The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, November 13, 1880, Image 3

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THIS PAPER may 1>« found on file at G«o. P- '-’o's Newspaper Adverti-fins^ Bureau (10 Sprnttfl St *< ) wlrera iiitvorti'in.i; coni nets may made lor it in Now York. r iH« filminml ^idwertteer. ~ ........... - liOaai Items* AXNOENCEMERTS. tSTMf friends are hereby notified that I am a candidate for Sheritl ot tho (’minty ot White, (which if I 1 expect get enough to do) votes to elect, me sheriff I will serve my .-outny :w to tho best of my ability. W. 0 STEPP. We are authorised to auncoiineo the name of W. J. PAYNE, as a candidate lor the office of Ordinary of the county of White. The many friends 1 1 J AS. H. Iff.,'.OK respectfully a nominee him as the most suitable candidate lor lax Receiver of White county, at the next ensuing election. Wo are authorized to announce tho fiame of SIMEON PALMER. as a can¬ didate for the office of Ordinary of the county oi White. Having served the county in other capacities, he asks the people, if they believe him compe¬ tent to cast their votes for him in Janu¬ ary next OUli AGEN rs ! The,following named gentlemen are legally authorized to act as Agents lor the Clevis r.sYM) Aadvertiseb. If you have not paid your subscription and it is conveuetu to baud it to either of these gentlemen, you will much oblige Yours Truly. Alex. Curucir, Publisher. Kiev. W. ll. McAfee, Dablonega, Ga. J. \V. Mho-TvS. lllai sville, Ga. O. 11. Kvti.e. Morsy Creek, White (Jo. ]{ev. J. C, Enr.n, TesuutedDisc., White Co. Cold. Very muddy. ;>,e pure to read the announcements. lleail Hie new adveritseiueiits in this ist ue iier-qv tk«ml«i s.oi.n hi (dny morning Several si range fices have been «ur town this week. Who will be the next candidate ,c( me to tne front S Our farmers are buisy gathering com of which they have an Sow wheat as soon as the ground sufficiently dry. Prepare .comfortable sheds for •eat tie; bv doing so you will save leed ... aDd ,-.V,), bave beder 8tock * In the text hook of your life let ity be the first and the last text. The fourth Quarterly Conference the Cleveland Circuit is now in at this place. How many dare ten their pocket books? ^ If you want to live happy, die unu get to Heaven at la§t, pay the ter. Do not forget that he is for your interest, and for the interest your children and your country. Mr. Thomas M. Bell, from the of Palmer A: Castleberry, paid us ebort visit last week. Tom is a young man, and a expert * iu • business, v „• „„„ we wish him success. Mr. B. F. Baker from the Drug of G- W Howard, Atlanta, Ga., was town this week. Mr. Baker around us though he meant business. II- E. Hodge. Cambridge, says.-—1 have been a (lie ted with for years, ar. “Oniy Lung Fad” gave immediate relief. 1 can recommend as the greatest remedy ever —See Ads. Last Thursday a mule belonging Mr. Thomas Hamilton, ran away tho pnblic square, leaving the tail of the little wagon agaiaM a tree, a varus from where he started to A part of tbc harness and tho wheels of the wagrn hung on to frightened animal while he he ran ran half around tbe square, when he satisfied that he was playing the of his ancestors, then ho stopped. particular damage done. Waking up the Wrong It iy S Telegraph ami ; Suuday night Mr. /ach l..