Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, September 05, 1884, Image 7

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TIIR WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, SKl’TFM P.kR 1884. SUNKEN BELMONT. THK THE PEABODY INSTITUTE. How It Has Progressed nnd the Cood It lias Done, Etc. TUe Peabody Institute will close to morrow. It opened August 1st, and will have been in session Jnat four weeks. There were 06 member* enrolled lin the white department for the four weeks and sixty in the colored, making a total of 156. The average daily attendance, as shown by the register, never fell below fifty whites and forty colored, except on one day during the month. This plain ly show* the interest felt by the members and the attendance represented fifteen counties of middle and southern Georgia, and the teachers represented the best of tneir profeason in their respective local ities. They made up an exceedingly sprightly school. TUB TiraEB INSTRUCTORS, Messrs. Lane, Zettltr and Evans, each de livered two lectures a day on their respec tive subjects. In addition the teaohers wars favored with two lectures by Professor Willet, of Mercer, one by Professor Derry, of Wesleyan, and one b.v Professor Bran- 1mm, of Branham’s school. Dr. Orr apeot four days with the institute, giving two lectures each day upon the public school law of Georgia lor the benefit of teachers and school commissioners, and also deliv ered two public addresses at night on na tional aid to education. Among the means adopted to increase the interest of the members of the institute and give diversity to the exercises none proved more entertaining and improving than the weekly report of the “critic committee.” This consisted of the slang phrases, ungrammatical expres sions and wrong pronunciations heard by the members of the committee among the teachers during the week, and read out at the time of the general exercises on Friday. The pub ic school teachers of this city and county were present la large numbers every day, and oontributed n great deal to the Huccess of the institute. Superintend ent Zt;tiler U justly proud of them. SOME SAGE SUGGESTIONS eporting UNFORTUNATE PA8SENCERS locked in the cabin. ... and Incident, of the Wreck— Hairbreadth Escapes from peath-The Victim. Mo.tlv Local Paseengere. .^BAPIIED TO the ASSOCIATE MW.1 , ac ^ ATI, Augu.t 30.—The Commer- 'uLmc, special from Evansville says one of the survivors states that the eeis were terror-stricken some tlaic the accident occurred, and when the factually capsized it was ail over in a i .seconds, Tho circumstances were such lh0! * whoremaiued on the bar S e saw , «,mboat sink with all on board with- *L able to assist them. Tho boat lies in Mofeen feet water and will be a total loss. S:. .as built to Pittsburg threo years ago SJ e ,23 000. When the ropes broke »* ,i,ovc the barge ashore.. ^•SsvuJJt, August b 30.—The horror ol calamity continues to throw over the city. It happened that the through passengers on their 0 . imm here to Ilenerson were in the „jlrom barge, wliilo those on the Belmont were mostly Evansville > lt r,' nd e »n people. The fury ol the S, d r S taSoncetvablo and its work was 5»„fswiitly. Three times the cables lash- hares to the host were snapped, in A lasftime the barge floated away 1“ Then It was that tho boat 2th a widen lorch, too sudden to Permit Uveescspe of her passengers, turned over « uSnfeet of water, about the deepest £t*ren here and Henderson. During the KiSst ot the storm Cant. Smith ordered thewbin doors locked, to keep out the Sllnrhing rain. Wnen the last atUck of ScatJe, the pilot was heading the ves „ WfKM U S for a sand bar to run her aground. Such an institute or normal school as csotain ordered him to keep this one has has been must CKRTAINLV DO GREAT OOOD. But the great trouble, Prof. Zettler says, is that the teachers and sections most in need of the aid extended by the institutes, are not reached. He thinks county con-' ventions of teachers, holding for one week and under the general management of the county school commissioners, with such cutsiue aid as may be thought proper, would prove much more efiectlve than the prf sent plan, but this. Dr. Orr says, would not suit the views of Dr. Curry, agent of the Peabody trustees, who furnish all the money with which the institute work is car ried on in Georgia. Prof. Zetrler also says if our Legislature could be induced to sup plement the appropriation made by the Peabody trustees for this work, as is clone in the other Southern 8tates, we could of course have more to say abont the plans to bo adopted, but until this is done we must of course conform to the wishes of those who "foot the bills.” in’the'almnneF, back her and keep ! n ‘ steady. When tho boat stop- 2d the wind seemed literally Kuke bold of her and turn her over. Mr. “ULn nf Evansville, was in the cabin re thinking of the danger of capsizing Sd with tho assistance of 8am Butler. .Strom Evansville,forced open tbs front dJof tbs cabin. They got onton deck imtas the boat began to careen, and by sotunal effort managed to hold on while the boat went over, and In holding to her upturned keel. Pilot Jamea Kay. Engineer Robert Redding, Milton Long, of Evans- -jiu-nA another person, name unknown, 22 speeded ‘in holding on to the wreck until taken off by a skiff. Mr. KitcheH says the screams of the heloless women and children in the cabin w the boat went over rang above the fury of the storm. He saw Mr. Kooch, one ol tha lost, try to get out, bnt the boat had far* over that ho fell helpless •niu/c the lowest side of the cabin. There were many narrow escapes be*Mes those tboTe named. Joseph W. Reid, of Evans ville jumped to the barge, bat was almost blown into the river. Dortey Pierce, ex press messenger, and Matt Braslcy, chief triin dispatcher, also had a narrow Cl £ate last night a diver was sent f;om Henderson and recovered the body of an elderly woman, having a valise marked -J, W. M.” and a collar marked “Martin,” drowned in the cabin. Tho diver will be able to recover the bodies soon. THECREENBaCKERS. m Anting of Their C —The Chair [riLioEArnED to i New Yotx, Augn ventionof theGn vention In Now York in’s Speech. i ASSOCIATED PRESS. SO.