The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, February 28, 1880, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL Toultry anti Egg Product Profitable In the South. It is not a |ittle singular that in all that has been said in favor of a diversi¬ fication of crops for the cotton States, and for all that baa been recommended, so little emphasis has been put upon the breeding, raising and feeding poul¬ try, and egg production This ;s, per¬ haps, because It has been rogarded as a small business, and partly because of the weakness of the negro for the white man's chickens and the more forehanded brethren To the first objection, it may be said that all, or nearly Till great, things, and especially great agricultural industries, begin small, as witness the condition of the dairy interest forty years ago, or or even twenty—and the cotton inter¬ est, even before the invention of the power gin ; and to the second if care is not taken to house Dightly aad secuiely fasten up from marauders their con¬ tents, thore can be uo such thing as profit in the poultry business in any country. We do not foar that the.oegro will commit ‘fiat burglary’ to gratify his weakness for hi3 neighbor’s chickens; and if in the cotton States breeders will take as much pains in looking after their fowls as those of the North they will suffer quite as little from thievery. South of thirty-eight degrees, and clear down to the Gulf of Mexico, lies a soil and climate admirably fitted for poultry production, and whenever the fact is well understood and acted upon, this portion of the country will have as near a monopoly of the poultry bush ness as the corn and cattle States have of beef and pork predictions. Just now, iu the chief commercial centers hereabouts, like Louisville, Cincinnati or Chicago; eggs are quoted at from 18c to 25o a dozen, and will so continue to be all winter long. This winter demand for eggs, the South by soil aDd climate, should be abundautly able to supply: and when her farmers shall have so added to those great delicacies in quantities sufficient to meet the Northern and European demand, they will have no reason for dismissing the subject of chicken breed jug as a small and unprofitable bush ness. —Poultry Journal. Turkey Raising. For some years I have followed the :rmehoiiorecl practice of putting the first lot of turkey eggs UDder common hens to batch and raise, each success¬ ive year bringing its share of death, disease, aud consequent disappointment, in the size of the Hock in the fall, regu¬ lated by the season as it was favorable, pr the reverse. My coops were built large and roomy, and kept clean as possible, but every rainy time was death to more or less of the little ‘moslems’ in spite of all precautions. Last spring we had about two hun¬ dred and fifty with bens when the rainy spell came on. After suffering the usu¬ al experience, a council of deliberation was bold, when the conclusion was ar¬ rived at that there was nothing to be lost, aud perhaps something to be gain¬ ed, by letting the turkeys raise their own young. Accordingly, after that, as each one hatched, she was placed in a pasture lot with plenty of shade and range—bidden U-od-spoed and good luck. Wet mornings tkev were fed early, and rainy days often, to keep them from wandering. After the insect Beason was fully inaugurated, no feed was given. The result was highly sat isfaotory, as the size of the young flock testified. Some of the old ones raised pvery one they left the nett with. Henceforth my plan will be to set a iieu at the same time as the turkey, giving both clutches at batchiDg time to the turkey, and discard all coops. My ex-, perience last season has shown me tb I can raise a much larger percentage of young at much loss cost of money and trouble than by the old plan, lu share, turkeys are like Indians iu oue —to be eoatentediand thrifty, they be allowed to follow their Daiural pensityof roaming—always being in reasonable bouDds.