The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, March 06, 1880, Image 3

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Jl. ocal Item Tho farm work goes on. Niro weather for farmers. If you want a mean child, tease it. Don't forget to pay your subscrip tious. Grass is beginning to show- its tender blades. Ali quiet except an occasional block¬ ade fly-round. When you promise to do a thing you ought to do it. Every body ought to do something Idleness is sinful. Nacooelve High School is the best in North East Georgia, Young Angelica stands head in most places now-a-day.-. Prepare your vegetable gardens and your flower gardens also. Wheat fields are looking green, and the faroitr is encouraged, When you make a good resolve, frotzj to it and die by it, A farmer cannot work his farm safely wivuouc Knowing ail about his soil. If you went to make a man a good citizen tucouiage and patiuniza him Preaching at Mount Pleasant church on Sunday 7th insuut, by i^v.- \V. 11. McAfee, If you want largo lino watermoloa.s, prepare your 1 iDa and plaus as eaily as iu.u season will allow. There is but two unoccupied dwell itius to CteveUud, hut there is plenty ( f I lium to build The ib.vit and whiskey are so closely allied, where one is there is the el !:er a s >. 15 > sure lo mad the pe v alverti m nn nts in ibis paper, and take a glance a’ those i f more mature ago. Is ihern any goods iu Cleveland ? 0 i, my ! where shall wo go to buy our new t- pi ing g iw n- *? We learn frim a friend on Shoal Creek, that 'lie farmers in that locality aie about te- dy to plant corn. If there is anything that some people will r.ot do for money we would like to know what it ia. When v*m know a thing is not hon < labie and will not add to vour oniniqrt, let it alone Our farmers are sowing oats largely this Spring. This is commendable, for the oat crop pays well. If you want to feel mean get on a “big” drunk, but if you want to feel good keep sober. If you want r. good newspaper in your county, do all you can to advance the interest of your publisher. Although tho winter has been unusu¬ ally mild, we bear of mi+cjli sickness through the country. A liberal c«at of whitewash will pro¬ tect the bodies of fruit trees from sud¬ den changes. A desirable location is where sobriety, morality and Christianity reign su¬ preme. Beach tiees are getting ready to ex¬ hibit themselves very much beautified iu a short time, if the ‘beaut iful snow' does not interfere. Never subscribe for a newspaper un - less you intend to pay for it, as it ouly adds poverty and vexation to the pub iisher IJor. J J. Kimsey came into our sanc¬ tum this week and made us happy by drawing his “weasie skin’’ and dividing its contents with us- Is there any one else v\ho waut to make us feel good? If we would be instnieied, wo give our instructors our undivided at tention. We are glad to see so much taken in the Cleveland Sabbath, | school, and wo hope to see aj full house on to morrow. If any of our subscribers who have not paid for the p per, are going to bring us some oats, we hope they .will do so within tba next ten days, The unhappy bidders for the differ ent mail routes will soon be relieved. Though, some of them may bo unhaps py still. Mr. J- T. Barnes favored us the other day by dividing the contonts of his purse just at a time when wo were in need of the needful. If y.iu want to make those around miserable, you should bo ill-natured, cross-grained and displeased with ,ev evrvthing, right or wrong. We hope our patrons abroad will bo gin to send in their subreriptinns. Tbo i 1 advance mn« n on