Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, February 22, 1884, Image 8

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Address by Mr. Joseph Sampson, of
Iowa, Before the Northwestern
Dairyman's Association.
To-day, gentlemen, the devil of imitation
is abroad m our land. You build up and
maintain something good, something pure,
something for the general benefit and wel
fare of all directly and indirectly Interested
in the product of the cow, but following
you comes the devil of Imitation, slyly in
troducing the hog wherever and whenever
he can.
For the past two seasons a great deal of
capital has been embarked in Chicago, New
York, Philadelphia and Boston in the
making up of a most excellent imitation of
genuine creamery butter. This lias been
named butterlne. It is made of varying
proportions of the finest Elgin or New
York creamery batter and deodorized
lard. Borne factories put in as much
ns forty parts fine butter and sixty
part lard. Others put in thirty butter,
and seventy lard. It is stated that still
others run up as high as eighty-five parts
of lard, and fifteen of butter, this latter
being intended for the lowest class of res
taurants, and boarding houses. The ob
ject of putting in the butter is to give the
goods the Gjjig" of the true metal. The
compound BToroughly mixed is then high
ly salted and colored a golden yellow, and
tubs are elegantly decorated with fancy
brands, such as “Clover Lake Creamery/’
“Cloverdale Creamery." "Elgin Lake
Creamery." etc., etc. This is then .
the hands of all the commission men to
sell as butterine. So far so good. It is
iiutt.iina in the middleltaah’a hands.
By him it is sold to the retail grocer
all right enough as fine imitation cream
cry goods. But when the grocer gets it
into his hands lie sells it as “creamery but
ter." This is where the fraud begins. The
imitation of creamery butter is so very
perfect that even experts are puzzled in
deciding as to what is butter and what is
butterine. when samples are placed before
them. In going into this question thor
oughly, while in the city of New York last
December, I examined and tasted several
lots, and could not tell which was which.
I was informed, however, that there is
only one infallible tc*»t, and that is to melt
the butterine, ami suddenly chill it by
surrounding it witli cracked ice, when at
once the lard goes to the bottom, the but
ter conies to the top, and the line of de
marcation is very plainly visible. This I
state incidentally to show that means are
not wanting to discover the fraudulent
mixture if inclihation prompts.
All who are interested in farming and
* ’ dnstrics. whether directl;
Bill Hodnett's Mustang Has Another One
Of Hor Tantrurnr
We will send the Weekly Tele-
| graph and Messenger for one year,
Late yesterday afternoon there might | a, '>' °" 8 **» wil1 S et U P a 1 c ' ub
engaged j less
iry bnsiness or not, ought to unite Thi:
in demanding that a national law be enact
ed covering the food adulterers, somewhat
similar to the laws of Fran c and England
on the same subject. Let this law be care
fully and clearly drawn by a competent
person so thot it will cover and embrace
all concealment of the character of the
thing sold. If butterine is sold let it lie so
have been seen passing along Tbird street
and going in the direction of Sandy Bot*
eom a buggy, containing those industrious
deputy Sheriffs, Hodnctt and Jones. The
buegy was being leisurely drawn by that
little Mexican mustang pony which once
made Sheriff Wcstcott and a newspaper
reporter wish she never had been born.
When seen yesterday she was jog
ging along in her same old trot,
will that old dejected air,
and to those who knew not her failings
nothing short of a cyclone could have in
duced her to strike a trot. To the casual
observer she was innocence and patience
combined and personified.
But you can’t always tell.
The two officers were out in search of
witnesses and their pockets were well filled
with subpoenas, tax fi. fas., old warrants
ami jury scrip. They headed for
Windsor Kill and tiie innocent
mustang carried them to the summit un
complainingly. But when they wanted to
come down, the mustang seemed to have
just thought that she hadn’t had a good
square-out frolic in almost a month of Sun
days, and that now was the accepted time.
Consequently when the boys were on their
way down the rise on Maple street,
she took a good running start
and made a break. Usually
a horse—if anything like a respectable ani
mal—wifi give warning in some way that
something is about to break loose, and if
you want to save your neck you are allow
ed a chance to fallout on soft ground; but
the mustang blows no cautionary signals
nor waves 11 red flag. She lias a method
of her own in this matter, and it is not un
til you have had your nose peeled, one side
of your face rubbed off or get otherwise
bunged up by one of her innocent gambols,
that you are convinced of her peculiarity
in this respect.
