Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, March 07, 1884, Image 8

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8 THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, MARCH 7,188. PREMIUMS FOR CLUBS. TVc will send the Weekly Tele- oeapii ash Messenger for ono year, free, to any nno who will get up a club of five subscribers for it at ono dollar and twenty-five cents each, per year; or to any ono who will get «p a club of ten subscribers to it at one dollar each per year. This is an easy way to se cure without cost the best weekly pa per published in Georgia. Give it a trial. Bibb County Delinquent Tax List. Bibb County Sheriff Sales. The following described property remaining elinouent for non-payment of State and Give your boy Smith's Worm Oil. AS A WINTER RESORT. Some Cood Hints from a Bualneaa Woman—Kind Words, Etc. A lady in Macoii writes us the following note, which was not intended for publica tion, but as it contains some very good ideas we give it space: “I have had all the Northegp people I could accommodate up to this time. Three came to spend a week and were so well pleased that they spent the winter. I have taken social pains to delinquent for non-payment. - county taxes for the year 1883, or so much ot said property as may be necessary to discharge the taxes and charges due thereon, or due from the owner thereon, at the time of sale, will be sold during the legal hours of sale by the sheriff at the courthouse In the city of Macon i the flrst Tuesday In April, 1881, to-wit: Half acre let with Improvements thereon In odfrey district adjoining the property of W K Jenkins levied on as the property of 1) \\ Couse to satisfy a tax ti fa for State and county taxes for the year 1883 against D W Couse. Also, at the same time and place, one acre lot with Improvements thereon adjoining the property ot H T Johnson in Godfrey district, known as part of land lot No 30. Levied on as |e property of Eliza Hlmmons to satisfy a tax .. fa for State and county taxes for the year 1883 against Eliza Shnmous. Also, at the same time and place, one acre ■t with improvements tliereou lying In God frey district adjoining the property of Carrie Slnton.knowu as part of laud lot No 28. Levied as the property of Charles Thomas to satisfy have them become acquainted people, than whom there is not a more AJso at t j ie j . anje t j me ftn( j pi ftC e, 4 acres of land, more (il .... • • adjoining property of Hun Vale M Horn, and known ns part of ' ' as the property of Juke SI II fa for Mate and county warm iieartod people to l>e found any where. If there was a house here large enough to entertain a hundred people, 1 think it could be filled and with some ope v:* the head of it who understood the needs of such patron age. it could be made profitable. They want to be up high enough to be removed from the dust of the city, but not too far from the post-otfico and business houses. TheyaJso desire a high, well-drained situ ation, as being pure and free from damp, nets. I wonder that some of the moneyed men have not already invested in such n building. It would be of great advantage to the city. While nearly all must run down to sec the “Land of Flowers," com paratively few desire to remain there the whole winter on account of the damp, muggy atmosphere. I think you do well to stir the people up and present the advantages to be derived from such a house until you see the matter take shape. Grocery men, livery men, druggists, dairymen, coal merch ants; bookmen, laundresses, indeed all branches of trade, would derive more or less benefit from an influx of Northern visitors, and nothing advertises a place like it. I would rent such a house as would be suited to the business, advertise, and fill it with guests by the second sea son of its inauguration if not the first. Just locate it to suit me, and build as I desire it, and I know I can do it. I hove had considerable experience with the Northern people, having been in the busi ness in Thomasville nearly three > ears. ] hove acquaintances all over the United States. Agitate the matter, and when it take* shape I will rent and furnish the house. Then in the summer I will vac it to supply other needs—an airy, first- ding I class boarding house for families.” I This lady means business and we hope some of our money® j men will consider her suggestions. From a lengthy but interesting letter concerning game in Southern shooting grounds, published in Forest and Stream, and from the pen of Dr. I. K. Nagle, we extract the following relating to Macon h Atlanta to Macon the trains gl From 1 glide f he gil overa track that makes one feel as If... was making the transit on a greased streak of lightning. I am told, too, that in the barrens and plantations there are vast numbers of those small and hard to-shoot quail that abound in this region. In dear old Mocon. where live the loveliest, most charming and dearest people it lias ever been my fate to know, there are men who know liow to shoot, guns that are worth a fortune, and dogs that are far better bred and im ro intelligent than some coUegs students with whom we have come in con tact within the past fortnight. With these Maconians you will find ns much pleasure and game in a day as can be gathered in a month elsewhere. There is a delicious hospitality and charm of entertainment native to this class ot men. and nil that is uccessary is for one of {hem to vouch for you to receive attention and courtesy sncli as pertains to a royal visitor. In Stlnsonville, and known aa the place of Adam Primrose. Levied on as the property of Adam Primrose to satisfy a tax A ta for 8tate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Adam Primrose. Also, at the same time and place, 1 acre of laud, more or less lying In the Vineville dis trict with improvements thereon fronting on Vineville mad adjoining thepropertyof Frank Jeter and known as the residence place of T L Holt. Levied on as the property of T L Holt to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against T L land, more or less, lying in VlnerlUe district, adjoinlug property of Mrs Napier and Allen Seabrooks and known as part of land tot No Also, at the same time and place, 13 acres of land, more or less, lying In tne Vineville dis trict, with improvements thereon, adjoining “ e property of James H Hicks, Frank Green id Prince Munson, and known as part of land James K Hicks, Frank Green son, and known as pai ‘ * * * lot No. 22 of said district. Levied o property of Mrs C H Baird to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said land county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Mr* C It Baird. Also, at the same time and place. 