Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, August 22, 1884, Image 5

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1884. FROM ATLANTA. , GMiStU Suicide—Bloody Tras«- ’ otl ? ti-o Notional surulcol Institute, «0--Some comment*. B [grECIAL CO*EXSFONP»SCl.j iugroit 18.—The coroner’s °P° n * ,ery ,ld ond * h “ t ! r W w»tIboNelional Surgical Institute * w '. nlnl . Ttie building »o named U “■"^raer of Alshstn. and I’rjor on the third Boor. In.a narrow, J, luroiabed room.numbered 40. was <; m .n with hi. throat cat. The *p- "Zaou indicated that he had crawled P 1 * me bed. to the floor and razor clinched In in his left The tax set approved December 9,1882, which authorize* the a.sesiinent of taxes for general purposes for the fiscal years 1888 and 1884, It silent as to the tax spe cially avthorized by the act of 1873. "It is the duty of the (iovernor,’there fore, to asaest and levy the special tax thus provided for, unless he is satisfied that the general tax of two and one-half tenuis of one per cent, authorized by the tax a:t of December 9,1882, will raise enough money for all legitimate pur poses, including the payment of the one hundred thousand dollar, of bonds issued under the act of February 19.1373, which fall due on the tint daf ot April next. In other words it is, in my opinion, the duty of the Governor to asses, and levy the special Ux authorized by the act of Feb ruary 19th, 1873, over and shore the tax specifically authorized by the act of Decem ber 9,1882. unless the assessment of the 1873, which mature on the first day of April next. "Responding further to the inquiry of your Excellency, I state that, in my opin- •■‘.T'TT " V’’“r ' , 'V7,V”77 . ‘ ”7 which b will rail —— Dtempla,M - *• “ X ™ liiii/°.V’.IS"; nmfir“n“?o’ the expenses of usually incident In making this assessment, therefore, I ; —— think the Governor is authorized to make U* Appreciated Poetry, due allowance, not only for the probable N. V. Bun. Is there em body about tills establish ment who loves poetry 7” he said as he id glared i ance, not only lor the probable ._ r of colliding the tax. but also for probable failure to collect by reason of to- solvency, etc. Vert- respectfully. "CurFoan Anderson. "Attorney -General." THE »»X LEVY. The Governor to-day istued the follow ing executive order, increrelng the tax for ritl>.*' b ,VT J’lffB *-hicli was miserable at special tax is not neceeeary to pay the first seen this morning ho was $100,000 of bonds, issued under the actof £touched upon the floor, his throat fiW ^2!*.. the razor still firmly held in PJoft hind, and all over him, Shout bim him blood! It was a poor, w* .^'mortal paralytic, sh.nnken to a without money And POifecUy KJJ- it is not a wonder that be sought fiJSief Irom life, although a lew daye ^r snd death would have come to bun 'fptbe'hsiues^tiie following wai devel- SfchrS!T&TSSf&K ***** SSSfc Some time since, while working rtahson in building a bridge over the .-Ants, river, lie was stricken with paral- affected hi. lower extremities, Qvinetlso bis stomach,and completely KvS his bearing. Hecamntothe ETiil Institute in January for treat- Sfftal to "short while returned to 5 .i Gaines. Two weeks ago he came K ,?d renewed the treatment. n. evidence and his surround- Erindicatevery clearly thathie treatment not ol the best, and shortly after he installed in No. 40 he said to a negro, Is, was waiting on him, that he was tired J h , ,*V.oJin.Juded to kill himself. He commissioned the negroto go out and get Sm some laudanum. The negro went out, »nd in hU testimony before the inquest, 2sted thtt be asked tb* Physician n itooesol toe institute if be should get it, Sd?tttold that he might as well get it Jo, him. A Iter getting bis laudannm Day ehsnsed his mind and did not 2f*it One Sellars, a kind of Iwrsrd claims the credit of persuading ■Ilf out to attempt suicide, and took away the laudanum. It further appears that therJ’wss considerable irregularity In get- fine his meals, but the National 8nrglcal Iwtitate claim they have nothing to do Sitb the mi els aa they are tarnished from the outside. I-sst night Day retire I to his h mble bed and this morning was found desd upon the floor. The coroner’* verdict rss that he suicided. Tbe National Surgical Institute will doubt- la, he tb’e to dear its skirt* of this man’s blood- bat an institution which advertises llitlf is an asylum (or the afflicted ia apt todraweome sharp criticizm by such an .. j ln No _ .t._ Ho Hold a Big Hand. Merchant Traveler. Abraham was not a poker pisver, as far a* we have any profane record, but the Bible mentions the fact that he beat four kings. Eastern Description of a Western Orator, Portland Argus, Emory Etorrs has an able-bodied voice, •oine talent (or invective, felicity in select ing and audacity in appropriating the ut-' terances of abler men, and* great capacity for tiring an audience. These qualities, especitlly the Iasi, were illustrated at city hall last night. A Very Considerate parson. Washington Hatchet. Parson—I’se been rec’mended to'nl; hyer to 'btain a supply ob wine fur chord pu'poses, an' am tote dat you hab a good article on ban'. Dealer—Well, yea; we have a superior line of goods. Wliat kind would you like? Parson—Well, dat’s de question. For THE NEWS IN GEORGIA. b MOO 000 over and above °b d® ladies hab ’spressed a preference fo' ’ JltaC »d the l«s« *«, I ‘’Ink I'U take ’boutfo’ gallon, ob do t to the collection ol taxes. “*» ytjahab.