The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, October 09, 1880, Image 3

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THIS PAPER may bo found on file ■ at Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Newspaper‘, Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Sc,); whore advertising Yorkf contracts may bo | made for it iti New VThe 16 tain nil j ; thoriJodTn ! to tlio AiivmiTisnii in that locality. XtOcal Items- j TS. ~ =■» | ANN OUNCE MEN j I3PMy friends are hereby nofifie.d I that I am a candidate for Sheriff of the County of White. If i get enough votes to elect me ( which 1 expect to do) I will servo my county as sheriff to tbo best of my ability. W. C. STEPP. Wo are authorised to annennneo the name of W. J, PAYNE, as a candidate for the office of Ordinary of the county of White. Cold, Some rain this week. \V nd from the East, Last Wednesday was a hot day. Good crops everywhere, almost. Look out for the bine mark on your paper. Air. John N. Ash, we learn is gradu ally declining. Mr John Logan, who we thought two or three weeks ago was fast recov¬ ering, is, we learn declining. Mr. Ailison Ledford seems to be rn< re helpless than for some time past, according to our information. it is evident that there is a live can didate for Ordinary of White couuty. Look fur tbo announcements. So far as we have been able to learn there is little or no change in the condi¬ tion of Sirs. J. W. Underwood. ** G. Boyd. Esq left this place , on Thurday to attend Court at Ellijay, Gilmer county, Ga. Mr Thornton Satterfield is slowly re covering from his late attack of sickness —hope he will soon be well again. We have in onr office a cotton bowl out of which 14 locks of cotton were taken. Jt was grown by Mr. W. II. Adams, Esq , of Mossy creek district, in this county. Last Wednesday, election day passed of with but little noiso in Cleveland, until after dark, wIicd heavy loads of steam were pat on and the engines puffed and whistles blowed in reckless confusion. Our fellow townsman, W. B. Bell, wbo b is been confined to his bed for a week, is again on foot, and wait ng on his numerous customers in his usual polite and gentlemanly style. Thisoffiee is brought under many ob¬ ligations to Airs. R. It. Aabury, of this county, for tho present of a Y T ara potato that weighs four pounds, It is the largest for the season we bavo seen or heard of. Mrs. A. will please accopt our thanks for this kindly remem¬ brance. Dr. A. F. Underwood will please ac¬ cept our thanks for the largest Spanish sweet potato that wa have seen this season; It was grown on his,lot in this place, ^yeighs abont threo pounds— length fifteen inches. Taking the potato crop generally, wo have never seen it better in this county. WATER VS. ALCOHOL. Wo are no doctor, but wo believe pure water, in its natural state is the healthiest bevorago man ever drank; but when poluted with alcoholic stimu¬ lants it becomes unhealthy, and obnoxs ous to refinement, and dangerous to society. Water is a beverage and a j luxury of God's own creating, it is J therefore good. Alcoholic beverages ; were, and are now made through the < wicked and avaricious ingenuity of man, I hence the evil; and we see that as a j medicine, it is denounced as being worthless by many of the best and most; practical phyaiciqas of the ago. SABBATH SCHOOL CELEBRATION Tho Cleveland, Mossy CP cel:, Z or, and y nnah Sabbath Schools met at the Methodist church in Cleveland., on Fri day morning the 8th inst.,—formed a procession, anu marched in good order, with banners Abating at the head <>l tbo the respective North west Schols, of to pubi the grove squanj o i j corner c w.heao a stage and seats were prepared and the.'), notwithstanding the cold east wind the singing was charming, inter spersed with beautiful speehes and de clamations, w hich made t he-occasion a most interesting one. At this writing