The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, August 14, 1880, Image 3

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7,h (I'lcreland ^ducriinev Rev. W. II. Mo Xtri’,. of Duhlnnega, is ’au¬ thorized to receive ami receipt lor subscript iouB ‘Jo the Ai>v;:Jtrisj:it in tbar locality. ideal Items* i are of Hon. authorized JOSEPH to announce McAFEE, the of | narae I) iwson county, as a candidate for tlio Senate from the .'321 Seneatorial Dis¬ trict of Georgia. ITPily frier ds are hereby notified that f am a candidate for Sheriff of the .County of \^hite. If ,1 get enough votes to elect me (which I expect to do) I will serve my county as sheriji' to the .best of my ability. W. C. STEPP. ------♦ ♦ «- ------- More rain this week. ! Music at W, It. Belts j ; Go 10 the camp meeting. j Candidates arc moving aroHtjjd. Political excitement is getting high. Our subscription list is ctoacjily -in¬ creasing. M rket wagons by the rp id fail every .day. W. C. Stepp is ahead for sheriff, so Tar. There area Lo-,t of .young babies in White county, and old,ones too. We never saw a successful business man who did not advertise,Ipa ,buai ness. Old corn will be hard to get off at iifty oents per bushel iu six weeks fiom to-day. i cluiing Thore camp-meeting are „.ua,, y nines ? than at | ppy other season of tlio year. | In some parts of this county the jmoa pect for a heavy yield of corn was uev ,er better. Of all things in this world to be pitied a “hen-pecked'’ husband is the most pitiab e, uulesi it is the wife of a drun t arfi. A host of colored pegple, of African descent passed through town this week. [They war giiino sum wbab. A wagon lull of fisher men womon attd children went fishing last Thurs ,f|py. but we don't know p;hat .they .gaught, spect it was cold, altjfopgb it ,w;\s a niigbty hot day. .ijliugitpisagnay Jpe A loathsome disease JtlMPtfiV kill after a. .while, but it is not sudejen death or Some people would die |In the twinkle of an eye. We received the following, for publi¬ cation this week. Wo give it as we re¬ ceived it; “'/.’here i,s A male boy in White Co„ GO yeaygold t/tat aout think A Baptist ort to hoe A Masoii. The Post Office has boeu moved. It is now -kept in the front of W, 13. Bell's store-rooa;. It is neatly fixed up, and kept in gvod order by Edward L. Stephens. Mr. C. W. Anbury, ,of Athens gave us a pleasant call this week. .ex¬ pects soon b,o engaged in the mer¬ cantile business at fyala (Ja., where we hope he will haye ajl the succpss that heart could wish. A mighty buzalDg arpuffd this week getting ready for camp-meeting. Hope some of them will get sp much love in their hearts, that tfce dollars may be crowded out, then, it may be, that the printer will stand a chance to be paid. On last Wednesday nionjmg a betu tiful young lady, residing iuthis county, Miss Isabella Cason, was brought to town in a deplorable state of iDsaDity. She was brought before a jury selected for that purpose and by them pronounc¬ ed a Qt subject for the Asylum. She is the daughter Mrs. Uamp Cason of this county. Her father was killed a few years ago by a concealed enemy. We are informed that at times she is a raving maniac, and that she has to be confined and guarded at all limes | Sad, indeed! ammi DISTRICT CONFERENCE AT NA COOCHEE, The Dabloopga District Corf of tho M,.E. Church South, cm.vensd hist week at the Methodist Church in Nacoochc Valley, au 1 four days were spent in Cooking over the interests of U 33 JUetiiodist church iu the mrunr^lns 0 f North East Georgia.