The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, February 14, 1880, Image 3

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J oca! Item! Another spring-like week. ''lad everywhere' Warm Sou!h wind biowctT. If oar Ordinary does not say sotnr thing about’working the streots, we will. Wo have boon promised ja rail road communication for the last two weeks, but alas. Still they come ! Every day briugs ns new subscribers. There are very few idle men about Cleveland just now. Got your garden in order, seems to be the watch-word in Cleveland. Mr Christopher Meadors has been quito fooble for some days past. Cleveland seems to be, for the last week, quite a mart of trade in the mule lino. Large droves of mule3 continue to pass through our village. Drummers from Atlanta, passed through toy/a this yveek, stoppiug with McAfjja. We are glad to hear, that our friend, Mr. C. II. Kytio, who has for some days boon quite sick, is considerable on the mend. ‘Or. i) Boxy do o' says the iiicitt boys of Towns county, have decided to leave off whiskey making, and let Uncle Sam .have his way. -That is right gentlemen: stick,So your decision. Wo hope thediy is not far distant wl on i very ...body will have aclearcon . c.'p i ni of -justice: then wo shall have butter times If we were a betting man, we would bo willing m wager a drink of butter mid! that Whito county .can boast of f t U j .O'. ■ f r .it . t .m s'o.i.x any county in the State. Our local of last .week in reference to .the happy fellows singing ;in the resuro tior. morning we shall rise,’ was spoken of as b ‘ing 'great,' by an advocate of the underground pipe. It seems.that the underground run-* lhat, flowed so copipuslv the‘mountain dew' last week, has been exhausted, or the appearance of the revenue man in town this week, Rtopped ,tho hole where it run out at. Young Wiloy Qpillisn, in the -Mossy Creek neighborhood; a few days ago, i \j tired himself in the knee by jumping, at school. He gets about now by the aid of a walking cane, We are glad to know that Nacoochee High School is so prosperous. There is no man more worthy of public patron¬ age than Rev. J, J. Methvin. Wo are sorry to bear of the death of Miss Mary Sumpter, i highly respected lady of this county, and sister indaw to Judge Houston. She died at the resi¬ dence of Jucigo Houston, where, we believe she had been reared from child¬ hood, being the oid homestead of her father. It was intimated to us a few days ago that a local artic e in our last issue was intended as a kind of burlesque upon a certain party. We take occasion to say that noth ing of the sort was intended, f;r we have the best feelings towards ail parties concerned, and we have no desire to offend or injure any uno. A great many ladies have visited our office since we began the publication of our parpor, but we havo not had time to give them personal mention in our locals. Ladies, you are always welcome visitors, and your visits show that you ate at least friendly to our enterprise. Mr: J. E. Neal, of this plaee showed us on last Thursday morning, live or six ears of corn, which he said were grown on his Chestatee farm in Lump Fin county, last year, which are as fitie as any we have seen iu this country. i Mr. J. D. Cooley, near Leo, ih this county, is erecting a two stcry od-iliee that will be an ornament to that section of white connty. Mr- Cooly is a young man of energy and good lusiue-t hab¬ its, and wo aro glad to chronicle this evidence of his success in business. Dr- T, G. Underwood of Easternally, Franklin county, dropped into our sanc¬ tum on last Thursday aud did the nice, thing by leaving us in a better condi¬ tion for keeping soul and body together than when he came. Mi\ Joseph II. Porter of Florida was in our town last weok, on his way to visit his mother in Lumkin county Al tkouga Mr. P. was raised in the moun¬ tains of Georgia, the low lands of Flor¬ ida seems to agree with him. lie will spend about two moats among bis rela¬ tives and friend?