120 acres of pi land, more or leas, lying in the Vineville dis trict, adjoining property of Earnest and J W Owens, and kuowu us land lot of district No. 24. Letted on as the property of Samuel T Bailey to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county ■ *" said land for the year 1883 against A fa for State and county taxes for the year 1883, against Charles Thomas. ■■S3, ^Also, at the same time and place, one acre lot with improvements thereon adjoining the taxes due Samuel T Bailey. Also, at the same time and place, 30 acres of laud, more or less, lying in the Vineville dis trict, adjoining the pro|»erty of Stephen Jeral- Emma Bronson and K Kent, with im- V"-.. —lafy —-- mnty taxes for the year 1883 agalust George State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Mrs Causey. Also, at the same time and place, 7 acres of land, more or less, lying in the Vineville dls- in Godfrey district. '■ ' ntlno and Mary land lot No. to. of Juke Shorter to RMIRiPOTMHMMHMmd county taxes for the year 1883 against Jake Shorter. Also, at the same time and place, V4 acres of land, with improvement* thereon, lying In the I Godfrey district, adjoining the property of John Arnold. Mary Brown and Henry Young, in laud lot No. to. Levied on as the property of Stephen Richards to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes for the year 1883 agalust •hen Richards. the same time and place, three- part of land lot No. 24 of said district, levied on as the property of J W Owens to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against J W Owens. I | Also, at the same time and place, 4 acres of laud, more or less with improvements there in, lying In the Vineville district, adjoining Iroiwrty of J J Gresham and Baxter and the limits of the city of Macon, and known^^m ing the property of Fannie Hawkins and Israel Jordan. Levied on as the property of Reuben Ulckerson to satisfy a tax A la for state and county tavea for the year 1883 against Reuben land, lying In the Godfrey district, adloinlng .1 - .I TI.,,..... .....I H II U'.l... thepropertyof Mote Thomas and B. H. Wrig- lev, in land lot No. to. Levied on as the prop erty of Geo McBride to satisfy a tax A fa for Also, at the same time and place, one-fourth of an acre of land, lying In Godfrey district adjoining the property of Lucy Wilbur am! Lulls Smith. Levied on as the property of Richard Brantley to satisfy a tax A fa for State aud county taxes for the year 1883 against Richard Brantley. Also, at the aarae time and place, VA acres of land, with Improvements thereon, lying In the Godfrey district, adjoining the property of J B Smith and Ed Huff. Levied ou as the prop erty of Henry Darby to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes fortheyear 1883 against Henry Darby. Abo, at the * same time and place, c.. v ».v of land lying In the Godfrey district, adloinlng property of George Stewart and Nathan Henry, In land lot No. 28. Levied on as the property ot Feriby Jone# to satisfy a tax fl fa ior State and county taxes for the year 1883, ngainst Feriby Jones. Also, at the same time and place, Afty acres of land, more or less, with Improvements thereon, lying in the Godfrey district, known as part of land lot No. 119, adjoining the prop erty of H M Bailey and others. Levied on as the property of Ben Jackson to satisfy a tax ii fa for State and county taxes for the pear 1883, against Ben Jackson. Also, at the same time and place, Afty acres of land, more or less, lying in Rutland dis trict, adjoining property of Mrs E S Johnson and known us part of land lot No 206. Levied on as tho property of C J Tankersley to satlfy a tax 11 fa for State and county taxes due on said laud for the year 1883 against C J Tan kersley. Also, at the same time and place, twent; acres of land, more or less, lylug In Rutlam district adjoining the property of Ilcnr. Williams and the estate of M Hartley, atm , known as part oi land lot No i;h. Levied on as the property of K V Sherwood to satisfy a tax A fa for State uml county taxes due on said land for the year 1883, against K C Sher wood. Also, at the same time and place, 202 acres of land, more or less, lying in the Rutland dis trict and knowu as laud lot No 26. Levied on as tho property of Henry Parker to satisfy a tax A fa for State and couuty taxes due on said land for the year 1883. against Henry Parker. Also, at the same time and place, forty acres 23 of said district. Levied on as the property of Jerry Seabrooks to satisfy a tax A fa for “unty taxes due on said land for ■9 against Jerry Seabrooks. Also, at the same time and place one acre of land, m re or less, lying in Vineville district, fronting on Ward's alley, adjoining property of C T Ward, Amos Bullard and Smith Jones. Levied on as the property of Anderson Rob- Levied on as the pro|»erty of Anderson Rob erta to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Anderson Roberts. Also, at the same time and place, one acre of and. more or less, lying in V ineville district, idjolning property of George and Clarke tfoses. and known as part of land lot No 27 of said district. Levied on ns the property of Easter Parham to satisfy a tax A fa for State and couuty taxes due on said laud for the year 1883 against Easter Parham. Alio, at the same slme and place, eight acres of laud, more or or less, lying in Vineville dis trict, adjoinlug the property of Ed and Rich ard Carter and kuown aa part of land lot No 152 of said district. Levied on as the property of Lewis Napier, to satisfy h tax A fa for State and county taxes due ou said land for the year 1883 again.t Lewis Napier. Also, at the same time and place, one-half of Aiwi, ui we raiuc iiuiu iuu <im.