— Ex. One Sabbath afternoon a minister outerving by the time be ed the third ‘bead’ of bis discourse the drowsy disposition of several «f his bearers, quietly remarked: ‘In the third place those of you who are awake will please lake notice, etc.' ITHE CLEVELAND ADVERTISER. A WEEKLY JOURNAL, Published at Cleveland, White county, Georgia, Its object is to build up the Material, Mental and Moral Interests of the section in which it is published. Not boin^ published in the interests of a political party, yet its devotion to Democracy will be asserted whenever the great principles of that party are assailed, or its tenets departed from. The cause o' Education and Temperance will be advocated. THE ADVERTISER, has a circulation in the counties of Whits, Habersham, Lumpkin, Hall, Dawson, Rabun, Union, Towns, Gilmer, Forsyth, in North-lias: Georgia, and in the borderconnties of North Carolina. It thus affords a good medium for Advertising for the Merchants of Gafpesvllle, Atlanta, and of Midtile Georgia. At One Dellar per iiiimt Every Farmer, Miner, Merchant, Mechanic, Lawyer, Physician, Clergyman, School Teacher, and Citizen, living in the section in which it is published, ought to encourage a home enterprise by subscribing for THE ADVERTI.-'ER. It will contain the Legal advertise¬ ments of White County, and other matter of importance to eytry cii.v-eu «? tlm count, . Address all Letters and Communications to ALEX. CHURCH. Editor, Cleveland, Georgia. BEST PIANOS A ORGANS G-RUNEWALD HALL aus. COMPRISING THE CELEBRATED INSTRUMENTS OF Steinway, Knabe, Weber, Ployel, Fisher. Unsurpassed for their Kx col lent Musical Qualities, Construction and dura bit it in the Southern Climate. Tlxe Famous Organs Of i CLOUG-I A WARREN, PELOUBET, PELTON A CO., - The Most Popular Organs in the World. PRICES :---- -The lowest iu tiu country. TERMS :--The most liberal. STOCK The largest variety to select from. Direct Importation of all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. At Whcle.ale an,,l Retail. Catalogues ana Price Lists mailed Free. Correspondence solicited. Aadrces j j UiOiiis Gruiie w a Id, 14 to 22 BaRONNE ST., New Orleans. THE LEADING PIANO HOUSE IN THE SOUTH WEST ; Jan. 31et, ISSfl. $72 ^ WEEK. ?'.2 a d'ly ar home easly j „ a week in your own town. T rm? and $5 made. Costly <>'tSt fiee. Address Tube ! *°®oiitfit free. Address H. Hallett it Co., A Co., Augusta Maine. Portion d Maine. THE LIOHT-RUHimtG nvBon The BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, and most THOROUGHLY constructed SEWING MACHINE ever invented. All the wearing parts are made of the BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED and are ADJUSTABLE. It has the AVTOMA TIC TENSION; It has the LARGEST ISO IS KIN; It has the Easiest Threaded Shuttle. The BOBBIN'S arc WOUND without RUNNING MACHINE. or UNTHREADING the It has a SELF-SETTINO NEEDM; It has a DIAL for regulating-the length of stitch, WITHOUT TESTING; It has a LARGE SPACE under the arm; It is NOISELESS, and has more points of EXCELLENCE than all other machines combined. Air Agents wanted, in localities where we are not represented. \ Johnson, Claris & Co. 30 UNION SQUARE, N.Y.' FIFTEEN A13 Stop Organ DAYS ^ ONLY Test Trial. PATTEESOHOEGAN«« Reeds. Octaves,13 Stops. Di¬ Three sets 5 mensions : Height, 74 in.; Width, 48 in.; Depth, 24 in. Improved Knee Swell and Grand Organ Kneo Swell. The stylo of this Organ is beautiful and unique, and combines elegance of Design, just pro¬ portion, and beautiful finish. The case is of solid Black Walnut, tastefully ornamented with hand rome Mottled French Walnut Panels, which, being highly finished, contrast admirably with Dark Wal¬ nut of Case. The tone is remarkable for purity p.ud sweetness, combined with volume, va¬ riety responsive and brilliancy- and and, The touch in fart is the quick, whole instrument, action pliant, ha3 . in and caee, every requisite of the most perfect Parlor Organ. No bet¬ ter organ You can be purchased for instrument for family only use. pay after you have fully tested it at your own home 15 days. If not as represented, return it at my expense. J paying freight both ways. Each instrument boxed and delivered on cars here for only $85. Fully warranted for 6 years. Remember this offer is at my lowest TJet Cash wholesale Factory price, therefore no reduc¬ tion can be made. Order at once from this adver¬ tisement, giving as reference any responsible Dank¬ er or Business Firm. PATTERSON PIANO US: gS 8 ; and npwarde. $ OR GALLS, $-45, $62, $75. $80, $So, $00. $100. 