* exhibition as waa witnessed In No. 40 this "Ssvwa* probably poor, but he had paid in advance for bis treatment. What that treatment wa* will perhaps never be known, bnt, judging ft by the results ln Diy’sca*e and the appearance of ho. 40, it snevn would hardly encourage poor ie to resort to the National Surgical late for relief. Eft. ■ I , I la writiDg this I have no desire to do that institution an injustice, but as it is ln ttt nature of a public institution, It ia ihb- jeet to public criticism. Here is a patient properly entered, whose fee for treatment io paid in advance. He is provided witli quarters anything but suited to tbe sick; in fact. No. 40. He grows despondent under treatment which affords no relief. He complains ot a lack offood. He threatens to kill himself, and aa obliging negro servant, with the con- notof the managing sorgeon, supplies him with laudanum. Hegives this up, but in spite of repeated threats to take his own life, hnd being, as Sitwaid Sellars said, off his mental bal ance, he is left in possession of a razor, with which to-day he cuds his miserable hie. Tbrse are tbe points which invite critl- dim, and they came out very plainly in the coroner’s inquest this morning. STZtS vs. stunts a. The Erst game of tbe aeries between the Elan, ot Columbus, and the jJAUantas, was played tht afternoon. Tbe rivalry between the nines and the result of tbe former game* between them attracted to un I. a large crowd, perhaps 2,500 to witness the game, game resulted in favor of the 8Urs by a some of 8 to 2. J udging from the Play tab afternoon tho Atlanta nine Is deci dedly over-matched. i hero waa some cheering over the game, hat the crowd that looked on was not a *^fas games will continue daring tho week, and it is likely the base hall grounds will be the most popular place ln the city. Ansars, August 19.—The TxLioaxrm of Isst week pnbliehed the itetement that aa there were $100,000 of bonds maturing nest year, the payment whereof was not KOiemplated In the last tax act, the Uov enter baa held a conference witli the Comptroller-General and the Attorney General in reference to aspeelal tax, in addition to the general tax, and has decid ed that it was within bis authority and made bis duty under the act of 1373 to levy each special tax to pay these maturing hoods The Attorney-General investigated the whole eahlact with the result given be low: ortsioa or the sttosnei exiisl. Attorney General Anderson submitted ths followmg opinion: _ ATtOUXV-GxXZRAL's OFFICE, STATE OF Gaosou. Atuzta. August to, IML—Bu Juadmey, Henry D. McDaniel, Oovernor, efc.-Nts- lo response o> your Inquiry re specting your authority to assess for the present year tiiespet-ia! tai provided for by the set approved February 19ih. 1873, entitled An actnath-nii-m? the issue of bonds for the payment of past due inter- ©it, for the redemption ot put due bonus, and for such bond* m may fall due within the next three years,” in addition to the taxes authorized to be uses ted and levied coder and by virtue of tbe tax act ap proved December 9. 18YJ, l beg leave to submit the follow.ng opinion: ‘The acx of February 19th, 1S73, after directing th e Governor to issue bonds of the State to the amouut of $1,2m),OQO, bearing t i/ht per cent, interest, and pre- scribing that they should ‘be made paya ble In the city of New York un the 1st uay of April of each »ucc***ilve year. on the lit flay vf April. eMOjOOO on the 1st day ol April of succeeding year until the wlioU Lssu bonds authorized by thin act shall be judd,* has the following additional provia* “•Section 3. The (iovernor is hereby au thorized ar*d ilirevU-d to increase the per’ centage on the taxes to be collected in tbe year 1*574, and in every succeeding year un til tbe whole of the bomis Uaued under this set shall be paid, so that the taxes to be collected in these year* shall exceed the. amount otherwise authorized to be col-1 1IIK CACVUil«0 UIUCI , IIIUVI tails6 USE SBA sws the year to three milts, which will, it is es timated, be sufficient to meet all legitimate expenditures contemplated in the general tax act, as well a, put into tbe treasury the $100,000 to meet the maturing bonds April 1st, 1885; "State or Gxoeoia, Execctive Depart- ACERT, Atlanta, August 19, 1884.—In pur suance section 1st, tax act, approved De cember 9. 18*2, which require* the Gov ernor. with the assistance ol the Comp troller-General, to levy a percentage on the taxable property of this state eulilcient to meet the financial requirements thereof, which shall not exceed two anil one-hall tenths of 1 per cent., and after approxima ting, as nearlv as practicable, the amonnt in value of ail taxable property in this State, as shown by the digest, it fa "Ordered. That two and one-half tenths of 1 per cent, be assessed and collected upon the amonnt of the value of the taxa ble properly returned by or assessed against each taxpayer, and upon the vslne of all property ln the State subject to taxa tion ad valorem. And it is further ordered, that for purpose of paying tbe principal of the bonds, issued by and under authority of an act approved February 19th. 1873, ami in compliance with said act. tbe further sum of one-half ot one-tenth of one per cent, be assessed and collected upon the amount of the value of tlietaxableproperty returned by anasseit- orlagainst each tax payer, and upon t ie value rf all property in this State subject to taxation ad valorem, making three-tenths of one per cent, for all purposes. “Henry D. McDaniel, “Governor. "W. A. Wright. "Comptroller-General.” 