«wa. who . , lives nut on tbo turnpike road m t!mj km '!r' the "“T'- ml ,m need about thirteen veers. Johnny , ! went to sleep, , , bin was awakened hy tho noise ot soiiio ono trying to force the kitchen latch. The latch broke, hut tne burglar faded to get the door open. He then tried a window, and finally came upon the porch of the house. Johnny thought this was about time to i interfere, Ll ‘ and. throwing ope , a window 1 hoste fiP ed «“? (! ». P™* , ™ volver in hand, and as tho baffled bur ! glar made a rapid retreat, fired three | j shots at him. Tho man was evidently struck, for bo cried out loud enough to bo heard hy , the neighbors, who immediately came | to rescue of our little marksman. Johnny was calm through it all, and did not lire until the man had passed be ! vend tho line of a neighbor's window. When Mr. Rogers returned, which ho did a few mi nates after, he found tho hoy standing out doors in his night clothing, relating the all air to a group, j ; In reply to an inquiry whether or not lie was frightened, ho replied, “No: but ; I am pretty cold.” This appears to ho a case where tho wrong hoy was dis- 1 tnrbed, buglariou.-dy speaking. Van Stone &c Crosby', Wholesale and lie!ail Druggists, soFd Toledo, Ohio, says:-We have large quantities of the Excelsior kidney Tad, and have been surprised at tho unvarying satis¬ faction given by them .—See Adc. T KL M S A PH 1 € B lS P Alt!i ES. jIatesville, Onto, Nov. 8 —A hor¬ rible tragedy became known hero yes¬ terday morning. Frank M. Budenbaugh a wealthy young German, who, three i years ago, married the daughter of a 1 neighboring farmer, came home late Saturday night intoxicated, and enier ! ing the room where his wife and child j ! were sleeping, assaulted them with an axe. Us wife’s skull was crushed by a j single blow, and then ho cut his son's threat with tho edge of tho axe. He went to the room where Airs. Stephens, a, visitor, and Iter plubl and a servant were sleeping, and killed Mrs. Stephens and the child. The servant girl awakened mid sprung toward tho door, hut was knocked and left for dead Upon regaining consciousness ! she gave the alarm and the 1 catue to the house. It was tint till al the murderer was found in I th« tnliaccu hpuso with his throat He is not Ik tally ini ired. dmnkias-wsss and bisoaty fira to have led to tUu eotaiaission of horrible crime. W.isnsNUTON, November missioner Hauru to-day leceived a gram from Collector GJark, dated ta, Ga.,saying; "I seized on the instant,- in Clayton, Rabun county i three mules, two wagons, a quantity illicit spirits and four illicit stills,” New York, November 8.-The ican Bible revision committee, in of the completion of the revision of English New Testament, and its j publication hy the University press j Oxford and Cambridge, have Phillip Scholl', president, and I fi. Day, secretary, to give the announcement to the press: j “The Arum . BiVdo .. coni u:an revision mince announce to the American lie that only those editions of the revi-ion. including the marginal j j nS j 9i which are published or > by tho University presses of j ! will ho recognized hy us us editions.” J Knoxville, Texn., November 9 Collector Sinclair, at Galveston, graphs Collector Melton hero that notorious moonshine;*, II. A. who is charged with tho murder Deputy Marshall Cooper, and who cently broke jail, has been arrested a will bo sent hero for trial. | New York, November9-—Tho , odjst Board of Missions, to-day. j the following additional ! Blue Ridge Conference, $3,586; ' Tennessee, $4,000; Eastern $41,000 Georgia, $4,000; llolston tern Tennessee Conference, Kentucky, $5,000: Lexington, Conference, including part of Ohio j Indiana, $2,500; Louisiana, $0,000; Little $7,000; Rock i $G,500 j Washington, November 0,-A j i eial to the Star from New r \ orl; tho Democrats arc seriously ^ at obtaining evidence of fraud on the of the Republicans with a view to ing the vote of New York counted Hancock. Tho pressure to open a test for the vote of tho State j ?