Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, March 07, 1884, Image 5

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TIIE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER 1 FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1884. TO SUBSCRIBERS. We will credit any subscriber to the Weekly Telegraph and Messenger with one year’s subscription who will send us a club of iivo subscribers at $1.25 each, or ten at $1 each. This iB easy way to pay your next year’s subscription. Give it a trial. tf CONVICT LITICATION ACAIN. FROM ATLANTA. . Mar.hal Lona.tr.ot 3c- ,h. SprIn«T Commltt..-»um- pon.lon of 8cnt.no. In th. United State. Court. jefccial connKsrosDESCE l March3.-0cneral Longstreet, State, marshal for the northern *E- Georgia, returned tin. morning ^ Washington CUy, where he np- fr 0 ® f or c the Springer investigating Renewal of the Case Betweenthe Lessees neare * - 1 * 11 marl* and the Marietta and North Georgia, Atlanta, March 3.—Since the Supreme 4 Athers.' General Longstreet expresses Court declared unconstitutional the act of 13 .. o.tuflpd with the re- the last Legislature giving 250 convicts to the Marietta and fcorth Georgiu railroad, Penitentiary companies Nos. 1 and 2 have filed an application with' tlie Governor asking that the convicts now being worked by that road be turned over to the convict lessees. The Governor referred the appli cation to the Attorney-General for his opinion. Owing to the press of other matters, Attorney-General Anderson only reached this question a few days ago and decided not to render an cpinion until he had heard from both parties at interest. To-day both parties were before the Governor and the Ateorney-General. Gov ernor Smith and Jndge Hopkins repre sented the penitentiary companies and Hoke Smith and Colonel II. F. Abbott ap peared for the Marietta and North Georgia railroad. * Mr. Smith asked that the hear ing be continued, as they had no formal notice of this application until last Thurs day and had seen the application for the first time to-day and had not time to finish reading it. He announced that they >ected to be able to show that the road ully complied with the law and were cn< % to th< ‘ 1*“* , ttce i„ answer to the charges made SSrtWto., l> i9 oBke ' b >’ B * Utal Spccr ’ “Chew. General Longstreet expresses **Z U perfectly satisfied with the re- b ‘n »f the investigation, and thinks he all the charges to the sMIsfac- ''while's most'vigorous effort lias cvl- '' w,, made to oust lilm from his 'likely that he will slill hold the ,<>rt ' rOSPESSIOSS OF SENTENCE. t have been informed that there are Lntv-eight warrants returned to this ,i e United States Court that were affidavits of persons resting un to suspension of sentence in that court, *wS theU thirty-eight were sworn out to nne man wbois now serving out an eigh- ™«nihs sentence on the chain gang. gfJSSi will he more within the facts to that the bulk of tl.ese acvcrnty-eight warrants are returned or retirmnbie to this fSrfthe United States Court. This item Is respectfully referred to the atten- S of his Honor, Judge McCay, “d District ..Attorney Speer. S" iiuhlic will be curious mknow?! the criminal business of the United States Court of the Northern Dis- trict of Georgia is conducted on this basis, * ndltS0 ' I HE ! »IWCITY SOUCITOB.^^— n—11 c Glenn. Esq., was this morning titled to the convicts, and further that the STuiimied and sworn in as solicitor of jesses lmd forfeited the right to them. He ™mmissioned snd sworn in as solicitor the City Court of Atlanta. He is a popu ointlcman a successful lawyer, and M. fS i* that lie wdl make a brilliant record in this office. POLICE COMMISSIONERS. A very exciting Imuntcipsd question here is the election of two police eoramis’loners, which occurs to- nurht The most prominent candidates . SI Dr. Amos Fox and Paul Jones. It is jbuite likely that these gentlemen will be Elected, althougli^n effort is being made todav to have both come down in favor of t«0 prominent citizensof.Atlanta,in order to harmonize existing diffcfences. From what I can iearn this effort is likely to fail, and the two commissioners will he Fox “d Jones. Of this, I will advise you later, UNITED STATES COURT. T-e March term of the United 8tatcs Court for this district opened this morn ing with Jadge McCay on the bench. [fPECTAL CORRESPONDENCE.] Atlanta, March 4.—I had n desultory conversation with Senator Mandeville, of the thirty-seventh district, this morning, ‘about men and politics, from which I take stew items. Under the rotation system, still recognized in his district, tar. Mantle- Till, will not be a candidate for re election. Troup county it entitled to name the next Senator, and the candidates now in tho field are T. C. Cfenshaw and Charles Ma bry ■ In the thirty-sixth, well represented in the last Senate by Hon. George J. Martin, of Meriwether, Coweta will furnish the next Senator, and the indications are that the rece will be between Hon, Lavender Kay, of Newnan, and Hon. Wm. Post, of Grantrille. In the Athens district It Is likely Dr. H. H. Carlton will capture the Senatorial honors. Mr. Mandeville is of the opinion that the next Senate will be nude up largely of ' young men. , In the fourth Congressional district It It beliered that Judge Buchanan will not ask a reflection, In which event the probabili- i tv is that cx-Congressman Henry Per- sou snd Hon. W. A. Little will make the race. In this connection Governor Smith's same Is also mentioned, but he is not like ly lobe a candidate. 