The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, February 05, 1881, Image 2

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HI? t'ln'dmul S\(Ivuli'ift, VI. EX. CHUlft.'il .DITOK, idevi'laud, iicni’gia. KtT- IS81 fMgiiiMMKMW OeVi aMVawnrf * w ■»« « '—<»« »" <1~Wu HaWPW»iWi:- 1 W Mt M ' Wlien will tl i 1 Nsh troubles ha»« an end? —----- - I be city of i’.iiladr Ipbia sutlers r,e viuely from ll e < U’-ete of (he tire liotsd. ; IB n. Emory Spoor w>ill please accept I our tbanka for valuable public docu¬ 1 ments, Tl e Baltimore Sun, after a careful fig'*ring;, gives Hancock a manority over Garfield, of the popukir vote G.332 The Adams cotton mill at Bainbridge Ga , was destroyed by tire on theiJOth ult Loss $30 ()()()—insurance $12,000. *•<1------ - -- — Mary Andeison hits been appointed keeper of the light bouse at Round Island, Miss. .Much m. nngo has occured to farmers on the Pacific Coast on account of the breaking and washing away ol the lev¬ ees. We see that Mr. H. 11. Jones,, has sold l,is interest in the Macon Ter.j'jtKAjui and ilKSfENGEit, and has retired to a more quiet life. HON. JOSEPH E. BROWN. If Georgia .cannot feel proud of her present. Senator, Hen. Joseph E. Brown, after it is so well known that he wie'ds an influence unsurpassed by any Sena¬ tor front any other State, and after it is also known that he is using the most poweiful exertions to harmonize all sec'ions of the Union, and restore peace and happiness for mutual benefit and prosperity of all, she certainly would not Jet 1 proud of anything that could be done for her. Wo favored bis elec¬ tion to the responsible position which ho so ably fills, and as yet we have had no leason to regret it, imr do we have any fears as to his future course in the Senate, because he knows what the country needs, and v?o believe ho will .continue his labors in the light direc¬ tion. The edition if Webster s Unabiidged ^Dictionary recently issued, in the quan¬ tity of matter ii contains, is believed to be the 1 trgest volume published. It will surprise many readers to know that it contains eight times the amount rf matter contained in li e Bible, being .sufficient to make 75 12mo. volumes that usually sell for $1.25 each! Its vocabulary comprises over 118,000 words (4.600 of which have recently been added). It has a new Biographical Dictionary, giving brief important facts concerning 9,700 noted persons. There is a Memoir of Noah Webster, a brief history of the English language, Principles of pronunciation. Lists of | 4,000 Scripture Proper Names, 10 000 | Geographical Names, 700 common En¬ glish Christian Names, several pages of j proverbs, &c., a vocabulary of names | of noted Ficticious Persons and places, and many other valuable features,—all of which, i« a volume of 1,928 page-% embellished with 3,000 Engravings, go to make up a great store-house of useful knowledge. A NEW RELIGIOUS JOURNAL. Whe have received a copy of “Tur. Baptist Sirs,’’ a large 28 column weekly, brim full of good reading- It has an edge about it that makes it real¬ ly refreshing as a religious journal. It is all alive with religious energy and glows with earnestness. The publish ors have been fortunate in securing Rev. G. A NunnaUy ns editor, for he is one of the be.-t v ri eis as well as one of the b st ptetclera in the Baptist denomination. Wkeu you start to read on© of bis an i des you’t stop until you finish it. lie is generally brief, full | of suggestions and sound in doctrine. The publishers are determined to ad suit but very few advertisements and j depend almost entirely upon subscrip tion for support. The beauty of the ; whole thing is, they furnish this large and first class religious weekly at the I ,w price of One Dollar per annum. Every Baptist in the State ought to take it. Send fur sampln copy. Ad dress: Baptist Sun, Rome Georgia Tkoe Pathos.—G eneral Washing in bis parting interview with his generals, nudet took to read a farewell paper which ho had written for the oes oarion. But finding it difficult to read, he said, with simple pathos, “pardon me, gentlemen, 1 have Dot only grown gray, but blind in vnur service.’’ Pro lessor wilson., of Edinburgh made a speech to his students «ven more touch mg titan this: When W ilsou first met his class in the University, after his wife's death, be had to adjudicate on the cemparative merits of various es¬ says which had been sent in on com¬ petition for a prize He bowed to his class and in a3 linn a voice as be could command, apologized for not having ex antined the essays: “for." said he, “1 could not see to read them in dark¬ ness of the valley of the shadow of death.” As he spoke, the tears rolled down his cheeks, ile said no more, but waved his hand to his class, who stood up as ho concluded, and hurried out of the lecture-room. Settled The Night Before A touching incident is related in con¬ nection with the meetings hold tinder the direction of Mr. Moody and . Mr. Saokey at Glasgow, Scotland. Quo bv ening, after the close of the service, a miner, iu his working-clothes, who had. been deeply impressed by what he bad heard siill lingered; and in reply to .a friend who urged him to go home, said-. “Na; I have enure here to be good: and 1 have na taken it a’ in yet.’ After more praver aim the singing of a hymn his heart was touched, and a new joy entered his soul Grasping the hand of the minister, who had been talking with him, ho said, “I have wondered if this might he true; 1 now believe it. It has brought peace to my soul. 1 know ami-trust my Savior."’’ The fo] lowing day, while working in the mines he was crushed by afalliug mass of coal or rock, iiis injuries were fatal. “Bend down your ear,’’ said the dying man to a companion near him, and then ad¬ ded, "O, Andrew! I'm thankful i set¬ tled it last night." Don’t GH The Chilis. ff you aie subject to Ague you must be sure to keep your liver, bowels and kidneys in good free condition. WLon so, you will be safe from all attack. The remedy to use is Kidney Wort. It is tho best preventitive of all malarial diseases that you eau take. See adver¬ tisement in auoiber column. Cam C. bit a r v. of Adr ian. Mich, iinecra goodnight's rest, the first night I wore an "Only Lung Pad.” I have suffered from Asthma for years.— See Adc , TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Telegraph and Messenger. New Yoke, January 23.—Wra. P. Brown, of City Point, Fla., arrived here yesterday, aud last night was drugged and robbed in a saloon in tho lower part of the city, of $750 in checks and $150 cash, and a watch and chain. Andrew McAier, a theif just pardoned from the State prism, where he was serving a twenty years' sentence, was to day arrested aud identified as the thief. Philadelphia, January 31 —A fire broke out this morning on the south side of tho Beth-Eden Baptist church at the corner of Broad aod Spruce streets. The flames spread to Horticul¬ tural Hall and several buildings on Spruce street. The church cost $175, 000 and the organ $7,500. Horticul tural Hull was sold at public sale last summer for $75,000. The losses by lire and wat r on the other buildings are over $25,000. Washington, January 31.—Iu the House, a number of bills were introduced under tho call of States. Mr. Cux gave notice that ho would call up the apportionment oill to-morrow. The House adopted an order making the meeting of the House at 11 o’clock. In the Senate. McPherson introduced a bill appropriating $100 000 for an ex¬ pedition to go to the rolief of the Jean¬ nette. In tho Senate judiciary committee the nomination of Stanley Mathews was not disposed of but a special meeting will be held in a few days. Tbe New York contested case of Foster was not taken up because Mr. L’onkliug had left the city lor New York. GEEEXSBonotJGH, N. C., January 31. — freight train on tbe North Carolina railroad going east, consisting of eigh teen cars, including a passenger coach, was wrecked one mile east of Gibsonville at 9 o’clock last night. The engine and twelve cars left the track, going down an embankment eight feet high. Con ductor Halsey and Fireman Hanning weie both instantly killed. Engineer Murphy had his left arm broken and was badly scalded. Tbe passengers escaped without injury. The cause of the accident is unknown. San Francisco, January 31—A Tucson dispatch savs lebaOlo informa¬ tion as to the Indian outrages in New Mexico since the Kith inat. shows the following: On the 19th three herders and two miners were killed at. Morekla redo Gulch. On the 2dtk inst. two men were killed on the upper Churebhills iu a fight with a band of Apaebes. On the 22nd instant five Mexicans were killed twenty miles sutbwest of San Mareiul On the 2Dt a family, consist ittg of a man. his wife.cbi d aod mother in. law, were tuassacreed at Career, thirteen miles west,of San Marcia).