The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, February 14, 1880, Image 1

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& W\ % WL 1. m 9L H K TJY . -T ! Y (111 TTII nil VOL. 1. fiJi? §ky$l&vii •IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. Up Stairs,-io Masonic Building, South side Public Square, Cleveland, Ga. TERMS : One copy, one year. $ 1.0 ’ months, 50 " six “ three months. • 30 advertising RATES: Advertisements inserted at the rate of biOO per inch (or less) first insertion, and 50 cent!', for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements not having the number of insertions marked on them, will be published until forbid, and charged accordingly. Contracts made for three, six, or twelve months on liberal terms. Local Notices 10 cents per line. ^S&-Every'eotnmuiiication for publication in the Advertiser, must bear the name of theau tbor, not necessarily for publication, but as gu¬ aranty of good faith. We wiilnot be responsible for the opinions of correspondents; and no communication, will be admitted into its col tiuis, having for its and the defamation of private character, or in any other way scur¬ rilous in it? import. Correspondence upon subjects of general importance solicited—though it inns' be brief and to the point. All communications, business letters, and money remittances must ho addressed to ALEX. CHURCH, Publisher. EE Eli A L DIRECTORY. PLAN OF CLEVELAND CIRCUIT--ESSO. ],'ir?r Sunday, Eleven o’clock, Zion Churt-h . seven o’clock at night, Qtiiliian’s Chapel; Second Sunday, Eleven o clock, Mossy Cteek; Afternoon, tl, O'Kelly’s Chapel; Friday before too Third Sunday, Eleven o’clock. Blue Ridge; Saturday before the Third Sunday. PLeven o’cloett, Mt. Pleasant. Thir 1 Sunday, Klevon o’clock, hit. Pleasant ; Afterriijon. 3:30, Londsville ; Saturday be¬ fore the Fourth Sunday, Eleven o’clock, Cjiottu h oocHe a. Fou/tj Suod.iy. Eleven o'clock arid seven at night, (Lev.eland. Rev. VI. 0. Bi ti.RU, Pastor. : MAGISTHATES’ OCRTS. Mount Yonah—381 Diit.,—Third Fridays VV. F. Sears, M. 1’., C. C. Blalock, J. P. M ussy Creek... 128 Dial.,...Third Saturday... J. William l-htrgcr.-on, N. P-, .1. M. Dorsey , P ffacooehee...427 Dist.,...First Saturday... Jt. IS. Horton, J. P &• A. P. Shoal Creek...882 DUt.,...Fourth Saturday— II. C. Hunt, NT., 4- W. Blackwell, J. P. Blue Creek...721 Dist.,...Second Saturday... A. II. Henderson, N. P., J. II. Freeman, J ■ P. Tesentee,..55Sf Hist.,...Fourth Saturday... E. M. Castlvheriy, N. P. AnguKtus AHifon. -I i’. Town Creek...S.Jti List., ..Third Saturday... \V. B. Hawkins, N. P., J. B. M'•.)'°c. ' P. .ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAlnS. Oaino3vilie Mail—Tri-W eekly. Leave.? Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday at s n'olnfh. a. in : Arrives Monday, Wedues d.ty and Friday at -i o’clock, p. m. Blatrsvi!!'! Mail—Tri Weekly. The same schetinie as (iaincsville route, llnyesvilie, .N. C.—Se:ni-’A eekly. Loaves Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o’¬ clock, a. m., and arrive the same days at 8 o’clock, p. m. Dablonega Mail—Sepii-Weekly. Leaves Tuesday and Friday at 8 o’clock a. m.., aud arrive the same day at 6 o’clock p. m. W. B. BELL, Contractor. HENRY D. KIMSEY P. M. §m&$. W. K. WILLIAMS, ATTOMNEY AT LA W, Cleveland White Connty Ga. ly. FRANK L. HARALSON. A TTORNEY AT LAW, / \ Atlanta Georgia. Will practice in all the Oountfes orubracing the Western an Blue Hidgc Circuits. Also in the Federal Supreme Courts of tbo State. All business entrusted to my eare will re¬ ceive prompt attention. Jan. 01th 1388 wPy. Iy. GEO. K. LOOPER, f~\ A TTORNEY AT LAW. Gainesville Ga^ Will practice id any of the Courts of the Western Circuit. The collection of claitnspiemptly attended to. J. J. KIMSEY, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Cleveland Go. Office, room No. 4, Basement Court House. Jan. 10th 1880. wl’ M. G. BOYD, A TTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW • Cleveland Georgia. Will pactie£ iu the Superior Conrts of White, Hall, fiupreme*C'Gurt Dawagn, Httbyodtam Lumpkin, and the of the State, Jan. lCtbT88<L vtkl’y lj»- OtTR. OWN SECTION—WE LAF.'P. FOR ITS ADVANCEMENT CLEVELAND, GA., SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 14. 