the exercise: 1 Lave not closed, and we are obliged to lock up and go to press something more about the pleasant affair next week. Among agcnls and families, the great de¬ mand now is for the light running Combina liationSeiving Alaebiue, bemuse iL lias stood the lest, rind is better made, with more im¬ provements, will last longer, and is lower nr price, (only $ 20 ,) than other machines, and having attained a merited popularity among the people for reliability, it is welcomed wLorever lor strength it makes ar*'&'constant its appearance. hard work, It has is built in j tercbangable working ports, manufactured of lino polished steel, and will run for years without repairs; is simple to learn, ea«y to managA, understood periectly in an hour, and alw .13 s ready in a moment to do every descrip¬ tion of heavy or line family work at less cost, more easily, smoothly ami faster, and with less labor than any other machine at any price, ever did or can do. Tucke s quilters, rufflers, hem mors binders, Ac., free with each machine. No advance payments. Machines shipped to any It. R. station for examination before pay¬ ment of bilj. Agents make money rapidly, supplying the great demand for this the Cheapest Machine in the world. Territory free. For illustrated catalogue of prices, specimens of stiten, Ac., address, office of the Ccmbinafion Sewing Machine, 7-57 Broady/ay, New Vork,N.Y. ----.....—— Mr, Npeer Refused Once, North Georgian. Five years ago Mr. Speer left Ids Courts, for bo was then the Solicitor General of the Western circuit, to attend the Democratic Convention in session at Gaiusville. There was a deadlock between the opposing candidates, and Hill, and under the rules neither I could secure meutioued a nomination. Mr. Speer's j name was as a cmapromiEe candidate, and afterwards he secured a proxy from some of tho Gsvinett dele¬ gates, and in a speech upon the Hour of the Convention, said tho nomination bad been tendered him, and ho spurned ic and* refused to accept it. This gave rise to a spirited reply from T. J, Har alsou, of Umou. Ho deni U Mr. Speer's statement. Wo shall not attempt to settle that matter between the gentlemen, but take Speer's as tho correct one tor tho pres¬ ent. How does Mr* Speer stand? That was most certainly a Democratic Con¬ vention, therefore ho spurned an d re¬ fused to accept a Democratic nomina¬ tion. A few weeks ago the Republican District Convention fop this D.strict met at Athens, and by resolution on dorsed him. Up to tnis writing he has neither spurned or refused to accept the recommendation of that Convention. He stands to-day convicted of spurning and refusing a Democratic nomination and acquiescing in a Republican recom¬ mendation. Tho composition of ,tbe two Conven¬ tions might not be amiss here. The Democratic was composed of sixty-four delegates of true white men, delected for their uprightness, intelligence and patriotism, and presided over by Hon. W. E. Simmons, of Gwinnett, present elector akd'Engiv^Twk^.‘“ tor this District on the Re^ubfie^ Hancock The was compose: of thirteen negroes and two white men, one of the negroes vo¬ ting nine proxies, and presided over by W. A. Pledger, (co!,) present Chairman of the Republican State Central Corns mittee. Yet he refused and spurned the nomination of tho Democrats aud acquiesces in that of the tiegroes. Voters choose ye between the candi¬ dates before you A bright litle boy hearing his father say business,’ that a man ought to ’stick to his emptied a bottle of mucil¬ age in the old gentlemau's office chair. The old man says ho has not been struck so badly since 1857, and reward¬ ed his offspring by taking him oa a whaling trip to the back collar. A married man at Portgage, Wis., eloped with a widow and her two daughter-. After traveling a short time he took the prettiest daughter, and left the others in the lurcu. That seems to lie something