Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, April 11, 1884, Image 5

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THIS WEEKLY 1ELEGRAPII AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, APRIL II, 1884. UP at HOLTON. Judxo Simmons Doclines to Enter the ly. Improvementcompanier, founded up-' ‘oeistron nf Southern nismifscturert. It' Bibb Count? Delinquent Tax List. ? rr0 * of lend, rton cr 1c>, lyint In Gubernatorial Contest. on the plane as given above, have met 1 is stated there tlmt»letter was read from , ne rloT dt'trtatof Btbb countT. bound- with great (aver nnd success in manveitie- President Yuumr. nf Columbus. min* tin I _ I _“l*«»*i. On Ao.nn««_by Us m*cq»,oa.,April7.isM-aifor,T<u-1 jSir t ?eV"ffgjjfg'S^wtoycoSia^'ra^i^B?nt- Bibb County Shoiift Sales. 5fKKSjsA: W lysln the market, j erenre (o the record of yesterday's pro- I *bey Newbory and the Bob Freeman plnce, olios ll.n ..fl.tfit iu nooiliiwru aitil I/t fKrsitvtPfli'ta Fttflll ■ "iktil flies I d up (OllOWlllf I.PWrlllCt! proporlj .CIQtlUltlC and on t Ml. aeul hw u* ld.1 m' L'sn.l. se'a Itlaou . -..mera’ Club Meetlns Saturday Otto" ‘.Their Mar Picnic, Ete. r . splendid chib of wlde-awalco far r ,[ .t their club rooms Saturday at *** it. A. N if bet, president, in the ! > ami W. «- eecrctary. Among ^.toilers present were Hesars. J. W. . , ,,, ,, r l _ ,, „ . created, me new company will. H organ- business, the opinion oi ire-wem young ; scia oori« uejesai uuur- «■ saw or ino Itl'rlce. G. M. Davis, It. K. „,y name forme nomtnafimi I baranot 1120,1 “I«aJ'» P™«‘ figure*, be enabled to is referred to in very strong terms on that, * i*w i-pn Holt. Captain A. M. • thought it necessary nnti! now to publicly I JjJP* Mklhousanil dollars of new money HelsavaD* wo^ycenUemanandan j Plirlo f | ot jio2. tm-k l* licrthwestlSommon, l * I make known my wishes on thls subiect I month to the purchase and imgrove^ablenian ; his opinions areeutlUed to great | adjolnlna property of At* coiiiaa sliuaiert on as a probable candidate before the Demo* eratic convention for Governor. I have received a large number^of letters from par* I BEGINS APR graph and Mettenger: My name has been many way?*. Being always in n.v s^a«. - r*~ . _. .... . . ^-.rfn -nm.iSS nw; .»cwuco »u*» m« 000 rnfui»u |uac«* mentioned in different parts of the State 1 both as purchaser and seller, the effect h ceeilings, and to the extracts read from the 1 ^he foliowinf cwrlbed proncriy .cmtlulng : ani j 0Q me cut by.wtdow.Hsn h rs's place 1 io keep up a continued movement in real 1 ..cwspSpir by the Senator from Month •'‘Va u £““7 h ,S.T« or i,L*“ h I levied on uU.e properly of A Klianwn t.s.t eitate. create a demand for property of-1 Carolina, riving the opinions of proml-1 „L“,iy *0* aVffneSiary to dTohjr/e 1 I*. 1 .” V if?' fared at iu proper value ami to supply any i nent manufacturers that no tariff was m e- tbo taxes ami clisrgcii due thereon,or dm* from I> * lce Ior ,n * K K lku bona tide demand that may be otherwise | essary to enable them to jirosper in their ! the owner thereto, ai the time ot * '** * created. The new company will. If organ Suer Term" New Esg'aod Cwsemtory of i :4c CLOSES JUNE . at the same lime and place, two acre* of land, more or less, lying tn K*ut Mscon dis trict. adjoining prop* rty of I* l* r oooflvrtu and | * the propertv i in V* Bailey, J. If. Ill elected. viz: ®I(ttr calling the roll, reading minute. i .itemliiig to routine business, tlic romndltee. consisting of Messrs. tockett, gST." and Bass, appointed to ■u in.nect and report upon eon- & of Ikrm of Mr.' C. W.‘Howard. tlieir report, and it was fully diseuw. 5 The report was ordered sent the *?• JCuliivatar for publication. Mr-srs. f‘Sw C. P. Steed and J. P. Callaway appointed to examine and re|K.rt Soi'me member 1 , farm at May rntet- r An excellent essay by J W T. How- ^ on ‘cotton culture and planting, v mnnh interest, and discus If sales of porchs*ed i weight; hut as other 8outlieni manufactu- u«diaon street in th- city of Macon. Levied ' — f| "— on aa the property ofllohn T Bolfendlet, agent, .... —- - '• u * vention 'and *1 had no* reason to think 1 1 )ro P*rty are afterwards effwted, the rers°do not agree w.th President Young, from what had been said tliat I would 1m* i ,u w**y comes into play again, und as often j ami ns Mr. Hanson, the president of the wmired to sSv anvthine ution thesubie^T a “ ***** lntt . v ^ «r«SS. Of course, if convention referred to, who is a prominent ImSthattfJfcSfventSm^IS! rXd P ro P«rty purchased is leased, the fuud is manufacturer in Macon, Ga.. has replied, to^ meet on the nth 3?v of to toe extent involved, retired as a pay. I thhik, with a great deal of io meei on ine i.»iu ua\ oi Au e ust. I iAi7.. 1 Iama Pr M .loot Sij with much interest, and d »cu,«d - Holt. Mr. Price. Mr. Doner, lol. Its further discussion I-nnnISiS?M ! diction of wiiat Is to come wlien the affair Hanson should accompany tSose opinions Th .S.hZi 1 * brought face to face with Hie saving upon the record. I therefore, witliout any .h!! claasc, It will probably lie no high esti-1 intention whatever to discuss the merits ti'rm n'f ii.Tni, .hi.'nni ...V.ir,. V ,, til: " lat * 10 pl» c » 'be stock of tlie company at or demerit, ol what has been said by any- twTvcr. and t1hal?for the nre^nt .li, l0 -‘»° sl '“ r «- " blcli will yield *iad,00(f per ; body in this connection, will sendl the let- >•*« for investment I (er of Pre.id.nt H.n«m to th. desk and with to the l>est of my ability. Besides. I wish my name used before the convention. The peonh already intrusted me with an otlh \fvrick and others. *•** S be contimieil at a future; meeting. Much interest was manifested fc the . approaching picnic to be held SanSay May 1st. Several letters and ,,i c , r ,) s from young farmers in Cow- K U WhUtteld, Henry. Dalton, Washing- ion Monroe. Houston. Baldwin. Putnam, e.,aiding and other counties, promising to stten.1 the meeting of the “Young Fsrroers’ Club of Georgia, held at Holton iiav 1 were read. M Me«rs. J. W. Myrlck, Mat Daly, J. K. Bailey and G. M. Davis were appointed u committee to procure ice, lemons, sugar, etc. for the occasion, and a committee of mention was also appointed to meet visi le? President N la bet will dehver the ad- *HomcTwSu be provided in the neighbor hood for all guests who may choose to re- main over .liter the picnic and meeting. The large .