The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, November 13, 1880, Image 2

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'(la? (Stolim tl ALEX. CHU'llC'!! i)U \ «* umU f Georgia, '< t> V. What /;» li“i\sn lut'.iii who.i lie ■ puts hie foot tiiH s' ii t>(j f ihnsiiall, Texas on the 5th New Vi'tk ba 1 i ; a fifty thousand dollar ■Are on the Dili hist. Bishop David 8. dlogger, of the M .L. Cbureli n' <J at his home in Kiel)morn!. Ya.. a few days The •'.», Assembly met in joint s< on the 9th inst., for the purpose of iiiangiiratMsg bia cxccilcucy, Alfred 11. Colquitt, The eroj s ;n Dt io is reported to 'be the l.c»vi-sf, yield, by .five millions i'ttsheis ever reported by township as> st erors in t-itat Slate. .......*’-»•*----------- V. <» p-ceiA cii 1)10 Governor's inaugu¬ ral addresa too Utr for publication this week. Y> will trv to .find a place for it in our ne.x 1 issue. There was a time when it was believ¬ ed by many good people, that there was no harm in taking a dram; but the crimes, thousands of which are commit¬ ted every day. as ttie result of dram drift lung has clearly d. monstrated that such a belief is erroneous, and ought to be blotted l'rom the mind of evety bu man being logon the earth. We are sorry to say that many of our otherwise promising young men have been taught from infancy, thatto make, buy, sell and fit ink whiskey was an honorable calling; but wo are glad to see that this kind of teaching is beirg abandoned by most of the thinking pa¬ rents of our land. May the time soon • come when intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall not be known to the hu¬ man. family. LET, Li LOOK TO OUR INTEREST The time has come, when politically, the people turn a deaf ear to the truth. \I hen mea^will $ejl ijj*ui-^>kilj^ig^t, for lor a small pitance, some even a drink of whiskey. They put thter principles, which should be as dear as life to them, upon the market. There aro hundreds of politicians who are ready to forsake every honorable spark of true patriotism for a little self grati¬ fication. Through the instrumentality of these and many other degrading crimes, we find our people much divided — continuance of seciimiai hatred is the result, and ia some parts of the country alm< st at daggers points. All those things are to be lamented, and seemingly without a remedy. But we proposo now to leave these matters In the hands of those who r - better [ re¬ puted to discuss them than we are, and tu»n our attention to matters in which ,o and out readtrs m inor. Hired, interested. Our farms are too much neglected. The manufacturing interests of our im mediate section receive i.-» i Mention at ail. Our educational interests are very much checked by the • ploy men t of itiaoatpet-cut teachers, and carelessness of parents. ‘ Every yoing man who re ‘ ‘ t (;eiv(‘3 an eiRic , , t’.oo . is cl , a competent . teacher, though it perms that a large number of them propose to teach as a business avoc-atiou, when, no doubt, many of them would succeed much bel¬ ter between the plow .handles, at the carpenter's bench, in the cabinet shop. in the wag » ami cauiagc factory, in the drug shop, at the bar, or with other requisite .qualifierH its, in the pulpit. 'Poo many ptrsn-n-s arc of tho opinio;; iliac to be a successful farmer, oi mechanic, an < duration it uot tiecessa ry. Phis erroneous idea wa l ope, will soon he abrnthmed, and that more of Our young men, when they have, received an education will only feel themselves qualified fir good cutset. - ? and the :.g: culrura! pursuits of life, v oh is ti e baeki-p; mg of eve ry n ati-m and people, * * A geiith-a an who acended the fair - n / x [ alj.a .st>S UB exlum.ioo , c-usist,. . Biltfabul aiil a pumpkin, and ■tfn bull ate the pumpkin de iuesday Light and j reped out oi tho t;ud broke up ibe fair. ' 7] r ' woikmgmen who vot d for Gar fleiu o "get good wages’' should apply to G. at Mentor by telegraph -■clay. — Cornier Journal. ATLAN 1’A AND THE NEW ELATE i CAlTI'OL. X aucm Telig-raph hi d Me'Seti^*;-, i Ir is gratify iag to know though wo 1 < - '■ ver had 10.00 1 10 doubt it, that our sis ! ter cn\ AUantjt aonoucctts hb'S'lf ready : to comply in Ju-ii .’a iih the prnini-o made | t bat it the seat of g«»v. j muon s am d j I be permanently hKMted in, ro. site would j Oolliito the city had square as n, : ito for the new-eupitol. «»r lurid a-State, house as good as the old edifice - at Mill- ! edgevilie. \v'e trust our profit commonwealth will consent to receive at the hands of; unn of her own cities n thing save iliu j : j | site To accept of the that proposed WDU'd capitol bs more building, than is] |.customary under Georgia situiliarcircurastaocer. Any city in would have given 1 as ruuc .Q to have been made the capttol j of the State. Macon, merely to smite . the location of Mercer Umv/rsity, do Dated $125,000 to that institution. But I when it comes to the actual erection <1 such a structure as will be requisite to illustrate the dignity Georgia, we trust the taxpayers wilt , take the matter into their own hands and foot all the expense that is incur¬ red in the premises. It would be !;U' miii.iting to placcthe Stare under obli¬ gations to Atiauta for the construction : of a public edifice to be u-cd and o m pied solely by,its officials and the rep-, rest ivatives of her people. How small it would make us appear in the eyes of the outer world ? While | therefore commending the pro aptness i and good fault manife sted by the .au¬ thorities of redeem the-Gate the City promises in their mud made j mess to ] during tbe capital campaign, wo can i but obligation hope that save the State cue furnishing will remit of eve- the j j ry proposed site of the .cupkol building. | As to when the work of constructing j the new $tase house slum d begin, we \ are clearly of the opinion that it ought ) j ro be deferred as long as; possible, or at j least wiped wmc.-i until nnt out. the public debt has been No should Dew burdens be imposed not :-ct tally neces j j eary upon our tax payers who have been overloaded ever j since the war. Let us make the present ] quarters of the S ate government (which [ competent architects pronounce to be perfectly safe) suffice, then fmc, until; the commonwealth is financially able to undertake the task of erecting the cap- ] ito!, which in extent and architectural | excellence should be the equal of ; ny at the South.. Thanksgiving Proclamation. '^he following proclamation was is¬ sued by President lluyes on tLc Hist <.f Oeto’ er : A PROCLAMATION. At no period in their history sincr the United Suites became a nation, have this people had so abundant and so uni versa) reasons tor joy and gratitude at the favor of Almighty God. or been 1 subject to so profound an obligation to give thanks lor his lovng kindness, and humbly to implore His continued care and protection. Health, wealth and prosperity throughout ail our borders; peace, honor and friendship with all the world; a firm and faithful adherence by the great, body of our popul it inn to the principles of liberty and justice which have made our greatness as a nation, and to tho wise institutions and strong form of government and society which j will, to perpetuate in, for all these, let : £ pic, as with Tf nria voice, ascend in devout (“P j 1 homage therefore to recommend the Giver of that all Good. Thurs- I on j j day, people 25th will day meet <n November in their resspeetive next, the | ] places nf worship to make their ac.| | knowieugment. to Almighty God for his | 1 bounties and protection and to offer to j i him prayers for their continuance. In I ! w -' iieSrl whereof I have hereunto set ' my hand and caused the sea! of the | y n j tcc i states to be affixed. Done at j the City ot Washington this the 1st day of November 1880. and of the indepen¬ dence of the United States tho otto hun¬ dred and fifth. [Signed] President: R. B. Hayes. By tho , Wji. M. Evaiits, Sscretary of State. j Hint to Girls.