new in the way of elopement where a man takes the whole family and then sorst them out after he gets on the road. Mr. Speer is a strong democrat, but we can’t see why Jack Brown, a noto-< rious radical, holding office at Washin ton, 6hould write to W- T. Crane, wbo thought of running an a Republican for Congress, to withdraw from the race in the interest of Speer, as the latter was their man and popular at Washington, North Georgian ^ ^ __ The ag0D y for Gubernatorial honors is over for tho present _ Somote i t be. A WEEK. $12 a duy ar. home siasly $72 ^ made. Costly Outfit fiee. Address True A Co., Augusta Maine. yremgBWB TKliKRH.U’IIIC DISPATCHES. Saxtv Fe, October 2 —A F *rt Cniii min^a special sajs that Hue IPs nr v . in grand force on the Apart ee in ,\f z. icu, tins resulted so tar in utter Lulu if. Starting from Fort (hitnniings with seven Inn dred tn.oi, the Indians, w I,.> were in camp at Lake Guzman, wore to be surrounded by Mexica 1 , Arizona and Texas troupe, amuimung ii to 8 non v ■otorni s s baud slipped out from ' e c1ioIh oI r nips cl s ng in, and In I r.; Buell knew that limy lia 1 gone, divided, one part going to tho Cm o'eleria moun¬ tains, 250 miles from Like Guzman, while [I e main baud doubled on Buell's train, and aftrcied Fort Cummings, Ins headquarters, Thursday night, They : aero repulsed, (hid too s mho c ttle. ! Buell is in pursuit ef ibo hand gone , iuto iho Candeieii i mountains. Washington: October I —Thesignal corps station at Nmf >lk, Va., reports! to the chief signal officers that the i steamship Isaac Bell, of ihc Old Do- ! minion Lino, is now on lire m the river between Norfolk and !’■ rtsinouth, and cannot be g tved. Farther particulars later. Norfolk, 0 itoher 2 —Tho Old D w minimi Line steamer, Isaac Bell, caught fire t his alien O ill while lying at, the company’s wharf in Fortsmont.U, ae.R was fiiitirtffy best o-od. " iih her cargo j /•>() b lk'vS Ot C<;tton *Ubl »)tll(?r merebitn tl disc. i on 'I'hn The /ioiku cause nl of ihn the lire, fi in which nr h i n 11 ori¬ / •. * I ' ginated its tbo forward hold, is unknown No person was injured. sail for that port this Uiternoon. Lfim’ls j to scuttle hor lading, she was towtd to t he Naval Hospital Mats and abandoned. She registered I,(il2 tons, was built m 180S, and cost about $2JJ,0(J0. Washington October 2.— Postmas¬ ter General Maynard decided to-day not to suspend the recent order of the Post-office Department prohibiting the delivery of registered letters and postal orders to the Kentucky Lottery Compa¬ ny. He will await the decision of the lottery question by tho Supreme Court. New Yoke:, October, 2.—Indictments j have been found by the grand jury i against the following neswpapers in I ' ' ..........« New York city for advert-isio" places | the sale of lottery tickets: The Cun Daily News. World, Star. Truth, Stmts Zeituny, Frank Leslie's jVeicpoper, Police Gnzeelte , and Dispatch j ---- — « ♦ . —-—.— MAKU1I.D. On Sunday, 3rd inst„ in the public road, by Rev. J. J. Kimse.v, Mr. James M. Suggs aud Mias Caroline Jackson, all of White county, Ga. On the 30r,h nit, by Rev, J. W Brown, Mr. Henry Turner and Miss Julia Hunt, ail of White county, Ga. In Cleveland, on the 7th inst, at 7-30 o'clock A. M., Mr. Jeff. Reaves and Miss Kizzie Graham, (col,; Rev. J. J. Kimsey, officiating. NOTICE. ! GEORGIA White County. j The undersiohod hereby sive notico | i of their intention t.o apnly to the j ! next General Assembly of this State. S (which convenes on the first, Wednesday j io November 1S8(J) for the passage of ( the following local Bill: A Bill, to tie entitled an Acts to incei- j porate the Cleveland and Lnla, Rail Road Company, commencing at, or near tho Junction of the North Eastern R. R. with the Air Liu: li, R, in Hall County, running tho most con : j venient and practical route from that point to Cleveland, in White county, | And to grant to it certain privileges. i and f »r other purposes. S. N. Bosworth, I i- R. Asihjry, i VV. B. Bell, 0. P. Craig. j J. W. rr.U nderwood R, T. Kenimer, j | \V. II. Logan, J IL Nichols, Isaac Oaks, McCoiVs OuMe for Amateur BkiSs, for »ml Vv!