-belter was ordered to repaired and tables erected under it. Even-body «as invited to come and bring their loaded baskets of provisions with them. A common table will be spread. On # motion of It. E. Park, his place ns syea'-cr on the programme will be filled by Itev p r . A. J. llattle. His subject will lie Necessity of Education Among Farmers.” K. Imre no desire tn antagonise the adminis tration of Gov. McDaniel. I think he has made a Governor satisfactory to the people and they deelre his renomination. It has been an unbroken precedent for thirty years in this Mate to indorse the Governor when his administration has been honest nml faithful, and he so desired it. 1 think it would be attended with bad results to the party if tills precedent was attempted to lie set aside, during an exciting Presi dential year, simp) v to gratify the desire of some one else to fin toe office. With sincere thanks to my kind friends for the interest manifested in me in tlds connection, and for the kind notices from the press, which 1 duly appreciate, and WHAT THE COHMSY WILL DO. name be not used in the approaching con vention as a candidate for Governor. Itc spectfully, T. J. Sihmoxs. Housekeepers should insist on obtain ing Burnett's Flavoring Earacts; they K iecc of property well located can be’ tyauava utfmnrovementjaiiooifinuJeshape'of !K4l®S^^uS?!liJfiSSh3 ,.ut improvements upon It. in me shape oi .a. C.ShieTom« U Kr" toi n ^>h aP 0.rei beenreadto the Henate,th.Senator con- Aflhrta will lx*MkUfltf tmvPni'hiilhi. I cludcd_what he had to say aa follows:] efforts will be directed chiefly toward build- i cU iV„ l.iiM.nii.f> isiiv Vvr.rv hnii.i!,,,. erectcil B«ow»—Mr. Hnn«on, the author of to ra’.Ufj a tax 11 fa for *tateand county taxes due on said l»t for the year led acafnit John T Holfeuillet, ogout. bwlf*rrvek church Lerie*^H of K M I-oden to Mtiffy a ux u la for 8>ate and county taxr*due on said Und for the year against K M Loden. Aln.atthcwunc tlmea:d place. Afty acres A iso at th* same time and p'ace. part of lot No U. Ht Paul's square, from ug 57 feet on For syth street, being situated In the “ OfPf trlct, adjoining land of P Hweeny. Levied on as the property of Mrs W II Llpford to satisfy a ... city of Mscon on the corner of Piogrcm and Pen th streets, levied oust’he nrorerty o« P J M Daly to sat'sf: a tax A fa for stato and county taxes due said lot for the year ltKt agalust F J M ly. lI*o, at the satre time and place, lot No 2 ’ 8t Paul’s square, adjoluing property of Henry Uammoud situated in the city of Macou on the comer of Monroe street and Central rafrosd track. Levied ou as the property of Alex Day to satisfy a tax 11 fa for riia'a and county taxes due on the said lot for the year Jtttt against Alex Day Also, at the same time and place, lot Ko 17. southwest common 3d, situated lu the city of Macon, Ash strec . Levied on as the Pro erty of Mr* d 11 Hunter to saUafy a tax 0 fa for State and county taxead«e ou said lol for the year ltttt against Mrs 8 H Hunter. s 1 o. at the same time and place, part of lo* Novo.norihtrestranee,adjoining wo;erty of W II butdan. and Virgil Powers f * Tliorough courses of instruction in Vo r.l snet Instrumental Music, Piano and orirsa Tuning; Drawing Fainting and M,elding; Elocution; English branches; Modem Ijm- images, mid best IIoMEaccommoxlattons (with Library, Gymnasium, resident Physician, I»re- eeptiuiL ele.), for MO lady students. Tuition $5 to |20 per term. Hoard and rooms AJA) to ♦ 7.. r i0 per week. Send for caleudar U* v „ ^ . K* TOL’ROF.E. apiiW2t Franklin Square, Boston,Mass. uxflfiforsuto and county uxea dueon»si>i Oil WTHUf A nn 31LV E RWA R E! I. V -• 1 I!., it. AS. _ ,«l I I i In the city of techy limit, wiir r be '’of'^'if.tnnco to 1 «>' 1< ‘ ttcr juvt reu.l, the preident of the u,. ,h Thc S y .home, W we\ of mVltoto Hot,' any terms by which we may he secured j * r "‘2L^StS^f tore, and enabled to make u profit ujso.j the ! f:« n .KMf/lf transaction. Hut we will not con- tine ourselves to the city. If thebornorate “ ,1^? ,1, ‘,e, limits are found to be too crowaeil for! jjj]? •Wwii. lg.no loan division in the|-£«‘ ftSVlWtt "None wliatever. If.however. a manor ! '"’J 0 * '"IV* 1 .* company desire to L-o into or increase ; ha.!, ^,m^ f‘rther r^,^k. to Macon, ou Hlsh street Levied on as the i rop- erty of C P Roberts to satisfy a tax A fa for State and county taxes due on sold ‘ 188.1 against U P Roberts A Iso, at the some time r nd placo. part of lot No 21 on Cowles bin. adioiulug the property of Ttiurmeynnd J F Hanson. Levied on as the property of FII Stone, agent. »o satisfy a tax tt fa for (Rate and county taxes due onjald lot for the year 18KX against F 11 Blonc. agent. Also, at ine same time and place, part ol lot Ko 4 in square 62 In ?ha city < f Mac mi, on Cot tou avenue, adjoining property of P Crown. Levied on aa the property ol J B Whelpley to satisfy a tax A fa for 8ta'.e and county Uxcs due on soil lotfor the sear 1883 again t J B Whelp ey. Also, at the same time snd p'ace, lots No 18 and 19, black 38, southwest coinmo -^Stuiteon Hszel street and known •»the Armory property their business facilities we wiii put them i . lo up such buildings as mav be needed and i j," 1 do not lease them ot reasonable figures. The j ** re 10 “° P rP,cnt * figures, one idea is to invest iu paying real estate .....» - -* • *ianu. THE NEW JAIL* Messrs. If. A. Nisbet, of Holton club. Sid ney Herbert, of Atlanta, Col. I*. W. Alex ander, of Ma<-*>n, H. II. Parks, of New- nan. W.AV. WcKHlrufT, Jr., of Griffin. A. M, Allen, oMpiitman county, Dr. A. J. Battle and Captain N. K. Harris will nd- drenlhe "Young Farmers’ Club” nml Holton Farmers’ Club on the occasion. Die railroads will sell tickets at two ce*»ta a mile, good for May-day. A delight ul day it expected. ATTRACTING CAPITAL To the Carden Spots of Middla nnd Southern Caorgla. A short time ago a number of Northern gentlemen, among them Mr. K. J. Fuller, editor of the Gardner (Moss.) Record, \Is ited Macon with a view to seeing for them selves how we were progressing. They P|an»asa ahoie, they finally decided ut> w*r» so greally pl.ared with th, climate ■» V.ng fot zd.