Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, March 14, 1884, Image 5

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TIIE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER 1 FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1884 FROM ATLANTA. , OI ,g»tre.t Rl»e» to Explain- -jr cuonB Statement and Another 5 to Follow. IfttClAL CORHWPO»DE5CE.l March 10.—Since Gen. Lan*- ^• return from Washington I have led to send yon a substantial report befor ° ti " 8prinf " r c °t 0,11 rcl ,|y to the charges made , llin and the persistent eflort to * P : Id mm «'"«• The A,Brsh » l Sn tThusyto give the matter in full, feds it necessary to give it in several ti puts When they arc all published rt erohably be very clearly develo|>ed "u s e the bottom facte and real motive 3fi SefS‘furnlsh e ed‘me this morning “ i .me cal and unanswerable reply i a*, charge which had been most vigor- ie 1 ' „rSd, that he lacks business qual- snrff 11, incompetent in that office. *ff“Sf2d£S. practical men want 0, ',ic .1 orSof. A<tcr tlds statement was P-l' the committee the General Isrstileylhd not appear to want any more ^Tfedollowh'S* are "the accounts of the Ktfi of the Northern district "If i.iila comparative statement 2£?&“£« in all'the United State, S£i wi roE ,UCAI ‘ » «KSS Juror*'fee*. fttvVH 42 Prlionor* (10,209 67 ComtnhMon*--..”- 291,899 53 U S:is.'ntSd'.trictQa.- Msrvhsl'i fe«* WtSmSi»nd~<££3£3XnZZ K"Sma'.csfen«;...:: 1 -:::^ Tout Marshals' expenses United ; 7I.M** Number cases pending northern . oimf whole number. Average coxt each case tu United • Aw&co"*!** cue Northern M dWnct ""-.third.’** United AN IDYL OF THE KITCHEN. In brown holland apron the stood in the kitchen; Her alceves were rolled up, and her cheeks all aglow; Her hair was colled neatly, when I, India- tho dough. Now, who could be neater, or brighter, or sweeter. Or who hum a song so delightfully low, Or who look so slender, so grareful, so tender, As Nancy, sweet Nancy, while kneading the dough? How deftly she pressed it, and squeezed It, ca ressed it, Ami twisted aud turned It, now quick and sadness! .Twfis my heart she was kneading as well as the dough. At last, when she turned from her pan to the dresser. She saw me and blushed, aud said shyly, •• Please go. Or my bread 1*11 be spoiling, In spite of my toiling, If you stand here and watch while I’m knead ing the dough." ......... 25,850 85 $ 435 95 196 51 2,955 a than one-thin!. Number convictions In ~ “ Number convictions Northern dis trict Gco ^Q^ , ihan'one-twfltfh. Average cost convictions In U.8. ^ ^ cost convictions" northern ' dUtrict Ucorgia. -r.'i.T.V a “ A trifle over one-third. Nsnhsl s fees in all United States Court* « o7a,'w7 Ifsrthal'a fees northern district Georgia •• . Um than one-twenty-second. Juror* fees In all courts......... ...$ 449,144 Juror* fee* northern district Ga ..... 9, $82 €06,561 ■( 21,833 r ijcu than onc-twenty-seycnth. For prisoner* In all eou rta Witness fees northern district Ga... For prisoners Nortoro district Ga RAILROAD STOCK Augusta and Bav&nnab 7 per ccn guaranteed B9 Ocntral storir.ex-dlvMcnd,*****-. 82 Utirf"** certificates 87}$ Sfi.r.western 7 per cent, guaran- Food - 114 Geongia Railroad 149 Uacon Gaa Light and Water Co. stock 62}$ BA'JK STOCK. Exchange Bank. .... .107 Capital Bank SOU 81U Central Georgia Bank .....90 - Markets by Telegraph. NEW YORK. Mar. li—Noon.—Stock* firmer Money easy, 1492. Exchange, long 64.86‘^ 4.87; short 64State bonds dull. Evening.—Exchange 64.86%. Money *’' tab-treasury balances: Coin 6122,534.000; •ency 610.8,8.000. Government securltle J ulct; newO per cents. —; 4U percents. !»*>>*; per cents. 123%; 3 per cents *101. State bonus dull. The following were the closing quotations; Ala. Stste bonds— Loulsv. & Nash... 48''•* 8s. which are lower. Our quotatfonv are for full welgnu: No. 3 mackerel, bbls. 68.50, half bbls. 64.50. quarter bbls. 62.50; kits 65a 70c; No. 2 mackerel, bbls. (11.00, half bbls. 65.75, quar ter bbls. 63.00. kiU S5a90e: No. 1, bbls. 612.00, half bbls. 66.25, quarter bbls. $3.50, kits 95ca S .00. Herring—No. 125e per box: sealed 85c. od ftalOc. White ftsh-No. % halt bbls. 66.00, family 65.00. Grain.—'Corn—market higher; stocks light: good milling corn 77c_by ear. 7r ~ *~ ~ oats—good demand and higher: wo Class A, 2 to 5... *81U Class A, small.. *80 J Clans B, 6s 101L Class C. 4s *80}$ Georgia 6s -IT" Ga. 7s, mortgage.’ Go7y^™^|$ 252.954 11,319 Less than onc-twenty-seeond Miscellaneous expenses, all court*..! 