- The delega tion present was small, bom 50 to (it) representatives, owing to the rainy spell of weather. The conference was pre¬ ssed over by Rev. D. L. Anderson, Presiding Elder of the District. The reports from tuo various charges show¬ ed a gratifying increase of interest in the bounds of the District on the subs jec’s of church growth and the cause of education. The delegates were treated in a most hospitable manner by the cir, izens of the Valley, whose homes wore opened to their entertainment, The conference elected four delegates to the Annual Conference, consisting of Rev. J, ,T Metbvin, J. H. Wil.iams, J. Hen! and J.C. Singleton. There was some good preaching by the mini,stern present, and a protracted meeting resulted at Nacoocljee, which .has resulted up to this writing in (> or S conversions under the management of Rev. J. J, JR,thriii, pastor of the Methodist Church at Nac.npcbo Valley. For the Advertiser.) ItiNouAvr Rictuea’", I xioj; Co., August tRh, IHSO, Mu. EuiToii: .I ax perrnisbun fur space in yore columns fur a entuiinion cashup fur the epeshal benefit uv my bretheru, an’ us hit is d ictipal, A will say, other folks can reatl hit ef they ar not afoard to. . he fottndashun uv the structure ,1 propose to lmilti will be found. ,1 .bink, somewhitr between the lids uv the bible, an’hit don,t differ whur, jist so hits scrip ur; anyway lot reads about tbus; I,’icseJ am be who spec is nuthiii’ fur lie shall not he disap I am not gpiue to confine nty SSST^UjSi t ^-liater Editour ail 1 ax uvyou is to sor punkshuato him fur me, t f you please. Fur sum time 1 have bom snf powerful frum my lungs, an' more than wunce tbot mysef in tlio val'ey uv the shaduer uv doth! Bu I am wunce mote permitted thro the divine ade uv God to preach the puer an’ ondefiled gospil. I start,outyvith this pint. Thar is but one denemmasbun uv true bljycrs on tins tarngucus globe uv dun, an" ruck. Jist won what kin ’ Aprs oirk secession. Jist wun wbat km sitrcii the tied languages, that is the English, Eaten an'Nigger, an’ show uft onoondisbuna 1 pars^vcrance jist write. Au'my brothrin this chinch is the old ’un which Christ jiud when lie wur in low ground uv sorer—the Babtist church—au’ don’t consider bit with the missionary.consarn, prptiigal fur this cousurp is jist, a brake off frum the gnitui Id ship uv Sion, an’ vvhats bin a tryin’ to butltl a ship uv hits own—in spite to p.11 thar stretohenjims we remain the sauio church we war ISdO yers ago. \vhen under Apostolik t.aashen. We past thro tho dark agt.n oiiPcathed, on ssatiered an’ onpt.edominated, an’ oh! my brethrin I glory in the dant ages, fur hit war in those ages that we dun our biggist wurk. F rutp the yerliest uv my tccolliestiva we bev bin the rnost est paisacuted beinseyer I seed. Roman catboliks, heatberns, metherdysts, pres berterins an’ eyep ed.dicatcd injuns ar abusin a.nd parsacutip us. An rite here is fetched about a uuther idear; au that is pdicashuu. J haint guino to speak much about hit fur I haint got fi hit ’en use fur hit- But. I do say my brethrin them addicated folks ar tryin to turn the wurld topsy turvy. Why, ilon't yo.u think wun uv ’em tried to make me bleve that chat ar sun what shines with tretnengeous hojfcness on Brother Smiths ball bed stands still, an this grate yeath turns over on hits axeltree, cours i. did't blev.e epny sicb, an' so I jist silenced bis batry the tjuickest you seed by jist ,consputm r bis wurd. ever Wy thar’s don’t y.ou no this doctrin is outrue, fur rocks euutjf abouv gran paps turnup patch to brake ary axeltree in the wurld, morover don't you no that ef this grata big Jump uv durt war to turn tbar wouldn't be euulf warter left to baptize Big John in everen he gits ligiop. Sich is my