|.t«a ami tillable soil of Middle and Southern Georgia, that a company was formed and Pinna Decidsd Upon Vestardajr—The Work to Co Right Ahead. Pursuant to adjournment, the county commissioners met in the office of the Cotton States Life Insurance Company yesterday afternoon to decide ujain the plans submitted for the new county jail. As previously stated, there were three plans sent in—one from Mr. D. II. Wood* ruff, one from Mr. Frank N. Wilcox, and one from L. J. Pauly A Bro., through their Southern manager, Mr. John I). Fred. The commissioners examined *»»ch plan in detail, and they confess to being some what puzzled as to a choice, and belfort that had either been adopted they would have a good jail. After considering the dans as a whole, they tinallv decided upon a large tract of land purchased to be of. feretl to the jieoplc of their section. In the last number of the Record, Mr. Fuller give* a description of his trip, which he entities “From Know to Rows, and from Roses to Know,” from which wt make the following extract; "After having spent the best pan of the <!*]£> Atlanta, we left tor the city of Ma- comVhere we arrived at 8:33 p. m.. uud where we found our friend Mr. K. M. Hur- ftnt at the depot ready to take us. strang ers in a strnnge city, to n good supper a: d good lodgings for tlio night. "To many of our readers Mr. Sargent is well known os on occasional correspond ent to the Record, to others as a practical a jail building. The building is to be of brick, and will all th, fund, weget in‘han<F. Of course! For iu soothing and grateful influence tve sba'i tadeavor to make one Investment I on ’calp. and for the removal and pre. assist anotuer where wo can.” ' cntl0 '> <>< dandruff Ayer * Hair \ Igor aa a eavixo. pane. "«> «!“*'• . M rt.torea faded or gray ... . ^ . 1 hair to It* original dark color, stimulates Here is nn apportnnity for young men to : the Rro wth of the hair, and gives it% . iilancing over the list we see beautiful. «oft. riosav and silken appear ance. names that are guarantees of honesty, good-faith amFbusiness capacity. It is ns line nn opportunity for in vestment ns has ever been offered to the public generally. The money handled, goes Into real estate at least the safest of all investments, and with it in the hands of Mm on’s progres sive. active business men, it would sc< m . that against a large chance for profit is o|»- nuiM posed only the smallest possible modicum of risk. There will be a meeting of the incorpor mi Ulya tax 11 county taxes due on said lot for thu year 1861 aga!n»t B Bkalowskl. Alio, at the satre time and pfacj, part of lot No 2. Miuaru 63 in the city of Macou and frost- if»gon ropUrstteet. Lerlcdou an the prop erty of Mrs W V Brown luotkf/anxllh for state and county taxes due on said lot for the K’ogro Suffrago In Donaer. Birmingham Age. The enfranchisement of the negro has proved to be a boomerang to the Republi can party, for it not only increases the number of our Congressmen, but in a like manner the number of Southern voted in the electoral college where Presidents are .to, n , C Tlu.rad«^ht Un . B t°wbkh ,n .heTri: I -a-k the prediction. Whenever in !" d*. Judgment dUfranchlrement Aril year 1883 a aum Mrs >V F Browu. Also, at the same time and place, lot Ko 5. bit ck 19 ;n the city of Macon on corner of Ash ami McIntosh *trceK Levied on as the prop eityot Wm Orowninto asilsfy * sceciat vtate Ux 11 fa for 8Ute Uxcs due nn M'.d lot lor the year 1*83 against Wm a rownln. Also, at toe saml time ami place, patt of lot »7 square 109, tn thu city of Macon, and froutlugou Wharf »trert. lo lid on at the property of K t: ( hapmau to satisfy a tax fl fa ' ~ elate and couuljr t'Xta due oa Mid lot or tion effecteil, best subserve the interests of the Republi can party, then they will endeavor to oc cotnpliih if. Georgia Republicans have sounded the keynote: •*! lie negroes as voters are fail ures.” When enough Republicans believe tnat. then they will stop them from voting the year last against R 01ha; man. at the sameilaeaud id.ee, part of No 2, sou hweot common 51 limit'd on I Rose Eloquent Indeed must be the pen that can ade qnately picture to the mind the impor tance of eradicating any malarial symp toms as soon as manifest. If behooves ail if they can. < uv ummiHE >9 „ w , UityWk «„w wm when in health to sully reme- — have a frontage ot SI feet, running back ?.) I <Ba> agent., and more particularly thojo of j An EMended Popularltr. feet. Tim front of thl build-! nanowmw™. »l«nBrown'. Bronchial Troches have Iwen ing Is of a plain, unpreten- *t»d taxer joushonl-dhave a b*fore t lie public for many years. For re- ihms character, being that of an ordinary you nver^ml Ucvil ‘K Cough uud Throat* trounlcs they dwelling and withont any of the appear- ° 4 n - ft**,*® *211 *thi art* superior to all other-articles, bold anceo, . „ri,on bou,e. I. will be of gQ* X »“* ting health and vigor back into thabodf. . It is imarnteed. Only AO oents a bottle. Annoylna an Editor. — —— < Coffee County Gazette. We have been urged to allow our Irtinl brick, with black brick trimming.,I but very little ornamentation. The building is divided, we might say in three departments. First we have the residence ot the jailer, wldch if cut loose front the remainder of the buildiug would prove a very desirable dwelling. This de partment is well provided