Newspaper Page Text
pmmmmrntms&e ; & war ~ • - *
it; to either
will much
’ruly, 'ubii'ihor.
‘ i
,,-■, ■,.,.■■■
Lmimm *'-■
- ............
30 WB »,j> :r ramos tms
A cold cast rain resembling the equi
Rev, W. 0. Butler and wife left
CL- -l aid Wednesday evening.
•:i;i : '.v.q., ; C.'ari;.:»; ho, v> a
■ ■ * r j o’lUav ,■ r ■;.
. ■» ■/( >4 . r» rpp -,V r ■■> boo ft
ran c: H:. t *
a tic; l
■oho Aalmry and. his horse bad a
rVu»i'id. ! ’f ■ •" * i it <i! fan in mid
tin l Clevolacd last Tuesday.
left Cleveland on
iaat far the Gate
i pleasant trip and
to pland
iaat w as anticipated. a 13
jueouragmg .0 tae peop.e ,
Just r< t ejvoti unu •i-i-Y., k Biikndid
*'Lor of Reed'y'madel. ■:»<: r-tOAKEhi
ilENM-REiSON’S. < ..v.i =r.; „t;i,
■ ana Ruuf:'., u)d s Superb Over
n immense a mount of fodder and
has boon saved daring the past
t. Tap next thing ia to take
and not- feed to the slock until the
iu; ;'y.:c -whoa a ucoomes cocassa
i 0
row mi 1V9
■* •:
the fanij.ot J. W. T. i’udor
, ....... ’ ‘ [ . ' . : ; -
here h«8 been a largo quanti
ton a’roady picked hi this
td rsueh tuoro w.U bo ready
r.a the weather clears up.
tof S 3 Of i to’ OGi!’
pottowi ■ en Babbs
opetafiGQ. •'i’iiis
puujtie of tbo Lire
! nolico one thiot .’.h'.ch f capdot ae
■v:ino ibi’. NoiwitSatanding there are
over huodn-d method is to in
(.’■leveland circuit they have failed up to
this time to pay their preacher by ' about
ouo hundred dollars.
On the 12th inst., a sad accident
took place hero. Old uncle Chess
Field, a colored man was digging iu a
large open cut that had been piped out,
by Col, Blake. While working near the
bank a large cave o:’ >Grt of several tops
weight, fell from rbo top «n the old man.
C'U-"iog bic< to death. The alarm was
given ...... by bis family, and - many ' ot the
neighbors soon gathered mound the
f eerie, and wlili coatGcicrable work sue
reeded in removing; Me mens of dirt
aaa rocks that Lad, without a ciomsnts
»COOLt i E
n vi
<jlgiisd you cave a nna viow ot the
r ; me ias v ; n 1 v o oy.o never tiros of
• bwioiuiug ale beauty. Xa
; . ••■■*> i:a. uo i , q ia far wealth here
•, y*-.q what ‘-he failed to accomplish, arc
| ■■••••!. Phero i-t uo portion oi’ the cottas
v'aivh preset! tr, more of Jicciomeuts
j of while quiet Yooah calm litis beamy as beautiful than Naeooche; summit
as if watching these scenes oi' loveliness.
