Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, February 29, 1884, Image 8

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8 THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2«J, 1884. PREMIUMS FOR CLUBS. Wo will send the "Weekly _ Tele graph and Messenger for one year, free, to any one who will get up a club of five subscribers for it at one dollar and twenty-five cents each per year; or to any one who will get up a club of ten subscribers to it at one dollar each- per year. This is an easy way to se cure without cost the best weekly pa per published in Georgia. Give it a trial. i your boy Smith’s Worm Oil. AN EXCITING RACE. THE ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Officer Halve Fennell Capture* cr-.ped Convict. As some gentlemen were passing along an old shanty near the mound on the east side of the river yesterday morning, they vaw a negro woman dart behind the door, as if evading them. Her actions were so j-trange that they aroused their suspicions and. on going into town, they reported the matter to Officer Harve Fennell, who was then on the lookout for an escaped con vict, a woman named Millie Wilson. The officer weighs a trifle over two hun dred pmyids, but he knuckles to no man in a raw'. He went out to the shanty, but the woman saw his portly form coming up III bill and she started for the woods, tak ing a path around Subers’s fish pond. The officer forgot about his weight, and deter mined on capturing her. To head her off it was necessary to cross the pond, and without stopping to consider the depth or coldness of the water, be plunged in and soon fonnd himself up to the neck. Being a good swimmer, no reached the shore and then the race began in earnest. The woman nad a g« od start, but the officer gained on her fast. She made a break for a lot of gallberry bushes and left fragments of her ressonthc twigs as souvenirs to the of- cer, but he kept on. The villain still pur sued her. With one bound she leaped across a wide ditch, no doubt believing that the short legs of the officer could not compass the gap, but she was mistaken. The officer broke one suspender button in the attempt, but went over like a gay ga zelle. He reached out one hand to grasp the fleeing female but she flitted away like a phantom, and on they sped Trees, sapplings and bushes bent before them like frail reeds before the storm, and they pushed through the tanclewhod like snow plows through a landslide. Finally the hand of the officer reached out far enough and the woman was a pris oner. gasping and panting. She was taken to the shanty and made to shoulder her valise, which was a heavy one. The officer then took his prisoner up town, where he replaced his wet uniform with dry citizens’ clothes, and then brought the woman to the barracks. . She proved to be Millie Wilson, a negro woman sentenced by Judge Simmons to eight years in the penitentiary for stealing from another negro on Mr. Johnson Wise's place, in the Godfrey district. She was sent to Lowe’s camp at Du bois on the Macon «fc Brunswick railroad, but escaped last August with a male con vict. A reward of one hundred dollars was offered for the man. and as it was thought that the finding of his whereabouts d< pended upon finding tho woman, every search was made for her by the officials. She has been aiOuiiu Mneuit fur euuiu tline, iiever com ing into the city except at night. Her va lise is full of new clothes, and it may be that she has not recovered from her old habit of stealing. Captain Ifwa will be notified of her capture. Report of the Joint Committee from City Council and Commissioner*. We have been requested by the road commissioners to publish the following: Your committee appointed to investi gate the present system of working the public roads of Bibb county, and to recom mend plans of a more economical charac ter, beg to make the following report: Our investigation led us to address the following communication to the mayor and city council of the city of Macon: Macon, Ga., June 4. 1883.