Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, March 28, 1884, Image 8

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lHE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER FRIDAY, MARCH 28,1S84. THE NARROW CAUCE. Where the Survey Runs—Interview With Mr. W. H. Wells. On Saturday last the wagon containing the surveying corps for the Macon and Florida Air-Line railroad and their equip ments rolled into the city. The boys had been gone just alxty days, during which time they had traveled over four hundred and fifty miles Qf country and surveyed a line 300 miles long. The first forty miles of this road is through a rough, ridgy country and very difficult to handle. The main line, 212 miles long, was surveyed in thirty-four working days, which an average of about six and a quarter miles a day. If a quicker survey has ever been made for a line equally aa long, we have not heard of it. After the first forty miles were paat { the remaining 172 miles were surveyed in twenty days, being an average of more than eight and a half miles per day. Meeting with Mr. W. II. Wells, the en gineer in charge, a Telegraph reporter asked for a description of the line. “The line follows the Southwestern rail- roal to the seventh mile post; diverging to the left at this point, it passes a half mile east of York and about a itfile west of Feagin. and two and a half east of Hous ton factonr to Wilson, the former county site of Houston. From Wilson the lin C runs confluence of Limestone and Indian creeks, thence up the east side of the former, to the dividing ridge, having left Hainesville a mile anu a half to the cast. Continuing south, the linn posses within a mile of Spoonville, straight to a point two and a half miles east of Vienna, on the main dividing ridge between the Octnulgee and Flint rivers, and turning a little to the southwest, the line runs straight along the ridge to Tifton. on the Urn ns wick and Al bany railroad, and thence south through Alton to Valdosta, thence In a direct line through Jasper in Hamilton county, Fla., to Lake City, crossing the Sewanee river at White Sulphur Springs." THE BANK SCAMPS. How the Stolen Money was Discovered by n Dropped Remark. Since our Macon banks were visited by the sharpers, everj tiling in conm. ction with the two men who operated in Augusta, will be read with interest. In our telegrams of yesterday a brief account of the restoration of the money was given; but fVom the Chronicle, of yesterday, we get the follow ing details: 141 . , Among the passengers on bonrdthe train going to Allendale Saturday afternoon was Rev. Dr. Dow, a well known Presbyterian minister of Carolina. He was returning to his charge for his Sunday's work ami, as t happened, was seated near the men. who talked more or less confidentially to each other. During a stop of the train, Mr. Dow, who was not paying especial atten tion to his neighbors, overheard a remark* It had no importan e, hut lie happened to remember it. “Remember, nov., 1*28, sec ond street from the depot.” The numbers somehow seemed to stick, and so soon as Mr. Dow heard of the robbery and of the arrest, the figures, which tingled in his ears, seemed to burn in his brain. Well, Mr. Dow communicated the fact and figures to Conductor Jenkins, who reached Augusta on his return trip Sun- day afternoon, when the latter gentleman, through Lieutenant Twiggs put Lieutenont Geo. M. Hood keenly upon the track. Lieutenant Hood has been prominently engaged In the scent since Saturday—in fact, still is; he was one of the Allendale posse and is now busily engaged rounding off the record. Lieutenant Hood is good at figures and skillful in ferreting—and with the 928 clue he commenced work Sunday afternoon. “Two streets from de pot" "Walker street is one. and perhaps Telfair is number two. We shall see." Thus with himself communing. Lieu tenant Hood visited Telfair street where resides Miss 8allie Sims. Yes. a stranger bad been in her board ing house on Saturday. He was unwell at the time; she had purchased at his in stance a bottle of blackberry brandy. Lt. Hood did not make any statement nor did the woman seem to have any comniunica- Agents should not fail to see ou/ offer of premiums elsewhere in this is sue. tf For Sale. PURE HERLONO Cotton seed lit 75 I cents a bushel on cars, and six thor oughbred Berkshire boar pigs three months old, best pedigree, $10 each, on cars. First money gets tneni. R. E. PARK. Macon, Ga., or J. T. DOZIER. feb21w4t Holton, Go, **\\|iat fines were ‘surveyed uponvour tion to impart. . ret}ir|.?" ’ Lieut. Hood commenced to examine the premises; he had an eye to the shingles of 5 ran a line from Quitman north through Brooks and Colquitt, intersecting the first line in Berrien county, a distance of forty miles. Also a line from near Spoonville,through Perry to the Kchecon neebndge on tl»e Southwestern railroad.” "How much further is it to Lake City from Macon, via Quitman, than by way of Valdosta?" "About five miles.' "Wbbfare the comparative tneritsof the two lines?" “The Valdosta line is, as stated, a little shorter, and it could be more economically constructed. The Quitman line, however, runs through a country which is upon an average much better, for while tue two counties, Lowndes and Brooks, arc proba bly of equal fertility, the line from Val dosta to Lake City will run through a long stretch of worthless saw palmetto, which can be avoided by the route from Quit man." "What is the character of the entire liue ?" "Briefly, it is through a heavily timbered and fine agricultural reg'on." "What are