14 to 4. opened the door ana glared around the edi torial room with a doubtful look. "Certainly there ie,” said the editor “haveyou git some there?' “Yes, four poems, all of ’em on spring. “Good! That’s just what we want John, sprinkle a little mint sauce on these and take 'em down stairs.” "What for?” demand the poet. “For the goat. He is tbe only one about tbe establishment who loves poetry. But he won't eat spring poetry without mint sauce.” Probable Joey Bngstook's Crandmothsr, Boston Globe, Mrs. Nancy Skidmore, of Manhattan island, claims to be 120 years old. “Do yon ever use liquor?” asked eome recent visitors. "Ever since I was 17 years old. I drink about a quart ot strong whisky every day, and Dr. Blagon, of Harlem, says it'* the only thing that keeps me alive, i es, 1 have smoked ever since I was 23, sometimes a pound of tobacco a day. Here's a pipe I’ve used for fifty years.” The lively old lady accompanied her visi tors to the door, and as they were depart ing she cried; “The girls dldB't eat ice cream or wear Mother Hubbards when I was a girl.” Then she threw a brick at the goat and re-entered the house. Tbe setond game of baseball was played between the Stare and the Atlantan this afternoon and reinlted disastrously for the latter. Tbe Stars declined to go to tbe bat tbe last inning, winning the game by a score ot 14 to 4. The 'Atlanta* and their backers didn’t keep their temper very well, and on the fifth Inning behaved so naughtily that the umpire refused to go on with the game. He wu, however, prevailed on to continue. The games are attracting the crowd, but Atlanta people are greatly disappointed intbcirnlae. If the Atlanta* don’t brace up and do better playing the Atlanta crowd is apt to grow lukewatm over the B *The remaining games of the series may Rer, J- R, Craves Falls Paralyzed While Preaching. Special lo the American. Memi-iiis, August 17.—This forenoon, Rev. J. R. Graves, the well-known Baptist minister, while in tbe midst of a discourse at tbe First Baptist Church, on Second •tract, was stricken with paralyele. He would have fallen to the floor bad not sev eral of bis congregation, seeing him gradu ally linking down, gone to hu assistance. His right side, from his head to bis feet, was completely paralyzed, and bis condi tion to-night is extremely critical. The reverend divine Is well advanced in years, and is the editor of tbe Memphis Baptis t A considerable quantity of fruit is being dried in Georgia thla year. Dried fruit Iteats green fruit waiting for a market. As to the worms—they mere ly add to the weight of the commodity. The Telephone rejoices that the Syl- vania railroad is nearly completed. Eight miles of the road are finished and in operation; and the grading force is within three miles oi 8ylvania. A negro who was caught stealing corn near Savannah alleged, in extenu ation, that "a doctor hod ordered him to get Borne corn for a sick child.” This Is moro than usually gqod. The Chat ham county doctors evidently belong to no special school. Tbe Atlanta /oumol mysteriously remarks that “when these dogfcdays cease these occasional showers will cease." It is impossible to conjecture to what “showers" our contemporary refers; for, in tho same column, it sajs: “The streets are very dusty and disa greeable.” Referring to tho fact that the re turns in Harris county show a falling oft in tho number of acres ol land in the county, tho Hamilton Journal gives thiB explanation: “The spring freshets took off just 3,891 acres more dirt, it seems, than tho guano men brought us.” This doesn’t lack anything of being good. The Emanuel County Ilrmizer forci bly says that “he who believes in only half educating his children, and thinks it tlie State’s duty to do even that, will live to despise the day ot his penurious ness,” the State doesn’t propose even half an education, and it does less than it proposes. Good private schools are the ones in which to edu cate children. There are savage hogs in Johnson county. The Wrightaville Ktcorder re lates the following incident in point; “The other day as Mr. James Dicks was returning from J. O. Snell’s to his home in Wrightaville, the horse which ho was driving was attacked and se verely cot by a large hog. The horse became frightened, ran a short distance at full speed, and thus escaped from being more seriously injured. The bleeding was profuse, and the wound so severe that Sir. Dicks was forced to leave his horse with a neighbor, and get other conveyance to Wrtghtsville. Tho horse is badly injured, and it is feared that he is rained for life.” EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. Brutal Solftshnasa of Sergeants Long and Fred6rlcks-*Hidlng Food from the Others* The dissensions among tho Grccly party, which were marked during ail their long stay in the arctic regions, ended at last m a cotnnlote division ot the survivors. As tiino passed at ths camp on Cape Sabine, And outlook be came more and more gloomy and hu man flesh was finally resorted to as food, tho stronger ones obtained the lion’s share. MM Steward ell were the weakest ones of the party when the rebel ships arrived. Sergeant Ilraincnl had a little strength left. He stood by Greelyas none the others did, and supplied him will) a share of the food. Sergeants hong and Fredericks were quite strong. Tito former was ablo to go about on short buntiog expe ditions, in which ho W03 accompanied by Sergeant Fredericks.’ The game se cured was shared by these two, so self ish hsd they become by the desperate extremity to which they were reduced. The sufferings of the others did not appeal to them. The two Sergeants determined to live together and tho others might die. All discipline was tone, and it was a struggle as to should ire the longest. A statement was published yesterday irom I^igh Smith, oi London, tho fa mous Arctic explorer, in which he said the survivors should not have been so weak and prostrated if they had been living on hnman flesh. The truvh is that the first reports oi their condition seem to Iiavo been much oxaggera'ed, especially with regards to Long, Fred cricks and Brainerd. Tho first two named walked unassisted to the steam launch in a gale that tried the sailors of tlzc relief ship to keep their feet. The others were quite weak—some of them too weak to walk. It is also true that the pangs ol hunger were not such as to lead Long, Fredericks or Iirain- erd to overeat even had thev been given the chance. Besides the docks AYER’S Ague Cure aoaUloi an nutklotc for all malarial dl*- irder* which, 00 far as known, !■ used in no other remedy. It contain* no Quinine, nor xnjr mineral nor deletcriou* •uUtance what ever, and consequently produce* no injurious offeet upon tlus constitution, tut leaves the •yateas u healthy as it was before the attack. WE WABEAHT AYER’S AGUE CURE . ear© every ease of Ferer and Ague, Inter, mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fcxcr, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial, dealers are authorized, by oar circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund Uie^. money. Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all DrLgj^sts. To the Democratic Voters of Bibb County. T AM a candidate for Repr -entative ir I \ I ' hjprt to the action of the Peci' September 9th. aag20 d&wtd. V. ,'Y, To The People of Bibb County. M a candida e for re-election f) the Ouse of Representative* of tho next General Assembly, subject to tho Demo, rrati’ n«>tn;!»:it >:» tu l*** r ’id** on Septem ber 9th next, and resnectfullj aide your support. C. L. BARTLETT. augCO-d&wtd. Syruf.—Florida and Georgia syrups 40a45e -oulslana, good 85aVOc, prime 4Cc, choice 50t 55a re fl nod 50. Fish.—Now crop, No. 1, bbls., $12.00, half Jbbls. fC.00, quarter bbls. u: kit»70c; No. 3 mackerel. bbl«. IA 50, half bbls. $4,Ui, quar ter bbls. $2.25. WU M. . . , MoLxa.—Aboui mreo car loads ln the mar- et, whloh is active; trade medium; llOOahtt. Horses.—One car load Teanoseeo la market : $125*200 . . . „ ^ ^ * Hard wars.—Market firm. Horse shoes ^.00 p.T keg. Mule shoes 46.00. Iron bouud hamo M.50*5.00. Trace chains 4SnMe per nalr. Ames <hovcls 111.00 »er dns. Plow hoes 4WAKo par Jib. Hal man's plowstocka $1.15. Axes «7.u0xx [ 8.00 per dos. Cotton cards $4.00. Well bucket* IH.2C Cotton roos 15L,a2oc per Ih. Swede iron »&5Uc per tb, refined sZEJc per lb. PUm steel yTpSK Sa'lk S2.75—basts ol ULd. Powner «.& per keg Kla.mng powder $3.00. Lead * per lb. Dropsho tl.85al.90 per bsg. Barbed wire Teflie Announcement. for »'»* in the next (ieneral Assembly, ?ubj«M*t t.• tho nomination o( the Democratic party of Bibb county on 9th September next. augllM&wtd W. A. LOFTON. To the People of Bibb County, J AM a candidate to represent the county in the next Legislature, subject to the Democratic nomination on the Otli of Sep tember. N. E. HARRIS. »njl9diwtd Tbe remaining games of tbe eerie- may be closer and therefore more Interesting, but Use games already played do not give much promise forth* rest. Atlanta, August 20—This morning abont 9 o'clock, at 233 Peters street, an ac cident occurred which ie likely to remit fatally to Charlie Baer, the seven-year-old boy of Mr. M.J. Baer. The boy was play ing in a store, which was being fitted np for a bar, and a large, very heavy counter, not yet fixed in its place, tell on him, crushing in lilt breast and inflicting an ugly wound over bis left eye. Tbe physi cian called in found two of the ribs broken and one of them penetrating the lunge. The wounds are frightful, and it is feared the little fellow will not recover. The family la very much distressed over It. ratrrirrtATRY company no. 2. The Governor was In conference this morning with the lessees of Penitentiary Company No. 2, B. G. Lockett A Co., in regard to the condition of the camp and the convict! there. •TATS FINANCES. Tbe total pttld on the Jnly Interest to the let ot Anguet wss tBlAl 90. Of this amount there wse paid In New York $133,- 079; In Savannah, $24,072 50; ln August*, $19,721.40; at the State treasury, $25,130. From th. etetement lost rendered the State by the Fourth National Bank of New York. U appears th* Stste'sbaltncsAn- iSai.1883, was$31,4(18.78; August 1,1381. tbe balance was $7,011.84 DOING WILL. Jasper Wtlkerson, the negro those wife dosed him with poison. Is to-day, recovsr- jnf f,«n» th. effects of the arsenic and will git we'l. Tbe wife denies the charge. How John Splan Disobeyed Orders Spirit of the Times. John Splan, the driver of Rams, is inlmi. table as a story teller. Hi* descriptive power* are good, he use* the right word in the right place, and is ever ready to illus trate almost any subject that comes up with a case from his own experience. Not long ago we were talking about own* ers were directing their drivers how to navigate in a heat—just as the running herse men do some ignorant little *‘ooon. ••It's a great mistake,” said John. “They should do as Lucy Jim did witli me. \ ou know Jimmy, that used to take care of it xt.