! Scenes such as this excite in us emo
tions of the deepest gratification and
i pleasmes, hue yet the saatinieut we ex*
! periouco partakes of the natuie of the
scene. We are content to ait quietly
and an the eye detects a new beauty
hero and tsrero our mind drinks them
in in quiet ecstasy. Where the scenery
■ island wau luoiuitain piled on- «»iin
; while dean the surface of the bold
• .... the ’va f lashed into foam leaps
i.'.ownwai’d with the roar of the cataract;
thine the sensations are dUTeteot—just
> pleasant, but full of an intense ex
! ciiemeut partaking of the nature of the
woe. The first is prone to induce re
: urcuoii, and ;im ; :d:,tort Idea
iberelrora: ia the latter the spirit is
h •••th though -an rap -Jiy evolved
•; 1 cjo ;.'■■■ ure.s oi a. kalesdscopo. and so
neantnady constituted ami admirably
; oalauccu i3 the hanian mind that the
: .Pi'!; T.ent Of one prepares us more fully
' .i iLu) other, rbo glorious sun; bine
no; v.i'cd from bemud a cUmd, and_ ins
n ; d lim c.'ioriugand beauty of the
: van >. and usc t^'inthing loaves as they
■ : U!(,, d «n tha snnhght seemed to oe
■A • ••-■owed _ with nervons
| ■-' : yho dushed_ moiciug. buck \vluii, the glorious
i 1 a won
i drop:; each new world beauty this develops is S It appears greater won- that
1 ( j ws> jf there was no hereafter it is
I honor enough to have lived to bobold
the sublime works of nature presented
to.lire. aye on tins terrestrial sphere*
• Afier spending some liroe in thfs por
tion.of the valley, the party proc^odod
to t-ba hospitable residcuce of Mr. V. L.
; Roberteon, where they enjoyed a repast
i which would tempt tbo palate of a king,
| i Dinner being dispatched the party en
joy 0 1 soma excellent music brought
1 forth from the piano by the young la
] dies this writer and Mrs. Robertson. if is Is seemed hovering to
as an go were
; soar with, tlsoir harps uastnig, discour
siug heaven born music, and when one
si use performers played a song entitled
TTgivaxi vows/’ great teens were seen
10 ccurse d<>wii the ehcc! 3 of one of the
M 1 -’! 0 ; men, os he ibought, wo suppose
■ uGtntou that the eon**
do; ticn of the vaHhy iu
; Luo ,iwell ug of Cap
■ u ■’ ■ ;; - v.: li;.c (j.;p-
3 we Luuoa to our disappointment
be was not at'home, but ' to ,i
*;ai bospitali for which ho is so
b noted, ho left orders with the
l servant that i, any strangers called to
,' .>!lov; them to view the premises and
to J to,'O'. 3 a-C oooo ushered into
iioua drawing room. room. When the party
hi .. .valieiaatly efijoyetJ the beantieo
o they visited the liower yard where
profasion bloomed on
• ail Aides aod made tho place seem a
adise indeed. Tho Captain has gone
a spent dodl of trouble and expense
saptovo id:a place, and there is not a
,■ to'snn; ’ HO.: to (D.' - d'o
'< - :itoto;ri iho • monad on which Na
it .
top X)\(ic6 foe to ' 1 ’ - CS I beau iifill
.Towns its summit; while
! ilowert’ in groatost'
;s did the old Indian
: to.., itooi ;• toCto
., ...
OOC: ..... never dreamed of such
I rrnung place wbon t,a« .took the fatal
| leap lor the love she boro the brave
j After resting a short time here we
1 proceeded to Dr. Starr's aud enjoyed a
| l tiiuse game of the croquet, ladies which almost seemed as to much on*
j a8 ( jj,i u le dinner,
But ail things most havo an ending,
j aud Ly we {,‘ were warned screoning o[ himself tho truth behind of
t j J;8 J9 san
r.jjo tree tops. With nrasy regrots wo
; hade the valley farewell and toolc our
‘ journey homeward, thinking indeed that
; Nacoocbeo muii surely • bo the garden
spot oi'America. - On arriving-at the
top of the hill which is iu full view of
! the raliev, we took one iaat parting
i gfance, and the setting sun, in the auu
paroled clouds cast Us last fervid glow
*** Nil H Hi *"*
wea . id- -v ' *>f sueli ;um« ■
• r ' ' 1 '
.-to y;) can p. rtr iy . '■ ■ ’
irr. .'.nation conceive, out we svc.o.v ex
jX-'u.ciSi! it hi reality to fully apnrooiate
its loveliness. All enjoyed the pscuhnr
i’<; winatian of sr. di a scene mW pi:
• hr 1 d r .a-' d. ;*!csad C j v,, .v.
