Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, February 22, 1884, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenge ESTABLISHtD 1826 'THE’pOCKET KNIFE. TERMINATION of FIGHT. MACON, FRiry.Y. FEBRUARY 22, 1884. VOLUME LVIII—NO. 11. .Artalenmont of tho Prlsonera-What TBe , Have to Sny-Evldenee Bo- taro the Coroner’* Jury Tho Verdict. Etc*. Etc. About half past eight o’clock yesterday aornins a large crowd <vas seen gathering Thout the sewing machine agency of Capt. J , AnJerson, No. IS Cotton Avenue, toon the report epread that Mr. If. C. Tur- E, Capt. Anderson’s well-known assist- Lt! bad been badly cut by Mr. John K. Burnett, also engaged in the sewing ma- gbae business. On reaching the scene the brick payo ut in front of the old Wheeler & Wilson ,-ncy, presented unmUtakable signs of dutiful blood-spilling. Near the comer a the alley was a large pool of blood and hen directly In front of the store and ex- ending to the sidewalk in a perfect tri ple were hugo drops of tlio crimson Sold. Going across the street another pool was found on the edge of the pavc- Joent in front of tho rear door of J. W. Eicoi Co.'s dry goods house. The front dour of Capt. Anderson's store was closed and around it w«s congregated anumber of curious people eagerly trying to get a peep through the large show win dows. Those who tooked In this way saw the physicians busy around an Improvised cot. on which lay the form of Mr. Turpin. Each of the spectators around had his own version of the affair, nnd as they went on ttieir separate ways dozens of wild, cx- erated stories were soon set afloat over city. These, of course, placed the Bur netts and Turpin in difficult attitudes, and was a dillicult matter to determine which b was in the wrong. It t ic city hall our reporter found Mr. An R. Burnett and Ids brother, E. 8. Burnett, better known as Tobe. They were accompanied by friends while In the recorder's court room. Mr. John Burnett, who is married. Kerned to regard the matter very seriously sod maintained throughout n look of great anxiety. Tobe, on Use other hand, was in bis usual cheery spirits, and seemed to teat the matter flippantly. The time for holding tho recorder’s court is 9 o’clock, ond as they were rested and brought up iu time their ines. together with that of H. C. Tur- re nut on the docket, and charged rith fighting and disorderly conduct. After the trial of a few other cases pre viously docketed, their case was called, ind the prisoners asked if ready for trial. Both replied in the affirmative, John Burnett pleading guilty and his brother not guilty. The witnesses sworn, John said that if the case went to trial he would withdraw his plea of guilty and plead not guilty. The recorder explained that when the plea of guilty was entered it was neces?sary to examine one of the main VtaMiaas to determine upon tue extent of punishment; but he allowed John to j load cot guilty, nud the trial proceeded. The evidence adduced is about the same as it given before the coroner’s jury, which have reported in full. Tho two Burnetts were found guilty, mcl fined 123 each. Chief Wiley tnen swork our a warrant afore the recorder, acting as justice of he peace, charging them with an assault rith intent to murder. This was formally Tved by Lieutenant Wood. Mr. Sara H.Jemlson. appearing for the Pendants as to the stale otTunsc, then tdeanable and oloquenfe argument in ivor of bail This, however, was refused, nd the prisoner* wero taken into the atchnian’s office, where they remained ntil about 12 o'clock, when they were ven a cell In the barracks. When asked if ho had any statement to lake to the public, Mr. John Burnett said: On Friday or Saturday I sent to It. J. ndtrson&Co.fora Howe machine in- ruction book. Tho negro boy, Cornelius race, said Turpin had sold he would not N one to a as I, if ho had one. eaterday he met Mr. Chi pier, one of our rents, and wanted to know if that negro >y had delivered his message. Chlpley id res, and Turpin then repeated to him at 1 was a—— — . When I men »ed the matter to my brother Tobe, he id Turpin had to TAKE XT BACK , take a — good cussln'. We met Tur in in front of Anderson's store this mom- Before he got out of his wagon told him he would have tako that epithet back take a good cussin*. He refused to do and repeated the foul epithet to both of After some words ha struck me sever* prevent any serious difficulty If I could. After I got Mr. Tobe Bur nett s pistol. I turned him loose and says, ‘now go on off, and don’t havj ‘ any difficulty round here,’ and I went tc separate John. Burnett and Turpin, and about that time I discovered his coat cut behind, and I says to him. •yoc are cut; go in the office.' Mr. John Burnett started across the street, and says, ‘go after a doc tor, and I immediately started otr after a doctor. Mr. Turpin said, ‘go after a doc tor, and I went oil and I thought Mr. Turpin was going iu the office: but I was afterward Informed that he went over across the street. I never saw Mr. Jno. Burnett with a knife, and in fact I was not watching them while they were scuffling. I did not see the knife afterwards. I bad Mr. Tobe Burnett, and was not looking at them at alt. Tobe Burnett did not put his hand, on liiin— I am satisfied of that. He drew a pistol, and as he was raising it I snatched it out of bis hand. I saw him draw tho pistol. I can't say positively that ur. Tunriz struck mu. I saw him strike at him one time; I didn't see him knock him down." T. 8. Lowry, being sworn, testifled as follows: “I was In the front part of the store, or rather inside of the store, and heard some one say there was going to be a fuss out there. I saw Mr Burnett and Mr. Turpin both on the sidewalk. Mr. Burnett was cursing Mr. Turpin and Mr. Turpin Mr, Burnett. They soon closed. Mr. Turpin struck Mr. Bur nett, and Mr. Burnett was evidently cut ting him. I couldn't see the knife, hut I knew by the way bis hand was going that be was cutting him, a..d I could see the holes in his coat. I ran across and tried to separate them, and, there was a gentle man who pushed Mr. Burnett justbefore I got to him, and when he did that. I went on after Tobe Burnett, and carried him over to Rice's store and put him Inside, and soon after that Mr. Turpin followed HIM over there with a large stick in his hand, and I told the boys inside to keep Mr, Burnett and told Mr. Turpin lie couldn't come in. Ho turned and came back over this way. I think some one came over and got him and brought him back. I saw the knife. It was a good size pocket knife. It was full of blood, of course. [A knife was handed to witness, which he failed to iden tify. stating that it was smaller than tin knife with which the cutting was done, bu that was an ordinary pocket-knife.]'I did not see any cubing done before Mr. Turpin struck him. He struck Mr. Bur nett before ho cut iiim. Mr. Turpin was out of his buggy standing on the sidewalk when 1 saw him." Louis llurghardc, being sworn, testifled as follows: "This morning I was in the front part of the store and some one says: ‘I'MM l.