Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, April 25, 1884, Image 1

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Weekly Telegrai/h and Messenger. gTABUSHED 1826 ^rWASHlNGTON. L^nto to THK AMocuirn ml L,*^, April 21.—I* tbe Senate, ’’"e ren.ansoi the Journal, Mr kemta £, manlmous consent to add a few i to t'io tributes in niemortein of the fnpresentsUre Herndon, of Alabama, fins consent being given. Mr. Ken- "ised the Senate for a few momenta inc feeling remarks commemorative ‘^ll'nuVetwr'et' favorably from the *'■ .M on t IC iudiciary tile joint reso- in the Senate by Mr. *» '[^jiwilng such an amendment SKSuffion of the Uniteii States as , ro Vc r the President to veto one ^iofth* items of an appropriation '^HUlor general legislation tnan ap- .tilin bill, while .approving of the MACON. FRIDAY. APRIL 25, INS 1. - was until tlio taritt bill. The House, at 11:45, went into commit- tee of the whole, (Mr. Cov. of New York, in the chair) on tbe tariff bill. The principal speakers upon the bill were Mr. Wellburn, of Texas, favoring, and Mr. McKinley, of Ohio, opposing the bill, but a good many tioesUui ; and brief remarks were interjected hy other mem- hern. Mr. Herbert, of Alebamu, made an elaborate argument in favor of the bill. At tbe conclusion of Mr. Herbert’s speech, the committee rose. The House then went into committee of the whole on the pension appropriation bill, the pending amendment being that offered by Mr. Eosecrans, of California, transferring the duties of pension agents to the pay department of the army. The amendment was lost. An amendment waa adopted providing that no •agent, attorney XP&rofthebill. A bill was uuroquceu *r£etl bv Mr. Jonas, to provide for and cotton centennial expo* ni'fcnste then took up the bankruptcy jueutt*. v... - •f't’thc treaiotrvthe officers to finally Skf,hills for disbursement, the bills to ■Kjhe first instance sworn to by the .•rating them and certified to by KPimendmetits were protased by .““1. George, .Sherman. Hoar, Ingalle, SSSds.'Zkan and VanWyck, but £i The hilt as amended sras reported oa the committee ol the whole to the StteTrcsil the third time and passed— e« S'i, nays 15. ’ HOUSE. ... y.ton o! Connecticut, from the iwnmlttee on Isxs relating to Presidential SSTrStSsi hack the Senate bil to Ste for the |performance of the duties in the case of the removal, LKSn..tion both of the President l *Jk Eaton also (at the request of the iJFinan of the foreign affairs committee) Sorted .resolution, which was adopted, ailing upon the Secretary of State for in onostioneonceming the threatened con- £.,iion ol the American college in Italy f wy law or decree of the Italian govern- *$}■Morrison, of Illinois, from tbe cont ainer on ways and means, reported a ree d-lion that on and alter April 22 the hours [tbe daily meeting of the House shall be 1 o'clock. Adopted. Under the call ot States, hills were intro- aetd and referred as follows: Bv Mr. Henry, of California, to enciilr g. edocstion in the States and Terri to. hi. It provides that all newspapers leniiter published in the several States o’d Territories in any language whatao- «r, shall he carried free of postage bnoghtlie mails within the limits of the Med State.* and Territories. By Mr. Blount, of Georgia, to reduce the nirrotl revenue tax on brandy distilled ma apples, peaches and grapes to ten eti per gallon. By Mr. Skinner, of New York, to permit jiBither* of newspapers to send marked npies of their newspapers at second-class llr.Dingley, of Maine, from the shipping •ommiltee. moved to suspend the rules and uu the bill creating a bureau ot navtga- tion in Iba Treasury Department. Agreed in sad the bill passed—jrtaa 170, nays 47. Mr. Warner, from the committee on ‘ is. bounties and back pay, moved ml the rules and pass the Mil pm- that every person specified in the elsssot enumerated in the pension of the United States, who ■J in the fit'd in the niUfiry nr d service in any war in which the railed States has been engaged for a peri- three months or more, and lias an discharge and is not receiving a i r pi‘i.sl<,i. than tli it pro- ••>• reason of any i-" w liich there i ■ prohahle believe originated In said service it* of duty and not tbe reenlt of his misconduct or bad habits or other cum occurring since such service, disabled in whole or In part from ig hit subsistence by manual labor, i:;oa making due proof 01 the facts r.ueh regulations as may bo prr- by proper authority not with the provisions of be placed upon tbe lot of pensioners of the United States, I be entitled to receive n pension during eootmnaneeof such disability at a rate "ned to the degree thereof, the ■ condition of tlie claimant to be rnuined andccrtilleii to, aa provided "“T.npan examination by a competent ot surgeon, duly appointed, such a to commence nl Uses date of filing •PpUrethm therefor. That all applies- •“under the general pension laws, In- "‘this set, where it appears by record s that the applicant was regularly end mustered into the service and L I** * fiedod of threw months or t> that feci shall be enmctsnt prism ’ evidence that he Waa then in foot and free from disease or cause ol uy for which berlaimsa pension, motion was agreed to and tbe bill ■ yeas KB, nays 57. ‘ to ipass umler a suspension of the other btlls failed and the House ad- i passed providing for evening sessions it further notice for general debatn on tic sun ms corn* ai ? li'.T Means exposition bill intro- • In the tJcmto by Mr. Jonai UhIi! KEw!i*5 appropri iti-inof lluOOx. oy Congrese in aid of tlie World's liluit rial and Cotton Kx|*>iltIon to be held i.” Vi’”"’- The provides that and paid over to ISJKi nf.pwagsri of the expoeltion, °J tb* *um immediately und tlie •n* two thirds in four monthly in- “•:“>»« it beUseii to augment and i ^ibe. proeress of the exposition ,., *“* distribution of amounts that f remain in the treasury of theh-isrd ot -nt titer the payment of d. t.ts, "priated hy Confrere In aid of ! sfisfi he paid in foil into the sLnited .States before any s of profits shall be or other person shall demand or receive a fee for hu services in