Therefore when she made the bold dash
down Maple street the boys were not cer
tain whether she had taken n sudden no
tion to enliven her gait or to smasli the
buggy. Before they could decide the mat
ter, they were inclined to believe the latter.
A twist of the buggy sent Mr. Jones
headlong to the ground with Mr. Hodnett
on top of him. Old warrants, broken
spokes, fi fas., pieces of harness, jury
scrip, fragments of buggy, subpoenas, etc.,
were scattered around for half a mile.
Mr. Hodnett escaped unhurt, but Mr.
Jones was so badly injured that he had to
he taken to Hunt & Cawley's drug store
and a physician called in. It was learned
that Ins collar bone was broken, but
closer examination proved the fear ground-
of five subscribers for it at one dollar
and twenty-five cents each per year;
or to any one who will get up a club of
ten subscribers to it at one dollar each
per year. This is an easy way to se
cure without cost the best weekly pa
per published in Georgia. Give it a
trial. __
Give your boy Smith's Worn Oil.
Hoarseness should iiie Brown’s Bronchi*
cal Troches. The effect Is extraordinary,
particularly when used by singers and
speakers for clearing the voico.
Executor’s Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March,
»* before the court house door, in Macon,
river, about seven miles Mow Macon, where
the Macon and Brunswick railroad crosses the
river. Never having called on the Macon and
Brunswick railroad for the right of way, the
purchaser will have that right.
Bold as the property of Geo. It. Clayton, de
ceased, of Baldwin county. Terms cash.
now it is in order for the coroner to hold
an inquest on his own horse.
named and so sold. If glucose is sold let
it be so sold, and not called sugar. I wifi
not dwell upon this point. 1 merely make
the suggestion, thinking that by dealing
with the question is a broad, definite, busi
ness-like way we will get rid of the frag
mentary and imporfectly administered
State laws hearing on food adulterations.
I believe in the power of the press and
when once the butterine business is thor
oughly ventilated through the agency I
have suggested it will then be an easy mat-
ter to Mean the needed legislation for the
protection of the right** of til! «o?wro«d,
\n i 111 created public will take up the other
side of the matter and help us all out just
ae soon as it is well known that that which
purport* to I"• thr . !<•.• 111 > j.'.. 1- ' . • ti*.
living cow is composed of two-thirds of the
fatty matter of a dead hog.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from prac
tice having had placed in his lianas by
an East India missionary tho formula
of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of Con
sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Astlunn
and all Throat and Lung Affections,
also n positive and radical cure for Ner
vous Complaints, after having tested
its wonderful curative powers in thou-,
sands of cases, has felt it his duty to
make it known to his suffering fellows.
Actuated by his motive and a desiro to
relievo human suffering, I will send
free of charge to all who desiro it this
recipe, in German, French or English,
with full directions for preparing aiul
using. Sent by mail by addressing
• with stamp, naming this paper, W. A.
Noyes, 149, Powert Block, Roche iter,
New York. scpl4weowl0t
Tuesday’s Sad Affair.
A visit to the jail yesterday found the
Burnett brothers in good spirits. John was
suffering considerably from a swollen car
and other bruises on the head received in
the fight with Mr. Turpin.
v it has been claimed that neitlier the ev
idence nor Mr. Burnett’s statement
brought out the real or original cause of
the trouble. It was said that there had
certainly been some qnarrel or dispute be
tween Mr. Burnett and Mr. Turpin to
cause the latter to send the message which
VlOMBtd the vile epithet. That there
was something bock of the whole affair
thot had not been developed a great many
thought, and for that reason our reporter <
asked Mr. Barnett if they had ever quar
relled, and if there was any tiling back of
the whole affair.
“We never had a dispute or a quarrel
until that day," Mr. Burnett said. "He
seemed to get mad because 1 went to work
for Burr Brown, and he did not speak to
me in consequence."
called at the jailyester-
In August, 1881. nearly three years ago, my
son, who was at that time living at Clinton,
Ga., came over to see me with the sad Intelli
gence that bis wife was in the last stages of
consumption and that her physician
* ’ nop ‘
GEORGIA. BIBRCOUNYT. -Whtreaa, (lias.