opinyun uv cd dicashun, an I prpyed to the Goti uv John the baatist to make me jist as ig¬ norant as he possibly coaid. an dpn't you bleve that he’s ahsured my prayer* Au the yeath tnrnin over an spillin all the warter, fetched about a nuther pjut. Ef we wernt able to baptize Row much cv our pleasure an satisfieshun tyould disappear as the rays uv the mornin sun before a dark cloud what riz afore day* I tell yog my brethrin, the most pnrtyest, yea the most butifuli3t an most grandest site J ever seed ur hern tell uv wus a Dutiful young omern drest in white calikpr fetched strips-way iuter the warter. dipped under, under, an fetched stratqr up pgten the warter, an afure the tetches the bank the brethrin au sistern begips to that good old hyrne “How firm ye ton nd ash un ye saints uv the Lord,’’ an a nuther ballolujebelew you tell uy sence thp iujuns guv up the •** I would like speak uv that 1 in. to ; i io8t gloHousest uv d iCttina the seen : l; ety 11 v the saints.'’ but will wate ’ell , , 1 11 nuther time, as I’ve a more import m ter matter to trete uv now au thatis ’•inion .cseetins -Tbgts bin a conspute iti-Umeon in the,cleveiin advertisurn t)i tween hits editor an brother tl<\ tin derwould. th 3 ar.gyin is not confined to them alone, several fellers lies Inn lioosh waeken rhe dr life fury. We no that hardshell secesshun will not, safer in the dPs hams, but let us pro) to , God r , 1 . knoinly, . . that , , be may , keep .. the dr. in his ditrees, fur these here unin metins is jist got lip bv preachers who barter on script Ur doctren like politi shims on pollvtjckfi tbar haint no gos- ' pilin 1 no sicb. We bleve-wo ar the only , church , on this . yeatb. , an we non . , t eat our bred an drink our wire with other contaminashuns nr denominrtshuns jist which yo.u piece 'o cal 'em, beeuse tlier men’s wmk, ’stabliahr.d by the devil. You tharfore see we must chang blief ur pose uniri metins. Hmtber un dtrwould uoea this an tharfuru he at¬ tacks'em, he new them ar Gainesville rretrictedeocirounillists war geine buck (as the Sg.ven is) on tbar church blief, 1 spect i 'VO rit ennfl' au will ii3t add: may J the good Lord smile on ye, an at ■ . he will ... . spite . doth , , .ast save jc, m uv an the grave fur yer names war nf in the book afore tb\e foundashgn uv the union vorsp an thar haint angils enuff by to scratch ’em out, ail may (he-tiaiO ha-ten when aul the cauitl an lected shall git on the ole ship Zion, an sale away to lichen like a father in ore. sense [nv had ritin an spelin an ptmehu atin mister edituref yu pleso. farewell to all. Er.oEU Himim'.ms:; -Bedford tVa.) Allum And Iron Springs. WATER, .MASS'AND FILLS. Adapted iu ohroiiic diarrhtoa, consti pation, anil scrofula Hy. Lalhan, M. D. I’rcs’O Virginia Medical .Society. Successfully u.-c.l in dyspepsia Chron¬ ic Dial rtur, t a id .Scr.ifgkt Fut. .S. Jack son. (jiiiversity Fa. Eljicient m anavnia, excellent uppe ■ tizer and blood purifier--11. Fisher, M. D , On. Valuable iu nervous pricdration, in¬ digestion and chlorosis -It. E. Mathews, i\l. D. N. C. A fine tonic and.alterative verv valu¬ able in diseases peculiar to ietuales, chronic foyer and ague, bronchitis ami diseases ol tho ioig.u.s. J. F. Jitughton, ’M I). Ala. Very beneficial iu strengtl enjog and .improving a reduced system — R ;v. Jao. W. Beckwith, Bishop of Georgia. Invaluable as a i ervoua tome. Ilun. C. E»wkr, Toit'i. I.ti coinuiontlt d as pnoi'-vlaotic i«i Ma larial.djouicu*."—1>. It. JP .iiex, Al. D. N. ,G. iitsEturcs debilitated systems to health —T. C. Mercer, M. D , Iml. 1 llsod with RI'CRD ije.uefib in Material Fover and OiplUei ut.,’ -S. r ■ 1 . 