-i-L- li,,-,. • li.,,-., la a II..I.I I.I,..-,, > fHE GREAT CYCLONE. GEORGIA SWEPT BY A SUCCESSION OF TORNADOES. Many Lives Lost and Much Valuable Property Destroyed—Many Tales of Suffering and Death- Terrible Particulars* Tuesday at noon the southern heavens became gradually overcast, the atmosphere grew still and hot, und those uccustoracd to notice the various conditions of the weather, perceived that the elements were verging upon an unusual disturbance. Soon the clouds, blackened and angry, swept gradually northward, and at an early hour iu the afternoon, tho entire heavens were overspread and darkened. Later on, and the gloom that had been thickening was rent by occasional flashes of llgjitning, which increased in vividness and intensity until thebackgrpund became even more dark and terrible behind the frequent glare. The fears that had been excited proved, however, in excess of the effects afterwards realized. About3:39p. m. a drenching rain fell, accompanied later on by a severe wind and hall fell. The second portion fell about 7:30; and beyond a thorough soaking of the earth, was ac companied by no loss of life or damage to property. The storm, it seems, had divided I tself into tfro wings, one passing around to the north and the other to the cast and south. Apparently, it originated in the south west and, after sweeping that portion of the State, took an easterly and northeast erly direction. Below will lie found full particulars of the effects of Tuesday's storm in every section visited, which we were unable to give earlier, on account of the wires being dow Jonos County. From Mr. W. A. Davidson, of Jones county, whs came in for live coffins for one family, we learn something of the de struction caused by the cyclone in Jones. At lllountsvillc, six miles from Haddock’s Station, the storm came up at about 4:30 o’clock. In an instant houses were blown |down, fragments being carried great dis- hlows with his list in my face. I prefer f,«>«y anything further Just now. Mr. Tobe Burnett said his statement was out the same as his brother's. Down town, the affair was the topic of |nrersatlon. There were inanv anxious guinea os to Mr. Turpin's condition. Af » t!‘" i !.}•.• ■ o.i del 1; 0 Ink he would recover, and it may be oave him ur, . z to his coUtpaed condition. He lost , opusness at 13 o’clock. Up to that ne be hsij spoken, frequently asking ‘ , his injuries. When his wife _ in the front put at tbs stan ha I O 1 1 1 : end e.iili .1 t., her that ’' - ’ ' • a '- -ll mi , u 11 1 1. At a -it lo* k * left the sture for her home ill aeyrtle.nodoubt will ‘ the full wi iglitof t-hcatpr truth or hU condition. At 3:20 ’• H ' lari in » a-dead. fV ord was sent to the city hall, and the B-oiicn, in charge of I.ieut. Wvlie, were P 0 111 i.111. The) \s. IV l-.th iV.'pIv af Ited at the ileus „( Mr. Turpin's desth. it was tfcouk’ht proper to bold an In- ■wt and Cormier liodnctt Mimmuned following jurv- Mutt It. freeman. It. i Fitzxlbbon, C. I. O’Gorman, Geo? a f.- 1 .' l > Cherry. I„ U, Longhunt. it. T. ••• 1 Harris, J. A. Green. Oia- P'lil. ii'eva and Jam. - Him-, following evident •* wan then taken: Hi . Leo Herrington, being sworn, testi- follows; -*I came down this morn- any and wont in the hark imrtof the . • ; V“ 1 V 1 all. .1 me anti 1 • true land found Mr. John ami Tobe Burnett 1 "i fr-nt r.f tin- door. I Bun Lack here; there is a fight back here, and I saw Mr. Burnett and Turpin stand ing on the sidewalk, quarreling and curs ing one another for a ■ . They cursed there awhile, and Mr. John Burnett i turned off, and I thought it was ended, and he says: ‘Yes, you are a , a — of tho first water.’ Mr. Tur4 pin closed in on him, and hit him up hero (indicating the forehead). Then Mr. Tur* pin niT HIM AOAtS, and Mr. Burnett was lust so, and he way catting three or four times and something interfered. 1 do not know who it was. Mr. Lowry ran across the street and Mr. Bur nett backed up toward! Wheeler & Wi! son's sewing machine office,and Mr.Lowry got Burnett and brought him across to the store. Mr. Turpin ran across the street then with a stick of wood in his ham), and a young man was passing with a parlor rifle, and bo said, ‘give me tlial- is it loaded?’. Ho didn't get it from the boy. Then I went up stairs with Mr. Burnett and washed hit head for him, and he had the knife in his hand. It was bloody and he washed it off the best he could, and he asked me to go down stairs and get him tome cloth or something, and I went across the street to get a piece of sticking plaster for hint, and when I came back he was going across the street. He had a small scratch. He wanted the cloth to wire otr tiik snoot' on hi* head. I never saw any cuts on f hand, until I went to the eity hail, *u(l I saw that his hand was bandaged up. [The witness also failed to Identify the knife shown him.) W. K. Whitehead, being sworn, testifled as tollosrs: “I was standing In the front part of ltice'a store; I didn't know there was going to lie any trouble until 1 hear 1 one of the boys say there 'was going to 1 _ a row over there,, and I walked to the back door and saw the two Mr. Burnetts and Mr. Turpin standing on the sidewalk. Mr. John Burnett and Mr. Turpin were cuatixo EACH OTItKX pretty freely. Finally Mr. Turpin closed in with him. and struck him in the face once or twice. 