--.inu ui an acre of land, more or less, lying in Vine- ville district, adloinlng the property ol Aman da Taylor and Thomas Johnson. Levied on as “ property of Angeliue Monghon, to satisfy x A ra for State and couuty taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Angelinc Monghon. Also, at the same time and place, ono acre of land, more or less, lying in \ ineville district, adjoining property of C T Ward and frontlug on Ward's alley. Levied on as the property of Richard Miller, to satisfy a tax ti fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1HH3 against Richard Miller. Also, at the same time and place, one-fourth erty of Mrs C A Lemon to satisfy a tax ii State and county taxes due on said-land for the year 1883 against Mrs C A Lemon. Also, at the same time and place, 4 acres of laud, more or less, lying in the Vineville dis trict, adjoining property yf Mrs Sarah John- n aud estate of Peter Soloraou. Levied oil the property of Prince Adams, to aatlsfy n „x A fa for Slate and couuty taxes due ou sal4 land for the year 1883 against Prince Adams. Also, at the same time and place, one-half acre of land, more or less, lying in Vineville Joluwt acre of land, more or less, lying in Vine- .'llle district, adjoining the property ot L Van- nuckt. Edward Jackson and Joe Long. Levied ob as the property of Ifattie Lewis, to satisfy a tax li fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1S83 against Ilattle Lewis. ‘' i, nt tne same time and place, one-half of of land, more or less, lying In Vlne- of fngr district, in Unlonville, on Columbus road, ad Joining the property of C H Flowers and Em ma i 'hiMs. Levied on as the property of Hen ry M Allen, to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 agaiiiftt Henry M Allen. Also, at the same time and place, 2 acres of laud, more or less, lying in the Vinuville dis trict, adjoining the property of J Warrens, Berry Clay and Richard Kernal, and known part of land lot 24 of said district. Levied as the property of Lizzie Clay to satisfy tax A ta tor State and county taxes due < said laud for the year 1883 against Lizzie Cla. Also, at the same time and place, 45 acres of lnnd.more or less,lylug in the Vineville district, adloinlng the property of Robt Barnhart and J M Bruce ou Co. «P«- Bruce on' Coleparc hce creek Levied he property of Isaac Calhoun, to satisfy a A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Isaac Calhoun. Also, at the same time aud place. acres of land, more or less, lying in Vineville district. IJotning property of I.uey Mack, Fanny adjoining ....... . Mathews. Augustus Cullen and Prince Robcr- aon. Levied on as the property of John Draper, to satisfy n tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against John Draper. Also, at the same time and place, one-eight of an acre with Improvements thereon, lylt In Vineville district and known as part of lo No 3, adjoining property of C T Ward. Levied on as the property Ira Davis to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate aud county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883, agalust Ira Davis. Also, at the same time aud place, one acre of land, more or less, lying in Vineville dis trict, adjoluing property of V Kahn and known as part of land lot 116 of said district. Levied on as the property of Davis Ford to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Davis Ford. A Iso,at the same time and place, one acre of TALBOTT & SONS RICHMOND, YA H Also, THE dixie on wheel? oAliVoSw* Ch “ P Flr«-cl».» ENGINE lor Gl.nlnj o, riir.MnE.IInvti,.* STANDAKD ENGINE, GRIST AND SAW MILLS llle district, adjoining property t ........ Ingraham Pierson aud Thomas Johnson. Levied on as atlsfy a the property of Hanse Lewis, to satisfy a tax AI fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Hanse Lewis, Also, at the same time and place, 195 Were* or laud, more or less, lying in the East Macon district on OcmuAXee river and adjoining prop* |erty of W L Higgins and known as land lot No 193 of said district. Levied on as the property formerly owned by Stephen Smlthey to sat- Isgy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against said Stephen Hmithey. Also at tho same time and place, 74 acres of land, more or leas, lying in East Macon district adjoining the property of John O'Neal and kuown as part of land lot No 121 of said dis trict. levied on as the property of Francis Day to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes duo on said lot of land for the year 1883 against Francis Day. Also, at the same time and place, lot No 4 in block situated in East Macon on Garden street adjoining property of Mrs Graves and lot No 5. Levied on as the property of Peter C Sawyer, trustee, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Peter C Sawyer, trustee. Also, at the same time aud place, 1 acre of land, more or less, lying In the East Macon district adjoining the property of James Woods erty of Maria Cannard to satisfy a tax fl fa for the State and county taxes due on said lot ifor the year 1883 against Maria Cannard. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No 3, southwest common, situated iu the city nAMacon, on the coruer of Oglethorpe street ■Id Central railroad track opposite the store house of TJ Ware, and known as the resi dence of Robert Johnson Levied on as the |property of Robert Johnson to satisfy a tax fl ta for State and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Robert Johnson. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No 2 southwest common, situated in the city Macon, between Maple and Oglethorpe fronting on Mllledgeville road and known as part of land lot No 60 of said district. Levied on as the property of Thomas J Kldrldge to sat isfy a tax fl fa tor State and county taxes due streets, adjoining thp property of Bart Carter and Myra Tharpe- Levied on as the property of Jane Thomas to satisfy a tax A fa for State Also, at tho same time and place, three- fourths of an acre of land, lying in the Eest Macon, district, adjoining tne property of Jane Miller, James 11 Woolfolk, fronting on Second street and known as part of lot No. 4 in said district. Levied ou as the property of William Johnson, to satisfy a tax fl fu for State and county taxes due on said lot for the ycarl 883 against Wm Johnson. Also, at the same time and place, SO acres ol land, more or less, lying In the East Macon district, on Stone creek, adjoining the proper ty of J 11 Andrews. W A Andrews and B Tull, known as part of land lot 146 of sslcl district. Levied on as the property of Barton J Ferry, to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes A Dangerous Enemy. Wo cannot too earnestly urge the neces sity olusing the new Vitalizing Treatment of i)rs. Starkey and Ptlen, 11W Girard St, Philadelphia, in the very commencement vf Pulmonary trouble and before the dls- taw baa made snr serious inroads upon the system and reduced its powers to con tend with so dangerous an enemy. Too many of the cases which come to them arc of long standing, and the chances for a radical and permanent enre just so far re mote. That their treatment benefits or cures so large a proportion of these cases is often as much a surprise to themselves ns to their patients. If your cough is Incoming troublesome, if you ore begin ning to lose flesh and strength, and have night-sweats, don’t wait a day before sending to I)rs. Starkey & Pulen for such documents and reports of cases as will en able you to understand the nature and action of their new Treatment. Take your onemyin time, and the chances are all in lavor ot your dislodging him. due on ssld land for the year 1883 against Bar- land lying In Vineville district adjoining prop- ton J Ferry. . erty of Ceuben Thomas, Isaac Jackson and Also, st the same time and place, 2 acres of property of Robert Waggenstci “ * “ ’ ' * land, more or less, lying In East Macon dls- the iron works of E Crockett trict, adjoining tho property oi Mrs Lula Stiles, J L Kennedy and Mark Glover, and known as part of land lot 81 of said district. Levied on m the property of Mrs Jennie I.avnr, to satisfy a tax A fa for State and couu ty taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Mrs Jennie Lavar. Also, at the same time and place, 3 acres * * * ’ in tne ” - ** Davis aud J 11 Davis. Levied on as the prop erty of lint Sarah A McHwaln to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Mrs Sarah A Mc Hwaln. Also, at the same time and place, six acres Our Slandered Hog. N. Y. Hun. Waiihxotox, March 1.—The President to-day transmitted to thf House of Repre sentatives the report of the commission appointed to examine into the condition of swine products of this country. The Secretary of 8tatc alio lent in a communi cation on the subject, in which he Mys the report shows conclusively that hog cholera is not present in meat packed for human food, and in no event is the disease communicable to human being*. As to trichinosis, the report is less conclusive, because less is certainly known of the manner in which the living trichinosis, or their germs are transmitted. He advis es further inveatigation of this point. It is known, however, he lays, that the pro cesses of packing and the time between the slaughter of the animal and the con sumption of the prepared flesh abroad ao diminish the vitafityandpropagatinftpower of the trichlnas as to prevent its develop ment in live human body. No instance based on competent scientific testimony can be adduced of trichinosis in Europe arising from the use of American-packed swine products. In every case in Germa ny it lias been found that the disease Is traceable to the consumption of freshly killed native hogs, and that its virulence diminishes with the lapse of time between the killing and consumption of the bog. of land, more or leu, lying in Rutland dis trict and kuown as part of land lot No 127, ad joining the property of William Rovce and J J Kab. Levied on as the property of Mrs Julia Lancaster, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Mrs. Julia Laucastcr Also, at the same time and place, 101 acres of land, more or less, lying in the Rutland dis trict and kuown as part of laud lot No 28, ad join lug the property of the estate of Duke Braswell. Levied ou as the property of Mrs Mary Jonea, to aatisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said laud for the year 1883 against Mrs Mary Jones. Also, at the same time and place, 150 acres of laud, more or less, lying lu Rutland district and known as the residence place of W C Har dy. levied on the property of W C Hardy, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes dur on Maid laud for the year 1883 against W V Har dy. Also, at the same time and place, eighty •res of land, more or less, lying in Rutland IDtrlct. adjoining the property of C McKinney audit K Cowant, aud known as part of land lot No 226. Levied on as the propc6ty of Henry Durden, to satisfy a tax A fa for State and couuty taxes due ou said laud for the year 1883 against llcnry Durden. Also, at the same time and place, 40 acres of land, more or lest, lying In the Rutland dis trict, adjoining the'property of Mrs McHwaln aud J A Davis, and kuown aa part of land lot No. 102. Levied on aa the property of J 11 Davis, to satisfy a tax A ta for Htate and county taxes for the year 1883 against J 11 Davis. Also, at the some tlm * and place, 792 acres of land, more or less, lying in the Rutlaud * as land Arthur Itandall. levied on as the property of Annie Ford to satisfy a tax A fa for State aud county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Annie Ford. Also, at the same time and place, onc-fourthl of an acre of land lying in vineville district, > adjoining the property of,H Collins,fronting on Middle street and known as lot No 69 on said street. Levied on as the property of Henry 1 Hunt to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Henry Hunt. I Also, at tho same time and place, onc-half of an aero of land more or less, lying In Vineville district adjoining the property of Hamuel Washington and Collins. Levied on as the B property of John Hays, to satisfy a tax A fa for ■ate and county taxes due atagyftfcMfiMiM year 1883 against John Hays V Also, at the same time and place, Ave acres |of land, more or less, lying In the Vineville district, adjoining the property of Richard Carter and Alex Robert* and known as part of land lot No 152 of said district. Levied on aa the property of Charles Hogan, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Charles | Hogan. Also, at the *amc time and place, thirty acres of land, more or less, lying in the Vine- ville district, adjoining property ot V Kabul and J M Bruce and knowu as the property of Jeff Hollingsworth. Levied on as tho property of Jeff Hollingsworth, to satisfy a tax ft fa for Htate and county taxes due on year 1883 against Jeff liolllngswort Also, at the same time and plarVBMMBi of an acre, more or less, lying In the Vineville land, more or less, lying 1 East Macon part of lot 11, in laud lot No. 39 of said district. Levied on as the property of Fcter Chappcl to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Fcter Chap- pel. Also, at the same time and place. 