291 Miscellaneous expenses, Northern district Georgia ... - 2,801 Leas than 1-104. Of total conviction* Northern district Georgia, there were 253 out of 304 case*, about ^TouT Convictions in all United States Conns *,**> out uf 0,304 c&sc-kcIcm than 5*4 p**r Rrj!ort of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Number still* seized In United States 461 Number stills seized in Northern district Georgia Following out this calculation to its legit imate conclusion, the General pressed upon the Springer committee that if the busint u in nil the marshals’ offices 01 the government had been transacted upon the tame business methods and with the same fidelity as in hi* office, the total expense of that branch of the service would have been only 6780JF14.80, n clear saving to the gov ernment of 61.000,000, or about one-half the whole amount expended. Or, to bring the estimate to the northern district under the average expenditures of United States marshals. Gen. Longstrect claims to have saved to the government 140.000, which amount is left in the treasury at Washing ton hut which, under the average system J would have been expended In the various channels in the district. The marshal shrewdly thinks that the saving of this 140.000, which might other wise have been distributed among tin- hungry, has whetted the wrath and goaded to open hostility his opponents and ac cusers. fa vim's raxraBxxcs. A prominent citizen of Fayette county intimated to me this morning that the delegation from his county wculd go into the Congressional convention with Ham mond as a determined first choice. In an swer to a further qu ation, he said that in owe Hammond failed of the nomination his county would vote for Stewart. “taking her IN.** Four Little Boys, a Wheelbarrow and the Station House. New York Herald. The sqcaking of a wheelbarrow wa» heard in New Church street at 9 o’clock a few nights ago. As the barrow neared the lights of .the Church street station U wa* seen to be propelled by four very small hoys, two of whom were struggling with each handle. In the barrow lay the rather limp form of a rather well dresaed old roman., in the last stages of intoxication. Half a down other small boya walked by toe side of the barrow and prevented the woman from falling out A little girl, carrying abahy almost as big as herself, brought up the rear of the group. All the children were very email. There was no cheering or noise as the triumphal procession progressed. Bvcry- tWng was quiet and conducted in an or- tftriy anc remarkably business-1.ke man Tho sweet little tyrant said, "No, sir! no! uo!" et when I had vanished on being thus ban ished, My heart staid with Nancy While kueading the dough. in dreaming, sweet Nancy, and see you in fancy. Your heart, love, has softened and pitied my And we, dear, aro rich in a dainty wee kitchen, Where Nancy, my Nancy, stands kn wading the dough. —[J. A. Fraser, Jr., in Century "Bric-a-Brac." She Know She Was Right. Bismarck Tribune. The other day a Bismarck gentleman was coming up from Standing Rock and stopjied to see a man who lives near the Cannon Ball river. In response to his knock at the door he heard a shrill, sharp "Comp in!” and upon entering found a sharp-faced, angular woman sit- tfhg in tlie'room under an open scuttle-hole leading into the loft above with a shot-gun on her knee. "Is ?.he gentleman of the house in?” he asked. "Yes sir; he air.’ Can I see him a moment?” "No sir; you c&u’tsee a hair of ’im*.” ‘‘Why can t I, madam? I would like to speak to him on business.” "If you was a dyin’ an Jim was the only doctor in Dakota, you couldn’t sot an eye on him till he gives in an’ talks decent. At dinner a while ago he told me to pass ’im the apple soss. an’ I tol’ him it waan’t aots, but aaas, an’ be said he kuowed better, it was soss, an’ I tol’ him that when he tuk a notion that a little apple sass’d feel soothin’ to his stomach to say so. an’ he said he’d have that soss or die. Then I tol’ him I’d defend that soss with my life, and made a break for the shotgun, an’ he made a break up through the scuttle inter the lofL When ids senses come to him an* lie gives in that sass is sass, he kin cum down, but if he makes a break afore that otrgoes the top of his bead. Thar sets the sass, stranger, an’ thar’s Jim up in the loft an’ that’s the way the matter stands jiat now, an’ 1 reckon you’d better mosey along an’ not get mixed inter the row/’ As the gentleman moved away he heai her voice saying: "Jim, when you get tired o’ yer durn foolin’ and want this sass jes’squeal out.” And a gruff voice from thedurksotue garret responded: "Soss.” La. consols *77} N. Carolina *30 N. Carolina, new *16 Funding *10 Special ux S s. c. Brown con.. 106} Tennessee 6s *41) Tennessee*, new. 41 j Virginia 6s *40 " consolidated. *41 deferred *7 Adams Express.. 129}$ American Er“ dies, and Ohio... 12U Chicago & Alton. 134 Chicago A North. 118*$ do. preferred... 141}i C., St/L. A.N.O.. 84}$ Consol. Coal 121 I pel. L. AW......... 128% EastTcnn. R. R..I Fort Wayne 1341 Han. A SL Joe 38 Harlem 90l Houston A Texas 40! Illinois Central... 130* Lake Shore •••■Ml •Bid. Man. Elevated.... 56% Memphis A Char. 64 Met. Elevated..... 93 Mich. Central 91 Mobile A Ohio.... 10 Nath. A Chat 62 N.J. Central 88% N. O. Pac., lsta.... *81 N. Y. Central 121% N. Y. Elevated.... 