1 didn't see any knife, and didn't know Ur. Burnett had a knife until 1 heard some onu tell Mr. Turpin he was cut, and I inferred from that that Ilumctt must have had a knife. I didn't tee a pistol in anybody's hand. Mt.. Lowry came across__and sepa- i Ills the lit uethat I'urpil rated them und brought Mr. Burnett acros s to the (tore. In a few minutes Sir. Turpin followed with a stick In his hand. Mr. Lowry told hint lie couldn't come into the store, and then a gentleman brought Sir. Turpin bock to the office. (Mr. Ixiwry and Mr. Kurgliarde failed to identify the knife exhibited.] Dra. Moore and Ferguson testifled that Sir. Turpin’s death was caused by the loss of blood and the ahock to the system 0. F. Adams testified substantially as other witnesses, with the exception that lie saw Tobe Burdctt run up to within two or three feet of Turpin and point a pistol at his back; but that as he (witness) turned bis face away, he did not know liow shooting was averted. tna VERDICT, The Jury, after viewing tlie remains, re turned the following verdict: "Gxoxnta, Bibb Couxtv—An inquisition taken this, the 19tli day of February. UM. before William I lodncit, coroner for said county, upon the body of H. C. Turpin, then and there lying dead in the office of B. J. Anderson A Co., In saidcounty, upon the tesdmonv of the witnesses then and there sworn, and upon oath duly taken as Jurors, upon our oaths say that if. C. Tur- pin catno to his death by a wound inflicted on his person by a knife in the hands ot John 1L Burnett. Signed! "\v. II. Hodxett.Coroner; •'Matt li. Freeman, foreman: R. L. Henry, George B. WeUs, It. J. Fiugibhoti, Charles J. Williamson. J. A. Green, J. \V. Hirna L. it. Longliurst. J. 8. Cherry, It. T. Smith Thomas F. Harris C. L. O'dorman.” After the verdict was rendered, the body was delivered to tho undertaker. It was carried to his late residence in Vine- thinking of .*ending '*'ur;..- - . v Ul . r .'. v * up Mr. Tube Burnt •i. I understand Hid •d »uy brother for rant j-ou rf> take it t-.iok;' »)' 'or tit ei licking.’ That alnndinjj. Mr. Turpin pit ■hu.|n.,t!. ' :t.. - Ac thftyJH fijS ] '«■! last night. —, and F TIIK WOU*DN There were four stabs, all on the left nrm. One cut was made ur der the arm and near the shoulder. This severed the brachial artery. The great quantity of blood lo-d was that lost on the sidewalk Ik.- fore Mr. Turpin entered the store. It seems that after the affair, lie went indde the . . ....... . store and lay down upon the floor. Dra. • :U stool.’ As III Moore, Ferguson and, Fitzgerald were in tin' wagon and ■Hit for andh* was on the floor when Dr. ! cal!,,| them cow M r.:arrived. Ho wa* token to tb* back irm.d;hav«pg»SHt | i: t of the store and laid on a a>t. f.mr weapon'*, and He wo* in such a weak condition thattbe | physicians agreed that ho could not un- aorn." T dergo the operation of taking up the arte- " In Ml ,,„t ry-A tourniquet wa* placed around the 11 ’ arm as soon as possible, and but little urm u noil | blood was then lost. In his rational mo menta he frequently complained of the I tourniquet being screwed too tight. It wa* loosened occasionally to please him. Homicide In Richmond. AruLaTA, Ga., February IS.—J. D. W. Burch, who wai shot through tho head by i John \\ bite in tills county a few day* ago. is dead. Burch is said to have entered White's house and frightened the latter’s wife. White entered, seized his gun and -hot BurcL dsws. The coroner’s Jury to- I day rendered a verdict of Justifiable lxxni- Mr. W. A. Miller, who lives near Blountsville, was at his brother-in-law's, about a mile away, when the storm came up. On going home he found the house gone and on the ground lying at considerable dis tances from each other the dead txylics of his wife and three children. One child was blown away and the body had not been found up to the time Mr. Davidson left. Six negroes were also killed, their bodies being literally tom to pieces. The church was also blown away. The cyclone came in between lloundoak and Clinton. After leaving Blountsville it swooped down on a settlement two miles this side and blow down several bouses, killing many mules, but sparing human beings. At Mr. James Hunt’s bouse Mrs. W. A. Julian and little son, of Macon, were visiting. With eight other persona, she sought xxruox tx a nor house, or flower pit, and all were thus saved, as tho house was almost destroyed. At another hauae h family, who had heard of the corner of the house being the safest place in such a time, huddled to gether in the comer. The house wa* demolished, and when Uio cyclone had passed it was found that, with the excep tion of a negro girl being hurt a little by a iog falling across her lap, the entire party had escaped with hardly a scratch. Five miles north of Clinton the store ot Jerry Smith was entirely blown away, and Mr. lluck Finney, who was in the store at the time, was so seriously injured thut no hope of his life is entertained. . Davltboro. -— | JO,—TKecyclom oi yesterday was the most terrific that ev er visited this section. About six o'clock the storm’ made It* appearance, the ‘wind coming from the south side. It first struck the Christian church, blowing it down, and the swept over the creek demolishing ev ery house in Its path, among them Aldrert and Wilson's grist mill ana Gibbs Bros, workshop. It unroofed J. J. Palmer's dwelling, and blow down J. W. Orr's gu ano house, and the central railroad ware house, taking tho root three miles dhtant. It blew down the dwelling house of John Hudson, and severely wounded lib wife. The qrclono then cross ed the railroad track, break ing down the telegraph wires and striking the store house of A. Herman, wlio kept the post-office and expreaa omce, and blew it into fragments. One house occupied -by J. J. Palmer as a general store was taken up from the ground and TWWTID ABOUXD. Josh Doster, the clerk, waa injured. Ur. W. II. Varene, in cnargeof the Central railroad wood shed, who was in tills store, was taken up and carried about fifty yards and thrown violently under tome Umbers. He was so badly injured that lie died in an hour afterward. T. L. Brown's general store was blown flat. Crown A Hall's general store was also blown down and the heavy sills lifted high in the air. Mrs. IS. A Kennedy's dwelling was unroofed. .V. C. Jordan’s dwelling was blown entirely away; htrdlv two pieces of Umber left. Dr. A. T. 