cases of pension or bounty land claims, until the allowance of tlie claim; that the fees In pension cases shall bo paid out ot the first installment of tlie pension to the claimant: that no fee shall'excced S10 except in case of a special written contract on tile in the lieimion office and approved to- the com missioner of pensions, where $25 inav be charged, and prescribing the power wfdcb the secretary of the Interior tuny exetcise over pension attorneys. The committee then rose and reported tlie bill to the House, when it waa passed. The House then took a recess until 8 o'clock, tlie evening session to be for debate only on the tariff. There were not two dozen members present when the House met after the re cess for debate on tho tariff bill (Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, in tbe chair). Mr. Krans, of Pennsylvania, was the first s|>eaker, and in tho name of tlie 1,400 manufacturing industries in ids district lie protested against the passage of the Morrison bill. He failed to see who in the country would be benefited by the proposed reduction. Ho believed in the policy ol an adequate and live pro tection of American labor, and hoped that there was wisdom enough in tills Demo cratic House to defeat tlie pending meas ure. The ether speakers were Messrs. Dock ery, Warner of Tennssee, Price ot Wis consin, and Oeorge of Oregon. Tlie House then, at 10:30 p. in., adjourned. WYCKIB'S DISMISSAL. The Senate was in extra session to-dsy three hours, having under consideration the recommendation of tlie President that Collector Wicker, of Key West, he re moved. The issues were both of fact and of methods. It wts maintained by Wyck- er‘s friends that be had done nothing to warrant tlie removal, while others con tended that bis acts of open sympathy with the Cuban insurgents were ample grounds for his dismissal. It was said, also, that tlie President had full power to act as he saw fit in tlie matter, and that tlie interfer ence nf the senate was unprecedented and uncalled for. To meet this objection, an amendment was proposed to the com- merer committee's report, declaring that the action of tlie Senate should not DC con strued as an expression of opinion in re gard to the constitutional power of tbe President to remove at will. Thereupon tho flenate adopted the report advising the dismissal of Wycker. sores. Tho Secretary of tlie Treasury and the Attorney-General hare issued orders to their agents in the cities bordering on the Gulf of Mexico for the strict enforcement of the neutrality laws. Agents are in structed to keep a sharp lookout forC'nban insurgents, and to intercept any filibuster ing exncdltion bound for Cuba. The rev enue steamers Forward and Seaward are cruising in the Onlf on patrol dnty. lion. John A. Foster, United States min ister to Spain, who arrived in Washington yesterday, has roma her# to confer with the authoritiee in regard to the details - f the proimM.il commercial treaty between Spain and the Unit* d States, It is said on undisputed authority that his visit hu nothing to do with the alleged plan for the purchase of Cuba by the United Stales, nor hu It any hearing on the insurrection in Cuba. Wasiiixotox, April 23.—In the 8enatc, the committee on post-offices and post roads reported favorably the bill granting thirty days, annual leave of absence to letter earlier* at free delivery offices. It was placed on the calendar. The chair laid before the 8enato the special order, being the bill to establish a bureau of animal industry, to prevent the exportation of diseased cattle and provide for the extirpation of pleiuo-pneumonla and other contagious diseases among do mestic animals. Toe House bill was sub- stitutod for tbs Senate bill. The bill was discusses! bv Messrs. Pinmb, McPherson, Coke and Williams. .... Mr. Ilrewn, representing the minority of the committee on woman s suffrage, sub mitted the views of that minority in oppo sition to the measure recently reported by tlie majority of tho committee, which pro posed a constitutional amendment grant ing the right oi suffrage to women. ■ Pending debate on the plenro-pnonmo* Ilia bill, the .Senate went into executive section. and when the doors reopened ad. Jon rued. house. On motion of Mr. Dowd, of North Caro* lint, a Joint resolution was passed author ising the Secretary of War to loan the city of Charlotte, N. two hundred flags for the celebration of tlie Mecklenburg decla ration of imlejH-iuh-mv. Mr. Randall, from the committee on ap propriations, re|>orted back tlie naval a|i- propriatiou bill, with Senate amendments, and moved nonconcurrence in these amendments. Mr. Kassou. of Iowa, thereupon raised tbe point of order that tire amendments must first he considered in committee of tbe whole. Tlie bill was an important one, affecting ss it did tbe construction ol nep naval cruisers, and lie did not think that tbe House should pro forma expreee non- concurrence in tbe amendments. Tbe Speaker sustained tbe point of or- Tail’s statement, and amid a great deal of confusion the committee rose. Pending a rote on the limitation of the debate when the House should again go into committee of tlie whole. Uieh'arof 5 o'clock arrived, and the House took a recess until 8 o’clock, five evening session to be for debate on the to t '?g* ISTKIUfAL BKWUE RECEIPTS. Washington, April 23.—The collections of internal revenue during the first nino months of the fiscal year ending June 30. lfiM. were as follows: From spirits, $55.- 497,300, an increase of $2,102,440 over the corresponding period of the previous year: from tobacco, $18,834,535. a decrease of $13,755,303; from fermented liquors, $12,- 058,850, an increase of $805,773; from banks and bankers $2,302, a decrease of $3,741,534; from miscellaneous sources $130,004, a decrease of $0,000,539. The ag gregate receipts were $87,451,084, which Is $20,505,253 less than the collections for the corresjionding period of the fiscal year ended June 30,1883. NOTES. The committee of the First Corps of the Armyof|the Potomac.including Gens. John Newton. Hunt, Rosecrans, Dudley, and Assistant Secretary Coon, waited on the President today and invited him to ac company tlie society on its excursion to the battlefields of Fredericksburg, Chan- o dlorsville ami the Wilderness on the 15th of May. The President said lie would be glad to go If be could arrange to do so. SWAIM TO BE INVESTIGATED. ACUERO’S CAMPAICN. Tho Daring Cuban'* Movement Ilia L:»ndinft--Prees Comme [telegraphed to the associated New Yobs, April 21.