the chances for assistance along the lines?" "Thai is out of my department, but judging from our reception and the enthu siasm manifested, I should say that the people everywhere will render liberal as sistance. We had no trouble in securing l right-of-way, and the timber necessary for bridging, ties, etc." "Which, In your opinion, will be chosen, the Valdosta or the Quitnmn line?" "That is a matter ior the company to de cide. 1 will submit the surveys ami,es timates, and the road and two cities will have to look after the balance. One thing, though, you may depend upon, the strug gle between the two places will be lively, Valdosta will do her best, and Quitman will try to equal her offer, and pay the difference In the cost beside." "How about Perry and Vienna?' "It will cost but little to divert the line so os to strike Vienna. As to Perry, my work Is not yet sufficiently advanced to form a comparative estimate." Is Consumptlon.Curnble. An annual death-rate of nearly 100,000 by Consumption in the United States gives so far as the medical profession is con cerned,a most emphatic and disheartening negative to this question. But under the new Vitalizing treatment of Dn, Starkey & Palen, of 1109 Girard street, Philadel phia, quite aaemphatic an affirmative can be declared. This treatment has inaugu rated a new era in the healing art. We are speaking within the limit* of facta when we aay that during the past thirteen years In thousands of cases the progress of consumption has been arrested by its use. and hundreds of lives saved. 1 n many instances where it seemed that the patient could not survive more than a few days or a few weeks, the vital forces have rallied, and there has been a slow, but'surc return to a better and more comfortable health. If you wish to know all about tbU remarkable treatment write Drs. Star- key A Palen, and they will send you such documentarjrevidenceas will enable you to judge its real value. Bibb County Delinquent Tax List. Bibb County sheriff Sales. The following described property remaining delinquent for non-payment of State and county taxes for the year 1883, or so much ot the owner thereon, at the time of sale, will be ^'iduring the legal hours of sale by the B ‘ “ “ ’ i ’* of Macou •-wit: .. thereon In Godfrey district adjoining the property of W E Jenkins levied on as the property of I) W Douse to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and county taxes for the year 1883 against l> W Couse. Also, at the same time and place, ouo aero lot with Improvements thereon adjoining the property of IIT Johnson In Godfrey district, known as part of land lot No 36. levied on as the property of Eliza Himmons to satisfy a tax It fa for state and county taxes for. the year 1883 against Eliza Sinuuous. Also, at the same time and place, one acre lot with improvements thereon lying in God- ft adji — - ~ frey district Carrie IJolnlng the property of Sinton.known as part of land lot No 28. Levied n as the property of Charles Thomas to satisfy tax ti fa for State and county taxes for the year 1883, against Charles Thomas. Also, at the same time and place, 4 acres of land, more or less, lying In Godfrey district, adjoining property of bon Valentino and Manr M Horn, and known as part of land lot No. 65. "rot the same time and place, 1)4 acres of tax fl fa for State and county taxes due ou said land for the year 1883 against J W Owens. Also, at the same time and place, 4 acres of land, more or less, with improvements there- aa, more or less, with improvements there- , lying in the Vineville district, adjoining R roperty of J J Gresham and Baxter and the ratts of the efty of Macon, and known a No. 17 of said district. Levied on as the t the city ot Macon, and known as lot said district. Levied on as the prop- rty of Mrs C a Lemon to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for TALBOTT & SONS RICHMOND, YA land, i t the same time and place, 4 acres of less, lying In the Vineville dis trict, adjoining property of Mrs Sarah John son and estate of Peter Solomon. Levied on as the property of Prince Adams, to satisfy tax ti fa for State and county taxes due c_ said land for the year 1883 against Prince Alro, at the same time and place, one-half acre of land, more or less, lying in Viuevllle district, In UnlonvlUe, ou Columbus road, ad joining the property of C IC Flowers and Em ma chllds. Levied on as the property of Hen ry M Allen, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and eouuty taxes due on said land for the year 1883 again** ** w * ” - Also, land, more or less, lying In the Vineville dis trict, adjoining the property of J Warrens, Berry Clay and Kichard Kerual, and known ‘ part of land lot 24 of said district. Levied as the property of Lizzie Clay to satisfy a . -1 fl fa for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Lizzie Clay. Also, at the same time and place, 45 acres of land,more or less,lying in the Vineville district, adjoining the property of Robt Barnhart and J M Bruce ou Colenarchee creek Levied ou as the property of Isaac Calhoun, to satisfy a tax fi fa for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Isaac Calhonn. Also, at the same time and place, acres of .and. more or less, lying in Vineville district, adjoining property of Lucy Mack, Fanny Mathews. Augustus Cullcu and Dance Rober son. Levied on ai the property of John Draper, to satisfy a tax tl fa for State and county taxes due on said land for tho year 1883 against John Draper. Also, at the samo time and place, one acre of laud, more or less, lying in Vineville dis