'Cheatham's drag store was blown into ten thousand pieces. Hur donn's Sons, general store, a two-story building belonging to Captain LeonariL and Mrs. K. Mappin by nnroofing houses, blowing down fences and heavy timbers. Just on the outskirts of the town a negro was badly hurt, and it is thought she will die. At Mrs. Mappln's place one or two negro children were badly bruised. The second one pasted about eight or ten miles south of ttiis place, and .so far s heard from did more damage thad the first. From Mr. John Bngly. of Dennis Station, who came for Drs. Nlsbct and Brown last night, I learn that col. n. c. HI M HER was badly damaged both in persdn and property. His leg was broken, his oldest daughter hurt, und Mrs. Wm. Paschal.who bail been stopping in MllledgeviUe and was on iter Way home, left her buggy and sough t Col. Humber's house just in time to be crushed iu the fall of Uie house, causing instant death. Several negroes were badly injured, and the houses on Col. Humber's place were demolished. There were two dlsUnct cyclones, both seen and heard from Uiis place. The list one formed after nearly all traces of the first disapticared from the sky. Later—I hear that Mr. Skelton Napier was also visited by the lastcyclone, but can get no netails. Walden. Waldex, Bibb Couxtv, Ga.. February 20.—The storm struck this place yesterday evening about 5 o’clock. The ground was covered an inch deep in two or three min utes with hailstones as large os partridge eggs—heavy rain fulling at tho same time. Dr. J. C. Johnson’s buggy shed was down down, crushing a tine mare to the ground in falling. After the storm was over the mare was taken out of the wreck appar ently uninjured. Much damage has been done to fences. Smlthvilte. SniTitviLLE, February 20.—We had a severe storm of wind, rain and liaii yester day between 4 and S p. m. No damage, except fences and timber. Heavy clouds passed north of us. No casualties, so far as heard from. Indian Spring. IsoiAii SriuXu, February 20.—The heav iest rain and hall storm ever known in this section visited us this evening. Hail ■tones as large as goose eggs fell for half an hour, completely covering the ground. Many persons were severely injured by the falling stones. Glasses were shattered, limbs of trees we.e torn off, tin roofs were knocked in and many horses ran away. Wires down north and south, and cannot 3 crtain damages elsewhere. Thompson. I’hoxsox, Ga., February 20.—Yesterday ining a terrible storm passed through this county. There was a strong gale throughout the county, doing mncli dum- age to fences. The main storm passed through the northern portion, sweeping everything in its path. ! On Mr. Geo. Grenade's place, six miles i ortli of here, every house was blown own except the dwelling. Mr. Ferry’s bam and stables were blown own. A little further on a house occu- ied by some negroes on Dr. Reese's place was completely wrecked. There were sev eral negroes in the house.. One man was killed and four others badly hurt, i Mrs. Virgil Wade and Mrs. Marshal ^ tw the storm coming and ran out of the onse. Mr. Wade was struck by a piece ipf Hying timber from tho negro house and badly but not seriously hurt I have not been able to learn more from It, but it must have done a great deal more damage. I There was no damage in Thomson ex cept to tciegriig'u |>olcs and wires, which were torn down by the lightning. Light ning struck a tree near Mr. Hardaway’s place while two small negroes were stand ing near it. They were knocked down and the bottoms of their shoes torn off, bat not ■erionsly hurt. Sparta, Sparta, February 20.—The cyclone oi which I telegraphed yon on yesterday was much more ticrco and destructive than was i upposed by our people at the time oi its laasagc. we could seethe cyclone dis- inctly from the public square aim it ap- icared to be about a hair mile, though it vaa several miles from town, to the north west. It pursued the course of the one in thUAHh of March, 1875, and was not ;wo hundred yards out of the track of that me in some places. Have not gotten re ports from all neighborhoods yet, but from Mr. J. s. Sykes, who lives about seven miles to the northwestof our town, I learn that It blew down every houseon his place, except ills dwelling, and killed an old ne gro, and crippled Bill Evans, another col- bred tenant. Scarcely any of bis fences are left, for the cyclone swept right over them, sweeping them from the face of the cartli to all appearances. Besides crippling BUI Evans on Mr. Sykes's place, it MAXULKD* AND BRUISER several children of the tenant*. On Mr. 11. J. Harper's “Rosier place” an old negro named Warren Davla waa blown out of his house, and is supposed to be dying irom his hurts. Mr. Hykei loses about 11,500 in houses, fencing, corn, fodder, hay, etc., while his lenants lose all their provisions and furni ture, thus being destitute. The tenants on Harper's "Rosser place,” near Sykes’s, had ail their houses and furniture de stroyed, leaving them destitute also. Alter passing through Sykes’s placo the cyclone croesed J. W. Treadwell ■ planta tion, destroying much timber and fencing, and doing tome damage to bouses and stock in its course. It continued in rather a northeastern direction, destroying much timber and fencing, and on Mrs. Simpson’s place blew .down tome houses and inflicted some damage to stock. Hare not yet heard the extent o( damage here, but hope it is not great, as Mrs. S, is not prepared to stand much loss. A little negro child was kUled at Mr. S. I. l’attilio's place, and some houses were blown down on the premises of lier. A. J. Hardwick. It destroyed all the bouses on Mr. Sam Johnson's place except bis heme, which is badly damaged. The Misses Hardwick bad the roof of tbeir bouse blown away and scarcely a rail left on the plantation. During the prevalence of the itorra lightning set fire to a barn on Mr. David Dixon's place, destroying .the barn and contents, and doing soincdamago to stock, though to what extent I have not heard. Fort Volley. Foot Vali-kt, Fcbruarp 20.—We had a very strong wind here yesterday evening. The principal damage done was the com plete demolition of the colored Methodist church, a Urge new building. Butler. Brmta. February 20.—Quite a storm vUitcd this place yesterday between 2 and 3 o'clock, accompanied by hail and rain. No damage was dene. Nawnan. Niwxax, February 20.