Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, May 23, 1884, Image 7

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IN WALL STREET, .« tt »r fiiuno SUCCEEDS YrtTIR- * BET DAY'S PANIC, Several Failure* of Important ™i!!d Long-Standing Firm. Occur. METROPOLITAN BANK RESUMES the business, ...lex It. Depo.ltor. on Demand- W ’ grans. a« th. Teller'. Window- The Run Slight. emCES RECOVERING ON THE STOCK EXCHANOE. . central But Harmle.. Run on the Brooklyn Saving. Bank— The Situation. [Tftiournio to in* associated press.] Kew York, Wall Street, May 15, 10 . ‘p, —Dimock A Co. have suspended. The Metropolitan Bank has posted a no tice on its doors saying the bank clam pers having made an investigation of it. iffairs the bank will resume business at 12 o'clock to-day. .... vr Keenan's agency reports that J. H. Davis A Co. have received orders front London to buy both stocks and bonds. Their correspondents report the market for American securities advancing, with a strongfecling and no failures. Siw Yore, Wall Street, May 15.—The stock market is higher this morning in consequence 0 f tho resumption of the Metropolitan Bank and the action of the Searing house. Prices rose U to 4 per cent The failure of A. M. Dimock & Co. had but comparatively little effect KpvYobk, May 15.—Henry L. Jacques has been elected president of the Metropol itan Bank, in place of George I. Seney, re- Street, May 15.10:45 a. m.—The Banters and Merchants’ Telegraph stock, -in which A. W. Dimock A Co, were heavily •interested, is offered at 76 against 119 sales • "15, seller 52, has just 'strest, May 15,11:30 a. m.—A orts the suspen se funding operations which followed the close of the war they took a leading part. Flske A Hatch placed the Central l’aclffc bonds; also the bonds of Cue branch lines in Colorado. They subsequently placed the Chesapeake and Ohio road bonds. The firm and com pany were both carried down by the panic of 1873. Flske A Hatch finally paid 100 cents on the dollar with Interest, and began ;ain. They were carried down to-day by ,e heavy calling in of loans, large with drawals of deposits, the great shrinkage in values and the difficulty of obtaining money, even on its securities. Fiske A Hatch handed the following to an ^Asso ciated Press reporter this evening: “To our Depositors and other Creditors: It is with great sorrow that we are obliged to announce to you our suspension, which has been brought about by a combination of circumstances. The long continued de cline in the market price of securities, even the very best, accompanied by a general weakening of confidence in flnnn- ithi yesterday. A sale at 03, been recorded. Wall Strest, May dispatch from Boston reports the suspen aicn of F. A. Hawley A Co., a firm which! although not heavy dealers, were regarded as of good standing. Messrs. Hotchkiss A Burnham are engaged in the work of bal ancing their accounts, and expect to be able to resume business to-morrow mom ina. • Kr.w York, May 15, 12:15 p. m.—Tho Metropolitan Bank has resumed and is paying oat to all depositors presenting checks. Even before the hour named for resumption the paying teller opened his window and the first man in line received his money. This individual was an old, weather-beaten man, who evidently drew out all his holdings, as tho pilo of green backs handed to him made a goodly show and were carefully stowed away in his in ner pockets, after many glances nt his neighbors, of whoso probity lie was evidently by no moans certain. At noon the number in lino was not over twenty-five, and was composed principally Of boys and clerks, some of whom only required a certification of checks. Only one lady was among tho list. She was attired in widow's woods. Her gratification on receiving her money was plainly written on her countenance. The sina i number of those drawing out their funds is regarded as very promising for the future of the bank. ANOTHER BARK SfSPEWSlOS, Chicago, May 15.—The Journal’s (Juln- a Illinois, dispatch says: The Union nk of this city failed to open Its doors this morning. When the Marin. Bank, of New York, filled, the Union transferred Its account to the Metropolitan, and the clos ing of that bank yesterday la given as the cause of its suspension. BOfTOX FAILURES. Borrox, May 13.—Hill, 8tanwood A Co., brokers and Boston correspondents of Goff, Handle A Co., of New York, have suspended. Tho liabilities will probably not reach $10,000. The failure is not con sidered of sny significance. It Is now stated that the deposit account of F. A, llawley A Co. at the time of their suspen sion amonnts to $250,000. and that their lia'.iilhics are $500,000. There are rumors that the firm hu been speculating, hut nothing antbentlo Is yet knosrn. FISEI axd hatch susrxxo. Naw Yoke, May 15.—Fiske A Hatch hare suspended. The firm Is composed ol A. S. Hatch and Harvey Flske. Hatch was recently elected presldsnt.of the Stock Exchange j,l>v (a unanimous vote. The firm have been ths heaviest dealers in government bonds on the street, and have been generally considered a staunch, con servative ana thoroughly reliable firm. They have been recognised as the fiscal agents here of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad and Elisabethtown. Big Handy and Lexington road, and have carried heavy amounts of stock ot those roads while the market hu been declining. They have sons and soua-in-law in the stock business. tm sm-anon u sbooklyx. New York, May 15.