for In the way of convenience and comfort. The second department it nn intermediate one, and contains the office, guards' room, misde meanor cell, juvenile cell and bath room, illerc too It a corridor looking up to the gardener, having carried on that business roof, m Princeton. Mr. Sargent has now la-t n The prisoners arc brought In on the east Sargent in the South a number of years and is the founder and senior member of tlm exten sive seed tlrm of K. M. Sargent <k Co., of which more will be said in another is-uc. Our Hay in Macon on our journey south ward was short, bat on our return we viewed tile city more carefully, a dcscriu- l' 01 )'d which will also be given later. ' arose on the morning following our arrival greatly refreshed and rested after our long journey. A portion of the fore- n<sm was s|ient in looking at the city will; Mr. Sargent We then visited the large warerooms of E. M. Sargent A Co., where we made the acquaintance of Colonel J no. r. Fort, a true Southern gentleman, aud well aa chltehproof. wnpee guests we remained for four days, visiting with him his plantations In Mid dle and Southwestern Georgia, and of wide h we shall give a description in our next issue." tide into the office, and from thence as signed to cells. The Jailer. Irom his office, by looking through a large bull's eye or "squint," has a view over all tlic cells, and also over the misdemeanor and juvenile celts, guards' room, etc. The kitchen of the residence portion opens also into the intermediate depart ment by means of a hulf-door, and through this food is carrried direct to tlic prisoners. lEvery portion of this department is ns secure at th* jail proper, though the finishing would not so indicate. The walls are of iron and concrete and are therefore tire-proof aa ell aa chisel-proof. PXow, the jailer In his office, while at all times having a view over the cells and rooms on the first Door, Is provided with ntireparatiou. In the same issue of the Rrtonl we find an advertisement of the "Oak Lawn Land Company offering, tract of 4.AOO acres “a 11 rolling land within twenty-five miles ol Macon. lly this mean* Northern settler* and capital ore gradually being drawn to our country. •Imply Wonderful. Jb» cores that are being made in nearly ml chronic diseusea, by a new Vitalizing Trrotment, which ia taken by inhalation •ad which acta directly on tha weakened nerve centres and vital organa, rrsturiu nene centrea and vital organa, restoring them to the normal activities which had yen lost are ,imply seoader/uf. If you such a ‘ ?r*'" needot such a treatment, write to ran s !V kl '>' * Balm, 1100 (Braid afreet •Tjuadelphla, for auch documents and SENATOR DROWN. ~ . _ name to be used in - the next election Ramarka on the Manufacturer.'Convtr.- for Governor Con| iovemor, CongreM or the State ... , o. . a _ .. i .-cute. Wo like Mr. Crisp end cousin In the UnitedStates Senate on the tth j j| t . nrv McDaniel too wcjl to attempt to Inst., Senator Brown, ol Georgia, nude .• 0UHt '«tliem, still we know wo could some remarks on the late meeting of ■ ,io it. As to the Senatorial question, Southern ruannfacturera in Angusta. We; the “devil” and the cook hare had the quota from the Onyrr-sfortoi Ifrronl of the ; subject nndcr discussion for the |vast 6th, and commend the remarks of the | twenty-four hours with closed doors. Senator to the attention of free trade advo-! As soon us tlicv come to on understand- cates In Georgia and th- South generally, ing, the world shall know the verdict: From the CongieMlonil Record. ' unt j| ,| ieIIi our friend, must remain in itrtet in the r.lijr of M con. i«rlo<l on m tbt vropertjrof Wu llolmti toxtHjr a ux ft fa for ct«tu avd countjr taxes due on Slid lot for *itf v*.ar Iv3a..«iu i Wui uolaica / lio, •tthcMi.io time ami place, !oll No 5 and A, block 10, norihirm cornu ou, frontLg on au alley between Mouroe and Madlaon »tr c s odjointiix pmreity of R u Cubb dge and J O Mi-Mill* u Ium fed ou ax the prop.uy of J K Rus ell to aatiaty a tax ft fa fur oiatc and co* uty t.xvftdueon Mid lutfjr thu jear l*i»i rgaintt -t h Rus*. U. AKo. at the name time an 1 place, part of lot Not, ajuthwcbt comin'iP,oquare 27, In the c?ty of Macon, o . (tottrrtM »tn* t. Lotlct ou aa the property i f v r* Ntabet < ayior to a tiify a tax ft f.af irdtat* and county taxes dau ou Mid lot fot the jur 18.; p. uliot Mrs Ni»> ct I ayior. Alao, at tin*same tluu and place, | a t of lot No 1. »l i'aal s vquare, froriim-: ot ChcatutU street in the city of Macou. adjolii'ng property of Wm lUxi -hurst levied ou as the p aiperty cf J Hannsflil * Merlin to9kitiofy a t»x ft la for atate aud county taxc* cue ou a-id loi lor the y«*ar IS-SaeatnatJ r*umc crfiel M«rtin Also, at the same time and pUcu, part of lot Vo 4. square No 6. nuMhwra cumnou, front- lm; on lollece street In thu city of Mtcou, ad- J'dutnK propeDy of J J clay. Levlol on as the property of t quote titepheni to Mtisiy a tax ft fa for ^ta^e a d couuty taxes d .e on *ald lot for the sear 18-3 ac«t- at 8qnare Stephens. Also, at the oamo time and * Isce. port of lot No 4 In sqhsrc No 5, north acat common, front- inf on Colicce street In the ntv of Macon, ad- Joinlue the property of PhBl Mallory. Levied on as the property of Martha Wallace to aaliafy a'ax ft fa for Stato aud county taxe< duo on sain lot for th r year 188; ajaltut Mr. th i Wa' erty of W J Ja via and J W Jordan. as the prope.ty of W II Freemen t iaUify a tax ft fa for State snd couuty tatM due on aild lot for ho year Jt*?3 acsluat tv H Freeman. Also, at the same time and place, forty acres of lend, more cr h-a, lying in the Godfrey die trlct. fronttny on Houston road and adjolnli g property of 1 L Maiaenburg and the Doody e» tate, and known as part of Und lot No U of aaid district, levied on os the property of W i A Lofton to Mtiify a tax c (x for State and couu- 1 ty taxea due on sold land for the year JW» agiiuatW \ Lofton. Also, at the saaie time and piece, one half an _*ro of land, more or L*»s. lying In upper cliy, adjoining property of Jennette Weyman am Coilins Lsncflon aa the property of Beiiev Morris to Mtl«fy a Ux ft fa for ttate and county taxes due on sold lot for the year 1883 against Betsey Morris. Alio. a.t the same t'me and pUce, one sere of land, more or less, lying in Godfrey district and known as ptrtot laud 1 ft No 65 of said district, adjoining property ot Gneu equith and Ma rian An li r,e:i. Levied on ss tne property uf Lau*b Fow ex to Mtbfy a tax ft U t v 8ute and county tsxes due ou said bt for the year b8 J Sgalntt Lamb Foxier. Also, at th<* lame lime and p’ace, one-fourth of an acre of Un i lying iu Vinevllle district, fronting on Collins street In said district and adjoining property of Tom IHU and Jackson Broadu*. Lsned on as the property of Wm Hill to Mtlvfy at tax ft fa for etate and county taxes due on said bt for the year IteJ against Wm llill. Also, at the seme time and piece, one acre of Und. more or lesa, lying in \ incrllle riiv.rk-t. a1 joining pro; ertyui Prince Robinson and John Draper, and known aa part of laud lot No 2J of taM district, lacvicd on as the proper y of Lucy Mack to s disfy a tax ft fa for dtatc and county taxes dutcuuld tot for the year 1884 against Lucy Mack Also, at the same tiire and place, four arrxt of Und, more or le t, lying lu Godfrey district, adjoining property of Larub Fowler aud Wtn 11 Burdick, and auowu as part of land lot Ko 65 of iftld district. Le vied on as the prop rty < f Msrlah Anderson toaubfy a tax ft fa rox S M* and county taxes due on Mid lot for the ye»r 18»>3 aralr.st Msrlah AndCnon. Abo. at tho -ame tlrac and place, one acre, more or less, lying in East Ms*tub district ami known ss ;>art cf lot ;w of «.t.d district, adjnls ing property of - C Pitals ami « iheia. 4cvU6 on aa the roperty ot Traveler to Mtisfy a tax n fa for htate and conuty taxes due on said lot tor the year 1883 agalust Traveler Also, at tho ssma lixe and place, part of lot N•» 2 b ock 47, southwest common in the city of Macun. fronting on Oglethorpe stmt. Iacvlud on as f c property of s' B Hood to satis fy a tax tffa for Hate and county taxes due ou sahl h*i for tho year 1»81 again t T D Wcod AliJ, at the Mine time snd | lace, part of lot oVsdJ ^* For Household Use, BIRT H D ^.Y ! WEDDING PRESENTS ! Large stock and Low Prices. ttf Solid for Catalogue. J.P. STEVENS A CO., f*»b8 wiy Macon. Ga. Pure Blooded Hogs. JERSEY RED^allia Btrkshire.Inri^r ;■ 1 Poland China, Imported Essex Pigs (or sale—616.00 per pair. GKO. M. PRESTCOTT, fcb2.Swdlt.tw3t Wylly, Ga. PLANTERS, .ttZxt&wtmA MECHANICS, MERCHANTS & CAPITALISTS, A-WORD-IN- YOUR - EAR-AND-DOL LARS-IN-YOUR-POCKETS. IIAFPPNEW YRAR1 Good-bye, U not flrst-ratc. but might hate been Monuy not exactly pleutv, but yet, en< go round and after pa>lrg debts an- in onpplies, stock, clothing, guano. BEST PAYING INVESTMENT, Ko 4 sdjoinlitg property of Barntly and Thom-* Dunu sttuatcu m EattMacou. Levied on m the pionertycf Mtrxare: Jae-son io Mtisfy a ux ft fa for n'at<* situ cuuuty taxes duo on Mid lot for thu year 18*; atam-t Margaret Ja. ks m Atho, at tlie Mme ilm- and place, • art of lot No 5 In rqua e M tn the city of Muon, fronting on New street. Levied ou a* the property of P Q Hswver. trustee, tn Mtisfy a tax ft fa for mate and co'iuty taxes due cu Mid lot for the year 18fS against P C Sawyer, trustee. Al-«», at tne same time aud p ace. part of lot No 2 in square 12 In the city of Macon, front lug on Madison street. Lu led ou i-s Uie prop erty o: David Laney to satisfy a tax ft fa for nUte and county taxes due ou sold let for the year 1m; against David losuey. ■ Iso, at the ssme time aud place, one fourth of au acre of land lying In tho YlncvilludUt.lct H Hi larg it dividend, to lu something (hat will make happiness in our home*, that will elevate your children, our I friends and ourselves to the highest standard lability. of refinement, culture and social fr mtlug ou Jcftenon aired, adjoining property of Fd rutton and Richard Pepper. Levied ou as the property of Peter Hn'ris to satisfy a tax Ml. Knows—Mr. President, on yester* [ t i, e ja.L, day when nty friend, the honorable fienn- i tor from Kentucky (Mr. Beck) was deliv- Where the Fire is Out. Untr «ii dentally to allude to the question, and during the able he' Magic No More a Mystery made on that xiuesiion, the honorable Sen- 3 .. 1 M {■ ator from South Carolina (Mr. Butler) in- From AcrOSS the Vorld. -Seen torrunted him, .ml with bl, consent red certain rxtrmcu from . new.paper, rout ine *o » number of vary worthy gentle. S iol caaea aa will enable you to lor youreclt whether it will be of any >«ut particular caw. A Mexican Veteran. Judge J. N. Bigbie, of Randolph county, » aline specimen of the clan of men who illustrated Southern valor during the Mex- *ia war. He was bom in 8outb Carolina, in early life went to Mississippi and at the (‘ommencement of the war with Mexico he Joitwd Jefferson Davis's famous regiment of Mississippi rites. At a critical moment daring the battle of Buena VUU his regi- 2*2* W a gallant charge, in which hP lost ■nAnn. After the close of that war he become a cittoeu of Southwest Georgia, I^rebe has Uvctl ever diu-e. About the time the county of Marlon was organized he was messenger of the Hotue of Repre- gywrt MUledgerille. where he was g»wn as Buena VUta. and the first Rep- Jttwtatlve in the Legislature from that SJntF’ ^.greatly admired him, caused .