—The heaviest family escaped without uny serious injury. Mr V.' I' M, riai f lirr ■■ . . i-irn and tenant bouses Were ail swept away, but no lives lost. The dwelling houses of tho following named gentlemen were uttcr- ty demolished: 11. K Grady, John Cruise, James Wright. Cortez Lozcnby. Tho resi dence of J. A. Lozcnby was raised from its foundation, removed about thirtv yards anil dropped witli the front in a diflerent direction. I-ozenby was not in the house at the time, but was supposed to bo on ills { ilantation somowiiere. Ho liad not been onnd up to a late hour last night. A great many cattle were killed by the fulling tim bers and moving debrit. A mule, belong ing to Dick Daniel, colored, was instantly killed by being picked up by tho wind and dashed agltiust a tree about thirty yards on in his journey eastward. This is the only cyclone that evet visited Coweta county. . Around Atlanta* Atlaxta, February 20.—The particulars of the great storm reported here, while necessarily far from being full or accurate, indicate a loss to life nnd property un. prccedontcd in the history of the State. It will likely be several days before tho full returns are in when an accurato estimate oi tho damage can be made. The trains on all the roads leading into Atlanta are in on schedule time this morning except the Georgia Facific. On this road the storm strucx with great fury at Leeds, Alauama, killing six people, wounding a large number, and obstructing the rail road track a distance, of five or six miles with fallen trees and timber. It is feared that they will not be able to get their trains into Atlanta in two. dan, Mt it i probable .hey will be running through nil right in less time. UP TUX STATE BOAD, On the Western and Atlantic railroad, the reports brought in on the Rome train at noon do not indicate as great violence or damage as in other directions. Rome escaped, and the greatest damage resulted at Cave Spring and around Caritrsvillc. In addition to casualties already given at the latter place, it is learned that above Cartersville the top was blown off the resi dence of Mr. Sim Mmuford, his barn de molished, three mules killed outright, three others badly wounded and several head of cattle killed. At the Georgia railroad office this morn ing, upon inquiry, I learned that the wires to Augusta were still down, and they have tio definite information of damage along the line of road. The West Point trains brought in no re port of damage or loss of life or property. The tin was tom into atoms and strewn I The next tiling I ku along the track of the storm for more than ! up and errried into I a mile. The shingle roof on the one-story I the house was taken room in which cotton seed are stored was | were lull of sand ai not molested, and the walls and machinery were received while of tho mill were uninjured. Fortunately no one was hurt. The pine grove near the mill was completely ruined. Tiio trees wero torn up by the roots, broken off and twisted in all directions. Passing on. the storm blew down a tene ment bouse occupied by negroes, none of DUliqing belonging lo ucuuaiu, was blown away, the sills being carried twenty yards away. A LARUE I BOX SAfK in the store was blown the same distance, away and one door was broken. The goods were blown for miles around. Several K rsons were badly hurt and not a tree In path left standing. The next place it struck to do any dam age waa at Mrs. Harris’s, a widow lady living about two miles from here. Her limi-c was blown opieces. I have not heard further from around this section. The damage to the town of Davisboni is estimated at from fifty to .. seventy-five thousand dollar*. Onr roads t f )cy bare never seen such large bait are so blockaded by fallen trees and debit Many pieces were picked up which were hail storm that every fell in Coweta conn- tjr. fell yesterday. The oldest residents sail urpln pretty loud, mgn Mi hirpiu in on him and !■- I- l'"i- 111:i n. ■I I that nearly all travgl by vehicle* b * U $uUy one tliouiand people were here to day to view the ruins. Hailstones as Isnre as ben eggs fell during the storm, doing uinch damage to stock, killing several fine horses and mules. . The entire time consumed in the de struction of to much property waa leas than one minnte. HiKDExavtux, Ga.,February 20.—A cy* cions struck Davbboro at six o'clock last night and deniolbhed the railroad ware house, the stores of T. T. Brown, O. W. Brown, I-eonard Palmer, llemuan and Cheatham and the dwelling* of Kennedy, Hudson, Palmer and Jordan. The de vastation is indescribable Particulars by mail. Eatonton. Eatoxtox, February -J).—Yesterday af ternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock two cyl clone* jM*sed through ihii rounty, doing much damage. The accounts are meagre now. but the more we bear thegrraur seem* the damage done. There was fully one hour between the two, The lint one passed through the north ern part of tbs county, just nihoinj this place^dohig great damage to G,W« Stutsofi urge as a goose egg-weighing several ounces. The clouds bad been thickening in the west all day, and occa sionally the rain came down In torrents. About lialf-past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the hail came down with such force that it seemed the roob of the house* were being pelted with a battering ram. Nearly all ot the window glasses on the west side of the buildings were broken out. The roofing of the houses has been great ly damaged. COWETA COUXTV. In addition to the severe hail which fell in Newnan yesterday afternoon, the west ern portion of Coweta county waa visited by a terrible cyclone about the same hour that the hailstones were falling in New nan as large as an orange. Several gen tlemen bare informed me that they picked up hailstones “as large in circumference as a saucer.” The courts of the cyclone but report the storm violent along the road, with a heavy fall of rain and hall. At the Air Line office everything bquiet and the officials know of little damage on the road except at Doraville, where it b understood the oepot was blown over. At the Central railroad office Mr, Schmidt reports the storm severe down the Central, with the greatest damage at No. 12, Davis- boro, which is reported completely de stroyed by the storm—the town literally blown down. Mr. Schmidt says the hail stones fell there as large as hen eggs, which b rather large for hailstones, bu. it must be remembered that it was a very large storm. TUE STORK IX THE VIC1XITY OT ROHR, Rome, February 19.