—Havana of April 17th say the following N u account oi Aguero’s movements vin'c he landed until he pcneirabJ intot'i. rich jurisdictions of Colon and Cienfuco’". Shortly after landing lie t to the don-u forests, but prior.to|dolng so he - authorities of the neighboring settle ment to furnish him with n sub stantinl breakfast Until the( was heard of him. Cn tbatd neared on the plantation of M Juueo, qnito near the village oi where there is a poit of guards teers. On this plantation tie i negroes in stocks. These and liberated, placing in the stocks thr . n .• r seer of the slaves. He then proceeded to tlie j-1 intation Olimpo. whence a mej- .i :<• u u patched to Cardenas, who returned provisions. Tho march was resume continued to the plantation of si where the party seised a large numb horses and impressed the over.Her S ide. On the 8th the whole i c m POLITICAL POINTS. VOLUME LVIII-NO. 20. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. M io New York Convention Indorses Arthur's Administration—Tho Plat form—Mahone'e Convention and Its Platform. ■!. u;r Ti.LftfRAWED TO THE ASSOCIATED PRISSt] Utica, April 23.—The convention was • a .led to order at 12:30 and the roll call completed atl o'clock. Mr. Roosevelt nominated Nathaniel C. Hoynton tempor* ary chairman. Warner Miller moved to substitute the name of Edmund L. Pitts. Boynton was elected. This action was a vi itory for the Edmunds-Arthurcombina* f {ti<>n against Blaine. |* The vote stood 251 for Boynton and 240 J forPi»8. After a brief speech from the chlrman on assuming tho seat, the usual ' j r< ‘olution providing for committees on '! i permanent organization, contested scats and resolutions was adopted. Sorno dele- Munumo, wucre it burned twoliotiM"*, tin* , i a <: _ i.vii rrl headquarters of tb» civil guard and the "J^**?", 1 ??**** j?? 1 . *° W station and warehouse of the railroad at KlKffSf? Secretary Lincoln's Letter Recommend Ing a Court at Inquiry- WASifttroTox, April 22.—Secretary Lin coln to-day addressed a letter to the Presi dent, in wiileli he recite# that on the 16th inat., A. E. Bateman, of this city, a mem ber of tlie firm of Bateman dc Co., bankers, addressed to him a letter in which he alleged that General O. Swaim. judge ad vocate general of tlie army, had committed fraud upon said firm, the nature of which he described. Bateman’s letter, as tele graphed abroad on the day of its date, is embodied in the Secretary’s letter, who then proceeds to say: “On the next day, and before any action waa taken on the communication ot Bate man, another communication was received from hitn in the following words: [Bateman's second letter, withdrawing his charges against Swaim,is set forth, fol lowed by Swalin'a indorsement on Bate man's first letter, all of which has been printed in these columns.] Secretary Lincoln then writes in his let ter to the President as follows : “Bateman thought it proper to give to the press a copy of Ids first letter on the day of its date, and the grave charges made by him against the judge advocate- geueral were thus given wide publicity. His object was apparently to enforce a pe cuniary adjustment by means as offensive as possible, and Ins letter of the next day sbows that, nothwithstandlng the bitter ness 'of his attack, n satisfactory settlement was quickly made, one clement of which was his formal withdrawal of his charges, with a statement which teems carefully framed to avoid charging himself with having recklessly made falss and libeloui charges in bia previous letter. Bateman’s business adventures are not entitled under any cir cumstances to the protection ot tlie War that point. Several papers severely critici inability ot the authorities to pi annihilate these Insurgents, who Hr ,. .,■ so formidable. A leading journal of t! city says tho numerous forces of th ptlj but the chair called for order andannounc- n i that a full list of the committees bad '» on specified in advance, so confident of success were tbe members of the combina tion of electing tlie temporary chairman. . I he members of the committees and the ernment havo commenced very uiHuctih I iJSSfebv theTRtehmnnd W n2n*!!. tK heir second campaign agitnit the bandit, | [,-t J, |,' Inl»Vfn for so far from meeting him face ' pric0 ot,1, ' ir entering tho combination face, he and his partv crus-cl of tlieir very noses, escaped sound and safe from the neighborhood of Cardenas to that ol the swamps of Seapola. where In- now is. It is not therefore sutli ient that Castillo should send powerful bodies of troops 10 pursue tho insurgents. It 1 - necessary that such troops should be OOIM tnnndcd liy officers who know whut thev are about La Union Constitutional, ot Colon, says: Already this sadly celebrated ban lit and his men have taken possession qf th. ir old field ot operations, where, familiar with tbe territory and inhabitants, thev will bold in cheek large bodies of tro- i - aml where their capture will be very ditll- Feelings and opinions of s different sort price of tlieir entering tlie combination with the Arthur men against Blaine. A rece<8 was then taken. When the couvention reassembled Boyn ton was made permanent chairman. Can didates for delegates at large to Chicago were placed in nomination and the roll call proceeded with, amid suppressed ex citement. There was a disposition to applaud the votes of the well-known dele gates, which the chairman represented, announcing that the utmost quiet should bo observed, In order that tlie tellers could Intelligently record the votes of delegates. I'Jp’ announcement was heeded except in iiulaled instances. Tbe roll then called, a tedious process, and white the tellers erere figuring up the result the chairman. Jno. D. Lawson, from the committee on (Notations, read the platform. w At the conclusion of the res THE READJUSTER CONVENTION. An Enthusiastic Reception to Mnhone ••What was Done. [TKLXOlUrnKD TO TUX AMOC1ATXD fUKSK.] ItlCHKOHD, April 23.