105 Norfk. A W. pref. 39 Nor. Pac. com 21 Ohio ud ffiui:: thi do. pref 90 1 Pacific Mall 50% Pittsburgh 138 r Quicksilver 5 ndo. pref. 28 urn Readtuf..HMBi Richmond A Al.. 3* Rich. A Dan &5l Rich. A W. P. T.. 28 Rock Island 121 SL L. A San F 22L ‘ pref 42% 1st pref.... *87 St. Paul....!. 91 do. pref. 11| Texas Pacific M Union Pacific U. 8. Express Wabash Pacific... jH pref. A Fargo 1 quote: Western 65*57; Georgia rust-proof 7Ja75; Texas rust-proof 75*80. Bran 61.15al.20. Hardwirr.—Market firm. Horseshoes95.00 per keg. "Mule shoes 66.00. Iron bound haraes 64.50*5.00. Trace chains 45o50c per pair. Ames shovel* 610.50 per do*. Plow hoes 4%*4%e per lb. HalmiuTs plovrstock* (1.15. Axe* *7.53* 8.00 per do*. Cotton cards 64.0). WelFbni I 64.25. Cottou rope 15U*20c f>er tb. Swede 5a5*$c per tb. refined Sa3*$c per tb. Plow Hi 5c per fo. Nalls 63.0O-baso of 10-p. Powder 65.00 per keg. Blastiug powder (3.o0. Lead 8c per tb. Drop shot 6l.85al.90 per bag. Barbed wire 6%a7c. Hay.—Market well stocked; fair demand quote at wholesale: Western timothy 61.10a 1.15; small lots (1.25. Hidkm, Wool, etc.—Hides—receipts light; dry Hint 8al2: salted 8al0. Wool nominal; un washed 16a20c; washed 25o28c; burry 10al5c. Wax 25c. Tallow 6c. Lemons.—Higher: good demand: Messina It. Lime. Calcined Plaster and Cement.—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demaud, and Is sell ing at 6l.J0al.25 per bbl: Georgia 61.20al.25. Cucined plaster 62.90a3.00 per bbl; hair 40o50c; Georgia ccmeut 62.00; Louisville aud Rosen- dale cement 61.00a2.00; Portland cement |3.75a 4.00. Liqfors—Ttye 6l.6Aa5.SO, Bourbon |1.60*5.00, redistilled rye and corn 6lal.30. gin and rum 61.05al.75, N O com (1.60, peach aud apple brandy 6l.75a2.50, catawba wine 61.25, port and £> sherry wine 6l.25a3.85, cherry^ and ginger 1 n brandy 90ca|1.50, French brandy 62.85a5 <5, do- ld mestlc brandy 61.05a2.00. Nuts.—Terragoua almonds 22c per lb: Prin cess paper shell 24c: French walnut* 15al8c; Naples —; pecan* 15c; Brazil 15c; Alberta —; cocoanut* per 1000. Oils.—Market firm and in good demand; *Ig- al50a60c; West Virginia black 17c; lard 94c; neadllght 20a22c; kerosene 17c: neatsfoot 78c: machinery 35a40c; linseed tta&Jc; mineral seal 83c; cotton seed refined G5c. Onions.—Yellow and red 63.50per barrel. Faurr.—Bananas, red, 61^9a2.00 per bunch; Pure Blooded TBR8BY HKD.Sallie Berkshire,!mpfirM Poland Cliina, Imported J!?scx li?:s for sale—? 15 .00 per pair. GEO. X. PRR8TC0TT, feh28wd It A w3t Wyllv.La. planters; COMMERCIAL. Oranobs.—Scarce and in good demand. Flo^ Ida selling at (3.50a 1.00 per crate. ArrLE*.—In good demand and scarce. Fancy Just rccc.vcU our Wurth lot ot joo rLtynzT, Jr., HORSE HOES AND CULTIVATORS. Also93 pack ages of Garden Wheel Hoes and Cultivators. Below we give a few expressions of opinion as to the merits of the Planet, Jr„ implements from parties who have iven them a practical trial. These implements have a arger sale than any similar tools in the world, and are uni versally acknowledged to be the standard in their line. They combine Lightness and Strength, Adjustability with Firm ness, Simplicity with Perfection of Work, and thorough Practical Value with beauty of design. A full descriptive catalogue, containing thirty-six pages, and over forty illus trations showing the tools in their various combinations at work in the field, will be sent free upon application. Macon, Ga., MayX. 1883.—The “Planet A-W0RD-IN- YOUR - EAR-AND-D0L- LARS.IN-Y0UR.P0CKETS. nAPPPNEW YEAR! Good-bye. 1883 Crop* not first-rate, but might have been worte. Mon»-y not exactly plenty, but yet, enough u> go round, and after paylrg deb is au$*U> In h’jpplie*. Flock, clothing. gnano/APnl «') things needful, there will yet te somethin* Mr invest. And now let us suggest that the COTTON MARKET REPORT BY Telegraph and Messenger. Macon, March 12—Evening. Liverpool reported firm at 5J$ lor mid dling uplands. Sales, 6,000 bales. Futures closed steady. In New York, March contracts opened dull at 10.86 and closed steady at 10.86al0.87. 8alcs, 21,000 baits. Spots opened dull at 10J$ and closed quiet at 10?$. Bales. 1,132 bales. In New Orleans, March contracts opened steady at 10.40 bid, and closed steady at 10.41 kid for the same month. Bales, 20,COO bales. The local market closed quiet and unchanged at the following quotations. Bales. 234 bales. Good middling ..........—10*$ Middling....: 10 Strict low middling —. 9?$ Low middling —. 9fe Strict good ordinary — 9-*$ Good ordinary — 98$ Ordinary K... Clean stains - — Red stains — — 8>$ RECEIPTS for two days. Receipts previously Stock on hand September 1,188a—. ... 