—A fearful storm struck Amberson's and Ladinia, Ala., at 3 o'clock this evening. Houses in large numbers were blown down and fourteen persons were reported to have been killed in that vicinity. The direction of the wind was southerly and the storm extended to thb place, where it did but little damage. At Cave Springs severs! houses were blown down and an old man named Gaillard was killed. Capt. Lnpsiey's house was blown down and his sistcr-in.iaw was buried under it, and is supposed to have been killed. Ten or twelve houses in that vicin ity were destroyed. Great excitement prevails, making it difficult to obtain relia ble information. Waahinston. Washixgtox, February 20.—Quite a vere cyclone passed over our county yes terday, doing considerable damage In tho western portion. On Mr. W. \V. Rhode's place every house was blown down, ex cept hU dwelling. Mr. Rhode was out in the farm at the time, and was qnito se verely hurt by a falling tree. A colored man had bb hand badly mashed, and two cows were killed on the same place. Fences were all destroyed and trees uprooted We expect to lexra more of the storm and to hear from it in other parts ot the coun tv, as the clouds were very angry and cy clonic in their looks during the latter por tion of the day, and until late at night the thunder, lightning and wind wai very vere, Columbus. Enquirer-Sun. At 12 o'clock the cloads boiled, and whirled, and dipped, and plunged in every direction, and when just over the county jail, located on the east commons, they shot down like an eagle upon its prey nnd liftM the tin roof from that building. The roof ot the chain-gang building, on tho same lot, wu taken off, and tome of tho rafters on both houses were snatched from their places. A part of the tin roof from the jail roof was rolled up ami carried nearly a hundred yards from the building. Jailer Brooke was in ids room when tue wind began to blow, and ran to the south window to shqt the blinds. He says he hadn't time to get frightened, as the wind had done its work and passed on almost as quick as thought The wind seemed to rise again after it left the jail and not a house was injured until it regebed the First African Baptbt Church, just one block farther north, where it dipped down again and took off about one-fourth of the root on the southeast corner. Several panes of glass were broken out of the win dows, and the plastering was considerably damaged, but the walls of the building were not injured. From here the storm took a northeasterly course, and next struck THE SOUXD UOUiK of the Southwestern Railroad Company, where the greatest work of destruction was done. The employee wen it work when they heard the wind coming, and most of thcmcscapedjuatavthectorm struck the building in all its fury and left it a mass ot ruins. The brick were blown in every di rection and the tin on the root was rolled up and carried along by tho wind for sev eral yards. The most marvellous tiling b that no one was killed or seriously hurt. Mr. Fred Conner, of Macon, a firemen on the Southwestern rood, was asleep on hb engine, which was covered by brick ami falling timber, and the cab was completely demolished. Mr. Conner was so penned in that it was several min utes before be could be extricated. For tunately lie! was unhurt, «» a severe shock, and hb escape was indeed miracu lous. Mr. Sam Roper was struck on the back by a piece of falling timber aa be was running from the house, out his injury b not considered serious. Thera were several other* in the building at the time it fell, but none of them were Imre. A little ne gro girl, who bad carried dinner to Mr. John Bivins, wat the moat seriously hurt, (icing knocked senseless by the firing itbrii. She had no bones broken. A little negro boy was also slightly injured. There Ifon of Mr. B. F. Lorelady all of hbhoates Mown down. Hb dwelUng- HMTse was demolished, laaving only the floor ami part of one of ties walls. Au of the family were nmler the boos* except one daughter, who remained on the floor m escaped without injury. AD of hb whom were hurt. The resftcnccs of Ed. Musgrove and Ocorgo Wilhelm were served in like manner. Considerable dam- lage was also done in Llnnwood. I Columbus, Ok., February 29. -The esti mate of the damage done ill this city by the tornado of yesterday, is about 120,000. Cartersville. Cartersville, February 19.—A cyclone passed near this place at 1:30 o'clock tills morning. The amount of dantago was very great. Your correspondent lias just returned from Captain E. D. Fuckett'a plantation, two miles southeast from town, and his [lowers of description are inade- qil-'il.- I" convey au idea of llie - cm- there witnessed. Tho dwelling occupied by Mr. William Kverirtgo was unroofed and other wise injured, all chimneys thrown down. 11"- t' irn. .-ribs, stable-,,'etc., are a earn- plete wreck. Two mules were crippled, a ">w und hog kill'd fodder blown hun dreds of yards, all the trees and shrub bery TWISTED tXTO SltnEOS or blown np by the roots. A small frame building was inverted within one length of its foundation. The family saw the ap proach of the storm in-time to take refuge in tlie cellar or basement, and escaped un hurt. Captain Puckett's loss will not fall short of a thousand dollars. Mr. Kveredge" loses ^something near five hundred. This was tho first cyclone that ever visited this county. We learn that southwest from Captain Puckett's, Mr. C. E. Parrott and Ham Harris, who own tho Itcnnctt It. Congers place, lost all their buildings except dwel lings. Mr. Uunnicutt, on the Mrs. Lewis Tutnlin place, had hb barn unroofed and considerablefe ncing destroyed. No news from the mountains, tlie track of tlio cy clone being from southwest to northeast, and about one hundred yards wide. Louisville. ■Louisville, February 20.—A cyclone passed near thb place last evening carry ing destruction and ruin In its path. On the Berrien place, three mile* north of here, ifive dwelling houses were blown and com pletely demolished. Three negroes were sliglilly injured. Six miles northwest on the Wash Sheppard place several houses were blown down. No |>articubrs. Miles of fencing lie level with the earth. Reports from Davisboro inform us that the same cyclone struck that place about 7 p.m. yesterday doing enormous damage. Every business house with tho uxaeption of two and also tho Isxgo brick warehouse of the Central road and several, residences were completely demolished. An employe of tlie Central railroad by the name of varino was killed and several others were more or ess injured. * Report from Augusta. ■ Auousta, February 2D.