The Cleveland advertiser. (Cleveland, Ga.) 1880-1881, February 12, 1881, Image 3

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The itelan(I A £®eal Items* OUR AGENTS ! Tbe following named gentlemen are legally authorized to act as Agents for the 'Cleveland Aadveutisku. If you have not paid yoilr subscription and it is conveneot to hand it to either of these gentlemen, you will much oblige Yours Truly, Alex. Church, Publisher. Rev. W. II. McAfee, Dahlonega, Ga. J. W. Meeks, Rlairsville, Ga. C. II. Kytle, Mossy Creek, White Co. Rev. J. C, Bell, Tesenteo Dist., White Co. AOTJTE, Those of our readers desiring steady and profitable employment, or reading matter cheap for 1881, should send la ceins to the FRANK LESLIE PUBLISH INU CO. Jo Key iSt., New York, for a complete ret of their publications and Illustrated Catalogue, con¬ taining list of premiums, *e., or $ 1.00 for a compInto agent’s outfit of 12 beautiful Chro¬ mes and our premium Look of Valuable In¬ formation, containing over 500 pages, with sample copies of all our publications, die. iSee advertisement in another coluin. An active agent wanted in every town— twenty to thirty dollars can bo made weekly. Their Illustrated I’uldirations with their new 1'iotuiuinu, take, at sight. Do not delay 'il you wish to secure your territy Address FRANK LESLIE 1’UBLISIIING CO., 16 Key St., New York. We will send “FRANK LESLIBS'S FAM¬ ILY FRIEND,” a 1C page illustrated paper, 1 and the ADVERTISER to any address ia the United States, for One dollar and Seventy five cents per year. Wo will send‘FRAN IC LESLIE'S YOUNG FOLKS," a Ifi page Illustrated paper, and the ADVERTISER for fine dollar and Forty cents per year. We will send FRANK LESLIE'S N A'J I ON Ah AG 1U0U 1/1 ERA LIST and WORKING J-'AKMER, a Ifi page Illustrated paper, and the ADVERTISER for One dollar and Sixty cents per year. The cash must invariably ac¬ company the name of subscriber. Address, Aid;:-:.rut ucn, publisher, Anvnimsun, Cleveland, While tV, Ga. If you fireach honesty ho honest. Peach I'e buds are bogjuing to ew 11. f you preach peace, ho peaceable. If you preach charity, he charitable. rio tnat knows himself is a wiee man. If you preach industry, bo indus trous. If 301 preach economy, ho economi¬ cal. If you preach temperance b temper ate. Few persons know their real valuo in this life. Various kinds of yard (lowers are be gluing to make their appearance. Prune yonr fruit trees and put ashes about the roots. February has borrowed a few windy days from March. Now wo look for the usual pleasant spell of weather in this month. Last Thursday was the most pleasant day wo havo seen since early last fall - Friday morning brought with it more rain—cold rain from the East. Think calmly beforo you make a de cie on in any matter. Ask no one to do for you, what you are unwilling to do for him, and others. The Flanden mine is suspended, at least for tho present. It is likely that when spring lime comes it will bring spring weather. Our poople seem to be oackward about their garden work Farmers are think ing about going to work now. Those who take and pay for their county paper are generally the most intelligent. Burn the soot out of your chimneys every time it rains. By doing you may save your home. The weather has been s > unfavorable this winter that very litte out of door work baa been done. A drove of mules passed through town this week; bnt they were, most