ia,. blank i_ . paper tells . u s *i. tba , v 1 have . wo must money. ' Our will look little -‘bunty ' | paper a fur the next two or throe issues. We i suppose order was misunderstood at the paper manufactory, and yvas sent one inch too short. Mr. Allison Ledford, living in the up ,.er part of the county, and a highly esteemed citizen, baa been confined J some days to his bed with a severe attack of rheumatism- We hope to hear of his improvement soon, Jtev. Edward L. Stephens will preach at .the Methodist Church in Cleveland on cho ru st Sabbath Ul each month du.~ing the present " vear. His first ap pointment is on next Sabbath, ....... the /th , instant- \Ve hope the people wili emue our, and try to be benefitted by the instruction of this veteran of the cro-s. We had a pleasapt call from our friend, Mr Lewis Meadors of I) ihlonng i. Ha informs us that Col. j.hico has rc turn»d and intends to'have tho IDs ten miles, to the Bark Camp, of the fjf tint -viile and IXiblonegt ” rail road complete ' with rolling Stock, by tho first of July next. For ThE Ai)VHH r|, r.sKrt ] TEMPERANCE. There lias been so much said on ijijs subject, that jt has pt-cumo as a ‘sound j ing brass or tinkling symbol;' however j I will now ask every honest hearted boy j of our county to come and let us reason j together, God has said, “my Spirit I shall not always strive with man " Let j us tuink about ir, be for p it i? too lain may God help us to turn from our pernicious habits, and seek him while it is called to-day. Boys, try this rule one time, and 1 think you will bo cop vinced. When you come in contact with strong drink by your comrades, dont drink a drop of it; just stand off and look, and see how those do that have filled Ihemseives with it. Ob, 1 have sometimes looked at the little bright eyed boys of this beautiful land, and my flesh has crawled within me at the thought that thera was a bare probabil lty that they might become drunkards. Young met), and old uieu, have you ever thought about the mfluence you have over those little boys! Think of this: A greater boou than fame «r wealth, I s life’s chief blessing, perfect health; Yet many have it not, because They’ve violated natures’ laws. This is tho first article I have ever written. Who will be tho next'to j.,in in with “Yonah” ? MOUNTAIN BOV. grits wanted To introduce in every County ia the Unite! States Sbf Muslim! d the TYo best work to sell that has ever been published. Spieiidid 1‘remium to every Subscriher. For circulars ami terms apply at once to. The Henry Dill Publishing (jo., 41,43 and 45 fihetucket rit., Norwich, Ot .*5 to $20 P« r day at home. So Spies worth $5 free. A (dress Stinson & Go. Fort land Maine. liiSsdiUiiOil. • The !jr n rf Ash fc MoAfm having j tills i!ay been dissolved, a. 1 pt ramiS n pleTtwiI 10 said tinn are hereby n' 6 1 ,:onlH tpruvu i<1 at »n<:« and make | sen ieuirius of their account-'- as wo <irB cof?Jilt , Ho , t0 , !( , an „ n our bus. - i ness. Tilts March 5th IPSO, J. N. asH, (V. T. V. M.< \ F id. id I March ( h. vf JLjJis Cif A .1. >: » hello jrs of IhsmlsMon GEORGIA While- County. "W H ER1'. AS, Milton iVloorc Exccutur <>■ IIugh Ferguson deceased, rep i •.-<.• n is in I - petition lo the corirt duly liled ami entered on record, that ho has fully admin l- ler c l Hugh Fergus >n’s estate. This is therefore, to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditor.- to show cause if any they can why said Exeogtpr should not. be discharged from his saii trust and receive letters ol dismission obi U e first Moculay in June we\t.. Given under my hand and official signature. This March 1th 1880. ISA At’. OAKS Ordinary. Loiters of ilismisston. .QEORGIA While County. WHEREAS Milton Moore, Adrnipisf, .