—'Tbe marxet steady; good demand; we quote at cfbolouile: Western timothy $LlCs Clfl4; small lots University of Georgia, Athsns, Ga. - FREE TUITION. CJESSION begins first Wednesday in Oc- O tober, 1831. Taltlon free in alt depart ments except those ot Law and Medicine. Complete courses of Instruction in let ter?, Science. Chemistry and Engineering. It nard $18.50 per month. For catalogues address the Chancellor nt Athens. Ga. LAMAR COBB,- Secretary Board Trnsteeo. redlm wk It iugl7(un&wedlm i NOTICE. Liint.CALcixxn Plabtk* andCkwxht.—Ala- oama lump llmo is in fair demand, and is sell* mast tl.D-rot.i-. per c*Af.RD PROPOSALS will be raced I @£fSffiS?£S r E55’ S Board of Comrotsaloners of Tellslrroui m given me ciriiu u. ,,,v- late cement lt.50ti.00: Portland cement 13.75s which Long was eating when rescue <.oa naBuMtaqI1 g. nuM sL, ; came, two other ducks, which had been) iwiwdrrert 8!<t; rrenutMcd TMCIe: a ?fta shot by him, were found behind rocks ?!q- "tm» ext™ C7»7Hc; yellow e«a7c. —w.. II... e.mn Here waa food Strpu-Torragona almonds aa pvt ttj.Prtn fit Things That are Better. Itemixer. While it is better to be born lucky than rich, it Is better to marry a poor girl with a sweet temper than a rich girl with a red-beaded one. Good. Brunswick Herald. Can nothing be done to lessen local legislation in Georgia? When less local legislation ia needed, there will be no necessity for converting biennial r sions into three sessions every year, know Jimmy, that used to taxe care ot Lucy, and what a long-liradcd Irishman he was. He used to put his words ekas together, and If he had been born with a •ilrer spoon in his mouth he would have been s lawyer or s' politician. Well, when Jimmy was robbing Voltaire, it teem, that Crawford. Voltaire's driver, missed getting to a certain meeting in time for \ oltaire • class. Jimmy came to me, very aerioui, the morning of the race, and raid: “ ’Mr. Splan. the boee will not be here, and I’d like to have yon drive the stud to day. and don’t you think It would be best to stay back for a heat or two, as they re too fast for us at first?" “I agreed with him, and really meant to folio , the tactics he suggested, but I got sway well the first beat, the fast one* got tangled up on the first turn, I sent Old Reliable' along and won th. brat. When Jimmy came forward to take the horse I half snoloelzed for altering the programme, bat be raid. In desd earnest: •••Ife all right; your orders were not positive.’ ” Th* Killing of th. Escaped K.iftucky Convicts. Rpecisl to the Cincinnati Enqnirer. Ltxis&Tos, K\\. August 17.—About U clock this morning a man namad ltes- S n. who lives about eight miles eouthof is cits', cams to town and reported that Georg. Abopsnd Theophilus Graves, two of the convicts »ho escaped from the i>ynl- tentlsry st Frankfort last Thnradsy. had appeared st > he fsrm-botue of ’Squire John Muir, who live* in Resgtn’e neighborhood, and donramlcd breakjiut which was fur nished them. After breakfast they raked tor a dally paper of last Friday and in quired the way to Winchester and left. From Muir’, they went to Reagan’: house and told him who they were. They were each armed with s needle gun and two pistols, and told Reagan that no fifteen men in America could capture tiram *Uve. Tbev also told him they didn t want to hurt him or rob him, but that they had lo have $4, and hs speedily furnished them srith that amount Alter they left his house Rrafsn came to town posthaste, tnd notified Sheri tl Rhodes about the eecaped coorlcts being in his neighborhood. Sheriff Rhodes Im mediately anmmoncd a j-osse of sight men, who armed thmnsrives with shotguns loaded with buckshot and pistols. &>v- ing ths city about 12 o’clock they prpered- edoutthe Richmond turnpikeun U they reached the bone, of George Cassell, abou nine miles from Lexington. Mr. Cassell told thesherifl the convicts ware in hi* com field, as he had seen them enter Itdnr- bfc the morning, and otiered to lead the povse to the place. Sheriff Rhodes inm- ,_,I _ h ,, n inoned some eight or ten ol the neighbor- hoodas an additional posse. A cordon ot i wtctivvu win. »—■■■• “ftTn^Anriit tn pickets was stationed around the tielu, end Choate, as assignee oJUro ^<,5^ of the posie then entered It, Mr. have paid twenty crote on the dollar, £ way. and all creeping Aside from th. stierUralevv BMriPJ .’orm on knee-. Cassell was in front, w sriresaes us^tssss. ss g ss >d presssM*!™** ie sheriff was removed for nesting cer- How He Would Express It. Hartwell Ban. A correspondent ol tho Atlanta Con stitution wonts to know horw to form the plural o( tailor’s goose, and the Corutitulion gives it up. We should form tho plural thus: Every tailor should have at least two goose irons. A Profitable Aore. Carroll County Times. Mr. S. E. Helton raised this year 9,200 pounds of German millet on one acre. It was weighed alter it had been ent and dried six days. The total cost of fertilizers, cultivation and harvesting was $12. At $20 a ton, this wonld give $80 profit on one acre. He is now- sowing the same acre in turnips, thus raising two crops In one season. Sir. Helton lives near old Carrollton, in a neighborhood noted for good farmers. * Not tb. Book It Wanted. Atlsnts Journal. "Lot me show you a nice book,” said the agent to an Atlanta colored dude. What ia dat book?” It is called ‘llow to Educate Your self,’ and is s most valuable — la dat book’ got ennything ’bout baseball in it?” ”N-no; nothh${ about baseball, but near the winter camp. Here was food for aday or two carefully put away. When Brainerd reached tho Thetis a saijpr thoughtlessly gave him a piece of hard tack. He did not devour it, as a starving man would be expected to, but instead handed it to the Quarter master, with the remark that he knew he should not eat it, though ho would like to. The men were poor and thin, but not reduced as much as many be lieve, and the three strongest would undoubtedly have lived many weeks more without reliel. Brainerd. being by hiaiself, would have been the first of the three to succhmb. But Lone and Fredericks, banded together an<] against the others, ss they were, could have dragged on their wretched exist ence. When one ot tho party became too weak to get about the instinct of sell-preservation lod his companions to look out only for themselves. A Cr.St Discovery, Mr. William .Thomas, ot Newton, La. uvs; "My wife has been seriously affected wftli a cough for twenty-five years, and this spring more severely than ever before 8he bad used many remedies without re lirf, and beinffvrged lo try Dr. King’* New Discovery, did eo, with moat gratifying re sults. The first bottle relieved her very much, and the eecond bottle lias absolutely cured her. 8he baa not had so good health for thirty years.” _ „ . Trial bottles free at Lamar. Rankin & Lamar’s drag store. Large size $i. ‘orracona almondsZJdper is:lrm I paper shell 84c; French waIuuU ISslSo; Naples ^pecans ISc; Brazil Ue; filberts—; a-ofttmts tab per 1000. ORANdlvt.—ecarcoand ln good demand. Flor selling at B.50a4.00 per crate. lU-Utrk. Arm a;oI In good demand; ««- ..... GOaiSOc; West Virginia black 17c; law oil 70c: cotton feed fit; headlight Marc; kerosene Loweries the Record. Paovipaaci, August l*.—Frank Work’* team, “Edward” and “Dick SwivvUer were driven by John Morphy, at Nsrtgan- sett Park, this afternoon, to boat their own record of 2:iOK tor a purse of $1,000. Th. Hooalar War. Wkll Street Nswz, It’s tbe wont country tor mixing np matters yon over braid of, be said, *■ they were talking shout Indiana. “Well, I waa down there a few weeks ago to see what could be got from th. wreck of a busted dry goods firm. They had assigned to a man named Chosts. •*I see?' . "Choate busted' befog appointed.’ bond assn, tain goods, and a lawyer ebraged me $20 for estimating that l ought to get J- Per reuLonmy claim, but^advunnp^me^to leave town log & riot” i Frenchman’s Opinion of American Wiles. •C. Loots Gtobe-Democrst. , , . We cannot refrain trom quoting entire therein of one hundred tbousaotl ( ne pftns tMfc relating to ttt. dollars, and he is hereby instruct*! to ap i evidently a person oC percep- propriste this sum of oee hundred thou- 1 *• •tnd dollars annually to the payment of the bonds issued under this act. and tho faith of the Hlate it hereby pledged that I beg vour pardon! I waifo-gettiogthat bsmiTsgne win. Is manufactured inSL • Iholdltlmportanttolety.nknow whole amount shall be paid. ‘The sixth section of the art provides that 'this act rthall 1ms printed «>u tlie hack of . * . ea* h iiond. U>K* - ther with a lertiticate I . by the Treasurer certifying that :h** . . , boodisotie o! the series authorized by th>« " ‘ ' “Well, v "Den I doesn’t care to look ober it.” 1 Hints, Wool, rrc.—Hides—receipts ttglit; lrv flint8al2: salted 8al0. Wool nominal: nn- Uaebed ^ka20c: wath'*' 24a28c; burry UalStv Wax 20®22c. Tallow 5(4* V. QEAieT—<h»ru—markc® firm: stock Ulifh <Qod milliiiK corn 85a88o by car lots. small lots: mixed corn 76a?6c. Oats—good de mand and bUhcr; we quote: Western Georgia rust-proof 7Sa75; Texas rust-pro ? $0, Bran $1.15al.20. * Liquoae—Kjrv 61.60a5.5A Bourbon $1.60a5.00 redistilled rro and com fial.30, gin sod rial tl.ueil.75. S C com $1.60, pcRch and app e brandy 12.00*2.75. caUwba wine $1 25, port and ♦herrv wine «l-25aA85, cherry «gd *in|ei brandy 90call.AH, French brandy $X25a5.75, do-| (nestlebrandy tlA&alOO. . ,. J Picklks.—nut» iLfrJ; quarts <223 half oai rclB. plain anil mixed, $7.00 L nONioss.—Yellow and red |A50 per barrel. m Paorr.—Bananas, red, $L50a2.uO perbanen; c2.0ni.UM). Potatoks.—Gbod demand for now potatoo* r bb, P ilrdcnJ m iayerM U.'iO per )hix ; new 1> ■ a r ru:t. stfls ■ Rica.—Good ec; prime ; fancy 7c. ■ I Btaecb.—Refined pearl ooxea 6c; do. 1 « ^ARniNK**.—Quarter boxes American $6.75a 0u; Imported $13^0. Salt.—The demand is moderate and tne market steady; large stock; Virginia $lal.25; COMMERCIAL. COTTON MARKET REPORT ST TgLEOEara AND McaaXNOXS. Macon, August 2)—Kvenlng. a COTTON MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. LlvssrooL, Aug. JS—Ifooa—Cotton dull sad lug; AlddW uplands *H: middling OrtSSts-Mi Mies TOOO^bstvj. lot •tocvaexum and export .VJ: receipts 4100, A sure an 4400. Futures fiat and Irregular. . . .. 1 HsptemDer « 244* 144 sod October.. -S * October and November.— November and Oecsmber. December *~4 J.nusry— Jsnusnr sad Frbrnarr-.... February and March March tad April *Y|jm^4ii—iff'Amarican SMu’ of American cotton bav. all drclned l-U; IddUngs uplaniti 4 I II; middling Orleans 4. Futures dull. ^ Honoring Brave, True Men. Csrtersvllle Free Press. The Southern man who docs not honor theso defenders of tit* “Lost Cause,” does not deserve respect. Many oi them are glowing old and the - -riuir- CIONd w .. youngest of them have passed to mid- dlo age, and in a few more years there August and B^rtembjr, seller. • 144 will be bnt a few of them left to meet Member sad January, atlls nuary sad February, rallsi iptaabar, sellers — BowdofComrelssloneraof Telfairc Ga., until the 4th dsy ot Augu't nezt tor but'dlne a JsU et MeRse, Ga., of brick a ork. to be couitructeil under plena and .pedtica- tlo'i- furnlibcd by John D. Fred, agaat (or P. J. Pauly A Bros.’ patent edit, (adopted by Conmluloncri' Court), which esn be seep by ‘ io to John F. McRae. Clerk. . j*. The work to b* oompleCcd t,.