24— \Fben the stepa ot the station were reached the borrow was shipped and care- Hoped over and the woman deposlteil on the lower step. Then the was rolled SPtothestone platform, and *all but two httle boys went away. One of these stooil pard over the woman while the other timidly knocked at Uie door. It was at *8»t opened by a gigantic officer .who ilarol wan astoni'Ucd sort of way into the dark- P—ay aid over the boys’ heads, while his [*•*• bnttons glistened in the ligbL Then to look down and saw the two children ami the prostrate woman. With }h« assistance of the boys the officer ***• woman, took her mvhle, where J"5 ** T * hep *wm® as Mary Welsh, of Uec- and was locked np. The Uttle ho\s Uien went quietly away. — ^/'creW reporter. wl»o had watched the {*1225? • ct P c » overtook the boy with the wrow, and asked; i.wV 01 • policeman ?” »»py*** th« chlW, with «»•* »eri- ‘btnlwM Uk n' her in." •.v/JS 0,t, . n **■“ in?" hx i r o i 0, teb bal •omrtinu".. I own the SH®* 1 ™*, n “• «n’ Bhlpwf (m old crittCT, u enu't ,Und »n* Ml cold nicht w. xaw her a !ajln r m “Jrtor itrm, «»• I go, the t, a rro, ft frix U ihe'd itoppcl there." Thuridaj, Mtoch 27th, inmtag of the Henry Coll iPg-W■ U«y a ti.kelfor r 4°° many win |30J* >• nrianci & u kV Aijre " On to tho Mardl era. Carnival. The 105th Grand Monthly Drawing of the Louisiana State t-nttery took place the second Tuesday In February, at New Or leans. I.a. Gen’ls G. T. Beauregard, of I .a., and Jubal A. Early, of Va., super vised it. Ticket Xo. 71,512 drew First Capital of $75,000; it was sold in fractions of fifths at $1 each, and Mr. Horace N. Hatch, a plumber of No. 130 West Broad way, South Boston, Mass., got $15,000; an other portion went to Messrs. Lazard Freres, of San Francisco, Cal., well-known hankers there ; another to Frank Faciolle, Jacksonville, Fla. No. 00,202 drew the Second Prize of $25,000. also sold in fifths— one to H. K. Hick, of Morgaiiton, Brooke Co., N.O., collected through Bank of Ashe ville. N. C.. and elsewhere. No. 80,428 -Irew the Thlnl Capital of $10,000. sold In Washington City, D. C., and elsewhere. Everywhere, everytime. everyone has a chance to win a fortune for a trillc. Any information can be had of M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., before April 8th, the next drawing. Tha Matter of Unvarying Unanimity. Henry County Weekly. Tho unvarying unanimity with which Uie Atlanta Constitution reproduces every flattering notice of Captain Jack- son that appear* in certain rural heb- douiadals is not less conspicuous than its studied indifference to all compli mentary mention of Colonel Ham mond in the same connection. The Constitution may succeeded in befool ing tho innocent suffragists of Fultor as to the immense popularity and avail ability of Captain Jackson, hut in the llffal reckoning it will find that tho voters of Henry and adjoining counties |are not so gullible. (30,000 for 32 Is offered by the Henry College Lottery, March 27th. 1,857 prizes, amounting to $10,000. (Ice that you get a ticket, only $f each. Address J.J. Douglas, Covington. Ky. The only ocean steamer* now in *er- Tice that are 600 feet In length or orer are Use City ol Rgmo, NO feet; Servla, 215feet; Alaska. 500 feet, and Oregon 528 feet. The Great Eastern is 07.1 feet long, but her day of usefulnras has long hern over. A n:w days since, in tho work of making some holes tor planting trees iround tlic new fort constructed outside the Port gan Lorenzo, in Ifbme, a line ata ue of Apollo, one meter eighty centim eters in height, wss discovered in a good state of preservation. Adknts should n*t fail to *ee our offer of premiums ctnewhere in this is- ■ue. ______ U FINANCIAL. STOCKS AND BONDS IN MACON. COUECTZD DAILY IT J. W. LOCKETT. BROKER. MACON. March 12. UM. There Is s good demand tor sit investment securities. STATS SOSOS. Bute hoods sis firm. btock on han«l 5,858 COTTON MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. LIVERPOOL. Mar. 12,-Noon.—Cotton firm; middling uplands 6J$; middling Orleans 6; talc* 12.000. for speculation and export 2,000; receipts 11,000. American 8750. Futures are quoted as follows: April and May Juno and July >MM . July and August... * ueust and Septet Futures steady. 1:80 P. m.—Sales of clo'Jed firm. New York, March 12.—The Post’s cotton article says: Cotton for future delivery closed steady,the leading months 3-100 to.6-100 higher than yesteMav. NEW YORK. Mar. li-Noon.-^otton dull; middling uplands 10?$; middling Orleans 11*$ Futures market closed steady; tales 21.00U. The following table shows the opening and closing quolatUma: ' riukhu.—rmw |LW|Uas rels, plain and mixed, 67.00. Potatoes.—Good demand for new potatoes at62.50a3.00 per bbl. Raisins.—Fair demand; marEet steaay: new layers (2.50 per box: new Loudon layers (3 per box; loose muscatels (2.50. • Rice.—Good 5c; prime 6*$c; fancy 7c. 8TAKcn.—Refined pearl boxes oc; do. 1 lb boxes 6c. SARDINE*.—Quarter boxes American (7.25a 8.00 ^imported (13.50. -J Salt.—The demand is moderate and the market steady; large stock; Virginia (lal.25; Liverpool (1; by car load these prices can w - Bi'gars. The market la quiet; crushed 9 powdered 9>$c; granulated 9c; A 8}$c; wl Louisiana, good 85a40c, prime 46c, choice 50a 56c. refined 50. Mules.