4 acrea of lnnd.more or less, lying In the East Macon dis trict, adjoining property of A C Pringle and Alex Gordon, and known as part of land lot No. 38 of aatd district. Levied on as the prop erty of Elijah Dunn, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htato and county taxes duo on said land for the year 1883 againat Elijah Dunn. Also, st the same time and place, onc-half an acre of land, more or less, lying In the East Macon district, adjoining property ol Bits Murry, fronting on Second street and known * of lot No 2 of said district. Levied — district, adjoining the property of A Y Adam son and l«eo Flag. Levied on os the property of. Columbus Howard, to satisfy a tax A fa Cotton In California. San Francisco Call. The idea of bringing colored cotton rfekers from the South for * n\ ,ng cotton r tl.i- ''“UKIII* VWUIUU UJHUll t the South for the purpose of i culture a fair trial fn portions , _id which waa conceived by li. * nrr Mitm* t.mthsago, la about to crys tallize into an actual experiment. A gen- flaiPBn wteote thoroughly oonrarsant with the requirements for this kind of lnt")r, and who understand* tht economic workings of hired negro ser. vice, has satisfied himself of the capabili ties of our southern counties to make cotton growing, under proper labor condi tions, a practical success. He has ar ranged for bringing out a colony of one hundred colored paid bands, wbo are cx- I re ted to arrive at Humner within a few weeks. They will be under a contract win, Mr. oarr for one year. Thenntte- immii who has undertaken to furnish these Orkl operators feels confident of sat- Mwtory results. The project is a l mate one, entirely outside of the area district and known as land lot No. 65. Lev ied on as the property of J W Calhoun, to satisfy a tax A fa for Mate aud county taxes, due on said laud for the year 1883 agalust J W Cal houn. i I Also, at the aanr time and place, 361 acrea of land, more or less, lying In the Rutland district and known as land lot No. 234 and as the residence of Geo F Cherry. Levied on as the property of Geo F Cherry, to aatisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county due on said land for the year 1WI againat Geo F Cherry. Also, at the same time and place, 80 acres of land,more or leas, lying In the llazzard district, adjoining tbs property of A Davia and others and known as parts of land lota No. 177 and 178. Levied on aa the property of Mrs. Mary Walker, to satisfy a tax n fa for Htate and coun ty taxes due on said land for the year 1883 again*! Mrs. Mary Walker. Also, at the same time and place. 90 acrea of land, more or leas, lying In tne llazzard dis trict, adjoining {property of J J Amazon. D Clay and John Davis, and known as parts ot lota Nos. 42 and 43. Levied on aa the property of W. W. Heath, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 sgainst W W Heath. Al»o. at the same time and place, 2Si acrea l land, more or leas, lying in the llazzard dis trict^adjoining property of II J Lamar. E E Evans and P M Curry, and known as parts ot land tots Noa 237 and 23ft Levied on as the property of William Howard, to satisfy a tax A fafor Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 againat William Howard. . Also, at the same time and place, 252 acres of land, more or leas, lying In the If azzard district, adjoining the property of H C Chambliss, W B Newell and Mrs K K Elliott, and known as land lot No 30ft Levied on as the property of Heth H Gates, agent, to satlsly a taxft fa for Htate and county taxes dne on said land for the year 1«S against Heth II Gates. Also, at the same time and place. Ave acres of laml, more or less, lying in the Hsxxard district end known as the property of Ann Kilpatrick. Levied on to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due the year Dvctagalntt Ann Kil; Also, at the same time and . ... of land, more or less, lying in the Howard dis trict and known as the property of Mrs Sarah Johnson. Levied on as the property of Sarah Johnson, to satUfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said Und for the year 1883 against Mrs Sarah Johnson. Also, at the same time and place, 361 acres ... . (he He Immigration Hociety’s disnensa- Whiu- labor hat been found to he or less, lying In the Howard dU- L» "xpenaire for cotton culture av a profit •Me udadiy In this State, and ikr.« are cbiectlocx to Ubinsncr. Thf,. an i*i ttiis At.ite many old ante-bellum cot- from tne South, wbo have lie adaptation of tbeaoU rndcli- Non them California, with the of labor incident, to tto« planting one of the great fo rd the Htate in the near future. r. Ill jprra will publilhtisQiMl’l in Ui-.-ir Franklin Square Libra* ot William Johnson, deceased, to satUfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 18KS against William John son. deceased. Also, at the same time and place. 130 acres of land, more or 1cm. lying in the Howard dis trict w*JeteUg me properly ol T G holt. Mrs Carstarph. n and Evans, known as pans oi land lota No* 310 and 309. Levied on as the property of Mrs F Stone to satisfy a A fa for*W*ni county taxes doe on saldland for tha year against Mrs F Htone. Also, at the 4m against Columbus Howard. Also, at the same time and place, one-half of an sere of Und, more or less, lying In the “ineville district, adjoining the property of II . T Hudson. Levied on as the ptupertjr of Henry Harper, to satisfy a tax A u for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Henry Harper. Also, at the same time anil place, one-half acre of laud, more or less, lying lu ttv Vineville district, adloinlng the property of i Collin* and Jones A Baxter, amf known aa lo No 32 in Block 6. Levied on aa the property of Fritcllla Jordan, to aatisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for year 1883 against Fnscllla Jordan. Also, at the same time and place. 