—'Ths closing of the doors of the Atlantic Btate Bank in Brook lyn has embarrassed its depositors and earned a feeling of uneasiness among business men. Home of these have been helped through their difficulties by friends. President Puffer stated last night that tho hank would mums business to-day in all probability, u their securities ware all L' vrl and the suspension wss caused by efforts to help tho Metropolitan Bank. • There was a gathering of depositors this morning tt the bonk/but they were una- Ms to get their money, and erera vary In dignant in consequence. President Puffer assured them it would lie all right and they would lose nothing. Ha promised to have n statement for publication this evening. The panic seems to have extended to the depositors of other batiks in Brook lyn. and a large quantity of money pas been drawn out of the savings hank- Thsy were prepared for the run, however, and many of them were by no means dbtorbed by the withdrawal of some of their surplus deposits, thus saving thousands ot dollars u interest whirls would be due to depositors on Juns first Among other banks, Use Brooklyn Havings Bank, the Dime Havings Bank and the Booth Brooklyn Havings Bank Institution paid (pit largo amounts of money to depos itors The national banks of Brooklyn are considered sound, and the sritbdrawal of deposits to-day srere inconsiderable. xnxox tux xmoeasts' rank. ¥ Thera was a run this morning on the Irish Emigrants' Savings Bank, in Cham- hersstrect, New York, about 200 of tho depositors withdrawing their accounts. Tliete are 53>15 depositors, most of whom hclonx to tbs laboring classes. President H":- - uIt said the bank would gain $10,000 by the withdrawals. a sac an aim saxkex fails. .This afternoon William H. Sweeney beaker, of M N.v-.n street, made an as signment with preferences. The amount involved is probably not large. He I banker 0 * * broker In a small way thin A PAXL? IX OtL h'xw Yore, Msy 15.—There has been Semi-panic in oil in this city. Tbs failure *)'keA Hatch and the suspension ol the Bradford Bank lias created a distrust ful feeling. It Is rumored that several . capitalists Interested in oil are in trouble. At 3:15 p. m. to-day oil waa aril- Jnget*Lbutbtfore the dose It dropped to 73and was offered on the street at 72. h»™ been announced, and U Till USES A HATCH FAILURE. M »Y “—The clal matters, together with n heavy drain age of deposits, arcjthe principal causes f our unfortunate position. We can only request those having claims against us to extend to us such continuance and indulgence as we may need, and it may be ill their power to grant. Very truly, ••Fiske A Hatch.” BARK FAILURE AT BRADFORD. Bradford, Pa., May 15.—The Tana Val- y Bank did not open its doors this inom- tg. It was the correspondent of tile Metropolitan Bank of New York and the announcement was made on account of the suspension of that bank. It was thought host to suspend temporarily. It is thought that the bank will resume in a day or two. A promise has been made to depositors that they will lie paid in full. There was a run on the other banks to day, bat the demands were mot promptly and the excitement was over by ribon. One of the banks on which there was a in received deposits exceeding the amount they paid out during the run. While the ruu was at its height in the First National Bank an express wagon drove up to the building, took out a safe, and its contents, $03,000, wero spread on the counter beside the paying teller. This restored confidence at once. Only one failure was announced on ’change to-day. and that was not important. The market was badly demoralized, but it la thought that the bottom has been reached and con fidence will be restored in a few days. Hilton A Waugh's failure had more effect on oil and bank affairs than the New York failures had. DOXXELL, LAWSOX A SIMFSOX. . Y'obk, M»y 15.—The following is from the New York Tribune ot Friday: The statement of members of Donnell, Law- son A .Simpson, on Wednesday, that the suspension wss due wholly to the suspen sion of the Metropolitan National Bank were not confirmed yesterday. Tho Metropolitan havibg resumed, similar ac tion on the part of the banking firm was anxiously awaited. Towards the close of banking hours it began to be whispered around that their failure would be total. The bonds of the Cleveland, Y’oungs- town and Pittshnrg road were mentioned as the matter in which they had been most crippled. This was the security over which the Bank of the Hepublic directors bail a difference about a month ago, which resulted in President Field’s resignation. Tho Bank of the Republic was one of two banks witli which Donnell, Lawson A Simpson had done business, Simpson being a director In it. It was also said that Seney had unloaded these bonds on tho firm, and their dependence on the Metroi>olitan Bank was such that they could not refuse to bo thus used. There wore over 490 banks for whom they transacted New York business scattered * through . Georgia, Florida. Texas, Missouri, Kan sas, Arkansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado, U tali and other territories. Over 100 bul letins were posted on the door. Inside Messrs. Donnell and Simpson were all day trying to see where they stand. Mr. I.aw- son is in Europe. An attachce of the firm told a reporter that matters bad gone so far that a resumption would lie impossible. An offer from 8. B. Elkins to assist to tho amount of $290,000 was made ill good faith, and may load to tho re-es tablishment of the concern uuder a new name. AU the members of the firm are Missourians. ■ 10:90 a. x.—The street has settled down to work. There is an absenceof crowds in the vicinity of the exchange, and the street it no longer encumbered with masses of curiosity seekers, who only served to breed excitement and hinder the progress ot thou who had business on tho street. The visitors' galleries are still well filled, and the doormen are obliged to discrimi nate as to those admitted. A majority of these looking down on the brokers are elegantly dressed ladies. SCsrEXSIOX AXXOUXCED. 11:15 a. h.-P. C. liardcy A Hons have just announced their suspension to the Stock Exchange, Stocks are heavy and demoralized on the Hanley failure. Lake Shore is down to 81. 11:25 a. m.—The market shows a rally of M to 2JT tor some shares, but n few stocks are l.eary. New Y'ork Central is selling at 108, against 110 this morning, while Lake Shore is back to 83. Manager Camp, of the clearing bouse, says the banks are avail ing themselves more freely of the new cer- tlhcates. He would not he surprised if $1,000,000 were taken to-day. DOXXELL, LAWSOX A SIMFSOX, New York, May 18.