—The State con- :• Labor party was An Appeal to the Newep Fraternity. I want to suggest something to newspa per reporters. I have been a newspaper re porter myself, and have been ali along the line. I have followed the free lunch route, been called upon to give a four dol lar notice for a ten cent treat; and I have been abased and my life threats because I didn't suppress the name of people who got drunk or otherwise. I know what it is to advertise a strawberry festival and draw a crowd, and thou never get thanked for it. I know what it is to have men mad as wet hens lor not throwing in a two dol Jar local to follow a thirty cent ad. I know what it Is to be abused for not advertising a man’s business in tho guise of u nows item or a blow for the town. I know what it is to walk my legs off for a three-line paragraph and all that sort of thing, and I know what it is to receive VOLUNTEER SUGGESTION# as to the manner of running a newspaper: but. ray dearly beloved item-bouncers, you will certainly receive my suggestions. ' know you will. Now, what I want to suggest is simj this: The average newspaper reporter necessarily the biggest liar kuown since the days of Ananias, and that leads rae to think thatAnaniaB must have hail his start In the newspaper business. You lie about everything, and yeti don't really believe the good Lord blames yon much for it because you are obliged to unless news papers get oat of the old ruts, and that is exactly what ought to be done The great reform of this country is needed most right among you. Evtry time you wilte up a wedding, you He, and lie like thieves. When a young man or a young lady graduates at school or college, you lie. When a lawyer makes a speech in the court house, you lie. When you write a man’s obituary, you almost INVARIABLY LIK. When a tyounc lady visits a, friend in your town, you He. When you write up man's business, you Ue. When you bio for your town, you lie. When a friend sends in a watermelon, you Ue. When you write up a show, you lie, and you lie most when you report an amateur entertainment. Now, I suggest great reform in your business. Tblsr form will sweep away the old-fashioned methods and purify your conscience. It will make an upright, moral citizen of you and polish you for your trip to the world beyond. It will make men respect you and your piper. || sjjn j HE WENT DOWN. Police Officer Find* Himself In a Pe culiar Predicament. About 1 o’clock yesterday mori)ing two sharp reports of a pistol were heard in the lower part of the city. Officers Golden, Hardy and Wood at odco ran In the direc tion from which the reports came, and to make a short cut ran across the vacant P. '. Sawyer lot, corner of Cherry and Fifth streets, which is now covered by high weeds. When abont half way across thero was a sudden disappearance of one of the three officers. The remaining two looked around for the missing man. but no where could he be seen. Then a voice proceeded as if from tho bowels of the earth, and an investigation showed tiiat officer Wood had fallen into a deep well. BROUGHT IIIM UP. The well is about fortv or fifty feet deep, but as luck would have it a pipe, formerly used for a pnmn, runs across the well about five or six feet from the surface, and ns the officer fell in, his right arm caught the pipe. He was so badly frightened at first that lie could not speak, but had sen*e enough left to hang on to the pipe until officers Golden anil Hardy coaid rescue him. Tho well is entirely unprotected, and the high weeds prevent Its being seen, especial ly at night. It should be covered over or Report of tho Railroad Commission —LewJslation Recommended— Notes and Comments. (special Correspondence, l Atlanta, August 30.—The Georgia Rail road Commission will file its annual report with the Governor this afternoon, proba blyata late hour. It Is understood that in their report the commission recommend ed certain legislation, the most important of which is a suggestion that the powers of the commission be curtailed to the extent of a'lowing the railroads an appeal from its decision to the courts. This, however and tli" ■ <ih»-r tn:iu*T« i"’i‘ : I u|1 \\ il appear more fully from the report when L up. Ford’s Crow-Hop. This is the way in which the Rome Courier tells how Ford won the one-hour match In that place on Friday: Ford, of Macon, the champion of the State, was on hand and spoiling for a walk of some kind. yesterday afternoon one-hour heel-toe match was arranged be tween him and A* cock for a $100 purse. By agreement, Aycock was allowed to skip and Ford to utilize bis crow-hop. which was nothing more nor less than a single foot heel nnd-toe run. The start was made at 4 