The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, March 06, 1880, Image 2

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mu film'! a ml j\ (I mi h er. ai ex. min; , 1 . ElUTOIi ilcvcland, (tporgia. liairh IS, 1SS0. ’I he pitoplo of Atlania and Angns'a teem to be /k-tsliiig; on the delicious strawberry. Mad dugs are said to be, in S'Htiii Carol in i. Lookout, they ■ might cross .over luto Georgia. ,,, blame . seems to " 7 be **“", the choice , . of the Ilcpnolican party for their candidate for the Presidency. j .Sumo of tlm - Georgia ------- — j iadies scorn anxious to ho admitted to the polls next ! fa 11, i We will next wet k ,***« i v« the views ' of the people ,.f Whim in v.-foreneb to tho I residential . c indtdams, • *** r 1,1,re V , 18 not iln l;(ll!(,r t»i« United j 1,1 States who is a blend to his country, I that, does not advocate the ' repeal 0 f! duties on printing paper ______*J, j ' i 0 i Most of the'.lews believe t" it the evil ep.Msa.eadia a,,,..,,..,,,.,, tbo poor swm» , uott i believe a word of it, for we too o!'«n see the power of his Sat ,r. at ).■ tv displayed in poor erring m: Considering the mmlt est of win ter, and the many full cribs , v 0 , should ’.hink the prices ol eadstulL ought. to declina. ft s. at Hou Emory Speer lost [ his Bras.-, nand bill, and also the bill ! excluding ‘tillers’ from appropriation *y v 1 bids, I tie Ripresentativos i in Congress ! know more than wo do, but wo think ! both of these hills ought to have beeD 1 sustained. j . 1 ie wmk , no the T G. A. Colledgo, ,, , | : at Dublin,ega will cotftmenee about the fir-st of April, and tho intention is to l 1 have it complete by ihe first of July Col. Price, it j. said hasr obtained six thousand dollats to aid its octuple- | lion. • ■ \ ---—-------— j : Wo have receive!! a communication from over in Towns county, signed “Alpha %/’ which attacks tho writer of a communication in a former paper. If “Alpha Z” will bo more 'elegant in r his diction and more courteous to those who differ with him, be may liope to makje his dbbut in the co.umos of the Advertiser some of these days, A new, and doubtless interesting, department will be added to the Ar> vkrtiser by the first of April next. We have secured the services of Prof. J. E. Neal, who from that dat'e will conduct the Educational department. As there is no interest of tho county, at this period of her history,'more worthy of consideration than tho educational interest, this feature of the paper will be of great Importance to alt concerned, A protective tariff (so-called', only gives to manufacturers of every kind a license to monopolize on their produce lions and extortion on the consumers. If our laws are for the benefit of the masses of the people there should he no tariff on importations, but if fur the benefit of tho few let the tariff remain, and if the laws are only far the benefit, of monopoly, we would be bettor elf without law. especially a ao called p o tective tariff. IS LABOR HONORABLE? Is work honorable ? It certainly ia. Tha working man or w.mian feels a pleasurable pride resulting from labors that no idlo person can They feel a satisfaction of having been productive of some good to tbemseves and to their fellow man, which is, ties youd doubt honorable. Work is a part of ehrnstianity. No lazy, idle person can be a'Christian, or enjoy life. It is, has been, aud ever will be the key to every succesful enterprise, and to the progressiveness of a country’ By men and women rise to eminences of hohor. It places them in enviable by those who have con&idered labor of less importance, and have not made themselves useful, and are leaving no treco of honor behind, to which their posterity can point with pride. Thou, labor g ves us a relish for our food, and gives us health, and cautentmeut. It