1 acre of land, more less, lying iu the Vineville district, fronting railroad track, adjoining property of E Isaacs and Joseph Cllsby. Levied on as the property of Lizzie Johnson to satisfy a tax A i a for Htate and county taxes due on said Und the year 1883 against Lizzie Johnson, llso, at the same time and place, nnc-halfof acre of land, lying in the Vineville dUtrict, adjoining property of HiUUrd Burley and €. Marshall. Levied on as property of Judy Jackson to satisfy a tax n fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Judy Jackson. Also, at the same time and place, 1 acre of land, more or less, lying In the Vineville dis trict. adjoining property of Joe 8*ibrooks, J K EUls and John Walker. Levied on aa the property of Alfred Kendall to satisfy a tax A fa tor Htate and county taxes due on said Und for the year 1883 against Alfred Kendall. Also, at the same time and. place one-fourth of an acre of Und. more or leas, lying In the Vineville district, adjoining property of George Case and Anderson Feters, fronting on Collins street and known as lot No. 47 on said street. Levied on aa the property of Char ity Lockett, to satisfy a ta* A fa lor Htate and county taxes due on said tot for the.year 1883 agalust Charity Lockett. a Also, at the same time and place, one-fonrth of an acre of Und, more or less, lying in the as |>art tax A°fa'for State and eountrtaxca due on said lot for the year 1883 against Hamuel Elliott. Also, at same time and place, 101‘4 acres Und, more or leas, lying in East Bracon d trict, adjoining property of George W Tharpe, J Jessup and Enoch Parker, aud known os part of land lot No 86 of said district. Levied on as the property of Peter Goodwin, to satisfy - tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due o said Und for the year 1883 against Fcter Good win. Also, at the same time and place, one acre Und. more or less, lying In the East Macon district, adjoining the property of A Small, f H Lane aud W 11 Fletcher, and kuown as pai |g - — * - • iedo of Und lot No 175 of said district. Levle all we ask a . S. PEGKAM, JUnnneer. TALBOTT & SON8, maoon. goorg and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Jane Thomas Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No 2, In square 74, in the city of Blacon. front ing on Oak street, adjoining property of W 8 Clark. Levied on as the property^? William atax A fa MM >V McLendon, to satisfy atax fl fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for tho year 1883 n mi I n nt William W Mnl onrfnn against William W Mclx-ndon. Also, at tho same time and place, parts of lots 1 and 2 In square No 43 In tne city of Mas ■con, and known as the hotel occupied by E E Brown and kept by him os a hotel, said hotel being situated on Fourth street in said city. Levied on as the property of E E Brown, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said hotel for the year 1883 against E E CENfRAL FURNITURE HOUSE Nos. 60 and 62 Poplar Street, , JtUhe front for tho patronage of tho people, with aa oomnleta and well aborted Hook Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Shades, Rugs, LOOK A no®* Chair* for $J.7r> “Little Beaatr” Bed Itnnm stmi ..... slsssssssfessil Central Furniture House ! gn!nintM«»t25o*i«i? ,n ** Chiir ,0 a * lZ0 » *300-00 Bedroom Brown. Also, at same time and place, part of lot No 6, with Improvements thereon, situated In the icily of Macon, on Fourth street, between Ogle thorpe and Hawthorn streets, adjoining the ■■MM|a|Mid|^am8ljaannstcln and known as ckett & Hon. Levied the property oi E Crockett & Sou, to nal- Isfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said property for the year 1883 against E Crockett & lion. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No 2 on Beal's 111)1, In tho city of Macon, fronting on Bass street, and known as the resi dence of K Crockett. Levied on as the prop erty of E Crockett, to satisfy a tax A fa for state and county taxes duo on said property for the year 1883 against E Crockett. Also, at the same and time and place, part of lot No. 9, on the corner of Ash and Ross streets, in the city of Macon. Levied on as the property of the estate of L E Crockett, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 again * estate ol LE Crockett. Also, at the same time place, part of lot No. 1, In square 72, in city of Macon,on New street, adjoining property of A F Collins and D Daly, and known as the residence of J 11 Otto. Lev led on as the property of J. II. Otto, trustee, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes duo on said lot for the year 1883 against J 11 Otto, trustee. Also, at the tame time and place, lot No. 2 southwest common, fronting on Elbert street, adjoining property of Wm II Htrcyer ami Mrs Cummings. Levied on** the property of Bliss Mattie Fierce, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and couuty taxe* due on said lot for the year 1683 against Mist Mattie Fierce. Also, at tne same time and pUre, part of lot No. 7. in square 87, in the city of Blacon, front ing on the alley running through said square 87. from Flankling to Spring street, ndjoinlnj property of J C McBurnoy and Ku Woodliif Levied oa as the property of Reuben Gibson, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CARD. MPEffi, LOWELL tax fl fa for {Rate and county taxes due ■■ said Und for the year 1883 against Nelson Knight. J Also at the same time and place, four acres,_ of land, more or less, lying lu East Macon dU trict, adjoining the property of Napoleon Cur tis, Alex Taylor and John Hunt, and kuown as part of Und lot No 44 of said dUtalct. Lev- Jed on as the property of John Lawton, to sat isfy a tax A fa for Htate and rounty taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against