—Donnell, Lawson* Simpson have assigned to their confiden tial clerk, It. H. Weems. The assignee said the firm bad been unable to make out a statements of its condition, and does not expect to have one ready for sometime. The assignment was made with a view to protecting everybody, both large and small, and was only determlued on when parties West began attaching the property of the concern. The firm this evening made the following announcement: “7o our Creditors—8ms: It is with great sorrow we are compelled to report our suspension, which has been brought about by a combination of circumstances over which we had no central. Ws can only request those having claims against us to extend such consideration and Indulgence as is possible, otherwise our assets may be sacrificed to the prejudice of all parties. As the best means of realizing from onr assets and securing our creditors, we have made an assignment of ail the assets of the firm and also the indi- claimed that the depositors will not lose, any way, more than 25 per cent. The last statement of the bank was made on December 12th. and showed $0,316,053.44 deposits and $2,003,000 loans on collateral, the nature of which is not known. The chancellor says that the closing of the bank wss ordered by him, to protect depositors. He hu appointed George Wilkinson, of this city, u receiver. Wukinson took pos session this afternoon. joux ehzumak's views. WASHtxaTox, May 1(1.—Senator and ex- Bccretary of the Treasury Johr Sherman has been interviewed by a correspondent of the New Y'ork Tribune, to whom lie summed up the situation and suggested the proper course to pursue in the follow ing paragraph: “We are neither in a panic nor on the verge of it,” he tald, “unless my judgment is seriously at fault. The country is not in anything like the condi tion in which it was in 1873, when the financial crash of that year came. Our financial status is entirely different. The present troubles are local, not general. Reckless speculation, the creation of ficti tious values in stocks and the sharp com petition in railroad securities are the causes of the existing difficulties. It is ex tremely easy to create distrust in monetary circles. when there hu been such n fluctuating market, os in New York, for several months put. I look upon the present troubles as simply the result of over trading in securities that for a long time have been merely the foot ball of Wall street.' While there is busi ness depression, there is no real financial distress, and the resources of the country- arc ample and stable. It is not difficult to find a remedy for the present evils, if the pie would refrain from dealing in se ries or products which they do not hold or control.” JORX H. JAMES'S FAILURE. Atlaxta, May 18.—John H. James, banker, announuced yesterday that he would not open his doors to-day. He lias control of real estate to the amount of half a million dol lars, which he will offer for sale at once, and which will more than pay his liabili ties. The usoclated banks and bankers of Atlanta met, last night and tendered Air. PROCEEDINGS OF BOTH HOUSES OF CONCRESS YESTERDAY. The New Orleans Exposition BUI Passed b» the Senate—Th* New York Bank Failures to be Inves tigated—Notes, Etc. vidual assets of each member of the firm. Atlanta met last night and tendered Mr. wherever situated, to our esnfidentia! James assistance. He declined, stating THE SLEEKER STREET BAXK. New Y'ork, May 15.—Wlicn the doors of the Bleeker Street Havings Banks were opened this morning the bank wu sur rounded by a crowd of depositors and a run began Immediately. At noon the crowd had increased. A good deal of ex citement prevailed. Later in the day, citeinent prevailed. I.ater in the day. however, tho crowd divided and went off. Only a dozen people were left and the ex- cltcmcnt had subsided. RUSSELL SAUE. Russell Sage, who hu been paying ont checks for stock put to him on his privi lege, stopped paying to-day at 2:15 p. m. Since 9 this morning a line of clerks hu been formed waiting their turn to give no tice to put stocks under contract, and tbey too have been cut off for the day. Naw Yore, Wall Htrect, May 10, 0 a. m.—It is stated that the leading bears have covered their short lines and In sonio Instances have changed their position on the matkcL Foreign brokers continue to report larae baying onlera from England arid the continent tor bonds and stocks. It also stated that there has been good in vestment buying from onto! town parties. It is reported that a large amount of stocks have been paid for and withdrawn from the street The obligations of Flske Hatch on the Stock Exchange ere very 0:30 A. a.—The street hu been alive for fully halt an hour, and at this time there la every indication of a brisk day In this financial centre. The office of Fiske A Hatch is open for ell who desire to see or consult with members ot the firm, hat of coarse no business Is transacted, bsyond the recording ot the various claims against the house. Mr. Flske wu Interviewed by a representative of the Associated Press end said beyond the statements contained In the circular to their creditors issued last night, he could at this moment uy but UtUe. Many of the depositors and other creditors of ths firm hail expressed their entire confidence in them, end had notified them that their claims would not be pressed to the detriment ot the bouse. 10 a. M.—The gong hu sounded and the day'a business begun at ths Stock Ex change. There is no appearance of flurry on tbe floor, end although the various pools appear tab*larger than usual, ths number ol offers appears to b* equal to the bids. Talk with a few members of tho board brought out tbe fact that tbey be lieve in higher prices today, unless some new failures are announced, and no on* Us so fu expressed the opinion that this is very probable, but at this writing It is impossible to predict what the day may riot forth. 10:15 A. M —The clearing house com mittee have loan certificates in readiness for Instant delivery, tnd express, the de termination to nae them Ulwnlly, with a view ot relieving without delay any strin gency in tbe money market. Th* wild talk of closing the Stock Exchange Is treated with writ deserved ridicule, u no necessity exists for such action, on th* whole speculation being In no sente pan icky. An old member of the board un that the dealings ore much less flurried than on many occasions when no particu lar reason existed for the excitement. An officer of the Work Exchange state* that S hu been Informed by Russell Ban that will meet every ''put" sent in, but “NxwYoK.WAufsrnxET. May U, 10.30. —Tbe share market opened weak anil fe- clerk, R. H. Weems who list been in our employ twelve years, and is as well ac quainted with the business and tbe char acter of the assets u any member of the firm, and under his management, with the assistance of every member of the firm, who propose to give him every possible aid in executing his trust, we feel war ranted in saying by these means every dollar that can possibly be realized will be secured. We hope to be able nay all onr liabilities, if our business is prudently managed, and our assets are not forced to be sacri ficed. and we hope you will concur in and indorse the plan we propose. [Signed] “Doxxell, Lawsox A Simfsox.” RUSSELL sage’s COURSE. New Y’oee, Msy 10.