\u,m’» Dnno-Maiw' Tactics, . book of 20 pages, mailed 10 cent,. LYON & NEALY, State cor. Monroe St., Chicago For Fifty Cents —THE— Louisville Courier Journal [Hon. HENRY WATERSON, Editor.] Will be found, as usual, at tbe front in tbe present Presidential Canvass. AS The Representative Southern Paper and a leading organ of the Democratic Party in the United States, is will be a guide ro dem¬ ocrats throughout tbe land, valuable to the fair-minded everywhere and full of instruc¬ tive points to the Republicans. AS A FAMILY NEWSPAPER It will continue, as now, to bo filled with attractive features for home end family e.rc!e. Fifty cents will secure the weekly Courier Journal until DecemLcr 1st., from time sub¬ scription is received, or eleven copies for fivo Dollars. Address W. N. IIALDEMAN, President Courier-Jourdal Co. Louisville, Ky. i w w.<M.u BEST IN THE WORLD I I •elf, appear but wMt«, COWPAKISCV examined WITH by H CHbRcn a it <:o.)s “abmc and HAMMER »> BRAND Will *how the difference. See that yonr Bakin? Soda Is white and PURE, a« should be A I, I,, SIMILAR SUBSTANCES used lor food. LEGAL. Will IE SHERIFF'S SALE. \\fILlj be sold before the Court bouse door » in the town of Cleveland While county, << a.. within the legal hours of sale ou the first t'.KSd.vy in November next, the following property to wit: Six cane bottom chairs, one cane bottom rocking chair, two split bottom rocking chairs, eigh . : V. een . .....i:. split bottom i . * . chairs; . t . ... also i eight t . bed¬ 1 i steads, throe bureaus and glasses, one slab, I one crib, one Weed owing machine, one clock; j also thirty-three ttrli .-le.s of;bcd covering, con i • i ■ - and wash-stamis, pillow-slips; also six small tables, three six ebaimbers, five bowls, five pitchers, one feather hed, five picture frames and pictures, one leather trunk; also kitchen furniture, consisting of on-o stove, three glass ■ l,, lamps, ,, one „<> set . n( knives , anu j <• forks, j one castor; • also cupboard dining and room furniture consisting of one | contents, one dinirg table and ( crockery; also one red muly cow, one dunn muly cow and calf, throe yearlings, ten head Of hogs; also one undividod half interest in town lot No. 2 on the scp.arc of Cleveland in said county , l,evied <>n as the property of T. V. McAfee, to ratify a Ii fa issued by VV. L. Goldsmith, Com. Gen. of the State of Ga., vs. T. V. McAfee, Tax Collector of White county, and VV.I!. Kelt, W. A. Reaves and E, 1’. Williams securities. Property pointed out by tho secu rit ies? Also at the same time and place will bo sold the following town lots in the town of Cleveland, White county, Ga., to wit : town lots Nos. 48 and 41 in the South plat of said town, adjoining the "Comer Hotel,” containing uue- half nrre, more or less Town lots in the West plat of said town Nos. 21 22 23 24 25 2<j 27 28 35 7G 71 and 72. Also town lota adjoiuing W. K Boll and Nos. 02 and 85. Levied on as the property of E. P. Williams and to satisfy the fl fa ‘ i stated in the above levy against T. ’• I .McAfee, and pointed OUt by the Atl'y | for tho Slate. Also lit the same timo and place the ! Undivided throe-fourths interest in the I’rinting 1‘ress, type, furniture, cases and all the apparatus of and connected with tho ‘'Cleveland Advertiser,” a newspaper published in White county, Ga. town lot in the town of CL ve hind, White county Ga., No 11, togetb er with tho shops erected thereon, now occupied tty Natbau Stover, together with all the black-smith tools dec., in said shops. Levied on as the property of W. B. Ball to s itiafy the li ta stated in the above levy against t V. McAfee Tax Collector of White co. Ga. j | T. C. HAMILTON Shlf. Oct. 2 1880. 