- before vciunrinj* to Florida, Mr, J. M. Dorsey of Mossy creek, in this county, came into our Sanctum last week and paid four subscriptions to us for our paper, his own included. Such men as Mr. Dorsy aro worth somthing in any community. We wish there were plenty of such men in our county. Thank you, friend Dorsey, We would be glad others would follow your exam¬ ple. Sovoral of our citizens, have this week beou summoned t> ahead th U. S. Court in,Atlanta, in March next, as wit¬ nesses in cases of illicit distilleries. We are sorry that our citizens have to be troubled on account of the poisonous stuff. We think it would bo best lor allparties to neither make, buy, so]! cr | drink whiskey' Wo say this with the kindest feelings toward ail, and because wobolieve it to be a groat curse upon our pooplo. We feel an interest in eve¬ ry citizen • f the connty: and tnerefore, would if it -were in our power, prevail | 1 upon do every ope to have nothing at ail to with illicit liquors or any other kind. We are aware that a majority of I the pooplo in this section, behove the j revemid law to be a bad law, and in our 1 opinion, the best way to get rid of a ,bad law, in to obey it, and thus free ourselves .from the penalties of viola ,tion, until such law repealed, or at .least modified. It is a certain fact that wo must be subject to the powers that be, therefore lot us all be liw abid¬ ing citizens Wo think we aro correct, in this matter. Hiwassee Items. Febuary 2. 1880.—This morning finds us enjoying the sweets of pure winter. The trees aro loaded with ice, and the I ground whitened by snow. The people civ,cold ! cold!: as it has been warm ■so long. Largo droves of mules pass through our village frequently. That denotes a rise of the money tidp.does it not ? We learn that the illicit boys of our county have stopped their distillation, and intend to let okl Sam have his way. Good plan we think. There has never boon as much hostilities toward the revenue here; ns said to be, no-way. It is said by many of our most intelli¬ gent and truthful citizens; those Gains ville doctors, who came to our connty to tend on Starns, one of the revenue men. That they, instead of performing a wise act, did a very unwise act. Old Bontooo. To Mend China.—T ake a thick so lution of gum arabic in warm water, and stir into it plaster of Paris till the mixture is of the proper Apply with a brush to the fractured edges of the china, and stick thorn to¬ gether. In three days the article can not be broken in the samo place. Tbo whiteness of the cement increases its value. Fruit Cake —One lb of fine white 8 ugar; one lb. butter; one lb. flour, ywelve eggs; four lbs. seeded raisins: four lbs currants, washed and dried: one lb - citron sliced; half lb. of can¬ died orange peel; one and quator ounces of ground cloves. flour Put ail the with fruit to thoroughly some of that weighed fer the cake. Put the spices to steep in water Cream to gather the butter and sugar, and boat the eggs separately as ligot as possible. Then mix as for other cake, putting in the fruit last. Bake in a moderate oven, and, if possible, do not stir the pans after once in. &,***» -:-:* MARRIED At the Presbyterian Olnr'Ch, ■ - cheo, Ga , <;ti th« evening of t >. ! Dh instant, by Rev- J. J. Hatiiviu, . ■ . J. Edward Neal, of Cleveland, a a Rosa L, Pitner, of Naenoclu* Too attendants on the occasion wet Mr W. 0 Butler and Miss Aanna II. N chon ; Mr. C. L Pitttef and Mis.- Tolda Dc amor .