—To the Hon orable, the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Macon: we the undersigned commit tee appointed bv the road board of com missioners of Bibb county, beg leave to state that we have met your committee on streets and after discussing the plans which we propose to recommend to our Ins And whether the weather was fair and clear, Or whether the wean waa rough aud gray, The bottle hod nothing to care or fear; Yet the ship was an iron and oaken mass And the other was nothing but brittle glass— Where the billows rose highest the storm-king flew Over the sea; And the waters foamed tnd the wild winds blew. While the mad waves tossed in a whirling glee, And all that was left of ship and crew Came, bringing its message with silent lips Of the perils of thr * * - • A bottle. which we propose to recommend to our road board, that we jointly agreed that it would be desirable to ask your board to appoint a committee to meet with us at some convenient time between this and next Saturday. We ask this be cause we feel the importance of some changes in the present system of working the streets of the city of Macon and the roads of the county, and would respectful ly solicit that you will appoint a special Blooded Hogs. Mr. George M. Prescott, of Wylly, Ga., off) rs some fine blooded pigs for sale. See his advertisement. committee, who will co-operate with us in recommending such changes as we may mutually agree upon. Very respectfully, W U Tin* vti v . ’lifjirninn • W. fc. Brantly, Chairman; It. A. XlSBKT. I. B. English, It. E. Park, W. H. MaksAeld,’ W. L. Buroav. . t In answer to this the mayor appointed the following committee of conference; A. Proudfit. W. A. Davis and H. Horne. This conference took place on June 5, when your committee presented the fol lowing facts for consideration: 1st. That while the chain-gang had cost the county $475 per month, that hut $75 of this amount had actually been expended for the support of the convicts, the bal ance going to defray the expenses of over seer, guards and other expenses incurred in its management. That in view of the fact that the city, according to the report of Mr.W. A. Davis, chairman of the street committee, paid out $300 per month with an average of thirteen hancis on actual labor roll, your committee proposed the following: That the city should take the convicts, (the average be- ing about twenty per month) which would cost the city say at a liberal calculation $3 lie — — * per month, rations $G0, and allowing for two guards $37.50, each, $75—total $135; leaving $1(15 out of their present appropri ation lor labor. With this amount seven or more than one-half, of their present *• - -ifs working force could be retained. This force, supplemented by the twenty convicts, the committee on the part of the city readily “ :1c Jpi .... ackowledged would be more efficient than the present system at no greater cost, and therefore recommended that the city should take the convicts the full term of twelve months, retaining one tent, one pair mules and one wagon, and that the county shonld have the present appropriation of your board in money, to work by contract or in any other manner that your board might adopt. This recommendation of the street committee, was, at tho request of said committee, represented by your committee in person before the city council at its meeting following the abovo mentioned conference, but up to this date we have not heard anything definite from them, and An Attractive Feature. V»c are pleased to learn that Atlanta': progressive, illustrated, agricultural, in dustrial and family paper, tho Southern World, will, in addition to its many other attractive features, commence in the issue of April tho 1st, the publication of a thrill ing serial from the pen of Virginia’s popn- lar son Arid distinguished author, John Eeten Cooke. The story is one ofwell-sns- tained intefttt front too opening to_the closing chapters, and the itoryof '•Rose Darrel'’ is destined to beat popular as •‘Surrey of Engle’s Neat.” An edition of 30,000 copies (of twenty-fourormore pages «»• 1.1 will be issued, and it will be a capi tal time to subscribe to, or advertise in that j>opular journal. One dollar per year • for twenty-four numbers of »uch an excel lent paper is but a trifle. One or two of its numbers arc frequently worth twice the amount. Sample copies lent free, or three months for twenty-five cents. Try it and you will be delighted with your in vestment. Address. The Southern World. Atlanta, Oa. Erneet McGoffey, in the Current. Executor’s Sale A bottle. u. WILL be told on the first Tuesday in March, before the court houfe door, in Macon, Bibb county, between 1 the legal fractional lot of land No. 157, district of originally Baldwin.tbenTwiggs,now Bibb county, containing Ml acres first quality swamp