—About three car loads In the mar* ket, which is active; trade medium: (lOOalSS. Horses.—One car load Tennessee in market; H25S200 PROVISION AND CRAIN MARKETb BY TELECRAPH. Baltimore. March 12.—Flour firm and steady: Howard street and Western superfine 62.75a3.59, extra 63.75*4.75, family 65.00a6.00, City Mills superfine 62.75a3.50, extra 63.75* 6.2& rl* brands 65.62*5.88, Patapsco family 66.50, superlative pate it (7.00. Wheat—Southern firm: Western steady and quiet: Southern red Sl.13al.15. amber 61.15al.17, No 1 Maryland. 61.15*$a1.16}$; No. 2 Western winter rivl spot 61.mUal.om$. Corn—Southern steady, Western dull: Southern white 60*62, do yeuow 50a60. Data quiet and steady: Southern 42aV», Western winter white 43a44, do mixed 42*43, Pennsylvania 42ai». Rye quiet, steady at 67a69. Hay quiet and firm: prime to choice Pennsyl vania and Maryland fmnoai.voo. Provisions rk, old (18.00, new (19.00. Bulk jrs (packed) (8.00, clear rib side* (packed) (10.25. Bacon—shoulders 68.75, rib rids inty. The "Planet Jr.** Ilorso Hoe is ahead of anything of the kind I ever saw. It will bar dff eight or ten acres of cotton a day, and for cultltating corn it will do as much and better work than any two ordinary plows. One mule will pull it os easily os Boy Dixie or Blue Pony Plow. Hope you may sell one to every farmer in the Htate. Yours truly, P. W. tiTUBBd. Houston County. Ga., June 36th, 1883 — Dear Sir: I have been using the "Planet Jr.” bought of you, laying by ray corn. It ju»t beats anything 1 ever saw in the shape of a plow. 1 only wish I had gotten an other: could have finished in less than half the time it took me to finish the field. Every one that has seen it is finely pleased and several have said they intend to have one, if not more. My crop is looking very well, and grass with it. would not care a straw about the grass if my cotton rows were just regular enough for me to use my TTnc Cultivator. Very truly. ‘ Very truly, etc, C. A. REDDING, ......5574I ..6 2-64 ptember !..!"!.’.*!!!!.!!!.610-64 f American 9000. Futures March June.... July August September — — October November........ December January 10.86- 87 10.87- 90 11.07-04 11.20-21 11.31-32 11.4( NEW ORLEANS. Mar. 12,-Cotton futures market closed steady; sales 20,600. The tol lable shows the opening and closing Macon. Ga., 1883.—Dear Sir: Have tried the "Planet Jr.” Horse Hoe and Cultiva tor. Send me two more. They are money in my pocket. Yours truly. WILLIAM BURGY. P. 8. Mr. Burgy at the end of the season stated that he cultivated 100 acres of cot ton with two of the cultivators, and his mules were as fat os when he commenced tne crop. E. M. 8. & Co. Macon, Ga.. August 27, 1883.—Dear 8ir: The one Cnltivator bought of you is a great labor saving tool, and vri!! ■aye uny nun two dollars a day. Yotim truly, clear |14J25al5.00. W» Jr.” Horse Hoe is by far the best plow I have ever used. Last week I put it by ti side of two other plows for furrowing con and did as much with the "Planet Jr.” L with the other two, through the week day for day. Respectfully J.R. NELBON. Bibb County, Ga., 1883.—Dear Sir: The Planet Jr.” one horse Cultivator bought of you works like a charm. You need not be afraid to recommend it. for if it will work in my land it will work anywhere. I have a two-horse crop planted and can cultivate it easily with one horse and the "Planet Jr.” In fact it is all that you rec ommend it to be. Yours truly. R. M. GILBERT, Macon, Ga., June 15,*1883.—Dear Sir: I Yesterday begnn to use,tho one horse Cul tivator, bought of you a few days ago. It does the work e :tirely satisfactory, so far as 1 have tried it. 1 called in three neigh bors to see it work. They were so wel’ pleased they will take oue each. You wiU please send me three for them. They art all good and reliable farmer*. Yours truly, GEORGE W. FKAGIN. le* I 111.00. Hams (augur-cured) . Lam—refined (10.25: Butter dull: ..’estern packed 10a20; creamery 25*38. Coffee a ulct: Rio (cargoes) ordinary to fair ll}$al2}$. ugar steady: A soft 7*$, copper refined 14a 14*$. Whlaky quiet: (l.lWl.W$. Freights to Liverpool per steamer dull: cotton 6-16d, flour laid, grain 2*$d. New Yosk. March 12.-Fl*nr-Southern -.eady: common to fair extra 63.60s4.aj, good to choice extra 64.75a6.50. Wheat, spot firm and active: ungraded red ftUad.JO, ungraded white WUal.06, No. 2 red 91.079$a1.osj$ spot, ! .sS&dtGS: while feuthern tataaJt No. 2 re«l for cub, March. 