—Russell 8ace is not taking any stock on privileges this morn ing, hut is making settlements by giving his checks for ths differences— that is, instead of paying for stock in fuJ, he gives holders of his puts theprollts occurring on trans actions. Ot course this saves him from paying out a large amount ot money, but Ills action will compel brokers to sell stock which they have bought, expecting tho great privilege dealer wouid, as has been his custom, receive them on bis puts. At 1 o'clock to-day a glass door of Sago's offico was broken by ono of the privilege holders threatened with arrest. Tbe holder said tiiat was what lie wanted. No arrest was made. Sage settled with some special friends at the rate of about 75 to 80 per cent, on tho face value ot ptiviieges. The action of Hage in settling at a discount was denounced as an outrage, and it was said although the 8tock 'Exchange did not recognize dealing in privileges, yet members of the exchange were required have an office where they could be found during business hours, and this could not be said to be the case with Sage. '* BUXI OX THE BAXES, New Y'obk, May 10.—The run on the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank had abated today and business was being done to-day the >ame as usual. About $100,000 waa paid out yesterday, but depositors were returning their money to-day. There was no ran to day on the Manhattan Hav ings Institution. The Greenwich Havings Drank run ended to-day. There was a steady run on the German Havings Bank today. A large crowd, compose* mostly ot women, stood around It. The teller was paying nothing but cold to them. Ths Hecond National Bank presented quite s normal appearance Ill-day. There 1 were many parties making deposits and but few drawring out. At the Union Dime Savings Bank only a few persons drew out their deposits. A crowd sur rounded the Bleeker Btrset Bank this morning. Tbey were nearly all Ital ians and tbe run is confined alto gether to them. A number of persons drew out their deposits at the Bowery Sav ings Bank to-day. There was no excite ment. There was no run to-day on the Butchers' and Drovers' National Bank, the Citizens’ Havings Bank, the Metropoli tan Havings Bank, ibe Manhattan Havings Institution, or tho East River Savings ♦tank. There wss a run to-day on the ISeaman'a Savings Bank, bnt all deposits | were paid on demand. ■^Htur rxovisiox trade. At a meeting of the Imrd and provision trade of tbe Produce Exchange to-day it was resolved that there should be two pub lic calls each day, at 11 a. m. and 2 p. rn.,1 and that tbe present calls were to bei changed at once lu accordance with tbe I resolution. THE CLEAKIXO HOUSE. that he preferred to rely on his real estate, which would fully protect him. There was no run.on his bank, and he.closes out of abundant caution. The other banks ate confident and strong, and havo organized for mutual protection. Atlaxta, May 16.—John H. James, broker and banker, has failed, assets and liabilities amcunling to $100,000. Some little run waa caused this morning on the other banks, but the excitement was soon over and the banks closed stronger than when they opened. New York, Wall Street, May 17—1*20 a. m.—Tho improvement which set in at the close yesterday made further progress tliis morning, when there was an advance oi M to S'/i percent. Central Pacific is the feature, and reached46J4. Western Union roee to 60K. Northwestern to 105, St. Paul to 71X, Lake Shore to 88)$ and Pacific Moll to 33}{. At the present time prices show a reaction of H to 1 per cent. WAsnixorox, May 17.—The treas urer ot the United States has for warded $8,000,000 In legal tender notes to the assistant treasurer at New Y'ork for use in cate of necessity. The Comptroller of tho Currency has received additional assurances from the bank examiners at New Y'ork of the better condition of the money market, and the prediction is made that the market is about to resume its normal condition. The Comptroller of the Currency was this afternoon notified that the banks' there continue all right and tbat everything is quiet, the redemption of called boDds in New York to-day amounting to only $323,- THE BROOKLYX RAXES. New Y'ork, May 17—The run on the Brooklyn Savings BanK was ended to-day and parties were returning their money to the bank. At the office of the Atlantic State Bank tbe affairs between it and the Metropolitan Bank, of New Y'ork, are be ing adjusted. It Is hoped things will be arranged to-day, and the bank will resume business. Ths cashier said to-day that there was only one little hitch to the bank resuming, but would not state what tt is. It is believed, however, that the hitch is an embarrassing lack of funds. s exit’s MAXSIOX. In the King’s county register’s office this morning there was Bled a deed of convey ance by George I. Seney and wife of their mansion in Brooklyn to ths Metropolitan Bank In New Y’ork, in consideration of the snm of $175,000. They also filed a deed of conveyance of another house and valuable grounds in Brooklyn to Henry U Jacques, in consideration of tho sum of $80,GOO. DOXXELL, LAWSOX AXD SIMrSOX. FROM WASHINGTON. [TBLEQ SAWED TO WE ASSOCIATED FUESfl.] Washixotox, May 15.—After tho read ing of tire journal the Senate agreed that when it adjourned to-day it be to Monday next. The chair laid before the Senate a message from tho President recommend ing an appropriation to enable the govern ment to execute the provisions of tho con vention between the United 8tates and Canada, relating to the boundary line be tween the two countries. The appropriations committee reported the pension bill, with an amendment. Placed on the calendar. The same committee reported, with an amendment, the bill to aid tbe YVorld’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposi tion at Now Orleans. On motion of Mr. Cockrell, the hill was put immediately U)>on *ts passage. It had been carefully consid- ired by tbe committee, he said, and the only amendments were in the nature of restrictions to guard the expenditure of tlie money and the liability of the United States. Mr. Cockrell added that it was im portant that the bill should be acted on as soon as possible. Some opposition was shown in tho debate, and an effort wss made to reduce the amount to half a mil lion, on motion ot Mr. Sewell, of New Jer- Mr. Blair (fated that he had bad a recent oiqiortunity to observe the patriotic inter est taken by our fellow-citizens of tbe South in this enterprise He regarded the exposition as one calculated in the highest degree to develop the material interest and FROM AUGUSTA. Young Cresr Acquitted—The Creat Inter est Excited by the Trial, LSrZCXAL TELEGRAM. | Augusta, Ga„ Msy 15.