land, on the east side of the Ocmulgec river, about seven miles below Macon, where the Macon and Brunswick railroad crosses the river. Never having called on the Macon and Brunswick railroad for the right of way, the purchaser will have that right. Sold as the property of Geo. R. Clayton, de ceased, of Baldwin county. Terms cash. PHILIP A. CLAYTON, febl-law4w Executor. RICHMOND, VA hose who go down in ships— Consumption Cured* An old physician, retired from pri ids tice having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the Bpeedy and permanent cure of Con sumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Ner vous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers m thou sands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by his motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149, Poxctrt Block, Bochctler, Xcw York. scp!4weowl9t 6 GEORGIA. BIBB COUNYT. -Whtreas, Chaa. X) E Schofield, administrator de ho- Is the estate of D. 8. Little, late of said county, de ceased,has made application for letters of dls- mlaslonfrom said estate. This i«. therefore, to cite and* admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the court of ordinary oissld county on the first Monday in Marcn next to show cause, if any they can, why said letters of dismission should ouHiu *i*naiure, u J. A. McM ANUS, Ordinary. . GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas, Will- lam Rvdcr, guardian of the children of R. R. and M. A. T. Mlnshew. has made applica tion for letters oi dismission from his guar dianabip. This Is, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be end appear at the court of ordinary of said county ou the first Monday in March next to show cause, iiany they can. why said letters of dismission should not bo granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this Decemlter 1,1888. J. A. McM«NU8, dec5-Iaw3m 4> Ordinary. $ GEOIM1A, BIBB COUNTY.- Whereas. Bob! H. Plant, having in due form applied to tho un designed for the guar Han*hip of (he person a # .d property of James Nisbet flazlehurst. Fan nie Wingfield Hazlehutvt. Louisa Nistet Hazlc- hurst and Farah Harriet Hszlehurst, minor children of George H. Htzlehurst, late of the State of Tennessee, deceased. Notice is hereby given thst his aprlicatton will be heard at the February term, 1884, of the court of ordinary of said county. Witness my hand and official signature, this January 10.1884, J A. McM AN(78, Janll-Uwlw THE DIXIE OX WHEE DIX| V B ” W Our S cheap First- clasB ENGINE f jr i n ; STANDARD ENGINE. GRIST AND SAW MILLS, Agents should not fail to see our offer of premiums elsewhere in this is sue. tf 11 cniu niijumiK ut-mmtj iium tuuu. uiiu would respectfully ask that a copy of this report, together with the following resolu tion, bo directed to the mayor and city council for their consideration: ‘•That whereas. The public roads of Bibb county and the streets of the city of Ma con, according to official information bo- foro us, represent 141 miles of road for the county and 21 miles of streets for the A Lady’s Lite May depend upon tho medical treatment she receives for tho removal of iho*e trouble* pecu liar to her avx. That these affections cau be cured Is clearly de*r onstrated by thousands of testimonials on file at the office of Dr*. Jack son k Barnett. N. E. corner Race and Ninth streets, Cincinnati, Ohio. Our advice to our lady readers Is to corres pond with them. They are skillful and learned and always meet with success In their « ractlce. The appended letter from tho wife of Rev. 8. L. Binkley, which is nubihhed by permission, shows tho efficacy of their treatment: Martinsville. I» d.. June 19.1875. Drs. Jackson & Burnett,Cor. Race and 9ih Bis., Cincinnati. Ohio.: Dear Sirs: I have been an invalid for several years. Yout M.U. Par lilies were recommended to me by a phyalclan. When 1 cornu enced their use, 1 bad been unab’e to wtlk for nearly two yean without the use of an instrument. After using lc«s than one bex of the rastillcs. I laid the instrument •side, never s.nia to take it up, and in two months was easily cured of Retrovcislon and Prolapsus of the terus. Have also been enred of Leucorrhcca. From my own expeiLu^ and thst of some half dozen others tbathav* used th- m. I consider the Paitilles the mos. valuable medicine ever given to the poor suffering woman, as they have never failed in effecting the desired result when properly