< the Brit dey of IVtcember next On the 1th day of August tho belt propoi.l trill be re ceived by ttte Court, reserving the right, how - ever, to reject eny or all bid., tty order ot Telfair Commtirioncn Court. July 7. US4- JOHN 8MITII, Chairman. JNO. F. McBAB. Clerk. «nx7-Uw4w PROVISION ANO CRAIN MARKETS RV TELEGRAPH. ST. Lome, Augutt 3).—Flour unchanged! family tLOOrri .'o. blgn srade. tC.MWS.75. v> hint acUve snd firm: No. E red winter I'-’l.-c'-’J ■ lartfdJ’J Angurt, No S ret 7:D.» V HR higher; « mixed COMsW ca, COIA'.J Aoxo.l 0»u higher snd slow: NoJM mixed UtMvc bid tor cash, te Augutt. _Fro- vtstoD* tlrm: Mtss tiork lobblnx. old tieoJ. new |l».iO. Bulk mtxli-’.on* clear flUa 10,70. short ribs Ilfiw.t0.4a, short clear 110 CL Karon eteady: long clear til to.;hort rib 1L2J, [short clear tlt-MJ. Lard .toady st t7.filS- WhUkv Quiet sod steady at tuff. Chicago. August -jo.—Ftoor dull: good l choice wtnt.rtL74s5.ZV Mlnnrwru tA75s 4 Ml patent LV-aK. TY vs heat cloved lower: liSSSraftBMjii September t7.S7fts btedy sttt.to. b:;..r t: and unchanz. 1: SS%J3 JtVJTl oaf ’la-M. granulated 2 2 rmv i R. F. SMITH'S NEW STORE. THE FAIR HE NICEST GOODS FOR THE MONEY ’ - MULBERRY STREET, Between Third and Fourth. suglTdlwAwlt Crawford Coumv, notice! A.J. Dsnlelly, Aflmlnlitrstor, vs. jimetC. Bond 11 el. Bill, cti\, InCrAWforvl 3U|»erioc »!r»e,»TL™. UAL It eppearlnr lo th* i mrt that John D. VMm- Unirton. Wlflum W. WhitUnxlon. kUmeaote Wblttington end Welter II. WhUiSnirtosL fiMir of the dcfcodenle ln the above stelod !»lll, *re * la of the SUte of UeorxlA, but ere HlltiU of JH l it latheretoreo. :. rod on romplslnsnt'i mo- 1km. that service ol .aid bUl bo perfecte.1 n i - >u ■aid defendant, by pahUiblug tht. order la the T.' .graph an 1 tfsasisgar (the pub:; ge- •etuinwOh the legal adrartlMtteuuu* K bradlihed lor mtd couaty), once a m Mk tor mouth ■ before the neat term of .aid court, and that eald defend mu h.ve unlit E'wanar • ww “ “ rl ”“ if T. J. SIMMONS, J. 8. C. A true extract from the minute. J. W. JACK. Clerk. March ZUL1M4. amy*7-l.w4m n*OkOI4, CRAWFORD COJNTY.-Au '• guttu. J. McAfee makes appllcaUonto ■ for letter, of edmlntitratlonoa the e.ute lAbreham J. Me Alee, late ot .aid county.. 1 'nit. I* therefor, to c*te all parsons cc eerntdtoshow cans*. It any they have, th. am Monday in Keptcmber next, why »: fasr»%S«ttjH together. Let Use annual reunions bo continued as long ss there are two of • regiment to meet together. ey h . t»; . into the u.ld the convict and- i- V .•■rani! up and shot I'aMell square in ..... -f.,%1 , ea 5 with a neeiile-zun. Ca-,,11 rolled over anJ exclaimed, "My God. I am tillfd ■ and instantly expired. Grave, al-o attempted to dnmt Deputy Sheriff lam. ' . llojera. but tuv itnn mapped. 1:,nrers and I’st't. S. G. Sharp then Loth ciptied a loid of liucksbot at Grave., *nd left down badly woundml, butc.mtinued to lire ami ,-hsrp and Rogers bad to re treat A new line «.! a Dee, lily foroimi. however, and another advance marie. George A Imp sprangup and attempted to I.re at the advan, mg line, but he was .hot an,I instantly Wiled by • load of buckshot from the gun ot James Veal. Graves, drac jH-rote'.v W., inrlerl as he waa a!-, arose and ibowe.t fight, but he wu riddled and m- Jtautly kil.ed by a volley of buckshot from * 'khw'pwa* from Loiligrllle and Grave. t fricr.tl "a itli .i scroUni/m Yesterday a certain jeweler wrote a note to a young gentleman of tho city, asking him to call and pay for ft dia mond ring which he bid purchased a few days prior to last January. The nolo waa polito but determined. Tlie young gentleman, it seems, became in* aignant and, going down to tlie jewel ers place of business, used some lan guage which ia not considered exactly au/ait In society polite, and ended by inviting him from behind tlie counter. The invitation was accepted and the proprietor came out accompanied with a big stick. He told tho young gentle man to get oat or he would put him out. Other words followed and the young gentleman finally asked, to have the bill receipted, which was quickly done and tne cash handed over. A large crowd congregated and witnessed tho affair with interest. Th* man of diamonds buys he ia satisfied. ASIfcSjjj sssrs^j^Sy^^isti , anuArv end February, value J) 5444 I lepteasiwr. buyers. .. ....6 1-64 Nsw York, Auf. 20.-Nooru-CctteD quiet; middling uplands SO U-lis middling Orleans II l-U. Futures market closed steady; saIm 122/100. Tbe following teV.e shows the opening and In Memory of LHtle Venie. On Monday. July 28.1384. the an*el of death entered the home of Dr. snd Mrs. U L. UolUnd, st Card.ville, in Jones county. Oa., and t>ore from their midst tbe spirit of little Yente Into the region, of eternel sunshine, after suffering for sixteen d.ys with that slow disessr.'yphoid fever. She was born October 1st, 1870, lacking a few months of being Hyraraold The dear parent., nude, sunt, .uter- brotbar* and friends, mis* you sadly. \< nle, darling, for you were the pet ol the household and seemingly the best beloved SE: New TOSS. Aug. ■Jfi-oottoo eloeel quiet; selee 1314; middling upUnds 10%; middling Oskstaa ti. CousoltdAted net receipts 204; exports, to Greet BrltAln 2111. _ „ _ ..... Galvestom, Aug. 20.