o’clock, and Aycock soon demonstrated the fact that Ford was no match for him iu a square heel-and-tr e. Bat when Aycock would get a little too far ahead. Ford would strike out on his crow-hop and soon climb up. “When time was called at 5 o’clock Ford had scored six miles and tour laps and’ Aycock six miles three and a half laps.” FROM ATLANTA. Having landed on the frhorc of being a, few months before, I was one of the fugi tives. In the hurry of getting off we bahii*s were thrown into the wagon pell mell like ears of corn, and I was so bent up by the ' furniture surrounding that I could never aft*-r be straightened out. I understand my then mother, Mrs. Smith, hung me for days by the arin-pita, with a rock suspend ed to my feet, in the vain hope of making me “form a line.” Oh, the pains and solicitude of these dear mothers for us, Ihdr children, in our days of helpless in fancy! But I mustcomo to the i * * opened in Masonic Hall this morning. The Sixtj-ninth Regiment band supplied the music. The convention wa* called to order by George A. Jones, chairman of the State central committee. Wnen his gavel fell there were present about 1,000 delegates, and about half as many spectators. In hiiopening address Mr. Joius said: ■ “Feffour Delegntei, iMtlicsand Gentlemen: Tbs National party mclai Indianapolis «nd nominated for its third candidate for President Gen. It. F. Butler [loudapplause] tad Gen. A. M. West, of Mi«-hslppl t for Vice-President. (Applause.) Tl>e2O0O,OJOnf yoQng men who are about tocatt their first vote are especially invited t<> vote with us, not as Northern men, not ns Kouthern men, but as citizens of the United States who patriotically desire to preserve ud advance the interests of the wholt country, (Applause.) Those who run the governn.eiit no.v have robbed tbe farmers of |3Q<Uk)«UJO0 und tbe labor ing men of 11,000,1/jo,000 by tho practiceof systems that or- must w n uloas and In jurious” Mr. Jones then proceeded to arraign the Republican party. The Democratic party, be said, had been incon«i»teit in its money policy, It would be nnnafe to entrust that party with power. Timo is dissolving the BICYCLE ACCIDENTS. iy>1 nw^B Horse, The bicycle is taking the place of the usual runaway horse, so far as provi ding the newspaper man with items. Macon has quite a number of the machines and some expert wheelmen, bnt bicycles are not exempt frdrn the old saw, that accidents will happen, and we hsve three mishaps to chronicle this morning. On Thursday night last, as Mr. G. S. Davis, manager of the Telephone Ex change, was rounding the cornerof Poplar street and Cotton Avenue, his macnine ran into a gully or hole in the street which gave hi in “a header,” os bicyMists term a forward fall. When he picked himself up he found his left shoulder so badly injured that hii arm was entirely useless all during yesterday. Mr. Davis Is compelled to use a bicycle because of the long distances he has to cover while looking after his line. Yesterday morning as Mr. Will Franke, bookkeeper for I. Herman & Co., while coming down the avenue on his machine, a little negro child was in his way. He rang his fiell but the child did not seem to know which way to turn and she was KNOCKED DOWN and run over. When picked up the blood flowed freely from an ugly gash in her head. The mother of the child, Alice Richards, went at once to Justice Free man's office and sued oat a warrant for Mr. Franke. ar d the cate came up yester day afternoon. The Justice saw noway to get at punishing the defendant, and be lieving that there was no criminal intent, dismissed him with a lecture to be more careful. old parties, bo comiog when a purl power that will put 1, anil llio time I. hall ho |ilac,'il In . ... jirculatlon money •eoogh to enable a man to be hla own master. As to the labor qm-stion,Mr. Jones ••id both the Dcmocratr: and Republican parti. < have made working men slaves f°d it depends upon themselves ti Tree themselves. Tho natimial party rep weeota the advancing civilizitlon of thi M*. Attheconclusion*)! Mr. Jones'.'*address, Allen Spencer was made temporary chair J>tn and the usual committees name l. , While tbacommittees werectK-tged, James “Kppar.l, president «»f th tatt Cf Wyoming, address (ion. lie advised .he Gt laborers to unite. Professor Cush: SWfiyj I Wai the man to ac> wss^ngto theta , ^Alien’s Brain Food ■trengthens the bruit 1 cores nervous debility, e, unnatural losses, of generative system • }**»W.piorV. At'.I lers' Alii sed the conven- <r« * :i ■* ai.d r New York, sang l "Turn tbo It lured tiiat lJutlor id all vveakue never fails. ! gists, or by mail VIRGINIA POLITICS. Ri»al Candldnle. In th. Fourth Dli trIot..Brndy'a Deiotlon to Mnhon.. [taUo.tMico TO Tin: A—' UT*D :'BZ- r***»»*<Jmv Angmt :*>. - Tho lira C0BT *>Uo«itf 2 o'cl'Kk thin mortilog. hv toanlmooi toi,\ nominated ColontlJi p. Brady lor the forty ninth Congre ™hth« loarth Congress t "trgiota. Brody b Unite 1 St net Intern; *w«uecollector from the second district “Virginia, will, hcudqnartera here. 1 „ iv , yet r, ““looted Jn-. |,', 1'. Kv:tn<, colored, “e foorth Count, •s.-i„niii disiri, t. In.-V*?** 0 .* 0 . *A.Antu-t m. After! IrS&J- , IL •••" niltniltillr.l hy ll... reel r mconvent!..:i he wa. wnit.-.l in ! ‘iniiUee. and informed ... „ ISj^itl 1Ie * ' onvenllnn nth |- mine, muid » nerfe -t -.torni In accept,nr the nomfnat -hi} wanted it ilUtm.