1)L j , pOQ, iu 1 i) a. . . ., Of rout .curative virtue.— I UOS. liUluboLd, if, JJ. T U,>t. v ^jOUlS. T ■ Beneficial ... utonue fferangementa vind malarioua condition b —(}■ A / 0 \ ail, ,«rd tho throat. Hlinrutivi, -P. A. Slf'oni. J! 1) . N. c Tmiir lonu, aiterauvo, ilim-Htii-- I11UI etic, nno out) ,,f ol natures greatest remedies.--Mfiiioal jiociation of Lyuehburg, Yirgmsu. Adapted m certain allecu u a of the kidneys and bladder; dyspepsia lupus, chlorosis, scrofulous and putaneiys af> fectiops.—Frof. J. J. Moorman, M. D., Va. Relieves headache, pmrpp! )y—both sick and nervous-—Rov. fe. C. Dodson, Va t Sample supply sent free to any phys ician desiring to test. Pamphlets sent free. Analysis with oacb package. Wa-> ter as it comes from the Springs d-i per case of 6 galons iu glass — Sj-J 51) for 5 galons. dl for 10 gaion, if '/ tor 20 galmis in casks, Mass 5,0 cenis ana $1 ; $2 50 and §5 lor halt . doz. Fills pure sugar , - coated 2oC. 50,b. ami S f. pa ckage; $1.21, $2.50, and $.5 half doz. Sent postpaid anywhere. This ilass and Pilis cou tains iu reduced space all the curative powers of ti»e tvaier; and j& .cuuveuient, palatable and eolpble. Springs opens for visitors Juno 1st. Board $30 por month. Special rates to families and parties. Caiiiages meet visitors at forest and La^jer's depot, each four miles from Springs, ppos off-, vice of arrival. Addrts A. M. DAVIES, Pres, of tho Go., 52 Maic St. Lynchburg, Va. Sold by ASil jfc McAFEE. Nasbyiile ('ollpge Tor Young Ladles, No. 25 S. Spruce Street. Nashville, Tenu. Kev. Ii)■;;)u- W. F, Pt;k-b, i>. 0., (hue pf Ala) l’reg. Building and Locality Suieet. Thor¬ ough advanced course iu ail Latin, Calisthenics, Alt (leiman. French: Music by eminent artists. Boarders in presi¬ dents family. Kefur to Bishops M. K. Church South. Opens Sept. 1. JSSO. Send for circular. WASHI51«T0N and LEE UXiyERSITI, Gen. G. IV. C, LEE, President. Thorough instruction iu languages, Literature, and Science; nud in the professional Schools of Law and Engineering $70. Expenses Tuition from and $2(IU ices reduced to a total of to$ 2 ,j 0 fpr nine months, including taitipn and fees. Next session begius Sept. Kjtb, 1S80. For catalogue, CAMPBELL, aildress Jr Lexington Va. J. L. , Take your county paper and pay lor it too. I DK- WARD’S #E$IN.vHY. NAMIVI 1 . 1 .K, TEXN., clsett its? 15 th -vk r with l li Y fling badies,, mi l 48 gr:idual*•'. An estiibli'bod Scbcvc . Hue meet with grunt success. l ay buildings in the pity. Next session. Fpju 1 st. Send ?eml for catnl^ne. LEGA2 Zut., It J'-Uli(r I d , While Count,'/. T 0 All wh-dii it. ni'iv concern: Whereas Charles Pitm r having in pi "per f mi applied dtmUm to u c for.peinmneni }„ lutic.s of :i*• in n 0li tbc es le ef.iV or Pi.n.-r, ,.f SB j,i ,. 0 „ n ty de-oaso.dt this iM.» cite all «n<i si tgu’ar tte crediioia next nl I.iI. ol »’n<>r h. l’ltncr to he » A (fjjpeitr :it. in\"Ificc ' Wl,ln ” lI,c timei '""' v ‘-'!-; !:n '‘ 8,1 " w l ' 11 a "- v n-xr the -'' why 0,1 permanent ,h * M^d».v ad met in raiton Mimilil npt tj . L . rante( , „, a„, r i cf ,„er <i s >» e | y,,,,,? tuand proper person, o?i Prior L. Pit | ! nnr’.-estato. Witness my hand an t oSici*l j j signature. This July I-SA/C p.ttn OAKS, iss.i. Ordinary, j ' j " •’ : I ds <; !•:OltO l A VV h i U) G<iuii r y. API LI CA$ I'.).1 Has be*T! mi'le I>v Win. F. , ! Sears, Adyj.’r with tbc. will annexed ol j I John V: Craven Jcceascl, l'..r lmt'.-i: t,. -.11 the ,follow mg vaeant or,.wjld >■>|< < . • I.-I that they i ho sold iu Umeouaty ol M ;i 1 ..-1 r h :i in I wit: i ThedivM. .i «,,* half or M ->•• c.a. c»n-1 taininir acres more or }<■ I .