• i >r, and Sarah Fergmon, Adz: in ist.ra t ri ■ un estate ol Jacob V. Fergu :> u, represeu 1 s to iV ■;m rt in their petition duiy tiled and ; on record , that tl ey .have flu)ly Administered 1 Jiwol> V. Ifergusous' esr«te. This L ilwreiim t to cite all per ' on i '-mi. corned kindred and crc iibn.; to s:i >\v cause ;! ...... any tney can why . Aid Administrators should n t be dir”, turned from their Administration, and receive let to lo¬ ot' dismission on th. first M- nday in .Juno new. Hivcii under my hand and « A' i.i! nature. ISAAt' OAKS, Q rdi m i>. This March 4 Hi, 1880. A»M,l.NlSTHAT<»lt’S SALK. .GEORGIA, White County. By virtue of :tu order of the Ordinary o j " k j<1 County, will lie «olu, on the liter Tm -Cay in April 1880, at t.Le courj: house <i >or iu i-he r,,wnof Ciev'eliunl in said county, wiihi'r tic* loyal hours of gale the loll iviu-' piop.trty to wit: I part of lot of land . No, t 1)5 containI2(; _ acre;* more or let-wi. bounded on the konli by the land of .J. T- puttier; on the l i.-f by lot I No. ys: a'so part of lot No. U7 oniaiuiuy I ut 75 acre.-'; being the North- E-i.-' end of ; \ (> \ ; bounded on the North by lot No. ' af Ti«ob ’•'* fhe prvpert.v of ” 1,. 1 dec*,)) on the l-.-vst by •thoi^nds , or. ! „ ua „ I)i Also 7j acres more »r lc.--*, of tho s.iilt | i«.t 9T. Ui»mi<le>A <>u tlioNortli un<i ,vi-> »y the lauds at' W. L. Far-uson, th« .-ume liulng llie . South et;ll „ r ,., M i l0(; a!s o v -.m ;i No. ns 1 (MiUflininit 2(H) lurre.^ more or 1 e.-v, bu A itnie'! c;i ! tin, Xurtli and Ka*t by lb« binds . of dcsse MiiUey. tbo* ul! t ie sbo.vo . d$mribeil jand, I --(> 1*1 dial riot of said eount.v; Void ns j.voio-.n v’nt (lie estvitu ,.f J.-tcob V. For ,n deceased,tor the distribution araonj; tho heirs audlnrtho bencht of cuditcirs. Tftvmscssh. Mil,To J100KK. Ai!inluislratoo, and SARAH FFit 1 IliHON, Aduiiuistrtnrix, Morel .,-h 1£S0. I Vill TIii SHlilUFF SAIJC1. ! U' 11,6 before tn« o.-nrMi<,n,e d».,r I ; \V ill the town ol Cie'-claxid . V, hitucuun (y ,., )M I, t y Oeorgia, oil rbn first l ie . ,lay in i |>ri. next, witliin the lt;gal hours ol sale the following (lerici iboii }»ro jicrt.v Low it; of )<»t of jsu'jcl No. HJ5, in liie Jril «lis Hicc oi originally iinhersham now White eonniy, known as the Lewis Arthur homestead p!i*,cc. con caining eighty acres more or Joss, levied on as the property of J. »J. Merritt, aud G. C. Blalock , t-> satisfy a li fa issued from the Justices court of the 8(>Ist district, H* M., ia favor of J. I*. Osborn A'Lninistrutor of M. K. Paliner deeM., for the purchase money cf said land. Also at the same timts and place lols oi land So. Hi, 7 i , 1*-L J7, and ol, all oi aaiiJ a lids in ihe'drd disr.riot of orgiaally il a her.->h am , now While county c.ontainin ■- 2 i0 .t c.-m-Ji, more or los.% and very valuaole f.»i gold mm itig pu rposws. Liivicd on as the oroperty ot the Naoooeh'.’o Hold Minin-f < uupany, hy virtue of a fi fa issued from lit* .Justices court of the Ht> 1st. dist rict, tl. M., mi an at¬ tachment again* 1 said lands in favor of M.C, Wilcox against the Naeoochec Hold Mining Company, said lands ail in the pos¬ session of the said NagQochee H'*Id miniiig Company. Levies made and returned to me by J. W. Me A foe, L. C. T. C. HAMILTON, Sh'lf. March 5ih, 1881). tdv-. iffoticcS GEORGIA White County.. To all t° wbcni it may concern. V.’li creas a petition of it number of euizen/ of tho 8 G 2 mi distriet. (I. M*. ,,l raid county ; been filqd in my office to