1880. Poetry. 'Written for The Obioago Ledger.) Love. BY BTROK I.OSG. Speak not so light of human loves, Of that fond passion in man’s breast; That passion inspiration moves; That passion none esn soothe to rest, Hone happier than that s ml of man That holds most prominently in his heart The love of kindred and that can Adore and love ft better par:. Cold id ihe breast that never felt The sweet and tender thrills o’ loTe— That never new, that never dealt With thoughts that fond affceti oas move, His sight has never yet beheld The beauties that life h*dds in store; A frigid 3onl is his, and fell As ever graced the earth’s vain shore. Lnvn is the ardor of man’s joy; Love’s fond emotions make him start It draws hint nearer friend and foe, And kindles within a nobler heart. Love is the inspiring fire of life; Willi love old earth is light with dome; Through love a benvm is brought to view, And all the world is in a name. I But rather call them holy thoughts-~ Tbose tbougrttg tvhieh love inspires to And evor let them round, [breathe 1 Like springing tendrils, twine and wreathe, j Yes, let love ever snored ho A prominent pnrsion itr your breast, And, when tossed roughly on the sea, Find on love's bosom perfect rest. APPLETON, Ooio. ; Three Rales for Living. When I was eleven vear3 old (said Mr. S„ an eminent American merchant;, niv grandfather had a fine flock of sheep which were carefully tended during the war of those times- 1 was the sheph¬ erd boy, and tny business was to watch the sheep in the fields. A boy who was more fend of his book than the sheep was sent with mo, but left the work to me. while he lay under the trees and read. 1 did not like that, and finally went to my grandfather and complained of it I shall never forget the kind smile of the old gentleman as lie said: ‘Nevermind, Jonathan, my boy, if you watch the sheep you will have sheep/ ■ What does grandfather mean by that?’ I said to myself. *1 don't expect to have sheep.’ My desires were mod prate. I could not exactly make nut in ray mind what it, was, but he had been to CongrrP.'. in Washington’s time, so I conctnded it was all right, and I went back contentedly to the sheep. After! got, into the field I e n!d not keej) his words ont of ray head. Then l thought of Sunday’s lesson .• ‘ i hon hast been faithful over a few things; I wil make tbo ruler over many things.’ I began to see through it. ‘Never yon mind who neglects his duty, be you faithful, and you will have your re¬ ward.’ I received a second lesson soon after 1 came to New York as a clerk to the late Mr. R. A merchant from Ohio, who knew me, came to buy goods, and said; ‘Make yourself so useful that they cannot do without you.’ I took tnis meaning quicker than I did that of my grandfather. Well, I worked upon these two ideas until Mr. R. offered roe a partnership iu the business. Tbe first morning after the partnership was made known, Mr. G., the old tea chant, called to congratulate me, and he said; ‘You are all right now, 1 have only J one word of advice to give Be careful ... whom you watk tbe . you. streets with.’ That was lesson number three. And what valuable lessons they are! Fdolity in all thiDgs; do your best for your employers; carefulness about your associates. Let every boy take these lessons home and study them They are the foundation ntODes of acrer and honorable sucoes a. __________ Epitaph in a Western paper: ‘Here lies a girl as one forgotten, who lost her shape with the rise of cotton. 'I declare mother,’ said a pretty little girl in a pretty little way, *it ia too bad.! You always send me to bed when I am 1 not sleepy, and you always make tnei get up when I am sleepy,’ 4 Poor Girl’s Hair. A young poorly glad girl entered a barber shop in Vienna and to!T the proprietor that he roust ‘buy her head.’ The friseur examined her Last, glossy, clu-saut locks, and begt.u to bargain. He could give eig 11 florins and no mere. Hair was plentiful this year, the price had fallen, there wa3 less demand, .and other phrases of the kind) The little maiden's eyes filled with team, and she hesitated a moment white threading her fingers through her chestnut locks, She finally threw herself in a chair and sa *^ : 1 1 hen take it quickly.' i he baroer, satisfied with his bargain was about to chinch it with his shearers when a gentleman who sat half shared, looking i a, to .a him to stop. 'My child,’ said he, why do you sell yonr beautiful hair V mother baa been near);, months ili. Iconnot work enough to BU PP nrt l! ' ; thing hao been sold or pawned, and there is not a penny in the house.’ 'No. no. ray ob'ld, if that is tbo rase J will bllV your hair, and gi7H v,,u OtH) . , norms f IOl It. ■ lie gave the poor girl the note, tbe sigat of which dried her tears, an<I he tool: up the barbers s shearers. > ailing , . 10CK8 , - , ms , unna. , , m oe «w» inn longest hair, cat it off, and put fully it) his pocket-book, thus paying one hntidren florins for a single hair. He took the poor girl's address in case he should want to buy another at the same rate. Ko is only designated as the .chief of a great industrial enterprise within the city. Reasonable F,concur, We ilo not like sungiceps- Wo do not, like t e.inomy when it comes • wn to rage and starvation, We have 1 ’ ajiopathy with the nmiotfitmt the poor man should hitch Din sell to a post and stand still while the rests of the world moves forward ia laiiotaj, no in stiu.) ,i„'v to deny himself every amusement, every luxury, every recication, ev'-ry eomlort that matue he may tcuv get get rich. rich, It it is is no :;o man's duty to make an iceberg, v> shut Ids eyes and care to the suffering?, of hi? fellows, and deny himself the enjoy meat that leeulta from generous actions. merely that he may hoard wealth for hia heirs to quarrel about. Kuc there is an economy which is especially com¬ mendable in man who struggles with poverty—-an economy which is consis fent with , happiness , and , whwh . , must be , practiced if tbe poor man would secure independence. It is almost every man's priv liege, and it becomes Ins duty, , to live within his moans—nod up up to, to, but within them. Wealth doot not make the man and should never be taken into account in our judgment of nura, but competence should always be secured when it can by tbe pracucoof economy and self denial to only a tolerable ex¬ tent. It should be secured, not so much for others to look upon or to raise ua in the estimation of others, as rn secure to us the consciousness of inde peudence and the constant satisfaction which is received from its acquirement and possession.— Chicago Ledger. Have you Brown Evesf' inquired a ch f rai "S b^nette, as she raised her soft f and melting eyes to a clerk whoso 0 ptica are of the particular color des cribed, in a music store. He blushed modestly and replied. Yes, miss you know 1 have, but of what possible in terestcan that bo to you?' “ It’s the music l waut,” she softly responded. ‘There's music in the heir,' moaned the young father; as he reached the paragoric bottle, Little boy at the opening of the proposed spelling match; ‘Let's start fair, grandmother. You take Neba ebaduezzer and HI take cat.' ‘What were tbe worst result* of the civil waif' cried an orator. ‘Widows!’ shouted Jones, who had married one. j To subscribe for a paper without pay-, ing for it adds poverty to the publisher. ’ Marriage. The foundation ol ever? good gov¬ ernment is the family The best, and moat prosperous country ia that which has the greatest number of happy fire sides. The holiest institution among men is marriage. It has taken the race countless ages to come up to the oondi tion of marriage. Without, v there would be no civilization, no bum a a ad vancement, no iife worth living j j is a failure to any woman who has not secured the love and at (oration of j ?orno grand and raagrdSoient man Life is a mockery to any man, no matter ; whether ha be mendicant or monarch, > who has not v;,m the heats of some worthy woman Without love and marriage' alHI.e pr. ^less joys of tblaj fife would be as ashes on the lips of the ' j „ aiidren hauler of me( -You *e tti. emperor of ; one , ovioe and COD d0r heart, and ahe the | emDreaa of vuuri . t than t-> be tfia ;, ; , ho wor!d _ rb9 u ,, n ^ t to has real y , W0D ] 0TO 0 p 0R0 good worn an in this i world, it (oatturM not tbounh h« din ,o j tbe dlleh a hia ; fo t,,,, b ,,. n , i p. Recess - There ia a. heathen book which says' | -Man is strength, woman is beauty, man j j 9 courage, wnroan ia ioyo When the ; quo man loves the one woman, and the | one woman loves the one man, the very angels leave heaven and cornu and alt | in that house and sing for joy .' i Saying Hateful Tilings”, j | I What a strange disposition is I which leads A people people to to* eav eay •‘hatefai” Hamut jUfitigs theml for the mere p!e«enre sate with of sueb tay- ( j mg mu When are never have done j j ! a best person. to please, and you feeling your! very! a:e s kindly and pleasantly, out will pop I j eoiBe underhand si ah, which you alone I i can understand — a tmoer which is I 1 roa#k«*d. hat. which ia too welt airood ! j t0 ba njisuod rstood. mental It may feeling, bn j yonr foolish person habit or your of thought j j Y 0111 on some i ii£t,e 80Cret °P lm0Q 0onfe8aed i !‘ » rr ‘°" j ment of genuine confidence. It ruuA i tare nor, bow sacred it may be to you,, i be will bavo bis fling at it, and slued j : ,ue wish is to make joo setter, he is all; the happier the nearer he touches your ' heart. Just half a dozen words, only | j for the pleasure loose its of brightness, seeing a cheek only flush j | or an eye spo I ken because he is aft aid you are too! j h ‘W. >r trt0 COQOei “ d ' Ytt they are ; worse than so many blow;-, Ho w many i ! sleepless nights have such mean at : j tacks after caused tbeu», tender-hearted awakes with men! aching How j one . eyes and heart, to remember that j i .speech before every thing—that, bright we p aimed needle of a speech tbat ! | robbed the very centre of your eoui! j S i ' • —' ; j p CXTING Air Log in a Bottle—To accomplish this seemingly incredible act requires the following preparation; You must must, take take an an egg egg and and soak soak it it in vinegar, and in process of time its shell will become quite soft, so that it may be extended tenth wise without breaking; then insert it into the neck of a small bottle. and on pouring cold water upon it, will assume its former figure aod hardness. This is really a curisoity, and baffles thcoe who arc not in the secret to find out how it is accomplish¬ ed Leaving For Lilieria During the past few days about tw¬ enty five colored men have passed through Atlanta, bound for Libera. They hailed from the vicinity of Gal¬ veston, Texas, and had through tickets to New York by tbs Keunesaw route. Some of them were intelligent fellows, : and all of them seemed to have money, j They said that the Liberian fever was raging in Texas. They expect to be ; followed by alarg number of their col- ! ored brothers at an early day. An • exodus of this kind may hurt Texas. 1 but it can't help the republican natty. | — At. Constitution ! The most important events in the life of roan are when he examines hi? upper lip and see* the hair coming, aud when he examines the fop of his head aod sees the hair, • sng, It le a pitty tbat mm cant moke a living by running in debt; baey do it with so much oas6 WHITE SHERIFF SALES. VV i / ILL. to ! before the Coait Hoa«e four ia the Town of Cleveland, '.'.'hits Ce ntv 6 a, an t_e first Match next, bet veil the legal ho at? : .'sc, for -u?h tail fclisviuv p: ..petty j w , J. ‘, p a l f lots of land Dumber.; t; and If, I in the 6th «■..■ .t o :’ K.'.r...;rsbe», j Vto ^ Vv™ ; *3 foik-v.-*. et <• *r.