—A wood engraver, being asked why he did nor. employ worn- '', replied: I have employed wo ; ten and « rsi^J^conhl fuel more eucouraged. But the truth is that when a. young man comes to me and be gins hi; vrork he feels that it is his Ufa's business. He is to cut his forx tuno out of the little blocks before him. Wif *, family, borne, happiness, and all aro to be earned out by his own hand, and lie. settles steadily and earnestly to his labor, determined to muster it, and 1 w it ! J every incitement spurring him on. He cannot marrv until he knows his j- i8 esactly t[l0 other w , ay . wit h j the girl. She may bo as poor as r.'oe Boy, and as wholly , dependent , upon - --- her self f or a living, bat 8 b« feei« tlmt ahe will probably marry by-and bye, and f JO r, 8 j,e must give no wood engraving. , g 0 she goes on listlessly, she has do ambition to excel, she does nor feel that all her h. ppiness depends ou it. She will marry and then her husband'* wa g C a will support her. She may not say so. but she thinks so, and it spoils her work. VEGETABLE A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY FCfl 1HTERKAL AtiS EXTERIIAt USE, Is a sure cure for nil (tic diseases for which it is recommend#!!, ami is always PERFECTLY SAFE in the hands of even, the most inexperienced persons. It 1 m a sure nisd quit-It remedy for COUGHS, SOKE THROAT, CHILLS, and similar troubles; affords instant relief in the most malignant forms of DIPHTHERIA, and is the best known remedy for KUe'nmatUni and Neuralgia. The Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Medicine in tho World. It lias Lee 11 used with Hindi wonderful success in all parts of the world for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it i» considered an unfailing cure for these diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use in al! Countries and Climates. It is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Missionaries, Ministers, Managers of Plantations, Work-Shops, and Factories, Nurses in Hospitals— in short by Everybody, Everywhere, who has ever given it a trial. IT iS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should always he used for Pain in the Back and Side, and brings speedy and permanent relief in all cases of Bruise*, Cuts, Sprains, Severe Burns, Scalds, etc. annually No family can safely be without it. It will ’ save many times its cost in doctors’ hills, and its price brings it within the reach of all. It is sold at 25c., 50c., and SI per bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. If ebroarv 2St! , 18&0. BEST IN THE WORLD! slightly Impure Bi-Curb Soda l<* of a dirty white color. It may appear tvhlte, examined by it¬ self, but a COMPABISON WITH CHURCH & CO.’S “ A15AS AND HAMMER ” BRANS Will show the difference. ^ j See that yonr Staking Soda la ’White and PURE, as should boALL SIMILAR SUBSTANCES used. tor food. Time Tables ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE LINE’ RAILROAD. MAIL TRAIN GOING EAST. ^e»vc Atlanta....................... 2..10 Arrive (Jaines-ville................ .....5.50 (iairiesville................. .....5.51 Charlotte.................. .....3.20 GOING- WEST. Leave Charlotte...................... ...12.10 Gainesville................. .....0-20 Gainesville.................. .....5.51 ...11.3,0 DAY PASSENGER TRAIN GOING Atlanta.................................4.00 Gainesville..........................<J.]3 Gainesville.................... 6.14 Charlotte...........................:’.2t) GOING WEST. Charlotte..........................10.42 Gaine»ville........................8.15 haave Gainesville ....................8.17 Atlau,a ..... ....... .........1 0.30 AND ACCOMODATION GOING EAST. [Daily except Sunday] Arrive Gainesville.... ...................... 11.10 J>c*tve Gainesville.... ............. .........10.25 Arrive Central......... ........................ 