«• coil,,t y 101,0 for W«. Judge Bigble to oueof formers in his section another means of knowing whether every thing h all right in that portion hr cannot overlook by reason of being upstairs. The Itloorinc being of iron and concrete, trans mits every sound over head, and hence should there be any filing or sawing or violation of prison discipline upstairs, lie hears every bit of tt. | We now go into the third department or jail proper. i)n the first floor we have live iron cages in me centre of a large room, thus allowing a wide passage or corridor around them. By an arrangement, all the cells are unlocked at once or one at a time. I Out of the cells, the prisoners are not at liberty. l*ccause there is a narrow corridor attached to one side of the cells, into which all or one of the prisoners can he admitted, and thus allowed to enter the Urge corridor for bathing pur|K>ses or to lie taken away. 1 n the second story there are live more cells, counterparts of those below. The sauitary arrangement of thecells Is perfect. The building will he enclosed by a brick wail, with the exception of the front, which will have a fence in keeping with tlie character of the residence portion. It will cost the county about $2LOOO. and 1 will be built as soon a* contracts are signed, which will be in about two months. men, some of whom are my constituents, giving their opinions on the tariff qms- tion, and the bearings of tliat question upon Southern manufactures. By the re. ue»t of the Senator from Kentucky, the finest ol tne renaior irom itemucay. sue senator from South Carolina cut out from Ithe newspaper the slip he read and gave it to the Senator front Kentucky, to be in- corpnratcd in his remarks, and 1 find it in the Record of to-day. Those worthy and distinguished manufacturers take substan tially the position that Southern man ufacturers woukl be better oil if the tariff were abolished en tirely, and we had absolute free trade! ft fs for sute nmi .-juuiy •■xusduconsalJ lot for the year IMfafatas; Pe er Harris. Alsu, at the isme ttmn and place, part of lot No 1 iu»quarc No 97, lying lu the cl 4 of Ma « on ou the comer of -^rlnganft Walnut streets. Levied on ss th? prop- riy »*f has H Uutrhlms to Mtl-fy spucul State tax ft fa agslnst Ctoas U Hutchings for the year 1884 Also, st the aasse urns aad plsce. oee acre of land m lower city fronting on Futh street In thec'ty of Mi«*o. bounded as follows: On the south by property of Whitehead, ou the cMtby property of the Fsst Ttennesfe, Vir ginia ar. Georgia Railroad Company. lorvled " Sheppard t on aa the 1 ■ illsst the same time snd olsee. part of lot iNo 1. squire vl. fronting o.. Tolrd street «n the etty ot Mscun adjoining propertv rf J W Join- ier Levied on as the proper*y of Kal«lgh Hatchings to s itsfyaUx ft fa lor »tote and county uxrs due on raid tot for the year lisJ sgsiust Kal igh llutrbltKS. ■Al-o. at the Mme time and place, lot No II, 8t Paul's squsrs, frenttbgon Mo j roe street in the city of Macon, adjoiutng - - Henry llstnraond. Lcv:ud« n of (dam llollls tos\Usfy a tax and county taxes due on said tot fur tho y< 1 the propertv of 1 m the property ix ft fa for date 1881 against Adam Uollls. Also at the suns time snd place part of lot NoMqnare f. southwest common. Iron-lug • n Gilmer street In the city of Macon, adjoin ing the property of Elvira Tar I too Levied on as the property of Fanny Johnson to satisfy a tax ft fs tor iMate and cvuuty taxes doe ou sett tot for the year IMJ against Fanny Johnson. Also, stun* same time and plate, pail of lot No 3, square No 7, non>hwest eomauu. adjoin Ing property of S Crockett and K J Banks levied on as the property of II L Turner to Mtisfy a uut ft fa for Stale and to jnty texts llsroun of Aleppo,” said Mr. rhlllip Dor vsl, “Had mastered every secret In nature which the nobler magic seek* to fsthom. He discovered that the trie art of healing Is to as sist nature to throw off disease—to summon, as it were, the whole system to eject the ene my that has fastened ou a part. Ills processes all included the relnvigoratlon of the principle of life.” Iu this the eastern sage merely anticipated the practice cf the best physicians of to-day. What life Itself Is. nobody knew tben-nobody knows now. But we have learned something of the reason why the mysterious tide rise* ............. _ and fails. Provided the great organs of tho Of course, they take this position in full j body are not Irreparably destroyed, medical ,le«u(toeto tb»l*,areobllwltor»U.|ret;>*«ro r V -»H "‘ --J; »“'• “<•<:»;“»»• over *300,000.000 * yew bv taMlTon.to.up- **»*>„.l iewn, Um.»a<t i port tlie xovernroent and meet all it, obff- U.,n7t<ic-ro2. blredlnj. by which It mill-! rations, even when economically admin- tempted to enre diseases by reducing the pa-1 rennlng back P» the Oemulg^ “* * * - Ueni's ability to resist it. Now-a-dsys wo d“ not tear down the fort to help the garrlron i property of Da* id Hheppi a tax ft fa for state anu county taxes *'ueMi said lot for tho year 1M3 against David »bep- paid. Also, at tbo same live acd placo. tbree- fourtbs «f an acre of Und fronting on JeOevson street, ad|oulug property of aarah t/ro/t and l*e er Harris. Letrlc*! on tha proawrfy of Kd suuon to Mtisfy special Stata tax ft to against El Sutton toe ttw year 1881. - aa time and place, forty 1 M^rtaa.toJ Also at the of Und. more or Ires, lying In the East Y district and kcown as part of land lot No tf Oof rail! district, adjoining property of • harles U Andrews snd J k Andrews. L vied cn m the date and county ta*es dua on isld land fer lbs rear 1SH3 against J M Smith Also, at tha s mo Umo and pUea, sixty acres, note or la-a. lying In Vlnavilla, adjotnlng woperty of rstate ©IN B Clayton. L*vlrd on MUSIC ALONE WILL DO THIS, OWM Have yon a Piano or Organ In your borne T If not. you should have, and wa can s vo jot money ;n Its purchase- Over 2UQ00d*l(ghtad purchasers, whom we bavo supplied In tho kst fifteen years, will fndrno this rtatamenL Seethe Grand luaucements we ofT.r. Ten Leading Maker a Chickcilog. Mathushek, Lud den A Bate". Half, t A Das la, Hardman, Arion Mason * Hamlin, Packard, Palace rnd Bay Htatc. Over 800 sty to* All Grades — >11, “ “ hhmmhppmhp«9hh Pianos, *200 to 11.000. Organs. |24 to fTMt M ikcra’ names on all. No ritcncil - r cheap in* strumenu sold ”Th*( taat Is always the cheap* cst,” hut our cheapest!* good. SEE WHAT WE GIVE PURCHASERS With each Piano, a Good Stool andCovcr. With each Organ,® Good Stool & Tn?