K HchofltId. administrator de bo la non of
the estate of 1). 8. Little, late of said county, de
ceased,baa made application for letters o! dis-
mbs’oufrom raid (state.
This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at the
court of ordinary of aaM county on the first
Monday Jn March next to show cause. If any
they can. why said letters of dismission shou.’d
not be granted.
Witness try band and official signature, this
had pronounced
case, hopeless.
I went Immediately over, and
felt that nothing could be done. Hhe l _
coughing and spitting incessantly, amt at
times would discharge from her luugs a large
quantity of pua or matter—could not sleep or
fact, in the
retain anything on her stomach’ and was. in
' '^Mast stages of the disease. This
was about the time you began to advertise
I Brewer’s Lung Restorer, and as my son ex-
pressed a desire to give it to his wife, two or
three bottles were procured and with scarcely
a vestige of hope wo commenced giving it to
her in small doses, gradually increasing the
quantity until the prescribed dose was reached.
She began to improve after a few doses sud
Icontinued to do so daily, until she was finally
restored to life and health, and is to-day per
haps In better health than ever before. She is
subject to colds, but a few swallows of Brewer's
Lung Restorer (which she is never without)
relieves her immediately. 1 consider her res
toration to perfect health a miracle, for which
she is indebted to Brewer's Lung Restorer.
My son is almost a monomaniac on the sub
ject of Brewer’s Lung Restorer and never letsl
an opportunity pass where he thinks such a
medicine would be required, that he does not
speakofit in most glowing terms. Not long
since a Northern gentleman on his way to
Florida heard of this cure and was induced by
my ton to give it to his Invalid wife, and
she was cured as if by magic.’’
lam Rrder, guar Han of the children of R. R.
and M. A. T. Mimhew, has made applica
tion for letters oi dismission from his guar
Thia is, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be snd appear at tho
court of ordinary of said county on the fi*at
Monday in March next to show cause, If any
they can. why said letters of dismission should
not be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature, this
December 1,1883. J. A. McM vNU8,
dec5-Iaw3m* Ordinary.
II. Plant, having in due form applied to the un
designed for the guar'Unship of the person
a d property of James Nlsbet Hazlehurst. Fan
nie Wingfield Haxlehurst Louisa NiiLet Haile-
hurst and Harah Harriet Uazleburst, minor
children of George H. Uazlehurst. late of the
Bute of Tennessee, deceased. Notice Is hereby
given that his aprlicstion will be heard at ihe
February term, 1881, of the court of ordinary
of said county.
Witness my hand and official signature, this
January 10.1881. J A. McM ANU8,
Janll-law4w Ordinary.
*DIX| V E.” W Our a cheap F,r8t * cla83 ENGINE for Glinln; or Throstilns, buytho
comi>ar"ison*wfth V otho r *ma*kos.* mP ’° in Con3tructl °" and durable, all we aak a
bert Mix, executor of tho. estate ..
Ilincs, has made application for letters of dis
mission from said estate. •
This is to cite and admonish all persons con
cerned to be and appear at the court of ordi
nary of said county, on the first Monday in
March next, to show cause, if sny they can,
why said application should not be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature, this
December 5.1883. J. A. McM AN UH,
S, S. PEGRAM, Mnuncor.
Crawibrd (oua v,
runaway is perhaps tho most serU, », v
ous, with perhaps one exception, that has j acted wonderfully
cures made by Brewer’s Lung Restorer, 1
induced to try it on ray little son, who
troubled with lung or throat affection, pro
nounced by one physician, consumption. It
i him, and by the time he
1 had several attacks of gravel and kid
ney trouble; was unable to get a medicine
or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bit
ters. and they cured me in a short time.
—A^Distinguished Lawyer of Waynecoun-
How Threo Negroes Came Near Making
Their Escape.
Yesterday morning Mr. William Foster,
the county jailer, made a discovery. In
the high fence which encloses the jail, he
found that sometime during Tuesday
night some one had mado an opening in
the fence, at the rear of the jail, by boring
a number of holes in a line across one of
the planks, and had in this way effected
an entrance into the yard.