-tly rot. .i pemonnl friend of Hen. ItBrX*' *'" 1 Wlnltd The Price School House. Tho contract for budding tho Price scboolbon.se in the Howard district was given out yesterday. This school will be a ami vour ya«er. It will make men believe —rrvlai U’a'r.1 n, n that there is some good in tills world, and valualffe one tothedistrictas one of the that this life is not a hollow mockery. And test teachers will be employed. Mr. L. U. ray suggestion is this: Chuck all yout ad- Price is the prime mover In securing a jectivrtin the sewer as you would a barrel I school bouse, and he is giving a great deal of melon rind, .trip every item of every-1 of time end money toitserecjon. thing but tho naked fact, and tell nothing I . 1 • 1 • . L . but the truth. I It is more cconomicnl to buy Dnrkee s The other day a friend of mine had oc-1 Siiad Dressing than it ia to make a dress- casion to open his family Bible (all my ing. Besides this, it ia made of better n-a- friends have a Bible) and a slip of paper terials than you can ony at the stores, fluttered out. It was picked up and 1 Everybody likes It. Try it. proved to be a newspaper clipping-a no. I lice of his maryiage. Tho reporter had 1 WAYNEBBORO NOTES: described him as a man of stekliso nrraOEtTY, I Cotton Opening Up UvelyPolitica Crow she a young lady of amiable disposition Ing warm—Sc.n.a at Mlllen. and the most b autifnl flower that ever I Wavsksbobo. Ga., August 2».-It is bloomed, eto., rounding off with the usual §uu ¥ery warm an( J dry. The cotton mleVta ttotaanrTth.r^ort^thTnV i> rusUng very badly andopenlng rtry The reporter had lied from beginning to I fast. Fifteen bales have been sold here to* end. The youngjnan was ni sorry a^suck | ( j ty> Politics Is growing warm. Tho Depio* set forth. The powers of the commisstoa as now organized have been considerably discussed, ami the appeal has been very strongly made that there be some legislation in this direction. The endorsement of it by the commission itself will commend it vt rv for, ilily to tin* n<-.\t I.",’iil.iti:n*. • Tlie Senatorial convention for the thirty fourth district, comprising the counties of Delvalb, Gwinnett and Henry, met at De catur to-day to nominate a candidate, rat ifying the resuit of the primary held in Henry county last Saturday, which nomi- ited Hon. James 1C. Brown. Colonel Brown, the nominee, who is the editor of the Henry County Weekly, was in the city to-day, and carries bis honors meekly. He is a man of strong convictions, and will be a prominent member of the next Legisla ture. A grand union Sunday-school pic nic was held at East Point to day, and the crowd gathered from the four points of the compais. The legislative candidates in this count? put in an early appearance and mingled freely and unctiously with the throng. It is re markable how unanimously candidates warm toward the country picnic. What ever their religious or political conviction, there they meet the people and each other on common ground. The recent attacks made on tho Tele graph in certain quarter* and the pub lished insinuations as to its coarse nave been noted here in Atlanta with considera ble amusement. I have talked with many prominent citixena who read the paper, and the drift of their comments indicate that the Teliorapii has many friends here, who are entireltBa^fi«d with its Democ racy. People who do not find the Telegraph sufficiently Democratic will have to go quite a distance to fall in with a journal that will satisfy them. That, however, is apparently not the true cause of '■ »:r.pi lint. n f t«‘r tin* evtmte ]•)-'. r»-. >r.it*d Mrs Rtis!ev, our im-i ,-:i l > r. ;m .••• j» l> quilting, with a baby reunion attachment, in honor of the restoration. According to a customary custom there prevalent, each lady, as she piled ! - deposited her baby on large bed spread. on the floor for that purpose. Owing to the large ness of the crowd, the baby layers becyie about three deep. 1 was one of the bottom babies, and my face got mashed out of shape, and myeyes popped and squinted by the pressure, and 1 haven’t seen a well ■■■■■ Just at this time a protracted and un- baptiamal drouth was in vogue, and a cloud SALT RHEUM And Evoty Bp?o)ca u f ttch- ingand Burnint- Diseases Positively Cured. Kr/.KMV. orsiVtrhc im with it* agonizing chlngtnd burning. in*\uitly roll*- <-i i,y lfc .in i ti.i'li u i • /. tr.i - i i;v, h i .v - ii>I> : uti" l <»! i i! i l 1 "- : • - t' »k ,i t irr Him r.-p n!« I -I i: > ai'.Ii tv. ..r fw ■ l ...- H of Cuticura Hesolvent, tho new bl >od purtficr, to keen the blood crol. the < er»[.irali>.ii it r«- d unlrrltating. tho bowelli oik-n, thu liver d kidneys acUv« , will tpeedUy cure ezw; i, tetter, ring worm. p«orla>ls, uchen p iri- tua, scald head, d*ndrutT an<l every species of itchlMv, scaly and pimply humors of the *i*alr» mid nkin, when the. bcit phybicians and iJI known remedies fail. rising about 3 p. m. t the ladies began to snatch their young ones and break for home to look after tne thirsty gardens. In the hurry of getting off several mistakes occurred, and, among others. Mrs. Smith left her precious, puny, little, mutilated John, who has since borne the name of his predecessor, and went boQDcing off with the fat, healthy Warren cub, theretofore known as Kir. She soon discovered, but al ways refused to rectify the mistake. Her language on the subject was in these words: “I never took Kit ’till after she had gone off with John. She made tbc swap, not I, and those who make bn< trades should stick tho closer to them; be sides, I’ve had