- M r . Frink I.. Ash"- rd Miss Tattle G. S ... r: Mj T. U 1 .. ki l and Miss Alice L. Williams. After the ceremony was performed, a large number of residents in N;,w < T’.. Valley assembled at the resicen -o of Mr. Fitner, the father of the > hie, where a sumptuous feast vast a A - ing and of which the guests paw Prof. Neal is one of the esteem! d men of this county arid has a at future before him in his chosen j i s ion. His bride is one of Ur est davight is of the fair for 1 vc. A ‘ '.id wo wish them a prosperous journey over the sea of life. The Southern Farmer's Monthly for January. The January number of this magazine is out, aud it is the hurt m■ yet issued. Among the numerous in¬ teresting original articles are two by Dr. Gautier, of. Wilmington : Ieln Ga. : “The Cabbage worm and its par asUofo and ‘Are Plants Fed aud Water¬ ed Through their Leaves?' am. one by Prof. J. P. Rtelle, of Mobile,, ‘Fruit Tree Borers.’ Two on the ‘Hog'question, ard an ed article on TIovv to Cut and Meats,' are also very seasonable. .Fashion Deparrment [Tor.Ltrmers' and daughters) has the usual rW. Plates. Take the number as : - it is one of the best publications t.f kind in the country, and is well the name it bears- ■■ The Southern runn¬ er',? Monthly.' The price is $2 W) a or $i 00 for six months. Odors mail should be adercssed to J. li. Savannah. Ga VIC ICS Illustrated Floral GUI DE. A hcBiutirul tvork of IDO pa:rtu. crc Go]n r p,j Gower Plata, and oOO Iliuatraticiis. with peecrip.*:ond of llioln -f; Fl.-wer.s and v’c Vdo.s, with pr\co of seed, au>l Iidvv u» ufc.w them. A li far live eenL Sc..,;-. ^ Per * ■> or mini. V I<J K S SK’h'DS nre the hcot ii; iV n--rM. Five Ok.nts for postage will Ihjv the i (i uidk, lolling how to get them. Tiie F owor and -Vulg t tblc (Jardci., 175 tgi.^oo, Six colnrc'! Plato,s ? ; .n,l mniiy himdied Fncravings. For 50 eenrp in paper e<-.v SI. 00 in fdeirunt rdotji. in (terman or U'. ^ltFh, Vick’s llludtrntcd J.lonthlv , • ;:2 Pages*,:»- colored Plate in every it:,..' -r and many fine Engravings. Prico .t h-;: l Five copies for $5.00. Specimen ’■ sent for . 10 e enfcs: trial copies for 2o ccnls. Address-. JAM MS VIOIC IloM,.- N V WillTK S if till IFF SAL: . T I TILL be sold hefero tin { hun t YV Hoifq door ia the d ,vn ol Cleveland, White Co nfy Ga,. < *• I Tuesday in March nt.ct, hetween v !«ga) hours uf,,'tho following j to wit : Paris cf Juts of land numbers 12 -md J‘M in the fith district of originally i I -u hum, now White county to wit: all that j’ i: r • >« . aid lots, on the cast of iho Greggory ranoh. hounded as follows, coinu enciog at a ■ ; . i\u Mapio on the said Grnggory bran*d». < !• I ha Rabuno r* ad, thence up .-.-aid bvancc to the head thereof; thence along cm ti < top or a certain dividing ridge to the origiiui Fid : thence along said original line North to a Pino tree corner; thence North-erst along on top of the ridge between Daniel C an ill and W. V. York to the said .Uahum j - thence along said road to the starting point, containing one hundred acres more r loss, some two or three acres improved. Levied ou by A, N. Vandlvier. L. 0. , and turned tome by virtue of a li la issued 1. .n the Justices court, of the 127th Dist. v. M , in favor of W* V. York against W ill in u. Avar for the purchase money of the sumo: c said William Avans being in possession of the seme, and written notice of the levy Having been given to the said William Avan.-. Also at the same time and place ’1 cn acrcf of lot of lurid No. 30, and 70 acres lo tos land No. -11 in the fitli district of ovigmally Huliersham now W’hite cjunty. Ga i r G. of AV. C* Hicks Wykle. Levied mf as'^lTe’pr* . !’