trict, adjoining property of V Kahn and known as part of land lot 116 of said district. Levied on as the property of Davis Ford to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and county taxes due < lot for the year 1883 agalust Davis Ford. Also, at tin MACON, Ga. 7 id 0 £ adjoining Middle sti of Stephen Richards to satisfy a taxi State and county taxes for the year 1883 against Stephen Richards. Also, at the same time and place, three- fourths of an aero of land, with Improvements thereon, lying in the Godfrey district, adjoin ing the property of Fannie Hawkins and Israel Jordan. Levied on as the property of Reuben Rlckerson to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htatc and county laves for the year 1883 against Reuben Rlckerson Also, at the same time and place, 1 acre of laud, lying in the Godfrey district, adtolnlng the proj»erty of Mose Thomas and B. H. Wrlg- ley, in land lot No. 35. Levied on as thu prop erty of Geo Mcllridc to satisfy a tax fl fa for .state and county taxes for the year 1883 against George McBride. j • Also, at the samo time and place, one-fourth of nn acre of land, lying In Godfrey district, adjoining the property of Lucy Wilbur and I Louis Smith. Levied on as the property of Richard Brantley to satisfy a tax fl fa for state and county taxes for the year 1883 against I Richard Brantley. Also, at the same time and place. 2^ acres of land, with improvements thereon, lying in ilie Godfrey district, adjoining the proj>erty of J B Smith and Ed Huff. Levied on as the prop erty of Henry Darby to satisfy a tax tl fa for State and county taxes for the year 1883 against Henry Darby. Also, at the ' samo time and place, one acre of land lying in the Godfrey district, adjoining property of George Stewart and Nathan Henry, Inland lot No. 28. Levied on as the 1 Mmcrty of Foriby Jones to satfrfy a tax fl fa —.State and county taxes for against Ferlby Jones. Also, at the same time and place, fifty acres 1 of land, moro or les% lying in Rutland dis trict, adjoining property <»f Mrs E H Johnson and known aa part of laud lot No 206. Levied ou ns the property of C J Tonkcraleyto Ratify la tax Ufa for State and county taxes due ot* said land for the year 1883 against C J Tuu kersley. I place, 202 acres the roof and to the floors near the ground. Examining a small house in the lot, he commenced to tear up the planks v deli, however, gave no evidence of hav $ oecn recently disturbed. They were nail* • down, but before his strength, one of them split in two, disclosing seemingly an unbroken soil. Lieutenant Hood, however, believes in bottom facts, and he commenced like Father Adam before him to delve into the ground. “What, n tin’gutter? Yea." One foot long, detached pieces, brown with age and use, flattened at both ends, was this joint of guttering disclosed. Quickly prizing open the tube. Lieutenant Hood discovered what lie believed was there—roll upon roll cf hank bills—stuffed in, shaken together, sealed and said to contain ? There they were— wrappers and labels gone; how many were there he did not know. Sure enough the bills! Not fresh and smooth as when Frank Fleming had slipped them across the counter; not com pact and orderly as when Dick Crocker had packed them away into his little brown satchel; rumpled and creased, per haps, but bearing upon their non-connnit- tal faces the magic figures and "promises to pay," which would have kept as safely in the hidden gutter as in the deep bank vault of the solid Commercial, and been ai K tcnt in the oily fingers of the sharper as neath the pure, soft touch of tho teller! nioxl Intp his breast pocket, the sturdy officer of land/ more or \e* t lying In the Rutland dls- of law stowed lus gutter Ulid lucre; fo^th trlct and known as land lot No 26. Levied on tho name time and place, one-fourth of laud lying In Vineville district, . „ the property of 8 Collins,fronting on Iddle street and knowii as lot No 59 on said l street. Levied on as the pros ' | Hunt to satisfy a tax fl fa for SfL. taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against I Henry Hunt. Also, at the same time and place, one-half of a acre of land more or less, lying in Vineville district adjoining tho property of Samuel Washington and Collins. Levied on as the property of John Hays, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 agalust John Hays. Also, at the same ilme and place, one-third of an acre, more or less, lying in the Vineville district, adjoining the property of A Y Adam son and Lee Flag. Levied on as the property THE dixie otst wheels. ‘DIX| V E ” W Our a Ch0ap F,r8t ‘ c,a88 ENGINE for ai ming or niresMng.lbuy tho STANDARD ENGINE, GRIST AND SAW MILLS. from tho premises ho sountoral—hl» lln'l unknown to tho occupant, of tho house, who wore evidently innocent of the existence of the buried treasure, and, with tho unconcerned look of a boy who had been dlt&InK for bait. Lieutenant Hood started for the court house that mild M arch afternoon when all the world—Wataon Obciiiah O'Neal, ami known ns partofland lot No 13a of said district. Levied on as tho prop erty of Soutre Lanier, to satisfy a tax tl fa for State an.l county taxes for the year 18KI against Squire Lanier. also, at the same time nnd place, four acres, more or less, lying in ttie Hast Macon district, adjoining the property of Peter Goodwin, J J Jessup nnd it M liuvis, known as part of land tot No 87 of said district. Levied on ns ttie property of Knock Parker to satisfy a tax ti fa for State and eouuty taxes due on said land for the year 188:1 against Enoch Parker. Also, at the