enough of that bleating little good for nothing calf.” The facts were denied and a law suit threatened,.but a threatened invasion of Greek Indians put an end to the other threat. The families eventually moved to different and distant sections of tho country and I am In a most embarrassing dilemma. I don’t know which one of the Smiths I am, or which is the ex-Warren Smith. I would like to open a correspondence with some of the family with a view to finding oat. I’m afraid to marry till I do find out— afraid I might marry some of my kin; and moreover, there may bo property coming to mo from that side of the house and, if so, I need it. Will McDonald, 2>12 Dearb > Ciigo, grutrfmly H ‘knowledges in on head, neck, face, ar seventeen ye-irs; notable f hands and kn< rAtlc < id legs for one year; tried hi is; doctors pro ounead Ids esse hopeless; permanently cured by Cuticura Risolvent (blood purifier) Internally, and cmlnira Hint Hniii'iira Snap (du g:cat skin cures), externally. observation for ten years, which i cured solely by the Cudcura Remedies, leav ing a clean sou healthy skin. K. II. Drake, Esq., of Detroit, Mich., gut iint-'ld l •run ^ from -nit rheum whieh np- ptared on hU bauds, head and face, audnear- ly <!'-str. ynl hm ey. s After the m>» 11 ureful doctoring and a consultation of physician* (.1 t "l t > re n ve him. If iwd the ' utlcura remedies, nnd was cured, and has remained so to date. Vllkcsbirre, Pa n salt rheum for id that l c mid v write lioXi'i nf CIIUni Ml ilil I f . ! vent have entirely cured n disease. DItu6 ANO CHeulCALaa. Boston. Mam." Send for “How to Cure Skin Disenses.** lath and Nursery Sanativ as ever lived, and the young lady had a MtSy assin. P< Tb. TeportaTnevtr ^lishS I cratic primary to nominate candidates for them a thornless path and roseate clouds, I the Legislature will be held September 10th, but bad to wrlta aom. Jilna to Bnlsh up and q Ult<! a llrely Umo U expected. W« floel on 0 thriHlre^u sacred as tile family j wlU » n independent ticket in the W, witnessed a very Interesting game of .Messrs. C. M. Gardner and II. H. Dick son, publishers, bare just issued the "Georgia Pacific Gazetteer," comprising tt sketch and business directory of Anniston and Birmingham, It is a handsome volume, and will be found very valuable as a book of reference. Upon an inspection of the directory I nolico the Macon Txmsobavh and its Atlanta oflico have been accorded quite a prominent place. The publishers are soon to issue a similar directory of the Richmond and Danville railroad.. It is likely tlie Peachtree street paving will be finisned before a great while, bat it has not yet that appearance. The street is still broken np and blockaded, and were it not for its great importance os a public work would be a nuisance. Tho contract ors ought to use greater dispatch with tbc work in the heart of the city. At the convention at Decatur to-lay the election of James E. Brown was ratified as Senator for the thirty-fourth district. The remains of Walter Jackson were re ceived here today. Tlie deceased wu the son of Chlel Justice Jackson. The burial will take place to-morrow. Your correspondent made every eflort this afternoon to obtain the official r—oort of the Railroad Commission. It is likely that it will be given for publication on Monday, Tux best Is the cheapest.” This is an old adage and the essence of wisdom. The best medicine, and the only sure enre for diseases of the liver, kidneys anil bladder is tlie old and reliable IIoaT’s [kidney and liver] ltEMSCV. Physicians indorse it highly and prescribe It in their practice. Early County Ntw.i: “A negro nnd a mulo wero tho cause of considerable excitement among ths train hands on Monday night. As tho train approached tho crossing near Conductor Jones’s houso tho mule became contrary nnd ran as if ho wore going directly in tho way of tho train, causing Engineer Holt to reverse his engine and put on nir brakes. Tho mulo was kept out of tho way, howovor, and no tlamago was done.” atilt, Axornaa. In the afternoon Mr. John Flynn, of 8chwed dc (Uhlan's, accident illy ran into a crowd on Fourth street with his machine and knocked down a small negro girl, bat not hnrting her to any great extent. This care, and probably Mr. Franke’a, will come up before tbc recorder this morning, the charge being reckless riding in the city. • SUICIDE IN BUTLER. A Man Taksa Half n Bottle of Morphine at n Dose. We mentioned briefly yesterday the sui cide in Butler on Thursday of Mr. Altmxo Cox, by taking a large quantity of mor phine. We are enabled this morning to give the particulars. Mr. Cox was in the'employ of J. W. Mc Crary, and was thirty-two years of age. Mr. J. W. Upsey was the most Important witness before th* coroner'* Inquest, and •wore as follows: Cox told him about B o'clock on Thursday morning that he waa going to take halt a bottle of morphia* to get OUT Or TIOUiLW, wb'ch be tatd was a love affair, and stated further that if Up*ey told anyone he (Cox) would kill him. Lipsey did not be lieve him; bat a little after 13 o'clock Cox left th* store and went to hla room, where he was found soon after, and, as aavcral parties rushed into tlie room, he tried to get a knife and kill himself, but was pre vented from using IL Dm. Holly and Walker worked faithfully for Cox/but he died at 7 o'clock. He was said to be generous to a fault, was unmarried, and havea a mother, sta ters and a brother. Mark*Twalo? l eno!tgh < to Mood Ln C e°oFthem in algbL "rhe f^bkffler kilted A°t night we attended a very interesting half of them. Every tim* a young man I c® nc ^ r f V„ tbe . ® U9 P*o es graduated and made a speech,! wrote him I Jfi® Millcn Historical wjciety. \V c were eloquence nidd ta b«rd in the b ^g“ gf & n k °," MariUe!' halls or congress. treat ol the evenmg. Bnt the world has been startled only by an After the concert was over the seats earthquake, and the bajlf of Congress were moved oat and tbe young people en* echo no familiar voices. Therefore I lied, jooed themselves dancing to tne splendid and I knew I waa lying at the time. I mimic of Professor Wallace's orchestra. Every time a lawyer made a. speech and l Waynesboro was well represented, harangued and worried and bored a —. —.