used. Ladies too sensitive and timid to call on a physician lor advice and treatment, have here a valuable medicine In their own hands. Yours respectfully. MR9. L «>. BINKLEY. Prf, J, A B, show their fal'h in tneir remedy Jr rending a sample box free upon^rcce pt o city: and •’Whereas, The cost of maintaining said roads and streets, aocordlng to present ap propriations, Is over $80 per mile: "Hi Resolved, That in our tnt the county is not receiving a fair equivalent for the amount of money expended, and that we respectfully ask that they adopt the recommendation of the joint commit tee or suggest some plan that their judg ment may deem better.” ^ W. S. Brantly, Chairman; R. A. NiBBrr, 1. B. English, W. II. Mansfield, R. E. Park, W. L. Burgay. THE RINC FAMILY. the Turnpike. Last night the ebaingahg Was tendered to the county for ono week to work on that portion of the Houston road known as Wiley’s turnpike. A visit was made to it yesterday by Aldermen Davis and Fxouillic, and thiy reported it was iu an almost impassable condition. As good roads arc as much a benefit to the city as to the county, the council took this ac» They Receive a Letter That Does Them a Deal of Good. Some few months ago we published the statement that the family of an old printer named Ring were in Macon, having moved hereabout a year ago from Americus. Wc stated at the time that Mr. Ring was the son of an Indian named Welsh. While Welsh was on his way with his family tbrongh Arkansas to the Indian reserva tion. the entire family died with the ex ception of one boy, who was adopted and brought tin by a Dr. Ring. A special act of the legislature changed the boy’s name from Welsh to Ring. The boy grew to manhood, married and settled down in 8amter county, where he died, leaving a wife and six small children. Two of the boys are at work at Bemd Bros., one goes to school, one is at home blind, and thorq Ordinary. iGEORGIA BIPB COUNTY.-Whereas, , !.T b«rt Mlx,exfcutor of the estate of Trc*. IHnes, has made application for letters of dis mission from said estate. This 1* to cite and admonish all persons con March next, to show cause, if any they can why said application should not bo granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this December 5.1883. J. A. McMANUa, dec7-law3m Ordinary Craxvlbrd C oun y. Administrator’s Sale. fore the court house door, in the town of Knoxville, Ga., north half oi lot of land No. 11 and south half of laud No. 12, being 202V, acres, more or less, all in the third district o': said county, and known as the Watson Saw yer s place, and sold as the property of the estate of the late Watson Sawyer, late of wild county,deceased, for distribution. Terms cash. GEORGE L. SAWYER, Crawford Sheriff Sale. EORGJA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Will be sold before tho court house door in the town of Knoxville, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, the I M undividedhsl.interest intoto, \ MtA \M Oil MM ix 'Jo- etxmps, to postwe, «to a 1 Pure Blooded Hogs. EUSF.Y RED.SalUe Berkshire,Imported Poland China, Imported Essex Pigs fur sale—115.00 per pair. GEO. M. PP.ESTCOTT, feb2SwdltAs*3t Wylly. Ga, For Sale. cents a bushel on cars, and six thor oughbred Berkshire boar pigs three months old, best pedigree, $10 each, on cars. First money gets them. R. E. PARK. Macon, Ga.. or J. T. DOZIER. feb21w4t Holton, Ga, fftdqnl SUinnsnntnts. Bibb Countv- - appl letters of administration on the estate of Mary Kerwln, late of said county, deceased. This is to cite and admonish all persons conce ned to be and appear at tho court of or dinary of said county on the first Monday In March next to show cause, if any they can, why said application shonld not be granted. MV itness my hand and official signature, this February 1.18M. J. A. McM AN U 8, fobMflWtW* Ordinary, TALBOTT & SONS MACON, OA. I~ . t • > • t a .iy t:-»9 compaT,Mn n wrth y othtr b ma t kef. lmp '° in Con *ruction and durabio. all wo ask S. S. PEGB&M, Slanogror. TA. 13 OT^r M ICGN.UBOUGI SILVERWARE! For Household Use, BIRTHDAY ! CENTRAL FURNITURE HOUSE WEDDING PRESENTS 1 La fee stock and Low Prices. £aHsend for Catalogue. J. P. STEVENS & CO. f*b8wly Macon. Ga. 266TH EDITION PRICE ONLY $1 Bv Mail Postpaid. MATS, »to„ elo., M can b« found in nny Boors in tho Sooth. I nm determined to lead rather than to be lead in the matter of good go-ids and low price*. LOflk A, aet (C) good Chalra for |‘>.7iS. *‘L ! tilo Beauty" Bed Room Suit.aevon , ” y! fo ,‘ S n !, v i 185 ?