This caused him to remember that about
3 o’clock he heard his dog Nellie bark fu
riously, but os ii was accompanied by no
other noise, he paid verv little attention to
Tracks were seen in the yard of a bare
foot. and in the garden on the
outside of the fenre the track was that of
a shoe. Sheriff Wescott was informed at
once and the two officers concluded that os
nothing had been disturbed iu the yard,
the object of the night visitor was to fur
nish the prisoners with some means of es-
cape. They settled on 4 o’clock as the hour
to make a thorough search of tho priso
ners and their cells.
When the sheriff and jailer entered the
lower rear cell, occupied by threo negroes,
disappointment was so clearly depicted in
their countenances thuc the officers
observed it, and knew that
search was unnecessary. They owned
up at once, and on lifting a blanket a lot
of chips were found: also an opening In
the floor, which had been made in the
same way as the one in the fence. The
S icce was ready to be taken up. and then
te prisoners would have found it an easy
matter to escape through the small base
ment room.
Under the blinket was found a largo au
ger. This had been furnished them by
the party who went inside the yard, They
hauled it up by a string.
Our county commissioners should sec
by this the necessity of having a deputy
Jailer or a night watchman. It is
simply a matter of impossibility
for Mr. Foster to be on duty night and
day, for he must sleep as well os other
people. The jail, as * ’ ’ *~
very insecure,
Jcnrgta, but will return In a few days to ray
homo and will certainly take some o( tho
Lung Restorer with me.
Mucon, Atlanta and Albany, Ga.
(Brewer's Lung] Restorer contains no
opiates.) febl'Klltiwtf
Administrator’s Sale.
order from the court of ordinary of
sAid county I will sell on the tint Tuesday In
March, 1884, within the legal hours of snlc, be
fore the court houso door, in the town of
Knoxville, Ga., north half of lot of land No. 11,
and south half of land No. 12, being 202U
acres, more or less, all in the third district of
said county, and known as the Watson Saw
yer’s place, and sold ns the property of the
For Household Use,
Large stock and Low Prices.
ffffiP-Seml for Catalogue.
febS wly Macon, Ga.
For Sale.
JUKE HERLONG Cotton seed at 75
.. cents a bushel on cars, and six thor
oughbred Berkshire boar pigs three months
old, best pedigree, $10 each, on cars. First
money gets them. R. E. PARK, Macon,
Ga., or J. T. DOZIER.
feb21w4t Holton, Ga,
Bibb County Sheriff’s Sale.
hours of talc on the first Tuesday iu March,
uext, tho following property, to-wit:
One seventh undivided interest of the whole
of the building known os the Findlay’s Iron
Works, on the corner of Third, Oglethorpe and
Hawthorn streets, in tho city of Macon, in said
county of Bibb. Levied on as tho property of
C. 8. h G. W. Findlay to satisfy a fi fa is
sued from Justice Court 716th district. O. M.,
In favor of P. H. Wood vs. C. 8. A G. W. Find
lay. Levy made aud returned to me by a coi
stable. O. 8. WK8TOTT, Sheriff.
February 4,1881. 61aw4w*
must sleep as well as other
e jail, as everylxnly knows, it
■e, and until the new jail Is
it with its steel cages, the commission
ers should by all means give Mr. Foster an
—cy do they carefully guard their
•speech. They have employed as counsel
Mcs-rs, Jemison, (Justin and Bartlett. The
preliminary hearing will probably take
place to-day.
At the Recorder’s Court yesterday morn
ing the recorder dismissed the warrant
i.-vaued by him and on which they were
held. lie said the act did not intend that
the recorder should exercise the
onsofa magistrate, except so far as
whom the
^Nothing Wrong with my Lungs Now.
A patient writes nearly a year after us
ing Compound Oxygen:
“There is nothing wrong with my lungs
now, and for that I have to thank you
more than anything else. It is true, there
are days when I do not feel as bright as I
could wish, but if it had not been for the
Ojnjgen Iiloubt if l would be here to feel at
Our “Treatiie on Compound Oxygen,"
talning a history of the discovery and
tie ol action of this remarkable cura
tive agent, and a large record of surprising
cures in consumption, catarrh, neuralgia,
bronchitis, asthma, etc., and a wide range
of chronic diseases, will be tent free. Ad
dress, Das. Starkey & Palkn, 1100* and
1111 Girard street, PhUadelphia.
Settled at Last—Purchase of a Site Yea
rn poraifly keep Hume whom the evidence j terday.
ta" lS t 1 U 1 o C Sa„^ad d HUte° t * d "“H ** “ Un * * lll ‘ «•
Lanier & Anderson, who were attorney* member absent, Mr. W. R. Phillip, held
Lanier A; Anderson, who were attorneys member absent, Mr. W. R. Phillips, held* iter therrfor. h.M sate belnf mad. to satisfy
lor Mr. Turpin, have been employed by | meeting yesterday and ratified the par- •std debt of |1K ui lout:.: seemed, no part
Mrs. Turpin for the prosecution.