^gf y j I(utn( j y. u Irving Democratic and Tammany j aml tbc been State diligently at work, and i have | to have made discoveries whicii , | j hold of tbe lia , u „ t V et taken > ! but, the' executive committee 1 Friday. At that wcering reports tho three oth^r commit; '-'a noY works in;; tho subject up will promise to mt' : nish alii iavits to prove framt* in; living 0(10 vote.;, '[’ho** committees n , lho , i:U1 „ U qt common, re in , kf „ M , aDI)ointm o„t -d; , cm and make bo; k. lion ses 1 , W' approaching hi ..... session, ‘ ..... :1 „ , p * b ,. V( . ,D , ■ ..... ng ' Knl as (lee. Man ..... • cock is utterly opposed to ant would ' cm" of tho kind, and says so, no-hk.g ■ coma of the talk; but now they pffipftse j to bo ready to demaud that the same j class of investigation shall proceed un- j iler their auspices in cerium Southern j States, and here, also., to prove Demo- j cnit.ic frauds. Throe or four Democratic Senators , have, already been hoard iron). Senator Davis of West Virginia, says he will notjje a party to it, but- will oppose any attempt to open the affair, and the others say they will not think of giving it countenance. A nervous feeling ob¬ tains boro, and nothing blit some public i declaration from enough Democratic Congressmen to settle the matter now will avert tho unsteadiness in business . Hint is threatening to happen, and! which would last till tho votes are coun¬ ted in January. Atnon^-agen ts an <1 tarn Hies,, tde^gveit Com kina- d.o . J mi ml 1 now . . ! is . for C., .. tho , t. ,, light 1 ! U f running mi n 11 , ?"* .-# i r. ,-k.i I I I *i nation Scaring Ytarl.ine, hw-au.-e i' has stooT st o tho test, and is hotter made, with mare lm- 1 proven: nits, vsjll last longer, and ; s lo\Vcr in I price,.(only $20.) than ot! or machines, and . ‘Litmu,! 1 ' wherov.-r i: raakts is - appoavuTn-n. It is unit lor strnngdi and cmmlant h.-ird \vn.r!;, has in tcrciiitiHCinlc workinv parts, to "no: iurcT ot line polished steel, and wt'l run tor years | without repairs; is simple to learn, easy to Manage, understood perteetly in an .ur, and alv/av s ready in a moment m To every descrip¬ tion of. heavy or tine family le-s cost, , more easily,sinootlily and taster, and with less ■ labor than any other machine a( any price, j ever did or Ran >. JCncke- s tjuili-rs. rufflers, t hemin.-rs binders, .te., fre • with oimb machine. No advance payments. ':aehiney shipped to any It. It. station i -r examination before pay¬ ment of bill. Agents make moniy rapidly, 1 supplying the :yreat demand ior this tli-i Cheapest Machine in the world;- Territory free. For illustrated catalogue of prices, ! teeimens of stiten, <tc., address, :ofTi(fh of the Ccmbinalion Sc,wing Machine, Hit Broadway, j New 1'ork,N. Y. Break three eggs into a bowl, which place in another containing boiling water whisk with them a quarter of a pound of castor sugar for fifteen min¬ utes. or untill they beeonv. vary thick. Keep the batter whilst boating at an equal temperature hy adding boiling water to that in the outer howl. When of j the hatter is thick mix in six ounces I <jno Hour sifted with a teaijpootifnl of j baking powder a:.d two |iees Ada oi but- half ! ter disso'veil bur. not i. j ! a tenspoonfal of caraway fS’etfs. can fully ...... picked ' and J ch uiscite ......