* "Getn” Bed Room Suit complete ten (10) pieced foi only *22.50. Star Fall Marble Freneh Dresser Smt, ten piooe?, tip-top good-*, hound to pleaee, $4o.00. Parlor Suits, Loungee, Safes, etc,, "away down yonder.” Send your orders to tho * KNOW THYSELF. and in 70 acres of lot No. 219. all in the firat district of said county. Levied on as the prop erty of If. C. White by R. M. Bond, former sheriff said county, to satisfy » fl fa issued from Crawford Superior Court! n favor * Catherine C. Wheeler vs. said If. C. White. Also at the same time an aud place the wost half of lot of land No. 8H, in the first district of said county, to satisfy a cost tl fa Issued from Crawford Superior Court in favor of T. 1*. Oli ver for use of officers of court vs. T. J. Lamai and O. C. Cleveland. Levied on as the property of anld T. J. Umar. Also at the same time and place lot ofland No. 58, in the seventh district of said county,to satisfy a cost fl fa in favor of M. E. Danlclly for use of officers of court vs. A. N. Smith. Levied on as property of said A. N. Smith. Also at the same time and place lot of land No. 25, in the second district. Levied on as property of II. T. Sanders, admluistiatorof estate of Mary E.’ Danielly, deceased, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htato and county tax vs II. F. Handers, administrator. . Also a«|thc same time and place lot of land No 89, In tho 7th district of said county. Levi# on the property of Mrs. Elizabeth Matthews to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and county tax vs. said Elizabeth Matthews. Also at the same time and place 100 acres of lot of land No. 100, la the seventh district of said countv. Levied on as the property of the estate of W. W. Mathews to satisfy a fl la for State and county tax vs. said w. w. Math ews. >1. i\ REVIERK, Sheriff. *• February 4tb, 1881. 5-law4w Debility, Premature Decline in Man,;Erfonoi Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from I IndLcrrtions or excesses. A book for every roan, young, middle-iced and old. Itcnntains 125 prtsnrlptlons for all acute and chronic dis eases, each one of which is invaluable. So fhoud by the su'hor, whose- experience oovers, full gilt, guaranteed to bo a'finsi I work in every sense—mechanical, literary and iprofcsaional—than any other work sold iti this country for -2.50, or the money will be re L funded In every instance. Price only 1100 by mall, p—tpyd* _ Illustrative sampleicenti.| mftKKKt pastes Send now. Gold Medal awarded the author by I |the National Medical Association, totbeoffl- ^■of which he refers For Charity—Gentle Charity’s Sake. While winter cold rules everything, it is almost like a m of summer sunshine of the iucunmlablc heap of good (never to be known by mortal ken on this earth) that is done daily and hourly in the city of New Orleans, La., by the far-famed Char ity Hospital, maintained by the Spaniard, the French, the American, the Confeder ate 8tate, and now more active in its mis sion of good than ever, sustained by the royal bonus of $1,000,000 paid for its Iran- chiles by The Ixmisianu State Lotterv. the next (Ihe 106th) Monthly Drawing of which will occur on March 11.1884, and of which M. A. Dauphin, at New Orleans, La., will give all information. _ two girls. By on accident, Mr. J. J. Clay, in one of wliose houses the family is living, heard of their claim, and he interested himself in their behalf. By writing and rewriting he finally found a trace of the claim at Washington. Knowing that Hon. Thoa. Hardeman was on the committee on terri tories, Mr. Clay forwarded all the papers n * Colonel Hardeman exerted himself to out the claim, and yesterday Mr. Clay received a letter from him which con tained sema geed k? tks family. Bibb County Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA. CRAWFORD CQUNtr.-C. W. V*n Valkcnbnre, cYcentorol tut will and tol.Bcnt ol Elfubcth S.WMm l.ta c< Mid county, decMKd, apt lie. to mo for IctWnof dl.mlnton from »ld trait. ThU will clu .11 concerned to ill Mr mum, If tny they hive, by tho Dm Monday In April 1*m, why mid oppUc.Uca should not be pouted witness my hind pScIslIy’ th!