have a new ■ in-laii nshea,oommeticinsat tho n.di coB-ty m, . n0:ir 1- ''/> I’.iacbwoliv, runniinf the oi n t. pining ne;ir John Brock, then hy H. ii. Bov, r - Wb, thence by Mrs. Vickery’s, thence hy Krs. Kimsey, thence by E. H. Bowyn, to the meetinghouse; then running the c id sct.tbi nient road to the Aslmry bridge road, by Joim OVKelley’s and John C. Martin’s, Un i to Thos. Bowens, then by Anbury Smith's, I hen crossing tiic Cleveland road at the hoar-1, j Jhon, lo the Asbury bridge road, lolloyying j Asbury’s fence to (he public road the burnt | house. And tho commissioners appointed to review and mark out said road have imio'e ajd filed their retu rn us t^elaw d ire*a mi ji »v* objec- ! tions is filed within thirty days, 5 ^ a id road j will be established. Given under my hand and official signature. This Feb. 2Jd ISSO l. OAKS, 0 rein ary. Feb. 28 Slid*- j GEORGIA , White County. TO ALL whom4 If may eoneo&n. Huidaii Nix and James A.Nix, having in proper form applied to me for permanent LeLc”: ot Admin¬ istration on the estate of Jjenj. F. Nix, fate of said county. This is to cite all and sin- j gular creditors, and next of kind ot Lonj. J-. ; Nix ro he and appear at my dfficc wife* in the ! time allowed andshovv cause, if n v they can I why permanent administration should nut! granted Beuj. F. to Nix’s Huldah Nix and Witness Jamc< A. hand Nix. | ! on estate. my an d official signature, ISAAC OAKS, Ordirary. ^s* | Feb. 2tst 1880. 40 j t?lw5S ■jff. AO «S5 jw* ____ if ■t-y,- ?%»£f “ - glpfS- U? . >" ;? h V,' v aHn w w • ■■■' .f; U*'Ur' ? a, -L#| U Avy " 1/ „ 1 ; wQ* 'fit ! f-'if icI'O 181fef# eS'i! .. , ! ' if Nr J m. No, HSU—Front View. No, itji)—iliiCk Vi«JW. • Our new Organ, expressly tie fiwited for Nimih : tools* Chapels, etc., is proving- a C3r :£=L 1S3 ^ *2? St XT O O 33 S3 &, Bo sure to send for full descriptive Catalogue ro purchasing any other. THE LARGEST IRIS (CF THE END) 1 he gut Illustrated Catalogue sent free. BEST l s I A A IN j\ / \ K \ t % i’o llik , t i '» 4 AI' ■ I. i \, > N E W A \ j ?. A 1 I I T /\ Ci/MFltlStN! uto.Ku.c Vi": Sloiiiw >y IT iHl iH I vv J [ dip:! L . I 1 i j 5\ y, I H j [ dsher. | : Uiis irp.t>.t',.l f,>• their Excellent Musical <> ;aii ;ion a-nl diivabi’.it i i-- i: ,n. , ■ , i j iii I he Soil the: Clime 'c. n ; The Carnot x *** rvg ants Oi: ; CLUUG 1 fc WAUliES, BE 1,01 BKT, BEi/i’w\ ; CO , ; I he Mij il JMipuiae (truth the World. ■PRICES —-The lowo. t ;n Hif c.uuiitry. TBRMtS : -The m»ft liberal. .STOCK : -The largest variety to w. <-t Direct Lvrorta OF Af/L Tv IN Ho Hi* j j M USICAJ i -N ti'i 11 ; ' a 0 M RNTS. j j At Wholesale and Retail. 0aUn-log d i’rioe L:.f. uiaiied Flee. \ ; Correspondence i-u iicifod. Aadre,' Louis Otim mew. il< I, | 1-! to -22 15 A RON N E ST., New Orleans. i i '1 HE LEADING 1’I ANO HOlfSL 1N THE SOB I’ll WEST j ! i 1 880. ; THE LIGHT-RUNNING Tim BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, and most THOROUGHLY constructed SEWING MACHINE ever invented. All the wearing parts aro made of the BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED and ar. ADJUSTABLE. Jt has the AUTOMATIC TENSION; It 1.93 the JjA.UOE 8T ItOBItlN; It the Easiest Threaded Shuttle. The BOBBINS are WOUND without RUNNING or U N THREAD IN ( I the MACHINE. Jt Jt has hafl a a SFXF-SFITTINC NEEDtl; It has a I>I Air lor re^itating the length of stitch, WITHOUT TJisiTINO; Jt lias a LA£ 6 fi under the arm; It is NOISKLJEfeS, aU^otS^r^CIS i ciMiihinedk than where Afpv ity -w;uilc<i in iocJilitieB we are r , >re<><-iaLe<j.. Johnson, Clark & Co. 30 UNION T rnu. an d $5 U/I.K I’T J: Co., 11 p c r n t •