0«t», .pot lower: No. 2 ai vife, rvli. Hop. firm: new 1703. Mr to choice coffee, .pot fair Hto dull .t I12.2.X — - *-■ M, r ■ *•* a BEST PAYING INVESTMENT, e that will pay tbo largest dividend, ia thing that will make happiness in our home*, that will elevate your children, oai MUSIC ALONE WILL DO THIN. Ilave you a Flano or Organ in your home ? If not. you should have, and we can stye you money in its purchase. Over 30 000 <Migh trd purchasers, whom we have supplied In the past fifteen years, will Indorse this srateuieuL See the Grand Inducement* we offer. Ten Leading Makers. Chickeritig Mathuahek, tod- den & Danf. 11*11* t A US1 is, Hardman. Arum. Mason * Hamlin, Packard. Palace and Hay State. OverlOOstylea All Grades. All i’rvva. Pianos, f 200 to 61.000. Organs. $2» to 17.;*. Mikers' names on all. No dtencll or cheNp in struments sold. "The best is always the cheap est,” but our cheapest !s good. SEE WHAT WE GIVE PURCHASERS Macon. Ga., May 17.1883—Froiaa color man cultivutinc red .stiff land: Dear Sir: I lo>t my wrench that belong) to that plow. Send me another one by Mr. Anderson. I like it zplendid. It 1, just like you recom mend it. 1 would take nothing for it. Ererybody like* it who ever taw it work. 1 do not begrudire what it coat me. 1 re main at ever, JOHN D. DKAl’ER.Col. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. KUNA GREER. E. Wl. SARGENT & CO., Seedsmen, MACON. GEORGIA. marl4thur.sun.tuaaAw With each Piano, a Good Stool andCover. With each Organ,a Good Stool A Instructor With each Piano or Organ, a Book of M uric Also, arflx Years’ (luaraii ee. a Fifteen Dsyt Trial, with Freight Fold both wajs If Instru ment docs not suit and a privilege of errhunge it ary time within six months, if the h. - turn made ia net rcfifactory. Moro than this. vl PAY All FREIGHT l Yea, we ncin It. Wqee’.l you Best 1 Mira nt at ter when yoo live so that the in coats you no tnore than If you lived i nah or Nek York city. 8eid us your name *na we will mail you Illustrated CaUlosne* aud circulars which will t**ll you what wo have not mom tn tay here. mS wo will Hiveyou tnonpy and and give you something LTJDDEN & BATES’. SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. The first Music Houso in theU. H. to Deliver Pianos and Orga» n Freight Paid. Or THE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, Macon, t>a. No 7 Rio, J uletand ernambneo 5j spot (10.90. March (10.45al0.50. Sugar inlet and unchanged: Muscovado 5»$a5 11-16, n> XL Cuba 5}$a5>$, centrifugal XL • 5 9-16, NL Domingo 5} ia.V*$, Dema- Porto Rico5^$, molasses sugar 5*$. t refined dulP- Ite extra C 6*$a March.. April... M*y...~ July August. September..— 110.41* 10.51-52 10.54-56 10.70-71 10.90-94 “10.91-92 11.U7-0K NKNV YORK. Mar. 11.-Cotton market quiet; sales 1132; middling uplands 10J$; middling Orleans U>$. | J f Consolidated net receipts 7207: exports, to ■rest Britain 23,442, to continent 8217. UALVKriTON, Mar. 11-Cotton steady: mldl dling 10 7-16; low middling 10^$; good ordinary 9%; net receipu 1284. gross 1248; aales «J;I stock 64.825; exports, to Great Britain 1656, to continent 2186. , NORFOLK, Mar.12.-Cotton steady; middling l«:ort receipt* ««, pm SIS: Ml** «!: ■lock M.7M: export*, to Ore*) Britain411,: coastwise 1918. BALTIMORE, Mar. 11-Cotton quiet; mid- ■■■■iHHL#-.- Martinique 5 9-16, Ht. Domingo 5*$a5?$. DemaH rara 6 9-16Jforto Rico'"' ’ - ' w o refining KpSffif oSmUaM ■uiul.ni A *7MT}i confectioner*'^) 7U cut lo.t amt cnnhcJ 7JU.., powdered' A 711-1* a7>$, granulated A 1%. cubes 7»$. Molasses steady: New Orleans 85*56, Porto Rico 85a 45. Cuba (50-test refining) 21}$. Cardens- 28. Rice steady and Arm: Patna 8, domestifl 4>Ia7, rangoon 2}$. Cotton seed oil steady and steady at 45a4e*$. Pork firm and quiet: mess, spot 617.50alf.55. Middles nominal: long clear 69.75. Lard higher: Western prime steam spot #9.65, March 69.S7a9.60. Freights to Liverpool per utcamcr dull: cotton 5-32d,| wheat laU$d. —I - , Louisville, March 11—FL , ■ nnrhanged: extra family 6.'l.25a3.. r <0, A No. 1 1(4.00*4.50, high grades *.5006.75. Wheat firm: No. 2 red winter 61.05. Corn firm and un changed: No. 2 white 55, No. 2 mixed 62*$.I Oat* nrm: No. 2 mixed Western 06.4*37. Pro vision strong. Mess pork steady at 61*.«). ttulk meats—shoulders 67.25, clear rib sides ,4i clear side* 69AH$. Bacon—shoulders I i.oo, short riba 610.00, short dear (10.624 Jlams—Bugar-cured unebange«l at (13.50. Lard quiet and steady: prime leaf (ll.U), prime •team (9.00. Whisky quiet and unchanged at 61.1& I Cincinnati, March 12.—Flour active: famL lly 64.fl0a4.90, high grades 6ii.23a6.73. good] to fancy(5.15*5.50. Wheat quiet and steady: No. 2 red winter 61.0Sal.06 cash, 61.05*1 uil March. (1.05*1.06 April. Corn stronger: Nod 3 mixed50*53cash,50*53 March. Oats rirmerfl No 2 mixed $aS7 cash, 36* i*l7 March, 36*$*37 April. Rye steady at 65*67. Barley quiet and | stca<ly: No. 3 fall Pork dull: new mesa 617.3ual7.75. Lard easier: prime steam 6*. 1A Bulk meats quiet: shoulders (7.00. short riba (9.25. Baron steady: shoulders (EM [ribs (10.124 abort clear (10.50.Hi Naval Stores. Savannah, March 12.—Rosin (pales) dull: strained to good strained 6l.20*L224: sales 600 barrels. ^ Spirits turpentine steady: regular CMaolkston. March 12.—Spirit* turpentine dull at 32*$. Rosin quiet: strained aud good strained (f.25. Wilminoton, March 12.