Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, June 27, 1884, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, .1 EXE 27, l'>|. T man kept hii place as second with Guerry fourth. EIGHT O'CLOCK. Mile*. Lap*.| Mile*. Guerry .29 1 Prater „..32 Tunkersly... 27 3 Mitchell ^...27 Forre*ter 25 13 Bvrd 17 McKay 30 1 Well* .29 Ford 2b 4 |(ircen 29 McKay, having taken the lead of the Macon team, kept it well. Guerry, despite his sprained foot, followed closely behind McKay. The crowds around the bulletin boards were thoroughly excited, and the flutter of a white piece ot paper in the hand i of a boy on the street was mistaken for a tele gram, and the boy was soon surrounded, THE WALKING MATCH. Second Contest Between Macon and Atlanta. THE CENRTAL CITY GET8 THE WORtT OF IT, BUT IS STILL AHEAD. In the Two Conts.t. Mncon lie. Taken S50O to Atlanta*. .300 ot th. Prlia Money—Has Walked within a fraction of 29 More Miles and Haa Tak.n 81x Out ot the Ten Prizes. ■yesterday dawned in dampness. Long liefore daylight a steady rain set in, and whan the one thousand and seventy-four people wht) bought tickets for the trip turned over in their beds in the morning, the outlook for a pleasant day was any thing but cheerful. Visions of Atlanta led mnd floated before their eyes, bnt it waa an occasion when the boys should be looked after, and rain conld not prevent their going. The two long trains were in readi ness and they waited but a short time to be filled up with the people. Promptly on time they start ed,-followed by another train to take up excursionists all along the line of road be tween Macon and Atlanta. Over four hundred boarded this train, and the exenr- sionlsts, in command of Captain Jim Shaw, rolled into Atlanta on the adver tised time, without a solitary accident of any kind. . nmusT nr the match. It baa been a long time since Macon has been so thoiongbly aroused as she was ou yesterday. The Macon team was com posed of plucky boys, and every confidence was felt In their ability to make a fine record. Not one of them bad ever seen the track upon which they were to walk, nor bad ever practiced an bonr on sawdust. They felt that they had the endurance and the grit to walk on any kind of track, and went in to win. ■When the hour arrived for the great race, there waa a large crowd in the ware house, and they were continually cheering their favorites. AT Tni START lbs most enthusiastic of the contestants moved off in a swift ran, Prater making the first lap and subsequently the first mile amid great excitement. Ford and Ouerry followed in a rapid hop walk, shoulder to ahonlder, while Tankersiy pressed the runners into . swift gait. In Macon bulletin boards were placed at Cromeline's, at Price's and at the Tile- amaru aid Miuiioeh office. These were surrounded during the afternoon by crowds who eagerly watched the cholx glide over the board aa the hourly tele grams were received. Th. telephone was freely used, and from every quarter came anxious inquiries. At a few minutes past four the tint bulletin arrived, and waa eagerly devoured. It was as follows: m»9'cu>:x. ft* Prater.....-* 11 ?* Important Testimony. YTe commend the following from a gen tleman in Providence, It. L, to the carefu perusal of all who doubt the great curative value of our Treatment. After question- ing, and hesitating he finally became alarmed at his condition, which was stead ily growing worse, and resolved to give Compound Oxygen a trial. What it did fur biui is best tuid iu his u»u words. H* says: •‘‘I commenced the use of Compound Oxygen after a good deal of thought, and * ' Adyof“ SIGHT THIRTY O’CLOCK, Mile*. Guerry 31 Taukerslyj 31 T'lprster.... 7 Mitchell 29 13 9 Itvrd ...17 11 . 12 Well* 32 4 Ford.... 28 4 lGreen 32 12 The Anal half hour now gave the crowd an opportunity to *i»eculate and count up how Macon would fare in the final result. It was evident that McKay would take a prize, and the chances were for one ami possibly two more. The Telegraph and Memerges office was a busy scene. Mer chants and others crowded the counting room and the sidewalk, thoroughly en thused. It was like awaiting news from a Presidential election. as Jar as in my power, careful study different cases which had been finally tes tified to as to the great benefit received, but not without many misgivings A its great curative power. I had been running .1 down, consequent upon hard oltice work Mile*. Lap*, i and close confinement for many years, 3t 12 I until I took the business of train conduc tor in hope ot a benefit from out-door ex-1 ercise. In my reduced state I took cold at the very commencement, which, after a five weeks’ struggle, threw me into typhoid pneumonia. It was at this time that I re solved to try and see for myself how far you had succeeded in accomplishing what Sakes Alive! I’VE DONE BOrORT JA PIANER. I »ay hit fur • lack, an* what** more, I done saved a chan *50, by buying hit from ICDDES X BATE*' Southern Mimic Bouse Savannah, Ga. 31Y Fill JEN US, Thar' , planer ora know NINE O CLOCK. Guerry At Tankt*rsly....32 Forre*ter 25 McKay .35 Mitchell Byrd 17 u .Welle 85 4 Ford 28 7 |Green.