1 20, and upwards, with Stool and Instruction Book. SPECIAL INDUCE¬ MENTS offered to Churches, Lodges. Cler¬ gymen, School-Teachers and ILLUSTRA¬ Sign Paint¬ ers. Correspondence solicited. TED CATALOGUE, showing all my styles of Pianos and Organs, sent free. Address JAMES T. PATTERSON. P. O. Drawer 12, Bridgeport, Conn., U. S. A. ASfbiOtNGGEARS,COGS ; y ;■ M fHEREEORE .CAMS AND ENTIRELY LEVERS! AND 'SUBSTITUTING AN NEW MECHANICAL PRINCIPALS. MOVEMENT, A.RAOICAL IMPROVEMENT SEEN ATAGlANGtGREAUY OtSIREDBYAU AUTOMATIC.OIRECL&. PERFECT ACTION Hi EVERY PART FRICTION, NONOISE, NO WEAR,NO’TANTRUMS QT10M .N0 LONG TALK OR ARGUMENT REQUIRED [TILTING ITS OWN STORY. SECURES IM- 1 AGENTS flRYMrGCO. WANTED A T’HEEU-ufilLIlTQ, GBA1D Piano With Cover, Stool and instruction Book. O’BtTxosr gssso. f I .% PATTESSOH Style PIMP SSfm Ho. SJ, 7 , ©erwes, nt&frnifieent rosewood case, four round corners, large rire, desk, ort.-v*, heavy carved rerpeatino legs and lyre, n:ior.3d- fret rnd top iners all ro ••id. case, iron hack frast?, finished earno an iron'. L i l v;ItLi extra Worso ’.......' fi'C' -yi ctfifi/'ivi ( v.i ' i <» TU Full Agraffe, vlireo uninens, Soft Pedal. Ivory Key Fronts, Capped Kainmcru. and every modern improvement improvement ihat ihat tends i ends to to iierh-ctU.n peridot dm of of tv True m* an;l and general du nihility. Diincrviei Men 'i: 0 feet 10 inchc'r, v. i rlth. !>■>: i "t voinarkablo inches. weigi , 1 ■ Vv- T. .1 000pounds. •.’I'.is Pi-'.n.; • f ■ purity, richncfis end ;• u- vu- ■ ■ ; one, and t ■■ md.v:i.d mnn;mi* in Yv ... vtim; the vole . -• "a-1\ iiiftt-rmuont in varrr for si-c yon - id 8-hi'ppCfl on !■'» dr. y s :•'•-•■ t ri,. >. and if ct end t bait period it ip uat; found vii W'ory and us rw rented by irnv. pr.r • uTiG-r • u ‘turn srii’-.j at. • exponsc for freight ) Oth va.vs. j : piano in kept, y lach i - ! i’UMerit htnu-.l and dr!iwre.-l on board cam her : J i 1 eliav-r- and r.' u'lO’VC ~j roculred T ’. ii ' • • ed ; vMyrow h ‘Ir.strnmeiit.j u. vll ), ■. ’j ] : * I on ]v::\ics t r } udiig furnishing 'in v. ith g-T'd : • inwfrom i 1 > vusponsildo Dank, Uaidv'v ( v U .i<ine--;.: ZIo'U-.v iu i fU? ova town, who • ’• ‘1° -V 1 iiOiil $fd, fj.Pd. $8f>, tOO. $10 ) C'12U. *d:r*. nmiitpwarr.s i . uo latest and most beau i i ful designs, and J.iavi n-d’ k - sweetest and most b.armouuui . tone to be har d in any organ in the world. 1 ’ios aIauSL^ATFV $loO, £;16*5, CU'lTALOG $550, rid sru.i v.pvi-. i cent nj * j lull iufc:t’T)Tp 1 on, pen* m 2 1 ' f f '«r>. ' nr \ Ad’bv-- A : JAU T * ' • ’ • T '!• ' PATTI!dsOK, TMTT'LV'f.'.' .. . -i •» T. O. 1 rawr r 12, i port, 1 Ur.n., V. ;b A. THE WiLCOX&WHITE ORGAN CO. Meriden, Conn. U. & A. "Children’s Blow Pedals,” Adjusted or rsmovedinstantly. Invented and Fvsluslvely used by this Company, The most popular Organs of the "day! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. “The Wilcox & White Organ Instructor” is the BEST and CHEAPEST in the market! -Wrtd For Illustrated Catalogue. YIC.K’S Illustrated Floral ’ GUT DU. A beautirul work of 100 pages, one Collect Power Plate, and 500 Illustrations, with Descriptions of the best Flowers and Vege* btes. with price ol teed, and bow to grow them. All for tive cent Stamp. In English or German. V ILK S SEEDS are the beet in the world. l'lvF Oknts for postage will buy the Floral Guide, telling bow to get them. The 1 ower and Vegetable Garden, 175 pagee, Six. eoiored Plates, and many hundred Engravings.* For 50 cents in paper covers; $1. 00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. Vjck’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine—32 Pages, a colored Plate in every number and many fine Engravings. Price $1.25 a year: Five copies for S5.00. Specimen Numbers sent tor lit e ©uts: 3 trial copies tor 25 cents. Address, JAMES A ICK, Rochester, N.Y $5 to mf* r ,Uv Kt ho,,itJ S,) 3 plea worth $5 tr eo. Address Stinson <t Co. Port¬ land Maine.