-mu Mapie on the riiitl Arrgv.ry brunet,, to tba Rabun's r an, , he... ,, -oh hr,,;. . to the h e n d : q C n U D < p c.r j >» 901* id diviuir rbe orv/ii.- -i r.$; then along ►. 4 i 0 ■ t In;,. In •..; -;r to .* oo corner; tbauc-i ortb-( > m ••Idl:: ca !iiQ ridge best'VA*M'i Janw ■ •. : ;.•*;»<: i and Vi. V. York t- )u.i c<. 1 K.’iuuue : id; . tbenee a] ong i»ajd a. to zl c ;• .. • t• r r : , j ; n t, containing bar.ured il l o: less, some it?', or thr-w rcrci iid proved. i.,vkd f -x bA, 2 \. Tr, vkr. L , uuu ; v . . rx?.uvt t0 fc y virtoejd - » is si: vd from the fur the purrhaso VDpuxurk'ugliut* of the Wihmm Avans Willis uio,.'; ;aojc; ;hc a A-.-.,'s heiv.i; in porsosricn of the reraa, ant! t: ■ n,:i ■i the levy it 1 v.n - been given to ' 3 sal;.. ;,;m ivr; I.'o at the ti.-uao tS-a nod place tea ncraf of lot cflani I'T... 3'i, and Ti no • : it ID. 3i iti the tith Ic-triet ,t inn! !y U tth'.rshsa nc r V/Ut.e iinty. t J d. ■ .;n:cg' o- '■ • tl- Y G . L . . ltd an a8 the pr. ter ty of Hicks to sati; ; T ns filn.’l' )av uf aaid to oner Ay, ve tail Hicks, he; Levy nave anti rotnrru't to nto b- J c 4 IciIcfc - . ards .a T. c.. T. C If). MILTON, SiR. Jmuary 3let XSi<). :;. i GEORGIA — If InteCwnty Pursuant to an order of the Judge I the Attperior com ■ of paid county, iLa. «;u Ln suit’, between the legal hours .s' he ttu. court house ,i „r ,a '.'ievciaud r.. poa; county on the first Tuesday its March nail, the j'.jR i'.wing uoscribcl utsi to v/i'. Lot of land Ho. VO in the DAt. yf crigi M! -dy ll iociehatr, no./ ' bite count; known so me ‘-White «o.d M, dbee lot.'' very valuable for mining ; > ret oonuiuiog 460 acre8 more or Teas. The;..At. Atnb h "li.g been rtiered ”’. flwed to t0 be oe sold * o!d for for f f;.ni uni i i n imn- tt® V l0t )' w '“ :rs thel '_ er ’ f - SchDubjet.; to * L*arr iueXacmochca^u Sfc^tvhia # Lo^ will expire ju th® v«m: T«..-ias cash. nvm.'f. a bars ) !• Comai* B.T.KBSSIMKr _ s. cars, W.B. bkli, j , .. n " a ”; , *’ £ ’ 1 '' t,,a ' —— -—-t*=s=t .i«:rigCTK cssaorceti»--<»> ,a wnu_________ 'Jk v*-—• S> ATLANTA AMD CHARLOTTE AIR DIN A RAILROAD, MAH that:? going east. Leave Atlanta........... 2.30 pc* A nave 'udw <-«. pm Leave Uawe-’. ill?......... ......... 5.51 pru Arrivo Charlotte.. :j.2t» am GJ-ING west, Leave Charlotte . 12.10 tua Arrive_Gati, Leave G-dinenyiilf e! .rm a 9-29 an Arriva Attaota...... . .0,51 pm .i. 9 ..t 1 DAY PASSEXhEft TRAIN GOING EAST Leave Atlanta...... Gainesville,* -.4.00 am Leave Arrive Gainesville................... ... .,..7.....'.'.’.','! ..0.13 n. Aw* Cbsrlotts................... ... ■ ant v « 3.20 p:n ., . GOING west Leave charlotte.............. .10.42 am Arrive Gaiu«»vil]e.................... 8 If, pin Laave .. . Gainesville............... , ...8.1V pir. Arrive Atlanta........ .10 .".t, pin and aoc./Iviod.uih ■ TB A IN bulNu Eac (. _ J^any i-. -./ept .annaj; . C hf - ;':;;.................. .......... 7 (»t am L^avo'Gainuaviiie Centro!............VL .....** Arrive uoi*NO "......’• om Ontiai . ...... "'eT’v' * Leave GrV.csvinT’..... fc ’ ‘" Y Arrive , Leave Gaiitt.pviKe,,, ..........00 am Arrive Allunta.,,,.,.. 0.15 am .....— Cldfe eonneetion at. Atlanta for sU.pnintj pit, attl a; (.liarl/i’t© fur ail points Bu.-,t. G. J. Fohbackp, Gen, Man. J. r HottaTox, „ . W. Gen.?, nod T. Ag't. \ T .E.RE.orG-EO. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ScPEnlNTI’-NDFitT OrriCK, j I TTNanl Athena, Due. 3 d, 1373 . after Monday, Devetnber 30 ISIS \ J train train? a a*. on 11 the «. Northeastern XT - ; i.ailroad tvil run as foltona- [Trains daily except Sunday.] Leave Athene.............................,. 7.15 sm Arrive at j iU)e Arrive Leaveata Athens ................s'.oo Rt pin Train willvait thirty minutes 11 Lula forde eyed passenger train on the Air Line R. B. J. U. EDWARDS, L-up’t ____________ ______________ ^72 A WEBB.. $12 Jay at Ijome saa !y made. Costly O ttit f.«t, Aduvers Tart: A Go-, An^asta Maine. J5 to $20 *** day at Lome. Son; plea w •: tb $J land Maine. sicta * wee ^ 1° V‘ u ‘ owa tovra. T tins am free r idre=i it iLlLEir Portland U» e. a: a m w. NO 6