The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, February 07, 1880, Image 3

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Local Hem What next f Haul' ) mature is .a ‘fanny’ thing, any way. Cleveland needs a ‘‘Blue Ribbon' baud. V. will be the next one to subscribe for ae Advertiser f \ > to Sunday school, ail who saa, h young and old. We would like to hear from some of our practical fanners Over coats were in demand this week, but we didn’t Lave ooe. Com <s soiling tt eixfy-five caste per JiXiZae-l in Cleveland Haiti, sleet and snow, last Monday and Monday night. Real wintry weather. Seo advertisement of James T. Pat¬ terson, Pianos and Organs, in another column. Wheat crops in this country are be¬ ginning to present a more promising appearance. Farmors s'aeu! 1 get ready to sow Chef Sirring oats; February is the time to put them in the ground. Wa are receiving now subscribers every day, Oar people are beginning 10 sec. and fool what they need. No one seems to catch the rail road fever but us. Everybody seems to bo (•••astUat.ioua.Uy rail road fever proof. Will some of our subscribers bring ns some seed oats, and some eorn ? All sneak at oimo if you want to. ibre, 'homespun, five cents per -"".Hid Toe cleaning process does not .' h i: it aiingetherae white as that, tram s:t>M>fui, l,;;r. is is equally good U-h VC O Butler, preacher in charg* of the Cleveland circuit, so«rus t-> be movi ip; in tho right directioo. * id ohs to fit; effort•*, Too much "corn juice'’ made things lively about this place last Thursday mg hr. Blio happy follows went boms Binging ; “lu the reaunwiiou m-H’uiog we shall riae. v We stated last week that eggs were tv-ilii.;- at twelve aud a half cents per dozen; this was a mistake; they are only worth seven cents par dozen. e ■ a-i been wiongly informed. MeSsr. N. A. MeLendon Atlanta, and L. .v Simaious of Gainavilie, spent a few days of this week in on; town, for the purpose of purchasing mules and horses for the market in lower Georgia. We never knew a business that was liberally advertised, that was not liber ally patronized. vVe suggest a that our business men bear this . . in mind . . of they would be successful. Jesse Palmer, son 11 Rev. N. H Palmer, formerly of this place, passed through oar town last week, on his way io bis uncle’s. Mr. Jataen Glenn of Nacooohee Valley, for the purpose of attending Nacoechee „ , uiga .... . School u . , dor- , ing the present yes; An example worthy of imitation was shown in our sanctum this week, by /. N. Gor tain Blake,one of White count ties first class miners. What was it ? Ho paid for twelve months subscription to the Advertiser in advance, and at the same time, re¬ marked that we had made a grand im¬ provement on onr county paper. Cleveland has no bar-rooms, but there must be an underground pipe that eon ducts the ’‘mountain dew” into dark subterranean eavos below, where tho thirsty can wet their gullets, and carry off tho “precious juice’’ in bottles, flasks, jugs er dimijons for future ens joy mens. Does the pipe come from Tonali, or doesit pierce the Blue Ridge from ever in Rabun f i Mr. Benjamin F. Nix, an o d resident of White county, died at his residence . in Cleveland on last Friday night about j nine o’clock. Ha bad been sick some ! little unr el died very suddenly. His rema ns were buried in the cs ate- • ry in Cleveland, lie 7 . A . 