- 31 7 The final result was received with good grace by the large crowd in our oltice. The telegram announcing the result stated that the charge of Prater being a professional found many supporters, notwithstanding the testimony of his father. This opin ion was entertained by many in Macon, and until some good proof to the contrary is given, they will claim that Atlanta rung in n professional. Barring Prater, our our boys made a fine record, McKay par ticularly. Tankersiy Forrester McKay .. Prater Mitchell Byrd i 1 I b | t» mjlJm 6 6,12 6 9,12 6 3 12 M L|M L "Tiifi 2(271 4 11117*11 d7 2 29} 9 35 110.291 2 :H yuse in talkin', of you haln't got a • ora orpin in yure bouse yo will never what rale slaon pure happiness i* un- tel yo cit one, an’ when yo woman * advice, an’ save mot —Miss Mary Anderson will return to America at the conclusion of the season at the Lyceum Theater, London. —The Harter Medicine Company, St. Louis, Mo. commence this week their ad vertisement of Harter's Iron Tonic. While this home is one of the most successful and most prosperous in the United States, their medicine is still more so, and thous ands and thousands of people who have been cured of their various fils iy the use of it, would rise up and testify of its mer its if they could be reached. We know of no medicine that we can so safely recoup mend to our readers. applness u )u au. Jet** take a t money by buyln’ hit LuJJta 4 Bates Southern " usic lloust' They’, the men fur my money No iwln dliu fur them. They don't humbug yo with offer* of gold dollar* for fifty centaf or* luoo Dinners fur#200, but Jess give yo dollar fur dollar—yure money s worth to a rent. They’ll do exactly a* they agree, In offering tu save yo money. I. myself, ain one of twenty thou sand delighted (see me smile) purchasers who have bought of them in the last fifteen years, See what they offer PIANOS—Rosewood, 7-Octave, Square, Km. Ui-rA OaiM*,./] T /» a ,, ingly simple and at so little cost, and I am to-day truly thaukful that I had the cour age to undertake what so few would advise . ^ -, ^Trir-r^uip under the circumstances. From a weak tTta \ 7,!, .\f«. .. nJrl 1 vTt and feeble state 1 have attained to some- 1 lAlAln^ Aj\ 1) U |{ It Ai\ thing like my old self, Bronchial trouble is less, shortness of breath and heart trouble have decreased. I feel better gen erally and begin to think there may be something of life left for me yet,” Our "Treatise on Compound Oxygen, ’ containing a history of the discovery and nnde of action of this remarkable cura tive agent, and a large record of surpris ing cures in Consumption. Catarrh, Neu ralgia, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., and a wide range of chronic diseases, will be sent free. Address Drs. Starkey A' Palen, 1100 and 1111 Girard street. Philadelphia. Old and Reliab e Makers. Sweet toned, perfect and durable. Good for a lifetime. ORG ANS—Walnut Cases, Extended Top, two sets Reed, 5 Stops, only |55; four sets Reeds, 7 Stops, only $65; 0 Stops, $70. In elegant cases, richly ornamented; guaran teed in tone construction and durability. Ten first class makers and over 300 styles to select from. Ea*y Installments: |13 monthly on Pianos, or $5 on Organs, ami With each Piano, a Good Stool and Cover. With each Organ,a Good Stool «fc Instructor With each Piano or Organ, a Book of Music An’to cap the climax they actually deliver the Instrument to your nearest depot or land- Bibb County Hheriff Sales. WILL be sold before the court-house door, In the city of Macon, during the legal hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday in July next.t* following property, to-wlt: One-fifth,undivided Interest In lot of Ini I'Bvii. uu mu , . . .on the south ind ‘.vest by land* of Reuben Williams, levied G. Jones, levy made and returned to me bx Louis Xelnou, constable of 71Cth district. Also at the same time and place, that lot of land lying In the city of Macon and knowu and described in plan of said city as lot No. 1, In Mookfl, and bounded as follow*: On the en*t l»y Elm street, on the south by Division »treet, on the we*t by Boundary street, and on the uorth by* lot No. 2, containing one acre. Also one-fourth undivided Interest in that tracdof land lying In the Macon reserve, west of Ocmulgoo river, known as Troup Hill Nur sery, bounded as follows: On too ea *t by lands of J. W. Fears Hud J. W. Knott, on the want by lands of Holt, on the uorth by lands of T. C. Dempsey and J. B. Artone, and o:i the south by lauas of T. C. Derasey, J. W. Knott and Enntuuel Isaacs, »nld tract containing 91 acres, mor.* or less, lying iu Bibb counrv, lev ied on as the property of II. F. fetroheeker. to satisfy a tl. fa. Issued from Bibb Superior Court Jn favor of Central GeorglA Bank vs. Henry H. fetroheeker. ProjK-rty tainted out by plaintiffs attorneys. U. 8. WESTCOTT. Jun3-law-lw Sheriff. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Wbereas, Mrs. M.E. Wise has made application for letters or administration on the estate of Johnson Wi«e, late of said county, deeeased. This is to cite and admonish all persona con cerned to be and appear at the court of ordina ry of said county ou the first Monday In July next, to show cause, if any they con, why laid application should not be granted. W itness my hand and official signature, tl June 2, 18St. J. A. JfcMANUfc. Juu3-lawlw Ordinary, THE FOSS & PEYEY COTTON GARD~ lowell’ ftaerry • Tankcnley - 6 Font.tr... « licKay>• Prater.... Mitchell,— Ityrl........... Well. Green.. H WHO HAS IHI YICTOBT. This being tbe return match between the two teams, the losses and victories must be summed up and given. In the Macon match the Central City won lour out of the five prizes, in Atlanta she gets two, total six. In the two matches Allan- ta wins four. The number of miles walked In the first match by the Macon teams was 175J4, in second match 156 9-14, making a totnl for the two matches of 332 11-28 miles. The number of miles walked in tbe first match by tbe Atlanta team, waa 145*1. second match 15711-14, making total of 30315-28, or 28 24-28 more milee for Macon. Thus it is seen that in tbe two matches Macon has tbe largest slice in the pie. The excursionists arrived at 1 o'clock this morning, and all seemed in good spirits. They say it rained nearly all day, and ill conse quence a great amount of valuable At lanta real estate waa brongbt to Macon od boot heels. He Honors Hla Father and Draws 15,000. The bolder of one-fifth ticket 10,812. tbe capital of $75,000 in the Louisiana State Lottery, Tuesday, is Mr. Isaac Baines, en gineer on the M. A C. It. R. To a Chatta nooga Times reporter, he said: “ 'I hap pened to find an old $1.00 bill in my pock- etbook when in Memphis, and concluded to buy a lottery ticket of M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., by mail. I thought no more of it, when a telegram from New Orleans waa received to-day. that No. 10,- 842 bad drawn the prize, $75,000 in The Louisiana 8tate Lottery, 1 found that my ticket corresponded with tbe number. He has been on the M. & C. R. R. 14 years, and is held in high esteem. He has sup ported two sisters and an aged father for years near Stevenson, Ala. A few months FORD'S FAILURE. Shi* aid not l«m to th* »»»tus of aQaln. Tha bnllula (bowed Atlanta to Be ahead, bnt it waa thought that the Macon team were referring their strength t' r tne last two boon. At -1:30 Ford, who Wks nearly three milee behind Prater, tbe leading man ol the Atlanta team, began to, ran. McKay was second In the race, despite a fit of vomiting. When Ford began lapping over Prater, a thousand cheers rent the air at the movement, as it waa looked upon aa an attempt to break down Prater. Prater however, seemed to be made of springe. A buzzing rumor went among the crowd that he was a professional. In Macon this re port gained circulation: rtva o'clock. Miles, tape. Miles. U 11 “ A WAVE OF TRIUMPH. THE KEY-NOTE SOUNDED. Take my adyice: (atr by me, tliey will uu the same by yo. But don't try to heat them down, fur they have ONLY ONE PRICE an’ they stick to it like a coon to a tree. Buy of them an’ they will satisfy yo or pav back yure money. Send yure name an’ po>«t-office, S tall cm what yo want, an’ they’ll scud yo ? r a peck of catalogues, circulars and price lists, which will help yo pick out the la- itrument yo want. Jess put on yo letter: LUDDEN & BATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, OA. Or THE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, MACON. GA.. sn'.Jt'videorite, anyoll sit an answer in a JltTy. for they all git up won in the mornln', I klnteUyer. Your n. Betst Hakiltos Hiociss. P- 8.—They wanted ne to be their agent for this settlement, but I haln't got no time Jess now, an’ I don’t reckon hit would pay, no how. as the folks Is so down on slch things. But 1 don t keer ef they air, my planer Is here tu **.}**• bole settlement gits down on NOTICE. C. 8. Lesseur, executor of the estate of Susan nah Lesneur, vs. Ewell Webb, principal, and Johu II. Sunders, security.—Complaint, in Bibb Superior Court. I T appearing to the court that John H. San ders, one of the defemhmts In the above- named cause, is dead, aud Win, R. Sanders is administrator on his estate. It Is ordered by tbe court that saul Win. R. Banders be made a party defendant to said suit, and that he being a non-resident a copy of this order be served by publication as pre scribed by statute. feigned this bth day of NovemTfer, 1883. T. J. felMMQNfe. J. 8. C. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court, April 3d, 1883. A. B. ROSfe. nprl-lawtf Clerk. GEORGIA. BIBB CCCNTY-Whereas, Geo. Ranks, administrator of the estate of Mary Ann Houston, late of said county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from said estate. This is to cite and admonish all concerned 1 to be and appear At the eourt of ordinary of said county on the first Monday in June next to show cause. If any they can. why said ap plication should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this March 4,188-1. J. A. McMANUS, ■ mar6 law 3 m* Ordinary. GEORGIA, BIBB COCKYT.—-Whereas, W. R. Rovers, executor of Mm. E. L. Rodgers, late of said county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to cite and admonish all persona concerned to be and appear at the ‘’ourt of ordinary of ea'u county on tha first Monday In June next to show car.se. If any they can, why said af application should tot be tran ted. Witness my hand and official signature, this March 4.1854. J. A. McMANUS. marMam3m* Ordinary. NOTICE. Pnttr—ta... Mitchell 13 Byrd...........14 Guerry......... 