„ On tbe 231, a buck board was taKen between Silver CKy find San Marcial, five miles from San Jose, and diiver killed. The Mexican interpreter of the Turlntues reservation was found dead. Forty Indians left the reservation, and it is generally believed there is not less than 209 Indians, in bands from ten to thirty, on tho warpath, and not less than forty people have been murdered by them duiing tho last fifteen days. Washington. February I.—The feiiate finance committee to day agreed to amend the House funding bill so as to make the bonds redeemable iu five years and payable in twenty, and to fix the ia'e of interest both for bonds and treasury .certificates, at 3) per cent. The House committee on commerce completed the harbor and river lull to¬ day, with the exception of about twen¬ ty email items, which will he acted on this evening and tbe lull completed. The aggregate amount already provided for will, it is said, exceed ten million dollars. At a meeting of the board of enpervN siug inspectors of steam vessels, to-day the following was adopted as a modifi¬ cation for role HP All steameis naviga¬ ting rivers, having boilers externally heated, shall have a clear space of not less than six inches between the boilers stid wood-wotk on either side and four inches ou top of the boilers. Tbe fol¬ lowing was also adopted: All coal boats, fishing boats, eat, navigating any bay or harbor or river, or which shall be moored in or near the channel or fairway of any hay, harbor or river, shall carry one bright while light for¬ ward not less thau six feet above sail or deck. Norfolk, Va„ February 1 .— In for □ration was received here to day that the town of Plymouth, in Washingto i county, North Carolina, was aim >st en¬ tirely destroyed by lire last night, the freight warehouse of the steamer Chowanese and one store being the on ly houses left standing. The fire ori ginateel front a kerosene lamp explo-fon Four hundred biles of cotton were burn ed No particulars were given as to loss- 1 -*■ * GET THE BEST. CS&I *>*s ■: If you intend some day to get WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED, “BO IT NOW.” THE NEW EDITION Contains over 118,000 Words, 1928 Pages, 3000 Engravings, Four Pages Colored Plates, 4600 N1AV WORDS and Meanings, BiograpMcd Dictionary of over ©TOO Karnes. JL “most beautiful and complete Km;-FT! JL I mli Dictionary TOT''*' JOL 5 3000 Engravings,nearly othe; three "ffy JjuL times -i • many as any Dict’ry. ■jjPSvery school and family should have it IgH Jr,4 for constant reference. •* GET THE STANDABD. {FI air, of Webster's is over 2.0 iimes the sale of any otlm series of Dictionaries. £§ ffinhe JL “highest authority of the Courts in fTT| Jj, definition ."--Chief Justice Waite, Jsb, ft n almost meaning universal of authority words. in deeid ingthe °^her "TCT° Dictionary i as oct-m W»ught hy “?hT any State to supjdy its Scliools. "J^i.’tionarv on \vlii«*h nim-t»-nths of the School Books of the « oniitiy arc. based. ft utlioritv in Washington. the Oovcrnmcnt Jan. Planting xSL Office at: 1881. ’Jffb emmivended l»y State Supt’s Schools in * 6Hb 36 States, and 50 College Pres’ts. ■8P\ictionary that has been jilaced in more J&Jf than 32,000 public schools in U.S. Jr 13 IT NOT THE STANDARD? Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Maas ..’so Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. GOOJEngravings TBTT THE NEW YOHlv OBSEUYEB T1US YEAR, Tbe Largest and Best Family Paper in the IVorld. Send for Sample Copy — Free. \K\V YORK OBSERVER, :J» Dark Ron, Xnv York. PERRY VEGETABLE KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE IIEMEDY ion lSTtattAL AUD EITERNAl USE, Is R ture ««re for all the diseases for which It is recommended, ami is always PERFECTLY SA FH in the hands, of even the most inexperienced persons. It Is a aura aud quick remedy fox C'OUCJHS, SORE THROAT, CHILLS, and similar troubles; affords instant relief in the most malignant forma of DIPHTHERIA, and is the best known remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, The Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Med icin e In t he World. It has been used with such wonderful success in all parts of tbe world for CRAMPS, CHOIkBiRA,I>IARRHCEjl* DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS thal it 1» considered An unfailing cur© for these diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years’ Constant Use In all Countries and Climates. It is RECOMMENDED by RUy«tctan«, MUalonmrU*. Ministers, Manager* ol Plantations, AVork.