Newspaper Page Text
oayoi in
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er>. ruuy i rut: i the resort
It- : O D ie able
discern ■ he.vo
■ oninio: a very
i i C: :: i s?
ing hip
thin it wo hi: tspf
sacred in poo
ide thrum au i
H uicy :u fa to go to that
goodly land, Uu: llbt be
an extra star pU up.jf'i their v,vut
for the nol.lo aoi
There h-w be-. ; two weeks’ of row
delightful weather. Our s'reels ha- c
been cl ; ar of mud and nv an whisky,
and our Court has moved along in a
'quiet, smooths ,
way. 1 ■’’’ l,r; ‘ n,s (f
flit: oil'd oi all the bits-nes ' s
body and adjourned on Friday n n
of the first weeki h'imre wer but few
bills of indictment, wh'ch speaks large¬
ly for iroproven;; ut in ibe morals of out
pi oplu. f here w»a- bu t lit tie -drin k ine.
and so far as we know, there was no
straight, out Oranlumness. Taking tho
} ;, ,3 v,o.i;! 1:* r ami the quietness of the
people i.i.gethor, it was indeed a pleas
;;i;: to:n of court. Tho Judge, Solici¬
tor, tho bar and ; D* Jurrors sc«tuc<i to
toon several duties in a firm
and quiet v .yv.
- -♦
Iuii liigence received at tho Warner
Ob ■r .porv, Rochester, X. Y., from
Bf: Br.g’.ind, Mates that I’.of. wf
F. i:r>g discovered a bright new
, the -1 h 'cs‘. It h located it.
; istc.lhstii.'j • Lao, right ascotision
. v : m <*s, deeiimui' .. North
motion ti*! minutes
six !; Co ‘ :r which
dint- 3 M JV ~ bolt g
wo of which
iment to the
' astron
o fine a
h he
it 4*
■g to any
us a copy,
mg on tho
. . « mages,
:.i p ' oOire? to
1381: t?3 -vigUj and
al etatu us of e cry imii mad in
is pivet ruafe t t R. It. snipping
-ruts n)a * A ‘ ' a
daces .
1 '
;.ve a ;>ri c '
fD At : yt i
hr mail ,
'v r . •
•a" making a and
rt 1o reach a larger and
• , ti circulation than any
\ ;'.irjtii iorin the United States,
i.i't end ofi.-red an attractive
uhstuniml ntvii v ;tiuable premi
tmgio e'u’> subseribc.i:-.
■ ; 1 st-biu-lrod reputation and
:)<>; . : bri',y of tiro Publishers who not
. ; an’i-.j the week ly Ex press, but
v r "k Daily Evening Espress
-ru fficiont- guarantee of the oharac*
< i the premiums offered and the
afkiio Huy will govern their distris
i ■ ■■• ];■. o '. -: !bo many other attrne
: of '{'he Weekly Express it pub¬
es regularly, by nathurify, the
ii bcroaole Sermons of the
. T. DovViit TM-oago i). D. The
.vripfiou price. One Dollar a yaar,
pk'vvu it within the reach of all. The
off:.;.; of the New York Weekly Ex
gluts is2ti Park Row, New York.
The Kxtra Senate Session. New Prcs
l:S=.'.titla| Departure. Office Seekers
Scotched, The President not
At Borne.
From our regular Co:respondent
Washington, 1>. C.. Oct. 8th.—In
pursuance of the call for un extra sees
ion. Senators bavo nearly all arrived,
and ouch party is in caucus to day to
agree- or disagree on a programme of
' organization. I will attempt
not to
predict what will be the outcome of the
special election for which the extra
session was called, for fear the wires
may prove me a false prophet before
Ibis is put in type. But, beneath - the
enforced calmness which both parties
fee] is befitting this sad crisis, smoulders
much excitement. In electing aPnsi
. of the Senate, it is realized that a
possible President of the United States
will be made. It is idle to say that
such a thing is not possible. The trag
ic occurrciues of the last throe months
h -c educated people to a ticipatp the
robable. If there shall be a long
■ tor or over thir usually un
honored office, it will be because Sena¬
tor . realize that but one life stands be
twam it and such power, us few sorer
«-igus 8w«y, If a Democrat sfftni he
eleetod, then, it is possible that, without
the dr.i ;md tut moil of a presidential
election, but by the cxtinc’ion of a
frail i umriu life, the political admin is
tration of the country may ba changed.