Tl.ero is no scene that gives to a
thoughtful fouhdar looker-on a fuller grand a ad pro
admiration for the indo
at-’-ibabie h nuiaas of nature than this,
and he roust be a fool who cannot«
ly sea r. a taro,a (loci and adore him
H;r nigh sued a seeuo. without
We arrived at Cleveland any
d-..';' vuwnwi-su \j tear tbo happu.c^
iiiodav, and n!i st tuned to regret that
it baa ended, and for; one. this wri
> can say that fond .reraiaUceneed of
' u wdi be rhomb w.i dy L; a, and
* !
. .
gotten, memory from her dark store
hoc re wdi icing up reeoUeetiona of that
trip, J. L. A.
At the ilcad flour of Night, Released a
Prisoner from Jail.
Hocio Bulletin.
Over three yean ago one of the first
you i: ladies of Walker county was se*
duced bv Charles D, Priai.r a young
genriijman of high social standing in
La Lay alto.
lu to. i courts of time the ruined giri
gave eirth to a iitclo eh r :d—cbo on'
spring of bar unfaithful lover and then
trouble commenced. The young man
refused to wed too woman *,hose future
hopes and louqiiuoos ho had ruthlessly
b ghted and dkowued tlie child that bod
boon born to the poor girl. Borne weeks
ago the ease went into court and the
. '.ouug mutt was found guilty the of sedno
tioa and t-eotencod to chain-gang.
Q a p r iday last he waa pa; i.i jail pro
patatory to his being taken to the pooi
toniuiw, there to smier for his heinous
crime.' Saturday night the day after he
* a3 jailed a maskid marched body of mon num- jail,
beriag seventy live, to the
overpowered the jailor, took and the keys
opened the iron doors, gave highly toe
young man who ia esteemed most
jjfg M'oerty! Since Saturday tbp young
,;enii e -nan bsa uot boea soon and whore
he in and who bis hberaioxa Saowr. -were no
bli(Jy but the Groat Ruler
A girl who married a ofleer jjne for- his
wealth but pretended that martied
him for love was eurprisc® when she
U'keu him for money at pis t.'hauge,” y
‘•True 1 ■ d a lug seeks no
The wretch!
thing. Man in petticoats is too funny for acv
tw ■Mwr.'tgmrrv »**■ ^i+wTamm
Al'uin and [ron
itoito ,€G-vym
.; ...
Adupicd 1 q chronic diarh ■onstfnation
and T rofnla.—Hv. L-ithum W D., j’rus’t
Vi" Medical Society.
Bu- .. ufnlly in D p. a, O'l.ionie
Diiv!. 1 ai: A Be: i• to; i a.—1’ ro 1. . Jacks.) n,
Uni'/errity Penn v h ania.
KSeicnt ia mu: as .aeilcBt f.petizer and
bl-.i'- l purlfior. -• U* t'-.sii-or, M . to too,’ , > indigos
Vn! . ■ filo in nervous prostra
Lion and chlorosis.—D. E. Mat; .ms. M. M.,
A Luc toni ■ and ai'crativo, very valuable in
iL' 1 to ‘"’to , urootc . tester .. and
■ -
ague, bronchitis and d IS *'" 1VC
orciins.—J. F. Bough ten, M. D' Ma.
Very beneficial in Strength ag John andim- W.
proving .a reduced system.—lie it
Be”kwith, Bishop of toaic.—flon. L 0.
• Invaluable e» a uervous
1 EowLr, Ni-ioininondod Tenn prophylaotb in Malarial
i as a
> JL-.r:,-..-I). 11.1’jtirex, M, li., N. O.
’ Restores debilitated systen’.J tehealth.-T.C.
.Met or, M. I)., Ind.
j “'U.-.fcd with great benefit in M•ilarial Fever
I i , 1 in iht’ier: i.' 'to i Dap , Ai. Ik, da.
to’to . o'- !’ miiDrill tunws.-'Fran’'.is Uiliam,
M, D.. N.C.