same time and place, 2 acres of land, more or less, lying in East Macon dis trict, adjoining the property of It F anti It K Woolfolk, anil known as part of lot K in block No. 39 of said district Levied on as ttie prop- and’ known as lot erty of John l’otcr to satlsfya tax tl fa for Slate and county taxes due on said laud for the year 1883 against John Puter. Also, at the same time nnd place, one-half nn acre of land, more or less, lying in the East Macon district, on tho Clinton rood, and land, more less, lying in the Vineville district quarters, Lieutenant Hood dlipattMNHH Chief Christian and President North, of the Commercial Rank. Then on the desk at the chief a office, with hit skilled and steady touch. President North enumerated the bills, (2.440 all told. Sixty dollars short, but watches and money belonging to the supposed thieves were In possession enough to make up the dcQcil, If things should justify the converting of booty Into balance. of course, Mr. Crocker wax tent for. Overjoyed and overcome, he lotked at the truant pile, pressed the officer's hand, stood pale and ailent for one minute, then walked out to meet hie friends—richer and brighter at heart than if he had atruck a vein of (lolconda. The money waa covered I Into the bank vault ;ono ortwolittla en tries made in the hooks and matter! were smooth once more at the Commercial, [ In Rutland district An Old Flag. Mr. Lewis Fitch, one of Macon's old- tipte citizens, whose residence new la in New Haven, Connecticut, but who la at present in Mac >n, on a visit, has presented the library with some pieces of an hla toric Hag. This flag was presented to the Macon Volunteers in October, 1828, The frag ments in the library have a placard tacbed to them, on which is written: '■Pieces ot the banner ot the Macon Volunteers, bought by snd presented to the company by I-owls Fitch, October 15, USB. W. l. Danley, captain command ing, Was carried m the Seminole war in 1836, and thane fragments are now pre sented as a memorial to the Macon library by Lewis Fitch, of New Haven, Connecti cut, sged 82 years; one of three original member* now living, the others being W. ti. Norman, aged 83, living in Arkansas, and John Chain, aged 8t, hying in Flori da." The three gentlemen named on the placard are the only aumvors of the orig inal roll of the Volunteers, bat there arc several members of Uie company who are now living win took part in the Seminole war. Of tho»e living in Macon are Messrs. K. B. brown, William Holmes, K. C. bulkley. Joseph K. Wells, John M. Fields, D. 1L Rogers, J. L. riaulsbury, T. Ii. mount. Then there are several oun living in other States. INTO THE TRESTLE Drop Three Cars, and Yet no Lives Were Lost. An accident occurred to the train from Augusta on the Georgia railroad, due hem yesterday morning at OtiS, The heavy rains had washed out the culvert under the track at Fishing creek, about ■even milsa this side Milledgcville. When Engineer Thomas looked tt it, the track had the appearance of bring all right and he ventured on. Jnet as his engine struck it be saw one of the benches turn and he knew that the place was weak. In a sec ond be gave his engine steam and the ponderous iron bone leaped forward, jumping over it, but a guano car. the haggaye car and the second- class car went down about flfteen feet into the wreck. The jar caused the engine to be thrown forward, and Mr. Thomas received a cut • ti the head, and that was about all the injuries received by any one on tbe train. The accident occirred about 4:30 o'clock yesterday morning, and a full force of hands were put to work as soon as po-si Cotton Seed Otl Mill, The land purchased on Tuesday at the I junction, mentioned yesterday, was for the [purpose of building a cotton eced oil mill, lit waa bought by a repreientive of the Co-| lumbue OU Company—Mr. M. M. Hinch —for tbe erection of a mill and large storage houses for cotton teed.^^^^^W I Tbe land la peculiarly tltted for a mill or I manufactory, as It lies lust at the junction of every railroad running into Macon. It is located just at tho foot of a number of hills whereon can be built the hornet of the workmen and operatives. 8o far as health is concerned, Mr. Colline.of the Coffins Manufacturing Company, which jhas iu vast shops at the same place, llnforme us that lile work roU shows that no Ume has been loet by workman from any sickness that could in any way be caused by tbe locality. The Collins man ufactory U on an elevation of fifty feet above Fourth etreet at Brown's Hotel. The Columbus Oil Company probably had this in view In connection with the many other advantages when they selected the site. It is quite certain that this por tion of the city will soon be built up in mills and factories, and aa a matter of course, a new settlement wUI be formed on the bills. Macon is indeed growing. M- J. Hatcher * Co. lt give* ns pleasure to record the steady growth and business of this well-known firm. As an evidence of what they are doing, we are informed that daring the past week they sold three grist mills, one saw mill, one 129 horse power engine, one 58 horse power engine and twenty-one wagons. They buy their mills by tbe car load, Uidr wagons by the hundred, and "present five of the best engine and eaw- tuill firms in Uta South. tho property of Henry Barker to nattxfy _ tax fl fa for State and county taxes duo on *nld laud for the year 1883, agalnat Henry Barker. Alto, at tho samo time and place, forty acres of land, more or lcai, lying In the Rutland dis trict and known aspart of land No 102, adjoin ing tho property