expands our muscles and makes ur> strong and active. rSS^mam * +^.WT&»y*mie^ 'X g ^g A^w^ug gyrrv A licit braird Hard Case. "It's i sto-uisbui’." remarked the old forty-nil er, as tie' Codded over bis glass, "it's astonisbiu’ tvhat a coward a mat) is at home—tv rog’lar crawlin’ simak, by Jove! I'vo tra'o'.ed a good bit, iind held up my end ■ iu most o the t'ampsjou the coast since '49• I've got three bullets inside o' mo. i'vo shot an’ been shot a’, an’ novor heard nobody say i hadn't as good gm most /el,'era that's go;n'. But at homo I in a ca>o e. Alter I'd lot tho old woman know that her l ot hisquit wasn t. A I when it’s like stiff I'd lid ie self as full as a retort. I vo done lots o' times. Most of my / teeth is goto ilonl u ,_ in . 0I1 t> , Hsu , U tljaI) Ul0 old woman tried. D'ye think I roar when 1 go over a chair in the dark'* No, sir. Whi e I’m rnbbin' tisv shins and keepin' back the the tears, I'm tike wise sweatin' for fear the old woman i)iis been woke up by the upset, I didn't use to he so,’ sighed the pom let low, thoughtfully rubbing his shining 8Ca ' ,p ’ /When we first hitebed I thought j. was the supermtemleut, but tiller a. year or two of argyin' the pint I settled down tolo shovin’the carat low wages. I i i , |j c k any man o’ ray ago an’ size/ cried tho old gentleman, banging the saloon table with his wrinklod list: shoot, a a id up, or rough and-tum-' bl« lor coin,, but waeu l baug my bat ,,n Uui P«‘K hl t-bo ball art’ take off my muddy boots, an’ hear tho old wk ir ,i m - 6 me, I tell you the starch right onto’ me.’ ...... oasasaxiastsss^iMBaer Bedford tVa.) Allutn And Iifin Springs. WATER, -MASS AND PILLS. ‘Ji'IItcierit in Scrofula, and skin di.-.eass M. Affen, M. D , N. C. ‘Succosslnl in Dyspepsia and Chrome D;unbtjtia,’—I’rof. Samuel Jackson, M. i) \ ‘Adapted ^“'' ver .* il y in <:i Lioratie i A - . and Arturn c cotidin. ns and certain diseases peculiar to women disorders of the kidney and bladder Prof. J. J. liooirnati, M I> , ' a - ‘Satisfactory in Dyspepsia,. Cnroti’c Diarrhoea and nervous diseases Hi'ismg |j- uiu impure blood; also in certain fits ease- of letuales. --George T Hai l is<>n, M- D Puysieian Woman's Hospital, N. Y. •U*ed with great Iwoefif in Mai Ha' Fever and Dipthcria.v-S - F. l>up«t', \i. i) , Ga. ‘Piohipt in relief of headache, both gitfk and nervous, and chills.' -Km • IT C Dodson. Va Excellent, in restoring dobilbated systems to health and at origth.' 1‘uos. C. Mercer, AT D , It.ui. ‘Tonic, alterative, diuretic: one natures greatest, temedies 1 Medical Association of Virginia, Lynchburg. , Recommended as a prvpli dact-ic in Mala.i t.i distjicts.' —D, R Faiicx, M. D. N O. ■I find it the best rentedv ! over used in diseases of tno throat.' I. A, Sill 'id, M. D., N. C 'Very beneficial i r ' uterine derange melt's and mutations conditions.’—G. W Vail, M. D., Ohio. ‘My experience is vm v ! ivorah'o ti» its curative virtue —Thus. .VI, Kum bahl, M. D,, St. Louis. Saraple v suppiy' sent free to any phys¬ ician desiring Lutes' Pampblt-hs sent free. Analysis with each package. Wa ter as it comes from the. Springs r>4 per case. Mass 50 cents amt ./I; ;»t) and fo for ha'iff dnz 'Mils pine shttor coated 25s. f>0r.. and SI package $2 50. and 85 half dez. Sent, imstpaia anywhere. This Mass and Tills con¬ tains >n induced spacu all the curative powers of ti'e water, and is convenient, palatable and soluble. Sold bv ASH it Mu A FEE. Sptings opens (hr vi.moia Junu 1st,. 