Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, September 12, 1884, Image 7

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TFTF, WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSKNdFR. FRIDAY. S P IT.MP.EK 12. \m. FROM ATLANTA. ..ntlon of the Fifth Congressional ' B *.toct~Hon. H ‘ Hi,r " m0nd Unanlmou.ly Nomlnnted-- Executive Commit*#*. [SPECIAL COBRBSPONDENCK.) September 4.-Tbe Congrei- convention of the Kftb met at noon in the State Library, at the capitol. Jon inate a candidate for Congte.a. Ap- Ka was made by the executive com- Mte for the use of the Senate chamber, !! ibis failed. o*i”B aa • Iecutiv ® or ' 5! rtfueing either legislative halt to any * ;„ ,ave State conventions. The Gov. however, tendered the use of the | i The L conmi’tion was called to order by Barry, chairman of the district Unlive committee. Mr. Samuel Free- rS of Campbell, was elected temporary i SSrfary of the convention. \*?£roll of counties waralpha- ^ ■■ 1^., eu i-ttical order, and the delegationenrolled. mer0QS other details, ” .A.am flnultltnty nll.Tt',! Inn I nf orkinVi toba. itri FOUND IT CORRECT. Poet-office Inspectors Examining the Macon Post-office# The chief post-office inspector has away of pouncing down upon a post-office when least expected, and making a thorough in spection of its doings and contents. Hence it was a complete surprise to Postmaster Brown on Wednesday evening when Chief Inspector Hartshorn and Special Agent J. H. Livingston walked into the office and began a tour of inspection. The first thing done on these occasions is to drop in just as the money department closes. The financial department under goes a thorough counting and an account taken of all moneys, etc. This method prevents the postmaster from taking from or adding to the separate funds, or trans ferring one to the other. On Yesterday morning, having for a basis the auditor’s statement for the past quarter, which ended June 30th, they pro ceeded to go through the entire office witli its stamps, cards, envelopes and nu- j-.-**- a f u n report dozen or more w B Hudson, of Spalding, offered the of which takes up a Liu’ffinzresolution: a , it „ pages of foolscap. These °!‘The Democracy of the fifth Con- investigated and otherwis I session* 1 Ktnbled HIS LAST REST. A TELL-TALE MIRROR. eie are calculated, — —_ — otherwise worked, andat district, in convention as- night the agents know to a fraction of a ir the purpose of nomi- cent how the office stands. a Democratic candidate Our reporter happened to see Captain S r.Lres.nt the district in the forty- Hartshorn just as be finished, and asked Congress, declares its faithful him how he found the Macon office. He Sirntion to”the principles of the national replied: “1 find it to be the " rumocratic party as announced by ita late office I have visited in th LLv.ntiun at Chicago. have gone all over it, carefully examined -in the nominees ol that convention for all its workings, and find it to he absolute- president and Vice-President we recognise |y correcL In lirst balancing up the mou lt, nudities of manhood and statesman- eys, we found an error of two cents in .tin evidenced bv public services which favor of the post-office, but even this small Smmend them to the warmest support of amount came out all right. Yea, air, the vo ter whose interest and desire is for I office is not only wall organised, but its hnneit and constitutional administration cash account is correct to a cent" Smrernment. , , . , This is a high compliment to Postmaster ‘■That it is witli pride we take knowledge Brown and Assistant Postmaster Carnp- ni'the distinguished service rendered Ibe bell, It shows that theofflee and accounta si.trict and butte by the Hon. N. J. Ham- J are ready at any time for the sudden ap- r“ . ( i w bo has represented the Filth Con-1 pearance of the special agents. jSiimal district of Georgia lor three urns in the national Congress. The abil- S iXstrv and fidelity evidenced by this SmCT entitle him to the confidence and •SSt" the voter, of the district" This resolution was amended by adding: And therefore this convention does now Burial of Bishop Pierce In Spnrtn Yester- 1 What the POst-Offlce Detectives Think daya of tho Jones* Case. Yesterday waa laid to rest in Sparta per- “I