The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, October 08, 1881, Image 2

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W A N T E i) fj olden Agents-for the ’GK' \FJk Uil r- xr Or, L1GM T on tho v V A*. GREAT Future ibis life, through !iie <ta- k valley, s.t<d in the life eternal, as seen In (he host thoughts ot leading anil,: , ana -<• 1 1 .*i..j ^. umuiig whom are Bishops Simson, Foster, Warren, Hurst and Foss, Jos oh Co k. Beecher, Tahuage, Dr. Curds, Dr, March. Dr. McOosh.Dr. Cros¬ by, Dr. Culver, Coo. D. Prentice, Dean Cstan ley, Wh tu-j r, fuilovv an 1 others. Tito subjects trente Death. Immortality Mil Ionium t ,dv >. ■ insurrection, Judgem th at- i.iij -m of the wicked, and the Re the !■ :_hteous. A rich feast awaits vx of the book. It eon* tains tiie gt thou ghts s of tho world's greatest autt su'hectf of the most pro fotin < latere: one. Not gloomy hut hrlUiaitt. there is not a hull page in the hook. It rhsolulely without a rival. Every hotly tv i! i reel it. ■ i i < .i Teachers, Students Young Men and La lies, acting as agents for this book are makiug over $100 P month. Sells tast. One agent sold 71 first 15 days, another 40 in 18 days, another 11 in one day, another 15 and 5 Diblos in 5 days. ,i lady told 'J m 10 h >ttrs. Seouro territory quick. Also agents wanted tor the best illustrated Revised New 'Testament, and for the finest Family Dibles ever sc,id by agents. Send f**r circulars, P.W Z i EG LE !J. ,f- t’0., 015 Arch St., Phil¬ adelphia* P t. iso ]r. St., Chicago, 111. ?VoTu”ue\v ah i) For any c iso Dlintl, Weeding, Itching Ulcer¬ ated or i'r ifruding FLUES that Delliug’s J’ile Remedy fails to cure. Prepared by J. P. Alitler M, D. 91:> Arch otr-ot, Pbila., Pa. None genuine withhut his signature. Send for Circular, AH druggists or general stores have it or will get it fur you. $1. Sold in Clove land by Gailstrap <fc Pitch ford. .....I 31 JY Tide Itoyai St. J OHS SEWING MACHINE! liy - R E0AUSE Id will do Light work and Heavy work, and ail the work you want it to do. A child can use it. It is the only Machine which is entirely freo from cams, cogs aud springs—will run backward or for¬ ward and do good work. NO DltEAKING OF NEEDLES ! No trouble to thread it. It cannot bo put cut of adjustment; runs light, and Noiseless. It makes a perfect stitch, ami an Elastic seam. It has a Self Setting Needle. It has a feed on both sides of the needle. It winds tho bobbin without running tho Machine. It is the Best Machine Now in uso. New and perfect. Mado of the best materials. Novr, if you don’t believe what I say about the St. Johns call and see me and ho convinced of a truth, and buy a Machine. For sale by II. D. K1MSEY. Cleveland (la., July 2d 1881. AGENTS ! fob I I HEROES of tho PLAINS, WANTED By J. W. Rueli, Embracing the Lives and Wonderful Ad¬ ventures of WILD Is ILL, BUFFALO BILL, KITH A RSO \’, C.l P T. P A 5' NE.CAP T. JACK, T E X \ S JACK, CALI FOR NIA J 0 B. And ether celebrated Indian Fighters, Scouts, Hunters, and Guides. A true historical work i,f thrilling adventures on tho plains, and in western progress and civilization. Fights with Indians! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Desper¬ ate Adventures! Narrow Escapes! Wonderful Shooting and riding! Wild Life in the Far West! %B..10() Illustrations! 16 Full-Page Colored Plates! A grand book for Agents. everything. 548 pages, price $2.00. Ygent’s complete outfit, 50 cents. Outfit and copy for $2-00. Ssgi.. Write at once lor agen cv, or terms and illustrated circulars, to MOFFAT PUBLISHING CO., 210 &, 212 Pino Street, St. Louis, Mo. USE THE j] PARR ENGLISH PAD, Sal': i id effectual at any and all limes. A eer tadu cure for all Malarial or contagious Dis cases. without drugging the system. For sale by J t DM N. $ M l f-1. . rslia'co. Ga, July 2:;, 1381. “ALLS . ot t«*r ami Ri ,; ;. worm Spe K 1 eifie cur i j on my wife's h e j i th . ;ouoletl her :> number of year i used thi remedy in my ' wit! eminent • -t.