« J.nn.rr 7th ISM. VIR0IL8.not.TON, jonlMtwim ordinary. u dc tom wiorf wt- court iniu-.u uour. • • iu the city of Macon, during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in March, next, the following property, to-wit: One seventh undivided Interest of the whole of the building known as the Findlay's Iron Works, on the corner of Third, Oglethorpe and U “ jro streets, la the city of Macon, in sold of Bibb. Levied on as the property of wwntyof Bibb. Levied on as the property of C.8.* G. W. Findlay to satisfy a fl fa is sued from Justice Court 716th district. G. M., in favor of P. H. Wood vs. C. 8. & U. W. Find lay. Levy made and returned to me by a cot stable. G. 8. WE8TOTT, Hheriff. February 4,1884. 61aw4w* Bibb County Sheriff’s Sale. Thomas Harrow* TVe btve rtcelred from the Tbomu Harrow Company, of Genera, K. Y., their annual catalogue, illustrating the Thoma. Harrow, ao long aud farorable known, nnd their new lmpleuMnt. the Perfected Fulrerizer. The claims which th. Harrow Company make (or tlieie implement, are very strong, and ahonld commandthc at tention of all farmers, both (or the most efficient preparation of the ground and the xubse<(ucnt care and cultivation of the growing crop. We advise our reader, to send to the company for this catalogue, m UUiVU SUUM -UvU .iwte£> .w* ..kittli/. He saya "their names are on the Indian rolls, and they are entitled to some money, but the Indians are contending that those here are not entitled to any money from the treaty with the United States. Thii question is before the Court of claims; but 1 am informed at the depart ment there Is no gum in it and it will be decided soon. There is quite a sum now that belongs to the Indians, the children of Ring included, as they are on the rolls in the Department of the Interior. The evidence of their identity is on file here, and they have now awaiting decision over 1300 apiece, and when the land is sold be longing to the tribe it will amount to almut S .000per head. It may be sometime fore it is decided.” U r ILL tie sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the bnildlng known m the Rock Mill, on Pina street, east of tho Cen tral railroad track, the following property, be ing machinery, difficult and expensive to move: One planer and matcher. 1 scroll saw, 1 ripsaw, 4 cut off saw, 1 shingle machine, 1 bom A Sad Errand. A few days ago Major Sterling Neal, of Fort Valley, received a telegram from Athens, Tenn., announcing the critical illness of his daughter Alice, Mrs. McAf- fery, at that place. He left at once with * v . OfMQ," " * -• * The City of Augusta. Mr. H. C. Gercke, Augusta. Ga.. hij recommends Norman's Neutralizing dial as the best, most pleasant and the most harmless family medicine in exist- tence. It is gaining a strong foothold in the households that have used it and is destined to become the most popular .med icine in use. GEURGI4. CRAWFORD COUN rY.—Thomas lekson and L. D. Moore. adminUtrators dc bonis non on the estate of Mary Preston, late of ■aid county, deceased, make application for Utters of dismission from said tru-t. This will cite all concerned to show eanse. will benefit all —London LanctL^^ There is no member of society to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Argonaut, Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, I or Dr. W II. PARKER, No. 4 Bnlflnch street 1 Boston, 31***., who maybe consulted on all diseases requiring aVlll and experience. Chronic and olstl-ab diseases that have baffled the skit) of all other it pi i Pb?ii| clans a »i*ccialtv. Such tr«»tl led succcMfullv without an »riIVVJPl U instance of failure. X1JL X fjiiJLi * ■4'C'wlT Nos. 60 and 62 Poplar Street, U» front for the patronage of the people, with as complete and well assorted etock Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Shades, Rugs, * 4 Central Fui’niture House l For anything yon need from a 4.', oents chair to a $1J5D bedstead, to a $.100.00 Bedroom Suit, onu I guarantee satisfaction. BENJAMIN SKALOWSKI THE FQSS & PEVEY COTTON CARD. LOWELL Massachusctt: UPWARDS OF SIX THOUSAND IN OPERATION. OVER SEVEN HUNDRED IN GEORGIA (MILLS 07* Reference, J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb Manufacturing Company,JMacon, Go. lUIIWIIl C1WUI WJ1OTUVU W HIUW CRUItf. If any they have, bv the flrtt Monday In April *d as prayed for: nEORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY .-George v* L. Kawyer,-administrator of the estate of plies to me ( . to sell the real propel of said deceased. ThU will cite all ennreroed to show cause, if any they have,by the first Monday in March, 18M, why said application should not be ^Vitness my hand officially, this February 2, 1881. V. 8. HOLTON, ’JSCXSSiLTt \7\um debility,exhausted powers, pr..