wouldn't exchange placta with him haps one of the grandest men thl.state bearing color, (or tan thousand dollar.,” has ever produced. Bishop George F. I Is what special ageat Hartsburn said jes- Pierce was exalted in more ways than one. <«d»y in speaking of Henry Jones, the possessing those attributes ol mind and alleged mail robber, whose emphatic denial character that, have contributed to make iutotoberriugtwooftheehsrgrehadreach- him a son of whom Georgia has been justly tbeeara of tha detective. “I have made proud. Not only was he a pure, bright !t»t“le ever since I became connected thinker and a genuinely inspired orator, "I* th ® service,” continued he, "never but be was also a Christian gentle- 10 make an arrest until I waa eatlafied the man and phi osopher who llluitrated I man was guilty by the evidence in bund. I necewary. the beauty of his character by a have adopted this raid for two reasons; life of charity and holiness. When the fl"t ills unjust to the man, and my sad news of his death, therefore, was refutation Htonr surras, wired over the country, every one who had and we special egenti feel just as much con ‘ known or heard of him felt that they had p r jde in sustaining our reputation for good experienced an'individual personal loss, « ur k as anybody. Jones simply places and hastened to contribute a himself in a bad light when be attempts A memorial or SYMPATHY AMD RESPECT. to deny the charges made by Perhaps there was never seen in the "’e har0 ‘be positive proof in State a funeral service that was more ‘ llis «***• aod th,r ® between largtiy attended, or more sorrowful | to_ r SL lo,t in its sad exercise. Nearly two hun dred people from BE PATIENT, LADIES, A»Vl Wait for tho Crnnd Opening at Lyoni & Cline*s Dry Goods House. When the doors of Basbioski’a new store on Cherry street are opened to the public, the ladies will find a beautiful and profit* * ble surprise for them. Toe interior will be a pretty sight with its long shelves of parti colored fabrics. To-morrow the cash rtilroad will be put up, and this will be quite a novelty in it- As is known, the cash system will LXCII. ,.u „UU- on the Macon and Brunswick railroad, and various sections ever y one °* them are traceable to Jones’s of the * State contributed their pr „. run. It msy not be neceejsry to work up ence. and every heart in the vast concourse tbeevlden«n ffiwe cue. uthU check was bared and touched beneath the tad matter will put him out of the way for a influence of the occasion. A special car long time, and the object of the govern- frnm Ammat.-v v.iv nrrftneed. and hrnneht I ment IS to get rid of ail dishonest em- .From what could be gathered from the detectives, we infer (for detectives are | pearance of the special agents. DROPPED DEAD. from Augusta was arranged, and brought the mourners and friends from that sec tion. The neighborhood in and around Sparta furnished itslargequotaofacqu.in- | detectivw. we inter (tor actectivea are tancesand relatives. Macon sent over a carclul in what they say j they have not large delegation, and from the southern shown and northern portions of the State flocked their poll hard the triends of the dead Bishop. Almost j n th c Jones case. They have accumn- every one felt it his duty to be there, and j.red every possible atom of evidence, and those who are detained on account of are weaving a web of proofs that will be pressing business engagements, sent surprising, to say the leasL testimonials or begeet. I "The best tiling for Jones to do is to The dry goods, etc., are being received in The remains bad been brought over Thurs- P lcad g? iU y.” *h® detective. "He car-load lots, and to get them out. mark day from Sunshine, the Bishop’s home, sees we have the case dead against him, th-m and place them in position is a her about four mile, from Soaru. and d.oo,- I £*** bSin Pierce, where they were reri.wed by. the | tiu. be adopted by Lyons A Cline; and, tofacii- itete the making of change 'this railroad is Up stafrs we find the carpet department, and one glance at it will eonvinoe any one that for beauty of design and color it is far ahead of any ever brought to Ma con. It is in this department, over which Mr. T. S. Lowry presides, that we find the latest crate in carpets, being •OLID COLORS. Theae carpets are the rage now, and in this department are the prettiest colors in velvets. Those who can appreciate pretty carpets should see some of the patterns in velvet and Brussels. For a large parlor carpet they have a moquette that is mag nificent, and no prettier carpet was ever seen in Macon. All o( these are marked in plain figures, as are all the goods in the house, and Mr. Lowry, who la experienced in their sale, rays that the figures are lower than he ever knew, them, even when bargains were offered. In addition to the ctrpets the line of rugs ■ire complete. 