12 9ukanly....l2 I '•■ r, McKay..., Ford-....- The excitement and merchants their stores and boards. sue o'clock. U **W JSP L T’ Laps! Guerry u» o Taskartly.w.is 2 Ford.. 17 ....18 McKay st this Juncture showed wonder- McKav . ful sUyfng powers, likewise Prater. The opinion that Prater is e professional gain ed strength. He held on witheese end walked with a precision that could only be celled inspiration in en amateur. To encourage the Macon men, Mr. Dick Harris, of Macon, made up a parse of $100 to he paid to the Macon man winning tbe first prise. At this hoar Ford was again on the run, closely followed by Prater, six-rniimr o'clock. Miles. Ups., Miles. Ups S 2D 13 Prater......... 24 3 »ly.„ 10 9 j MUchell 19 er. .. 20 9 Byrd M2Kay...... • 0 Wells.— lord 21 10 [Green *Best, At this hour Byrd went off for a rest, being the first man off in three hours and The* Western Union Telegraph Company placed an instrument in the warehouse for the benefit of the Telioeaph and Hessen- Ho Gives Hie Version of the Insidious Champagne. Ford, the pedestrian, was skimming over the streets yesterday with his collec tion book, seemingly not at all stiffened from his walk of tbe day before. It was reported vaguely that he had sold out in Atlanta and his sickness was only feigned. Others said he was made drunk on champagne, and was thus prevented from keeping up with Prater. To get his own reasons for leaving the track, onr re* porter eought Ford, and to th$ fetation, 1 tfc replied: I waa drunk. I have not drank any whisky In ten years, and the least bit will affect me now. My trainer left the track to go to the score board. While gone I asked for some sweetened lemonade, some one give me a tin cap fall of some thing and I drank it down. In a few min utes I was taken tick with cramps. I ordered a cup of hot coffee and when! drank it I knew I was done for. The ice- cold champagne and • hot coilee did the work for me, and I was compelled to leave the track. As for Prater, I would have beaten him but for my sickness. I challenge him to walk with me on the halt mile track in Macon, and if I do not beat him from a half to a full mile I will never walk another step.” The Atlanta Journal, ot yesterday after* noon, contained an interview with a Mrs. Curr. of Atlanta, who is reported as saying that Ford married her daughter Mollis on Thursday before last Christmas in Mari etta, and by JohL R. Baugea. The Jour nal says It was the sight and presence of this woman that caused Ford to fail. On informing Ford of this Interview. b said that he knew the girl ind knew that the claimed him for her husband, bnt denied most emphat ically that he was ever married to her. He further stated that her presence in the rink did not have anything whatever to do with his leaving the track. He saw her when ■he came in, and spoke to her. Bbe told him she wanted him to go home with her after the walk, which he did. ». Oa the other hand, there are pertoni In Macon who wen in the rink and heard the woman say that she would heve him ar- 4 GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-Octobcr Term * Superior Court of Bibb county, December 5, Tlio fetate vs. James G. Jones, princi pal. F, fechlinzen, security—Forfeiture of Recognizance. This day comes John L. Hardeman, solictor general of the Macon circuit, tvho prosecutes for the State of Georgia and shows that hereto fore, to-wit, on the 8th day of September.laK!, ■— P. James G. Jones aa principal, and F. fechlinzen day Its towering grandeur is far above the aa security, entered into an obligation com- “ ““ moaly called a recognizance, before Louis GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY. Whereas, John P. Fort, administrator of the restate of E. D. Huguenln, has made application for letters of dUmisslon from said estate. This Is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to bo and appear at the court of ordi nary of said county on the first Monday In August next to show cause, if any they can. why said dismission should not bo granted said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, this May 2.1884. J. A. Me MAN Us*, my3-law3m Ordinary. j of the positive merit aud un- ’ * rend the : druggists —I _— — womu-rful to believe. One year ago B. B. B. waa un known, but its wonderful cures HERE AT HOME have Imparted llghtulng speed, and to- desecrating frowns of all adversaries. The I fact that it contains Iodide of Potash aa one of Us ingredients, enhances its value and popularity. All sensible people know that Iodide of Potash Is not a poison, and those who say that it la know that It is not, and are only deceiving the public for galu. B. 1*. B. has cured thousands of cues of Biodd Poi sons, 8kln Diseases, Kidney Troubles, old Ul cers, Rheumatism, etc., and we hold the proof, which will be mailed anyone. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga, ... . Atlanta, June 10,1854. i rft began handling B. B. is. from its first existence, and are still selling It. We have never heard a word ol dissatisfaction ex pressed relative to its merits, tut have heard I it very extravagantly praised by those who have used it its sale with us is rapidly in- cress lug. HOWARD «k CANDLER, — 1 Wholesale Druggists.