8peaklngof Tilden. Mr. Mandeville ex- prnsed the opinion that the recent demon- I stretion in favor of tbs old ticket would amount to nothing. The old ticket would have swept the country in 1880, but It la I ’ - : : ;t :.■.\\. If-.w. u-r. 11 ■ ' 1 ■ ] .- ' . t , T :!, it-11 -hi - unit of I - I entitled to little weight At Tildcn'a age I the number of men who are physically I strong and vigorou Mr. llandeville's father, ... I celebrated hla eighty-third anniversary 1 a-i- it. : i -1 1.. .irly. and • in 1 I ap three flights of stairs, insisted that the matter was uf grave im. nortance and it would require a few days for them to put in an answer in writing and be prepared to go on with the case. Upon this statement Governor McDaniel continued the bearing to 10 o'clock Mon day rooming. 1 understand the Marietta and North Georgia railroad, in resisting this applica tion. will insist that the case is before tlie courts and the Governor ought at least to wait until it is adjudicated there. F’urther, flic point will be pressed that tlie penitentiary companies were not le- —illy organized, in that they did not give ,e bond required by law. Undcrarceent decision of the Supreme Court they claim these companies are nothing but partner ships, each member bound * the partnership signature; their individual signatures . the bond are no more than the partner ship signature, and that they signed as p irticipants, not, sureties, anil conse quently, there being no sureties, there is THE BANKS COUNTY CASES. Your correspondent called this morning I on Judge Tompkins, wlio made the nrgu- 1 meat before the united Mate* Supreme I jourt in the Banks county coses, lie I »sd not seen the full text of tlie opin- IS?.. utUvered yesterday by Justice I Miller. beyond what appeared in I “•.Papers this momiog. If the opinion 1 01 *• “urt ta based upon the grounds IV i”’*!! in ***• press dispatches, then I Jaap. Tompkins thinks toe court hae ■ evMeil Uie main question. In his artra- IJ* 11 ! Wore the .Supreme Court, Judge 17 0 !"P'fin» conceded the grounds taken la that decision, that the Federal govern- I “•?' has the right to regulate Ita elections I snd to protect the citizen in his suffrage, tsod.under the section of the statute to I E?., W Intimidation of, or interference iwuh, the voter, but contended tliat, II® *ke present case, tlie of- l» ®L®it C ur -' r 'l occurred eiglit and I®,months after the election, and lEE^S 001 * not bar. been the political I ??*[**• sljeged. It was a mere case of as- |uult»ndb*ttyry, nr riot, ami would have l«*n punished by the State laws. I „ T ° 1 » exhausts the last legal liono of the IA*5®OJ°ught»jrs, and thev must serve unless pardoned out. IJ^JumnUns thinks this go< ■com* oat of the com, that it wUl si MONDAY NICHT'S COLLISION. Additional Particulars of the Fearful Wreck. When tlie people picked up the Tele graph and Messenoeh yesterday morning and redd the report of the collision at Ju liette, there was a gloom cast over the city. It was the first serious accident on the new road between Macon and Atlanta, and much sympathy was expressed for the un fortunate victims. The body of engineer Howdcr was placed in a fine metallic case and forwarded to Atlanta yesterday morning, on its way to Indianapolis, of which place he was a na tive. The remains of fireman Pruitt were also placed in a neat coffin and sent to his family In Atlanta. Tlie collision occurred as we stated yes terday. When Capt. Gillespie and en gineer Ilowder left Macon Monday after noon, they were about an hour behind time. The register in the office shows that both conductor and engineer of train 52 registered at 5:35. Previous to this, at :28, they both signed the following order from the train dispatcher, Samuel Hunt, at Atlanta: “Train 53 will run to Juliette regardless of train 52. (Signed) “& H. It seems that Conductor Gillespie read this order hurriedly and uncerstood it to read, as afterwards learned, that 52 should run to Juliette regardless of 53. This was THE FATAL MISTAKE. Having then the idea that his train should run to Juliette regardless of the down train, or 53, Capt. Gillespie went on* tvard with his train. Engineer Howder could not see the coming train. Just where the coll Won took place is a sharp curve—in fact, the track winds about in a series of curves at that point, and he had only time to see the approaching locomo tive within a few feet of him. The lamp in A Five Minutes* Chat with Superintendent Mallory Captain J. K. Mallory, superintendent of the Macon and Brunswick division of tlie EastTcnnessce, Virginia and Georgia railroad, lias just returned from a visit to headquarters at Knoxville. Of the report ed