8onfe Smyrna rags of beau tiful pattern arc marked $8 when $12 are asked for them at olher p uces. Those who contemplate buying carpets should cer tainly wait a few daya for the utaiD orxitnia, which will take place as soon as possible. tho race to proceed without the aid of I the newspapers. It behooves tho Democrats ol this! Congressional district to look well to their laurels. We have in Hon. Chas. P. Crisp a valiant leader, and tre hope that lie will enter upon his canvas with renewed energy, assisted by our elo quent friend, Colonel Hodge, the elec tor. This being Presidential year, tho Republiqpns are organized m every county, and we have a large colored population. The executive committee should go to work, and every county should see to it that tvp maintain our supremacy in the coming election. HAWKINSVILLE. ALL ARRANOEHESTS FOR THE COMPRESS PERFECTED—CRISP AMD NEWSY NOTES. September ti.—Cotton buyers have arrived in goodly numbers, nnd sgll they come. All arrangements have been perfected for the cotton compress. The right of way from the present de pot to the rock warehouse, where the compress will be erected, lias been se cured. The town authorities have passed the proper ordinances and thc Hast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad Company will lay a track from the depot to the compress as soon as the compress company crosstie the HOME TESTIMONY A Central Railroad Switchman Dies Sud denljr of Heart Disease. Mr. John Coleman, who has been attenil- rjjjjagain nominate him for Represen- I ing to the awitch on the Central railroad Ulirein the forty-ninth Congress by accla- brijgg since Janaary, dropped dead at hia “£ n Wn(lment was accepted by Mr. post yesterday afternoon about half-past Hadson and the resolution adopted by a two o'clock. aniifihinus vote. , Mr. Coleman has been in bad health a BMldiug’^Mr^MTiffol^FuftomamJ 0 !!?! lon K tim®. aud was troubled with an affec- Spraceof Clayton, to notify Mr. Hammond tion ol the heart It gave him such pain 0 fthe action of the convention. about three weeks ago that he was com- Atloita Sept. 5.—Slate School Commis- pelied to go to his bed, where he remained . Bni.hed the annnrtinn. a week. Two weeks ago he returned to »*>»« Orr has just finished the apportion- wurk _ thoU|?ll hardl „ ab f e (o do tbe work imtntof the general school lund, and to. 0 f changing the switch for the numerous it] It tending out circulars to the county trains that pass over the bridge during the school commissioners and tax collectors, d “v' , ' .„ii«. • ,l . ,l .niuwtinn —, an « fI YcslcrQuy alter noon he was sitting on a notifying them of the apportionment for ^ near the switch-house with Mr. James their respective counties. The amount Eonis quietly talking. He arose and went thm apportioned for the yeai 18M is into the little houte and caught bold ol the “ I, increase over last switch. For some reason Mr. Ennis got * ™ lnct ®“« 0T « la V up and followed Mr. Coleman, and looked year of $'.'5,000. The amount apportioned i„ jutt in time to see him fall, or rather sit by Commissioner Orr will be incrsMed by j ow „. Mr. Eonis saw at once that be the poll -* 1 , * 9 wtjmated will was dead or dying, and called to yield about $180,000, giving a total school a ne g ro woman named Easter Durham, load oifiSSMO. , living in a house near the bridge, to brine The fond derived from the poll tax is Kgmn camphor. This was brought and largely under whst It should Be, owing to bol i, rubbed his wrists, but it was too late, the loose and careless way in which that j[ r , Ennis then broughtthe dead man out tat is co lected. This is especially true in 0 ( tbe j ltt | e house and sent for