* '' Put " r the cako into a buttered tin and bake from thirty to forty minutes. Botice, BY Order of the J n-ltte of it ■. -'aperi»r Coart of the Western Circuit, the November Term 1 of White County Superior Court is adjourned I until the Second Monday DeeeiuoRr next, iss C All jrersons interested are hereby notified, and all e lio Jurors' and witne.-ses are have ^-(juired already to attend on the Sutxunons they received for the November Term of said Court at the time above mentioned. j This Nov. Still.S$». J. P. OSBOBN, Clerk S.C. ; e ^25 Every Day j v Can be easily made with our j Well Augers & Drills I tired. Wa j — Well II j 'ne. Warranted the he Best on on Forth! J ®80 S80 , ^40 day. . customers make from from to to l n liars E iiihXi. Address, OHIO. LOOMIS & HUMAN, TlfFIN, I i I GEORGIA White County. To all whom it may concern. \\J HERE AS, Alfred N. ID'-ter having in V\ proper form applied to me for permanent of letters of administration on the estate .fes-c Turner late of sai l county deceased; this is to cito all an 1 sitv/ular the creditors n..d next of kin of Jesse Turner to be and appear at my office within tho time allowed and show, cause if any they can on the first .Monday in Novent I W, I)er why „ u fl| Permanent B ,.............-......... Alfred administration N. Hester some other : be granted to or P r °) K 1 ' i ,0 !' ao ”, 0 'In 1 .'];]]'G.' ; ISAAC OAKS, Ordinary. > _ of S opt., u; 80, Sei'd.F SOds. ------——-—-—— I GEORGIA White County. WHEREAS J 1’- Osborn, Administrator ot Mioajah Tnreer deceased, represents to the Court, in his petition duly tiled and entered <-n record, that be has tally administered Mienjah Turner's estate, Thi-' is therefore to cite all person? concerned, kindred and credit or- to show cause if any they can why said Administrator should not be disre-arged from his administration and receive letter of dt» mission on the first Monday in Peeejnber INSI Given under my hand and official signature, ibis September iin«l .1880. J >AAC .0A K.-, Ordinary. Sept. 4.* GOdi? ! ‘ I GEORGIA, White My: ; Mary Heath has applied for supple meuta i exemption of porsoualty^ and j setting apart the same, aud l will pass rlu' upon the same at 1- ^ tL,u doth day of October, 1880, at my office. ISAAC OAKS, Ordinary. I Get 9th 1880. J Take your county paper and pay for k too. NOW I J I I I I Advertise!! I (NOW j j The Time To , Subscribe ! FOR y: ovs HOME Newspaper!! ( THE CL K) "EL . 1 XI) .1/11 ’Eli USER ] | TS THE REST j ; ADVET18ING MEDIUM IN NOHTII HAST (IKORGIA, Ciculates in near ever County in the ! and almost every State IQ tho : i It is the j ! CHEAPEST | 1 No w?paper published in the State Dolla - A" JL “ PJSEMNUM IN ADVANCE. ALEX. CHURCH, Publisher. j i TIIE i Telegraph and Messenger I GA.] | [MACON. FOR 1SS0 ISSr. present year is pregnant with stirring X important events. euorat elections are he held for National, State, and cvu.'.ty and the interest and exoitemont evolv¬ toy the contest will be intense. Measures s' the most vital character, alse, tothafutyre the country, such as the mpdifteatie-rs sought to be iuaugurated in our system of fi¬ nance, the projected revision of tho tnviii. ( ;r be discussed before ; Indian policy, and etc.,.are intelligent to should tile peopie, every person ; take a newspaper. Uho proprietors of the : TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER. ar resolved to fulfill all the requirements oi • heir new position by keeping abreast of tho news of the whole world ai fast as it can bo transmitted by ocean cable, or tho telegraphic They will also spare tic pains to advance ti e interests :toru;t.