Of cMito.ivo virtue.-Tho?. F. Rumbold,
M. !>., St Louis.
BonoPiAai in uterine derange .tents and
I B< ?t remedy a k:i:;ord over used in diseases of the
! Totli ,G, ‘ to', ' diureD ; out* of nature?
, u.i,v,.,ir«,
'rualesf retuedi.’.-:. -Msdieul Association of
1 ,y .t' :burg, V irginia.
A tor toio i : in:;
• .* ’ kidtl : •! .'Sgep.-: j , .up.,- oblc '.ds,
scr-.i.ih-us cud en :• , • .-■■ afcctions.-ilcv. J.
ilsliovos he.i Lieho, promntly-both sick and
uervous.-Kov, E. O. Dodson, Vu.
Sample supply sent tree to any physician
desiring to test. Pamphlets sent free. Anal¬
ysis with each package. Water as it comes
from the Springs $4 per case of ti gnlons in
glass-$2.o0 for 5 galons, § 1 for 10 galous, $7
for 20 galons in casks. Mass JO cents and
$1; $2.o0 and $5 lor half doz. Pills, pure
sugar eoated,25o. 50o and $ l package SI.25,
$2-50, and $5 Half doz. Sent post paid any¬
where This Mass and Pills contains in re¬
duced space all tho curative powers of the
water, and is convenient, palatable and solu¬
Springs open for visitors Juno 1st. Board
$35 per month. Specialiates to families and
parties. Carriages meet visitors at Forest
and Lawyer’s depot, each four miles from
Springs, upon advice of arrival. Address
A. M. DAVIES, Pres of the Company.
78 Main St., Lynchburg, Va.
HENDERSON. For sale in Cleveland, (Ja., by OAKES A
June II1881. 6ms.
V> 51. w-v i 18lil)
rnr^Q' 11 lib iillM
1 *. ? Large Tyi ype j
i Old rind Sen
Fvem $1 ,*>i) *d A, .slit Oppiifin: (•:•
tory or iiiu
the Now It«i'!.-i..n” .iriveii .
ki'oret of SoccoDsbd Cati . >
Ai'out. Bead for mi; HV r.i
this paper.] The U HNHV
Co., Establish.:;d s f/’.j Nouwh ii, i
intotic _jl i 1 -A 1 0 « '
’^^YMiLLS .LtJL y ,vu aides Located West from on Shoal Clove c*r- '
will grind
Wheat and born,
Saw Logs, riano Lumber; Also
Grin l Pm
p ,/J *. T A, -.
(Bagging and TBs luraislied if desired)
done in
1 Class Order,
Ami upon short notice. Give mo a Trial.
30,000 Brick
For Sale.
September 10th, 1SS1.
Fi an Wm, pi 'V-'T’
By which any Child or Person lay any
of the Popular Airs t t once without STL l) V,
PREVIOUS "to v: ICE, or even a!usiofil
Talent. Tho C .inpai y will FOR!’'! IT i 1,000
if any Child ten < .-u aid Utils to play ANY
OXi’i of our P mu. 1 nnos on tho
Lifter receiving tho I : isle and Instructions.
J j provided before it, said from elykl i e in 0 Correctly, conni. with tho to urc*
t,> ■ ■
j 7 IficeSS Of Mcai si melton*.
j .Mailed to adur. on receipt of Si.0(1. En
close, oac-cont po. tago stamp or Catalogue oi
j Tur.Oo. ----— ,—' — Ae-Ji: 0 -........... - '.vaure-I ia every State
al ,q County in the Union.
E<1lson Nliisic Loniimny,
213 i 217 Walnut Street, i’hitadn., Pa.
