saddled the an¬
imal in double-quick time, while I found
nothing left me but a mule,, - I seized a
blind bridle, and rushing at the animal,
felt something whiz over my head that
I am sure was a pair of heels. The*
narrowly escaped my skull hut carried
off my hat.
Nothing daunted, I seized the crea¬
ture by the ear, put on tbo bridle, tin
I fastened tho chain by which be was
haltered and led him from tho stable.
He went out willingly, so much so, iu
deed, that 1 had some difficulty in keep¬
ing up, and had not the creature stop¬
ped outside to give vent in a prolonged
bray, I could not have mounted. As
it was, before bo got through with hie
musical entertainment I was on his
The beast seemed somewhat aston¬
ished at this performance, and stood
turning it over ia bis mind $r a minute,
while I dug my heels vigorously iuto
his sides. Ho seetuei suddenly to come
to the conclusion that a change of ad¬
ministration would Ire an excel lent thing,
and to this end began going up and
down like a saw gate. I really thought
! have pitched over but that, io the midst
j of this pleasing exercise Muley caught
| sight of tbe horse disappearing at a
hard gallop in the distance. Ho seem¬
ed animated by tbo laudable ambition
of overtaking the horse, and started so.
i suddenly that he came very near leaving
me behind I worked my way forward
untill I could get hold of the halter chan,
and pulliug this riggiug ‘•gilt, got a
pretty secure hold. *
How that beast did run7 He not only
gained on the horse toy leh an extent
Athat Araminta aught bdt'Lx&G*his 1 fe offered two
to due anti no Wkera,
superabundance of bottom by throwing
in at intervals, the liveliest kicks that
ever omanated from a mule.
About a uiilo out we closed in on the
cob. aud as we passed Muley favored
him with a salute that was mostdiaool
| ically the foul, for planting of honest his two Buceph- heels
; upon quarter the
j | alus, 1 beard rival a and yell, horse and glancing down around in
saw my go a
| most promiscuous manner My steed
; of tbe desert keptstraigbt on. We had
a ride of eight miles before us; and 1
felt satisfied that in that distance, tit'
j i the rate wo were travelling, Muley
would have a good deal of demon taken
I out of him 1 became aware of auoth
■ er fact, and that was that my best pants
; were giving way.
About five 111 lies out wo s’ruck a
| i through. water melon 1 patch could and bear went tho straight melons
bursting under me like bombs, aud when
we emerged from the farther side speci¬
mens of this fruit were strung on tho
mule's legs liko beads
A mile beyond tins I saw out- excel¬
lent minister of the gospel wending his
solemn way across the praries with a
wagon full of infant Jacobs, and I saw
that unless he whipped his horse into a
j most extraordinary ruu, we would be
into him almost iustauter. I pulled
hard on the near roio with one hand,
while I steadied myself with the chain
with the other, but with no more effect
than imuo if n i I had unu taken .oueo a «, pull on Pike’s «
Peak. We struck the parson's family
about amidships, and went through I
never saw infant Christianity so scat¬
tered as ou 1 bat occasion.
I left the parson gathering up bis
family, and continued uutil I struck the
doctoV’s fence, and went flying into bis
front door with tbe bull dog close at my
tattered rear. 1 knocked ovor tbe cra¬
dle aud upset tbo supper table. Tbo
doctor came to my rescue with a kick
in the ribs of bis dog that sent him
with a howl aud a mouthful of pauta
loous into the yard. I then told the
doctor in odo breath—all I had left—
that Araminta’e little devil of a brother
was dying of too much watermelon
patch, and wanted a doctor with
We returned iu about tbe same style
The doctor haviug a younger horse
tbau my rival had been favored with,
kept the lead, his pill bags happing in
tho air, while his coat tails made a
straight liue behind.
If his horse flagged, tho mule stait?d
him up again with a vigorous into ou
the rump that seemed to infuse Dew
vigor iuto that medicated auitual. Wo
passed my rival sifiug on the roadside
nursing bis off leg as if it hurt him.
He Dever came back, acknowlaging his
A 1 l
defeat in tho mnsr, gout lorn inly mano -r.
