The advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1881-1???, November 19, 1881, Image 2

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r«t afcaiw. ’ GURU il. Editor LfarfciiVhffi, Ueorgia, \<»v. lit, 1881 . OUR EXS’H NGES AND LOR RESPONDENTS Will please change ‘.tie address on their mail inti Hate, to us personally, or to the Ai>vr.:ni^KK, lroin Cleveland, to tUikavilm, Ga , aod oblige Yours Truly, A LEX. CHURCH. Pub. The A-uual- Conb renco of ibu M E Oh .rc . .South will convene at Athens Go., about the 30th instant. We have-received from N. W. Aytr ,y Co., PbibuMpbla, the American News*- aptr Aunual for 188!. Tr. is cer¬ tainly tbe best thing of the bind we have seen. We hep to be able after this week to give our pattons more reading matter. A pr a real of the time of the past two weeks b s la.on consumed in fitting up our olffi: >. and g<: ting ready for work. The large amount of mail matter now passii g fVom ChU'ksvillo to Cleve¬ land Ga. b -ings about the great neces K ity of a direct route from this place to Cleveland, at least twice a week. It is equally to the iuteiost of the people of White and Habersham coun¬ ties to build abridge across Ulo Chat¬ tahoochee river, at or about, a mile bo low Amy's fold. Will the two counties join and proceed with the work? MISSISSIPPI MURDERS A dispatch from Jacksonville, Miss., Nov. ll. says. Intelligence received bore states that on election day in Marshall county tho home of Gen. West Mississippi's Green backer a difficulty occurred in which four whites and lifceen negroes were killed. It was begun byHegroes. Wo give below a statement of tbe population of tho following counties, taken, from the report of the census of 1880s Hanks 7,337 Cherokee 14.325 Clark 11,702 Foray; h JO 050 Franklin 11,453 Habersham 8,718 Hall 15,299 Hart 9,094 Lumpkin 0.510 lUbuu 4,534 Towns 3,201 Uohm 0.421 White 5,34! V, ASlilNGTON LETTER. [From our Regular Correspondent] Washington, D. C.. Nov. 16 , 1881 . Since tbe elections and t he President's visit to New York a fresh batch of gos¬ sip and Cabinet rumors have started. One of these is a revival of the report that Mr. Arthur seriously contemplates bringing a wih to presu e ve tho White House. This is denied by those who profess to know, yet everybody admits that it would ae a very nice thing for such a handsome widower to do. Those writers who speak of President Arthur as a bachelor are mistaken. His w ife, who was a lady well known iu Wash*, ingion, died but a short time previous to ins election to the V'eo-Presidency. She was au intimate friend of Mrs. General Sherman aod was so much at¬ tached to her that too President recent¬ ly expressed to Gen. Sfiermanftn inten¬ tion to call anu pay his respects, it w, s suggested, however, thao court ottiqaet made it pioper for Mrs. Sher¬ man to call at the President's house instead, which she did a day or two ago accompanied by her little,daughter, lb esideut Arthur was very, deeply at iached to his wile it ia said and has iatrly taken tbe saaio pew in St. Johns Episcopal church which she formerly occupied. The correspondent of a Bos¬ ton paper le-my stated that Mr Arthur is the third one In. lor President wHindu twenty fivo years. This is wiring again. James Buchanan is the only bachelor occupying the office during t at time Tim latest political gossip briefly slated ia to tbe eflect that Secietaiy Lincoln will not remain ia the Cabinet, Having no particular desire for the place, espoeady as there is considerable feiel iug between him and Uou. Sherruau. it is also alieged that Frolinghuysen ivi i not now be Secretary of S'ate, hi. viu* 1< 8t. he *vily in the burs ted New ark b.-.nk, and feeling unable to keep up 830,000 establishment here on $8,000. p; ;i iis er-Geneiai James, it is said, has anauged to take care of Vandor iiuiit’s bank on tbe 1st of next January. Notwithstanding all statements to the contrary, Mr. Filley is on a hot t. ail after Mr. James’ portfolio. Some very inisresting reading ia promised when Secretary Bill lllaiue leaves the Cabinet and, with Chandler, gets a chance to rid eve iiis mind ooncerning MacVeagb Ex-Senator Howe's name is not as prominently mnulioned as is Emory Storr's as MacVeagh'a successor It is 'stated upon pretty good authority that George O. Gorham will succeed Mr. Upton as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. George stands no cliance to ever again lie Secretary of the Son te notwithstanding his instrumentality in bringing Mahon's vote over to the If - publicaus for that purpose. In view of Mahoue’s successful gener¬ al ship in V rginia be will he a greater lion than ever in political circles here. He -is now talked of for a Cabinet posi tion and as a possible candidate for the Vice Presidency. Virginia is too small for him hereafter, and he proposes car¬ rying tbe war into other Southern States. One drawback to