The funeral of Mr. Turpin takaa
chaie from Messrs. \V. B. Johnston, L. X.
temporary one, however, as it Is designed I Peter Solomon; of a lot near the old court-
tlmt the remains be taken to Richmond house squire, between the old Wayside
r. 1 1 ,L '' • Home and tho new express stables, for a
■L *. . — " I Jail site. The price paid was 0. Bid.
Bontltt Church. are .HvertUil for in this l.-sue for plant
- taken in hand yes ter- and speculations
The commissioners wiU of course decide
upon the stylo of bnihlinir when the pirns
arc sr.bmitted. Their general idea la to
nave site steel-clad cells. The front will
be the jailer’s residence, and in addition
to the retntlar cells, will have apartments
(or lunatics, females and for juveniles.
day afternoon, and shown through tin
n.MPol, nn . ( n nwuMul . _f nn .. | uiiuii iui- rijio tn uum
‘ . ST* , P l ^ l of J??'larefnbmUUNi. Their
■traction. WMi completed, this build- . HjiM
ing will be one of the handsomest and
most elegant church edifices in the State,
Its location could not bare been better se
lected, and, when finished, it wifi prove a
most valuable and desirable improvement
to that portion of the city. About half the
work has already been done, and the re
mainder will be pushed forward as rapidly
os possible. The interior of the church
v. ,:i be arranged in the most modern and
approved style, and every detail will be
1 and finished. The bap-
Crawford Sheriff Sale.
sold before the court house door In the
towu of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday In
March next, within the legal hours of sale, the
undivided half interest in lot of land No. 234
and in 70 acres of lot No. 219, all in the first
district of said county. Levied on as the prop
erty of II. C. White by R. M. Bond, former
sheriff said county, to satisfy a tl fa Issued
from Crawford Superior Courtl n favor of
Catherine C. Wheeler vs. vald II. C. White.
Also at the same time an and place the west
half of lot of land No. 88, in the first district of
said county, to satisfy a cost ll fu issued from
Crawford Superior Court tn favor of T. I*. Oli
ver for use of officers of court vs. T. J. Lamar
WILL b© sold before the court bouse door, and O. C. Cleveland. Levied on as tbe property
v r tn the city of Macon^ during the legal of said T. J. Lamar.
Also at the same tiiue aud place lot of land
fgtflaal amttgflgtgts.
IJltib Uouniy.
Bibb County Sheriff’s Sale.
list murium irmr, me luiiunuig w
Ing machinery, difficult aud expensive to
move: One planer and matcher. 1 scroll saw.
I rip saw, 1 cut off saw, l shingle machine, I
boring machine. 1 mortlsiug machine, 1 line
shafting and belting. Levied on as tho prop
erty of W. Hclf and Zeno W. Whitney to sat
isfy a mortgage fl fa Issued from Bibb »uix>rinr
Court In favor of W. D. Williams vs. Z. W.
Helf and Zeno W Whitney. l'n»x>erty pointed
outIn said fi fa. O. 8. WESTCOTT.
^February 4th ,18M Claw tw*
a cost 11
■I of officers of court vs. A. N. smith.
Levied on as property of said A. N. Smith.
Also at the same time and place lot of land
No. £'», in tho secoud district. Levied on on
“ property of II. T. Banders, administrator of
.... estate of Mary K. Danlelly, deceased,'
satisfy a tax fi fa for State and county tax
If. F. Sanders, administrator.
Also athhe same time and place lot of land No
W, In the 7th district of said county. Levla
on the property of Mrs. Elizabeth Matthews to
satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and couuty tax vs.
said Elizabeth Matthews.