The doctor soon put Araiuinta’s little
brother in a perpendicular p.isitioo, and
that night at t'teo bedside ot the little
sufferer, keeping well to tho front, 1
proposed, was accepted, and the happy
dav was fixed. I rode into Araminta s
affections mule. ‘
on a
A Curious Freak of Nature. 1
Post- *. ttl. j
Makltox, N. J,. September 4 .—Some
time ago a farmer’s son in this viointy
caught a young watersnake and conceiv¬
ed tbo idea ot forming a sort of happy
family by placeing the reptile and a
newly-batched chicken in company with j
a view to ascertaining whether or not j
they would iive contentedly together. !
Strange to say they soou became insep¬ |
arable and attracted the attention rtf all
the neighborhood. The most curious
feature of the case was to follow, how¬
ever. The snake grow and tho chicken
grew and in tune tbo latter laid bet
eggs and began to hatch. Before many
days elapsed the chicken was observed
sitting on three eggs and the snake near
by was curled around one. The sight
of a sna e constantly encirling a bens
egg was so rare a sight that tbo result
was awaited with great interest. Final¬
ly tbo eggs were hatched. The egg*
on which tho liens it produ'c ted regular
chickens but from the tgg over
which tho reptile kept watch came an
exceedingly curious freak of nature, it
"j“ 3. “xLN'3
is sunken into the neck somewhat and
is stuck out something after the fashion
of a turtle’s head. The creature has a
forked tongue like any snake aud issues
forth a rumbling sound. Tbo pbeno
menon is confined in a coop along with
tbe bon aud tbo snake and the hen neg¬
lects her regular brood for tbo snake
ami tbe snake rooster. 1 ho latter has
to be caged as it is very savage aud has
already killed some eight or ten chick¬
ens. People who bujfe heard of tup
creature come from all parts of the
tgdqok aX it, and the young own
ter has ait idea tnS-L ma> ,w akjoal^tor
tune for him should a sEowi
to see it.
“Rewind Me of the King.’
La Fontaine chaplain of the Prussian
army once preached a very earnest and
eloquent sermon on the sin and folly
of yielding to a hasty temper. The
next day he was accosted by a major
of the regiment with tbe words.
‘■Well, sir! 1 think ymj made use of
tbe prerogatives of your office to give
me some very-sharp hits yesterday.’
“1 certiainiy 1 ev r thought of you j
while I. was preparing the sermon)/ i
was tbo answer,’•line 1 not no inten
lian of being either person il or sharp.’
••Well it is of no use,' said the major
“I have a bastv temper ami 1 cannot
control it. !t ia impossible.’
Aud still ailli-rmg to this opinion,
after some further eetnersation went
his way.
The next Sabbath La Foutain preach \
ed upon S“lf deception and the make. vain j
excuses which men are wont to
••Why,’ said he “a man will declare ’
that it is impossible let him to control
bis temper, when he very well knows
that were the provocation to n tppnu m |
the presence of his sovereign he not |
only could b it would control himself
entirely. Aud yet he dares to sav that
the continual presence of King of kings j
and Lord of lords imposes upon him
neither restrain or fear!
Tbe next day bis friend tho m it j ir.
again accosted biiu.
"You were rtgut yesterday, chaplain,’
hesaid humbly. **H .'matter, wneuovm
you see me in danger of talliug remind
mo of tbo King.
Billions of mate lies.
Europe continental and, con¬
sumes two millions ol matches daily.
Assuming that each several act of igni¬
tion occupies the brief period in one se¬
cond—aud we have reason to believe it
is rarely performed in a shorter time—it
will bo obvious to every ready reckouer
that five hundred and fifty five thousand
hours of each successive day tiro snout
by tbe inhabitants of Europe in striking
I matches. There is food for much spec
! I ulation m the fact ttiat Europeans dis
pose of nearly sixty-four years per day
in scraping tiny sticks, tipped w ith some
inflammable composition. It ia also in¬
teresting to leatu that four hundred
ihous-iutl cubic yards of timber and four
hundred and twenty thousand pounds
weight of phosphorus are in annual re •
quest for tbe manufacture of the seveu
hundred and thuty thousand millions of
matches used up by Europe in a pear.
When a girl on; We- hi
looks sui ;i. ised, an i s. ‘Hoo e
you/' to which tne i«v ai re;i a . ,’ll u ; i
give me pleasure to show you.’aUd pro¬
ceeds to give a tlup.ica:e.