—Tho Interest manifested in tbe Greer case is something remarkable. Even tbe young ladies gath er in crowds with eagerness to watch the proceedings, and doubtless their presence tends to hearten the poor man In his pre carious position. The entire day was con sumed in arguments by counsel. Foster and Twiggs, for the defense, acquitted themselves in a masterly style. Their words will probably echo in every soul present for years to come, and hare in duced much comment. General Gartrell and Major Gary represented the State with much tact and eloquence. Judge Roney charged the jury in an impartial way. Greer's aged mother sits by his side from morning till night. Her affection goes into the hearts of all like a knife. To see the wild, troubled, hopeless look on her brow, when with her anxious eyes she has pene trated the souls of all present, to hear her sudden, convulsive sobs, to mark the quick, pasaionate clasp of her hands, together and the bitter, despondent droop of her motherly face, brought many a sigh from the audience. The prevailing opin ion is that he will be acquitted. Up to 10 p. m. the jury were still deliberating over the matter. Lateb—The jury brought in a verdict at 10:30 of not guilty in the Greer case. McVILLE’S MIShUKIUNt. ENTIRE TOWN SMOLDERING IN THE ASHES OF A BIC FIRE. Every Storo In the Place, Excepting Twoi. Burned—Origin, Progress and Ex tent Of the Fire—Details of tho Conflagration. A Boy Accidentally Shot, tSPECIAL telegram.] Millxdoeyillx, May 15.—Erl Caraker, a youth 10 years of age, a son of Mr. Jacob _ Caraker, whileout hunting, this afternoon, prosperity of the'South. He would regard I accidentally shot himself withadouble- it as a national loss if it should fail. It tho -t.,™ nnterine the would be better to give a million dollars 7™ »»otgun, the charge entering the outright thfin that the expoeltion should | right arm.plt, severing the brachial artery, result In fsilnre. He hoped the vote on the Dili as reported would be unanimous. Mr. Sewell's amendment was not agreed to, and the bill was pasted substantially as it came from tbe House, the amount remaining at $1,000,000. A resolution was offered by Mr. Morgan, which, under the rule, went over one day, directing the committee on finance to ex amine Into ihe causes of the failure of j udge Raid, who Wna Recently Cow- As far as can be ascertained, no bones are broken and little blood has been lost exter nally, bnt It is a serious if not a fatal wound. Drs. Hall, Harris and Smith are attending him. A COMMUNITY STARTLED. hided Commits 8ulolde. such national banks in the city of New Y'ork as have suspended business in May, , 1881, and report whether said failures have [teleorafhed to the associated raxsa.l !S.r y vioUtion ’.Khi 1 * tawr^lX Mou»r SIERL.HO, Kr. May 15,-ThU their conduct and from giving certificates I community was thrown into the wildest upon drafts, or by their, acceptancy ot I excitement at 11 o’clock by the startling drawn announcement that Judge Reid had com- _ whe'th- suicide. Judge Reid wu cowhided erany of the national banks inNew York recently by Lawyer Connelson, it will be city have been engaged since July 12,1882,1 remembered. For the put few days bis L"»\lngtMr 0 <Sn 0 duTindtha\ b *he W cmS: Wood, had noticed bowu considerably mittee have leave to sit daring the sessions depressed in spirits, end commented upon of the Senate, to visit the city ot New York, I It, but he had just returned from the Ap- to send for persons and papers and exam-1 plegatc district and had been in close ine witnesses on oath. consultation with his friends u t< Mr. Cutlom Introduced a bill, which wu I tbe advisability of still remainini referred to the committee on ilnance, to in the field, u lie appeareu prevent speculation on the part of officers discouraged at the outlook. This morning of national banking associations. | ho wu more cheerful and in better it-’ id ing The chair laid before the Senato the urn finished business of yesterday, being tbe House bill to establish a bureau of labor statistics. Mr. Morgan wu entitled to the floor, but yielded to a motion by Mr. MU ler, nt New Y'ork, tor an executive cession, which wu agreed to. So the Senate, at 10, went Into executive teulon, and I Judge Brack. It appears thathewent into when tho doors were reopened adjourned I Judge Brack's law office about 10:30 this until Monday. | morning and told him he wonld like tq go nous*. I up stairs, as he wu suffering from On motion of Mr. Hancock, of Texu, » “vero headache. Judge Brack . .... — . - -. a. ' i a fte r the lapse of an hour, went up stair* . u ..-ges across tbe Bio horrified to see Judge Reid Grande between Eagle Pus. Texu, and I stretched ont on the floor dying, *his head Piedras Negru. Mexico, and between La- >jl»8 « P«>1 of blood, and a pistol on the redo, Texas, and Nneva Laredo. Mexico. I 1 '°° r hy his side. The following note. On motion of J. 8. Wise, ot Virginia, a **<««» <® the back of a visiting card, wu bill wu pused authorising the extension I,, _ . . . of the Chesapeake and Ohio rtUrosd to a , “Mad! mad! Forgive me,deuw«e,and point on tho miUtarr lands at Fortress I t°vf to the boy. Monroe, Va. I l»> not. lignoL bnt js In the hand- say* of tho affairs of Donnell, Lawson * Simpson: I am notyet prepared to make any statement The liabilities ot the firm are about $3,000,000 and the u ■eta fully $100,000 in excess of tbat sum." He could not uy whether or not the firm would resume business, but th* general impression among the customers of tho firm wax that firm would retire business. AT XEWAEE. Nswase, N. J., May 17.—The run on the Howard Savings and Dime Savings Banka here, which began yesterday, in conse quence of tbe Newark Having* Bank fail ure. continues. The bank managers are ool and convinced that the run is tempo- nduy that tbey ar* ready to | for dollar u fast u It is warn Receiver Wilkinson, of the Newark Sav ings Bank, went to New York to-day to collect loans which are payable, whan the New York, May 10.