—Cotton firm; middling net receipts 22; grot* 22; teles 177: stock ’ Noarr,;.:, A- 1 " -(’oltoo. dull: mid dllag llS: net receipt* 6. gros* 6; •Alee 0; stock lfto; exports, co^twlse 404. Wiuavwroi*. Aug. JO.—Cotton market firm; middling 10*;; net receipts 10, gross 10; saios -slock.44. ,pAlt mld-| ■ Id: HA VAKHAS. Ang. ao.—Cotton • filing 10» *: *«t receipU l'» groes U; i stock IS; exports, cosstwUe lo:. OtTY MARKETS. I jgjtits.—W>»t4»rn msrkKs continue to sd TAQclng. 8tocksligKt. We quote: Beoon—sides inouldere Bulk mnu-sides lU 11'.; thotilders 7yi. Haxos 1S;4a16, »* to site end quaIKv. .... . . Laad.—Market quole*l higher; stock am ole W«quote In ueroee and tub* ^‘sa*" [o IS D4.il* IS. & a pellff 10* 4 : X tb DAlla\\ BCTTSU.—ttarket ffteedy an 1 well“*~"’ — ’‘sSSM, »gg^iSBy A SSS d £g.ra tf. WM the news of lb* terrible traiedy about $ o’clock tbit evcn’.np. when he came for the coroner, J tb** ^’The sure thus eotemnly eoofeaned -Ub ’ ““-'i• to ot onv |, .j, 1 r , .1 tt 1( ,.i-wnd dollar, U’ai- ^.-u a..!..:: d.. MM • ' ‘ v'b k'-tuTv , » annually r.i-M ... pay tbvm, by tb. Isryl Jg.“«g.?*^SteTrax Urasaot. frtend 1 was°ton.o4t>«h^MBretoKStaSraff^.l^ c€*tewrehi totattesn—jSRtfislSTwre,Iremateste.gaintt.8$. 11*4B?Rteh*P 1 , at-.v- . 1 LredseharenraDW *HlMW«tlRIRf|R« l * | o , $ , y^J^. -Ohs. i>*l»atRZRtt«»R1*»*_>»-.—*IiSiS>i3**tt"Ton jattTKreSF»^|s<Ms»4M>g»pe_*gg* lit. fte-r.e! I • .r re (.iff * Iff nil 1 . . . • . . ’ lu - •."**» •, . . I V .t .. » * ’ . ’ -IlOld ana seeming'j «« 1 nlrpminfirlr- But knowing that y-u are rate m that ; cou celestial home forever, blesse d fer sN'Ve ; ^ enything t.iey coold ask end oCUntimea cakdt.—Assorted, I hushed in the erms of an sngelu- mother whose love is wi?e sml tender, far lurpMs- ing their jwnti**ep slfections, they could not w;nh you !>*• 4. When »' lw--t they, too, ere railed to cr >-i the “shining 4? 1 one little- white-robed angel wlllo •*-HE BEST IS CMEAKUWi “ S\f HiltA QlW Hiller* Ilia* l ••*»»»' unrhsugoi. Nil s fall «7*C4. Poes I mewflsffi. LMdsuoMer: Prittstt— Balk meats .tiunx: .Uuutdrr. 44.W. toon rib un M Rscod btihrr: shoulder. I7J0, .bolt rib lll.fit. abort etrar *11.75. Haare-Snssiv aafT-Uwtw cured aachsnsedat OfiSfi Suxarttrsdr “d uncbsnfsd: hard (rstMd) 1X*)N. Kj*,®" loa. IWtt Boca .ready; common and light MJHrtSt ireTElng and butcher* $6.l«aSJ0 Wbtak, stead,staff) DouisviLL*. surntt »-Ftenr stradyrad - - -fo-——--4 • * i«. MWU W A Not 45.45 I A.V75. Wheel quiet: No. 2 red (aU new j _ ££?*£ ,ip ftIRESHERS ami sad ttredj. Itora pork tteSS. But. q :v V,n.tt — mett*-.houldcrs *7jOO ctesr rib . dra t . .TTT 5Trr»-..res. c!eAr sides 111 w. Bsoou 1 shouldsrs UM .,,.i i-rv.wre t,. n>« i unmo x TsjWjv c»-. rlesr ribs tlLM. short clear $12 00. Warns- 1 Hagsr-rored *$0 let and stoedj st $14.25. Lerd— ■it ala leal 15.25. Naval Stores. Havana ah. Auguat20. — Boeln (palee) quiet: ctralned to goo>i airaiiie*! Sl.ir>4l1UW; sue*, barrels. Si-lrtU tarpvoline dull: TSgUlsr tales barrels. Ckaelistoh. August20.—Bplrlta turpentine 1 flsL wu price bid. Kosln quiet: strained an l good summed 9LQZ%, good strained li.W‘ J. WiLHiKOToe. August 20.—spirit* turpentine steady at Kosln firm: strained •*’ ; good alralnea 4L0X Tar firm: bartl I1A\ ; Ciudo turpentine steady; bard 41.00, yellow dip snd vL-ginRUW. Nrw York. Augu»l JO— Rosin — refined j firm at $1.20*1.27Dptrits turpentine iteafiy atB. Wools Hrw Tou, Aug. 20.-Wool firm: unwsshefi i to SO, fioaeeuc fleece »4 to 4A, Texans 12 to 22 U4L V. S.tlOLTON. Ordinary. « 01 iCE. C. o. Aesaeai, exeenwr o une estate *> Ionian- ■otli Leeaeor, va. Ewell Webb, prlaeipa!, sn<l John H. Handers, security.—Complain^ ln JHlbb Superior Court. . . „ I T appeArtng to the court that John H. San ders, one ol the defendants ln tbe above- nami'd canse, 1* dead, and Win. K. banders is sdmliihtraloron hla estate. It Is ordered by the court that said Wm. R. Handers bt* made a party defendant to ial<l Unit, and be being a non real'* ~ ol thin o.-d*-r Ih* served by publics scribed by statute. Hlg:.*-d thla 8th day of Norember, l*wO T. J. H1MNONH. J.8. C.^ A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court, April 3d, HA». A. B. ; apr4 Ia<4L( I by publication as pre- Clerk. I KOK.'i! A. Crawford *“ - —y. July 1 , 4 irlngthe above and forego D. Mathews executor of the l*j»t Vblll snd tot ament of Kn4>.'h Eatttvs, leiadt Ot K.oturk, rnlvvr.lt,. L.lln,t..n. Kj. Riwiwn’^ C»n >.-4 .. •■>• —I uv in »• y**r > ‘ . L Ttara U. cm, i t S ‘ r ~_ •mi. s»*' a,w ? '* *•.•. u .!)-•■ r .1 —1 ‘ X* — AsHl:. .'at', T -f. ' * f ‘ 2 frw 1-toJf . S ’rtf smuwM l lV**,Ttt.w?l 77 BttBile list Jfi.- r*-bb li to O reereMif frw« II S'-* 1 -* u*« u H*. » toils 444 UMi4>ar t-F^ttoflu? tauB.Ssri -. ... ....... •*; • I"!.V.’:'.5v 11itf aV .VlTH AGENTSKSiS Lanp tfnlly. Stf«9 r.4 ry Ua|4 l Sbw MS iit.l \,e th» l the lOtolO'-i- „ . . . Co am Bssr —Cooked. CHlUL- Market bare. Corns.—*The markft l chol< e lie ffnoil lie; common llal -if. Fioca.—Lewer but in medium testofl rarars-1 ny wsrewto l id i: %\ •: wate:. i. .h-dreu. V' 1 ! ‘‘ > '* b.-.w, *:.”.-t-ng g‘v ’tnaburv * a * ilrn ' vfV.-’ .4- •*-! f *• fev-Hir v fiSj HnttQpwwr sen >wn» MRw| . Hit.dll; j Mttl te lie WMNWIM I m. ro-'t . ,/ ■peris width tali N4W.si»ro»tf i i i "» t. w. K . -nrt ln the Oalrest ‘ 1 . J •: t.vj^Ll ar«? publlthed, ai 1 In