The situation is generally and partic
tila r i. i liU: rest in sr in Washington. Tho
President' has returned t> the Jones
Maosiun, but is imiocosmbk) to tho or¬
dinary politician and ollice seeker, es¬
pecially those vf ibo «.ulgar Guiteau
type. He baa given put that cabinet
officers must make apuiotments in their
several depa: tmend., and that ho wiil
not !;. ten to aspirants fur petty places,
ft will relieve the President of the chief
annoyance of bis bjgli position, such
annoyance as the heads of other nations
will not and ought nor. tolerate. Of
coarse there will be much complaint
ami m it iris: , to the effect that un
-vines scan r’lesident is assuming undent
oil's-and seeking tho haughty
I seclusion of European potentates But.
looked at rigtiUy, President Arthur can
servo the intsresta of fifty millions of
people In a, much broader ami more
canaouranc way if ha will gnub the ten
thentsu; d i-ata who pome begging for
, 0i . thus refu-ing to selti.-h indi
v !u:y- i : 10 c that Ijo o»es n->t to a
mat , ante-vt-M to a party, but to the
wh«. ie country. It will daub; 1 ss rqui;-.
me dice to b ach the ihick-skinoed
; - s’ world that the Pivaidont >
the United States has someiliing els
d 1 than to apnoint i!it:,'i! ro lucratii e |
■eeares. But b-credited President. Arthur must, j
the outset, with strategic
skill. Instead of going to Ute White
an.t-, which baa always i>et :i a rc-.-ort
ospci: seekers, lip is staying at the
ivato residence of donator Jort-a
:is is calculated to throw tho ctfi : - ; .!
a st off tho scent, to ctm'v.tac bun a -u I
make tie. him despondent. In few (lays But tho this Preri is lent ,.»t |
: worst a j
v. i!i remove to “3oi'jiers 11 one," a beau j 1
;;fYi! 1 irk three miles from the city
Tim mob of office seekers, who omne |
here every winter about the beginning
of the Congressional session, cannot,
reach him lb-re, beoauso not- one in a
hundred can hire a carriage, ami they j
will not walk three miles in the rand
Tho President wili rent ait at Soldiers
Home until the White House is fuiiy
repaired, which will probably cot be
before midwinter, and his absence
from the usual abode of bead of ilm
„ , t j on w .;u have a marked influence on
social life in Washington.
The Gainesville Southron gives some
idea of what a tost of tho no fence law
do. He says; ••Urclo Billy
Smith, whom everybody in Hall •aunty
lias known for fifty years, and w|j ( ,
; r go to die | enif( nti rjM ban
» lie, bus just returned front a visit
to i’ieki ns cotutv. S. C., wbore ho was
b ru. O'.'i r .sixty years ago. But the
fun of tliQ thing is—that Uncle Billy
went siv.iiy front here a sort of fence
nviu, and afu"- examining tho ©fitter
over there, where they have no fences
and wouid not have if they wore built
for them for Etching, no comes back a
red-hot no f■-■i;co man, and says bo will
devote \v iiat ? time be can a pyre from
■ bis out telling bis neighbors t.f Hail
bow fodpsh fh y are to baiumer
lives away, mailing rails, when they do
not need '/uncos, nod they ace an abso
: uto dantago to the county. Wo will
tel! our road.-as more that Undo Billy
sfiva in tho fatcro.
A otiro anti speedy cure for Soro
Throat, Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria,
Chills,Diarrhea,Dysentery,Cramps, Cholera, Summer Complaint,
Headache, Neur algia,Kheamatism,
certain Perfectly afford safe to use inirmally or externally,mil
to relief. No family can afford to
be without it Sold by all druggists at 25c.,
SOe., and $1 a bottle.