-matct« drvi.y end failure to pcr.'ornt I'.tV'e duties propcrlj are ir&ozcu 1/ eVrrfu t and ladir.f zcctczatia&u ha=.:h and vlffortasjaanDO' 4 h TH^MARSTX) 'fcLLyUWSr. ENGINES, GINS, SAW MILLS, ETC. ^ 1 L noeafsl Uttm bsu--. r J -... cr - T —. pew and direct method* Milpl-elnn thor* onebnera. Full isfermatioa sad Trratteo frte. i Coseoitiac f kyskiaa of MARST0H REMEDYCa.4CW.UthD. Mew York. boring machine. 1 mortising machine. 1 line shafting and belting. Levied on as the prop erty of Z. W. 8elf and Zeno W. Whitney to sat isfy a mortgage fl fa issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of W. I». William* v*. Z. W. Self and Zeno W Whitney, property polutec out in «ald fl fa. O. 8. wfesTCOTT. sheriff. * February 4th ,18M 6-law4w # tTATE OF GEORGIA, IHBB COUNTY.— Whereas. Henry L. Jewett, executor of the last will and testament of Catherine Williams, late of said county, deceased, represents to thecourt.in hi rpetition duly filed ami entered I Ion record, that he has fully administered Catherine Williams’s estate, and fully execut ed her said will. ' This is, therefore to cite all persons con-1 cerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if discharged from his letters of dismission M e.rh. February 1.18M. feb6-law3m* the first Monday in hand and official signature, this “cMANUB, Notlceto Debtof b and Ct ed itors. A LL persons having dsmands against thces- H late of Elizabeth Kewdom, lata of Crawford county.deceased, are hereby notified to aside* tn thefr demands to the undesigned according to law: and al dohods fcnVtotdl to said estate to Jaw: and si domds hi-vsitoa to said csts *" r*4Ulrad V* LKtNBrS Jtntury 4 b. UM. Uai-on County. _ M i. M.IIim unm, cucutrfx of J.mc. A. Cum. dratMiiJ, kM .ppltrt for letter, ef ceraedto.ppe.railh.Coim ol Ordinary of mid county on the Bret Monday In Much next * there to .how cuu, if - •* the family physician, hut the died of heart di*eaae oa Tbadu night. ■tains paswl through Macon hut rmpanledbr Mai. Xcal and Mr. McAliiery. They will be tmried in Fort Valley. About eight month, ago Ifn. McAOery vart a bride. She was well-known and bad a largr > irdeof friends in Houston coun ty. and in Macon. i \ RD1NAK) 8 Urrlix. JU>fca * <i., ua., 11 February UM.—Whercaa.W. D. H. John- ran applies to me tor sdmlnUlrattnn de boats non with the will annexed, on e.ute oi Will- i.m Johnron. late deemed, ol Jones county. These are. therefore, to rite and admonl.h allpenon. concerned to .how taiueatthu office on or by the Bnt Monday in April next. II any they have, why the Mine dull not he ,r wimcM my hand officially. feUTtd K- T. ItOSO, Ordinary. Stole Hia Wife. A Fight In Columbus. From panengen on the train from Colnmbu. yesterday afternoon, we learn the following particular, of a light which took place in that city on Sunday night. Policemen J. W. Tice and W. P. Duncan arreeted a man who waa drank and dl» orderly at a barroom on Bridee Bow kept by James and William Hammond. The police were attacked by the Hammond, and a man named A. K Godfrey. Jaraee Hammond .truck Tice with hia Hit and knocked him down, and then began firing “ — ■■■ ■—T—:i - S rv- Duncan fired' two or three shot*, one •triking Godfrey in the thigh. Will Ham mond received a blow between the eyes with the butt of Duncan's pistol. Some fifteen or sixteen shots were fired, none of Libel for Divorce. Lallek. Bailor, vi. Henry C. Sailors No 24 October Term, 1V5J. Bfbb Snperfor Court. It appeartn* to the conn by the retain ol the •»** dWmdmt In ahore waled caee Chief Wiley reeelred a telegram on Tueeday from Section Master Ligon, at Genera, to arrest one Fade Davis ami Mary Ear.deri, botli negroes. The police ■t . re no: Jed. bnt no trace of them could I them striking the policemen. It it gener- c found. Yesterday afternoon M.ry'a ally thought that the tiolicemen were ju,ti- hu-lu:ul applied totiie chief for an officer, ‘ bed in their action, and tho cusc turned irer to officer Dam . , bad Fade andMary incus-j Iti.agood rule to accept only auch t ■ l It that Mary rfther huxband medicine, a> hare, after long year* of tri- a.. ii h Mrena;. ! chiped'with Fade. al, prove. 1 worthy of conlhience. This U It trn».; ir' 'l m the afternoon that Fadi-1 a eatw where other people', experience it nl«o wanted In Jones count. 