- - ni 7* # ** X l * ow Can Justices of the Panes Collect fort of his life. I guess in my time l have Th . ro _ t _ T written up ten thousand best efforts, and I Their Coets lied, and fled hard every time. I have re- Twiaos County, Qa., August 20.—Edit- ported enough beautiful and accomplished ora Telegraph and Messenger: It ia gratify in< affiwsati'ajit.'trs 1 !:!!- see that I licl m at damnably, because stae the fe» list of Jiwtlo*, of the peace and fully one half of them I never eaw. And I constables. In several items U ought to be so on through tbe whole list quadrupled. onlying* and* cultivate ’an’ acqustatanrel NYith something Uk. fair pay for cou.U- with truth. I know it will go very bard blea, the aerrice* of capable men can be at tint, but remember that evea the taste t obtained In that offlte. o( * Could there not be tome means devised qutstsx rowDi* by wh ich justice, ot tbe peace could collect tlorta’marifaee ateo W the'’lacta l< an : ffdofft ,h * lr C1, “ ln crl ' n ' 1 " 1 case*? Out of a JK*'‘JKSeHFCuJ>«*« number trioJ. I have never colleoted ii™«?i iK site!? •ftJf'ih.m »*snilo. one rent, except that a party voluntarily lives ami then sting after them a ttareo- M m ,’ for a warrant on on* ocoaetoo Sakes Alive ! I'VE DONE BOUGHT PSAKZn. I nay hit fur a fack, an' what's more, l ilone navel a clean #0, bj buying hit from luddkn a bate*’ Southern Music IIoum Sava na)i, MY FRIENDS, Thar’s no yuse In talkin’, cf yo planer or a orgln ln yure housr know what rale slmon pure ha tel yo f^lt one, on’ when yo < 1 hain't got m jo win •«iin,Hi p'ir«' hiti>|,in«"M Is un- an' v* In n yo tin. ji nn take a wofnairH U'lvlc c, an' have money by buyin’ hit kin 4 Biles Southern Uusie Hoose. To the Democratic Voters of Bibb County. AM a candidate lor Representative in jl the next General Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries on September Oth. G. W. GU8TIN. aag2) d Awtd. filin’ fur th* in. They fion’t humbug yo with offers of gold dollars for fifty coots, or ll.oot planers fur $200, but Jeaa give yo dollar fur dollar—yure money*! worth to a cent. I hty'U do exactly as they agree, in offering tu save in '•!•■>• I. ; "f tw.-iity thou Band delighted l»ce me smile) pnrehavra who have botuhl of them ln the last fifteen years. See what they offei T o The People of Bibb County. PIA.M)S AND UKItANS Macon Again Victorious. Again Macon cone* out victorious. Ford, the pedestrian, takes away a hundred dollars ol Rome's money by winning the parse ia th, one hoar square bed and toe match that cam, off at that place yester day. There were two entries. Ford, of Ma con, and Aycock, ot Rom*. Ford mad* 6 mile, nnd 4 laps, Aycock 0 mile* and 3 in|ei—rather a do** abave, and the differ ence of only one lap. but in walking mat -he* a miss ia aa good a, a mile. Six miles an hour, aqnare heel and to*, is g. .ml walking, and Kurd most bav* ■tpstiMiS lor tho white hii odtbrated •kip which be generally made with aucb ti-lling ell-.-st It* ia tbe champion ot the sute. ar.-l is alwaya open to a match with anyone, not barring the Imported prof**- siutial, Orr, for from |100to id>j, or more. On Ho, Trail. rday Mr. John 8.Stocnmb,of Moi nty, reported at police head i :.i tato.it two we.-ks ago hi, imoke- .vi roiibeit of five l.melr-.i pouud-i lied pork. • ’ ‘ ‘ r ‘>22 Hare itl.provldad that SchSrtta““* sermon, don’t best effort him, but sty situ-1 J2ii ply It was goo J, bid or indifferent. When “ KSortantservice a,^^that Is Mis, Bailie Jones ia viiltlfg yonr town. •»!“Ef^S'ljKJg “3^% don’t besmlt.l and accomplish her, but bEl and wml say she tain towa. When some admirer I g” ! rends In a melon ot a basket of peach**, Tta SSSi “ d re°2‘ Xn U ‘v« StttfJSSS reprj hi. connty repres. L h i!i , i!i;,!*. dlc5ot,uch “ ,a, “ b * church j othM feus®, Ti’ vnuwatnT sistival IComtnuolcotod.) at inch and inch a lime, don't—wall don’t I glad Word* for th* T.lagraph.' say so units* thev pay tor it, becauset _,,, . , „ they'll never think of sending you any; Hilton TtUyrapK and Messenger: The when a man wants an ofBce, don't say ha [icadara of your Intereating journal are is every aray qttalifled, and for gr.ice.u, pleutd to note that it has not inffered by ’anVbSdi" PrW fortune for I lhe ^.nt retirement of Col Lewis from Ita If you will follow this suggestion yonr “Mortal ataff, and the subsequent arrange- lying account in the big book wifi be went Especially I* this observable in the greatly reduced, and If you can survive two | different wanner in which the Georgia years vour conscience will be dear and Pres* columns of the paper are now con tour chances for heaven greatly enhanced. | ducted. That toadyism to the country People will look sour at you, some