—The Hcsdjuster- Rcpublican State convention met here to day, the sessions being held in tho Itich- mond theatre. Full representations from all sections of the State were in attend- once, the delegate* and alternates number- ing about one thousand. At 12 JO Mnhone appeared upon the stage and was greeted with wild outbursts, through which he con tinued some minute*. Upon the restora tion of order General Maltone expressed a profound sense of gratitude for the wel come extended him. It gave new life to his devotion and affection for his party and increased vigor to his determination to ancc - stand with his people in tho struggle for civil rights and liberty in Virginia. He urged harmony and unity in tbe proceed tags and in treating with the great pur poses before them. Colonel William Lamb, of Norfolk, was made temporary chairman. Resolutions were adopted authorising the chair to ap point tlie usual committees, and a com mittee was appointed to invite Governor Cameron to address the convention. Tlie chairman announced that lie would take lime to conaider the personnel of the com mittees, and a recess was taken to 8 o'clock. The convention reassembled at 8:30 In tlie evening. A resolution was adopted limiting all speeches to five minutes. Tbe committee on credentials reported all counties in the State represented except four, Tlie committee on |>crmanent or ganization reported as permanent prcal- ENCIANO SHAKEN UP BY AN EARTH-. QUAKE. The People Terrified and Much Damage Done—Tne Government Defeated in the House of Commons- Situation in Egypt* Kii» in » MMU DOS !*•* DCiU rttet“L*V ** “T debt or ohi Igatioa I wtsiC"? ? JMUtagemcnt. A similar revggsi ^ against ox-S 1 postponed anti] TucsdJ) a. \’ataT: *?, »»»!t the arrival of Job rw I and important |,a,*rs. a avn2?*. *W >ro I‘riationi committee '■1^6,; l 2J'f J "> n i«>'l non-concnr- y«we Henate amendment! to the ■ ■^- U1 fflttopriffMon Mill*. format nearly Json.a». hliran * !* a * rn,an of the national ^ndorf a. Um .!ar« V • mUtake of the clerk, ri.lrd a, a recognition of Hconventton as the regular ■SSSiErBta PTii^l/j'^ri ltepubliran com 7 . ro « °I profita shall bt der. and the bill, with the amendment!. LiiKilk *“ oM * n <,f “* e exposition. w aa referred to the committee of th* whole. Uta. u * , *"»*minennhall notbr held Mr. 1 tend all said be would not move to go into committee at he ha<l agreed not to interfere with the tariff hill at this time. The action of the appropriations com mittee in recommending non concurrence in U>* amendment* was to expedite the ap propriation bills and aecure an early ad- °5lr. m Townshend, ot Illinois, from tlie same committee, report,;.; back the |s>»t- olliee appropriation hill, with lienate amendment's atul moved non-concurrence. In those ameo.lmei.ts on the point of order raised by Mr. Kassnn, this hill and amend ment! were also referred to tlie committee of the whole* The greater part of tlie session was spent In tlie discussion ot tlie contested election ease from lKan«a«. The sitting member Peters, waneontlrmed In tlie position be holds. The House then went into com mittee of< the whole (Mr. Converse, of Ohio, in the chair) on the naval appropri- RtSOQ bQl. The debate in committee auumM the tame political charartsr that was presented when ute bill was upon its original pass- age. Mr. Dorabeiiner, of New \ ork was of five minutes, and Mr. Randall rose to reply, Mr. Ilorsbeimer interrupted him to say mat the gentleman had promUed to yield to him fifteen minutes. Mr. ltanilaU dental having made such an agreement. laying lie had promised to yield the gentleman such Urns as be could, dependent upon the time con sumed by Messrs. Bm ami Calkins. Quite a di-pete arose between the gentle- ss*!!? - In*» New York did not understand Ightness of the officer of the army wl reports upon every court-martial proceed- ing which It is tbe duty of the Secretary of War to submit to the President for his final action la a matter of the deepest con cern to tlie Presldeut anil to every one oi bis military subordinate*. Tbe taw re quires that conduct unbecoming an officer and gtjitleman shall be followed by a sen tence of dismissal from the military ser vice, and tbe President alone ean mitigate the sentence. If there could bo any distinction, every consideration requires that more than any llcerof the army, tbe judge advo cate general should be tree beyond ques tion from anyiraputaiionofsnch conduct. It is a matter of deep regret to me, there fore, that when tbe jmlge advocate general waa given an opportunity to comment upon the chargee In queation lie, in re spect to the first charge* either waa not able or did not toe tit to make an explicit denial cf its essential part, or to giro in detail such facte and circumstances as would show the falsity ot tbe charge, In stead of doing so, he has contented him self witli a statement which contains nothing to which Bateman's allegations might not be truthfully supplemented, ffo. in respect to the second charge, that ol enisling to negotiate army pay voucher! witli Bateman A Go. which Gen. Swaim knew to be fraudulent and triplicates of outatanding accounts, Gen. Hwaltu's ro- spunse fails to notice that th* charge, as made by Bateman, refers not only to the negotiation of army pay accounts, but to the negotiation of pay account! alleged to have been known to Gen. Swaim as fraud ulent, and to that element of tho charge no allusion Is made in hia response. It is not overlooked that the final clause of the response asking for its imbliration refers to tlie accusation as false, but hit specific answers to them arc evidently in tended to be found in what has gone be- fore. If there Is no proof to sustain tbe charge made, or if the circumstances can lie explained to as to remove every im pression of improper conduct on the part of the officer In question. I am of the opin ion Hist thg welfare of service requires that tlie proper steps be taken for life vin dication. It is not a personal but an offi. ciul and public matter. He baa not. In my view, recognized that necessity, and as he has not done .so, I am compelled to recommend to you the appoint ment of a court of inquiry to ezatnine into the accusations above men tioned and re|Hirt the facta developed by their investigation and give their opinion thereon.” Upon the receipt of this teller, tlie Pres ident issued an order appointing a court of ^■exaggerated by MMi Havana paper*. 