■ Nelson, a constable in and for said county, signed with their hands and sealed with their seal, by which they acknowledge themself es to owe and be Justly Indebted to H. D. McDan iel, governoro I fetnte, and bis successors •Sice In the sum of three hundred dollars, for the true payment of which they bind them- selTcs, their heirs and IciT ~ Jointly and r heirs and lesal representatives severally, which S4ldr«coffn Dance —i tu and have thereunto a certain condition m ir.bstancc and effect aa follows, to-wlt: That If the said James G. Jones, prln- pal, make his personal appearance before the feuperlor Court to be held for said county of Bibb ou the fourth Monday of October, 1558, from day to day and from term ta term to an swer for the offense of rccclylng stolen cat tle, knowing them to be stolen, and to such other Indictment as the grand Jury may find „ in the premises (and the grand Jury having asis&'sSBSjS! without leave of said court, then saidobliga- Office op JACOBS' PHARMACY, Atlanta. Jtue IS, 15t I —felx months ago we bad no de mand for B. B. B„ but now our demand is such that we are forced to buy In gross lots. We attribute the rapid and enormous demand to the comparative size and price of B. B. B., (being large bottles for $1.00) and Its positive merit. The fact ef its sontalnlng ledlde of Potash renders It more valuable as a Blood Remedy. It sells well and gives our custom ers entire satisfaction. Our sales hate iu per Fred B. Palmer, M. D. Atlanta, June 12, lbM.—We hare been handling B. B. B. only a few months, and take pleasure In saying it Is superceding all ouer Blood Remedies. It sells well, fives our .customers entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully recommend it in preference to any other Blood Purifier. . AfeUER A MOORE, Druggists. Atlanta, June 12, 1581.—It Is our firm belief that B. B. B. is the best Blood Purifier ou the market. We are selling lour or five bottles of it to one of auy other preparation of the kind. It has failed In no instance to give entire satisfaction. .court, tlon to be void .else to remain In full force and rffect. Now on this day the Bollclter-Gcncral announced ready and the case being CENTRAL FURNITURE HOUSE Nos. 60 and 62 Poplar Street, J[N the front for the patronage of th, people, with aa complete and w*U awortoj 8tock Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Shades, Rugs, Look. A Mt R 00 *! Chair, for $2.75. ‘‘LitUa Baant, 1 " Hej Room only $22.5| ,e “s*tar°'' VuTfiSS Fr^ohD®^.““tan ISStfTKjB orJerato’tto 5 ' 00 ' P4rIort)nlt4 ’ loongw,Safe,, eto„ VnLft JondM.^Band^ Oeitti-al Furniture House ! ° hS,r ,0 * » *a»-00 Bedroom BENJAMIN SKALOWm Massachusetts UPWARDS OF 8JX THOUSAND IN OPERATION. OVER SEVEN HUNDRED IN CEORCIAIMIL L8 Ohfsranoe, J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb ilanufactoring^Company, Macon, Ga. ENGINES, CiNS, SAW MILLS, ETC. MK2 PERKINS BROS.. DIALERS Cl ’ ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. The Largest Dealers in the South. In Steam Engines. Boilers, Saw Mill,. Saws, Shinolo, Lath, Pianino and Wanrrnl 9 Cri ‘* 8nd Flouring Mill!, Can, Mill,, ,0r i’^°.l ,on P. In ’- Presses, Solky Plow,, Rake,, Reapers and LuiTJJmoJI r nd Steam Pumps. B otter Feeder,, Wliiitle,.Gauges, Lubricators. Saw Gummer,, Tanite Emery Wheels, Rubber Hose and Beitine Brass Goods, Piping and Engine Fittings of all kinds, Machinery Oil, Etc. 9 ’ ■^Second-hand MMhiwry at low price,. Look to your inlere.t and get onr price, before boyfag. PERKINS BROTHERS, 39 and 41 Wert Alabama Street, - - ATLANTA, CA. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereaa, 8. 8. Sweet, administrator of tho estato of Joseph II. fehnholser. late of aald county, deceased, has made application for letters of dismission from said estate. This is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at tho eourt of ordi nary of said county on tho fitst Monday In July next to show cause, if any they con,wby said application should not be granted. Wltuess my hand and official signature, this ‘ a. 13M. J. A. McMANU.4. March 3 . marTl-law3m Ordinary- Libel for Divorce, in Bibb Superior Court. not reside in said connty, and It further ap- pearing that he does not reside In tbe 8tate, or that hla whereaboutsar|Mra||H|Bmra^m Is therefore ordered | be perfected on the of this order once a . before the next term of this conn. In the Macen Telegraph and Messenger, a newspaper published at Macon, Go. Granted. T. J. B1MMON8, J. 8. C. F. J. M. DALY. Petitioner’s Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. A. B. ROSS, Clerk. may2»lam 4m THE SCIENCE70F LIFE. ONLY SI By Mnil Postpaid. •ffet having oi „ called in its order, the said James G. Jones being solemnly called three timet to come into conn to answer said charge of simple lar- eny. and the sold F. fechlinzen, hU ball, hav ing been three times warned to present the body of his principal whom he engaged to bo 8 resent this day to answer sold charge, and it sold parties respectively having wholly made default: it la therefore considered, or* ‘ and adjudged by the court th«t the said G, Jones, principal, and F. fechlinzen, , forfeit their recognizance and that the •old Henry D. McT against the sold Jai _.. F. fechlinzen, surety,the sum of Crawtbrd County, GEORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.