of them press, and that provincial stvle of jour* will stop Uking the paper, and some may Inal ism whhh have heretofore cbarac- refuse to lend you * quarter; but remem* ] terix«Hl the TxLKGKtrn hare happily been ber no man is free from troubles. remitted. Such Improvements arc gladly Let it not be eeld that the grand army of noticed by the friend* of the paper, but are liars in purgatory ia made up with recruits disappointments to those who hare been from the newspaper offices. Tom Alter blind to its virtues and who bare never »» < seen anything in it to admire. Konr<» rind eottnn This is written became simple justice We saw yesterday at Ooodwyn A Small's th “ tMrit * ** S5 £*2* r drag atore, some very extraordinary cot- Macon,O*., Angtut 30, ISM. ton. Mr. C. M. Chapman, of Houston ■ county, brought in a number of bolls of , *»* goodeecond-hand gins and con- denser,, addrrea J. T. Ganu’s Cotton Gin Texas storm-proof cotton, forty-five of . n ,j Vll k ty Work., Macon. Ga. which give out one pound of firat-clau cot-1 ton. Mr. Chapman gnarantea, on# pound Snirrex, of fruit, ragetablea. poultry, of cotton from fifty bolto. eggs, ate, are referre t to tbe advertirement He haa tony-two am* of 1»*4 toHooa- Jg wn . y, J. Christopher A Co., of on planted in this cotton. Ordinarily it ., ckMO , 1 ii. a-,.. w |>i-|, will be toond KIT WARREN’S SECRET He Confidentially Imparts to Hie Bosom Friends. I ha?o agreaf>ocret,*nd one which 1 have kept long enough. Tue rest of tbe time * want sombody else to help me keep it somebody that's well up In the eecret keep- ng business. For this purpose I have se lected the American public. They are my particular friends; they hare my confidence as to their mumneii and internosnsir. I don't believe they'd tell my eecret; t can't believe they will prove recreant to the life-long intimacy that has sabtitteJ between ns; and ao, with unfaltering confidence, I herewith, hereby, hereon and hereinafter rtreal to them this important revalation. and If they ever do betray my trust and tell on me they'd better uol The secret, then. Is that my name iau't Kit Warren. My nameii Mr. JohnBmith, and I (Mr. John Smith) will now proceed to explain an explanation explanatory of thta unexpected announcement and pro found secret. 1 was born tn Clark* cranty, Ala., in the year eighteen hundred and-no matter what. In tb, neighborhood in which my nativ ity was did, lha people built their houses as near together a* tbe land line, would al low, In order to concentrate, whenever nrceaaary, for protection against wolrei, •svaget and other v- rain. M utual perils resulted in mutual brother hood and elsteralty, or sorority, if yon like th, word better, and. somehow or some how cite-either the dangers, or the socia bility, or tha air, or the water, or aomt- thing. Hail such an effect that almost every married lady proceeded, without any un necessary delay, to brighten her borne with a squalling little procenv. This habit prevailed to such an extent that every lady who remained babyless fur twelve month, after marriage stood • little in tbe shade, socially, and two years T AM a candida'efor re-election to the 1 House of Representatives of tho next General Assembly, subject to the Demo cratic nomination to be mad* on Septem ber Oth next, and respectfully ask your support. C. LBAltrLElT. aug fiu-d.twtd. Announcement. T HEREBY announce myiclf a candidate 1 i: ; .r.■ ..Ir,..• in ill** m*xt G.thtu! Attembly subject to tho nomination oi the Democratic rar y Bibb county on Olh September nexi. auglOd&wtd W. A. LOFTON. PI AK03—Bose wood, 7-Octavc, bqujuc, Lun Size, Carved Legs, Offrbtrung Buna, All Improvement*, Only Upright* 32x5. Grand Squares 7J4 Oot., $2‘2.'». From Old and ** MakiT*. Sad*-’, loned, perfect and durable. Good for a lifetime. OROAN8—Walnut Cases, KlUoded Top, two --t 4 K". d. ■> >'<»(••<. Hilly four •.#•!» Reeds, 7 Slops, only 363; 0 Stop", 370. lu elegant ca"*”), richly ornatnentfl; jpmran- teed m constrii.’tiou and duruhihty. ad on ir> To the People of Bibb County. J AM a candidate to represent the county in th, next Legislature, subject to the Democratic nomination on tho Oth of Sep tember. N. E. HARRIS. aiiglMAwtd of Georgia, Allens, FREE TUITION. ha. tober, 1881, Tuition freo in alTuepirt- menta except those of Lyw and Medicine. Complete courses of instruction in Let ters, Science, Chemistry and Engineering. Board 313.60 per month. For catalogues address the Chancellor at Athens. Ga. LAMAR COBB. Secretary li >ard Trustees* auglTsun&wedlm wkit 'tnictor d Music FOR SALE. K NOINES, Boilers. S.iw Mills,Corn Mills, Cotton I’ressea, Mill Spiniliei, i'ullcys, Shaftings, Hangers, etc. All kinds caat- 'rite for price, on any kind of machine- R. U. CLM.K A CO., requires from one hundred to one hundred I .-,,,-here in'this iinie and ten bolls to give oot a pound. 