wholesale cutting down of force all along the line, our reporter asked: “What truth is there in the report that three hundred men have been taken off your line?” ••Well, we have reduced our force, as we do every year when the business season close*, but I do not know that the reduc tion will reach that number.” “What class of employes are cut down?” “Section gangs, principally. Our run ning force remains the same. We have a system in force that is thorongh and com plete. For instance, tlie cost of running on my division requires a certain amount, and having carefully fig ured on that amount, it is a maximum. We pay our engineers for every mile they run, every conductor and train hand for every trip he makes, and every laborer for every day he works. We may have five hundred men to-day and two hundred to-morrow; but the average is the same.” “You say this reduction is due to tlie Thirty-Ninth Annual Report OFFICE, Nos. 346 and 348 BROADWAY, N. Y. JANUARY 1st, 1884. LADIES n&toJSBLg. and wish to miHMhm i.111 um- p£uUm. No •tomarh dragging. Our treatn.YBi unif..r»|v mmccm ft!. I*iur b»s*l ou MiiruOlc *nd 4lr«*i mrihod* of mm- .fUrattoa. Th. follootn*. u.e-1 by prrtul.ttoD, 1. «„<: of^ DKN. JACKNON A IK'HNKTT, N. F. Cor. Kat e and .Math HtrcrU, Clacfar.atl Amount of Net Cash Assets, January I, 1883 - REVENUE ACCOUNT. Premium* .*.$11,489,012 (A Less deferred premium* January 1, 1883 * 540,555 91—$10,018,486 77 Interest and rents (including realized gain* on * * - tute(aold) Less interest accrued January 1,1883 $48,018,515 II $02,570,805 77 DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT. Ibises by death, including reversionary addition* to same J 2,263,092 20 Endowment*, matured and discounted, including reversiouary ad dition* to same 452,229 80 Annuities, dividend* and returned premium* on cancelled policies 3,984,068 31 x ^tal paid policy-holders 6,099,390 40.. and re-Iu*urance* 262,492 91 CommUnlon*, brokerage*, agency expenae* and phy*ieana’ fee* 1,690,207 13 Offlcc and law expense*, salaries, advertising, printing, etc 449,923 44— $9,102,015 88 UICIC uuuijj IIW ■uiuiicb. UIE1C IO no bond. Further, the act forbids the transfer of the convicts to third parties, and as new men are now working the con victs. tlie lessees have forfeited • their rights. Whatever the result of this pro ceeding, it is certain that the next Legisla ture, on this view of the case, will be asked > wipe out the lease. The case recently decided by the 8u premo Court, nlready referred to, will be carried up to the United Statse Supreme Court. | Opium Habit Cured- Why will you use tlie poison when you can ho so easily cured? It will not cost you but little more to be treated thnn’to buy the drugs. Read tbo fol lowing: I used opium forty years and was cured by Dr. W. H. Jones. G. H. Slappv, Marshallville, Ga. Write to me and I will give you the names of parties in Macon and other places whom I have cured. All correspondence confidential. W. L. Jones, M. D. 197 Fourth street, Macon, Ga. sepl5wly A Cyclone Suftarar. Yesterday a man giving his name as Baum went to several of our merchants soliciting money for tlie cyclone sufferers In the counties around Macon. As he laid he was a son of Mr. A. Baum, the well- known merchant at Toombsboro, and the cause he represented was one calculated to arouse sympathy, he succeeded In fleecing several merchants. He went Into the office of Mr. William Uaxleliurst, whu gave him IS. As he was going out he was recognized named Meyer by Mr. the headlight of S3's engine would not burn for some reason, and hence there was no light. Engineer Van Winkle, ol that en gine, saw (lie rays of 52's headlight upon the iron rails ahead of him, ana thought that the light came from a Headlight. Ho applied the airbrakes, reversed his engine, gavo her all possible steam, blow Ills whistle and with his fire man jumped into the darkness. When they jumped the engine ran the length of a car and the collision occurred. The two engines went together with a terrible crash. Both reared their heads and then turned toward the embankment, against which they leaned, tlulr machinery interlocked. Tho tenders were turned around across the track, and four freight cars, loaded with oranges FILED rELLMELL upon tlie top of tlie northbound tender. The end of the baggage, mail and express car of the southbound train was broken in by contact with the tender next to it. Ex press Messenger Clower was thrown vio lently to tlie floor, and but for his iron safe, behind which he fell, and which pre vented the timbers from crashing him, would very probably have been killed. IBs shoulder was dislocated, from which injury he suffered greatly. Route Agent Gossett, who was in tbo mall compart ment of the car, was first thrown upon his distributing table, then upon hla mail-bag rack, and then to the floor. He was un close of the business season?’ "Yes; the busy season being over, we cut down tlie force because there is lighter Tunning. Our business resumes in June or thereabouts, when the same force will be nut on again.” '•When are you going to build the new depot?” * “That I can’t say. I was too busy with other matters while in Knoxville to ask about It, though I feel quite sure it will be built at an early day. It occupies a prom inent position on the programme for the near future. The excavation must be com pleted, you know, before the building is commenced, and that will probably be this summer.” "Anything else In the way of news?" "Well, you might say that workmen are fitting up our up-town office, at Board- roan’s corner, and Mr. C. B. Walker, onr f ;eneral ticket agent, will be in there in a cw days to famish tickets and informa tion to the public.” A Military Suggestlon- Kditon Telegraph and Sleeunger.—lt I am not asking too mucli from you, I would like to make a tew suggestions througl* your paper in regard to the coming caval ry tilt to bebad at the park in Jane next They propose to have a grand re-union of ail the cavalry companies in the State, Now, would it not be a good idea for tome of our enterprising captains of the military companies here to go to work and get up a tournament for the infantry companies of the State. There would be very little extra expense attached to it,and how much better it would be to have both cavalry and in fantry here together. It has been some time since all the boys In gray hare bad n chance to shake each other’s hands, and at the approaching cavalry tilt in June would be the best time for a grand re union of both Infantry and cavalry. Now let ns hear from Captains Carnes, Findlay or Hardeman on the subject. Infantry, *53,477,849 89 ASSETS. Caih in bank, on hand, and la traaiit (since received) 11,893,(15 02 Invested In United blates. New York City and other stocks (mar ket value) 825,455,743 81) ...423,Sa0,l»0 08 Real Estate- _ 4,608,779 30 Bonds and mortgages, first lien on real estate (bulIdliiKt thereon In- •ured for 818,316,010 00 and the policies assigned to thu compa ny as additional collateral security) 20,881,471 72 Temporary loans (secured by stocks, market value. -1,824,887 00)... 1,393,500 00 •Loans on existing policies (the reserve held by the company these policies amounts to 82.570.017 00).., •Quarterly and seml-annuai premiums on existing policies, due sute sequent to ,’a-iuary 1, 1881 •rremlums on existing policies In course of transmission andcol- Agents’ balances ■.. ..".".7.".'!. Accrued Interest on Investments, Jaanary 1, nw Exceaa ol market value ol securities over cost detailed achedule ol these Items will accompany the usual aa- lual report filed with the Insurance Department of the 8tatc of 461,445 57 645,017 46 536,611 05 104,216 55 362,272 15-153,477,849 89 EXCELSIOR COOKSTOYES ALWAYS™™!®! EIGHTEEH SIZES flHD KlffDS ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED MANUFACTURED BV Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,Baltimore,Hd. AND FOIL HAI.K BY GEO. aS. OBEAIt, 110 Cherry -treet, i jan25-wl Macon Ga. Cash Assets, January 1, 1884, - - $55,542,902 72 251,408 43 359,168 60 29,76300 Appropriated as follows: Adjusted losses, due subsequent to January 1,1884 Reported lo««ea awaiting proof, ete - Matured endowment*, due and unpaid (elalm* not presented) Reserved for re-tavuranoe on existing policies; participating insur ance at 4! r cenL Carlisle net premium; lion-participating at 6 per cent Carlisle net premium . $47,635,147 00 icrvcd for contingent liabilities to Tontine Dividend Fund, January 1,1883, over and above a 4 per cept reserve on existing policies of that class 2,091,372 16 Addition to the fund during 1883 for surplus and ma tured reserves 1,116,939 00 »iled FREE to all applic customers of Ian ■ lltfc year without ordering it. It contains illustrations, price*, descriptions and tlire-cti< nt for planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Plant*, etc. Istvalaable to all* D. M. FERRY & C0.°m& _ man , . Mitchell Ungers, the bookkeeper, who In- ThU ume old gentleman, yean ago fotmed Mr. llailehunt of his veal name, oown in Hancock county, gave to tho late who iccntrd something crooked. Hewn, Hiram Warner the first law case he had followed Into Bargent A Co.’i. and Mr.8ar- alter reaching Georgia, which Judge War- gent waa giving film tome money when ’ Sir. Haztehum went in and addreuing him aa Meyer demanded bl, money, Meyer promptly returned It. Officer James was told to watch the man, by the crash, and found Captain Roid standing by him with Mr. Hal!, hat in hU hand, which had fallen to the floor from the rack. The conductor and male pas senger* then rushed out of the cars. The passenger and baggage coaches of the north-bound train escaped Injury, and the passengers experienced only a slight ar. This was because cf the number of reight cars between them and the engine. Among tlie passengers was Mr. Alex Blue, who wae In charge of tho bridge and tac tion gangs between Macon and Atlanta. As soon as the crush was heard lie rushed out of the car to CLEAR THE WRECK. A force, consisting of Captain Reid, Mr. Hell, Mr. Bine and several patsengen.waa organized and they at once eet to work. Finding that the lire from tlie engines was in danger of being communicated to the cars, they