-The meeting of the at the in»tUuUon all darywterday clearinghouse comrnltee has resulted In ***1 rituation ®pouj[.^He^ac; a decision to loan to members of tbs as sociation all money they may require at par on the pledge of government securities. This will, it is thought, help materially to ths prevailing stringency in money, x. o. due's xxfoet. A Batch foe * SEE i of Flak* i lias been tern;?, at wanna X. at IUOX; Lake Shore 2X- at8, Ing and a general advance of K to 2 per ML In prices. Bankers an baying ex- H "Tbs sterling exchange market week ami rates bare (dto$4SSXsad$L«X. Stocks toil per cent, for carrying. 1*: adore* continue, but no sa lt hu been mad* up to ID JO New You, May 16.-Tbe bnsineu fail ures of tbs list week throughout the conn- try, as reported to 1L G. Dun A Co., num ber tor the United 8tates 182 and tor Can ada 27, or a total of 208, aa compand with a total of 191 for last week, showing an in crease of 18 failures, which Is lost about ths number that bare occurred owing to tbs flurry In Wall street. The other sec tions of the country report about tbe same number of casualties as the last week. FAILURE AT EEWAU. Newark, N. J.. May 16.-Th* Newark Savings Institution, which foiled six years ago,closed its doors today. Flake* Hatch, lu officers sty, owe the benk a million dollar*, Nxware. N. J., May 16.—The Newark Savings Institution failed four years ago, bat was taken into th* guardianship ot chancery, which Instead of appointing s receiver left tbe lioard of managers in con trol to settle up th* old debts end receive new depoeits, which were to be invested only in government bonds end similar securities, end which Investments were to be especially for the bet ' * new deposits. The old deposits hi bed 95 per cent, end there b enough money to pay tbe other 5 per cent The new depouu have paid an income of 3X per cent, yearly. The bank makes the (oUowing statement of lb present troubles: The purchase ol government bonds was intrusted to Fbk* * Hatch, who agreed to psy interest pending the investment of what money wss In their hands. The wealth and reputation of thb firm naturally led to over confidence and carelessness about obtain ing investments, and so tbs thing has gone on until now. It seema that lb* firm osree III* bank nearly ll.oou.ouo. Besides this Ithe box of securities of the bank kept br “tbe firm, which ought to hold government bonds only, has in their stead personal property not of tqual value nor so readily ulible. a It Is said that the firm bail ths right, so far a* lb* bank officers could girt It to them, to borrow and us* the** securities, sobxututing foe them bonds equivalent, and now at the end cornea s considerable Joss, yet it b bslimd by the bast Jodgc x that m a hub whU* th* securities now hi tbs possession of th* bank, raesivsd by them from th* firm, wfll tarn out equal to th* hoods need, sarlr ' knowledges thb morning that $-40,000 of the hank s money was in cash In the hands of Fbk * Hatch, who paid intarsst on the sum pending, he said, lu permanent In vestment Tbs receiver hu made nosalee of any securitise, and will await the orders of tbe chancellor after submitting his statement. New are, X. J., May 17.-Mr. Wilkinson ot $1,161,197. Th* bank has securities ana cash on band to warrant th* payment of 38 per cant to depositors Immsdlsuly. In esse Flske * Hatch are abb to resume, the bank will lose nothing, and the re ceiver ssyi be will make the moat liberal arrangemenU possible to enable th* firm to continue business. Murderers Hanasd. Kaxms Cm, May 17.—The Times Lit tle Rock, Ark., dbpatch gives tbs particu lars of tasmurasr of young Ward.ra How ard county, Ark., and th* burning of hb body. A search was mad* by Ward's father, which resulted In th* arrest ot two Polk brothers and a man named King Ken- dell. One of tbe Folks confessed srul the prisoners were delivered to tbs sheriff, who prepared to taka them to Arkadelphit for safe keeping. A party of Ward's friends at Prescott were organising as vigflsnts whan a messag* waa received that the citi zens of Howard county bad stopped ths party rn rente to Arkadelpliia, taken the prisoners and banged all three, without tbe formality of a court. Crushed on a Train. Pmssuao. May 17.—A dispatch from Altoooa, Pa., says: Thb morning, on opening a freight car filled with lumber, the bodies ot two boys, ag«l about twenty years, ware found, crushed out of all sem Llance of humanity. They were well dressed, but nothing in their clothes Indicated who tbey were. It la supposed tbat tbey belong to Alleghany, aa the ear cam* from that point on the West Pennsylvania railroad. Tne unfortunate victims had concreted themselves among tbe lumber and bad been crushed to death by Its shifting to and fro white tbe train waa In motion. The finest msyonaite kinds of salads, cold mull is*1 pickled salmon, cabbage, tie., b Durkee'a Salad Dressing. It is besidet mors no- nomical thanhoinM^HH^^^^H than he had been for some weeks and was hopeful of the canvass, and had made ar rangements to visit the different portions of the county during the week. His men tal aberration must hare come upon him suddenly, doubtless superinduced by pain in hb head, of which he complained to BOOAN CASH KILLEO. The morning boor haring been dispensed I fi**5*.°* JudgeRcld.lt lia singular with, the House, at 11:10 a. m. went Into f «‘ onc h “ rJ t 7.. r T , I t 0, „ t 7 committee of the whole (Mr. Hammond The weapon used by Judge Retd in the chair) on the diplomatic and consu- w »» on* he keptjatlilils hour, biuneyer lar appropriation bill. Mr. Hewitt moved « appeared to havcbcenjust to amend by restoring to $12,000 the sale- I loaded, ries of the ministers to Austria and Italy. The bill reduced them to $10,000. Wasuixqtox, May 16.—In the Home, I surrounded brOnicers he Fights to the Ur. Willis, of Kentucky, from the com-1 Death, mittee on rivers and harbors, reported | T iLEaiurniD to mix associated raxss.j back tho river tnd harbor appropriation Ckauxstox, May 15.