0.20 GOING WEST. Leave Central......... ........................(1.50 Arrive Gainesville.. ........................1.45 Leave Gainesville., ........................ 2.00 Arrive Atlanta........ Close connection at Atlanta for all West, and at Charlotte for all points East. (i. J. Foreache, (Jen. . W. .T. Houston, Gen. P. and T. Ag’t. Guide to Success, WITH FOR r iORMS BUSIN SOCIETY AXD KSS is RY FAR the best Business and Social and Iland-Bsok ever published. Much latest. It tells both sexes completely TO DO L\ ERYTHING iu tfie best way. How to be Your Own*'Lawyer, llow to Business Correctly uud Sjjecesgl'ully. How Act in Society and in ef’ery part of life, contains a sold mine of varied info, indispensable to all classes for constant lurence. AliE-YTS WAITED for ill) or time. To know why this book of REAL ue and attractions sells better than any upjily for teiujs to H. B. SCAMMELL 1 L’Q,, St. Louis, Mo. We pay all freight. June 12th 18*1) finis. Cure | Back Ache nd all diseases of the Kidneys, BIaatfer and Urinary Organs by \vu:»rln«c the improved Excelsior Kidney Pad, ItL a ma h v kl oi iHiAi.iNu and kkkikp Simple, Sensible, Direct, rainless l’OWeffct. It CIJ RES whore, all else fails. A RE VELA HOix and REVOLUTION in Medicine. Ab¬ hor ' i »n or direet application, as oeposed to unsa is factory internal medicines. Send for our rrertis? • n Kidney troubles,sent free. Sold by drnirifists, or sent by mail, on receipt of prh'", $ 2 . a nniiKss Thi-- if die -Ouly” Lung Pad Co Original and ! Genuine KP.nev WILLIAMS BLOCK, 1>a( , A>k f(>r it and take no other. DETROIT, Mich. Cures by ABSORPTION (Nature's way) A ATT I i LlJXfi DISEASES ii uu , i THROAT DISEASES, BRKATHnre tkoikies. It DRIVES INTO the system curative agents and bealinjr medicines. It DRAWS FROM tho diseased parts the poisons that cause death. Thousands testify to its virtues YOU.CAN BE RELIEVED AND CURED Don’t despair until 3-011 have tried this Sensi¬ ble. Easily Applied and RADICALLY EFFEOTUA L Remedy. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on rcceint of I'iiice $2.00, by Send for Test!- The ‘'Only” Lung Pad Co monialg and our book, “Three WILLIMS BLOCK, Millions a Year/ jSentFiee. DETROIT Mich. ! 7 .E-R.R° F GrEO CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPEIIJNTliXpENT Okfjc k , Athens, Dec. 311,1878. i { i ) ^N trains and after the Monday, Northeastern December Railroad 39,1871) wil ; on 1 as follows- [Trains daily except Sunday.] run Leave Athens.....................,,,....,,.7.15 am i Arrive atLula.................................9.45 am Leave Lula.......................... .......... 10.15 am ! Arrive at A^^ienB Train will wait thirty minutes : t Lula for do ayed passenger traiu on the Air Line II. R. J. M.EDW4R3S, Sup't 1 GENTS WANTED for the best and fastest A. selling pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices reduced 33 per cent. Natiohal Plfx.isinxG .Co . Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE. I GEORGIA, White County: October 11th 18r0. I The undersigned intention to hereby npply to give the notice next „f their 'which General Assembly <>f this State, meets on the first Wednesday in Novem¬ ber, iSSU) for the passage of the fullovv ' ing Local Hill: ‘•A BILL, to ,1m entitled nn Act to prohibit the tilth' < t spiiiiuous, u.alt 01 ‘intoxicating liquors in any quantity whatever within two miles of the Town j of Cleveland, in White county, except ! for medical purposes upon the prescrip¬ tion of a physician, and to provide it penalty t-hereiur. ] J 11. Jackson ■W 0. Butler ; A Hoggs J. H. Osborn j R. T. Kenimer Alex. Church ; W. 11, Bell (J. P. (>aig I U A. Jarratd J W H Underwood ,J. J, Kitnsey, j And others ! GEOIVU 1 White Count;/: ] j The undersigned hereby give notice of their intention t > npoiy to tho next i GtU 'iul Aasembly of Hih State, (which ] meets on the firs; Wednesday in Nqvem j