1 lie crisis we are pa- through is of consequence rather on nc count of the edicts which it momentarily produces than on account of any far- reaching result which may pmwtbly come abouL It is really of no especial iniDOrisncc here, nnr docs the illibustoriog movement influence tbe regular transaction ot bttsini ss. It is hoped that, In view of the measures tiki u by the government, affairs will promptlr return to the normal condition of proa pci - ity and peace." Fast Railioau Time. CnaTTAJTOOOA. April 21. -The Queen and Crete rut rallroadfliu*. to beat tha record of tlie Louisville and Naahville railroad, nl. ■ two months ago ran an excursion train from Cincinnati to New Orleans, a dis tance of 921 mile*, in 28 hour* and 15 min utes, alerted a train from Cincinnati w th a Kuigiitaof Pythias party at 10:10 ye-u - day, and reached New Orleans at 8;io ihi- moming. notwithstanding a delay of ts... tioar* and a half. Tbe actual running time. Including;>s. « .» nineteen knur- and a half, and Uio distance 8-M Bitten. ’! It.v - t'..- run n tile seconds. A Terrible Tragedy Near Monroe, On Atlaxta, Ga„ April 23.—A Monroe, Gs., dispatch says: At 11 o'clock this morning Jesse Gunn shot end killed his father. Willi* Gunn. Tbe father was a widower, and be and his eon courted the seme young woman. The aon married her two weeks ago.fThe father sent him word to be on lilt guard, as ba was coming to kill him. This morning a child saw the father enter the son's house end told tbe aon, who fired on his father as the Utter was taking aim at bU aon. The chairman declared the first four gen tlemen duly elected. A motion to make tlie nomination unanimous waa declared carried, with a few dissenting vol es. The Blaine men took alarm at the evidence of strength of the combination and changed their ticket for delegates at large, by adopt ing Roosevelt and White, along vrilh Mil ler and Cornell, seeking thus to win the IMmonds men from Arthur, but this avail ed them nothing, as tbo bond held. Chairman Boynton's speech on taking thechalgwas confined to thanks, an ex pression of confidence in winning tiie com ing election and a request to know the pleasure of the convention. The following U tlie platform in full: t_"The Republican party of New York, In state convention represented, declares, first, its confidence in the success of tlie Republican party of the nation in tlie com ing Presidential election under tlie standard bearers to be named by tlie Chicago convention of June 3, because of the necessity for the continu ance of the Republican administration of tbe attain ot the government, which Dem ocratic inability and incapability would iiutxsril. and because the force* of tho lt«- tblicans throughout the land, embodying perior Intefllgvnce and numbers of the In >]•!•-. nre united in the support of the principles and policies Indispensable to Republican welfare. ''Second, its great respect for President Arthur, whose administration, begun un der circumstances of peculiar sadness, del icacy and embarrassment, has by Its emi nent prudence and sagacity commended itself to Use esteem of tlie country, and as such receives the cordial acknowledg ment of the Republicans of bis own tltate. ''Third, its satisfaction with tbe honest, frugal ana intelligent government expendi tures, tbe redaction of the public debt and Iheintereateharges and the relieving of tbe pecnle of unnecessary burdens, accom plished hy Republican managemenL ‘‘Fourth, Us approval ot that policy ol protecting homo industry from foreign competition which has through tlie century ot national being encourmgtxi iiiimicratluu, rewarded labor, fostered enterprise and assured umiaraleled progress and prosper ity. all variations from which policy have been the occasion ol business confusion and disaster, and which, therefore, ie alike justified bji intelligence and experience. "Filth, Ut determination to adopt all further measures required to improve tbe lervice of the government In all Its depar - mente and regulate tbe method* of ap- wintment thereto, so that it may ot nought to th* highest possible state of et- ttciency and integrity. “oixth, its purpose that equal civil rights aboil be maintained under the guarantees of the constitutien everywhere in lb* lend, and that the franchise shall be respected, to that every voter aball have a free ballot, which shall be honestly counted. "t!ev«ntli. its recognition of the nation al obligation imposed bj tbe enfranchise ment of an uneducated race, its apprecia tion of tbe extraordinary burdens thus laid upon certain crmmonweallhi, end its cor- plete exhibits of all tue miners! resources and chief manufactured product* of Ale- . from the ^ 22 '~, Il tt ‘* 8 * n * , *> “or, reported favorably the t a commission to Inquire Into the material,Indu,trial Progrea* mad* by tbe col* . m».-*• Senate **- *MM.aolhE||lBka/c worn, 1 “ «r. Murrhon, inquiry. The following Is the detail lor the court: Major-General John Pope, Briga dier-General Christopher C. Angur, Briga dier-Genera) Delos U. Baekett, inspect* general. Major Robert N. Scott, Third Artillery, will act as Judge advocate and recorder. The court wilt meet in Wash ington on Monday, the 5th of May, UAL CEOROIA SUNDAY flCIIOOLS. Meeting of th* Convention In Columbus- 122 Counties Represented, [reuoasnikn to Tat a**ociat*d raise.] CoLCnara, Ga., April 23.