- of /it Georgia l/PtiVirt : and the sections especially in which it so largely cirratfates, and while advocating, v. itli all the Zealand ability they possess, the principle of the Democratic imrty. will yei pursue a mm servative and moderate course upon all ques tiotts. A new dress, lust purchased, will make ai of the editions baudsomer than ever. Oar mammoth weekly containi-sixty-four ^oIutouis, and is ^ one ou>) of ui tho iuu best and cheapestpublicatlons gon) j, „f Baltimore. It will be made even more interesting to farmers by the addition of Uil A GRIC C LT UR A L D E PA UT ME NT o-lltta „„teuuv o lited by oy Qm. Wm. Bkownk, Professor of litetory and AgneuJuru in the buiver.i.y .... A , t/ourgia. ■ The tarms of the Tt.i. ix... *ru and 6 b,. .ctnu.n unchanged, and are a. follow. payable tub) . Daily, one months year.........................*....... h , 11 Daily, six month:;........................... ......................... a« Daily, throe ~ Semi Wee' ly, one year,,....................... \ j Semi Weekly six months .................. ■■■ Weekly, ene year .............................. - ' , Weokly, six months ...............-........... 1 j \v e rerpectfully ask for a continuation of the present generous * patronage ot the publie. CLISBT &C JONES (GO AA A M0 NTH guaranteed. D? 8 will start yon. Men, womc_a»boys wori^PI faster at lighMand r ns T be work is pleasant, L and snoh as any one can go right at. Those who , aro wise who see this notice will re-ill send us their address Outfit a and t once terms and free. see furjhem Now is selves. Costly work tbe time. Those already at are IRLA up large sums of money. Address * ! 00., A’ugusta, Maine. )Ri;ja. l- L pet s are 'h( -reb - lifted thatHowe'I A. f <. U '.K- O W.- 4? ,i d • : ids apnii Dion .n , r ? Ui w iu ! hi.., u Clerk of : tu : ■ •• t v r ;'*e u . o; >11 ;H1 G li i r lOJi h! u , f .od ; k; mj him ly gra.nt.ii);» M g D i'- 0 : ... r.i hi. vvi;’", :iii:e.y Siisebco, ii v the ;v,i t f,rit.r Court of st ,i • untv ;it 11 May Term 78, which applies on wiJj he rd ;i ’.d - •I U U {>•’/> J)! the RJBXi (' 'iiri to l" held iu amt tur die iiu ty "is flu fir.-t M.'Utluv iti Y ( re whi'-h. court it is u vie ret urnah!c\ Witness mv hand •;.-t nfTu-i'? sogt ;» 1 1 ; re, ! h ?x 2:> 1: SO. J. 1’. 0fc>H0UN C. S- <’• w U2;. 2d Sv. ks f !- v A V)-.A! i. r so to Silt) ii day in v . W ll ‘O-aiity. iSorik. Vdi , do .Aid <■ Y the :i r. ’v • ' oi a bo to rn-H j money 1 ft. Ai y one Vou can muh frnm 50 ft: to $2 a t by i!',*c•»tini-C 1.1 n l. and hpai e to jfehe It o h 11 • i; 1 1 i to try hu J ini'. u s V'i oi ■ir like t ter mclic y rnu ever ch'errod 1»* strictly honoraly ler. if yob vauu know nil i V,i the f.-uhlic, 1 or arid iva .*enu iul; pa r.- pi e e: saj n; ■! *■ s won ii ivc<: y> n t. jn 11)“ up v uf hud i for y mi retd f. Add i (f 11 ST IN. i»N Pori in ml, i aivie. 4 ALESMEN ifODl) \V> war MEN t TO Si si vault , , SK- HV $105 Aran;.th findcxptnttes .fittk s m Siimolc’. 1 sat'. -'W UT THIS NO t: '. nd ■ asl it vrifcA ap■ • 1 i ■■ ' on, a:-o Sen . a e. tvmp to in answer. : ■ H'S" ' ;t ,% CO. EincinnSt! Ohio. (lollt'ge lus* Jouiig Ladle:, S. Sprin-o Street. Ni!io, 'loun. Uboe. \V. F, Pitici;, I). !>., (date of AU) Bufiiding and Loeali:y clout. Toor advanced course in all' depr.tMueuts: Calisthenics, Art Ueruian. French; by eminent artists, boarders in presi - family. Refer to itish M. E. Church Opens Sept. 1. 