—Yesterday's storm in tlib section was the severest known since thecycione of 1875. In Han cock county the stprm struck at 5 o'clock p. m., overturning outhouses and unroof ing houses. Tho stables of David Dickson were set on fire by lightning nnd burned. In Columbia counts* the lum and stables of Ike V. Unbar'd, at Harlem, were blown down and three horses wero killed. Much other damage was done In the interior. The plantation of Geo-go Grenade, in McDuffie county, was ruined, tlie house being demolished and timber carried oil. On tlio plantation of Dr. Reese a negro was killed and Mrs. V. M. Wade, wife of the overseer, seriously injured. The gin house of John A. Scott was demolished. In tlio town of Bradly's 8. C.,the residence ot Dr. Lyon, was blown down and his wile was badly injured. At Ninety-Sir. 8. C.. a house was blown down and a child killed. The residence of W. If. Slatwortb, near Flienix, Edgefield county. S. O. was blown down. The rains caught fire and Mr. Slatworth's little daughter was burned to death. The bouse of J. C. Hoskinson end the store of J. A. Boyd, at Jackson, S. C.. were blosrn down. Athens. Athxxs, Ga.. February 29.—The storm last night did no damage here. It struck Mrs. Jarrett’s house, near Jefferson, at 5 6 in., and unroofed it: killed ahorse near armony Grove: blew Nasb's house down, killing the elder and fatally Injur ing the other bliss Nosh, anil badiv injured Miss Nath, a niece of the other two. At ltieks. Madison county, it blew down a dwelling, seriously injuring Mr. Hicks and ton. the latter perhaps fatally. The hail stones at Harmony Grove weighed five and seven ounces, and seemed made ot many small hailstones. In Oconee county much fencing was destroyed. The worst damage must be beyond Harmony Grove, near Aoplo Valley. In the direction of tlie cyclone. Parties who saw the cy clone noticed tiigt the course was changed by separate wind clouds, whose more luents were strange and dangerous look ing. No news has come from the territory in the track of the cyclone. In the Neighborhood of Savannah, Savaxxar, February 29.—The storm last night did considerable damage along tlie Central railroad at Dariiboro, McBean'a and other points. The Augusta branch is Mocked and wires down. Baperintandant Rogers left this morning with four repair cars and a force for the imrpoee of ascer taining the extent ot the damage. At Davbboro six booses were blown down and the brick warehouse belonging to the railroad, with the wood shed, was com- Ipietely demolished. William Vcreenwas killed by the falling timber of a store in which he was standing. The wind was very high in Savannah, but beyond a few fences blown down no damago was done. 8and«rsvill«* SAXDKKSYILLK. Saxdersville Oa.—February SOUl-A territic wind and hail storm struck this place at 5:45 last evening, but did no ma terial damage. Homo of the atones were irregular In shape and size but the major- |*icked [*he roof of at pocket* 1 jrlas*. My Mouries 1 was in the air l>v ' contact with the Hying missiles. It was the narrowest escape I ever lihd." «)un o: ro'i>oM lents placed us uiulcr many obligations for the accounts they have sent us of the lato storm. Our limit ed space has made it necessary to condense, these letters, and in some instances to use onlv the facts and circumstances, they have so kindly furnished. We are none the less obliged, however, for the valuable service they have rendered. TBWffltaLB. Tkxniixk, (H.—February 20.—A hail storm passed over this placo last evening unrooting houses blowing down timber fences. IIail*stones seen larger than was ever seen here before. Tho writer measured one. measuring 9 inches in cir- • • it •' o’iri< <-i. oih-r*. say they weighed some 1 ounces. In North Cnrolina. IUlkioii, February 20.—Last night a cyclono struck tlie Carolina Central rail- ro;id h- tween Hamlet and rolkton. At Rockingham there wa" great de.itrufl^pn of property and fifteen lives were lost. One entire family were killed. The tele- graph wires are down and no reports have been re- eived from other towns Wilminotox, February 20.—A special to tie* .v.fi- from Rockingham says that a ter rible cyclone passed near that place last night. It is estimated that from fifteen to twenty persons were killed, and a large number wounded. All business there has been suspended. Charlotte, N. C., February 2-A—A .storm, accompanied by hail, struck Chester, 8. C., fifty miles south of here, last night. The roofs of the bank and many‘stores were torn off. The Catawba oil mill, the Bap tist and Presbyterian churches and many S rivate dwellings wero wholly or partially estroyod. Freight cars were blown from the track to the depot platform. The dam age is estimated at 150.000. The storm was verv violent here, and tore the roof from Biadle’s foundry. Charlotte, February 3).- Monday night's storm was tlie most destructive at a settlement called Philadelphia, two miles from Rockingham, on the Carolina Central railroad. The settlement con tained about twenty-five houses. Everv one of them wero razed to the ground. Yesterday morning a party of men began a search of tlio ruins for bodies, and within a short time eleven had been recovered- three white and eight colored men. One white man named John Dalkin was found with a piece of splintered timber throu gh hfs abdomen as large as a man’s leg. All the bodies were badly mutilated. ie bodies were placed in a wagon ond carried to Rockingham, when the wagon returned to the scene for more bodies, as it was known that others wero in the ruins. The wagon had not returned with its second load when tho train left this evening, and the telegraph wires beinjf down, further particulars cannot be obtained. \t Wu r.hv.-ird, />n the Charlotte, Coin Hi lda and Augusta railroad, a negro man and his wife were killed. At Winnsboro, three negroes and an aged white lady, named Mrs. Sterling, were killed. Mrs. Sterling's son and daughter were blown from a house end lodged in a tree. At Polkton, North Carolina, the wife of Mr. F. U. Gray, a prominent citizen, was killed by a'fulling house. At Con cord two brick residences were partly demolished, but the inmates miraculously escaped. Damage to the extent of $50.0UO win done at Chester. S. hut no lives were lost. The whole damage waa at least $100,000. Wilmixgton, Febrnarv 20.—A special to tho Star says twenty-three persons were killed and as many more injured near Rockingham. Several colored people were also killed on the Pedoe river near Rock ingham. At Manlay and Keyset the cy- t I-■ne destroyed everything in its way. Near Dllington six person were killed. In Alabama. ItinMtxc.HAM, Ala., February 20.