berlSSO) for the passage ot [lie follow¬ ing Local Bi i; , j repeal ‘-a Bil.L. much to of be entitled entitled on Act, to ! so an Act “An | Act to carry into effect paragraph 2 ! section J8. article.G of the Constitution j so far as to provide for the revision of I thejjury -hew for other purposes, I approved Oct. the i7 18W’as relates 1 to tbo county of White, and to re-estab ! fish in lieu thereof the old jury com ' missioucts, and the statutes relative thereto for skid county to wit; The Ordinary, the, Clerk of tho Superior Coutt and three commissioners robe appointed by the Judge of the Superior court, and to provide fir the revision of ; il 0 Jury boxes of said county, and for loftier purpos-s, October 12 1831). j W. IL Jackson Logan Win. J W II Nix Underwood Sr. ]J, 11 C C. Blalock C P Craig Win. E. Sears E J. J/utfstoa J J.Kims u v and othcis, j j GEORGIA Whne Count//: ‘ The in? le.rsig; ed hereby give notice of their i .tention to apply u> the next. Gener;il Assembly . 0 this xSgiite, (wuich meets on tbelirst Wednes d • y m November ! >St*j for th.; passage ot tlu lolloping Local Bill: ‘ A IUiLL T<» he entitled an Act to authcrize I . .10 U . 1 . L’ W 00 D o in 1 ivc a si \ rv«y of ii 1 e Sixti'. A i.nd disuift, l^mg in the Oomnics of Wftite ajo.l liobers}) im. and to make an aj> piopri?.it|ion therefor, and for other purposo*. j Getobeff lAth ISM). | Barney York, J. II. V N-■ w i on,’ ! J. J , Cb ii \y (»*.'*], Alois BV Gaiiey, J. 11. NLclioG'. E. F. Wiiliuius. Xot.ce ia her^if giyen that .1 Bill will no offered by .). V . Sun b in llie liegi.G?) turn to meet in November nex t, #;o pay WMJ. 11 li.^rliesi, former School Conjniissiuuer for Union coiin ty G;i., a tmlsinee due him of$E! lor the year 1 875, ordeyj^g the county School board to pay said balance out of file ]>ublio School fund for said eoynty, .to. October LSr. i i s, s i. Wm. C. Il 1 ani:s, Georgia White Connty % This is to give rtntice 0 ‘ the intention of the undersigned ao apply to the next General as¬ sembly of this State for the passage of ;t local bill, the title of which is as follows. “A BILL to be entitled an act to prohibit the saje of spirituous, malt or intoxicating liquors in any quantity whatever, in the 427 -tL district, G. M-. in the county of white of White, a id known as Nacoocheodistrief, and to pro¬ vide it. penalty therefor and for other pm pos¬ es. Oct, :10 1880. J. H. NICHOLS, J. J. METHY1X, E. F. STARR, and others. For Fifty Cents —the— Louisville Courier-Journal [Hon. IIENRY WATERSON, Editor.] Will be found, as usual, at the front in tho present Presidential Canvass. AS The Representative Southern Paper and a lea ding organ of the Democratic Party in the United States, is will be a guide ro dem¬ ocrats throughout the land, valuable to the fair-minded everywhere and full of instruct tivepoints to the Republicans. AS A FAMILY NEWSPAPER It will continue, as now, t#> be filled with attractive features for home end family circle. Fifty cents will secure the weekly Courier Journal until December 1st., from time sub¬ scription is received, or eleven copies 1 < r five Dollars. Address W. N. HALDEMAN. President Courier-Jourda 1 Or*. Louisville, T\y. Otfr Catalogue of Band Instrument*. 160 En^ravinirs of S'-Ha, Cap?, , Belt*, Pont Pompons, pons. Pouches. Pouches. Drum-Majors’ I Drum-Majors' Vlajors’ Outfits Outfits , , Hate lint*. Ep/tu lets, Lamps, I T Stands, Outfits, Hin ts on Organizing irganizing and Conductin’ Bands, t>5 # pages pag jesef Valuable Infor nfdonation for Musicians. Muaicii Mailed free. McCosh’s flnide for Amateur Bands, and Putnam’s Druro-Majora* Jpactice, LYON a book of 20 pages, mailed for 10 cent*. $ REALY, State cor. Monroe St., Chicago. a week in your own town- $:> Outfit free. Nori.-k. Reader, if you want n. business a t which persons of either | sex can make great pay oil tho time they work * ] write for particulars to H. HALLETT .t CO., i Poriland, Maine. i jj