-'eess. Dr. G. H. ; , i ■' - r Lake City. Fla. 11 ALL’S Positive euro for Corns will ore Wu s. Bunions, Sore and Inti i med job t ; >. For sale by druggists. \ 1 G V Y E 1Y CHILD three doses of t he 1L Dent R inedy—2905—and they brought away hall pint of worms.” Slid by 1 >-u joists. K 0 ENTS YY \ N'l El) fur the best and fastest LI sutli.igpia t-iti ii i imks and Bibles. Prices rcLiu i peer r-t. Natiokai. Pcplisbiho Co , 1 ’h i]-idif phia, Pa. 1,i t D i > Of Dismission. GEORG A. While Count;/. ’tYJHEnU'SC. L. William 0 , Executor of \ \ i!. P. Hollingsworth represents to the Court n his petition duly filed and entered on record, that ho has fully administered II. 1’. Hollingsworth's estate This is therefore to cite nil persons v necrued, kindred and credi¬ tors. to show cause, tf any they can, why said Executor should net be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismiss¬ ion on the first Monday in November next, 18.81 Given Under my hand and Official signature. This July 1 Sth 1881. ISAAC OAKES, Ordnia-ry. July 22 ’JOds THE | 13 KILL HOTEL Is ready at all times for the modation of Guests. WELL "V e util ate cl Rooms, AND A TABLE "With the Best the COUNTRY AFFORDS. With Every Attention Desired. Cleveland, Georgia. W. B. BELL, Proprietor. August 6th, 18SD WE MUST EDUCATE! THE Cleveland High School i I S Now in Session, which opened July 11th. to continue five months. Tuition, SI .00 L schollar, i or month, and each to receive their pro rata of tho]publie fund. A patronage is solicited. G-^W. SCROGGS, Prin. Allumand BetEloiH Iron Springs Mass. Adapted in chronic diarhoea, constipation and Scrofula.—Hy. Latham, M. D., Pros’t Virginia Medical Society. Successfully used in Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarhoea and Scrofula. Plot. 8. Jackson, University Pennsylvania. Efficient in jtnmmia; excellent appetizer and blood purliiLr.— IP Fisher, M. D., Gil. Valuable in nervous prostration, indiges¬ tion aud chlorosis.—G. K. .Mat.lews, Al. Al., N- 0. A fine tonic and alterative, very valuable in diseases peculiar to females, chronic fever and ague, bronchitis and disuses of the digestive organs.—-J. F. ltoughten, M. D\ Ala. Very beneficial in strengthening and im¬ proving a reduced system.—Rev John W. Beckwith, Bishop of Ga. I. Invaluable as a nervous tonic.— llau. C. Fowler, Tenn. Malarial Recommended as a prophylactic*in districts-D. U. Fairex, Al. ]>., N. 0. Restores debilitated systems to heallh.-T.C. Mercer, Al. D., Ind. “Used with great oenefit in Malarial Fever and Diphtheria.. F. Dupon , Al. I)., Ga. l’rinee of mineral tonics.-Francis Giliaui, At, D., N.C. Of great curative vlrtue.-Thos. F. Rumbold, i M. D., St Louis. Benefficial in uterine derangements and malarious condi'ions.-G. M.\ aii,Al. l).,Ohio Best remedy ever used in diseases of the throat.—P. A- Sifford, M. D., N. C. Tonic, alterative, diuretic; one of natures greatest remedies.--Medical Association ot Lynchburg, Virginia. affections Adapted in certain of the kidneys and bladder; dyspepsia, lupus, obiorosis, scrofulous and cutaneous uffectious.-Rev. J. J. Moorman, Al. D., \ a. Relieves headache, promptly-both sick and nervous.-Rev, K. 0. Dodson, Va. Sample supply sent, tree to any physician desiring to test, l’ampnlets sent free. Anal y-is with each package. Water as it 11 tues from the Springs $1 per case ot li galons in glas.