7'efins S-'ld per month. Special i.des. to families as to rooms occupied. Addles j j A. M. DAVIES. Main Pres. St. Lviu-ltimr:;. ••! the V-i. P. 0. Ii >x 1T4 7K i ! '* vito A WEEK. $12 a day at b .in i ^asly Costly 0 tfit fiee. /..Ut -s Tmn ^ Co., Augusta Maine. Miles’ Patent Safety Pin. | Made from the best bfass spring wire, with a complete and perfect protection for the point, in the shape of a round shield, formed from sheet brass, the whole being Sickel Plated and j handsomely finished. i This Pin is a perfect 0D0 and the best in tb« ! market. | We also control the sale of COLE’S PATES! | HAT ASD COAT HOOK. —These Hooks are made | from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flattened, with i points barbed. They are easily driven and : give excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of j the above named Pm and Hat and Coat Hook. Correspondence solicited. ! DOUBLE FOISTED TICE CO., j Xew ork City. i 108 CHAMBER S ST., Y I M. G. BOYD, i TTORNKY and COUNSELOR AT LAW A — Cleveland (Jeor^Li Will pactice in the {Superior Courts White, Ilail, l>a«*.-•'» n. Habersham Lumpkic, and the {Supreme Court of the State. Tan. 10th ISSO. vkVy lv. I i PERRY DAVIS’ i I VEGETABLE I j t PAIN KILLEI j I A PURELY FOR INTERNAL VEGETABLE AND EXTERNAL REMEBV USE, | la a sure and c;ire is always for all PERFECTLY the diseases for SAFE which it in is tho recommended, hands of even the most inexperienced persons. It is a sure aud quick remedy for COUGHS, SOIlFt THRO AT, CHILLS, and similar troubles; affords instant relief in the most malignant forms of DIPHTHERIA, and is tiie best known remedy for HlK iimatism and Neuralgia. The Oldest, Best, and li/iost Widely Known Family Medicine in the World. It has been used with m- 1: wonderful siu'cess ill all parts of the world for CRAMPS. CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, and att BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it in considered an unfailing core. f,»r_tnc.«o diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years’ Constant Use in all Cou n trie s and Climates. It is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Missionaries, Ministers, Managers of Plantations, Work-Shops, and Factories, Nurses tsi Hospitals —in short by Everybody, Everywhere, who has ever given it a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT, It should always be used for Pain is* the B«ck and Side, and brings speedy and permanent relief in all cases of Bruises, Outs, Sprains, Severe Burns, Scalds, etc. | No family can safely he without it. It will annually I gavO many times its cost in doctors’ bills, and its price brings it | within the reach of all. It is sold at &5c., 50c., and §1 per bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Hebrnary 23th, 1SS0. THE CLEVRUNI) ADVERTISER. A WREKI.V J.0U KA’ M., rUUrJ :\t Vh- \clii'tI!-, Wititi* (’(mum.v, Georgia, | j Tts object is to build,up tbe Material, Mentiil an l Moral Interests of the sevtion in x.hieb it is published. Li> t I ii “ publishe*! in the interests of a political party, yet its <Uvo ; i“D to iJemoevuey \m\\ i>v vissencl wlienever He great priueipies of that party me iis jcv! - r l( - c or sd 'p.'iiiod from. 'I ho oause pi Kilueation and 'j emperan-e will be advo.i.jh 1. IHK ADV EKlTJ?.:. i a-ciroulaUea in the comities of White, liabciFiiatn, LiuDpV.iij’ itall, Dawson, K,.’guu, Union, T«nvnu, Gilmer, Forsyth, in Narth-Eas: Georgia, auu in the border counties oi North Carolina. It thus aJjToru;: a ^oo l metiium for ^d vertisin^r for » * the NIerehants of Gainesville, Atlanta, and of Middle ■ eorgix. | At One Dollar per A»mtm.j Every Farmer. Miner,. Merc hunt, Mechanic, Lawyer, Physician, Clergy .man, ehool Teacher, aud CiU/cn, living in the section iu which it is published, ought to encourage a homo enterprise by subscribing fop Til J ADVERTISER. It will contain the Legal advertise¬ ments of White County, and other matter of importance to every citizen of the county. Address all Letters and 0 Jinaiiiuicatioiia to ALKX. I'HURCIt; Editor, Clevclxn-I, Qv.rgin. j • ait ,‘S A TIUTniiI:, LCuASS CSiUj Base woed Pi mm® With Cove:', Ctfloi arid Inciraclmn Book, C 3 x.esc“ 0 sb s o . VTiiilp pattern p \m mm Gtyio Ho. uj, 7 - •> cetave round w largo ' oyov/oo.I oace, four corners, ri:TD, eidvi curved logo and lyre, fret desk, 3’oavy fc:veniino top movild xniys a. I ; j ' i c.ioo, back firishcU samo a:, fV'’'\ iron frame, with extra ' Fir /'/vaf'.r. ■;> 'MiidO'! r«“.lal. Ivory '.