concluded to disconnect the cars. The sleeper was uncoupled end rolled away, but the couplings of the other cars were sc Jammed up that they could not be discon nected. while they were endeavoring to clear ewey eome of the debru the door of a freight car fell upon Mr. Ulue'e arm break- ' e it. Both engineer end fireman of the north bound train were found under their engine. They were tightly wedged in by machinery and (timbers end they were extricated with difficulty, both horribly mangled. A leg of the engineer waa crushed oil, and an arm of the fireman wts burned oil. The MAKOLED REMAINS were placed in a car to be brought to Macon for burial preparation. Telegrams were sent to the office at Macon, announcing the wreck and asking for an engine. Captain Tom Henderson waa notified of Messenger Clower’e in juries and he at once made preparations to go to his assistance. Conductor Dick Harris took tho matter in band and promptly secured Dr. C. II. HalL A few mlnntee after nine o'clock an engine, in charge ol Conductor Cantrell, with Captain Henderson Mr. Lovette and Dr. Hell, started from Macon for the wreck. On arrival Mr. Hue told Dr. Hall to attend to Mr. Clower first as that gentle man seemed to be In greet agony. As soon ae possible the doctor returned to Mr. Blue, and on examining hia arm. told him that he was hurt worse than Mr. Clower. A tempora- An old phyeician, retired from prac- j ryjpilntwneyrengedtor htaarm. Uce laving had placed in hia . attached to the engine that went up. end haat India mlasionan tlio formula t j )e pesaengers reached Macon about hali but in some way he managed to elude the At the euggeetion of Chief Wi ley. Mr. Heslehurst telegraphed to Mr. Baum it young Baum or Meyer was authorized to receive subscriptions for the cyclone sufferers. The answer came back •*uo.” The police searched everywhere yester day (or Meyer, but be kept himself well hidden. Should ho come to tlie surface he will think a cyclone struck him before the authorities get through with him. Consumption Cured. 13,206,311 16 matured tontines.. Balance of Tontine fund January 1. 1884 ............ Reserved for premiums paid in advance * $50,540,388 55 Divisible Surplus at 4 per cent—* ••— - 5,002,514 17 Surplus by the New York State Standard at 4‘$ per cent, estimated at over... 10,000*000 OO From the undivided surplus of 5,002,51417 the board of trustees has declared a reversiona ry dividend to partlripatlnK policies in proportion to their contribution to surplus, available on settlement of next annual premium. Durins the Year 15,561 Policies Have Been Issued, maurir.* $32,735,304. ft&S Digging for Safety. Banner-Watchman. A gentleman in Oconee is di cyclone pit under liis house, fixi a trap door. It is large enough to ac commodate all his family, and when ever a cloud arises they take refuge therein. This is a wise provision, and those who are laughing at him would do well to cmnlatc the example. Bearing One Another's Burdens. News and Advertiser. There is a growing disposition among tho people of Georgia that there ought to be a change in our public servants, especially in State departments. This demand does not arise from a suspicion that any one who now fills those posi tions has gone wrong, but upon the principle that if these offices be bur dens other patriotic citizens should - i - -1 • t’.rlll. Wr ;Ui’ -l.nllM-i’fjil liiu\«’ in this direction manifested by some of the newspapers in the Statu. A Gubernatorial Opinion. Acworth News and Farmer. Judge T. J. Simmons, of Macon, is spoken of as a very probable candidate for Governor. As it is generally un derstood that Mr. McDaniel was only a temporary compromise man, we sup pose he wul not be very strong in the next race, and several strong names are before the public in this connection. ^ Jau. 1.1882.5.3.927 Policies In Forco 1 Jan. 1.S5 60,150 \Jan. 1,1884,69,227 f Jon. 1,1580, f 127,417,765 Amount Jan. 1,1881, 136,725,916 4 Jan. 1,1882, 131.7CO.824 At Risk. 1 Jan. 1,1883, 171,115,097 \,Jan. 1,188-1, 198,746,013 Death- f 1879. $1,509,854 Income f 1879, f 2,033,650 Divisible ( Jan. 1,1880, $3,120,111 1880, 1,731,721 1SH0, 2,317,889 J Jan. 1, 1881, 4,295,0Uto claims 11881, 2,018,203 from < 1S81, 2,432,654 Surplus at< Jan. 1,1882, 4,827,036 ( 1882, 1,955.292 118*2. 2.798.018 1 Jan. 1.1883, 4.M8.M1 paid. 11H3, 2,263,092 Interest W883, 2,712,863 4 per cent. Wan. 1,1884, 5,002,514 I®*Before buying an cxpenntv© Harrow, send for Illustrated Pam phlet of the Tlioman Harrow and. I’ulvcrlzcr, In Oak or Iron Framn, It io used by 11*0,000 bent ftirmen . gnd has been manufactured for 10 pears. It combines cfTectivcncMO tvith chcapncMH and durability. H papldly and cheaply cullivaou ? rowing crops, particularly Cotton* t will positively Nave one hoeing and two plowing* in cultivating (young) Cottbn, and a proportionate amount in Com and Wheat. Full illuHtratcd pamphlet* sent on appli cation. For sale by over 1,000 deal ers in all parts of the U. S. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Address The Thomas Harrow Co^ Geneva, N. Y. TRUMKU9. MORRIS FRANKLIN WM. II. AI'PLETON, WILLIAM BARTON. WILLIAM A. BOOTH, LOOMIS L. WHITE. ALEX HTUDWkLL ROBERT B. COLLINS. R. SUYDAM OUANT, H. 8. FISHER, ARCHIBALD II. WELCH EDWARD MARTIN, WILLIAM II. BEERS. friORRIS FRANKLIN, President. Wm. H. BEERS* --...nir „ ** , Vice-President and Actuary. HfflSS3^| D -i>.,| Nodical Examine. HENRY TUCK. Second Vice-President. COBB.REES Ac CO., Ag(3Xacon I THEODORE M. BANTA, Cashier. D. O'DELL, Superintendent of Agenelee. rood may ... .JHPcue, that it will spur the jie authoritie, to more vigorou, action contra! of such cue,, and In of thi- kind und- rour Miliary offeniei, instead of the State guilty of ; laws, , ute-not t reeing di under the State laws, . adore the United State, Courts, . tC.tr Pmitical crime* and «ent to «penitentiary at Albany for a term of rAfe«rijpojlUd«n in the ninth, whom *° bfiantWandler, told me th * fi ° id L'lJg r *Ported b«re nMn' that I Of Spal-lm,.- ».,uU not bo candidate for Congn n in tin- tiftli tin- A Cood Showing. I ?!■' New York LUe Imuran | •-U-.rlv ninth ' 1,1 ...lumn-. ol a rumple vegetable remedy for the epeetly and permanent cure of Con- ■uniptinn.Bronchitie, Catarrh, Asthma anti nil Throat and Lung Affection!, also ajKMiitive and radical cure for Nor- vona Complaint*, after having tented ft. wonderful curative powera in thou- ronda of caeca, turn felt it his rlnty to make it known to hin suffering fellow*. Actuated by hie motive and a desire to relievo human euffering, I will nenil free of charge to all who rleaire it this recipe, In German, French or Engllzh, with full directions for preparing and uxing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. X. Noyes, 140, Poicen Block, Roeheiter, Sew York. *epl4wcowlfit A Cood Floscinu. A warrant wet ewom out before Justice Cherry yceterdey for Jullue Lucas, the negrq boy who threw a rock at the lithe boy on Monday. Juliua was taken before Judge Cherry and a compromise waa ef fected. The father of the toy was to ad minister agood flogging in the presence of the boy’a mother and pay, all coeti. This was done and now Juliua looks down upon a rock in utter diedaln. Buvn«d his Corn* Mr. E. IL Price was In town yesterday. 11c reported that on Saturday last the corn crib and barn of one of the renters on hi* pla. e, seven miles from town, we* entirely i destroyed by lire. The crib had just been smoked with -ixty-five bushels of corn. Three hundred bandies of fodder were also ! tlritroyed. Tin-family of the renter had alarge fire 1 near tire crib, and were engaged in wash- I ing. Th- wind blew sparks Into | the crib and ignited the fodder. There was the passengers past twelve o’cIock. i n* news ot me col lision bed gotten out, and there was quite a crowd at the new depot awaiting the train’s arrival. The bodies of the engineer and fireman were taken out and earned to the coffin establishment of Mr. J. J. Ciav. Mr. Blue was taken to the room of his brother, City Clerk H. A. Blue. Yester day morning Mrs. Bine beard of her hus band’s misfortune, and at once boarded the train at Jackson, to which place the family had recently moved, end came it once to the bedside of her htuband. All night and all day the bridge and sec tion gangs were at work clearing away the wreck. Machinists bad to take the loco motives to piece* to remove them. The wrecked care wUl be taken to Atlanta. notes. Trains left Macon yesterday on schedule time and passengers transferred around the wreck. Capt. B. F. Reid, one of the bravest and most efllcient conductors on the line, says this was bis greatest accident It is said Capt. Gillespie cried like a child after the colluim and wished he wet in the dead engineers place. Hetsa young man. and was cociklertd an unusually good railroad nun. Oranges were scat tend all over the local ity where the collision occurred. Four freight care containing them were badly broken up. Engineer Howder bad been off the road for some time, end Monday night's trip was the second or third since he came back. The hand of the dead fireman was found yesterday in the ash-pan of his engine. The track was clear last night, and to day trains will run as usual. State Aarloultural Fair*. Marlon County Sentinel. | The agriculturists should hold a State Fair every year, and Macon ie tho proper place tor it. Tlie location is cen tral,railroads from all quarters converge there, and the city park, where tne fair* are, held, affords tho beet and prettiest grounds in the State for such purposes, having ample room, a splen did race course, beautiful scenery, and every facility in the way of halls, am phitheatres, stands, stock pens, sta bles, etc. Macon i* equally accessible to all sections desiring to partlci-1 pate, and can induce such an interest and attendance aa will warrant the be- Lliof that an annual exhibition there of various products of the State would be self-sustaining. Macon i* tho heart of on immense agricultural community, and is largely drawn on for supplies, implements and machinery, and those who use these commodies would natu-l rally prefer to go there to exhibit the results of theirlabors. PLANTERS, 266TH EDITION PRICE ONLY $1 By Mail