PERRY [)AY£S & SOM, Proprietors,
Providence, R.!«
obtained, and all buslnass in t’io U- ft. Patent
Oifico, nr in tho Courts aiteudcd to forJ/IOD
We are opposite ilie S. Patent 0!R«o. en
ga'tedia PaTKN T 15US1NESS. EXCLUSIVE- less
I.Y, and can obtain -.atents in time than
remote from \V tSiIINU'PON.
When model or druwii:-: is sent we advise
as to patontabilitv fr-e of eh art"*: and we
make Ht: CIIA ltd E UNLiTr WE OBTAIN
PATE.uT. .
Wo refer, here, to the Post Master, (bo Pent,
of the Mon- y Or,lor S»-.v , and to ofikuais of
tho U. S.Patent Uffie-j. For circular, advice,
terms’, and reference to natnal clientti in your
own state, or county, addiess—
G. A '- NOW T Co.,
Opposite Palciii , 1 . ashic-ton, D. C.
i e®fl
5 M) 000
1 &&&
j £*. Vt ■ ■ 4 III!
p-'Tv :> j»
S*sPi 3 g
The whitest, nicest r.iul beat goods made.
Guaranteed pure, superior in quality and
style of package to any brand in the
world. Takes less quantity to do the
same work. Ask your grocer for it, and
toeve no other.
Our tie 5 nved
And IBs F tBh.’ii t’ahcet.
A" ;-:C'»nt Cbriitco Litlio-rar li of our late
Pivsidviit’ ma’cii::;- 5 full ienth imrliaits' prin¬
ted in it) color.- on heavy paper with a rich
gold tut.-,lor. ;■ ■■ -- l: - inches. The gtvUFof
this b-.-.iutiful work ol art has been simply un¬
precedented at Cl per copy. In order that
every family may be ttnln to possess this
beautiful and tenchin ; sfitivenior of our Into
President and I is lab met. wo will mail it for
only 50 cents pe, copy. Wo can furnish this
same subject, printed in S colors, reduced to
9x12 inches, for on v 15 cents.
AG NTS Post ye stamps ak ,-n. WANTED
Now is the time for agents to reap a rich har¬
vest with the-' beautiful portraits. Nothing
sells lilt - them. Send f ,r samp!.’-- and term.
C01I ANT * 00., Publishers,
7 Dry Ft., New York.
Biiuuis ui al U;aci8 for sale at this office
8 fo?l BMlSSa l dfe y ;
50 pot-cent!’dlscp^tf^S : S“£ •
f1—WW"^ 1 fnr^ im*+ara-9X~an-i
r-ri yi
H M jnl
m a r t*
mM %
o. W- Asburv,
Is now receiving the tho largest Stdck of Goode ever seen So Lula, which
will bo sold us cheap as in Athens, Atlanta, Gainesville, or any where else. Ho
keeps full lines of
Dry Ck>cds 9 ClstMyv o g
And everything else kept in a first class Store.
in Groceries A, tt JLl rl V.-L
-*A— .
Family Supplies, he has Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spipes, Rico,
Grits, and all sorts Shelf and Bottle Goods. Also, Drugs and Medicines, Dyo
Stuffs, Etc. All goods at cash prices, and merchantable barter taken in exchange
... *- Y f,.*# ',' yL -yY •
j ^.t the higl. est giarlce^J)_r|coa ., October 6th 1861. 3m.
jBBHwgBBKB »^ jBtMwrwrg3i^'n^.ri-r*jara'ggjreg! aaa a3BC ! -a .«ges5aa8aer5Jg5^«f»a^^jgra«aM>i»^^
i j M. B. BELT j
j ___ _ X to tlio Pu blic
| a -Jr B 1 L vff ”?■'» X < 0 4
I , C J
r n vr- \ i «f TT L JL J' “S P'-f
3-_ k_ J.. JL J JL. .F
. Stock oi .nods, con#i: tn; 0 i ' A 1.1C01.:-,
Ladies Dress Go > k generally. Also, JEANS, LTNSIES, IJLEECIIFD biHUTIXuS, lie., Ac
SEIO ES, ww fa rp.o BOOT VS.
Crockery 'Ware, &o.
Business will ba conducted at the Oid Stand of W. B. BELL. The very
highest prices will bo paid for Produce of att kinds.
October 1,1881- M. B. BELL.