3lMs GEORGIA While County , To all whom it may concern. Y/ 6 fHELLAS, Alfred N. ile&ter having in * » proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of .Jesse Turner late of said county deceased; this is to cite all an i singular the creditors and next of kin of Jesse Turner to be and appear at uiy office within the time allowed and show cause if any they can on the first Monday in Novern her, why permanent administration should not he granted to Allred N, Hester or some other fit and proper person on Jesse Turner’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, ISAAC OAKS, Ordinary. T his 22r.d day of Sept., 1 SS 0 ,, Sept. 25 30ds. GEORGIA White County % j WII •. REAS, J. P. Osborn, Administrator of Mieajah Turner deceased, represents to the j Court in his petition duly filed and entered on cite record, Mieajah all persons Turner’s that concerned, he estate. has This tully kindred is administered therefore and credit¬ to ! ors, to show cause if any they can why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administratic n and receive letters of dis¬ mission on the first Monday in December 1880. Given under my hand and official signature, this September 2nd ISSO. ISAAC OAKS, Ordinary. Sept. 4* 90ds Gli ORGIA, White County , \ LL persons are hereby notified tbat Howell -I\- C. 8 osebeo has filed his application .n due form of law in the office of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court of said county for the e moval of disabilities imposed upon him by the granting of a divorce to bis wife, Nancy E. Sosebee, by tho Superior Court of said county at tho May Term 1876, which applica¬ tion will be heard and passed upon at tho next Superior Court to be held in aud for said county on the first Monday in November next, to which eourt it is made returnable. Witness rov hand and official signature, this August 25 1SS0. J. P. OSBORN, C. S. C. Aug. 28 Swks. Patupsco (IfdJ Institute. Miss Saras N. RANDOLPH, of Edge Hill, Va.. Principal. This well-known School opens Sept. la. For circulars address the Principal Patapsco Institute, EllicoSt City, Md. - • »« » < '«■» , <s 1500 T< ‘V.0.0ft A Y lb A R, or 85 -D • :1 ,iy t \ '<u» »» 0 1 « a I , X o ; irk. Wi IIL CU do !..b U v 1. a . i on A'.<niv make mere than tint tit. in \ amo abo\ N o cne col ■ fill to |f: .1 I, I., I .-v I ' - > A l: V of < r 113 <IO tic work. Y i tali uiii i.c In in 50 to v . ,-2 ilTJ Ijf'iir by <• v«»i nig ion' evenings : ini join* time t ) ibc })•»!■ Ml l ' *'f 8-t nothing to ijy tt O l.iiMii,-- No lii* s* 1 kc it ter money ma¬ ke ■ ever ■ Or'iicd t. Lie. Bumi p.ea.ant a.-I-ii i.-t)y hoi < r Lender. it yv want i.. i. mow nil iiliuttfio U*>t pj.vivg 1 iimlcss Iltd-.u;:!.. 1 1 1 I , : out »i- V U< a<l<TT tfi JU d WC will u \ mi ,, 1 i l ci 11.11 - 1 H | i 1’ MI1 11111 > Ires: ]- * .- wen l i!mi Irev: > » " uii t llol. make c|i v nnr mi ■ 1 i r vmi'SeH. Address ■ lEOlluV: : TIN ON " I’ ■■ iMaine. ;s | A LEGMEN WAN I T, ^'-•o'»Y"a!i.:-.' ’! 0 Y i ! Lli In Ilk tl.KRS. $1115 A tuo 111 IHiUf.Nprllses 8um|>J s Krre. C|!T THIS XOl'.CE on !,n>l :-Pr ( ] it with y< ur ap l at.on, alsoStn u lie. Sian j. »< in 'U o iu.owcr. S. hns'i i:K <k 00. ri»>oinrin ii Unio. .Vasilviite Cottcgt* lor \ouni; b;uU<>, No. 25 S. 8 pnee Street. N^shvil’c, Term. Itev. (jicon. W. F, ]‘imck, D. !)., (late of Ala) Fres. Building and lmeiilily Select. ’1 hor ougli advanced course in all di p, rtmenfs: Latin, Calisthuiics, Art (lei man. Flench; i»>it- by eminent artists. I» <a,rder^ in presi deitt.v family. Refer (*< Ui-hujis iNl . ILChnich South. Opens Sept. !. ISSU. Send for cirmlar. II Ii WX It l( ’ M S E11 jTa k V . ~ NASlierr.LE, TF,NN., cl„se<l it* It,lb year w ‘fh - Li 1 ourig Juidics , and -IS graduates, ^ n established School, lias meet with gnat. success. Fno buildings in the city. Next co..;.,, co .... ,i i ........ $ 66 "VA \YLKK in yo/ - own town, ml n. capital ; risked, You can give »!io business a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever ofiored f. r those willing to work. You -ImuRI try uothtag * else , min! .. see tor .. ’ll what , you \ v< you can lI i ?. al , ,, 1,6 bu ^ ncss " rou m « t<> tl( ex « x ' / - - ^ ', UIJ H l0 ‘ 011 ■ - all your timo or on!y /°" r ^ are " ,f ' *•" ’ ) usinesp nud make K e#t ,,1,V ior <iVel tf h()ur "‘Y , , wwk * Y ulak , : feen '» f , ’ n,c ? ,° a8 as "»«."• ?\ «>''d l p; ,v, Uo terms and parl.cnlors . winch , wo mail mail free. free. $.< $o outti outfit t free, free. Don’t enmjiliun of hard tunes while you have such a chance. Ad¬ dress H. IIAI.LETT k 00.. Portland Maine. AGENTS WANTED to sail tUo LIFE OF General Hancock By T. E. WILSON, Editorial Staff Now York Worbl. With facta and figure? since the (lavs ■ f Washington. A CYCLGPASODU FOR VOTERS. A book worth having. Over 500 pages. 00 Illustrations. Sent on receipt <»f price, $2.00. The outfi t for the business, 50 cts Apply at once. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 757 Broadway, N. Y. WASHINGTON and LEK UNIVERSITY, Gen. (}. AV. O, LEE, PrediD Thorough instruction in languages, ..iterature, anr! Science; and in the Professional Schools of Law and Engineering. Tuition and fees reduced to a total of $711. Expenses from $2110 to S2j0 foe niue months, including tuition and Yexi session Logins I6ib, 188ft. Fur catalogue, address J. L. CAMPBELL, Jn. Lexington Ya FOR SALE! A Bountiful Location in tbe town of Cleve¬ land, VYnitc county Ga. Will bo sold cheap tor cash. The parcel ot land containing ten acres more or less, most of which is in a fair state . f cultivation, with dwtdlins Louse and some out-bnildings. Also a good*\yonn£ o- ebard, consisting of Apple trees, Peach trees, Cherry trees. Plum trees, Quince frees, Grape vines, Ac. If want a, bargain, apply at once at The Advertiser Office BEsT ^business You work can us than make now before at money anything th* Lister public. else. at Capital not required. We wiil startyiu. $12 a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You can devote your whole time to the work or only your spare moment*. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one willing to wjrk can fail to make enor¬ mous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free. A opportunity for mak¬ ing money easily and honorable. Address TRUK & CO., Augusta Maine. Agents WANTDfor the Best Book to 3ell THE HISTORY of the BIBLE. Splendid Sti kl Engraving [22 q 28 in.] free to every Subscriber. Agentr are making $25 to SI00 per week. Send for Special Terms to [Established 1847] Henry Bill Publ shing Co. Norwich, Ct. GOLD, Great town We need chanse to a take person to subscriptions make in money. every for tbe largos*,cheapest and best Illustrated family publication in the world •Any one c; n become a successful sgent. Six elegant works of art given free te subscribers. The. piieo is so low that almost everybody subscribes. Oue augent reports taking 120 subscribers in a day. A Indy agent reports making over $200 clear prfit in ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote al your time tc the business, or only your spare time. You need not be awny from h< me overnight. You can do it as well as others. Foil direction* jidu terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want a profita¬ ble work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one wbo esgage fuiiis to make great pay. Address GEORGE STINSON a CO-. Portlan d, Maine NEWSAGENTS! OpT’A ZlOKJ FOW ING BOOKS PRICED OF and ALL FAST KINDS SELL' are fully represented in onr new tifRAND COMBI¬ NATION PROSPECTUS BOOK, by sample pages, bindings, IHusiratiuns, etc. A great variety and sure suieess for Canvassers. All actually wishing EM PLOYM ENT address for terms, Stani-aud Pve, Co., St. Louie Mo. All freights paid by us. June 12th 1?S0. 6 ms.