Also at the same time and place too acres of
lot of land No. 100, in the seventh district
of said county. Levied on aa tho property of
the estate of W. W. Mathews to satisfy a fi fa
for Htate and couuty tax vs. said W. \>. Math
ews. M. V. UEV1KRK, Hheriff.
February 4th, 1»L Mawlw
Bv mail Postpaid.
I Great Medical Work on Manhood!
4 h-:
•J' ....
The Largest Dealers in the South.
In Steam Engines, Boilers. Saw Mills, Saws, Shingle, Lath, Planing and
Matching Machinal, Water Wheels, Grist and Flouring Mills, Cano Mills.
Wagons, Separators, Cotton Gins, Presses, Sulky Plows, Rakes, Reapers and
Mowers, Shafting and Pulleys. Slcam Pumps. Botlor Feeders, Whistles. Gauges,
Lubricators, Saw Gummers, Tanito Emery Wheels, Rubber Hose and Belting,
Brass Goods, Piping and Engine Fittings of all kinds, Machinery Oil, Etc.
*3"Sec°od-haEd Michinerj at low prices. Look to yoar inter..t and get oar prices before buying.
39 and 41 West Alabama Street, - - ATLANTA, CA.
Exhausted Vltalltr. Nervous aud Physical
Debility. Premature Decline In Man.^Erroreot
Youth, and the untold inherit* resulting from
Indiscretions or excencs A book for every
man, yonng, mlddle-»gcd and old. Itonntalns
123 prescriptions for all acute and chronic dis
eases, each one of which Is invaluable. Bo
fhoud by the tu'hor. whose cxperlenco
for years Is such as probably never be
fore fell to the lot of any physlctan.SGO pages,
bound in beautiful, French muilin, emboweo
covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a flnsr
work in every sense—mechanical, literary and
S rofeaalonal—than any other work so id ii
ns country for *2.50, or tho money will be re
funded in every instance. Price only tl 00
by mail, postpaid- Illustrative sample 6 cents.
Bend now. Gold Medal awarded tbe author by
the National Medical Association, totheoffl*
cers of which he refers
Thia hook should be reed by the yonng for
instruction, and by the afflclted for relief. It
will benefit all —London Lancet.
There is no member of society to whom this
book will not be naef-*
guardian, instructor
^ Whereas, llenry I*. Jewett, executor of the
last will and testament Of Catherine William*,
i of said county, deceased, represents to
court,in hi spetitlon duly filed aud entered
record, that he has fully administered
Catherine Williams’s estate, aud fully execut
ed her said will.
This is. therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can why said executor should not be
discharged from nls executorship aud receive
letters of dismission on tbe first Monday in
May. im
\\ lines* my hand and official signature, this
February 1.1884. J. A. McM ANUS,
feM-lawSm* ordinary.
Van Valkeuburg, executor of last will and
teetament of Elizabeth Newsom, late <*f said
county, deceased, applies to me for letters of
dismission from said trust.
This will cite all concerned to show cause, if
any the? have, by the first Monday in April,
D8I. why said application should not be
Witness my hand officially! this January 7th
Janlt Uw3m Ordinary.
Boston, Mass., who may bo consulted on all
diseases requiring skill and oxpericneo.
Chronic and otstleati diseases that have
baffled the skill of all other I I10 A I physi
cians a specialty. Buch U-Ei ^ Ij tr«at-L
SZ"roMliin w ri Aouta “ THYSELF
■dec7wlv I
Dickson snd L. D. Moore, administrators do
bonis non on the estate of Mary Preston, lata of
Mid county, deceased, mcko- application for
letters of dismission from said tru»t.
This will cite all concerned to show cause,
if any they have, by tbe lint Monday In April
1831, why said application should not be grant
ed as prayed for:
Wltnem my hand officially, this January Tfh,
Janll lawSm Ordinary.