—8plrita turpentine firm at 32. Rosin dull: strained 61.20, nod strained 91.25. Tar firm: hard 61.40. rude turpentine steady: bard 61>25, yellow and virgin 62.25, . iw York. March 11—Rosin firm at 61.48 al.50. Spirits tuvpentiue dull at 16. WOOL New Yo«k. March li-Wool quiet and steady: unwashed 12 to 30, domestic fleece 32 to 45 Texas 14 to 27. For Sale. DURE HERLONU Cotton *c*d at 75 rent* a bushel on can, anil >ix thor. ;hbrcd Bvrluhire boar pig* three month* , best pedigree, $10 each, on car*. Fin) money get* them. U. E. PARK, Moron, Oa.. or J. T. DOZIElt, feb'Jlwlt Holton, Ga. '■urli old, t Britain 3537. BUSTOS. Mar. 11—Cotton dull; middling _J| low middling Vfi: good onlinare W: net receipt* lost jtrowi IMS: wile* —: Mock 7)10. WlLMIXUTttS, M»r.l3.—Cotton«t*«ly: mid dling I0K; low middling M; good ordio*- rTr^Betreceipt* 1». grom «»; •*!«* J. Dougla.1, Cor- TO SUBSCRIRERS. •’ ® will credit any Hiibocribor to ih* "wtWTlUOUni AMD Mzi-xwogB *iUi one year’* mbscripUon who will »t:ui u* aclnb of five Milmcrilwr* nt $1.25 each, or ten nt $1 ea. h. Thi* i* **f to pay yonr next jrear’a rabseripUon. Give it n trial. tf . to Be forbuhiii “erlin n decree ban been i.iraed ,*bj.»ale of lnbjxlcatlng Ihpuir t. , 1 The penxlty tor diiobrdienee homed ixi witMrewnl ol the II- ■ I*. «>. P*>, January »n 1 July cou- o£°fi!‘iiSCFiV.'ruioy"aiiilAiiguit coupons - mm. ,m...m.J <;i. 7., gold bond*, quarterly cou-^ otu! iSJpiuiniijrir'ittd'jiily ettr nonn*. City bend* rale firm. Macon* per cent, quarterly cou-^ LjSSnah'U peTsmiL'qbnitirSr coupon, - —- •*!» Columbus * per cent, quarterly | A^ff*Ver«r^aa» n «'r“" ; , m I iSljriBSbWhSi,, Wmhnr Im f*m*UCoik*«bood*r.l0l uaiuwad nonn*. | Railroad bond* are ttrm. Atlantic and Onlf IM mottgadA a . 7 percent-, im, January July canon* ——-.--IB Qrorgta H. K. w. maturity ISS7 to uiibsaSae^ cnsLSd mortgage, duo (cetera 3S£m* 107 PHILADELPHIA. Mar. lL-Cottm firm*. jgssss MVASSAII, M»r. ll-Couon itody; mid dling tu';: low middling IS; good ordl nary 9**; me* receipu 61? grom US; ml** ‘"new ORLEANS,'liar, li—Potion Meadr; middling 107-1*: low middling IS>i; gml ordi nary *H: not receipu 1BO. gram UM: Mleo .. eaporu. To tirent Britain M jKhH^Mar!?X-CoSqM«3ir: middling “MEMPHIAiardi^^^i.ready: middling ■^AlhPbTA. Mar. 13-Cotton firm: middling' AM low mMdting W „ good ordinary —; re- « * la *»t» —; sales 288. t iT.\f:fT.'TOS. Mar. 13.—Cotton quiet: mid- gwgjygF&gg Mock »JU: czpocu, coaMwlae TITS. CITY MARKETS. 'MziTa-no qooU: Bacon Mdm UKnll; noMmoldcn. Bulk mcaU—aide. to*f; akonl- dm t'«. Uam* very acarc* nt MHnl$i u to "imd.-TIk market U Wronger; In tierce* wl tub* M%;M tbpaU* ll7r»psU*U)d;S Nteady: common an<l light (Vm>«iA.90, ^a«'kli ami butchers 68.fl0a7.35. Whisky tteaJy 61.15. 8t. Lons, March 11—Flour quiet a steady: family 65.25a5.65. Wheat slow ana higher: No. 2 red fall $L99f«aL10» a cash, March; No. 6 red fait 61.00. Coro ighcr: No 2 mixed 4%»$a49% cub, Mam •* x *—er: 824*334 cash, J2?$a tpriL Provisions Arm. Lord Am: 69.25 cash. lk meats Arm: long clear • 10, ibort rib* lt.axM.3S, .bort clear mta sr««ss at 11.16. Crnc.no, March lt-Ttoor Meadjr and no- changed: common to choice apt— ASAMtnnewU tLVmiJO, PMent Wheat Mrong and higher. ,$V«i»*l . la boxM 13e. buieli lie. ■corwx.—The market t. firm and price* *4 SJX J y’tsre 7S.HU g&SSSBB&gSrsta UtoSdo $9*81; No2ret active and higher: 504 esfisrisH March. IJ.iUtJPj April. Bulk aunt* ■boulder. r.i\ .burt rtw ShSO, .hort clear (S.M. WbUky Mewdr *t 11.17. Sugar un changed: nundud A 7XnTii cut loaf »}«a9.| I granulated Pi- Saw Ounana, March 13.—Floor Meodrl iSoSSfot etKee’ tnA Kk’doinSd^K^M to prime Oran jmtjT at $1A Cotton Chicago Cattle Market. Cmcaeo, Much II—Tb. Drove r’. Journal msmmm Eff!aj31«BS3fiSS»ra Cattle receipts &.uu0 bead, sblpmcnu, htrt- niitr M ,.i •THE**] HOMASL. lUrvety msnnfarrojM ! mown. It is Bssde at best whim oak smt mml niiktly snd cbeaply cnltlvstt* rrrrwltr crotm,^ 4 * K COTTON,CORN&WHEAT.4fcfe «UI ivaillrely HtVE one bovine and IWW • KM . THOMAS HARROW CO.V. SILVERWARE! For Jlousehold Use, BIRTHDAY ! —AND— WEDDING PRESENTS 1 Large stock and Low Prices. -Send for Catalogue. J.P. STEVENS* CO.. Inbgwly Macon. O*. A FEW WORDS FROM CAPT..R. W. BONNER, A WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN OF MACON EXCELSIOR it Loolsvtlle, COOK STOVES ALWmSATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED HANOTAOTimSD nr Isaac A.Sheppard & Co. .Baltimore,Mi AND FOlt BALE 11V GKO. S. OB KAIL, 110 Cherry “trei t. jan23-wl Macon Ga. In August. 1M1. nearly three years ago, my son, who was at that time living at Clinton, ilia., came over to see me with the sad Intelli gence that his wife was in the last stages of ronsumption and that her physician had pronounced her case, hopeless. 