—The Georgia Btete Sunday School Association convened in this city to-day in its 11th annual ses sion. It was celled to order by R. B, Uep- perd, of Savannah, president. G. K. Thomas, of this city, delivered the address of welcome, which we* responded to by J. W. Wallace, of Augusta. Delegates representing 122 counties in th* State ere preeeoL Tnere ere over 300 delegates in all, among them being some of tbe matt prominent men in the State. Thirty girls from tlie Savannah Female Asylum dc- ted the delegates with recitations and e. Reports from various Sun tay districts throughout tbe State show tbe cause to be in e prosperous condition. The cUfstns of CoJurabos bar* thrown open their houses, entertaining the dele- _a '||jj nnnelnil will mtsttlnnn 5»rTOb!- ECVPT. xrrZA*Axcs qr tii* ootto* woen. Laiso, Anvil " .lor state that in peered In KgypL Caibo, April 2t—The Mndir of Bethel Storm In Tesas. Galvxstox, April 20.—A dispatch from Sen Antonio to the -Vein say* that city was visited hut evening by e terrific rain and wind storm. Residences were badly dam aged, fences blown down end tree* uproot ed. Reports received in Sen Antonio from the surrounding country state that the damage from tbe storm had been very ex tensive, but no details srere given. Fatal Accident. Sax Fsaxcisco, April 20— A dispatch horn Truckec, Cal., on tbe Central Pacific road, say* that 3,000 feet of snow-shed fell yesterday, half a mile west ot Summit, cov ering a working train and a number at Chinese laborers. Six Chinamen have been taken out dead and fire others so- riousiy wounded. A wrecking train and medical aid have been sent to the scene of the disaster. The Alert Arrive*. Stw York. April 22.—The steamship alert, which was presented by tbe British government to the United State* for the Greely relict expedition, arrived here this morning, after a stormy passage of twen- Heavy Failure. Borrrox, April 22.—The liabilities ol Da vis A Taylor, flour and grain dealers, who have suspended, at Boeton and Lawrence, areal~>ut|: nominal asset* about $300,000. 10,000 Immigrants New York, April 21. I . . (rum which more than 10,'mj immigrants have been landed, hare arrived at Ihu post since Saturday. Avlixta, April It—The Western t AUar’Jc W’-ef, recently damaged floods, baa resumed through travel. A Brutal Negro's Crime MoxTiiour.nv, Ala.. April 22.—The weather here ha* suddenly become cold. On Saturday ki>t a negro living near Loachapoka beat hi* wife to badly that she gave premature birth to two children and died. Soon after tlilv lie made a criminal assault upon a white ladv, the wife of his employer, but was frlghtriird away before ncronipli-lmig Ills object. He tied but waa imrsued by a largo body of men anil this morning waa arrested at nut ten miles from here, and lodge-1 in tall. A Horrible Crime. Nmiitillk.Tevv . April 22.—Myer Mos- covith and ib-ko White (negro! have lieen am-itid for a»»assiiiatlng Meyer Freni- man. about a week ago. In order to obtain $3,006. for which Frehlman was insured in the American Legion of Honor. Frelil- man's wife was accessory before tlie fait, and rent her hudian.l t.i meet Ids death. Mineral Csposltlon. Ilinuix-iHAU. An.. April 22.—The Ala bama Suite Mineral Kiporitlon was opened today. Over ln.ioi people were present. Gov, O'Neal delivered on address review- ing tbe industrial bistorv 'ltd prospects ot dta^pprova^^^sUtimiwitbliHust libs State, The exposition comprise* com- constitutional Halts which shell extendi !> rrmt dent Col. Wm. Lamb, of Norfolk. A motion that all delegates to Chicago be instructed to cast their votes in the na tional convention for Arthur was received with almost unanimous disapproval, and nu further notice was taken ot the motion Tbe reports of the various district delega tions were then submitted, giving the names of delegates to Chicago. Each delegation reported In favor of General William Mahone as chairman of tlie delegation to Chicago, and instructed their delegates to vote as a unit on all questions airlsing in that convention. Mibcne, from the oonimittee on general business, reported the platform as foUowi: l-'irst, that from and after this day our party shall be known as the Republican party of Virginia: that in national affulrs we shall follow tho banner of national Republican party, aud shall support with zeal and fidelity it* nominees for President and Vice-Presi dent. | Wildest enthusiasm and up- ruarins applause greeted this declaration, and some minutes elapsed before order was restored.) Second, That we cordially invite the earnest and hearty co-operation of all who aro opposed to Bourbonism and its Tula; all who are opposed to sectionalism; all who desire a revival of the cordial feelings and frater nal relations betwe en the sects of our com mon country, with unvarying loyalty to the Union, one and Inseparable', all who believe that the South, by reason of her geographical extent and her popu lation, tier resources, her products, her various industries, her contrlbutlonsto the Federal revenue and her constitutional representation in Congress, *iiuuiu enjoy an equitable participation with tbe other sections of the Union in all departments of tbe national administration, aud all who concur in the jus tices of principles here announced and in the spirit which resolutely under takes to carry these principles into lull eflccL Third; That we pledge our best eflorts to secure to tlie people of Virginia a free and unrestricted suffrage, , an hottest bal lot and a fair count, and to promote these great object- in every part of the country. Fourth, That we favor free education for ail classes of the people and liberal ap propriations of tbe the surplus revenues of the government for this purpose, as tlie surest meant of giving tho greatest sta bility and largest security to free govern menu Fifth, that we demand a protective tariff, aotbat the manufacturing and mining industries of Virginia, in common with those of the otherStateaof the Union, may continno to grow and prosper, and that agriculture may And a reedy end remunerative home market for I ts products, while our free trade labor ■nay receive that reward which will be de nied if it it brought Into competition through free trade inth tbe servile labor of other countries. [AppUnse,] Tbe sixth declaration is a long arraign ment and denunciation of Bourbonism, for its hostility to th* most sacred rights and dearest intemte of the people, and proudly wilnimcs a national alliance in matters of Federal and popular concern that makes freedom and justice possible tor all In Virginia, cordially indorsta the administration of President Arthur as conspicuously national ami conservative, challenging the respect and confidence of nation, end gives emphatic expretsion to a preference for hit nomination at Chicago. [TXLXORArntn to tux ajsoctatks rm.] Loxdos, April 22.