Postpaid. MECHANICS, MBUMR k CAPITALISTS, A-WORD-IN- YOUR • EAR-ANO-DOL- LARS-INYOUR-POCKETS. Money uot exactly pieulT. bul ytL enotifh to no round, and*after pvyln$ debts atnUyinx in supplies, stock, clothlnr. suano. and all BEST PAYING INVESTMENT, In somethin! toil»III milteM home*, that will eletsle jour] friends snd nurnlvn to the nl of refinement, culture trol social _ , Udren. our nlsheit iiaudard stability. New Road Law InLowndee. Valdosta Times. The superintendent of public roads is at work in the Naylor district, and we understand that the new system is pro- MUSIC ALONE WILL 00 THIS. --wul—unkswormsi ishimhs— nave you a ITtno or Organ to your borne t If not. you ihouM bsve. IM v» tu stvo you money In Its purchase. Over 30 u« delighted pen hsrere, whom wo horo supplied ta tho l-s-l fifteen years, will tndorao this statement. lao tbo Grand Inderement* wo offer. Ten Leedleg Bakers. Ihlesertox. staihmbek, Lud- den & Bate*. ItaU't.'- Hsrd-esn. Arton. Mason » llamIU. Packard. Id lac* and Bay male. Over 600 style* AU Oredea. All Price*, llano*. >300 to Jl.u.0. Organs, ill to ITM. Bikers' names on ail. No oteoetl or cheap ta- ■uuuents aold. "Th* best ta alwtjs the cheap est,” but onr cheapest Is good. KNOW THYSELFu k Great Medical Work on Manhood! Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Fhysical Debility, Premature Decline lu Man.tErrorsot Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or excesses. A book for every man, young, middle-aged snd old. ItconUlm 126 prescriptions for all scute snd chronic dia eaies.cach one of which Is invaluable. Ik fboud by the author, whu»« experience for 23 years is such m probably never be fore fell to the lot of any i»hyslclxn.300 pAgcs bound in beautiful, French muslin, emboli covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be alflnsi work in every sense—mechanical, literary and profcwlonal-than any other work sold it this country for 12.60, or the money will be fundt-d in »*vt ry l*ri. e- only |l io by mall, postpaid* Illustrative sample 6 cents. Bend now. Gold Medal awarded the author b j the National Medical Association, to the offi cer* of which he refers This book should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afBclted for relief. It ill benefit all -London Lanett. There Is no member ol society towhomthb book will not b« useful, whether youth, parent guardian, instructor or clergyman.—.4r0.j»fm/, Address PEABODY MEDICAL INBTiTOTK, or Dr. W. H. PARKER, No. 4 Bulfinch street. iv>% ton. Maw, who maybe consulted on all dlseaMW requiring a* 111 and experience. Chronic and olstlraU diseases that have , baffled ths ikl'l of all other II A I phyil- a specialty. Buch -Ki treat- | ccewfallr without a instance of failure. dccTwlT With each Piano, a Good Stool a ml Cover. With each Organ,a Good Stool* Instructor With each Piano or Organ, a Book of Music AIpo, kHIx Yean* Ouaran'ce; n Fifteen Days Trial, with Freight Paid both w&jb H Instru ment does not suit and a privilege of exchange at acy time within s.x months, if the selection made is not tatUfactory. More than this. always preceded by the Grand Monthly Drawing of the Lois Una State Lottery. The 16Cth Monthly will take place on March 11,18M. It U an U1 wind that blows no one nay good, and on application I to M. A. Dauphtn. New Orleons, La., yoa may obtain information how jron canob- ain ) __g||^|__ ) for $5, or $15,000 for $1, etc. The ether day wl.‘ n Mr-. J. A.Thoma\ f • ocliran, was in Mr»'*»n visiting Mr*. I. nry \V«-dc». in : .» w.»y *J.«- n.:- ->i -i cry \ aluabU: Langh* diamond rinr. an 1 i a matter of • •• :r- was ct*n-i U-rably orrhnl over it, not knowing whether fill a* lost on th** utrwt or w.n stolen from I* your I - r hoove The next morning while falling out I a little negro girl itorrTt to itHI foond the ring and the fottkka to prodoce a promptly ret reward f.* r ! ir turning gray and gra«!ual]y WM IlaU's Hair Kanewcr win rc-l t to lU original color, and stimulate fya':.dal->a‘ i.i'e Jre'-. * * * St Md blfBlkW dwasing* WE PAY AU FREIGHT Yea, we mean it. We sell you Ikst Instra- mi nta at Lowest l*ricc*. on Kaak-at Installment T«muan*l pay every cent of the freight, no SEE WHAT WE GIVE PURCHASERS there. About 75 per cent, of the peo- . .. . pie have paid the one dollar instead of wording the two days. This show* that three-fourths prefer the tax sys tem, while 25 per cent., or one-fourth, prefer the old plan, and hence work the two ilays. This is as full an in dorsement of a new movement as could have been expected. People are alow about getting out of old rata, and wc are not Hire but what it is well enough, for it is beet to bo aure that a change is best before it 1b made. In this case some came to a conclusion that the change was a good one at once, while others preferred to take mora time to weigh ita merit-, ami hence are slower to come to a favorable decision. The two years allowed by law will prove the matter fully to the satisfaction of all, and then the county- can continue or abandon tho system. BUENA VISTA. Tnx RAILROAD AN ASSUEKD TACT. March 3.