of A A C Thomas, Mlaa J A J Davis and J 11 Davlft. Levied on nn the prop erty of Mr* Sarah A MeSwaiu to aatUfy a tax fl fa for Htnto amt county taxen due on aaid land for the ye xr 1883 agalust Mrs Sarah A Me- Swain. Also, at the name tlmo and place, 101 acre* of land, more or loss, lying In the Rutland dis trict and known aa part of land lot No 28, ad joining the property ot the catate of Duke Braawell. Levied on aa the property of Mra Mary Jonea, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State aud county taxes duo on said laud for tho year 1883 agalust Mrs Mary Jones. Also, at the same tl of land, more or less, 1; and known as tho rcsic! , dy. Levied on tho property of \V C Hardy, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State nnd county taxes due on safd land for tho year 1883 against W c liar- dy. “* kg K td place, eighty lying In Rutland district, adjoining the property of C McKinney and IIK Cowant, and Known as part of land lot No 226. Levied on as the property of Henry Durden, to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on said land for tho year 1883 against Henry Durden. Also, at the same time and place, 40 acres of laud, more or less, lying in the Rutland dis trict, adjoining the '.property of Mrs Mcgwaln and J A Davis, and known as part of land lot No. 102. Levied on as tho property of J H Davis, to satisfy a tax fl la for Htatc and county taxes for the year 1883 agai Also, at the samo time and place, 261 acres of land, more or less, lying in the Rutland district and known as laud lot No. 231 and as the residence of Geo F Cherry. Levied ou as the property of Geo F Cherry, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county due on said land for the year 1883 against Geo F Cherry. Also, at the same time and place. 90 acres of lami, more or less, lying in the llazzard dis trict, adjoining (property of J J Amason. D Clav and John Davis, and known as parts of lots Nos. 42 and 4& levied on as the property of W. W. Heath, administrator, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against W W Heath, ad ministrator. Also, at the same time and place, 250 acres of land, more or less, lying in the llazzard dis trict, adjoining property of 11 9 I-amar, K “ Evans and P M Curry, and known as parts . land lots Nos 237 and 2:H. Levied on as the property of William Howard, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and con nty taxes due on said laud for the year 1883 against William Howard. Also, at Che same time and place, 2*2 acres of Aoints should not (ail to aeo our offer of premiums elsewhere in this is sue. • tl A Lady's Lite Msg depend upon tbs medical treatment tbs •series* tor the maovsl ot ihOM troubles peett- llartohsv few. That than a Sections can be cored U clear!/ d.Tonetrated bj tbow ol testimonial, oo Die at the olllco ot Dn. •oo A Barnett. N. B. corner Baca and I pood with them. Thar are skillful and learned and alway. ometwtth snceem In their rnetlce. The appended latter from tbe wife otEer.s. ibowslbaefhn! Martinsville. led.. June IS. 1873. Dre. Jackson A Butr.ctt.Cor. Baca and 'Ah ft*. Cincinnati. Ohio.: Dear Sirs: 1 bars been an Invalid lor without ai Instrument After one box of tbe Pastille., f !»td tt« In.tremrai slide, never a tin to tike tl up. snd hi two month, asset lr cun-.!(.! Rctrotu.lon aud Prolapsus ot mi: 1 terns. Have aha been cored Tbe day train left Macon as nsnal. hut ol Lenc irrhma. From my own exu.-La^a turned beck, bringing Mr. Thomas to the end that of awne bail down othms that hat j &krfta! W0 fr ° n - town '“ J ht ' SIS *5 -Tbe pessenf-vseame in on U« train la»t | SSSS '.5 B%lBt Cfcpt Ferkiut * the night train of Columbus Howard, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Columbus Howard. Also, at the tame time and place, one-half of aero of land, more or less, lying In the wevllle district, adjoining the property of 11 J T Hudson. levied on as the property of Henry Harper, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State land county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Henry Haider. Also, at the same time and place, one-half acre of land, more or less, lying in the |Vineville district, adjoining the property of H Collins and Jones & Baxter, and known as lot! No 32 in Block 6. levied on ax the property of Priscilla Jordan, to satisfy n tax fl la for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for year 1883 againiPPrlsclUa Jordan. ~| Also, at the samo time and place. 1 acre of md. more less, lying in the Vineville distrf fronting railroad track, adjoining property L i K Isaacs and Joseph Clisby. Levied on as the property of Lizzie Johnson to satisfy a tax ti fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land| Ifor tho year 1883 against Lizzie Johnson.! I Also, at the same time and place, 1 aflHHi land, more or less, lying in the Vineville dis trict, adjoining property of Joe Seabrooka, J “ Ellis and John Walker. Levied on as the roperty of Alfred Kendall to satisfy a tax fl ■ for Htate am! county taxes duo on said land for the year 1883 against Alfred Kendall. ■Also, at the same time and place, one-fourth J an acre of land, more or less, lying in tho Vineville district, ajolnlng the property of Edward Jackson ami L. Vannucxi. j/cvled :s as the property of Hattie Lew!