1 went Immediately over, and I felt that nothing could be done. Abe warn coughing and spitting incessantly, and at times would discharge^ from her lungs a Urge quantity of ims or matter—could not sleep or on her stomarh. and was. in ■MPMM stages of the disease. This was about the time you began to advertlael I ‘ * 1 ‘ ami as ml ft n Send six cents for postage, 11 • and receive free a costly box of goods wbtcb will hefpall, of either sex, to more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely^ sure. At once address Tara A Co., Au gusts, Maine febSwly 266TH EDITION. PRICE ONLY $1 By Mall Postpaid. t.l tsUM ifcLtaf MPWit the Brewer's Lang Restorer, and as my son ex pressed a desire to give U to his wile, two or three bottles were procured and with scarcely a vestige ol hope we commenced giving it to her in small doses, gradually increasing the quantity until the prescribed dose was reached. i*hc began to improve after a few doses and continued to «lo so dally, until she was Anally restored to life and health, and is to-day per haps in better health than ever before, ehe is subject to colds, but* few swallowsof Brewer's Lung Restorer (which she is never without) relieves her immediately. 1 consider her res toration to perfect health a miracle, for which she Is indebted to Brewer’s Lung Restorer. My son Is almost a monomaniac on the sub ject of Brewer’s Lung Restorer ami never lets an opportunity pam where he thinks such a (medicine wotua be required, that be does not speakofit In most glowing terms. Nut long since a Northern gentleman on his way tol Florida beard of this cure and was induced by my son to give it to his invalid wife, and she was cured as If by magic.’’ dbvrere acted wonderfully ou him. and by the time he bad taken one bottle of It the cough disap peared. lam now on a visit to my parents in Georgia, but will return in a few days to my home and will certainly take tome et the Lung Restorer with are. LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR. Macon, Atlanta and Albany, Ga. be moiled pare' customers Ol l*»t s nfcfc year Without ■>$«!*■ ring ll_ It fit i.m I. . tr.it! .nt. I.ritrq, ,1. - npiu.-it 4afl directi. I t for planting all Vrgr! $).!«• and Flower rUnu. <-tc. Iu\ulunl)le to all, D.M.FERRTSC0.% DON'T : . : YOU I . . I * . »#!' SSO. •vsi SliSJVUi' WANT rar.': BsrB^Spy gwaTli•*BySS^TWirT>po^«MM«rtlMBWlM. ' ' 11'wo a ld m * n u f« eVu ai’mo c« | Jft Noassu Streets New To KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work on Manhood! . A book for mrj S and old. Itcnotalaa 5to and chronic dia- ■ la InvmloaM*. 80 or, whoM cipcricnc. Tha only i*f—i-«-hrTvtu making a SPECIAL BUSINESS of ROUES. OO LANCE HOUSES wins »ji*1 Eitras- n: r*» *( 12 L*rt2j J^Tfor <r~94;’39 »‘«r tSl 78 8i 0* tod J- "Z* fSffS&'FSZf '■ ■■" THE o“!mO« . (<wt.nl.w. Ism flnsm. A Lady's Lite I ^/?/?.ain;vL95 yKw.Ric.eaX i ®0I *>4. May depend upon the medical treatment she receives for the removal of horn troubles pecu liar to hers x. That ibese affection* Mm^m ^■dls clearly dn on>tratcd by thJH flee of Dr*. JackL 1-U. auJ Ninth ett Oa. »•»' **Siik^Un it. v kir« ih.s.u.n.l M.»i As.- toihaoai- cenof whlchhercfrn. T.U t.a»k tkou.4 ■< read tv the 5 -mj for . ,n, and bj lk* amcllod tor reiki. It rill Um at all.—t iadea Las-'!. Tbcr* l« no member of Md«iy to whom tail look will not bo rueful, whether jouth. jarear K «rI ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ '• > ■ - -<-» »■*' Addma IKABoIiY Mfi P r . or Pr. «. II. FABKKB,>. I B :’.Sn, B. ... 3>» . ot ■■ ■■ oia.oltod on.U < 4 .:-^-- r.,,ulili.e .kill and enerionee ' iuVsllV I£*£££ decTwIy cU-srly •!• i onstrated by thousands! Jonials on file at the offle * ’ *v Burnett. N. K. comer lu mm» nfnslnasit. Ohio. Jour advice to our lady readers is to corres pond with them. They are rtlliful and learned and alwayameti with success In their ractlce. The appended letter from the wife of Rev. a. L. Biukley, which Is pabliahed by penataston. I shows tha efflcacy of their treatment: Martinsville. I d., June It. 1I7A Da Ja$.'lt-.»n A Buroett,Cor. Race and flh B.t, have been in InvalM for several R . Your M U. Pastille* wererucomsoenlsd • by a pnjraicisu. v* ii*ti 1 c»>mn eaced I their nse, 1 had been unab's walk for nearly UVUTHM Wlthsut the use of an iaatrumenL After udnt less I one box of the Pastilles. 1 laid tbe li.-tr.r aside, never a *ta to take it up. and InL months wasen >:$ly curedef Retrovcisicn and hanpassfiie term. Bare also been croud of Ijeucorrto'*. From my own eapoexe I and that ot soaae half dnien others tnathavu S lhrea.1 consider the P« lilies the m«wi ble medicine ever given to the poor r.ng vonin, a« ihty have never fluic$ lu raBeUne Use desired result when .properly used. Ladles mo sensitive and tlssld to call on a physic i*n foemlvice and treatment, have here n valuable medicine In theu own hands. THE BEST IS TM1 CMIAPE1T.” SAW Pyp|||rQ THKSRBV tnumto- MILLS, I *M I rkti U> TUe A**i~i*A X Tutor O* OPIUM^ *Vi*" IL U. k \’>V » v$ w nVw* AGENTS! ft BINKLEY. their fai’U la tnetr ree edy I JrWTK FOSSAE * BcMtaiS. Queen the South V PC JZTJS DT.E FARM MIL 3 r.r .»i • Fa^rMmlBt i->cco nr TJC.2Z. '«r.u ».r 1‘MtfkWt. Sspca * Saslt If {g Si