Embracing th.’ Lives und AVonderful
von turn.-' of H 1 i.i* til LL, ito. i FALO BILL,
other celebrated fudiuu Figi-tev^, L "ut..-,
Hunters, and Guidos. A true historical ««r„
or thrilling advctitures on the jcuius, i*.iut i■■
we..:c.' a progress and civi(i; a!,ir.. Fi.;i>(.
with Indians! Grand Bail Hid Uunt.-! He.-, per
ate Adventuroto Narrow 1 s’ Woudcrful
Shooting and riding! Illustrations! Wild Lite iu r-ia Far
West! 'Yk^l'toi) id Pull-Page
Colored Pluto.*! A grand nook for Agents.
Outsoia everything. 5if piges. price toLid .
I Agent’s complete outfit, to!! cents. Outfit and
copy for S2.00. NAi.. Write at once mr ageu
j ev, ; jlO.Vf or terms PS ON aud iilu-mited CO., Publishers, circulars, 520 to X. Pine I).
. .«
I Sir- Br. Louis, Mo.
I_4 36 g
GEORGIA, While County:
Virtue of an order from tho Honorable
Court ot Ordinary of said couuty, will
be sold on t'ne first Tuesday iu November next,
at the court house door iu the town of Cicve- i
Und iu said county within the lawfu! hours
of sale, (150 ono hundred and fifty acres ot
land more cr loss, it being ul line interest -
JessoTurner deceased in and to.lot.vf lan i ;
gin: Ily Habersham but T now 4ti \i^ White !r,Ct county; 0f t or it !‘
being all that part of said lot lying norm of ■
a high ridge running through lie same from
cast to west, on which deceased resided betore
his ucath. hold lor tho benefit ot the heirs
aud creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. !
This September ith, 1SS1. '
ALFRED N. HESTER, Administrator. ■
S ept. 10. 30da. j
Court of
iwontictu part it)). IT’ si .1. I’ii ttoii tin
eoui iy of llc:i(i,»'s..ii m,4 Mate «. Nur-i: Car
olio a, owns rl’ lit: li ill" i i \ <• Imii: | .1
(a-VOA tMuiond 1 t*i>P't-!i i>; t> ■ <■> . ,t, ■
AbbevilSo iu the State > t South t ,:>■ ■ . .mi.s
an iinitiviiio:! two twentieth part ,V .)
Josiah It. Dean of the cuuti:v and Sue first
above written, mvtia one' -L, j.,... ti.eii, h
part { 1-20), M. 1*. \V .lliama .,t the eeutit^ ai ...
Plate first above written, owns um ut:(ti, i l» I
twentieth part . 1 ' Yet { . •
together one u a divided tea nvuutieih
1 - I 1:s ! r i "Oti
io b
. J !tl«
- ■ ai>« imciet
imI'tod'iUie (v
bounds by means vi
mutes and an i " 1 nitii -
bin. M hereiore your ntrs pray chat
Uii Hun. rable court simll order a .-.aio of .-aid
lands and tenements, and -mall appi.iut three
discreet eersons to conduct such salt- u nLr
such regulations and upon sncL just and
eijuitablo terms as the court may jm- cribc, in
order to obtain a fair and equitnble puriition of
the promises. Arid your petitioners further
pray t at such rule and order may bo Lad and
ickcn tor! ; s.-iviv ,*ou the lenants
in common ivho v. side Beyond the limit oi
this State as afore monnoued, so that thev
may be notified and bound by toe judi.-ici
and sale In the premises and that such ••.ifirr.
and further relief in the ptcui s u,ay l
; granted your petitioners as (ho uai'>,c n! u.
| cose tied may ioipurc, amt. they won. b
* to m a court of euaity. Arid *, m.i j.
; : i,,tiers will evorprav Ac.
BAD HOW .i Lit WIN I*...::,- iunors Att’y,-
April 5tn iSSl.
Otiginal filed in effici Apr to ;’ !S8l.
v rn.r. s. c.
Served E. P. WiHiiu A. Dean v ith
:i true the .i i i’tc-.i ci plicaiioii ; r | .r
'ion, als-. tho Billowing notice appended to
!L” cop- for cadh take notice, we have tiled
in tho C■ iiii- . 1 ' too Superior Court « r
the county of White, tho original petitiua of
which the within is a copy: and on ttiu first
Monday in May i.cstt in .-aid Superior Court
will apply for p toil' -a thereunto. This April
12th 18H.