—At 0:30 o'clock this morning an earthquake shock of con- able force was felt in tlie eastern counties of England. Localities in l ex and .Suf folk were tho scenes ot the greatest ai-tur!>- At Ipswich, the capital of tmffolk county, tbo shock was so severe that the walls cf houses were perceptibly shaken, plates were rattled anil bells rung. The people Imre been thrown Into such a -tqte of consternation that bu-iixci Is for tlm time suspended. Tbe shock was still more severe at Colchester, in Essex. Tlie con cussions lasted half a minute. The first symptom was a deep rumbling sound, portentous anil awe inspiring, Tliis was speedily followed by the quaking and shaking of all buildings. The church bells sounded as though swayed liy unseen hands. The tall chimney stacks of facto ries crashed in ruins to tlie earth, anil other lofty structures were destroyed. The spire ot one of the largest churches in tlm city, 150 feet in height, fell witli an awful crash to the ground. In one part ol tlm city a fire was caused by tbe shock. It is impossible to estimate thesmount of dam age, but it Is known to bo great. In pri vate houses the greatest contusion pre vailed. Tables were overthrown, eliairs swayed and nodded and then fell sprawling upon the floor. China and glassware In cupboards anil sideboards rattled together and were frequently Asttered, while pic- l-ir.-i and «»111 * -1- ..rii,inn-ill- ilpitn Hie walls were loosened from their fontt-iiing- and fell to tlie iloor. Tbe |>eop!o were terror- stricken. Men, women and children rushed shrieking into the streets where tlieir agonized cries and pale facts made a moat impressive aeons. At Chelmsford, likcwlso in Essex and only about thirty miles from I/mdou, tlm ■hock was also severe, and the people were filled witli terror and dl-may. At Southend, a waterlngplaco near tbo mouth of the Thames, the earth trembled for mile* around.Thesrinduws of uianyilw- ll- inga were broken, chimneys were daahad to the earth, crockery anil glass ware were •mashed, and atSboeburyncss, a few miles below Southern), the shock was di-tin- tly felL It was also perceptible at llury St. Edmunds, while at Muldon, ten uiili-s east of Chelmsford, the tosra hall and pri vate houses were swayed several limes. The wave passed from south to north. The Globe says that tlie shock was fell in the Strand. London. Business houses, It asserts, were perceptibly rocked, so much Jl that the employes were afie- ted anil rushed into the streets. The duration of tbe shock at I| • licit I* estimated at Uireo seconds. Tbe earthquake lias caused a erneral feeling ot alarm and ineoo irily throughout England. Los nox, April 22.—Later advices Indi cate clearly that Colchc-ter was the centra of Hie most serious dlslurl nice by tho earthquake. It is ltupotiible ns yet to de termine the ezteot of tlie damage, in some streets treble has li -on forbidden for the pn-u nt, a* building* have bn -i m> badly shattered that tbsy nre considered diiligt-r-Ml* In l.lt- aud liliiu. t he -idi- Willis iiiu.-e near Colchester wi re shaken ouL then- wrre nilliuTniii indica tions of tin'proximity ot anearthqa . April XL—Ameng tbe icnta fanu-l by tbe grand jury arc f- v sj this St- tably. - It :-..-r Federal aid to the various States in the work of education. “Eighth. Its favor to tbe equalization and just distribution of taxation. “Ninth, its wish for tbe removal of ell nnjust restriction upon the American ship- pine interest, tbe development of our maritime Industry.and as Incidental there to tlie establishment of our navy* upon a footing in keeping with modern improve ments and our dignity as a nation. “Tenth, Its approval of a plan ot military education which shall provide for the na tional defense upon the volunteer ays tern. “Eleventh, its adherence to th* financial policy which dictates the immediate sus- icniionof th* cjinag* of the standard silver dollar, th* retirement of the trade dollar and tbe inflexible adjustment of the currency to the single standard of gold. “Twatttb, its protestation against that policy in Congress which in tho weakness ami imliecilUy of th* Democratic majority of the House of Representatives ba* dis turbed the smooth and satisfactory course of basinets and material affair* that had been established under Republican anatd- c ••.and that by tU-advlsi d and inexcusable assaults upon wisely-matured and advan tageous legislation baa brought the business and Industries ot the conn- try to the verge ot uncertainty and distrust, and thus again demonstrated the undtness ami uuworthiness of tbe Demo cratic party to be entrutted with the con duct *f public affairs.” When the reference to Prealdent Arthur was read, there waa loud and long con tin ned applause, and in response to a call for three cheers by toe selected delegates, they were given, with a "tiger.” A colored delegate from New York ad dressed the convention, and moved that colored voters have representation upon the electors! ticket. Adopted. Tbe convention also adopted tbe follow- 1 °*Ar«>W. That the Republicans of New York, in State convention. resprctfaUy re quest the next national Republican con vention to provide that in future national conventions the representation shall be proportionate to tbe number of Republican 'iSr^iStjjSqi the State committee I and electoral ticket and adopting the cue tomary resolution ot thanks, the conven tion adjourned lie* die. . OHIO REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The Mention of Blaine's Name wildly Cheered—The District Delegates. [TELzaasruKD to tbk associated ruse.] Clkvblaxd, April 23.