—A special to the bill, and it was referred to the committee AYv« and Courier from Chersw rays W. of the whole. I Bogan Cash, the fugitive murderer ol After transacting some miscellaneous Town Marshal Richards, waa killed thb business, ths House, at 11 JO. went into morning about 4:30o'clock while rcsistlnx committee of tho whole (Mr. Hammond, ,mat. Ths posse was In charge ofDcpu- of Georgia, in the chair), on the consular ty Sheriff £.8. King. One of tbe posse and diplomatic appropriation bill, the was slightly wounded and one ot Cash’s pending amendment being oilb offered by I associates was wounded seriously. Gov. Mr. Cannon, appropriating $110,000 for Thompson raesivsd the following at contingent expenses of United State. «M» 15,-ToGee. Hugh •uls. lost i Thompson: I went with a posse last A number of unimportant amendments | night to arrest W. B. Cash. I instructed rre offered, delisted and severally voted my men not to fire unless absolutely neces- down. The debate took a wide range, and sary. 1 surrounded th* boas* and barn, was entirely uninteresting, notwlthstand- placing two man between the house and Ing the fact that some rather vagus barn and two men between the barn and charges of abuse in the expenditure? ol ,wamp. Finding Cash wu tothe barn I the contingent fund of the coSubte* srere ordered It to be surronnded. Cashcame made on one eld* and as vaguely denied on out and fired on U>* posse. The fir* wu the other. Mr. King, of Louhlana. made returned, and after Cuh had fired several several brief speeches upontheimportance I shots be wu killed, being riddled with of extending/ouTconsulsr urrlS, espe- bullets. Non* of the pSS* w^jTiSSck e“ daUy In South and Central America, and cept W. H. Hilton, whoa* fingers wen criticising the bill for lb narrow I shot off by Cuh. policy In thb nfard. The lSlgn*3j “E.T.Ktxo, bill wu finally laid aside with I “Deputy Sbcrifh” a favorable recommendation and the I ■■ ■» y * committee proceeded to the consideration I Negroes Hanged, of the army appropriation bUL The I Greexville, 8. C, Mar 10.—Riley An- amount appropriated by the bill b $21,-1 derion and James end Alfred McCullough, 211,450, which Is $437,800 leu than th* ap-1 father and son. all colored, were hanged propriation for the currant year, and $2,-1 her* to-day in the presence of the thirty-six Mc\ tLLE, Msy 15.—Thb morning aliout 1:30 o'clock fire wu discovered in the roar of T. H. Norfleet's store. The alarm svas promptly sounded and the whole town responded, but all effort to check the pro gress of the flames proved futile. This morning McViUe lies in a solid bed ot ashes, not a single busineu house being left, except tho dry goods store of Harris * Hertz and the drug establbhment of Dr. H. C. Ryab. These were saved almost by a miracle. After consuming T. H. Norfleet’s store, the fire next enveloped the Alma House, and soon reached tho' building occupied by S. M. Blount. D. A. Everett, grocer and livery, wu the next victim. At this point, the course of the fire wu changed somewhat Crossing the street, it attacked the residence of Mr. J. F. Cook, Thb block being closely built, the preffess of the flames wu violent and speedy. In fact, the fire seemed literally wild, and soon seized upon tbe pool and billiard room ot \V. U. Clements. The tables and everything in the room wu consumed. The grocery store and saloon of J. I. Kemp next succumbed. Still onward swept the angry flames, enveloping next the general store of T. A. McMillan * Co., ami pro ceeding until the entire block wu one solid mass of uhes. It b probable that it would have gone further hid there been more material on which to work; but between thb hlockaml tbe next intervenes considerable spaefi^: and it wu therefore Impossible for more destruction to be wrought. The fire b supposed to have boon the work of an incendiary. Thb b tho only nouible conjecture, u it b evident that Norfleet's store was first robbed and then fired. Total lou b estimated at $15,000, dbtrib- uted u follows: T. H. Norfleet, general store, lo-s on stock $1,000; Insurance $2,000. K. C. Ballard, hotel, lou in furniture $50); no insurance. 8. M. Bland, general slnre, $800on stock; no Insurance. About $iun worth of stock wu sold in a damaged condition. D. A. Everett, grocer and livery, lou on stock *■«»)■ no insurance. 8aved about $100 worth of stock,badly damaged. Harris * lfertz.gen- eralstore, damaged $2,000; insurance $5,- 000. T. A. McMillan * Co., general store, damaged 1300; no insurance. W. 11. Clements, lou on billiard and pool tables and store house$l,500; no Insurance. J. F. Cook, on dwelling $500; no insurance. C. Jordan, loss on store house $1,000; no insurance. Dr. H. ,C. Ryals, druggbt, damage to stock $200: no insurance. J. D. McLeod, loss on Alma House $1,000: no Insurance. Tom Eason, loss on slore- house $1,500; Insurance $800. T. F. Jor dan, lou in two store houses $1,'«)0; no insurance. The property-owners feel grateful to all the partita who worked so faithfully In the endeavor toaave their property. clal praise Is dne to Stsan. Jule May tnd Andrew Kennedy, of Ma con, for their fUthiul and heroic work. They rendered ) i h valuable service In moving goods,"btc., from tin- burning bnlldlngs, and tbe gratlludo of the town b extended to them. NOTES. L. T. Peacock lost a fine set ot buggy bamess In the tire. Three Uttle kittens were found jailed in a bureau drawer after lb* fir*. ^ Herts says s Jew for luck, and I believe Andrew Kennedy had one of hb toes broken white moving goods at tho tiro. Tom Eason uved “Dandy" (hb horse) the first thing from the flames. io first tiling (rom the flames. T. A. McMillanuys ho "toted” barrel of suxar from his store that weighed three hundred pounds, and bad lib twelve flundred pound safe on hb shoulder once. Ths Injured Husband* Columbia. III., May 17.—Monroe Grey •hot dead William Deitch nnri Mrs. Grey, yesterday morning, finding tfiern ir. l»-d together. Gray surrendered himself to the authorities. A Young Man Badly Wounded. jSFECIAL TILZUEAM.] SriETA, May 17.—While shooting rice birds thb alternoon, Hardy Culver, -.