*tntctor With each Plano or Organ, a Book of Music Alto, a Hlx Years* Goansntcr. a Fifteen Lay a Trtri, with Frctxht l*a!d both waja if Incre ment .doca not suit and a privllire of (r >■ • nga alary time within as mouths, if the*' 1- : 0:1 tnada la not ratsfactory. Mora than this. WE PAY ALL FREIGHT 1 Yfia, we mean it. Waadl yon Best lnstru- m« nta at Lowest Prirea. on Easiest In **i n! T« mu and pay every rent of tha freight, no mailer where yon lb e so that the instrument coats yon no more t>*an If yon lived In Savan nah or New York city. Sard naioor name anti Illustrated Oatatognev and we wilt maU ; room 10 oaj 'here. we will MTt yon money s d and give yon something go 1. due on avid lot for tha yiar 188) against U L Turner, Also at the same time and plsce. part ol lot No S in square No a. rouihwrst common, front ing 00 tiiimer street tn tha city of Macon ad joining property of Fanny Johnson. levied 00 m me property of Elrra Tsrltou to sttitfy a tax ft fa for Stale and county taxes dua on said lot for the yesr 11*3 against Elvira 1 arlton Also, at the tame tune and p;ac*, pure of tot No 7 frontlug on tuy *tre*t tn East Macon, ad joining pro,«rty of m S Colilus. I. »ud on aa tha property of Littleton Crowa’l to ratufy a tax ft ta f »r state snd county taxes due ou said lot for tba year 18(3 against Liu clou Crowell. * st the ssme time and place, port « f lot M u-on and {stared. The advocacy of free trade K therefore, the advocacy of direct taxes to raise from the people by an internal revenue system or by direct taxation this enormous amount of money, soveral j medicines. -» times av Urge os tlie whole 8tate tax now 1 dutdjr and powerfully upon the circulation collected in each Htatc. If the tariff is ! and the organs of digestion, thus giving na- abolished the direct tax must neeeaaarily i tnre the assistance she calls for. It follows follow as they must all adroit. 1 that all ailments of the stomach, kidneys and MaLJvLVIs I?nartof nir nnmove to I llvpr ar * oa ™ relUvnl or cured. No other Howrrer,U r Unop.rtof prapu.Uon.mbodlra lb. ram.. qoUttinof (a for state and county taxee doe on said land for the year lvts asa*nst Mrs Hutton. G. 8. V* KTTCUTT, Sheriff Bibb County. April 9 lm. owtw LUD DEN Sc BATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, Administrator’s bale. GEORGIA, Illtlli rOl'NTY.-Wm b* Kid before the court house, In Mid*county, on the first Tuesday tn May next, during the legal 1 hour* ol sale the following described property 1 to-wlt: One undivided third (»i) part of that tract ofland in the Vincvllle district of Mid county, lying Jnst ontside the limits of the city of Msd-ou and known as the late residence of Mrs. Nat try M. Clarke, said tract containing twenty-three "St) acres, more or less, and ad join lug lands of Maroti Canal Company, the East Tennvasee. Virginia and Georgia railroad and oak Ridge CemeWry.said propertv belong ing to the estate <»f Mre. Virginia B. Wade and to ne sold under aa order of the court of ordi nary of Mid county for distribution. Terms cash. * ” “*'**" SAVANNAH, GA. The find Music House in the U. 8. to Deltas Pianos and Organa Freight raid. Or THE GEOROIA MUSIC H0ITHK. Macon, Go. I CURE FiTSi W8«a iMffsf* ISssul •sr s Usm sa4 (baa bare SOi jsssvrr.Wi-uT.fr, K^.rouiirnSSrfro'oinn - M ot-. niim YurL SW-S *”«> out.' ” ' AI.BEKT II. «OH*. - „ Affminl.tnu.,r Vra. V. II. .blltty to rwl.t it. Now-.-ff.jr, we do P ro l**j)r °l R 8 . o'llit,. . ow ,, toe Alwi, bv conro-nt olthe owner, ol the other ' -■ 1 ^ oropjor ol Frwl lulled,, lo mtul, .UJIII. ! „„ thlr-u ol ..Id property, the ..me w,;i bo lor»rote»n._lromiljrlMr»dueou raid lot fur { wild wt lh« Hue tiiae wild fUre. Mthwtlhe |mrehwro-r m«j- ret title to the whole trwet, wprwUwtw, nteltiientwnd benellrientwork,lit. lb iF—*-w Kotor thwt f»rkrr'. Tonic lewd. >11 other *! 1 ”'wi.i , «2» mS'oo ( I. A. .n Invlkorwnt It art.itnme- ttw{Ro!?d?L»ilnlon ff ....ewmiv noon the elronWtno fa for State and county Uxssdne on Mid year 1*3 sgtin* t Silvia Whither* the vame t ine and place, tot No 8 In A NEW BOOM M . Potts and Cross Rowds. Bftlor, TrUfnph wnd Jlrutnftr ;-Bibb «<»«T U tar attewd of act of her lUter “onffe, in Georjiw, and of Florida He* ->ow if too count/ board will dtfferont iffwt-oOcMand town. “Wjntnj coontiwa, tber win abow n proH NreMive an. I accuaimottotinwftiirit. w.xthy ?* a* 1 praito. wnd then the countv will “* Te an **1 vantage over oar city none of 5K :' r r "" .re mwrkid^wnd co ■ kno * u i Betas Orsnnlrod for Mncon-Th, Real E.tnte and Improvement Con pan,. On Thursday twit then WWW quietly cir culated among wm* of our young burl new men the following agreement for signa ture,: -M.utts, Ga.. April S. 1861.—We, the undersigned, bereb/ ilgnify our willing- news to form a corporation, to be known aw the Macon Real Estate nnd Improvement Company, for the purpose of buying and improvin' real estate in the city of Macon and Its Immediate vicinity. -The general plan of the corporation Is aw follows: Five thousand abaiewatSW.00 per share, to be paid for in installments of 81.00 pef month. Minimum number of iharte five 16). Maximum number of shun fifty (60), with auch other particu lar, and forms u may be agreed on when 0r ?Othedocument, which it wasntfirst intended should be preeented only to yoong men. the following signature, were in • few hours lecured: B. B. Jaques, Jt H. Campbell. A. U Butte, K J. U Geo. A Turpin, O. R lloberu J. W. Cab- antes, M. Xuabaum. Wm. H. Itou. (It T. Harris. Isaac Hardeman, mon. \V. H. Burden, B.8. Dnnlap, It. II. Smith, .Alfred Jeaeop, lien C. Smith, H. T. Johnson. II. H- gj*. Thomas C. Barite, M. O. s i,wed Albert Gillian. H. Honte, W_._A_. Doody, A l’roudtit, J. F. Hutson, H. J. Umu. Jr., gtTAfcfpT-aBri mu and Jeff Une. .. . . S'a* S5B8* evident at once that not only rganizstion assured, but that tbs project J» «• boondto “ ior univcrw tion, and I donut intend to do to. I do not arraign the Senator from Kentucky for the remarks be made on It