< 11 f y-fi v« (lj , iaui| ull(l thc M ,ic | „i ll)t n,,. ms, ami twenty-iiv.. a.-r.-s divided iiad lying ir .-outli-mi-t c,.:t n.-r .it lot Ko. Its, , ntl in the l.fth district x.. to s:ii, 1 county ol , }for Heirs law amt logatoos tlio l'ei»*tit of snM of Ucoease the creditors, 1 \lt j at . ; porsons are tlieretore uotilietl tioit unlt-ss s.itnc 1 Ii-ohI objection is.tntule on tin: tii'.'tM"Uit;iy in I Augosr next, f):e leave will He ;r. ,-tole'l Mr Me saletp 3 ,-ti.l Uugs ,r.t publi; .aaetion at til. Court Mouse ..r in the cyioity of Ifat-ersham after H't v ertisinjr the same aecordiugto law, t.i’-en umler mv li-ni.l and oliieiai sigaaiure, June the g-,: tl. ,t SSO ISAAC OAKS, Ordinary. July a, lidos. $ 1500 ! l’o SlititlO A VKAK, ur Hi. to 520aduyin emrutvit lo.-alitv. No risk. VVonion do as well as men. Many make nunc than tho amount stated above, No one eat.) - tail to jtot te money f a 1 . Any ono can do the , w-.rk. You can moke from alt eta. to ■ an i hour by devoting your and tj/are time to the business ft costs nothing to try the business. Nothing tike it tor money ma¬ king ever t fforred hc’ore. business p easant aid strictly honorable. Reader, if you want t" know ail about the Jest paying business I before tho public, rend us your address and we will . end you full particulars and pr iva t. terms free; samples worth So also free; you can then make up your mind tor yourself. Address U KORtil-i I ).' ST ST IN. ') N, 1’ortland, Maine. FEMALE SEMINARY GEORGETOWN, KY. Qnartcr of a Century an Existence. Recognized as one of the best institutions for educating young ladies. Full.caursc. the Thorough Fall education. Healthiest part of State. term begins September 6 th, 1880 . For catalogue and full information, address J. J. RCJCKER, Principal, Georgetown, Ky. HAMILTON FEMALE COLLEGE, Well selected course of study. Special departments .for at? the ornamental branches. Faculty large, able and experienced. Extensive Grounds for recrea tion. Excellent buildings, 1(30x88 Commodious feet, four stories, .containing: containing TS’icc Recitation, 125 125 apartments. apartments. Ornamental, Play Con and Bath chapel, Room*. Warmed by steam and lighted with gas. Only two .Rrhool voung ofl'ering ladies occupy equal a advantages room. Charges in the lower United than 8 ir , ti m ^ J. T. PATTERSON, President, Lexington, Ky. TFAPUCRC 1-nUIILiIlOMOO, SSTUDENTS*™’ ■ or *200 per month flaring VACATION. For lull particulars, address, J. c . McCUKDY & CO., Philadelphia, l’a. AGRI. & MECH. COLLEGE OF KY. opens Sept. 13 th, 1 SS 0 . Full course of instruction 1 under a Faculty ofjfifteen Professors in Scientific, Classical, Jne'nts 0 Normal School and and Commercial buildings Dena rt be ready New for College during Dormitory the Autumn, vill occupancy Tuition, 1 06 15 . 00 ; Matriculation, # 5 . ob; 00 : Unfurnished room, ,, ’$' 5 5 . . 00 . . For For catalogues catalogues and and other other informa- informa¬ tion apply to Judge W. B. Kinkeav , Chairman Ex. Committee, or to Jas. K. Patterson, Ph. D., president, Lexington. RICHMOND FEMALE INSTITUTE Richmond, Va. J. B. IlAWTnoRNis, D. I).,Pres’t Board Trustees. For Miss than Salley B. Hammer, Principal. this Insti- i tution more enjoyed a quarter liberal of a century only j has a patronage, not from Va., but all thc Southern States. Building handsome,and tional French taught elegantly by Parisian. furnished. Convcrsa- under | Art Charge of European Artist. Music a specialty, Address thc Principal for Catalogue. ‘ —--------- —--- BEsT! businps? now bof*<re ib“ |»ublic. You can make mniiEy bi$ter ;ii work u*s thijn nt aiiyrhuig < Capital not rtf{uiied. W< wiil , start yMt. $12 .a day .iud opward.