•y ]'i c. t-c (' (': ';-!>:• •'!>>'• i : I 1 ::t ‘ '' :n : I '!.. • " . . ;ir J! ’' ! 1 ovi.M-y i'/l'/Y modern 1 ‘ t..-riv ::npr:n iment l.'.’.at toa-rt.3 to ?)«‘!l'.a'':o-\ cf rone and feaeral buie’dii v. Fii/rc -i. c ;: (» f JO inclies, *'i.lill ‘t '0.-5 i v.' i OfdJroniida. Vjj: i*; ’’m reiuarkisl iuiirli.ffl !e !e ic.r i'.r, purity, i.y. rich richness rn-1 uv.m>7‘'‘"s of tone, end t \ It*ufi: V'wl manner ::i w hich 11 : uslaliis the v<>l r .:t■i iustrnmcRG is ; '< -T fr v d.x *’ , end shipped on 15 C.vty:. iost : l. . an.; if v.i ci> i i !.uf v.i'riudit, i", not 1 U’j t s:t ■,.it’.f'uhy ut! : s j 'M ’liud by Rio, pur ha; <•: .: ' ‘Ui’.'M ;.d.ui’ ; : v . :ipcUso for v. ■••;>• '.’ ff ....... lop , , ■ .Lv;"’ pays frcu. ’if, ’ hi - ’ i '. • t '.‘.Gil ‘-l R'.i-t vo rod oil board ears i :• y.., of < i ■■ ,> - :aonoy rofjuivhcL i/’i.i iy test a! y. . . i “ ■ do. Irustrumerita /. .:•• *■ 1 f;i p;>o 1 cl r. ; <.>•.:o‘.'i>»gfttrriif-bing mo . i’UB »> 1 refevonc.» ; ./ c rospoi.'feJdj 1 Janie, who "if, 1 >v them mwmm mm ‘ :: o : . vi >J to ?■.:• I rpw-’t' . m ihe latest and most designs, r.'id iiav: 't'msweetefitand most',,!) tone t •> I; i -‘a Ija any ortfan iu tho 'world. Flo •TiOy^:150, LhUS'rK.';/f 7.1 vm, V.IT? i>325,1^250, C ATAI.OOTJE. and ) c d j, i > ’ r-'ri’' ' o', i o'M >n, ’ 1* ren ViTFPkOK, + .1 IF. T’ I 1 . 0.1 -Mv/cr Id, L. .po/t, ( own , U. A. FIFTEEN PATTERSON Three Heeds. ORGAN 13 A N 0 A ffo. sets 5 Octaves, Stops. Di¬ mensions ; IT 'ydit, 7 : t in.; Width, 48in.; Depth, 24 in. luiprov. Ti Knt'o'Swcli r.ud Grand Organ Knee fciwvli. The . syle of this Organ is beautiful and unique, and combi ues elegance of Design, just pro¬ portion, and 1'cautit'a 1 iinisih. Thocasois of solid I’lacls Walnui. tastefully ornamented with hand f Dine Mottle.I Crunch Walnut Panels, which, being hifldy ti;iish( <1. contrast admirably with Dark Wal¬ nut </' Case, j lie tone is re in arl table for purity an&'sweclnesH, combined with volume, va¬ riety and brilliancy. The touch is quick, responsive and pliant, and, iuia in fact, the whole nsirunieni, in action and case, every ♦&>/* requisite ci the most perfect Parlor Organ. No bet¬ ter org-au can be p-;. rchased for family uro. - r You pay for instrument only niter you have fully tested it at your oven home 15 day;.;, t l not asrepresenteil, return it at, my expense. T pa;, ing freight both ways. Each instrument boxed ami delivered on cars here for only $85. Fully warranted for 6 years. Kcmembcr this oiler is at my lowest Net Cask v/holesa-le Factory price, therefore no reduc¬ tion can bo made. Order at onco from this adver¬ tisement, giving as reference any responsible Bank¬ er or Business Firm. PATTERSON PIANO S m .-.nil upwanU). ORGANS, $-15, $C2, $75. $80. $85, $t)0, $ 100, $lvU, and upwards, with Stool and Instruction H > ■!;. SPECIAL INDUCE¬ MENTS offered to Churches, Lodges. Cler¬ gymen, School-Teachers aud Sign Paint¬ ers. Correspondence solicited. ILLUSTRA¬ TED CATALOGUE, showing all my styles of Pianos and Organs, sent free. Address JAMES T. PATTERSON, P. O. Drawer 12, Dridgcport, Conn.. U. S. A. IMPROVtMtNTSttN MeQhANKWL PfitNCI PAtA MOVEMENT, A RADieflL AUJtiHATIK DIRtcr ATAGffNCE;GRfAUVDtS!RtDBYAU ABjlON 3 * IN EVERY mtT NOTmGTION,NONOiSE.NOW£AR.NQ G^MINGOUT TANTRUMS NOR OF ORDER. ALWAYS READY'TO IVfflY DtATESAI.ES.HENCE WCHINt Tjn.UrtGiT5.0WN THffiESrMACHINf STORY; SECURES EORACENTS IM n SELL. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR „ f’AViRYMFfeco Agents WANTED