Mrs. Cole- cities or has been, where during elections man wbo W j tb one httle child, lived in the poll tax is not rigidly demanded. Tlie i Kast Maco „. coroner Hodnett was aiso registrati.m law will in a great measure, if aent ( ori bu t as he was out of tho city the not entirely, remedy this great evil. inquest was held by Justice Dan Adams, In looting over the commissioner a digest the jury rendering a verdict In accordance of the school fund apportionment for the with the above facia, counties this morning, it appears that the Mr Coleman was 22 or 21 veers of age, I jmoont apportioned the oounty of Bibb is and j iad been with tbe Central railroad lor KMi.?5. $ or the county of, Fulton it ie >evera j years, acting in various capacities, JWl®:'”c>ecountv of Chathaui, $8,- luch as watchmsu, etc. He was a steady, 1288 29; for Muscogee $3,121.07 .for Rich- rsliible man, and the railroad anthorities mood, $6,615.21. These are the larger (.lyehlm a good name. The post be held eoaoties, and the ampnnts given do not wa , aI1 important one, but he was always l^te the estimated poll tax. found faithful and watchTui^^^Mj RATUEB UNiqttX. The Governor is in receipt of a rarecom-1 Thought It was Cone, mnnlcttion from an alleged Confederate , , veteran—I name no numes-wrilten after A man named Wood, from Nortli Caro- the manner of one whose education was Una. hired a dray to carry his valise yes- entirely and finally obstructed by the war. 1 terii.jr from the new depot to the union de- Ths writer recites in detail a combination „„ ..... w . . ol infirmities, growing out of his servt e in P 0 '; "I 111 ® h ® went , on »head. When he the war, appalling to a reader in tbe en- arrived at the union depot the dray had joytuent of average health, i Ie states that not arrived, and remembering that there fie is physically almost beip1e>s. unable to was no lock on tbe valise, anu that it con do bard work, without any visible Income, tained aomethlng over $300, he grew sud- iband.ntd by his wife and deserted by his deni; uneasy and told officers McCafferty reUUns. Merchants will not sail him , n d Kimbrew to hunt up and arrest tbe food without the forthcoming cash, nnd drayman. 1 1 ~'~ ■" *"*• *•*“ The officers soon found the drayman on was no enuron in me town ot sumetenica- pacity to accommodate the crowd, and P'j”?. 1 '» * h ® ®»!»»* hence they were taken to the place above *"*•*“«■ and at sach an incline that by ment oned. Even then all the people looking . .1,1 not get in but thronged I . .. oaT or the window iff the doors and windows as C ii, v I long as there was sitting or standing room. ‘ h!. 'i The pall-bearers on the occasion were Dr. J“* S® °. n *, J a ?Li M. Callaway, Rev Messrs. Davis, Thigpen, ^« cl * rk " h .°*JL Bonner, Qutilian, Evans, 8hra, WillUs. -- MhWU'S'ttS^S The train started and had not gone far services opened when, by looking out of tho window and with a voluntary "Gathering Home,” sung Into the tell-tale mirror, I saw the young by the entire crowd. After the singing ot men select eleven letters, wrap them up in the anthem Dr. J. S. Key, of Columbus, a piece of newspaper and put them in his read as tbe firat lesson the 103d psalm, pocket. This was enough, and at the end This was followed by the second fesson, of the run I took the letters out of bis read in a most impressive manner pocket and placed him in custody. His by Dr. A. T. Mann, the brother- parents came to me, as did his friends, and in-law of tho Bishop. Rev. B. F. plead youth, temptations, etc. I advised Breedlove, of Waynesboro; then an- him to plead guilty, which he did and re nounced the hymn (730) "Servant ol God, I ceiled only six months. He would have well done,” Dr. W. H. Potter offered then I gotten three years had the oaae gone to a beautiful prayer, afler which was sung | trial.” the hymn, read by Rev. O. A. Evans, “What though the arm of conquering I a Report Correoted, death.” DR. IIATOOOD'S SERMON nights now, and yet the shelves have not received their goods. Let it be remembered that Lyons A Cline purchase goods in bulk for their large house, one in Griffin one in Milledge- villa and tbe new Macon house. By this they have a decided advantage over all other Georgia dry goods houses. But their advantages do not stop here. They