-Shops, and Factories, Nurses in Hospitals — in short by Everybody, Everywhere, who has ever given it a trial IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Pain in the Back and Qlde, and brings speedy and permanent relief in all cases of Bruiaaa, Cnta, Sprains, Severe Hums, Scalds, ate. No family cun safely he without It. it will annually gave many times iu cost in doctors’bills, and its price brings it within the reach of all. It is sold at *5e. 50*., and *1 JW 11 111 bottle, piJUdC) and CL 4 A'-. can ouo be obtained ~ from all druggists. — PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R.!. Proprietors* Eebrnary 23 tli, 1880. *NNOO 4 N 3 AVH M 3 N IWIfin 40 uHYoroonii uojsojf oiii o» 1211 30133 joj 9%ua. ‘ xgfl OTtf tmot savs SI /v\ ; ; HlSitl •aoNamaoxa jsi’iiojiiisijci — 40 — SN 09 VM QVOH GNV S 39 VIHUV 3 3 NIJ j , i 1 > ■ j j j ! Tki.i Organ It sent on trial* The purchaser taf:e$ no Jiisk nr responsibility whatever. IYIARCHAL & SMITH ORGAN CO SGO tty sending direct from faotorj to purchaser, cauaell thia beautiful Organ,_?0 gan, 70 inehea ini tugH, inches long, Bolid valnut case, 5 octaves, octaves, 15 15 awps, awp», bps, 4 4" 4 Seta SeVa of of Reeda, Keeda, ffe are determined that ererjr oue one shall shall have have an an opgortunity opportunity to teat ibis ill ■ Bi--- magnif tuagnificeiipOrgiai. " :au. ““ M * put the prioe at HtSlL 860* and IhSTRtiLTfll’l send On BOOK, Fit to© een Days’ ‘Id Trial. WeaendwttA did i Order ;an a STOOL, Deposit aud with bank ■ n plete •ible ii Musical •1« Outfit). nt Onec. the mone/ your or any respom merchant. me u> be paid to ua if Organ ia aatisfaetory, or Vo beretumed to you if Organ is returned io ue. Ounis the Only Rouse In America **« «/«>■« « 6 «c<o»« oj«i. t „i,./ suit, having pub-Mass, MAIUHA1. Coupler, Celeste A and Grand Organ ,for Elewenth 860* Order direct or fiend for full tie scrip tion • SMITH, » W«* Street, Kew York, K. Y. NEW PREMIUM CORN SHELLER. ONLY CHEAP PRACTICLK BAND CORN SHELLER e. MADE. MUELLER WILL IK> AM MUCH THE AS ANY 6 DOLLAR JR ADVANTAGES.' MARKET. TWO IMPORTANT FIRST.—It does not injure the com, aod is therefor, juat tha thing 8KCOND-—The toiise for shelling tip end corn and lor «eed. bntt end ot the h. corn can ■helled into one vessel, aud the body of the ear into another, only whichlsan immense middle convenience, the as many farmers plant the corn from the of ear. shelling poul¬ Every Farmer w an ts thi s Shcllcr for corn for try, lor meal, for seed, or for any similar purpose, no matter how many large, high-priced shelters he may have. It Will Pay For Itself Many Times 0 _ W Onr PREMIUM CORN SHELLER is introduced destined to become other sma.l the 0 lMAUnro Hheller HaxpCoek Snai.i.KKof believe the day. this tobe When the once Best Hand Corn no Sheller ever will be wanted. We V»« ....... Cures by ABSORPTION (Nature’s way ALL PING DISEASES THROAT DISEASES, BREATHING TR01B1ES, It DRIVES INTO the systemcurativ-e ,1 gents and henline medicines. It DKA1VS FROM tbo diseased pans the poisons that cause death. Thousands testify to its virtues YOU CAN BE RELIEVED AND CURED Don’t despair until you have tried this Sensi¬ ble, Easily Applied and KADI V A L I. Y EFFECTUAL Remedy. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on reeeipt of Piticn $2.00, by Send for Testi- The “Only” Lung Pad Co monials and our book, “Tbroe WILLI IIS BLOCK, Millions a Year.’ Sent Freo. DETROIT Mich. At WHOLESALE IN ATLANTA, Ga., BY LAMAR. RANKIN <fc LAMAR, Whnlsale Druggists. Back Ache „ / ml all diseases of the Koineys, BlatMer un*J Urinary Organs l>y wearing the Improved Kxeelsior Kidney PjkI. Ttis a marvel oi HjfiAHjfff and REneEf Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless Powerful. It CXI HES whore all else fails. A REVELA¬ TION and REVOLUTION j n Medicine. Ab¬ sorption or direct application, as oeposed to unsatisfactory internal medicines. Send for our trectise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail, on receipt of price, $2. apdresf This i? tbe The “Only” Lung Pad Co Original oil Genuine Kinney WILLI AMS BLOCK, Pad. Ask for it and take no other. DETROIT, Mich At WHOLESALE IN ATLANTA, Ga. BY LAMAR, RANKIN fc LAMAR. Wholesale Druggists.