- ma.L ;i home by the indu.-trioii,-. M l, n. wuicn wok (o ht>\s J [and girls wanted eve-ywheto y<»uc;#n deyote to xv»i*»It n$. j J i Now is thc time. y«jnr I time t*> thc work or only .V''«»r s-p.m in , { No No ottiit’i' willing busine^fi w;rk will pay y-u fail near to make y ns well •>r j j one to can C- r, ■ | i) ? ou$ pp.y by engaging at t y Outfi* j j and terniB I’rec.* easily A gr^at and honorable (.-^portun fy for Addiess mnk | ; ! ing monev Maine. TRUE .t CO., AuguPta Guide to Success, WITH FOR FORMS BUSINESS AND HOCIErv is BY FAR fiie best IIu.-iuc and Social (lu'.Je and Huud-lis^k ever published. Much Ihe latest. It tails b’>;h .exes o u;j JeitrV 1IOV TO DO BVEEYTHINO in the bust uuy. Ifow (o he Your Own Lawyer. How to d, I j Bnsiners in Society Correctly Hnd in and fcucceesfully- part ot life, How ami to Act every contains agoldmino of varied infoimatiui indispepsable to all ctasres f«r constant le terence. AQENTS WANTF.T) fur all or =p;ire time, fo know why this hook of REAL vul ne aud attractions sell* better than any other, apply for teims to H. B. SOAMMELL A CO„ St. Louis, Mo. M’e pay alt freight. June I2th I SSO huts. A. ■ fflE JEWETT & GOODMAN ORGAN CO., ; ' Ups. 66 & 68 HAYWARD ST.. Cleveland, Ohio, MANOTA.CTURE THE HIGHEST GBAHE —OF— PARLOR. ORGANS AT FAVORABLE PRICES. Send foe Catalogue of Style* THIS INTERESTS YOU ImHs THE BEST lilUi. f.V .W.IBfE ! For Ouly » Penny YOU CAN SEND A TOSTAL CARD TO THR A. B. CHASE OESAK OOHPAUY, 1VOBWA1K, 05110, and receive their Illustrated Catalogue, Circulars atm Testimonials, showing how.thpy CAX and DO make the BEST OEGiS in tliv WOSUT? ! Manv points cf KX<C 1 EI<I< OK ovfJ* AI< 1 C# OTlHIERS, We can’t particulm izc here, but will say, if you want an Instrument for your own use ’’ou want nothing but OUR OBOAV! If you want Organs to sell again., there .are no others that sell so easily or give sogood.satisfaction alter they are sold. IT’S A F Af’T. A. B. CHASE Oinax CO., NWRttAhK, OHIO Ju ' V> issn P ni A > NOS-"™ aiAnkirv SRI S3 TO ts — All wholesale sinciw “ " g.— Sold nt 1 ■ ■ W\# .dory prices. Rig HRS’ :sr i Ion OKS atCemennii utGcuit Centennial iiui.ii Exhibition oauiwiii"ii. Hathu- pi.iinu* sek’s Scale for Square Grand. FJjiesfc Uprights in America. —12,000 in,«se. Catalogue of 48 pages—Jree. Jubilee Organs, |G5; the best iu the world. Au 8 stop organ only 18 stops, $97—Circular free. AU sent on 15 day’s trial -^freight free if unsatisfactory Avc^^ftEET price. Catalogue of mb'sic :j ,000 choice hflDfl If Ij |j Jba A MQ I tR al pieces sent for 8c.stamp. Address v s 1 Mciidnlssohii Piano Co., Box '2 058, X. Y. AGENTS WANTED to Sell the NEW BOOK, F ARMING FOR PROFI T 1 TELLS HOW TO Cultivate all tbe Farm Crop3 in the Best Manner* Breed, Feed and Care lor Stock; Grow Fruit; Mar ago Farm Business; Make Happy Homes.and MAKE yiONFV ON THE FAR!»L Every Farmer should have a coin- 800 pages. 140 Illusl-jRJt ions. Send for circulars to J. C. McCUHD V & CO., P hila delphia, Fa. 500 GOOD AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THOMPSON’S MEDICAL ADVISER 'Ibis- Mar' Family Nodim} Wi.j-g offers (irente r J ml n com out* d. Rood Audi’s than any o’her book repufabbi now published, Jt has no rival. Endorsed bv all Dhvsi' ian-. in every family* 1005 1’a-: < Handsomely I’linMl. Kiclilyl - Ju-a rated. Substantial]}- F-uund. Fo; tin ula? s art! terms/ address Jc;\E6 C CV-, Cmcjjirjat;, U. AI. > v S ii ISJO BICKFORD PORTABLE PUMP Simple and easy to work. ^owsaConti^^ i Useful WasUihg Carriages. for ^windows-Spfjjnkung ‘ Lawns. Throwing poisonous liquids, j ON TREES AND PLANTS ETC.ETC, Jane 12 I SSO.