In hte speech yes terday ; because the bill before the Senate is one to appropriate money, and when we are making urge appropriation# it la very Stoper to Inquire bow we are to raise the money to meet the appropriations. It seems to me, therefore, that it la proper, if the Senator desires to do so, on every ap propriation bill to dlscusa the tariff ques tion. I make no sort of objection to it, but •imply say Gist I do not desire t» enter into tliat discusalon now. and will not during the present discussion on the edu- fttjfpisi bill. Bat u the newspaper slips referred to -ere reed and ipread upontlio Jtrarrf. and they reflect the opinions of.portion at my constituent!, I think tt just to uioiber portion of the same constituency that their opinions on the other side of the question should be placed side by side w lUi the opinions spread yesterday evening npon the RtrorJ. It happened that oo the very day those opinions were spread upon the llteonl here, ths Southern manufacturers were In convention in Augusta. Ga., examining this very question, the question ot over production, hard times, difficulties in mak- w emu meet, and trying to arrive at conclusion aatowbal is best to be done. They were interviewed but evening by a reporter ol the CTroairleand dnutitw- tioMliit, and the molt of the Interviews is summed np in the Washington Mat this morning: "The Cknmieis Interview, with members of the convention, show that the majority of manufacturers tn attendance stand on the tariff plank in the Ohio Democratic ntattorm. As the convention was nn Important. one, mid the article is short which des- cribes it, I will send it to the desk snd ask the secretary to read it. Tbe Presiding Officer (Mr. Allison in the | chair)-the secretary will read the article. kta’Sh^ringfn Sgntcfthe ac tion of tbe roovantioa having already been printed in tbeTxuoasrw am Mc-csuxa, preparation embodies lha same nnmnm produces similar mulu. It U drllrtonsto use, >n,l the beat known sntl-lnuntrant. Pries toe. end It. Ilteeos . Co., New York. A LaHy’g Life Mav depend npon tha medical treatment toe receive, lor the removal of 'horn trouble, pecu liar to hero.',. That ihoo affictioua ran be son* Airnstl.ll. t-icmer loco snd-Ninth "ooMSrteeAow^tedy rraJUr. Utoconw- pond with them. They an skillful and learned aad always areot with saneas hi their rrecilce. rao^maearaej^torirurararar ^ U,Gor. Root tax ft locator Dm sqnare No soulhirmoostmon lu tiro city of Bacon, on tbe corner of Ash and Jackson streets, lcviftlon as the property of John ftulth to satisfy a tax ft fa for Stata and connty taxM da« oo said loi fur Ike jear 1SB against John laltk. Also, at tho saare Urea and place, port <f lot No a in an nave %, snuthwaal coasssoo, fipotinx oa Talfair street in the city *«coa. Uiried on ss tha properly of Rom Morrell io Mtisfy n tax ft fa for Stale and eonnly taxre doe on said lot for tbe year 18* agalnat Itaoe s MorralL ■KkayaarlM agal I Also, at Use mbm tike and place, part of lot ■oSin sonar* Ku:\ao«hsiaiMaMMMB ing nn Llm s-enct in the»ily cl Henry Cu, GEOkfilA, BIBB « MI NTY.—Whereas, J W. Johnson has made application for letters of administration on the estate of Mary A. J. Johnson, late of said county, deceased. Thl* Is to cite and admonish all persons concerned lo be and appear at the May term, 111*!, of the court of ordinary nf uld minty and show cause. If any they can.wby letters of administration should not be granted to ap ptiram. Witness my official signature this. April 9th, J. A. M« MA [*. April S© 1 Dts. Jsckrxi * BamctUCc. Bscs and wh fa, Clnclncatt. Ohio.: Dear Fire I^b.vTWn an Invalid rt, Ohio,: I have been aa invalid for several « YourM D.IVUUesieecsrecommended i by a phiilcUn. When I <omu «i-cl their use, 1 Uku nasb'a to aaik tat nearly two years without too uoo . o( sinMus ion kfmeaama a> tho IT',;- rty ,,l Henry r o.,pcr l ■a i la lor rule ami conn ly lexr. ^tftBTJSSSSJKBb i. •quart Ko It, aostowool common, fronting on Monroe street In tho city of ttacow, too lor b.rlneo store karat thereon occsowd b/J o I McMilicn. Levied on oo too prenorty of J10 Me Mil low to ralhfv • tax B fa l,r state an.l bm^uxtodaoonsaid lot (or too year lvff BJjLjriHi ^^^m^comU«^^JwU^a ton mat ■nfforing woman, aa they have never tattefla sfssa.i uabte medicine la thou •’""'^‘I'ykKs.urtMKKUtr. Dm. J. A B. show thttr faith In tMlr remedy hy .ending a tompta box free upon rcra’ptot lot lor toe year Ms Tc Itampa, lo pay paGaga, etc. Tret box. Also, at too m Samwrorila. InUoaS^S COOK STOVES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS line J hern. Senator Brown pc MMsiSs? MM Mid lot (or tba year Utt agalnat John Nixon. Also, at tho mm* time and pian.op+amum of a iacreol land lying tn Vineyffia dlsrict |jj|f.for»UU! indcouutjU Un.ltaVloevlIle dio-lct. ' of Cbasllneaoand tu... -3 part of Undlot loci ral.‘ a. the property of WatoH •la to Mtisfy a ire doo on said ; Ranis. ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED •jnrumn it Isaac LSheppard & Co.,Baltimore,Md. AND FOU NAI.B DV GEO. & OBEAR, 110 Cherry 'trect, - Macon Gg. janffi-wl EDWARD P. HALSTEAD, Qualified Veterinary Surgeon, (Late of Hereford, England,) EGA to Inform tbe public generaljythatb; •dsslo ooundisess. Nameroos references from the best men In North Carolina and «*eorfta. P.O. Fox Stew Can be seen j*r*o< ally at tho Lanier ifa’**. opt FOR SALE. | * I .. b • a:. ‘ * I '. • • • • 1 ■ . s' t ir , •• •.. • • *ry Ur: t- k %AAgAiplr Ijtmp M-sl fur Hfty 0’Jeon the South o —^/. TiT.r FARM MIL S Fee £t <k I'.. | cr Mtil («X iuuij Writs a* r m-». £217:^ C: QsiJt W'tg Co. C^tCINXATl. . iVy ° > r HiiW cJ.de” ■THE PIHCCE i COWASD CO. aw at toe pttyertj of C . Fladlay to atoxiiatav Rate aad county taxes .AUl.iro'i, *»nwiR. . m Cotton Freeses. Mill Spin.lice. 1-alley' Shaftings, Hanger,, etc. All kinds ran " Tr;t ecsr is chgaFcav.'' ' THRESHERS g,, 1 1* decay. a ms fl la lar Mate aod « 00 any kind of math R.P.CULE6CO., ■ i ^fcdSLjiISft-oaAi3^ “_aA»i <>