«, fn «*u«fy ■tax fl. fa for Htatc and county taxes due on salt! lot for the year 1883 against Hattie Lewis. Also, at tho same Ume and place, l X of an j’re of land, more oy less, lying In the Viuevllle district adjoining tno property of Win Wines. I Alfred Kendall and Alex Dickey. Levied on n* the property of John Walker to aatisfy a tax fl ta for Htate and eouuty taxes due on said lot [or the year 1883 against John W'nlkcr. J Also, at tho same time and place, of an acre of land, more or leas, lying in Viuevllle church ami adjoining Sa,»al'5RWl5, , ?SSIi4."" pl6 ,n =°"«t-uctlonand duraulo. all wo'ask a S. PEGKAM, Mouflcor. TALBOTT «& SONS, 3IACON, GDORG and county taxes duo on said land for tho year 1883 against Rlcharl Morris. Also, at the same time and place, lot No 1 Southwest common, situated ou the corner of Gilmer and Ash streets, in the city of Macon. I a* vied ou as the property E J Banks to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate uml county taxes due ou said lot for tho year 1883 against E J Banks. Also, at the same time ami place, part of lot No 2 southwest common lying on the alley between Hammond nnd Gilmer streets In tho city of Macon, adjoining property of K J Banks anil Mrs I! L Turner. Levied on ns the prop erty of Maria Cannard to satisfy a tax fl fa for the State and county taxes duo on said lot for the year 1883 against Marla Caunard. Also, at the same tlmo and place, part ot lot No 2 southwest common, situated in tho city of Macon, between Maple nnd Oglethorpe streets, adjoining the property of Bart Carter anti Myra Tharpe Levied on as the property of Jane Thomas to satisfy a tax fl fa for State laud county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Jane Thomas Also, at the same time and place, part of lot No 2, In square 74, In the city of Maeon, front ing on Oak street, adjoining property of W s Clark. Levied on as the property of WUllatnl W McLendon, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against William W McLendon. Also, at tho samo time and place, parts of lots 1 and 2 in square No 43 In the city of Ma con, and known as the hotel occupied by E E CENTRAL FURNITURE HOUSE Nos. 60 and 62 Poplar Street, % j^N^tho front for iho patronage of tho people, with a a complete and well aaeorted Block Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Shades, Rugs, Look A set (8) good Chairs tor $2.75. “Little Beauty" Bed Room Salt eevon V vL ,0 .: 2 nl » * 18 “• “Hem” Bed Room 8ait bomplote^ten (10)Wclfta to oie*^; l *45.(» Ur pirli 1 rS'i^ 1,en Pj®® 8 *. HP-*op«K»tI-t, boned orderstotho Iatlor loaajoa, Bafee, etc,, “away dowu yonder." Send your Central Lurnitnre House ! IKM SS,?^» , t”So’tto n oents chair t0 “ * bcd4tead ' t0 8 tmo ° B9dro8 “ BENJAMIN SKALOWSKI HE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CARD. tho property of Mrs Napier in land lot _ _ said district. Levied on as the property of Jane West to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes duo ou said lot for the year 1883 agalust Jane West. Also, at tho same time and place, H ot an __ .. . 4 acre of land, more or less, lying in Vineville ™ n . known as tha hotel occupied by K K district adjoining tho property of Ar^-llne grow u and kepi by_hlm aaa hotel, saidnotpl Monghon,Thomas Johnson aud others. Levied fl “ ‘ I fl ■ | ■ on as tho property of Amanda Taylor to oat- l*fy a tax ft fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 agalust Amanda Taylor. Also, at the same time and place, ono acre of and,more or less,luring lidVlncvllle dUtrii t.ad joining property of Mrs Napier and Jerry Hca- brooks, ami known as part of land -lot 23, of 1883 agalu*t Allen Hcabrooks. Also, at the same time and place, one acre of land, more or less, lying In \ incville district, adjoining property of Napier and Allen Hcabrooks and known as part of laud lot No 23 of said district. Levied on as the property of Jerry Heahrooks Pi satisfy a tax tl fa for Htate and county taxes duo on said land for the vear 1883 against Jerry Hcabrooks. against J it .\l*o. *t the samo slme and place, eight acres of land, more or or less, lying in Viuevllle dis trict, adjol ard Carter 152 of said district. Levh of Lewis Napier, to satisfy a tax . and county taxes tine on said land for the year 1883 against I«cwl* Napier. Also, at tho same time ami place, one-half of nn acre of 1« - * Sggfi If — *“ *' • district, da Taylor and Thomas Johnsou. Levied on ax tho property of Angelina Monghon, to satlsfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes duo on , adjoining the property of Ed and Ktrh- 'arter ami known aa part of land lot No led on as tho property ix ti fa tor Htate aaid lot for the year 1883 against Angelina Monghon. Also, at the same time and place, one-fourth of an acre of land, more or less, lying in Vlne- on aa the prop* ( Hattie Lewis, to satisfy a r ..»perty of . . tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot for the year 1883 against Hattie Lewis. Also, at the same time and place, one-half of an acre of lami, more or less, lying lu Vlue- vUlc district, adjoining property of Ingraham Pierson and Thomas Johnson. L Tied on as the property of House Lewis, to satisfy a tax (I fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot (or the year 1883 against Han sc Lewis. Also, at the same time and place, 193 acres of year 1883 against Seth II Gates. Also, at tne same time and place, five acres of land, more or less, lying In the llazzard district and known as the property of Ann Kilpatrick. Levied on to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the rear 1883 against Ann Kilpatrick. Also, at the same time and place, 175 acres of land, more or less, lying in the Howard dis trict and known as the property of Mrs Sarah Johnson. Levied on as the property of Harsh Johnson, to satisfy a tax fi fa for Htate ami county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against