1 • • • ■ • serious i barge, and the news o ~“ ‘ ‘ - ed today W the deredTylSfeconrt thefKTtoe'if^ma'uSMn I sSr«anBH&; non Of this order in ' ■enger, a ncwipawsr wherein me inert it* saxes ofin fountyoTwbb are published. <»ea a month tor four months audit U further ordiw* the' i [ IIU! to show esuss. If any, why told letters should not be grantedi Given under my hand and official signature, tbUUt.Mthd.yotSo.^r.UB^ norawfm Ordinary. QF-ORQtA, MACON OOUNTT.-Wherea., H. H. Ruthin ailmlnutrator dehonl. non on ttueetataof William Rtuhin. deceand. ha rn ofdluniaion from mid ad applied for letters ■miatiotion. c This U. therefore, to cite and admonish all penon. concerned to be and appear at the coon ol ordinary of ..Id connty on the Bnt Monday in April nest, and .how canw. If any, why m d letter, .hould not herrsnled. tflTen under my hand and official ilfnatnrr, UtUHtdayoIJranmy,,^^ ^ |en>lawtm OjdtMg. J oncH County. Dissolution. ft LINTON, February 1. 1*M.-The firm ol \j I in!..-uheck it Co. ha. thit day by utttual EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES tifegagftr. PERKINS BROS., ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. The Largest Dealers in the South. In Steam Engine., Boilers. Saw Mill., Saws, Shingle, Lath, Planing and Matching Machines, Water Wheel), Grist and Flouring Mills, Cane Mills, Wagons, Separator,, Cotton Gin,, Prettei, Sulky Plow,, Raket, Reaper, and Mower,, Shafting and Pulley,. Steam Pumps, Boiler Feeders, Whistles. Gauges, Lubricators, Saw Gutnmers, Tanile Emery Wheel,, Rubber Hose and Belting, Bra,, Good,, Piping and Engine Fitting, of all kind,, Machinery Oil, Etc. •rsecontl-hud Machinery nt'ow prices. Look to your Interest nnd get cur j rices before buying. PERKINS BROTHERS, 39 and 41 West Alabama Street, - - ATLANTA, GA. EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ALL PUEtCHBSEBS CM BE SUITED 1MH4, the mallgruirtl *r»n>’ rtprrlrgrt-ta g *♦*4 (irotm.wtU W m-M fwr «.» tall whu apply. All rny few* la Wtrr»*i,d to kc frr*lk>«ail Im to that akoal4 It provr ollirn»l.v,l m*n r, -rw aratla. M, r^lr«-U«.n of v rwri.klc tke aiont nuael.r to br found la aajr Anerlnui Catalogue*, l« a larar part of It ofmr r*i!pf*Von»" l ?ii *INma*MarkbTbra*l_ .. .rrt.T~-.hu .T.u Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,Baltimore,Md. AND FOR KAI.B-ny OF.O. 8. OBEAK. ' HO Cherry street, ©OjPHefore buying an expensive Harrow,send for Illustrated Pam phlet of the Thomas Harrow and Pulverizer, in Oak or Iron Frame. It is used by 100,000 best flintier*, and has been manufactured fbrlO year*. It combines effectiveness H- with eheapnefis and durability. < “w W “|L*hSSSK' will continue the ***** and ‘ l, <' a P 1 J cnlllvatcw SlSIST'ttflSS rose mis. . N.Y. Chicago. Ill *»1 tor., do the new bnstness. Fnlt nnnenr al the Aiefl term, lMtof s^d Bibb «njaa— r«-rinr Court, to ue neM" .’and lirine and ,wo Pkatagl in synltisrttinf; hu-tness am, snake sriUrment and collect th.-' growing crojm, particulnrfy Cotton, ■tetits of the firm. With thank, for the put j u will positively nose one Itoeini: fssors and aollrH * rootlnusslon of the.™- ■ * _ , for the new bnslnrs*. Knlrdenlll prollt*. s.'ntl and — 'RSw.wiw- k: t. Ko.-». S*rD*l *lx ceuu t- OinU> wu uwrHw g case wlitre outer people s expenenct int y PP * may be of great service, and it lias been i of his amat the experience of thouiand* that Ayer 1 * , he authorities Cherry i'ectoral is the test cough medicine p« April'. IMU to answer «aid libel, and U>at this u ' 01 T mi in n ***«*"*•***«*•. \ PK /.K IlSlf S jEMlioM, fl 1 lllUU* ofeither N*,lono«mmt Haiutifft AtbMoey. , right away than anything cue mini* world. A tracexuxct from the minutes of £U.bdn- " rrioe Const. A. B. *0Se. Lit rk. Octeber ZL lUA. ir&U the ltxtt workers abaolnu-ly It one* xddrets Tors k Co., Augusta, > fetdwly Inca a tar yooretif. V«t rt- (young) Cotton, and a proport Iona.*o ¥ amount in Com anil Wiicat. Full lllnatrated pamphlets sent on appli cation. For sale by over 1,000 deal- erwin all parts of theU. S. Agent* wanted In unoccupied territory. Address Thr Thomas Harrow Co* lin.tr.vr*; -..ry tiiN-»v 11 .r- ! i : - -»1 -. tit .t > in an r I tl.. !r L'a’i! tr. i t, .v ir. I - ■ - S. . H W. "(.ard« - • *.. :i 1 < ■ .t.i.f. f.i IfLM. Catalogueot << 12veryilalng l«» llTOf IbC -4-.V-* 'fl, an W irl. 1 $5.00 , ti nnd 9 nrm Topic PETER HENDERSON & CO W k Ir.p t.A.l . fr.. • it .I I iHSi SEEDSMEN A FLORISTS. 35 A 37 Cort/anilt St , Meet foi petci^p.iici|0R i .r seeds punts