of them, email. Plant Irish potatoes, onions, and sow oabbago seed next Monday, if tbe ground is dry enough. Flour is retailing at three and a half cents [tor pound on the other side ot tbo Blue Ridgo. Preach and practice what you hon¬ estly, and unselfishly believe to be right, and nothing more. If you seek only to please yourself, you arc not apt toploaso either yourself or any ono elso, Work on Mr. Gailstraps new house was vigorously resumed on Thursday morning last. Eggs have taken a sudden down-fall. Guess all the lions will want to “set” now. That monstrous cat is still running at largo. Oh, hut ain't she a honey of a kitten? Don’t run from tho measles. It is better to stand and take them thau to run aud catch thorn. Mr. W. J. Freeman lost his horso this week. Botta is supposed to ho tho cause. Late on Friday evening of last week our town Justice of tho peace and our town HaliJF took a little fist-a cuff Mr. C. M, McAfee of Union County passed through town this week, with a load of produce for the market, aud to lay in a now supply of goods. Mr. C. P Craig left hero last Thurs¬ day morning wjth a nico lot of mules for Hus market in middle and lower Georgia. If you want to freeze, let every one who comes around your lire give it a punch with the poker, and you will soon ‘■make it.” Our Ex-Sheriff attempted to plow one day last week; hut being so tall—-his bead reaching so high up into tho cold air he soon frozo ont, and had to go in. Ho says its too cold to even try to plow, especially if one is not used to it. White county’s newly elected Sheriff, Mr. E. if. Castleberry has received his commission, and is now ready to take charge of the responsible duties of his office which wo have every reason to boiieve ho will promptly discharge. On last Sunday miming wbilo the wind was whizzing tho roof of our dwelling took (Ire in three places at tho same time. Fortunately the liro was discovered in time to he easily control od. No damage was done except threo small holes in the roof. We wore shown this week, by Mr. E M. Castleberry, two largo and beautiful nuggets of pure gold, which was taken from lot No. 10*2, in Rabun county, Ga. Mr. Castleberry represents the sale of the property from which this gold was taken. North-East Georgia ahouuds in rich gold veins and deposits. We suggest to tbo people of White county, and to our Ordinary especially, the great necessity of painting tho roof of tho Court house. It would save ro shingleing for at loast fifty years, and the cost of painting would ba much less than that of shingleing; and the best of all, there would be no danger of fire taking hold of tbe roof, -- M4------ If You Arc Sick, Read the Kidney-Wort advertisement in an¬ other column, and it will explain to yog the rational method of getting well. Kidney-Wort will save you more doc¬ tor's bills than any other medicine known. Acting with spocifiio energy on tbe kidneys and liver, it cures the worst dis ases caused by tbeir derange¬ ment. Use it at once in dry or liquid from. Either is equally efficient, the ; liquid is the easiest but tho dry is the most economical - Interior. A new supply of mud on hand. We have bean vjstcd with a real Northeaster; tire gale commencing about 9 o’clock p m., of Saturday the 5th. No rain accompanied the storm until Monday moruing, when during day there was a liue mist. Monday night the rain increased. Tuesday the rain continued to fall