this pros gramme is the fact that none of the other States have a big dobt torepudi ate, or “readjust,” Mahone has taken a suit of rooms in the new Portland Flat on Fourteenth street—a flue insti tation and the best of tho kind in Washington. Each suite is entirely distinct and separate from, tbe others and embrace* seven rooms, iucludiug a parlor,, in Mahoae’s suite, are being handsomely furnished and will be occu¬ pied iu a few days. Tbe rent is $1,800 a year. Meals, which of course are ex¬ tra, are furnished by tbe celebrated caterer for the whole house. The Gen era!, at tho last session of Congress, occupied a suite of rooms at tho Arling¬ ton Hotel, at the coat of $1,000 a month. This suite was tho one occupied by the Grand Duke Alexis, and Senator Sharon of Nevada. Since autumn has caat her rich halo of glory about this beautiful city, envW roned by forest-hills and winding river, it is apparent that tho grand Capital of state palace, broad avenues, long smooths streets and lovely parks and grounds, has been much improved dur¬ ing the season. The enchanting Capi* to! grounds have grown in beauty; a new park has been made out of Mount Vernon Place; elegant mansion have been built by many Statesm n and wealthy men for winter houses in the city, where banks of flowers yet bloom in the golden autumn sunlight, and scarlet vines swing in the soft winds of its gentle clime. Dom. Pedro. ‘‘Civil Service Reform.’* Washington, November 14.—It is oxpocteu that all tho members of the present Cabinet will have retired before the Juth of December but the work they have done for the principle of civil ser¬ vice reform will live aftor them. The Secretary of State has placed his own son m one of the highest and best paid places of tho department. Tne post¬ master- general has made his son-in-law postmaster of New York city and the secretary of war has placed three of his sons on the permanent pay roll of that department. This is reform with a vengeance. ♦ « ♦ <ffissi[) About Guiteau. WASHINGTON. November 14 —Ho tel keepers in Washington expect to fill up during Gnitea's trial. All tbe coun¬ sel tor tbe government have taken rooms at Willard's Hotel. Tbe Gui¬ teau family started in Utica, N. Y., and consisted of tou children all cranks. One of tho sons died a lunatic; another was the father of the lovely young man at Washington. Tho lather had a lively conceit about his religion, and thought Vy the exer¬ cise of it he couid keep away the small pox. Ho warned his wife and family to go and join tbe Oneida Community, uud lot Mr. Noyes, the boss thereof, administered spiritual consolation to thorn Sensuality was pretty general in the family, and it leu to imbecility in several cases. The theory abroad bore is that Guiteau will be convicted and hanged on accuunt of his crime, and the venomous coolness with which he plotted it. If the jury should disagree it is expected that the government take charge of the wretch for life, his offense baviug been committed in the government’s own district, where it has exclusive jurisdiction. That was a beautiful conceit of physicians little daughter whose father had induced her to take quiniue by representing them to be humming¬ bird eggs:—when as the drug began to produce,its charaetrristic effects in ears—child ran to the parent in glee saying: "The eggs have hatched and the little brids are singing in ears.’ This Mystery Explained. OOAfx is the patent name of invaluable remedy for re¬ moving from the human system pin stomach wo-ms. It is the <4 a celebrated physician, and the life of tbe child it was for. It has since been tbe means saving the lives of thousands of dren by its timely use. It is put up die form of powders, teady for use, children take it readily, as it is a ant medicine. Bold by dealers iu med iciue at 25 cents. twwAsrn Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in tho Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than those diseases; but the pain can be removed and tbe disease cured by use of Perry Davis’ Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Reuzino or Petroleum product that must be kept away from lire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi¬ ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost- instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pain Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters- received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar About Cady, Owabonna, Minn., says: to a year since ruy wife became subject eevere ifer*K sufferinK from rheumutism. Our mfctoved xlllk, winch speedily Charles Powell writes from the Sailors; Home, had London: been I afflicted three years with neuralgia and violentspasmsof the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in despair. immediate I tried your Pain Killeh, and it gave me strength, relief. I have regained iny and am now able to follow