John Lawton. Also, at the same time and place, one acre of Und, more or less, lying In East Macon dUi ... . part of land lot No 132 of said district. Levied on as the prop erty of Hqulre Lanier, to satisfy a tax A fafor Vineville district, ajoining the property of Edward Jaekson and L. Vannuckl. Levied aerec tend, more or leas, tying In the Vine ville district adjoining the property of Alex — key. John Walker and Joe Heabrook. Levied as the property of WUllam Wines to satisfy aJajc Aba tor Htate and county taxes dueon Wines. Also, at the saute time and pUee. ^ofan acre of Und. more or lets, lying in the Vine ville dUtrict adjoining the property of Wm Wines, property of Alfred Kendall and Alex IHckey. I the property of John Walker to satUfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes dne on * * * * tor the year MO against John Walker. Also, at the same time and place. % ot an acre of land, more or less, lying in Vineville district near Unlonville rhurrh and adjoining the property of Mrs Napfer in Und lot No 22 of said district. Levied on a* the property of Jane West to satisfy a tax fi fa for Mete and county taxes due on said tot for the year 1883 against Jane Wert. Also, at the s time and l v, 10 acres of , county taxes for the year 1883 against fad, at the same time and place,^ four and a State ai Hqulre AlSO, I half acres of land, more or taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Reuben Gibson. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No. 6 In square 67, In the city of Blacou, front ing HI feet on Wharf street, adjoining property of Allen Bnrcc, and known as the rorideace of Antoinette Betton Levied on as the property of Antoinette Betton to satUfy a tax A f i for Htate and couuty taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Antoinette Betton Also, at the samo time and place, lots Nos. 4 and 3 southwest common, in tne city of Blacon, each lot fronting 46 feet on Troup street, ail joining the property of Morris and Collins levied on as the property of 11 KHtrohecker to satUfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due for the year 1883 against 11 F Htroheckcr. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No. 7 In square 69. In the city of Macon, front ing on Hprlng street, and known as the resi dence of Mrs H a Htroheckcr. adjoining prop erty of Joseph Bond and C Canning Levied on at the property of BIrs 8 \ Htroheckcr to BENJAMIN SKALQWSKI Pr prietor. Massacliusefe UPWARDS OF SIX THOUSAND IN OPERATION. OVER SEVEN HUNDRED IN CEORCIA[MILLS W Befereoce, J. F. IIAN'SOM, Agent Bibb M.nnftctorlog Comp»ny,]M»con, o». ENGINES, GINS, SAW MILLS, ETC. PERKINS on as the property of BIrs 8 4 Htrohecker to satisfy a tax A ta for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1683 against Mrs 8 uau wm vi huhi, iuuic ui icm, iu the East Macon district, adjoining the property of G M Davis, J J Jessup and Enoch Farker. and known as part of land lot No 87 in said dis trict. Levied on as the property of John West to satUfy a tax li fa for Htato and count* taxes dne on said Und for the year 1883 agalflrt John Also, at the same time and place, one-fourth of an acre of land, more or less, lying In the Kart Moron district, adjoining the property of Isaiah Htcwart, Ham Reddy and J II Woolfolk, aud known as part of tot No 4 in block 8 In said district. Levied on as the property of Friscllla Stewart to satUfy a tax A la for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year l" i agalust Friscllla Stewart. also, at the same time and pUce. one acre of A Htroheckcr. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No 13 northwest range fronting on Jones street In the city of Macon and known as the property of Alfred Kendricks. Levied on as the prop erty of Alfred Kendricks to satUfy a tax A fa the same time and place, one and one-quarter acres of Und, more or less, lying - **— ^“ wqperty of In the Godfrey district adjofolMprooerCy^ Thompson and known os part of land tot No 44 of said dUtrict. Levied on as the property land, m district more or less, lying In the East Blacon _ Josh Hill, and known os port of lot G in block 3ft In said district. Levied on the ot Peter Sharpe to satUfy a tax A erty of Pi Htate and ES taxes due on said lot for the Peter Sharpe. us and place, four acres. East Mac Mocou district: adjoining the property of Peter Goodwin, J J Jessup and G St Davis, known as port of Und tot No 87 of said district. Levied on os the In Htinsonville, Dave or Daniel ntWfrtygj Dave or Daniel Parker to satisfy a n fa for Mate and county taxes due aa said land for the year UB against Dave or Daniel Parker. Afoftlkl, , , land.moreor Usftlylnf in the trict adjoining the property of Floyd Carter. Andersoo Holme* and Alex Roberts and known aa part of Und lot No 152 of said dis trict. Levied aa the property of Ben Smith to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes doe oa said lot for the year 1883 against Ben Smith. Also, at the same time am! place. % of an acre «h land, more or leas, lying in Ytneville dUtrict adjoining the property of Angelina Monghou,Tbomas »ud otfceta. Levied oa as the property of Amanda Taylor to sat Ufy a tax A fa for State and county taxes dae oa said lot for the year MO against Amanda Taylor. Also, nt the same time and pface, one aero of Uod moro or lees,Iriag ItdVineville districted- sai l district. Levied on as the property of Allen ieahroefcs to satisfy a tax fl fa for State sad county taxes doe on sold lot fortheyear and county taxes due oa said land for the year IW3 against Enoch Parker. Also, st the same time and place. 