all day, steadily increasing until Wednesday evening : 1 htte, when the wind change.I, coming from the Southwest, and the rain and storm ceased. No particular damage in this imme¬ diate neighborhood, more than to un¬ roof a corn crib in the south part of the village. The streams were consid¬ erably swollen, so much so na to pre¬ vent tbo mails passing from this place to Rlairsvillo, and to Haysviile on Wednesday. Thursday morning was beautiful and bright—real lovoly. AX ARM Y OF RABIES. We have not been in the habit of ad¬ vertising babies much, hut ono nf our most responsible citizens informs us that while in Gordon county last woek, he visited the house of a Mr.. Kay, whose wife bad on tho 3rd inathnt, gavb : birth to threo babies—all girls, and weighing just six pounds each. Mrs. John Corbin living in the upper part of Lumpkin county, about three weeks ago gavo birth to a hoy and a girl. O 11 Friday night of last week, Mrs. Frank Abernathy of White county, gave birth to two girls. The mothers and the 7 babies are all doing well so far as we know. For th 0 Advortiser. EDUCATION. Mr. Editor: . I desire, as lam now located ‘for tho purpose of .School teach¬ ing at the town.of Cleveland, to say something upon the subject of education. It is a subject that, bears wish great weight upon my mind, and 1 would he proud to see the people.of this,, ahd all other communities more in tore*: igl upon the same. There are no more weighti¬ er subjects than education and religion, and our minds should! 0 rrforo.•i/riT’.oved on these than any inner ; but 1 siial not say anything about the subject of, religion this time as «duca'ioa' my theme, and I only have enough, to. see the need of more, and can earnestly call upon the youths to make an effort to gain that which will bo worth more than gold. We ses recorded that tho most opulent men of tho Southern Stales were pen.iless boys—that the wisest st-atesmon, and ablest pulpit orators were ragged orphan hoys; then how deeply engagod wo should ho in the cause of education, and how earnestly wo should labor to build up schools, and how constantly we ghoul i battle with ignorance that wisdom might reign. More hereafter. Geo. W, Scruggs. Feb. Ilth 1881. Fiona (ho New York Observer. The Old Bugler oi‘ tho Berkshire Bills, Up in the «'len. ns closed the day, I thought I heard a bugle | lay; Anon its echoes died away. It was that well Unown.buglc bi.i.G, A resurroetion of the past; Tho very dead came forth at 1 a si. A boy once more; 1 .saw a trein Of boys and j^irls, and on the plain Men ploughed, a d . owed, and reaped the grain. For many, many years a o, A man there was as whi o as snow, 11 is bugle blew as few can blow. On lire within, hisdienrt and brain .All sang of Washington and Wayne, For forty y oars tho same old strain, Of Plymouth Rock - pure granite still, An honest, head, an iroiKwill, Baptised iu blood at Bunker Jfill, Ho never bowed to king or throne, Himself the owner of his own, He worshipped God, and God alone. Tired at last, he sank to ref t Among the daisies ho loved be: t, The mountain shadow on bis breast. That buglo blast, so wild and strong, That stirred so many hearts sc long,. So eloquonfcof right and wrong, Stilllives, Tis said, up in the glcn=— Still echoes in the hearts of men, And plays the same old tunes again. Anthems still live, almost unknown; There’s muiv an ancient trumpet tone Still heard, although ne longer b^owu. •If. U. U. CONSTAN'TINT:. Mft I* ‘Trust in God and Doiiic Courage, brother ! uo not stum! Though thy li ho <urk i; There's a star i:; guide the fau;’»hi:.