Mrs Harsh Johnson. Also, at the same time and place, Ml acre* I lami. more or less, lying in the Howard dis trict, a*l joining the property of J W My rick, L Holt and R. K Park. Levied on as the property of William Johnson, deceased, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and connty taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against William John son. deceased. Also, at tbe same time and place. ISO acres of land, more or less, lying in the Howard dis trict adjoining the property of T G HolL Mrs county taxes due on saldlaml for tha year •gainst Mrs f Atone. Also, at the same time and place, I acre of laud, more or less lying In the Vim vllle dis trict with improvements thereon fronting on Vineville road adjoining thenropertyof Frank Jeter and known as the residence idare o! T L Holt. Levied on as tbe property of T L Holt to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 against T L Hoik Also, at the same time and place, 13 acres of land, more or less, lying In tne Vineville dlv trict, with Improvements thereon, adjoining the property of James R Hicks, Frank Green and Prince Munson, and known as part of land lot No. 22 of said district. Levied on as the property of Mrs C II Bsird to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due ou sai** - * for the year 1*3 against Mrs C II Baird. Also, at the same Ume and place. 120 acres of land, more or less, lying In the Vineville dis trict, adjoining property of Earnest and J W Owens, and known a* land lot of district So. 24. Levied oti as the property of Hamud T Bailey to satisfy a tax ll fa for State and county taxes «lue mi said laud f.»r the year 1883 agaiuxt Manuel T Bailey. ■■■■■ Also, at the same time and place, a) acres of said land for th | n ih ( JNO. M. PEW, Pr prietor. MW l city, srn, to Brown. Also, at the same time place, part of lot No. 1, In square 72, in city of Macon,on New street, adjoining property of \ P ColCi.s and D Daly, and known aa the resldente of J U Otto. Lev ied on as the property of J. II. Otto, trustee, to sstlsfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes duo on said lot for the year 1883 against J II Otto, trustee. Also, at the same time and place, lot No. southwest common, fronting on Elbert struct, adjoining property »f Wm If Atrayer aud Mrs Cuinmlugs. Levied on as the property of Miss Mattie Pierce, to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and cour‘“ * J .**-.*— year 1883 agali Also, at the same time and place, part ot lot .Vo. 7, In square 87, in the city of Macon, front ing on the alley running through said square 87. from Flaukliug to Bpring street, adjoining property of J c McBurney and Ed Woodllfff levied on as the property of Reuben Gibson, to satisfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due on sold lot for the year 1883 against Reuben Gibson. Also, at the same time and idare, lots Nos. 4 snd 3 southwest common, in the city of Macon, | ,wj- F Htrohecker to rjr a tax tt fa for Htate and count/taxes due for the year 1883 agaliiMt H F Htrohecker. Also, at the same time and place, part of lot Vo. 7 in square 89, In tbe city of Macon, front ing on Hntlng street, and known as the resi dence of Mrs H a Htrohecker. adjoining prop erty of JiMuph Bond and C Canning. Levied ““ as the property of Mrs H A Htrohecker to . Jsfy a tax A fa for Htate and county taxes due ou said lot for the year 1883 against Mrs 8 A Htrohecker. Also, at the samo time and place, one and onc-quartcr acres of laud, more or less, lying In the Godfrey district adjoining property of Thompson and known as nart of land lot No 44 of said district. Levied on aa the property of Mrs IJ Coxe to satisfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said lot of land for the year 1883 against Mra. IJ Coxe. O. H. WE8TCOTT, Mhcriff Bibb County. March 3,1884. oaw4w UPWARDS OF SIX THOUSAND IN OPERATION. OVER 8EVEN HUNDRED IN GEORGIA IMILLS' Qy Deference, J, F» HANSON, Qlbl Manufacturing .Company^ Macou, Ua* 196 of said district. Levied on as the property formerly owned by Htephen Hmttbey to sat isfy a tax fl fa for Htate and county taxes due on said land for tbe year 1883 agabut Bald Stephen Hmlthey. Also, at the samv block L situated in East Macon on Garden street adjoining property ot Mrs Graves and tot No 5. Levied on as the property of Peter C Hawyer, trustee, to satisfy a tax fl fa *~~ Htate and county taxes due on said lot for year 1883 against Peter C Hawyer, trustee. Also, at the same time and place, l acre of land, more or less, lying In the East Macon district adjoining the property o! James Woods fronting on Mllledrevllle road and known as partofland lot No eo of said district. Levied on as the property of Thomas J Kldrldge to sat isfy a lax fi fa for Bute and county taxes dne on said land for the year 1883 against Thomas J Ethridge. Also, at the same time and place, three- fourths of an acre of land, lying In ~ tb* Bibb County Sheriffs Sale WILL be sold before tbe court-house door, urine the legal hours of tale, on the first lesday la — ——* * Tuesday In April next, the following property: All that lot or parcel ol land situated In said county, In the city ot Mecca, fronting M0 feet, more or less, on Madison street ana running back along two 29-foot alleys, 264 feet, more or less, lying between the lots owned by Emelina Kparks and others on one side and the lots o! J J Clay and others, and on the rear by lot of Best Macon, district, adjoining the property of Jane Miller, James II Woolfolk, fronting on Hccond street and known as part of lot No. 4 in said district. Levied on as the property of William Johnson, to satisfy a tax fl fa for State and county taxes due on said lot for the yearl *3 against Wm Johnson. Also, at the same Ume and place. 