my usual G.H. occupation. Walworth, I experienced Immediate Saco, Me., relief writes: the side by the of Pain Killeb. from pain In E. York use your 1 have says: used Pain Killeii and have received your benefit. for rheumatism, Barton Seaman great Have used Pain says: Killer for have found it vrr-j'mlijiy thirty remedy years, for ana a w, rheumatism and lameness. From actual use, I know your Pain Killeb Is the best medicine I can get All druggiste keep Pain Killer. Its pifice to so low that it is within the reach of all, and It will save many times Its cost la doctors’ hills. '- 45 c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle, ♦ PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solicitors of American and Foreighn Patents, Wasnington, I). G. All business connected, with Pateats, whether be¬ fore tho 1'atea.t Oiffiiceor the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge made unless a patent is secured,. Send for circular. BEST businee now before tho public. You can make money laster at work lor us than at anything else Capital not needed. We will start you. $12 a day and upwards made at home by tho industrious. Men, women boys and girls wanted everywnere to work for us. Now is tbe time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to. the business. You can livo at homo and do the work. No other business will pay you neaiiy as yvejl. No one can fail to make erirfrm**... , ay by engaging at once. Cost tly Outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily an,d honorably Address True A Co, Augusta, Main. a week in your own town. $5 Out¬ fit free. No risk Everything new. Capital not required. We will fur n ; sh you everything Many are making fortuncr. Ladies make as much as men and boys and girls make great pay. Reader if you want a busi¬ ness at which you can make great pay all .he time you work write for particulars to H. IIal lett a Co., Portland, Main. EX-SO l il) 1 Fi ES Shortfall'amd ' 1 for samplo copy of that wonderful paper Tbe World | contains anii s ;'GG Stories r published of tbe at War, Washington, Camp Life D. Scenes C. It from the Battlefield, and a thousand things of int&mt to our country,s defenders. It contains all the Laws and Instructions relating to Pen¬ sions and Bounty fur Soldiers and their heirs. Right pages forty columns weekly. $1 a year. Sample free. Address World and Soldier, Box 5SS, Washington, D. C. J. MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED 1844. s Me ftftO 0 0 9 ** g $jfiKK €> IB J .Mr ■•3 in *$■ w. a ® ft* tig £o fie Vi $s? <0 m e v»| ft 9 113 WATER ST., NEW YORK. The whitest, nicest and best goods made. Guaranteed pure, superior in quality and style of package to any brand in the world. Takes less quantity to do the same work. Ask your grocer for it, and VBve no other. VIOLIN OUTFITS CeasIsGat *f Tlolla, Bax, Bow aai Teacher, eeat to aay part of the Halted State* oat toSdari’trlal baying. before Violin . _ Outfits for at $*. 60 , * 7 , $ 11 , A $88 each. Send stamp Bw.tlfnl lll.'trutd S6 PK« O.u!o,-U. .( v to lie, Goitan, B.H jv, Corn.I,, Mtuic Flute. UovM, Smog* *c. LOWS8T oil kin*, S*mmicM,Orf,oAcc<>r- FHICE8. Moil Order, a C. W. STORT, » Central St., Bo.ton. Mut, “T JL GAVE MY CfaILD three doses of the Patent Remedy—2905—and they brought away half piut of worms.’ Sold by Druggists. OPIUM And MORPHINE Habit cured jnlO to 30 dayB.Tenyearees¬ stat¬ tablished; 1000 cured. Write ing case. De. JUbsb, Quincy, Mich. C. II. Svttos, President, Fki>’k. J. Booi»n, Troaaurer. M. C. Wilcox, Secretary. Mte Airy Tobacco Company. I tv.11 coromonca tho pc/chase of Tobacco in tho band, January 4th, 1S82. Parties desir¬ ing Seedj can procure the samp from the undersigned at Mf. Airy, or from Judge C. 11.Sutton at Clarksville, at any timo. FBKD’k. J. BOOND, Treasurer. November 19th, I>SSi. wtf. Aoo!r«t hiiTCrfi™IPrf AhM I'jj()OK m ~ of the AGE. Circulars Free. or more. 174 Sample W. tli Bock Hi., br ClttdLuittttf, math $1.00. O* 4 G. W* A-sburv, Is now receiving the the largest Stock of Goods ever seen In Lula, which. 11 be sold as cheap as in Athens, Atlanta, Gainesville, or anywhere else. Ho koopa full lines of D^Y ©oods. Clothing., BOOTS, SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS, GROCERIES, «. And everything else kept in a first class Store. In Groceries A.ncl Family Supplies, ho has Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Rico 4 Grits, and all sorts Shelf and Bottle Goods. Also, Drugs and Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Etc. All goods at cash prices, and merchantable barter takon in exchange at llpo highest market prices. October 8th 1881. 3m. TXXX3 BELL HOTEL Is ready at all times for the accom¬ modation of Guests. WELL Ventilated Rooms, AND A TABLE LOADED Witli the Best the COUNTRY AFFORDS. With Every Attention Desired. Cleveland, Georgia. W. B. BELL, Proprietor. August fithiUlSSl- tf.