- - .** trust hi God ari l do ibe ri..jUt. ;; Though tho road bo long uiui dreary, And the end be out ot ; Font it bravely, strong or weary - “Trust in God and do tbo ' Pun b poi,r y’’ :nd 1 \u LUsg, i*e 1 i'll ttii ibai f.enr.N !’ J /M: Whether luring wbciL i i v, in: ‘‘Trust iu God and do tbe r.yi t.’ Shun all forms of guilty pa.-Vm/ , Fiend may look like angels bri ib-ud- uo custom, school, or« “ frost in God ami do the r;ynt. Some will hate thee, some will u-vu : Some will Hatter, will ,-dight Cea.-j from man, and look above, th-u “.Trust in Gtxl and do the right. Simple rule and safest guide, Inward pence and shining iigifl - Star upon eur path ubiding “Trust in God and do the righr. kimey m zmz -..oMiZAmS' rnmnwi' Dr. ]'. II. 1 'i.'.rk ,',aUh ! . .. . V! • *'!iicrs(M« Of Kiilm’ v s i; 1 .; :: ' • <1 I •. charm. It lias euro<1 mu;;;. v. i. . . < m i' unit has never failed i.. y.n •.•??;< i< iu ;• . Nelson Kair'-LiM, cl . Alban: of. priuole.-i: (‘Ss \ a 1 iI • A f'ti 1 •;sitVt • t sulTerin^ pUHuJy triijfcr cured n,.,,, iron > J’iltv* , anti (.«.>.•»{Jv aless . in... ' O. S. Hojg'.uion. of |V*i'1 :.hire' sny.-t. “On-- pad: tlf'O has done >V“!Dl< . . ! n: • ill eon)|>i‘ !/ c a - injy a seven; Diver and f'ompiainr." oilV is i:rnii:u iii'-i iii ok romr IT HAS EI'-G nsEsrasw R(M‘:inse jj, neb: on tin*. Kl V KK', 2I01VKKS , anti KH)NI.V u :-.i t b.u s ;me t ihif*. , Because it el-can.-t h tk : v -u-ia oYthei*oison otta Iiumors that do !r; 1 r. '-vuinoy and Xfvt nayy D^eaeCB; I d:, an • .if. tudirc, Ccmsli | pation, Piles, or in.Kite: maiism, Keu^aiji.t j Nervous Biaorclcro am; l-'or.iMe Dji.-iplaintH. £T*‘ Il is put up in ID ; 1 - Fori ■ in DV.*"tin. 0 ,*ir- '■ *vhi.-h mok.-s six y., )ii -F ’' ■ _ }.ji Idtjiiif 2’orj»,Ter'. Kimneyitmtei}, : Wie.conve;’..' m • ": tic.- - tint cannot I t-f'readily prepivv.: it., il »/, /.milk rqual efjlcivtu'u \ %3/T in cither form: mmmm, ■ n 1 r-rq>.--a- jxzm GET IT AT THE OjitJOfl-ISTS* PRIDE. #1.00. WELLS, KK H VROSON A. €<!-, Prop's, , (Will send the KUIUXCITOS, VT. If you intend some day to get WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED-, “DO-IT NOW.” T1UE ATTYr EDITION Contains over 218,000 Words, 1928 Pages, 3000 I*.’lgravings, Four Pages Colored Plates, 4600 NEW WORDS and Meanings, BiograpMcal Dictionary of ever 970 G Names. rRlho JL D'-r**!! If:i.] irul Complete Eng-• Ihih Uictii’iia! • Tjry tinic \ 3000 Un^nwiniwDra other a, JDiet’ry. !y lb., , mYa, A& i ■.:.1 i y u •• any •WJIvory lor constant sehkK)i and refereiic, ! ';’inil> hould l ave it . » GET THr, STS.riJAB®. jj finale sale of of UWicv any uther '.; seru-s <•’ r of ' u.ut-ionaries. times tho (gj S) “ iiiyl.u.- t authority of u. ■ (.‘ourts iu ffl JL cb'l'iniiion.”—,L/ h’aifc. JSL Ik nahno.-i uni rersai autiiorify in deeM- JJ, fa dig the meaning of ve •. -iu. lyTo ill othia- Tyietionary ;.apply l b.-boola. a uri bought by * ^T* any ytatc to its Trtictionury l i nine-'enths «>f the JLff School Book - - f the . .jutry are based. JpL fa ufchority Otficc'ar, iu V.'j t:u.' hi C-ovei- Jan. n ut Printing fa . ioi. , JEv yr%ecommended by St,.:-' Snot’s Schools in 30 States, and 50 SVdyyo Pres’ts. •W^ietionnry than 32,000 that has public been schools placed in in more U.S. JLJf *§'% - IS IT NOT THE STANDARD? Published by G. & C. MERRIAM. Springfield, .Mia* Also Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionsiy' 1020 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. To Young House¬ keepers JL } RKfi TO ALL BRIDES’ VTOTTGK i' hereby given to all the readers IN of this paper and all their r fried friend.