1SS0. Send for circular. fcA WEEK in your own town, ini im capital risked, You can give tlio business a trial without expense. Tho best opportunity ever of creel for willing to work. \ ou should try uothinc; until you see for yourself what you can at the business wo offer. Xo 1 >om to ex¬ here. You can devote ail your time or your spare time to t oe business, and make pay for every hour that you work, make as much as men. Seno for spe private terms and particulars which wo free. >/■ outfit free. Jhou't complain of tlinos while y"u have such a chance. Ad il. UALLBTT & CO., Portland Maine. WANTED to sell tha LIFE OF Hancock T. E. WILSON, EditoHal Staff New York Warlil. With tacts and figures since eke day > ,.f Washington. A CYDLGP.WXDIa. FOR VOTEKS. A cook Worth liaving. OvoroOfi i-oivfis. fcWHost rations. Sent on receipt' ot .1 $2.r . Tfia outfit for live-business, ah ■ns H K It, TP EAT, t-nblisher, -I''- -,V- Y. FOE SALI Ti -J A LCautilii! Location in the town of Cleve¬ land, \Vnitc comity ton. \Siii be sold cheap lor cash. The parcel ot land containing teu a. res more or less, most ot V’h;on is in . mu' state f cultivation, with dwelling 1 use ami gour.c out-builiings. Also a good Peach young or¬ chard, consisting of Apf trees, trees, Cherry trees, Putin trees, Quince trues, (irape vinos, d-e. If you want a bargain, apply at once at The Advertiser Office B 5 \r N r J | YuihiMess now before the public*# i Q You van make money Hitler at J- '.\ ork u than at any i h if f else, (v.ipiiai id t ic.'juued. We will sUri v iu. $1-’ <>■ Gay and v. -wards made at ho LUO iiy lUe ind;ietriyins. .■ I •; L, v< lliou, bi)y s ami ^i ris wh . ted cvc j -.v n* 1 «• . iv -i k 1 1 ■ v uh. NuW is tbc timB . Y y„ <j u ,-an U- i ot* i. u r v» h o 1 c lun ,. !t , jo,, u ul [^ . e iv-'y your sp:-i,- or.-iou-t, , , r> ther business will t jy you ; well No onewt iir-jt to w .-rk C..a tail to tna, 0 < „.»r m -us fay by euga;: ng at < • Costly Cutfi and terms tree. .1 : real 1 ]•; ortunjty u?a k - | jug uym*'..' • aaily and iii'tiufablii AUdroes | I’Rl E -AO., An; i*i Ma i uc. j ! AGKNT.sU U1STDKV ANY I> tor the ol Best t-Su* Bunk 111 l!l !'.. to Sell J UK j Si i.kxi,ii> Subscriber srna, t-.Mit ;aviso [22 q 2 making . in ] I'ltr.n $. to s „ r y Agent, are ■> ; i -; o 0 ] ■ *• . It. Send l.-r Special lcmis to [E,tanlislu-d l.-i7] Henry Bill i*ubl siting Co. N it rw icb, Cl. GOLD.'; l« i eat Hi aufo to make mone\ . W o i eed a person in every town to take ^ubseriptioDN tor lar^esi # cheape>t . d j best Illustrated f unity piibli ration in ihe world ' Any hij: c n hecoin•* a ritc mdui s**eut. Six I j ole^am works ot art given free to suhscribc; The j»i ice low that almost everybody I - One a.. 6 ent reports taking 120 1 snbseribers m a day. /. lady agwtt reports All I uiaKlu(; u| . . , ;) , lrar , who who entraire cn^np- make make money munev laat. lust. Toucan devote v or only yoar ) ,j m You n>‘> U i-• > awny from homo Vml van ,r u ,'| :.s ethers. Full dmclinns am, term., tree. Elegant nod ! j expenrive J Outfit free, if you want a .profita |, ; wur k tend us your aiidress at one®, it I cosU u „tbing to try the business. No one who I j es^u;'.' taiiltf • to luako ^veat * pay. ..... Address * | t.r : :0 A' l be .SCIN.-f - j :> i CilY I* Ireland, Maine NOTICE; 1 Tho ffrtn of Thomas McAfee & T. Y. i McAfee is this day dissolved by mutual | consent. All pers us aro hereby noti j accounts 11 : 11 - r?.*?"* wit.i money oi *.f“* b} noU , V otti j erwise they will fiuii tbeai iu bands of : a collect mg officer THOMAS MCAFEE. Oct. 1th 1880. A WEEK. $12 a duy at. home aasly . made. Costly Outfit f,ee. Address T«re A Augusta Maine.