GEORGIA. Bibb Covsmr.—'Whereas, on the
6th day of June. 1884. E. J. Banks, of said
county and Htate, did make and execute to
Rolf 81m
October, th
Ingofaald s
to the said RoffHImii a mortgage
dn lot of land lying in the city
county and Htate, distinguished
_ principal,
r thereafter: a
better seenring of aaid sum of $160,
and deliver to th
deed on a certain
of Macon, said county and ....u UK u.au^
tn the plan of said city aa lot No. 2 in block
No. 7, and fronting lit feet more or lesson
Gilmer street; and. whereas, said K. J. Banka
did stipulate and agree In said morigage. that
upon his failure to pay said note at maturity,
the said Roff Hlras was thereby empowered to
enter upon and seise said lot of land, a
advertisement In the”*" *
on, a
sement In tbcTKUtoaAni akdMemlv
newspaper published in said county
...... .ate. once a week for four weeks, to sell
it at public outcry, and make good title tn fee
simple to the highest bidder therefor. This Is
to give notice that on tbe 6th day of March,
1384, said lot of land and Us appnrtenauees
will be sold at public outcry before tbe court
bouse door In said county and Htate, anil with
In tho legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
of which has Im-cd nald
sold subject to a prior lien on a part l Hi
held by the Ftucntx Loan Association. All of
which will be fully explained on the day of
Fe!>ruaryf>,188|-wed4t Attorneys.
carefully prepared and ttULshed. The bat>-
tbtery will be attnated to tbe left of the
pulpit, and will be so constructed as to re
main exposed all tiie time. We believe
this will DC the only Baptist Church south
of pfcfladglpbia appointed in this manner.;
Tbe choir will be arranged above thepui- j
pit. The committee In charge received i
yesterday z Urge consignment of artificial
. an<l tbe exterior work will be re-1
autneo this morning.
Tbe rumor that Dr. \\ arreti would at-!
to Atlanta is denied. He will
1 remain Su charge of tbe church here, I
ere be is universally ropected and be-1
Opium Habit Cured.
Why will you uao the poison when
you can lx* so easily cured? It will not
cost you hut little more to be treated
than to buy the drugs. Head tbe fol
lowing: .
I used opium forty years and was
cured by Dr. W. II. Jones.
G. II. Slapty,
Mandtallville, Ga.
Write to me and I
Libel for Divorco.
LuUeE. Bailors vs. Henry ‘C. Bailors. No 24
October Term, 1333, Bibb Superior Court.
It appearing to the court by the return of the
sheriff that aaid defendant in above stated caae
is not to be found tn the county of Bibb, and
ll appearing *o the court that aaid Henry C.
BaUors, dmeodant as aforesaid, resides out of
the Htate of Georgia, to-wiL, tn the diy of Kan
sas City, elate of atiaaourt. It is. therefore, or
dered by the court that service of the Uhel In
wherein the sheriff* sales
•1 I will give yon the pertor court,
name* of parties in Macon and other October22.
periorCourt, to , ■
April, 1831, to answer aaid libel, and that Ibis
order bwen’ered upon the minutes of mid
court of this date. ^
In open court, thlettl day of October, 1383.
T. J. HIMMONH. J m. c. M C.
Plaintiffs Attorney.
A troeextract from the mlnutesof^ Bibb du-
IMS. lamia
plan*8 whom I have cured.
All correspondence confidential.
W. L. Jones, M. D.
197 Fourth street, Macon, Ga.
' 1 ii iiitsHullhsn has mad* apf>li«Mti>m for
“ resist*-of"
W L. Haw ye r, administrator of tbe estate of
W’atsou Sawyer, of said county, deceased, ap
plies to me for leave to sell the real property
of said deceased. , •.
This will cite all concerned to show cause,
if any they hare,by the first Monday iu March,
1884, why said application should in/-* -
I Wltuc-kS my hand officially, this February 2,
MM. V. ». HOLTON, .
febSlawlw Ordinary.
Notlcoto Debtors and Cred
A LL persona having demands against the es
tate of Elizabeth Newsom, late of Crawford
co only,deceased, are hereby notideiUp Midi
tn their demands to the u"d«‘Vjried irecdntir _
to law; and ah pomons lei-hstm to said estate
are required to make immediate payment.
January t h, 1884. 17-law4w*
Macon County,
_ Mi. M flints Canon, exacutrix of James
A. Canon, deceased, has applied for letters of
dismission from her said tnut.
This is. therefore, to cite all penons con
cerned to appear ai the Court of Ordinary of
on the first Mi * *
ere to show ca—,
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this the 23th day of November, 1383
nov2twfm Ordinary.