-John Jones has applied to me for letteri of admin istration de bonis non on the estate of Nathan Jones, late of ial 4 county, deceased. This Is, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to show cause. If any they have.within the time prescribed by law, why told applica tion should not be granted. Witness my bond officially, June 2d. 1854. V. 8. HOLTON, Jnn6-law4w Ordinary. Crawford Sheriff's Sale. felted as aforesaid nnlesa at |the next term of this court they show sufficient cause why this in July uext. with! order should not be made final and scire fa- ’ cits is ordered to Issue. JOHN L. HARDEMAN. feoiicltor-Ocneral. r. B. ESTES, Judge 8cperior Court North eastern Circuit, presiding. CUAIAMTHD TO CURB ALL CASES 08 IHOICESTIOH, LOST APPETITE, BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, 8QUR STOMACH, FOUL BREATH. COSTIVENESS, EHLABCEO SPLEEN. COLIC, AC. | Criffu! ul Cz!y 9en!:». Irish. 1M0. . Fug up In 05c. and si. packages IIC.F.SIMMONS4CCL Starts.M«. “ naan,.*—0-.2L. rvnoaiH wn«i KNOW THYSELF., Great Medical Work on Manhood GEORGIA. Bibb Coricrr—To all and singu lar the Sheriff*of said 8tate—Greeting: Where as Jauts G.J" zen, security, -*»>-, ...« rui ««, one thousand eight hundred and clkhty-thi before Louis Nelson, a constable m and . . few months 1 have given B. B. B. severe tests M l*l county, make and enter Into their certain W. F. SMITH At CO., Druggists. se 12, : tave giT Blood D 8eeit!nK Mr. Geo. W. Case, Ford’s train er, be said to oar reporter: '*1 don’t un derstand it at all. I staked a good deal on him and lost. I went up-staira to the scoreboard and when 1 returned 1 found another man attending on him. He told me he bad drank something and thoaght SHARP £ it was champagne. I upbraided him for taking a drink from other hands than my orrxcc of HUTCHISON ingly pronounce It a safe, sure, harmless and I speedy Blood Purifier, fully meriting the cua- fidenceof tbe public. M; customer* are de lighted with its effects, aud the demanc has sol wonderfully lacreased that lhsvebcea com- pelled to buy by the gross, as It Is the best sell! ing blood rvmeay 1 handle. 1 consider Iodide ef Potash to be a harmless, yet valuable addi tion to B. B. B. W. A. GRAHAM, Druggist. J I Atlanta. June 12,15M.—We find tbe sole of] IB. B. B. largely on the increase and us al Blood Purifier we consider It tint class. 'Tis one of the best selling mediolnea we handle. m M minium Druggist*. , _iln the legal hours of sale. one undivided half Interest In fifty acres of southwest part of lot No. 59 In third dls- *rl» t Cmwlord county, to -a»!-?y a ft fa. from Justice Court of 577th district G. M. of tuld county, lu favor of Baldwin A Co. vs. Aaron Williamson. Levy mode by C. II. Mar shall. legal constable, and turned over to me nflsofsaldfetAt^GmnuSwher? °Alao'at the some time and place, the other G.jJonea, principal, and F.Scblln- half Interest, undivided, of the some fifty Ity, did, on the 5th ^day of June, ocrci, as the property of Marion Williamson, ■Mffi|i|||Mi||AM||||i|MMto satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of Baldwin A Co. v*. said Marlon Williamson. Levy made by C. U. Marshall, legal constable, and turned over to me for sale. M. P. REVIERE Junidt sheriff. ion of that date, commonly called a rev- nee, signed with their handv.acd sealed th their teals, and attested b^ Loula Kelson. taking a drink from other hands than my own. As to the woman, 1 found her in the tent with him. and thought it was his wife. Hhe was telling him not togo on the track again.” And this Is the way Ford's follnre to win is given by himself and his trainer. ■ Office of HUTCHISON A BRO., PiuemaI ciscs, Atlanta, Juue 12,1551.-Relative to our demand for JS. B. B., we take pleasure lu say ing our tales have been continuously on the I increase, and so far aa we have been able t learn, the result* have been satisfactory to th purchaser. HUTCHlfiOSf A BRO] constable aa aforesaid, and which la now here in court ready to be shown, whereby th* said James G. Jones, principal, and F. fechlinzen, security, acknowledged themselves — and be Justly indebted to ■ McDaniel. Governor Of said Htate, and his successors In office in the sum of three hundred dollars, for the true payment of which they bound themselves, their heirs an<l legal representatives Jointly and severally, which said recognizance waa subject to, and had thereunto a certain condition In sub stance. and to the effect following, that la to say: That if the said James G. Jones, princi pal, do make his personal appearance before the Superior Court to he helo for said county of Bibb, on the itb Monday of October, 1583, NOTICE. A.J. Dsnielly, Administrator, n. James C. Bond et ol. BUI, etc., in Crawford Superior Court. March Term, U52. Crawford Superior Court. March Term, 1584. Jt appearing to the court that John D. Whit tington, WUlhun W. Whittington, Minnesota Whittington and Walter II. Whittington, f of the defendants tn tbe above stated bill, . not residents of the State of Georgia, hut