80 acres of land, more or less, lying in the East Macon district, on Htone creek, adjoining the pn>per- tyof J B Andrew*. W A Andrews and II Tull, known as part of land lot lid of said district, levied on as the property of Barton J Perry, to satisfy a Ux fl fa f«»r State and county taxes due on said land for the year 1883 agalnvt Bar ton J Perry. Also, at the same time and place. 2 acres of land, more or less, lying In East Macon dis trict, adjoining the property of Mrs Lula Stiles, J L Kennedy ami Mark Glover, aud known as part of Und lot nl of said dMrh-t. Levied on as the property of Mrs Jennie Larar, to satisfy a tax fi fa for Htate and coun ty taxes dne on said land for the year 1883 against Mrs Jennie l.nvar. Also, at the same time and place, one acre of land, more or le**, lying In the East Macon -- — ■ e district, adjoining tbe property of A Small, W George W t itvllay H Lane and W II Fletcnrr. and known as part George W nndlar of land lot No 175 of *ald district. Levied on W ill be sold be ton JtM lotte Barker to satisfy a fi fa property of char^ issued from Bibb Interest of Charles A Ells. In part ol lot No 5, in Block 22, In tbe city Macon, said lot fronting thirty-three feet oo Mulberry street and running back 294 feet to an alley, whereon Is the two-story brick building now occupied by J ll Benner, 1 —* Levied on as the property i . _ satisfy an execution from Bibb Superior Court a^rinst Charles A Ells et alia favor of Mrs'* Also, at tbe ume time and place, part of lot No 8 In square 41, situated in (be city of Macon on Poplar street, adjoining Jewish Hynagogue and known as the late residence of James R Also, at tbe same time ami place, part of lot No i In square 22, situated in the city of Ma con on Mulberry street and known as the store hou*e occupied by Dave Cromeline. Levied on as the property of W P Goodall to satisfy m ux fi fa for Htate and county taxes due on szB property for the year iw» agalud W P Goodall Also, at the ume time and place, part of lot No# in the western range, bring ooe-seventb interest in the property known as tbe Findlay Iron Worko, In the city of Macon. Levied onl as the Interest of George W Findlay to satisfy ,atax fl fa for State end county Uxe« due me j^Hior the year 1883 sgal fore the court bouse door In ulb.iMBrfS.tai Kniniit. la Mtliijr,IIlMelijrof Msron. Jorlne the JeeOlnaia ol ux S Va lor MMo an.l rmmty lax-, doe on | PflSH land, more or lew, lying ii 1 Vineville dit-l Knifi.t. year lv*3 against Xclooti lot No 2, to square 91, situated in the city I Macou on Areb street, adjoining property of I B Wells. Levied on as the property of D ■ Itisfy a ll fa i«*u«d from the ‘“LOWELL Massachuselt ENGINES, GINS, SAW MILLS, ETC. PERKINS BROS., DKALKHSIN ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. The Largest Dealers in the South. .. . I " Sle » m Engines Billers. Ssw Mills, Saws, Shingle, Lsth, Planing snd Matching Machines, Wster Wheels. Grist snd Flouring Mills, Cane Mills, Wagons, Separators, Cotton Gins, Presses, Sulky Plows, Rakes, Reapers and Mowers, Shafting and Pulleys. Sleim Pumps, Boiler Feeders, Whistles. Gauges, ^ brlC nL < !. r i’ S Jt W i Gumn l e I-*'T ani L e Emery Wheels, Rubber Hose and Belting, Bran Goods, Piping and Engine Fittings of all kinds, Machinery Oil, Etc. WSccond-haad Machinery at low prices. Look to yoarfotereit and get our prices before buying. PERKINS BROTHERS, 39 and 41 Wo*t Alabama Street, - - ATLANTA, CA. It Grufi *, F.iiltar and ProirUtor "Bat list.* t,Teon. iam: l r«>c«lr<sd apackamof joor I .-.Ji m.*, and bare turd about hairot it. it' vrorkaliXaaeluna. 1 want nob«lt-r I.h»r Emulator and certainly do more of ZoUla's mixtare^^H iSaSES?!" sassKWajM cuMsxma to cure? *u cases sf moictsim tosTAPPtfirt, biliousness, DYSPEPSIA, SOUR STOMACH. tOUL BREATH. COSTIVENESS, INLARCID SPLEEH, COLIC, 46. ^ Iter. J. I* IMttatn, ot BlautnUI.. AU.. Morris 1VJ.MJI! I Buflrrmiseith. torrid liver *n<4 cu»ilveeM*.aaa roar medicine cure-4 me. V/ «i(« h-sn u*e*l tt with *1 mlrnblweffect tor ■let hen.lv-he Crfgisxl ul C:ly Gestlse. ZiUt.lSiO. ; tut up in 85c.and ll.pockn^we aodbottl* t y CjFSIMMONS^O.. Lems,Mo. J. It. Johnnoo, M, D., of AbbevtIU, Mi.se , Aag- 1 mm a gr*1uAi« of Georg!* Me-I**! , end hnvn rracticwq thlrt r fi»** year*. ! use mjr i rnctlc*. lt la not oolr ngoual iu! It it naovereisrn remedy fortius, llev. J. H. lieculey, of Hummerton, i Jen. V.', •<%)•: I hn»e used Zell a tu nflect ou tbe s/slom. Tbe beeU Dr. 8. MnaefleM, Whole**!* Dnuwht. Men >f.n . iiji: ** |Ur« *old is 9) yean: m» iire*t«x •14 it menp year* before me. Thist thU motilelr -*1 oae.no one emit deny :and that it l* tbe try natne'Hlmmooe TJrer Medicine* nonederept MEDICINE ••THE THOMAS!* t.) bo tbe 11 iSfr PUJLVKIt 1 /. IM. 11A It It o\V £: known. It m toad* ot bait white oak and atcc/.n It mildly an<l cheaply cnUlretc* frowtog «nh,a , COTrON.CORN WHEAT. It will i.!>- WAVi: one liorlna ona tuaC ; taken Flr*t Pre« ium and Mesial « VniUjeru F.«p*-it:. ti at LouievllW *8 THE BEST HHNRVVPIVVVIPMlltM US ’ rur,AMA [' A’it""; THOMAS HARROW CO.^fik t ut !!-t HIRAM SIBLEY & QO. Roch PfresLe Seedsplants Mb Xovelt} «refor UMU, that you can for 4 b ‘r Catalogw, amt have In , :S5.00 |4mw*s Mew Book, 11 !.aril' II and 1 arm T«| ■ iwreasl la cloth, and flontalnlegn atari i-.rtntitof tt. IfLU Catalogue of “Everythin* far ti»s- (lard IRETER HENDERSON & CO. 35 & 37 Cotilandt Sr.