H. U. Ruthin administrator de bonis non on
the estate of William Rushla, deceased,
applied for letters of dismission from aaid
This is, therefore, to ette and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at the
court of ordinary of said county on the first
Monday in April next, and show cause, if any,
why aa d letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
thia 1st day of January,
•J oncM County*
will continue the
; M-ttlement and collect th
With thanks for the
debts of the firm
fsvont and solicit a continuation of the hdh
for the ru-w battues*. Pair ilealings and living
profit*. Call and see for you reel*
jM-ct fill i y.
Kainit ’
Kainit !
^ CARGO ol the best, imported direct
from Gcrma and (or rale at very bottom
Dealer In Fertilize™,
ystrcct, Savannah, Ua.
JanlSd2t>. (lawlm
Isaac A.Sheppard A Co., Baltimore, Md
110 Cherry Street.
Macon Ga.
. ■My TegeUkle and FkwcrSwd r*t*I*c«*
1884, the reMult of thirty Tear*' etperlcaM w *
Heed Grower, will be *eat rrre to all who imIi.
All mj Heed le warranted to be freabraad trae t*
name. m> fhrthat nhould It prv«r othcrwUe,! **rr«
to reBil orders gratis. My ••olleotloo of vegetable
Heed, one or tbe moot extca*lve to be feano ta any
American Catalogue, Is a large part of It of me
own crowing. A* the orlclnaf Introducer *f
Kcllpae llrrt. Burbank Potatora. Marbl.bruJ
Early Corn, tbe llnhbard M«jaa*h. and ecore* of
ew Vegetable*. I Inultetbe patronage of the pab.
ie garden* and on th. farm* of lhT»*« who plank
will bo foaad my beat advertlarmcnt.
H. GREGORY. Seed Grower. Marblehead. Mata,
raftsajawtyiAb UEPUqnp.T.mA l.lMITinoKFKIttVth.r
.*» ‘4a4^ ? nVi l uVr&, ll KitV u ... „i:
them call i>n tn *i..| «.r th« gun for
thsm ai)vi:ktisi:uknt will
Al'ITAR aoai.v in this pa,
IS 1 1K ’ M> € 1 T IT ° l T - AihlreM or tall on
— - 231 BROADWAY,
P.O.Box 1408. Wow York City.
R«». J. R. Graves, Editor sod Proprietor “Boi tint,'
Memphis, Teon. aa; a: 1 received a pack ago of yoor
Llvar Medicine, nod have used about half of It. It
works Ilka a charm. 1 vast do better Uver Regulator
III 1 i il lull l TI llln’a mliTurii M
Rev. V. A. HofSat, Franklin. Kr.
itig.VAHi* ILabwt modi-
cin-> I *>-rt*krn in in/Ii?-. It
141 tiring U>«of Irjw-i -'•*. H«n I m«
aotetherp^ck^-. MuatLsralt. _
Crfjiszlksi C:-.r Z:uM2i3.
Tut up inCfic.nni' VI. packages
and bottlv "7
C.K S1MHCS3&C0.. > Uffi;s,Mo.
J.B. Johnana, M. I).. of Abboytlle, MUa, Aai*
Heeds. Pleats, etc. Xuvalual>!e to nil*
D.M, FERRY SCO. 0 ?.®.
1 COTTfiN.CQRN0.V/H ? AT. '
it . :v swi: • 1 i».•» a
1 r:7i:wiki> HAPHOW CO.CC'V^
*»•» •l-b u rati .... —
.Suetomachdragging. i<uitm<w,.,L. ..MP
bmay *»»awwl«l« laluam dba.
i Sadiag BraUNtfuy IMt
u rmtUM*. Attar aatagtma
d sal swat sad ■■dlir m,
•in i ' 'I : •• • i i -« i il *is,tm il; I. i i i i . •
Aoiurr* ahoubl not (ail l>
Ber of premiums eliewbere i
This U to cite and admoniah all persons I
ned to be and appear at the court r>f
of aaid county on the first Mrmda;
m | dtmuT — —
March next to abow cause. If any they
wee our W hj aaid appUcatioo Should not be granteel.
q this U-
\ imsrm m
... II,.. . anwrtwj
| M«*ir
right away than anything elso in this work
*' « await the workers ab*oluu-lr
address Tet r A Co., Augusta,
"gltlnirdi i.iilr.fiwc-oaappliL.n.