•With neatness,’ne remarked, as b
shot down hill on a pub sled, ■ t jj
patch ’ he groaned tin next day, pom;
mg to a fifteen cent sin; f cairn u-tt
his nasal appendage a ,d c :
’Y es,’sai 1 the witness,- q remo; Le¬
the peleud,m's m .. r crying u me
occasion referred ie Sim was woi-pin"
with her left iye—the only ot.e she has
the tears were running down ; r
right cheek.' What! exclaimed o
Judge,'how eoulu that Ue f' Tbeaso
your honor ’ said tho witness, ‘she u
awfully cross <*yed.’
Home Journal; Coins in which bulei
liavo been punched will no longer b.
taken or given out b. the batiks. T. >
Government, lias fixed the following
value upon such coins: Dollars, Go cents;
half dollars. Bo cents; quarters, 15 cents;
dimes, i cents. Busiuess men will
govern themselves according.
U. S. ,t R. 1\ LACEY, No. (101 F. St. N. \\\,
W AS 11IXGTU N, I), 0 .proprietor!* nfttie \SC!
LNJ lilt’ KLCGRD. 1 welvo ^eurs experi¬
ence as Solicitors of Patents. Wo pro, ore
Patents ot< Inventions, etc,, aud pratiou Latent
Law in all its tranches in Hie .•‘oteut Oflieo
anti the U. S. Courts. Our Handbook on Pa¬
tents, with full directions and advice, seat
1 ‘ roe. Also sample enmpies of the - oiknti r m:
Rneoitn, -J10 cheapest useful and family jour
nal punitshed; only 25 Cents a year.
All Soldiers disabled by sickness or injurie;
while in the acuiv, arc entitled to bensnnv
also, the heirs ot those esc id iers who died tro «i
con sequences ot service. Send stamps for
in 11 instruetiiiiis iu Pensions uud all lundrof
. Pouslin iT mid iu M. jSlTIvS A CO-,
Bounty -u^q-Adi A/ttoro*-' s,
,■ c * vgtdw. j
. - -......,
mm liii If 3 Edl id dm
ii Oi
™. d! For moro than a third of a contnry ttw
Mexican Mustang Liniment, has beer
*'1 known to millions nil over the \v old as -m*
ft 1 ins only safe reliance for the m.Hiieiiu-!»? relief ofgE
:l tuscMcnte and pain. K is a
above Mod. price 1 every and praise— iorm of the external best, of pain it;, jjjjt ’
- ui- ’
the L
Mustang Liniment is ithoutnn equal. '
tlie It pcnetralni hone— ilc-li making anil tho muscle oontimi- t<>[
|j very ot' pain mid inti.nmnatlon
j! jiinee nib iinpos
Jo. Iin olTect m upon Hunum i/!<v h u»'d ***
!i'u itlu* Unite emit ion are tapiully wonder-
1. The Mexican
g;every iifj' Liniment is in cited by som ‘body in & S
house. Every day brk.jy.s news oi J
* KjjfJic subdued* ugouy ot of rheuiiiii an mvltd ic utitld murtyu oi Imm
1 so* n -
stored, or :t vnluabU* hoi ur ox
waved by tho lieulinij power oi’llihi
JUie which speedily euros such ailments oi l
Itli e u 111a tts ni. dwellings, fttiflj
Joints, Contracted Muse-Je.-, Burns; and'
uml Scalds, Cuts, Bruises
Sprains, Poisonous Bites and I
Stints, Ntill'nrss, l.anicness, Old
Sores, IT leers. Frostbit cs, Clillbtutns.
Sore Nipples. Caked Breast, and
Indeed every form of cxteriuil dis¬
ease. It heals without scars.
For the lJuoTE Gueation it cures
.Sprains, Swiniiy, Stiff Joints,
Founder, Harness Mores, Hoof IHs, Foot Itot, Screw Worm, Scab,
Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind¬
falls, Spavin, Thrush, Blue hour,
Old Sores, Poll Evil, Filin upon
the Sight and every other ailment
to whieh the occupants of the
Stable and Stock Yard are liable.
always The Meilraii anil Mustang disapiiouits; Liniment|
cures never
and H is, positively,
n^ril loth, 1881.