-no Mr. G. P. Culver, shot himself in the left thigh, just above th* knee. Tho wound is i, and it b feared the limb must I* amputated. Mr. L. Fierce's babe Is quite lit k. and tears aro entertained that she will die. ot the Newark "Havings' Institution, this lus than ths eatlmatgi. After I witnesses aUowedlqr the State tew, several evening submitted a statement to the f iplanatlons of theJilll by Mr. Forney, of I clergymen, two detachments of the Green- chancellor, showing that th« amount due Alabama, and Mr. Kiefer, of Ohio, it was I Tilie and Butler Guards and representatives depositors b $0,150,531. The total assets, read by paragraphs for amendment No of the press. The hanging took place In according to the receiver’s estimate, ex- amendments of any Importance wen otter-1 the jail yard, tn th* ranter of the town, elusive of the $815,000 dne from Fbk* A «d andthebUl bring lMd asideJavorrtilv I AlUh* morning theprbooer. had religious Hatch, are $l,fitfi,337, leaving a deficiency the District* Columbia appropriation bill service* In thrir crib, and at 11 o'clock — ~ ' ' ■ was token up. I marched to the gallows under charge of The bUl appropriates $1^82,000 and was sheriff Gilrath and escorted by clergymen briefly explained by Mr. FoUett. of Ohio. I and th* military. Tbs McCulloughs bad It wu then read by paragraph for amend- nothing to say, except that they ment . . | were prepared, to die. Anderson At 5:10 th* committee rora and reported declared that h* knew nothing about the th* three bUb to the House, but no further 1 crime for which he wu to hang. Ander- -Ttloo wu taken. ' , I son wore a smiling face. The McCohourhs Mr. Turner, of Oeorgf^ gave notice that | were terribly frightened. At 12 JO tbe drop Ths Fatal Whitehall Crossing. [SFECIAL TELKURAM.j Atlaxta, May 17.—The Whitehall - r,ris ing had another Tlctlm to-night. A Cen tral railroad freight train ran over a man about 7 o’clock, who was trying to rusa, and cut him In halt. Tbe body bat the undertaker’s to-night, ami b a ghastly sight. Tbs deceased wu about 00 years of sg* and b supposed to bo a Mr. Wil liams, bnt nothing to knosrn of him yet. Tli* New England sdltors were delayed, and reached here to-night as-1 lodged at the Markham. A reception at the Gover nor’s mansion Is being given to-night. Many of them are snitoiu to visit Macon, but it Is not probable thsy will do so. the History of Viewer’s tof Restorer. It* Claims Upon tbs Pnblic-Why it should be Universally Used. It Is very often th* esse tLst treasures re mits hfiLteu for years right trader one', . jea tad only discovered stustbr* 1 lenL Such waa tbs ess* with Brewer's Lung Bssutsl Thb remedy was used for nearly f..rt)-r.«r» byaUntoadikbashoodat yautewbo.niier -lid not appreciate lu true value ur-hd nut bavs the means oe Opportn: .- ;.r.» uim its virtual to tb* world/ «Len tli... ha.1 a eongb, sore IhtosL beoocbilb, t: Bmgla tho throat or other throat and lung tnmL.es tber them a smallksul* fall WttiismsiisTA y. th* malarial tee which ' he would on Monday call up ths Wallace-1 fall. Ju. McCullough died In right min- McKinley contested electlojicasc for con- minutes. Alfred In eleven mUrates aideration. I and Anderson In sixteen minutes. The attendance of members [nth* House 1 The bodies were left hanging for toloeifoe tnthe toewu and oh toriay wu very small, barely a quorum I twenty-seven minutes. Anderson's neck rounding theflr homes, snl tea bring present, and to thb fact may b* at-1 wu broken and both the McCulloughs died t riba ted the speedy progress mad* with from strangulation, th* rap* over their appropriation Mils. The Horae at 6:151 face* being saturated at th* mouth took * resresa until 8 o’clock, the evening I with blood. Relatives took charge session to be forth* consideration of pen- of the bodies. Tb* military •ion bills. , kept the Ians crowd outside under exral- Tbe House, at the evening session, lent control, and everything passed off pused thirty-two pension bilb. and then, quietly. Thb makes seven men that Sheriff at 10:45, adjourned. Gilrath hu banged during th* put (oar • I years in Greenvtlle county, three having Historian Dead. | been hung in 1882 for trying to born tbe (hey had bi d fluids <u N’atcwez, Mm., May 17.-CoL J. F. H. to,ra - SbSSSlra hl !K r £2; d i£j DI.hon*.« Railroad Officials, many years prominent tn politic* and rep- fir- louts. May 17.—Frank McGinnis, resented Mississippi In Congress during I wdghmaster of th* Missouri Pacific rail- several terms, and hb latter year* were I road, hu bean arrested, charged with de li-voted to the preparation of a history ot — — short time they were re . thought of It uy mure nmilltwAs required. However, things bavsebaand HH. those days. Hueh treasures, are . -eerie •ought after sad do rat tens rtjoaln mol... urf- ty. The present proprietors ot tuts old remedy having by accident learned that Us care- were miraculous,determined alone* tq a- ertaln (or Uhpmaelves what merit It resll) 1 —1. d baring tested It in a gnat number of ■kes. In oil of which It proved cffleaci.-inj ■s.. | —7 ”=5^ Mississippi and th* Southwest, tbe manu script ol the lut volume of tbe work be ing lost in a fir* which destroyed Ms file nee a few yean ago. Chattanooga's Prosoerity. CHATTaxooea, May 17.—A careful r*. 8U.UJ, tidy lA'VU WIL-JICU, VLUUKCU WllU uc* frauding th* company in weighing ran. He shared with shippera th* profits from false weights. One lumber firm Is said to have uved $70,000 by getting McGinnis to certify to abort weighti on tbdr freights. Publlclr Whlpoed. Newcastle, Pa., May 17.—Five prison er* war* publicly whipped her* to-day. vtewof tha manofacturisg interest* of four convicted ofiaromy ratting ten lashes Chattanooga shows a remarkable increase, each and ooe burglar tretline twenty lashes I Tha Times publishes a list prepared for I in wd.Hspw^ to an hour’s exposure in the benefit of th* New England press party., showing^ the total investment in 1 1 s lobe $4508.000 and the number of binds employed 4.000. Tb* tax valua tion of Chattanooga. "-:u; *-I today, tg. grsgxtes $fc,160 a»r*n increase of 25 per cent, tn twelve months and too percent, fat thru year*. Heavy Frost. Laxcajtzs, Pa., May 17.—Thar* wu ^ heavy frost thronghont Lancaster county last night. It bflaralconsiderable dam- an- hu bran don* to young tobacco ud-Iit the m r.and It has l WWW their monjuremeat th&t it tito- d»jr rvcotuUttl.M^he great** tl r- *t tu.l iun* remedy of tbe Me. Containing n«> "w-tic* it con be token wttbperfect iafetr br the meet delicate. Beta*entirelyjrsg.ubr# It- .■n. .-u eau In no warb* barmful aao sno tent event that it talto to etna tbe geafial beahhsd the patient U greatly tmpe-vel it --mb* £ » grown mea are surprised tt Hi mazied effect on them. Those wbo safer from waattagdlsMssu nek lu ■■ r. Many inctanena of ! -'• '* fiur 7 sooads offiesb fr-ra every - they sasaaasjrsnagjg haa dons mom In break du«n t j r- -we* fS