1 * 1 Tbs Road Commissioners. false colors, since a lady, w ell out into married lile, could afford to attend a pub lic gathering almoit as well without a dress as without a baby. Under these drenmstance,. borrowing and renting babies became quite fashion able, and on* lady mads more money that year hiring out her twin Infanta than her husband mad* on bit whole crop. Gener ally, however, the peopio were neighborly, and none bat the avaricious charged for the loan of n baby. Occasionally, when one mother was detained and another was not, a feeble, croupycbantllng would bs tem porarily exchanged for one that could stand ■ha racket, and I am proud to record tha tact that every poor, unfortunate femme covert who wanted to hear Brother Todd preach and had no baby ot her own, waa sure to find some devout slater who was willing to lend ber the benefit of clergy. Some ladles were bid-about returning babies, and some sent the borrowed jewels home In a condition that denoted a very considerable necersity for repair*. A big toe nnjotnted. or a hea l skinned or a burned place earned by letting the little fellow be too long where he fell In the fire, often raised a maternal cyclone; bnt ffT>‘ I Jacksonville, Fla., which'will be loan'd «*o the Infante of those sturdy pio- ■*—' 1 * nears irera touch as whit leather, and lhe mothers, like all mothers, a forgetting and forgiving set. There waa no paper in tho settlement at that time, and in order to keep frem for getting to whom the baby had been loaned. DR. W. C. CIJ80N, mm * _ . * . , „ .. ... . i Practice limited to tbe treatment ofdia- Tbla body had a meeting y«*terday the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, morning ni the court house to discuss the Office Cotton Avenue, y aeon, Ga. chain-gang matter. They acknowledged I jj20w3m service o( the writ of mandamus from Judge Simmons and issued at tbe instance I of the city, and appointed the following committee to confer with the city council j in reference to thedisposition of the chain enng: Messrs-T. J. Lane, l.ll Knp.hsh I. L'. Plant, J. J. Amaaon an«i W, Manifieid. Young MSfi*“Read This. The Vol'aic Belt Co., of Mardia!!, . r t - v it'l th«-.r KU-« :r,» V. U'.c Be'/, and other Electrric epphan.-t-n . Give your boy Smiths Worm Oil. Opium HaDit Cured. Why will you use tin* poison when you can Ih.» so easily coicd 7 It will not cost you but Utile more to be treat' d than to buy tho drogH. Reakl tb# fol* SILVERWARE! For Qouiohold Use. BIRTHDAY I —sure— WEDDING PRESENTS I Large stock and Low Prices. £)^“Sendfor Catalogue. WILLIAMS & STEVENS febBwtV Macon Oa. on Planoa, or $5 on Organa, With each Piano, a Gad Stool an Wit!» each Organ.a Good Stool A In With each Piano or Organ, a Book An*U th** ll) teg. ALL” HvHH.lll l'AlD. I k*« m> nil :h'-v I t ! r t*y m«*. aiut they will da tho Mine bjr yo. Dot gou't try to beat thorn down, Jur they haro ONLY ONE PRICE au'theyitl?kteUU!::acoontoa ires. Huy ol them an* thef will satisfy yo or •. , ! yure money. H«;ud yore lUUBt an r oQce, an* tell 'em whet yo want, aa tbejrU send yo ll.i.f II U I” a "f > ll ll•><'!"• fir- - lit Rll'l priee lists, wofleb ww belgvo plek c.i ■trument yo wanL Jem put onjo letter: LTJDDEN & DATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, 3AVANNAII, GA. Or THE GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, MACON. OA.. in' it will go rite, an yo’U git an answer in a iffy, fur they all git np soon ia ths mornin', l kin tell yer. Your'u, Bktsy Hamilton Hi . F. i.—They want, j me in be tneir areni (or thla aettL'inxiit. but l hain’t got no lin- )«-** now, aa' 1 desi rsekoa hit weald pay, bo how, as the folks 11 no down on alch ii.uwi. Bat 1 don’t keef e! ihey air, my planer ir hr ns tu stay, cf the bole settlement gludownon THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. 0NU $1 By Mall Postpaid. COOkjTOVES ALWAYS syiSFACTm HGHTEEW SIZES AND KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED Mixer Acrnuro sr G. l{. SlaVFY| ' wagon*, hr*)Ughi uj> Harsh all yille, Ga. «,ig«,{ to have ti, . •/.:!! ^v. y ■: t!, -atu'ht up. j-aarniei the mother woukl take a fire coal ami makes suitable memorandum oo some neighboring log. Whenever the marks got ubbed out or the name of the borrower waa forgotten, the mother experienced in* expresiUd# distress, for those ladies dearly loved their infants. One man concluded to ran away, and he If.rr"*- I \’I th** *! • y he «•••) 1 a-. 1 mb koflVMi slttaMla she ooakL and mat aft' r nightfall they starts in ablg '■'*'1 wagon. The fa< t leaked out and they were headed off by men on horse* baric whi!«* th*- whole congregation of mothers, ruling in gig'' barotifb— nul You juat 'hefi they KNOW THYSELF- \ Greit Medical Work Debility, Premature Youth eod the untold mlaerlee resulting from IndUcreUonsorexceaaea. A book for every man. young. middhMjfed and old. Itoontalns 125 pr»* srlpUons for all acute and ehronledls* e*fte**e*ch ooe of which U invaluable. Bo round by the author, who«e experience for A nui U each «a prolmidy never be fore Ml to the lot of any pnyvlclan. 'Awi-agi*. bound in beautiful, French mualln, emUwwed cover,, full gilt, gnaranU-e.1 to be a fln?t work In every sense—raecbanlral/lite: pn>f.clonal—than any other w« thi* (•ountry for *2.50, or the monej fund**«l in every inamnre. l*rlce only ti CO by mail, poatpafd* Illu»tni:lre rampla ficenU. H'-rt 1 now. »»■,! ! M• -.!*v 1 »witrd---I thea'lthe.r by tho National Aawx-UUon, totheoa- c-rnof which he refer* Thenr.; of Life should b*; read by the young for InvirucUou nn i by the afflctUn for relief 11 Will bCnelt all -London Lancet. There i, n., raemh-r of -- let> to whom thl» erary and . kaold U ■ the money will be i tongue r,,rif Hind ng , • onto indes'-v kind u 11 •: i iuawaya. Isaac A.Sheppard & Co. .Baltimore,Md. AND FOR HALF. BY C OEO. 8. OBEAR. 110 Cherry "tree^ ANCER CUHK No Cure ! No Pay! No Blood! No Knife D Holmes’ Sure Cure Mouth Wash AND DENTIFRICE. Ad lr. -* PKABOD' r l>r. W. H. PAKKKH.No 4 H -.Mi or ton, kut, who maybe eotuml ei;-« rlcnrt. Y• . . - UK IL ' . TU YSELY, ZU'.Zdu't- faff bankim a lassah.