- at. I au^naintanee- throughout the United States and Canada, that T Ft E HOUSE il OLD Will be sent cne year as A Wedding Present To every newly married couple whose address — and JO cents to p ay for postage —is sent to the publisher within one year from the date of their marriage. Persons .sending for this present are rogues ted to send a copy of a paper* containing ininc a a notice of their marriage, or some .oth&r evi i dence that shall amount to n reasonable proof ’ that they entitled the gaziuo under are Io mi tho abor i (r er . Addreas, THE HOUSEHOLD, flRiiTTLEBORO. Yl. CO jvd i-t <st £" S'\ CD C*.; p: k 1 |r-j : J & y*-i L fo ■ : 4 'j g I r A 1 & -1 f tip A rf‘ 6 M '} w ' \ \i ay o - - r,y.r r i* r ■■■ ; ‘ o I3HPROVKS> CA S?OOft Broadcast Seed-Sower. w % - - ^ *r.. . V : ' 1 *«-■ " u - fkms Grain t Grms secrZ, Hemp, -nice, F;v-:-i%*ihingi liomsn can do it r.r> voU ir.:Land. It does tiie.-Aviiiii of 5 men.-. •It has stood the'-t- t of years, Re> cf-irod First Premimii ;>? ;-l gfefa 5aR's J*;Iki: io Idachint:. J ” ics. U ■ •, SubstaaviaT v?ar* anted to do MI that is claimed for it. Price only $5.00. Bend stamp for descriptive circular. E. W uttmait's Son;-, A cents, I altimori. Md. II. M. Smith & Go., Agents, Richmond, Va. GOOBELL COlP.iNl, ANTEEvI, ir. XL, Soln Manui'.tcl iirers. IVECij 1: ii Oii'i I A. I! kite Con,>li/, F. I’olmer. wife of Siiuci.n Palmer ha imr„le appli-H i:,,,! to use u>.< for for H it c*..... c. toad , of r c , jmrssnaDy. <u*l I wi! puss upon rnw a r 'L' -diff' 0 in y ievo • u, on fhe day of . F»hrn..««. TH.-try :it Um o’cloi'iv 1 a. in.. ■ r i v c, • I nr, ° 4 -r toy hand and ofTi^ml si -n; This Janusry 2:»th, irSl. • :; A ,*• OAKS, rim ary. Jan .29 2 ^ ks. WHITE >S Hr AFi S T. h $. IA LILL hcs-.iil btfnr tb* C'i'iirl h'.u.s ,Ioor * > in the riwn ’ si ; VV ite CuUDty <«•*.. on tho tirsf Tue,.!-i> : , Marcli n-x,. tween the legal hours r.i to!;, the kiluw-z ' jirnpenj to wit: I’urt<-f lot of lanU No CT, i i the Ird 0 >t. of o;i ( rina'ly Haher^ham now U’bite Couo'v. fiintiijiiug two bnriilreii acre.- i.. I*..*, the’ t 0 ,„. 1 Llv well improM-d, the same i cing phA whereon c. N. j!..-worth i. nv ; ..'< J,ivied nn « •-> t > fy a fi fa Lsstieu ,, r: > ,;rer,or court it .-old county >c favor ' ar ' n. ; s. Gaden d'B ■ . h S N. t'fflv'j. l’Joper'y pointed cut fcv i be Plaintiff This JmP 2'ith litl. T. C, llAXi;I, ION. Sbff. J an.2 9 NOTICE. tiu; best ojtf.k yet FOUR PF FRANK l.R.-LV'S V-:* r iLI'" TIONS, QNB-YEAR Iff K !»XLYS2,.VL The Frank Leslfe Publishing fi j . , ’V’d S t. v ew York, will setid r RANK T.7V FAMILY FRIEND, a 1$r p a . per toronlv one do’l»: fer year FRANK LESLIE'S YOUNG FOLKS devo¬ ted ti the interest of young psople, and con raining ranch to interest tuo.-e of a more nia tore age. This papper contains 10 pn;es of illustrations and valuable reading matter. Just the paper for young children. F r je« per year Ml cents, ’ * FRANK LESLIE'S NATIONAL AGRL CVt.TU.RIST AND WORK I NO !■ r, TT, a « i* 18 ».»»'• ; age :n..a«...'.a illastrated paper. - -- -- Just . . to,. “ ' for Sunday reading Priee only 75 paper cents yea