1 , R<-’1 con ■ due’iug ■ bo servic Mrs. T V. McAfee of thi;, place, showed us her flower yard a few days ago, v. :>:eh she bad jus; been re-arrang¬ ing in the most beautiful manner. There good judgment and ‘elegant taste display ed in the ft.rtnatinu of the beds, etc. We expect to see something beau tifsl tbsre when,the tune for flov.ei* is hero. The mad aaaut ths Cleveland public 1 square is ot a very sticky emiM-. is very trioudiy, nnd it. one of that kind of friends with which familiarity breeds j 1 contempt. Will cot our public spirited ! ! Ordinary get an appropriation to rem ! edy this matter. A county appropria tion and private subscriptions might remedy the evil, t here ought to be, i at least a comfortable side walk around the sqare and up to the court house door. CON PHI CTING ! NTEKKSTS. Ao important case was tried last Thursday iu the court house in Cleve¬ land, before Justices Horton, Allison and McAfee, between Mr. William H Logan and Col. Gorham Blake; affecting the miniDg and milling interests of these gentlemen. Col. Blake built a dam across Town creek for the purpose of conducting water through a ditch to his mines. Some miles below Mr. L, has a saw aud grist mill, which he thought was injured by the water being diverted into the ditch above named, He brought action against Col Blake for damage to hra milling ini.ioest-'. The jury in the case gave a verdict for the plaintiff, Mr. Logan, ordering the destruction of the ditch or dam. As these works have cost Col. Slake a large sum of money, and, a3 his mining idreresta can hardly be carried on with out water, it would be a good thing for the country if these gentlemen could compromise the matter in some way that both the mills and the mines could ■ be carried on. Col. Blake was repry seated by Col. M. G. Boyd, who carry the case to the Superior court, Mr. Logan seems to be represented by Messrs. J. J. Kimsey, W. K. Williams, J. W H. Underwood, Dr. A. F. Under¬ wood, and, possibly, others. Bedford (Ya.) Allnra And IrfHi Springs. WATER, MASS AND PILLS. •-Efficient iu Scrofula and skin disease es,’—J.. M. Alien, M. D., N. C. ‘.vuccessfal in Dyspepsia and Chronic Diarrhoea.’—Prof, Samuel Jackson, M. D. University of Pa. ’Adapted iu Cloratic and Aoaitnic conditions and certain tiiseasee peculiar to women disorders of the kidney and bladderProf. J. J. Moorman, M. D., i Va. ‘Satisfactory in Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhiea and nervous diseases arising irom impure blood; also in certain dia ea 80 » of teuiales,'—George T. Harrison, M. D Piiysiciau Woman's Hospital, N. ‘Used with great benefit in Malaria! Fever and Dtpcheria.’—S* F. Dupon, ^ • L>., La. ’Prompt to relief of headache, , , both anc j nervous, aud chills.’—Rev. E. C- Dodson. Va. ‘Excellent in restoring debilitated systems to health and strength.’-Thou. C. Mercer, M- D , led. •Tonic, alterative, diuretic: one of natures greatest remedies.'—Medical Associauou of Virginia, Lynchburg. Recommended as a prypholactic in Malarial diitaicta.'—D. R. Fairex, M. u yj q T find it r*;» best remedy I ever used in diseases of too throat.’—P. A, Sifforu, M. D., N. C ‘Very beneticial id uterine derange 1 ments and malarious conditions.'