are residents of the State of Alabama., It U therefore ordered on complainant’ tlon, that service of said bill be perfected upon said defendants by publishing this order *“ Telegraph and Messenger (the public » In which the legal advertisements Indiscretions or excesses. A. booh tor eraryl mm young, middle-aged and old. It contains I kseription* for all acute and chronic dU gggggiono of which is invaluable. Bo tho author, wh*>ao experience Irs Is such as probably never bo th© lot of any phytic Uu. 300paa L N.l i beautiful, French muslin, erabosM-d full gilt, guaranteed to be a;t.n r every st-nso—mechanical.Utcrarv and —jnal—than any other work sold It country for *2.50, ot the money will be re- ■Wed In every Instance. Price only 9100 by mall, postpaid* flintinitlve •emple s cents, fiend now. Gold Medal awarded the author by the Rational Medical Association, to theoffi-l Leers of which he refers The Pele.ee of LUe ihooM b» md by the] I yonn. foe InHrneOoo ud bi thauadtad tor nlldT 11.111 benefit nil —London Lancet. There le no member of eoclety to whom thill book will not be neefnl, whether youth, wnL XMrdlm.tnrtrnetororolentymm.—Anemnnt. Addna PXABOIlY MKllItAl. INSTlTDTr. or Dr. W. if. PARKXB. No. 4 Bnlfinch itrcev Boiton. Mu., who rtuybo counlud on dl dtieue. reqalrinz .kill end experiinc I I Chronic end otetla.u dlmma tut km baffled tho ekUl ot all other IIP A I phya'- Ictina a aoeeUlty. .Such UCi AAl r trmt-l i.nuccowtnllT wtiV-ont ati THYSELF dccTwlv XCELSIOR 300K STOVES A TiW Ayr satisfactory EIGHTEEN SIZES AMD KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAM BE SUITED If ANTF ACTThHD BY Isaac A.Steppird & Co.,Baltimore,Bd. tM) you MAUI ltY UEO. 8. OBEAB, 110 Cherrv Street, jan25-wl Slaeon us. II Irbowtrit wu known, began to figure fromlneotlT u a favorite. Fonl, who bad heldplaca Ko. 1 in the estimation of Un- coo, did not Mam to be doing a- well ai wu expected. ixvza-THijrrr o'clock. Milee. Upe.1 Milee. Lape. tea-,-2 T & | ‘ Ford.. __ 27 12 |(Jreen__ At thiz boor tha belief grew ao atrong that Prater wu n proTtriional, that it wu > • uma tangible proof oi Hie town martbal de- t Prater bad been in Atlanta one I paid biz atreet tax. ed alzne cf tickneu and went . The plucky little English- _ 17 Atlanta, June 12,1 t.—tVebuy It. It. B. I -While a feznwle Itboet it troubling the V** “ J good people of YN est Macon, the central tomers satlsfociion as a Blood Remedy, portion of tbe dty prances to tbe. Iron! 1*11* readily ^ Ford at this time was still on the ran and gaining rapidly. Prater wax on tbe walk and sponging bis mouth. SEVEN O’CLOCK. Miles. Laps.' Miles. Laps. Guerry 23 iu < Prater 27 7 Tankersiy... 23 2 iMltcheU... 22 2 Forrester.-. 22 12 Byrd 17 ll McKay. 24 13 1 Wells 24 2 Ford... 25 2 [Green 23 10 By this time the shops and stores had emptied their clerks and mechanics, and tbe crowds grew larger around tbe bulletin ? b ? D be looked in tbe glass and saw that A break In the wires near Atlanta caused a delay of a few minutes in the arrival c f the 7 o’clock bnlletln and the crowd mani- feated the greatest impatience. McKay, portion of tbe city prances l_ with a ghost story lhAt Is ahead of any thing yet One of J. L. Shea’s tailors on retiring Satonlsy night was very careful to lock bis door and tee that the windows were fastened. Durng the night an In visible ghost lamped on him and pounded him unmercifully. He lamped ap, struck a light and looked in vain for the pounder. he hod the appearance of having trod on John L Sullivan's pet coni. His nose was bleeding and both eyes were in mourning. As the tailor is a temperance man, berets a ghost story that needs unraveling worse than Tucker’s. tie. knowing them to be stolen, and to such other Indictment as tbe grand Jurv may find iu the premise**, and-the grand Jury having found an indictment for simple larceny a true bill in the premises, and not depart thence without leave of said court, then said obliga tion to be void, else to remain lu full force and effect. And whereas, at the October tern, of th«* Superior Court of the county aforesaid, to- alt. on the 5th day of December, one thou- ... . ... .... ... ...... sand eight hundred and eighty-three, the said from day to day. and from terra to term, to zette — ..... answer for the offense of receiving stolen cat- published for said county), once a month for .. . „—•--- -- - - —• - —-s* four months before the next term of aald conrt, and that said defendants have until said next term to appear and plead and an ger to said bill. T. J. SIMMONS, J. 8. C. A true extract from tbe minutes J. W. JACK, Clerk. March 21st, 1551. may27-lawim J A HIGHTOWER, Druftbts. ing U. II. , - taking its place aa a first-class blood remedy,! and tne demand la constantly increasing. It girts entire satisfaction to those to whom we have sold, and we consider iu value su*i u«.i- it enhanced by tho addition of Iodide of Pot ash. which we understand It contains. , d G. W. DKLBR1DGK * CO., Druggists. ling B. B. B. only slew months, and find the demand steadily Increasing. Aa a Bl->od Pu rifier It seemi to possess much merit and gives satisfaction to my customers who use It. -. U. BRAD FIELD, Dmilst. James g. Jones, principal, being thrice duly