- $2.56 for 5 galons, $1 for 10 galons, $7 for 20 galon ) in casks. Mass 50 cents aud $1; $2.50 and $5 tor half doz. Pills, pure sugar coated , 25c. title and $1 package $1,25 $2-50, ami $5 halt doz. Sent post paid any where This Mass and Pills contains in rc dueed space all the curative powers of th< water, and Is convenient, palatable and solu¬ ble. Springs open for visitors June 1st. Board $25 per month. ,Special-.ates to families and panics. Carriages meet visitors at Forest and Lawyer’s depot, each four miles from Springs, upon advice of arrival. Address A. M. DAVIES, Pres of tho Company. 78 Alain St., Lynchburg, Va. For sale in Cleveland, Ga., by OAKES <t D ENDKUSON. June 11 1881. 6ms. \ GENTS WANTED for the Best and Fast-. A est-Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles Prices reduced S3 per cent, National Pub lishing Co - , Atlanta, Ga. jDlj 1) tA ill \ flMlt 1 V J Q Oa ORGANS 18 useful stops, J sets reeds only $65. Pi BuiiTY ton, N J. ***** WjPY Five MILLS miles Lwated West from on Shoal will grind } Wheat and Saw Logs, Plane Lumber; Also Grin I Pres COTTON, (Bagging and Ties furnished if desired). done in First Class Order, And upon short notice. Give mo a Trial. ALSO 30,000 Brick For Sale. R. R. ASBURY. September 10th, 1SS1. AGNTS WANTED for the Standard ilkVISED NEW TESTAMENT. A I LA STYLES Elegant. Edition, X A 600 pages. fj Large Large Tvne Type Edition, over 1100 Old and New versions From $1.00 to 87.00 opposito pages. -----tory or the Libia and tho New R-vision” given to subscribers. Secret of Successful Canvassing giveu Agent. Send for out liberal terms, this Co., paper.] Established Tho HENRY BILL Nokwjch, 1847 ] Cox.v. This Mystery Explained. Is tho patent name of invaluable remedy for moving from tire human system pin stomach wtrniis. It is the of a celebrated physician, and the life of the child" it wag for It has since been tho means saving the lives of thousands of dren by its timely nse. It is put up tbe form of powders, teady for use, children take it readily, as it. is a ant medicine. Sold by dealers in med icine at 25 cents. J vc) IS WHAT every ^ needs .. „„„„ for her child, when % t letl Sold by L* r t • Tiili C. 'W• A-sbiii'v T Is now receiving the the largest S ock of Goods ever seen iu Lul l, which will be sold as cheap as in Athens, Atlanta, Gainesville, or anywhere else. IIo keeps full lines of Dry ©-ooclsj Clothing 9 BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS, GROCERIES, And everything else kept in a first class Store, 111 Grroceries And Family Supplies, ho has Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Rico. Grits, and ell sorts Shelf and Bottle Goods Also, Drugs and Medicines, Dyo Stuffs, Etc All goods at, cash prices, and merchantable barter taken in exehaugo at the highest market prices. October Sth 1881. 3m. NEW GOODS! M. B. BEL! .J OfTen to tho Public a, AND ATIEACTIYE Stock of goods, consisting of CALICOES, WORSTEDS, SHAWLS, and Ladies Dress Goods gonerally. Also, JEANS, LINSIES, BLEECHED SHIRTINGS, Ac , Ac SHOES, HATS, BOOTS, GROCERIES, HAEDWABS, Crockery Ware, &e. Business will be conducted at tho Old Stand of W. B. BELL. The. very highest prices will be paid for Produce of all kinds. October 1,1881. M. B. BELL. MORMONISM UNVEILED! Evil deeds . or Danites, Avenging Angels and Blood Aton- i era laid bare! Priests, Patriarchs ana Skints' shown up! Authentic accouut of the Moun-| tain Meadow Massacrt! The most thriUisg | book of tho li'th Century—Profusely Illus¬ trated. Agents Wanted. For Circulars and Special Terms, address MOFFAT PUBLISHING CO., 210 aud 212 Pino Street fct. Louis, Mo. Blanks of al- kinds for sale at this office VASSAB COLLEGE) POUGIIKEPSIK, N.Y. FOR THE LIBERAL EHlUlTIOX OF ROUEN. Examinations for entrau-e, Sept., 14th. Cata¬ logues sent on application DEAN, to Registrar. W. L. OPIUM And BFOIiPKINE Habit cured in 10 to30days. Ten yearses tablishcd; 1000 cured. Write stat-