— G. i W Vail, M. D., Ohio. •Mv experience is very favorable to j its curative virtue ‘ —Thos. M, Rum bald, M. 1>„ St. Louis. Sample supply sent free to any phys j ician desiring to test. Pamphlets sent; free. Analysis with each package. Wa¬ ter as it comes from the Springs 84 per j case. Mass 50 cents and $1; $2 50 and $5 for half dos. Pills pure sugar coated 25c. 50c. arid SI package: $1.25, $2 50, and $5 half doz. Sent postpaid anywhere. This Mass and Pills con¬ tains in reduced space all the curative powers of the water, and is convenient, palatable and soluble. Sold by ASH & McAFEE. Springs opens for visitors June 1st. Terms $30 per month. Special rates to families as to rooms occupied. Addres A. M. DAVIES, Pres, of the Co., P, 0. Bo* 17* 7K Maia St. LyoshbHrg, Va. MUMU ki 6&tb£i4ttijb£ r~, A m i ,J *r «« p^®W=«* mg .m iM-iffa', lyo-'-vs-.' u I '■ YL Stf; '{" 5l ’ ‘ ,.y. ■' 4 - Nrr. JCO—Prunt Vivsv, N;, iflO—iSaut v.sw, BBATTLEBORO. VT. Our new Organ, CA-wcrN; iU^igneu for Fun day Schools, Chapels, etc., is proving a G-3EIS3A11? f:Z UOOI2SS. 13e sure to send for Tull descriptive Catalogue before purchasing any other, THE LARGEST WORKS (OF IKE 10 ) 01 THE « Illustrated. Catalogue sent free. BEST PIANOS & ORGAN iTO kj N GRUNEWALD HALL =>•*’<»- OOMPPilSINO THE CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS OF Stein way, Knabe, Weber, Picyei, IMSliei T’ CvAurpasged for their E.iceiiant Musical Qualities, CocstrnsMou aud durp,bili6y in tlie Southern Cliroate. Tho Famois Organs €M j CLOUGH & WARREN, BF.LOtJBET, PELTON & V6 ! , j The M Popular Organs in the World. PR I'CBIS - - The fc-.r^iRf ic ffc 4 . C'-j\i x jXx j ^ ^ TERMS :- —TH 0 in g bt libcre 1. sxo'u: - -Tbft largest variety to select Direct Importation' op all kix'ds op MUSICAL .LjN STKTTMENT& At Whole,sale aud Retail. Catalogues and Price Lists mai;«d Tree. Oorre.-pov,deaco solicited. Aadresa Louis Cxr-une walH, 14 to 22 BARONNE ST., Now Orleans. THE LEADING PIANO HOUSE IN THE SOUTH WEST ! Jan. Diet, 1FH0. OH 1 ( LOO£ AMD MVE? -J. I). COOLEY, MOSSV CREEK, WHITE COUNTY, GEORGIA. NOUNCES TO THE public that he has aaape ooEsirierahle iV.provem.eot in the SPJ.TI Ifia Mills, acrl does double the amount of OrindiJig us heretofore, ad cordM!- ALL who has WHEAT or CORN to ©BIS MJ to give THOMAS W, ALEX A j DER, a call who can’t ba beat in North-tEn ?t tj ■»> gii, for quantity ot quality of flour per bue.hel. Give him a call and becoBTfi;-. tti., jl w state that I have connection with the above, a first class WOOL CARDER N good order, that gives unusual, satisfaction. I have a good house, lot a^id stables, f(xr the iverrefit of those who desire to stay over night for the purpeae of gsrticg rhe’r ivoik doDo - bid! also state for the benefit of the cotton growers that I have iu good order, for the coon t, season, a first class WINSHIP COTTON GIN AND PRESS, where you can get good work done at low rates. Peeling thc’jkfirf for pat nonage, Isolieit a continunuce of the same. ( June ?8—Am.) J D'. COOLE J ewelry ? I r takrt take thin this nnnnrhinifv opportunity tn to state ,o the mtl pub lio, that I bavo opened a Jewelry Bh.op in Cleveland, in the house fhrmerly occupied by Mr. Jas.H. Hunt, where you eaj get your Watches, Clocks aud Jeyvehry repoired at the ies^t possible cost. I am also prepared to fig rial Sewing and Maehine|, be oonvinoed. Pjstola, etc., etc., fil’B.RA Give V J me X a 6-aCMMl i - ._*... ICfl 5 "> ^ ***#!) Established. 1871 Ths Lesdiiig Liter r» C ;--, 4 the WL, Only '1I.L A v; 'SC'oat. fa i '7; *'&TCA<10 TjVDQWX i ,10V op I iw v® 8$ pro pi’oa-cbin aeb i n y the tf.d •■•K • h : ,e •» 1 . . hr hr a,v»»n; s»ye tdh : , #S oc Lsiv-.d its existence. in the liter bavins 187& 4 LKX/.'