“ i ! : James to satisfy a Tax !i fa iu favov of said Sjate and county, vs said ‘il icks. Levy made and returned to me by J.A, Rich urdsou T. c.. T. C- J/AMILTON, m?. This January 31st, J.sso. > :.o I GK OH Of A -- Whi teCon nit/ Pursuant to an order of the Judge. « the .'Superior court of said county, will he sold between the legal honrs of sale, before the court house door in Cleveland in sain county on the first Tuesday in March next, the foD lowing described land to wit. Lot of land No. 70 in the 3rd Dist. of origi¬ nally Habersham now White county and known as the ‘-White and McGhee lot," very valuable for mining purposes oontainiig 260 acres more or less. The said landhsivijig been ordered to be sold for Part Pirn among the joint owners thereof. Sold subject to a Lease for mining purposes now held and o,vu« t by the Nacoochee Gold Mining Co., whi • . j so will expire in the year 1S8J. Terms c.i ii. WM. P'. SKARS j Uoici.tis It. T. KENNIMER \ sioneis. W. B. BKLL ) Jan- 31st *80. tds. tr-.vjrr^.'aiax-cavr,-. ->». • --».•■■,■■ . •»• ■ .j • •*•_ 1 I 1 - <rv & , ••» • V.vtii?:vt J:< j - ' A';.*-? ^ ’' v — f'Sm Awl ■ V v ’ ■■ j&gVr:i'Gfo '. Tyi pj- .'■> g” ” 4 Vfo'' fo . fevfofot L-i.& Ffofo ' : -envy, • ;• • • ,v ’’ ,filial j No. JGO—Front View. : ViMY, ; ; SRATTLE^ ii li LHtJUvruv 1 ’■ •. Oitr new Organ, express!}’ designed for r.foy Seliools, Chapels, etc., is proving a Q- 2=3L !E2 jSl s 2y ® TJJ O Cl X . A.. . ‘ Be sure to send for full descriptive C.thilop Before tic j purchasing any other. THE URGES! WORKS (OF USE DID) 01 Tilt i,. Clfit uao. Illustrated Catalogue sent free BEST PIANOS 4 ; • Jliu • ii U A GRTnSTEW'. VTJ) i i j Lf a ■ ; i.'-f.ric, Ci.MriUSING THE CEbKU.lATbD IK ST HUM K Q itcinway, Knabe, or Wt U "'GT, i ni rlovel t A J *) v F' fisher. Unsurpassed for their Excellent Musical Qualities,: Consirnt: .-m ttml durability in the Southern Climate. Tae Manuals Or- a - O CLOUGH & WARREN, PELOITBET, PELTON & CO., The Most Popular Organn in in V>~cr :: . | I’ltlCE.S :-— —Xho lowest in the country. , TKRiVfj? -------The most lilmnil. 1 STOCK :------The largest variety to select lVom. ! : Dirioct Importation \ of ali, kinds oi ) ] M US 1 (JA Ti IISrSTEUM ENTS, 1 A t Wholesale nd Retail. Catalogues and Price Lists mailed Free, U ;ri '- poadcncc .solicitod. Aadress Lotlis Grrunewalf A. M to 22 BARGNNE ST., Now Orleans. THE LEADING IMANO HOUSE IN TIIE SOU': . WEST ' Jai . yrei. OHI! ''l.tOO.K B IJ V E J. 13. GOOLEY, . MOSSY CREEK, WHITE COUNJ’Y, GEORGIA. NODNCRS TO THK piiblie tlinl lie litis mspo ooiisiilevablc imprf.vum ■ ! U ■ ■ \ . i i ; his Mills, and duos double tho amount of (trioiling as heretofore, : rui * . t«I i- .!j ” ALL who has WHEAT or CO R-N to € to stive THOMAS W. ALEXANDER,a nail lvho can’t - beat i;i X • " jf'ta, for qaantity or ii'nality of Boar per bushel. Live him a ( and . eeoti v state that I have i.nnneetiun with the above, a first, class WOOL CA1 * 1 )E 13 E N good order, that gives unusual ’atisfactiou. i have a good bouse, lot and stobVs. for the wonofi t of those who desire to t„v over night for the purpose of getting- tin ,< w ’-ne. bill also state for the benefit of the not ton growers that I have in good order, lor the < omm season, a first class W I N S M l IJ MOTION G IN PRKSS, where. got good work done at low rates. Feeling u.anl:' 1 1 > r pat \.\ r D v*ui can (June 2S-Oua.) -D L' OLL ronage, Isolieit a continuance of the amo. ■ • Notice. This ia to not ify all persons not to.cut wood or stock, or in any other wav in ¬ trude upon lot of land number 48, in tbe 8B<! district G. M ., of White county, known as the W. H. Milton lot- There has been stock cat on tbo above named property recently, and tin! intruders, unless they come forward and settle, will be prosecuted TUGS. to MrAFEE, tho extent Agon. oi the law. January Jl 1880 jNT otice! ALL Persoi s indchled to the ‘'UaH F. I r . Bradley deceased are hereby u v ^c c<v u forward and make immediate j.ijr: 'Ut u dal persons having deiusr-ds ; ga tl e sai c u» present them to me within u. tiu e re«(tti ert by lavv. W. lv, Vi i 1 LI > 'LS , uLt r. F. li i>I MG 'ey -jc, January 3rd., L' !