—The Ohio Repub lican convention was called to order this afternoon in tbe tabernacle by lion, J. O. Converse, chairman of th* State central committee. Gen. Cbas. ft. Grosrenor wee made temporary president. On taking tbe chair, he spoke tor half an boar. The re- m si rider of the session was occupied in the organisation of preliminary matters. To-morroW the work of nominating e State ticket and electimt delegate* to tlie Chicago conrentioa trill begin. During his speech, Gen. Orasvteor mentioned Mlirman's nemo, which elicited loud cheering. Toward the doe* of hi* speech be referred to tbe necessity of nominating e Presidential candidate who can carry Ohio, whereupon a delegate shouted, "Blaine can do It,” and the convention cheered with redoubled vigor. After the announcement of committees the conven tion adjourned until to-morrow. The dis trict delegates were chosen to-day. Twenty-six of them are for Blaine, four teen Sherman and taro with preference un announced. Connecticut for Hawter- ltSBYroaa, April 21—Tha Republican State convention to cbooeedelegates to tbe Chicago conrentioa, met to-day with a large attendance. Hon. Sam Fesoendsn was chosen as both temporary end permanent! chairman. Arthur's name received a round ot applause, and there waa pro longed cheering when General Hawley remswmntioned. Tbe convention setecteil as defecates et leree John L. Houston, flam E. Merwin, Jr., Augustus llrandge of Kewlowkm, and Frederick Miles, nf flolsbury. Tbe platform was brief, end as follows: “Rtsalted. That President Arthur, com ing to his high office under circumstances ot extraordinary embarraauuent and difll- ha* itrenrthtned bit party, honored bfm- 5*1/, benefited the country and earned tltt rwp** and gratitude of tbe wbote people. “/.Vjoff rr/, That tbe Republicans of Con- a loyal and hearty support i of the Chicago convention. That without instructing the U day appointed as regards particular candid at et and place full dence in their wisdom, we lay on tbe rrv «rd our firm conviction that the situa tion demands tbe nomination of candi date* of approved ability and character * i :-iff* ei i veto public aU.iiff, •»<* that if in tlie jud^tuntof our delegate profwr occasion iai«. arise, they will ra< the unanimous sentiment of the Hern Ucan party of this Mate if they present l :: t : ■ ; J \ II I > I' V .1 • l u. !. (• r Pr« • A the l nited * iegr&ph instruments were ahak t idiotic was distinctly feltlnl id md 1 i*t r.-s I-. A r.tilrn nl t and large mansion were partially d< * troyed at Ipawlcb. UKA88E1II1U30 OV fAlUiXF.5T. Losdoh, April 22.—Parliament rea«<em- ■ .1 t" da) ait.-r tin' i: fvt.-r rtri'*fi III tho House of Lord*, Karl Oran vi lie. foreign ><« r.'tary M it<\ -.ud th it the K'nveru- ment fell no lean for tlie pri mal safety .1 (.i iirrnl «r.l u I. irl ' ir.inville said th.it <i-iitT.il«i.»rd »n n iu<ii-ii:i!i<»11 .it beinj; abandoned would bo und«T»U**l when it S,. known l!t r •>:' t I :»t< h«*^ which the jioycrnmcnt had sent to t!vn« a ral r ! .!i imly flic h .rt i »tf nail rc.»« ln>tl him. Tbe poeitiomof General Gordon was nNo the *■ il.ji ct . ii: ■ i’iiryj m th- ll.sii-e of Commons. Mr. Gladstone atated that tho government had received no re«|UC4t from ' ■- 1 ; * I- -.{ Itr t *h force* to relieve Khartoum. Gordon had simply ^ d that a small cavalry force diould be iient to Berber, lie was unahln to say whether Gordon had nuta teller am to Sir Evelyn Baring, at Cairo, expr> d ng indignation at being abandone<l hy tlm English ijovernment andannouncing a de termination to act henceforth with \>crfin t Indtpandenee of tbcaa who have diawlwl him, aa waa atated this morning in tho Cairo correspondence of the Maml-inl. IVitimutcr-General Fawcett stated that during the past year 33,7t.’. r K)0 telegram 1 were aant ui tbe United KUMMa# Una ae an Incraate of 610,000 over tbabwwwi f the previous year. KXULIHP MOTT nOLD EOTPT. Lokdok, April £1—The i\rit Jfatt Qor zetu tbla afternoon denounces the "fool- lib” speech af Sir William Harcourt, sec retary of state for the home department, delivered at Derby last Wednesday, in which he predicted the withdrawal of England from Egypt. This statement, the QtttU asserts, Ukindling hope* in Franco that the French republic will be able to seize the government of Egypt. Tlie British, it aaya further, irrespective of party, are revolted to pre vent Egypt from failing into tbe hand-i of Franca. Any ministry which should sanc tion this could not command five vot**s in the House of Commons. The Oe- 'if da* mandH tha^ the government shall at om e declare that England wiil not retire from Egypt for five yearn. Otherwise, it says, wo shall speedily drift Into u.ir with France. Paris, April 22.~Xt l.i stated here that England yesterday i-^ued invitations to the (tower* f«»r :i con^r.-ri to tliMii-i the motion of E^ypti.m I;n.in«-*— L»rd .\on-. lL«* Kriti'li ;lr111*.i-i.-r to I'raiuf, submitted to Prime Minister Firry t » day proposal for a conference concerning KSJpl . Railroad Accident. GALTzarox, April 23.—A special to tlm A’nrsfrom Rrrnham says: Lest i,;:-fitlwo roach** of tbe norib bou . i r i"cr.,-.'r train on the Gail, Cdosede anfl'flnetnWF - railway, wlten about half a mile south of Kenny ant 'tertited. Twenty of th* paresngtrs were ren JT Ires liijurcff, none, however, being so seriously hurt as to prevent the r nttia- tunce uf tlieirJourner. The most- - tusly injurwl ere: Dr. A. \Y. Fly. of OaHeston. • lit sndbzutsetlon theheed; G. 1’. 11:11. of Gaireeton, brui- ri on tbe head, ax 1 a mun front New York, naire unknown, left i--^- broken. The wutin.VM were hr. ,-l.t to ltrenbam and placed In hotel*. Shooting Affr.tr at Swainsboro. Aioim,(h„ April 23.—At .‘•viaindKjfc 0*., today, J. U Coteratn, a mill bawl, and J. F. Meyers, editor ol tbe itemisor, resorted to arms to settle e difficulty. Thirteen etuis were flred end Coleman sa ■hot in the abdomen. Allred G. Inman ha* been sentenced to the penitentiary tor 1U* lor the murder oc Us trite. Shooting N.ar Jackson. [■rZLT.IL •relXOBAM.] Jacks)X, Us.. April &-TMs aball nine ■■■ !-•* from J*- * •. J. A