- FB WhB Strertcd Ly its pr© 3 - Afaar,| inqa piise, Rmdi’Hd coi.’ciucto.'s *,s Mtmy to character the literary -n-a- v,ith Tentums :'niao ot tip- miisflv- ,, u of tir- s the Western i d ,.i b cl made iit u.e> owIIh, and rub.-' ably fail e l. The B-. a - i }ouiT,aUnm SI' 5 * ■was strati.?-< HvLctfii liew.ip, -RitU per the eh•-ii,,,- wreehs c>£ UtheiH that T/ore livin-r. but Btru^ iur r pr *. ario’i A Year. » and sio«o yinhivl to ,]. . Ruble Use 1 guile •icwn.leetl'.-. i'li« Line, to-day the o.-liy atorv-na-pei printed in Chicago. * Th-, Lkcgiu has noi a-tn-Tiod t.hs Plane of nvecM.i upon u.-u t now t .soliu!/r. without, .ot!'. : . SI " 3 dtrec ad - Sort, ir.s coudnctors . have lsbotad earnestly aurl porsisf-ntlr not only to mvu: it an tacetlent lit :4ovary rrendins joi-rnal, world ;ni- t, ratted i. Year, Tljonaaeds ecqr.aiit.'d with it lars npen thousands of dol¬ hay,, been expended in bringing its merits to th- attention ot She readini? nubhe. In fact,T he i. 3 roE 3 lias b-'-.n the most extensivei-r-e-i. ' -vineci newspaper in the West ^ fjUS $ *> .The J tended pride pnbUshera at theij- tho etT-’rte vuocess hasa to that a timid, reeling h,s up »t- or s, s drat iilase Hleraty paper ir. * ,e cap . Yfiar p jimi city of the West. The , ;rouia “ k ?uSlc H’ ahe-.y Urge, is ,-apidi • stow- 1 ?-^nd by the tstday - of Tanuarr anuary if "IB t ? not less than i 5,Oo<u Th® If- ; 1 0 Oi-h.; •. do not 11 . -an t,. re o*. S' rl -6u- eKort? t. The Lsns-.ti s . ‘he best weekly rsnrrer hi the ■West, but ini end to pe-sev re in the work, end doling -hecoming months wiU atU) Tunber increase its valve a -d r.sef iln-'ss. rhev eetay c int-nts of Ian lo > sr ct', u addition to it. serial novels, ■ ovural a hurt stoi ies: s Horn bTaci:. ar -Ti Family Doctor ilopartxxidkt, eM*n 1 g letter a from women of ,. 3 - p&rienre i tends sjxdhend3 % ouho\i‘M.~= bo'd And titcLen ec <nomy., he id® ,00 children, r dorLm.cnt. and the recipe; in for Lcgement the cr-re of of many of the dis u whic!' a. sa i* heir; a .Young Fol.e’ department*, a l Year. • me't dev, . ted t Ou - rert TJS erature. ;ons 4 stin!?of ohc'oesxfiorpta lirotu tnelattat mogsitnes; nSeJiii- •.ten. !»tao derpart-nont. gi-'ing Ur. !-,«»* «inteUigoMe 5 in regard to newdlsoc- cries, meehantjai iavcrRoris, etc.; IP®' I also blograpliical- ehotches, Iastori<« [papers, iravelt, poe ry, »aa a m as 1 o.i short s.vdelea on taisoeilms- bj ^ topics. Avossis k Year. rHK FEDGEif, ■CAiciug:.,-, *) Sabscriptioas c® foe THE CHIC LEDGER will fee received at this THE WtLSBX & WHITE OEQ-AS OO. Meriden, Conn. U 3.-4, l ‘'Gate’s Bios pedals,”! Mjus!edflr r 8S3?3ifete!!t!y. {nvsr.ted anil Encirsiveiy ussii Sy tills Company. The _ most popular Organs of the day! UNRiVALLEB i!i OilALiTY. ‘ The Wileos & White Organ Instructor” is th%* BEST and CHEAPEST in the marl et! Send Tbr Illustrated Catalogm. XSi otice! ALLP«r*o! « Indebted to the estate of P. H. Dradley deceased are hereby notl».« to come forward and make immediate payment and all pewo ae them hanog demandi againtt the same vr.n present to me within the time required bylaw. W. K, WftLIaMS, adm r. of F. H Bradley dec. January 3rd., 2SSC. 3©. Notice, One mouth after date application will bo madeteiho ' eurt of ttidinat v of White ceunty V * „„ . . ,,, fhis B »«tto*,“& j rat 0 cf 0Be monlh Xom ; te , v9 t0 geli ,,, th , Unda beloHgiug tjeloB iug ihQ j ogtat6 of Ja r . b v> Verguson. Tatf , of io said cruntv deceased^ for tbe benefit of bi5 heira j an fl ereditos ID TON MOORE, Admlnist-uon, Jaa. 13;h 18.S0. t.-kl’y' lia.