BARROW A 1.RAVIN Petitioners Attv’s.
E. M, OASTLEi!LilliV, Sueritl' of White
county, tia.
■ A. k, Childs and )
; Keubcn N. :kei son, >
j vs J
j John P- Kennedy and ’ .S'fato of Goor.toa.
1 1 ’ ' ' " ’ • to toe i*. Kail - f IN. ;, of hi i a
tofc.,- ill: ; u 1, ,.p. x i ,, Ul I(
, kilmnod
- i. ‘ May Tcim I itjl.
Josiaa li. t i
to E. i’. Will
>'■ -
! Jch T Kennedy a ing to tho and Cou-t hia wife that the Kate defendants
P. linn
; ned and o defendant Ediuoud L. Patton
j do re ! wit bout tho limits of Ibis State i>
j w|: ’ to e St irs of South Carolina, and tho
dufen ' !’•••• .non J. Pulton does reside;.~
1 Unite of the Shite to wit: it, the Studs
' ' ,! h Eiirolina, anil it. further appearing
tha. ti defendants Jcsinii 11. i>oun and E. P.
j Wil « n-iui.i is . i of aid county and State first above
writ ..en ave Leu duly served with notice of
the into, non mate tq plication for partition
iu this c re twenty days previous to this date:
, it is rdt the
t od ibm said dofendants Johii V,
j Kennedy bis to: Kvo J». Keem-dr. too n ond’
i’.iitu': iiu'l j’rfcsiou J. Patton fie : *. ed
j r ith dot? . 4 :■ .1 ii'-uco it this aj.plic , riii:.u
1 tor piutiti by publication of the pention
und this on.:' iu: li a in mi tfi for tour months
j............. t : fie . ■:;. i , , iii , r tiGs court In rlic
Cun'. rid \i>v . i to i .:. ji.e .:to:K: Itojing ih :
Nfcttto-.pai i'.i ;■ V. ■ ” the ic.:;:! ;uiv(-l i.-iii-'; of
t':o :i■! .' i I;' A'. -s bone, and that tbo
' id appiica ■. .’i staui for a hearing at the
ne.v term "i this C.iar: witi mi u.y oifit-.r o
t.inhar t. said deteuduuts. Mav 2ml.
HARROW (to ERWIN Att’y> tor ivnu-oer;..
ALEX. S. Ei'."’I.\, Judge Superior Court.
Entered eii Minutes, Page 2 LtV and 217
GEORGIA, While C.u>,tyx
I J. P. Oshort; Clerk ... f the Superi. r Cou:t
of said county, da certify that the luregmog
petition aud order is a Li te trauseript front
t!ie record in ihe Clerl::; otiice. Given under
my hand aud otli -ial s ^.nature. This Miy ike
3rd 1881.
J. P. OSBORN, C lev to S C.
May 7tb J8si. inis-.
K. S. b R. P. LAOE\, No. 604 F. ot. N. V.
WASHINGTON, I), O.proprietor* ot the Gi¬
BNIjri0 RECORD, 'Twelve pn titer .
SolicUor *
(;nc , a8 . s „ f Patents. H •• pr-u-ure
. lte|lts on Juvonti(lc , ( ete ., ;lnJ nrt-too i'u:, t
R „ it# brttUches in the Patent Office
to d toe U. S. Cour's. Our Handbook on Pa
tent wiih full Jireetioc6 and advice , sent
Fr , fi . AUo samp J, l e e0 mpie; J of the SciEnirio
Rbcobd , he , st et - U , aud fami ; y jour .
nal publt)>hcd . y „!y 25 Cents a vear.
' _*
. .
A GENTS WANTED for the best andfastest
A sc'Mii'g pic tor,al Books and Bibles. Prices
reduced 33 peeer nt. Natioxal PufIiIshino
Co., Philadelphia, Pa.