2 acres of land, more or less, lying in East Macon dis trict. adjoining the property of R F ami R K Woolfolk, and kuown a* port of lot E In block Mo. 38 of sold dUtrict levied on os the prop- Lcyteuon as erty of John Poter to satUfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said Und for the 180 against John Poter Also, at the same time and place, 1 acre of Und. more or less, lying 4n the East Macon dUtrict, adjoining the property of AG Pringle and Mrs M A Rogers, ami known as part of land lot No M of said district. Lerikdon as the property of Wm Norwood to satUfy a tax ti fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1*0 against Wm Norwood. Also, at the same time and place, one-half an acre of land, more or less. lying in the “ * ‘ e Clinton r Macon district, oa the known as part of lot 85 to land lot No. 65 of said district. Levied on as the property of Richard Morris to satUfy a tax fi fa lor mate ami county taxes dne oa said l*r ' year against Richar 1 Morris. Also, at the same time and place, laud, more or less, lying in the K , adjoining the property of Henry Mss- rIngale and Mllly Jones, known as part of Und lot No 44 of said district Levied on BROS., DEAL?.Eft IN ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. The Largest Dealers in the South. M a irhln S n ,e M^M„ 9 . i . ne u, B , 0l,er J:u Sa , w "Ji 11 .*- Sa *‘< shin 8'e. lath. Planing and Matching Machines, Hater Wheel*. Grist ana Houring Mills. Cane Mills MoS£»'shafi?™ l . 0 Irt P*i! ,0n Presses, Sulky Plow,, R.ke,. Reaper* and Mowers, Shafting and Pulloys. Steam Pump,. Boiler Feeder,, Whi,ties. Gsuqe,. Lubricators, Saw Cummers. Tanile Emery Wheels. Rubber Ho,e and Belting Bm„ Goods, Piping and Engine Fittings of all kind,. Machinery Oil, Etc. 9 WSwomt.hMd SUeKloery .t lo. prim. Look to yourlDlnr.l «n! B ,t our r- <*< b< for. burn’ PERKINS BROTHERS, 39_and_4l_We«^AIabanna Street, - - ATLANTA. CA. Jw property of Mrs 1J Coxa to satisfy a tax fl fa for htato and county taxes dae oa said lot of Und for 1883 s the year 1*83 against Mrs. IJ Coxe. G. H. WEHTCOTT, Hheriff Bibb County. March 3,1881. oaw4w Bibb County Sheriffs Sale. WILL ba sold before the court-house door* during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday lu April next, the —* — CT^jy******** »4 FWwer A~4Tetel*«-V .-to wtU he MBS free to ell whe e»»l/- AU mj Sm4 to «arrui*4 to to M-u4 Im to uama, ee (to Shot sheaM II »re«e ettorw toe, ■ to reOfl erSer* gretto. My sell—II— ef s«i *M «f Ito ma titoailM to to f M Jla eay Asmto— Celalsqae, ‘ I u e lam pert *T U ef mj Me»*toe4 tomek. eeA Mem ef tetreea«w mt (He mL I Hi u* fares* ef Ulme *k« ileal I will to f«u4 my toes e4t*rtlMe<iL . H. WOftV. teed ftrmmr. MartistosS. Mas* sday In April next, the following property: that tot or parcel of land situated in sold county, in the city of Macon, fronting 150 feet, more or less, oa Madison street and running back along two 20-toot alleys, 2M feet, more or less, lying between the lots owned by Emeline Hparks and others on one side and the lot* of J J Clay and others, and on the rear by lot of Mr J P Jones. Levied on the property of Char lotte Barker to satUfy a fi fa issued from Bibb Huperior Court In favor of E L Htrokecker, Jr, vs Charlotte Barker. Also, at same time and place, the undivided one-half foterest of churl*-* a KUs. In part of lot No 5, in Block 22, in the city Blacou. iwid lot fronting thirty-three feet on Mulberry street ami running back 2m feet to on alley, whereon Is the two-ttory brick building now occupied by J II Benner, on Mulberry street. Levied on as the property of Charles A E1U, to satisfy an execution from Bibb Huperior Court against Charles A Ells et al In favor of Mrs C Also, id the same time and place, part of lot' No 8 In sqnare 41, sUu*t«-d In the city of Macon on Poplar street, adjoining Jewish Hynagoguo ami known as the late residence of James R Boon, deceased. Levied on as the property of Mrs J U Boon to satisfy a tax fl fa for mate ami county taxe* due on sold tot for the year UH3 against Mrs J R Boon. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No 8 in sqnare 22, siluab-d In the city of Ma con on Mulberry street ami known as the store house occupied by Dave CromeUne. Levied - “ a* the property of W F Gouda!! to satisfy a : fl fa for mate and county taxes duo on sold tor the year law o^sinst W F Goo-lsll SIM M0 NS' tt»*. J. It Graves. Editor sod F LUopbU, Teas, sers; 1 rewin 1 r SI !. in*, na 1 h..*-, uv I CU*IU>TU0 TO Cur4iu uiu 0, INDIGESTION. LOST APPETITE, IIUOUSNESS, OrsPEPSIN. *0UN STOMACH. TOOL MEATH. C0STIVENESS. ENLARCE0 SPLEEN..COHO, *g. Proprietor "Baptist," ,»*-l li k K LA.1I Of |UUf I »1 about balfof IL 111 •wbliluectiita. I wqatoo bettor I.l*or totfulstorl aa 1 corulnlr no more oi ZsiUo’s mlilara. ] R«r. Y.. A- UsSot, FrsakUo. KT I Ia-w.tc.• »x* - ■ li*I in l-lcit llu znx, t nos!la. hr. | js: III* lb<* tost modi-1 Movurukoalomvtlia. Ill LIVER Rev. J. S llenlerof Su R G., Jao.'KLsars: Iharu lo sprvj-artiioa aervat (toaLbetflo,! your m.Ju ine .ilt. wwth-r »-i; .-ri.ir property of Rachel Htnbba to satisfy a tax fi fa lor Hate and county taxes dne eu sold Und for the jrsor UB against Rachel Htubbs. A f*o, st the same time ami place, lot No 1 Houlhwv«f common, situated on the corner of Gilmer owl Ash streets. In the city of Macon. Levied on ns the property E J leaks to satisfy a tax fi fa for State and county taxes 4mm said lot for the yiar UK against K J Banks. Also, at the boom time and place, part of lot No 2 southwest common lying on the alley brtaern Horn mood and Gilmer streets In the a MB of MnewLadJotafog property of EJ Bonks j Mn IX L Tuner. Levied on ns the prop- land plec ige, being k . part of lot J. L. Brittain, of BVnmtsvUU. I Dr. 8. Mso*fl«Id, Wholn#*bt Draudal luthba.HTi! I saflsrwl with |Trna ,sayi: " !!•*•* sold it 3U roars: my *. * a*od jrerls<uult mAoyyftantoforams. Thftttblin OrightltsdOslrOmta. Et*ii.l!i:. Put up tnsse.aad 91. packages ] _ aadbott!* 1 C.F.SIMMONSSCp. Wi-ITITfTF lons,H9. MEDICINE SUBSn ALL IM ANT*. ! r _ A1ATEM. All a~ _ i •v/ 1 . 1 ■ r, v r r;V!" , : u v,.,^ 1 ;: I tritatow. Ota nr. If ton a. into 55 toervcrsl thou^sed van-t r>, FltllH. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO for Htate Ptodtay tor the year ISA againat 1 the court house door In lot No ft 1 Moron ol B Wells. tty of Moron, during the legal hours of on the first Tuesday in April next, part of oft in square M. sttaaud in |he city of on Arch street, adjoining property of G _Jft Levied on as the property of D Barnttals satisfy a fi fa Inroed from the County Court in favor of M O'Hara A Bro vs D Barrstu Q.fl.WK'jlcon, March ft Ult-lAir4w blcnlf. Seeds plants I embraces every ueslr&bh PETER HENDERSON & CO. * rt o" ,#T, i 35 4 37 CwilafiH St., thm Ttrk.\ ad .aevtLW