railed in <u>en court, and failing to appear, and the aald F. fechlluzen, security, being duly called and required to produce the body of the ««id Jmm-« g Jones In court, and falling so to I Ido, it was thereupon ordered, conslderetl and adjudged by the court, that their said I I recognizance be or felted to the State and that I scire facias should issue thereon, in terms of the law. All of which, by the records of said Icon it, reference being thereunto had, will more fully and at Urge appea^^H These axe therefore to command you, and each ofjrou, that you make known to the aala Avoid by all means the use of calomel for bilious complaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, compounded entirely of vegetable ingredients, have been Gated for forty years, and are acknowledged to be the beat remedy ever devised for torpidity of the liver, coetiveneas, and all derangement* of the digestive apparatus. Butts County Reunion. We learn from “Vklette," the Indian Spring correspondent of the MiddU Georgia I .-cilCMAjnt'B PHARMACY. Atlanta. Ga.. Argus, that there will be a reunion of the Jt-n* is. um.-Sin*: I Lav* Up handling surviving veterans of the war that enlisted whlchisabouttlree^ four in the struggle from Butte county. The __ _ union will take place at Indian Spring on it in grow tots, as U sell* quite raeidiy. Saturday, Jal/14 James O. Jones, principal, and F fechlinzen. I security, if to be found in your bailiwick, that they, and each of them, be and appear In terms of the law. at A SINGLE FACT ISW0R1H A SHIP LOAD OF AR GUMENT. Cartertvllle, Ga—This will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after hav ing suffered for many yean from menstrual has nu- I utmost satisfaction as a Blood Medicine, and the demand continues steadily to lncrea^H PINfeON, DOZIER A to. Wholesale Drug CHARLES O. TYNER. Irregularity, and ha vine be« benefit by various medical length completely cur**d by one bottle of ] e law. at the next feuperlor'Court, to be 1 In and for the county of Bibb, on the 4th 52*** cates ^^|Fwon*!erfuL and well may in Of totwr next, then and «h»ryo tacallM ^Womaa • Bon frlmA. ,„7yra ■i ally Instance of ftilfllB Mention this pa pci SILVERWARE For Hotuchold Use. BIRTHDAY —AMD— WEDDING PRESENTS Larne atock and Low Prices. MT-ScihI (or Cttalogne. (ebg wly SUGAR. Farmers, Make Yonr Own Burot From Borgbnm. From 400 to 500 4’uuruli Extra C. Sugar Extracted per Day by tbe nse ot IL B. PALM Kit .k SONS’ KEW BUSAM SEPARATORS. Highest rccommendstion (rom leading men of the Booth, confiraltip fully the abore statements. UnequalK.l for ex tracting sugar from Ribbon Cane. ETer) machine warranted. Send for particular, W. L. I101AXT, Lexington, (la., Bute Agest. Or R. B. PALMER A SONS. Jnneowit Qninry, Ilia. Notice of Dissolution. 'HE copartnership heretofore existing ;between t\ 11 Olawson and Bitlnar In graham. under ;be firm name of Ulawaon A Ingrantn, waa dissolved by mutual con sent ou April lit, 1334,8. B. Clawson re tiring. Htdney Ingraham haa aaaodated with him bia brother and will oonUne tha business nnder tbe firm name of Ingraham A Urother, azrttming all liabilities ol th* old firm. Clinton, Ga., May 0,1884.—lCwlw G lUIOSCUl’SAXM, iext. th._ _ show cause why final Judgment should not be entered up against them, or either or any of them, on their paid recognizance so forfeite«l to the State, in favor of aald fetote, for tbe amount thereof, with Interest and costs. Witness the Honorable T. J. Slmiaoni. Judge of said court, this 23*1 day of June, 1MW. A, B. Rufefe, Clerk, Jun211*mim. - GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whcrea*. fTJl Am ff has applied for exemption of r-er sn-I •etting apart and valualfem ofl '* -*** ~i upon the some at 10 ay oi I only law*w ordinary. Dr. J. Davis. Ot Mllltown, Ala., Iwrfteat -Hare ns«t Bradfield’i Rcgnlaior extensively In my praetlc* with entire neens. II It Is Mt a specific. It 1«. tn my opinion, the belt known remedy lorthadiseases lor which itrccoa- ■end (or onr Treatise on the Knlth and ,rM - wMeh Xu Baaonxw Kao rut cuionCou .Atlanta, 6a. * LORILLARD’S MACCOBOY SNUFF CAUTION TO CONBCMER8. At many inferior Imitations have ap peared upon the mnreet in packages ‘ ' ■” ours as to decsivat request the purchaser lithographed un cans In which It Is packed alwayf bear Our Nama and Trada-Marfc In baying the ftnmltation yon pay aa much for an inferior article as tbe gen nine BE 8CRE YOU OBTAIN the GENUINE. Lorillard’s Climax I RED TIN TAO PLUG TOBACCO. The Finest Sweet Navy Chewing Tobacco I Made. The Genuine always bean -a Red Tin-Tag I S5J with oar name thereon. Beware of Imitations, —\ maygwtm I fjw ~ feend six cetda for poetoge, I om and receive fneaeos of goods which will li of either sex, to more money I fi right away than anything else n this world. | cm Fortnoet await the workers absolutely sure. At once addms Toe* * Q0-, Aagusu, MAlaa ubewlj FOR SALE, K NOINES, Boilers, flaw Milta.Corn Mills, Cotton Preaaes, Mill Bpiikllea, Policy*, Bhaft'nga, Hangers, ate. All klndacasv fvrito for prices on any kind of machine ry. B.D.COLI*COm marUwly hewn an, Ot. A.NCER CT R El No Cure ! No Pay! No Blood! No Knife! Hend for drculon. R. W. U. CHRISTO un20-wtm Bo LADIES BE 'hWi