—President James M. Lowe, of tho Buena Vista railroad, re turned from Savannah on Friday last, and though reticent in thu main, says the road Is so near an assured fact, that there are ninety-nine chances tor its success to one for failure. The stockholders arc paying up their monthly assessments promptly, the corps of engineers will finish the sur vey to-morrow, and we look for con tracts to be let very soon. I hare heard of several men of capital who have sig nified their intention to settle here as 6 the road is built. Macon will natural market tor this tortile of your city, ted energy, can se- the prize by making the effort. THE BEST OF ALL ILINIMENTS FOS RAN AND BEAST. I known to millions all orwr tbo r I tho only safe reliance, for the i I accidents and Data. It la a ID I above price and pnd*o-41be beat ftf i | kind* For every form of external pain MEXICAN I Buttons LInin,wot ta without an equal. It MMtrsUi floats assd masala to I til* very bono-tnaHn* too OQUnw unco of pntn un<" toftammatkw* In* latble. Its 1-iToct, open Unman flaMflS the Unit 5 t'n-alloa raw equally mate [ful. .be lic-sicaa MUSTANG ‘T1LYSELV' A FEW WORDS FROM CAPT. R. W. BONNER, A WELL-KNOWN CITIZENOF MACON I LU1) 1)EX & BATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. The flrat Movie House In theU. 8. to Deliver m&uov and Organs Freight Fxld. Or THE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE. Mvcon, Ga. SILVERWARE! For Household Use, BIRTHDAY ! |ln August, im. nearly three yean ago, my ion, who wav at that time living at Cllntnn, Ga., easM over to sea me with im sad lntelll-1 gence that hla wife was la the last stafim of cumumption and that her phyilclac^ had pronounced her cave, nopelesa. JI 1 went lmmcfillately over, and 11 felt that nothing could be done. Bhe wav roughing and initting lnceuantly, and at Itlmcv would dlvcnarge from her lungs a large quantity of puv or matter—could not sleep or retain anything on her vtomach, and wa« In I fact. In Um last stages of the disease. ThU wasatxiut the Ume you began to advertise lircvrti’s Luug Restorer, and as mV soncx- pr« ►»<*<! a desire to giveU to bis wile, two or three boufei were procured and with scarcely la vi dine of hope we commenced giving it to her in imall do*es, gradiully Increasing theL quantity until the j.r. r iU d dose was reached, bh© Ix-gan to Improve after a few doeea and conUnuctl to do so dally, until she was finally | restored to life and health, and Is to-day per- I haps In better health thanever before, bhe is isublccUo colds.bWt a few swallows oi Brewer's ILung Restorer (which she la never without) rt-l • V• - ».* r iinim -lint* • I < • i.» !• r r r- » tnrution to perfect beaha a miracle, for whlch| •heis Indented to Brewer’s Lung Restorer. My son is almoft a monomaniac on the sub ject of Brewer's Lung Restorer and never let AU onportunltv pass where he thinks such medk ine would be required, that be dt>«M n< |s[>cakof it in most glowing terms. Notion since a Northern gentleman on hU way I Florida heard of thii cure ami wat Induced l -*n to give it to bis invalid wUe, an was cured as if hj magic.*' iLInlmer leve he „ I theta ay'll Isubdn d, cf r■■!■■■■■ ■■■ j I ■tore' . or a valaabto haees~ gf m I eared by th healing power oMMl LINIMENT I which reefi^Qy curee sooh hMlMli I the IIL'sfAl rLEhll IS I Ishiajii l sa. •wsDM|h Mi I Joints* CoatsatisA Masslssj >— land Scalds* Cau, BttlliS 8Br I Sprat nr. PrlijisOll IMS «> IsUait, fUgkte^ Ukuimm. M gltoreat rlrcre, Fiestj*Ut,ikil4lMi ppUa, Caked Bwsd. ass very firs.sf ix’rrasi Ah lease. It hruli wKSsbUcjm. For the Blunt Cuaiicit a cuiw> linalnt, Hwtaafi Wf? feChfit, Founder Hsraesi Iswres. Usof ms I rases, Foot Hot* Bsruw IV an lllollt.* Ilona. Iterate he a 4 Uftlb. Vporta, Thrash* HlKgWms. ■old herre, Fdl Kell, bUra upwi the Sight assd every otW-r aftlwsdsX to which the swepsnu sfjh- tttabla end fttoeh Yard ore Hakie The Flsxlcast Msdaug LI wise mm -always cures and owvtr UitupptISfl, | sad it U, poolttVWKy< THE BEST OF AU. ILINIMENTS 70S HAN OS BEAST. ad iHi L'SeV; it, be the natural me wSh their wont WEDDING PRESENTS 1 J |". >TK\ K''4 A ' “THE *«*T I* TM« CMIAFtST." saw CilPlilCC THRS " BS ' mills, UllIRCgbiM (for*ilxcUouaaikd*a»nNo**i Writ*f**r Free Ptaa(kJr« taikl Prtcas to Tk« AtuVataa 4 Taster Os. MnnoMnU. uluta OPIUM *•1 a» n. **•) i .HANK. Ad AGENTS p "*'- Z3 HWlesisg etnllmitsa of tWH cures mule by Brewer's Luag Restorer, 1 was lndur«d to try It on my little son, who was troubled with lung or throat affection, pn> nounevd by one pby>irUn, consumption. It acted wooderfolly on him. an*i by the time be had taken one battle of it the cough disap- panted. I am now on a visit to my part nu in but will return in a few d*}*! will Lang Restorer « jesr RANKIN .1- LAMAR, Atlanta .ind Alban> harvdrwd p«r craf. primt MUtog u» Reflecting Safety limp bleb tan b* MzlJ In »T»ry ftaouly. Otra «r*>* lh*n threw ordlaafy Irafta. eh Lwr wat % Mr m to a<a—pa W* bar* atar hotol trucks Vn4l«r cfrcwltax w FOS SEE * HcMAKIN. CtacMooil. «■ South ^ X’CXAY.A-*3X-* FARM MIL 3 suck M-Saite . io .coo nr 1 M , f f*r 1-aWfM-L. Sinpsca k 0$«H 1T% Oh lsatais-n M St»4»B MiuOA CLVClXMAfl. a