—A ter ribly destructive cyclone swept through the Cahaba Valley In tlie eastern part of thin county yesterday at noon. A special to the Do .17- from L« , c<Ktwelve miles from here, on tin* Georgia Py ilsc railroad, gives the following account of tho storm la that r* gion: A cyclone struck Leeds about 1 :u0 o’clock this evening and swept away the section house of tho railroad, killing three negroes and se riously injuring an aged white couple named Bass, living near. Three miles south of Leeds the house of John Poolo was blown away and a son of 17, a daughter of 0 and a negro child were instantly killed, Poole, his wife and four other children were all badly injured. The re-idence and premises of l)r. W. F. Wright, a railroad contractor, were de molished. The body of Mrs. J. S. Wright, Dr. Wright's mother, was found one hundred yards from the house fearfully mangled and with lie -hull crudiod. Annie, aged 2u; Jennie, 10; Thomas, 17; James. 11 and Edward, lJ.ull children of Dr. Wright, were badly in- jured, having their arms or The colored cook was killed four i .irts, two wagons and three horses on t!:• i' u .thill : p-mumis but the can ass - : "lie l.'ir-e 1 he h'.ii-e ntviipied by M. liti blown aw uv and he wit-s badly hurt. J. II. Laudr'u-. wife ami daughter all had log* broken. Tlie house of Mr. Kerr took lire and wai burned. Mrs. Kerr was fatally injured. The rail- ro.id for several hundred yards is thickly strewn with drbrit oi the cyclone, delaying train*. Along the Otdo^ WasiiisgtoX, February 20.—A heavy rain storm raged over almost tlie entire hooded district in the Ohio valley last night, and lashed the waters into waves, which destroyed an incredible number of half submerged house*. The storm had only partially subsided to-day. Details are meagre, but such as are at hand indi cate that many lives were l***t. A dispatch from Kvansville, Ind., says the river is strewn with the wrecks of houses destroyed in last night’s gale. Mississippi. Nkv* <m:i.k.\n* ( February 19.—A special from Owumbus, Mi-vs., says: A .severe tor- ■ Of Of twe Ity were globular and averaged one and nadopamad through the Ipwerportu a naif inches in diameter. The wind blew this county yesterday, doing great damage from the southwest from noon yesterday to horses and dwellings. On some pianta- until midnight and dark, angry cloud* , tions not a single house i* left standing, passed around and over us in a rapid sue- j It reporter that one life was lost and cession for six or seven hours. More or many persons wounded, less damage was done in cTery section of ^ tb.- c .untry hv the bhiwmg d..wn..f timber FROM SAVANNAH, and fences. Csnernl Not... *— OoajflMMI «Mt*d by tt* Storm, but Mllitar, Drill—Shootlns Contast—Suitdan without damage. Death—Pickpookata. Dr. W. M. Bollard's place, at Bollard » , -i-ecial tklkoux.) SIX EXCISES in the round house and all of them were more or less damaged. Tho Emerson Foote tr« the worst dam aged. being nearest the sooth wall, whicli waa blown in on it. The damage to the engines. Iiowertr. is mosti/ to the cabs, tra ilers, smoke-stacks, domes, etc., and but little of the machinerjr waa injured. The round bouse was the property of the Southwestern Railroad Company, and is a complete wreck, and a small bouse adjoin ing it was also blown down. Besides the engines there were several freight can in the round boose, which were badly dam aged, sad a nnmber of freight ran on the tracks in tb* neighborhood were consider ably injured. It 1* estimated that the lnes to the railroads, most of which falls on the Station, In Twiggs county, received s visit, and made a complete wreck, but no one seriously hurt From Conductor Perkins, who came in lust night, we learn that several houses were blosrn down at Camak and a lady and her child killed. At Mcllean, tho Georgia railroailV wood shed and section master's house were blown down, but no loss of life is reported. Our correspondent at Indian Springs sent us yesterday a large box of hailstones carefully packed in sawdust. They lost in weight while leaching us. yet two of them weighed 2‘4 ounces, one 2 ounces and three IK ounces. Mr. Thomas a Melville, general agent of tlie Domestic sewing machine, while in bed at Brown's Hotel vesterdav, covered with cuts and bruises, thus related his ex- lierienco at Davisboro: George Hart-. , , „ „ _ man, of the Wiliamantic, Marion Dun- son; fourth eta.--. I'. M. D-m.- wody, of S. T. Coleman & Co., and my-, l( j Joseph Hart, wir e a* the got into Davisboro on Tuesday aft.moon . La u. noekat a at 3:30 o'clock. We intended to take tb- !' r!;',; Pi .\.V which did so much damage was' from Southwestern, will not (all short of southwest to northeast On tlie planta. ten or twelve thousand doUxrs. Almost simultaneously with the striking of the round house, the storm struck the cot ton seed oil mill, located east of the rail Hxvaxxvu, February 30:—The have been invited to enter the com pe;i five !■ . 11 t IVv.l-. in which the prizes are offered infantry companies as follows: Itatpri/--f -. MtUOO; third $590. The Cadet- will probably go. V :.-r- l' irlu-n. a hwe-hsl. died of brain lever on board tlie Norwegian bark Nioh--. lying at Tv h--c roads, on Mon day night llis body was brought lotho city for interment to day. At the contest of Uie Chatham GunCiuo :. eg. eii l’.irk y.-sti rd.iy afternoon, tlio following were the winner- i irst class,Herbert W. Palmer; second ,lass, Malcolm Ma.lean; third , la-,-. C. A. >hear- th.-.itre Uit I of l : watch. The city i o'clock I left Hartman and Dun- wody in oar room in the i hotel and went out into the front I heard a noise similar to thaCof a | Montgomufji l!ts an, Al a coming, and looked down the truck Kbb.Uw it. As I turned I Mt the wind. . "rV . ' . 7 ,T h , then like a flash I saw tb* | *!T ? v , black volume ou rue. with tre« and tim- ' r jUlcr wa ' l! * . . _ . ban flying in every direction. In the same j road shops, and left the main building flash I felt mjrself taken up fully aU feet without the vestige of a roof. Even the from the ground and then in the same in- rafters were twisted end broken off, and I «tant l thrown down, about one hun- i -.mo of them carried hundreds of feet, dred an i flfty rants from where I surted.