pay cub for everything they buy and thus tbe secret of the great bargains to be offered when the store opens srill be explained. They respectfully ask the ladies to bide a wee then call on them when tbe doore are opened, due notice of which will be given iu these columns. On August 28th we published an ac count, taken from the Galveston Jfnra, to then followed. It was an effort worthy of ,he effect ,i, at - two boya named Graham doctors will not treat him or furnish him | medicines without a similar mercenary in- I docemvnL In this tore strait he applies I opened'and the contents found Intact. Mr. to the Governor for an easy official office, Wood drew a sigh of relief, and In hia Joy I r . . ‘® , wo “ ld have no turd work; or, I pave tbe drayman double the amount of 1 filling tu that, t > get him business ol that the regular charge, character somewhere. Rat his chief ap- _____ petl is In regard toadivorc. from his I Wile, which he appears very anxious to Pepoered the Pasaare br. obtain. He iris the lawyers will nut gat I Yesterday afternoon while the gun club him tbe divorce without the Immediate was atpractioo on their grounds in East therefore MltitoA. W hts FiralSScJto'write Macon, two gentlemen passed along on the ' blmsdiv.Mreand Charge ihe cods to the railroad, immtdlately in front of tbe shoot- State. If the Governor does not se. his I era. They were at a distance that no one *** l ”. write the divorce then be it re- thought they could be struck by the shot, guested to lay lbs matter before the Frnl- but Doth received some scattering shot, dent St Washington and have him write One bad bis lag peppers 1 with No. 8shoi, “ d •'?», «o ■‘Otresur A. Ar- no , a „mc!ent to break tbe akin, but to T b»t is all, closing with the request I raise nteaielly pimples, and the other. Ur. ttri;the Governor will answer before ha is W. K. Morris, received one which buried no ... , , _ , I itself in his left check and another in hi It is not yet known whether the Governor ( hand, mu write the divorce or insist tbe modest Dr . jlcHatton plucked the shotouL The applicant inone of ibe State departments, peppered gentlemen trested the accident mvwtirious casualty. in the best of humor, though Mr. Morris A police officer on his her this morning, ran a narrow escape from the loea of an , ^ b i^Uc a rail^a G«k I ifctr the old rolling mill a negro man, nho Heavy Charges. irom setjiS'ugly gulms aboot^ the h«S „ M “°° l »^®" T ** !* h ” I and face. The nVJm tik.n to the «tV they were allowed to charge for services as Uoo bouse and cared for. After awhile he , * > ® Kngtlshliwjreri. Judge M. R. P ree- tftorered aom^ehat an d gave liis name as man be. received bi» bill of cost, from Hilliard Garner. H. was unable to give Alfred Hicks A Arnold, a law firm of •ay account whatever o( theclrcunislance. England, in the Iaeacs legacy case. They and hid no idea whether he was knocked I charge several shilling, for a letter, reply- tti the head l-c son .,nd | It, 1 cm ing to a letter,sending a printed statement us track or whctli-r he was knocked dotm or circular, etc. Tbe entire blU amounted bytbecare. Hliiiard’. condit m u.J Lis I to XU 15s, or about $57 in oar money. For I presentfeebicn. -of mr:u,,.-y ar. prubsbi) the same services a Maton lawyer would •“•to an excess of I aft ■ j Otis - o ! make no charge. ta»t night Daring the morning some of I fils people came for him and carried him | both the speaker and the occasion. He i u „i*i> reviewed in a touching manner the life a » d Hewlett, nelghbora Kins,. quarreled, and character of the Bishop, and dwelled 1 Graham was stabbed and killed by his lovingly upon many interesting incidents I companion. 8unday evening Mr. Graham, unH.m.St!T/Vi?.Lrdw la d?io 1 {!on a ?o ,0 it, 1 2 of th « flrmot OoIUoe. Graham & Co., fath- ^u y thJ er of the murdered boy. walked into the church, and above a f the Ireaure of hto cmeterv to meditate beside his ton't b ® *' ab ' freshly-made grave. Grahem was sur- lish^inthe CTraltan Adrocoie. prised at finding young Hewlett, the com- . Aj ib® «u?!et£n P anion and s '»y®r, standing with his Key readbeforetbe atsemblage th.acUon | albtr yoang araham ., graTa . Th , £££»&!£ re.tore ri nf SyJSrih.’ todd ® ld « r «rebam. incensed at what he con- to iSd siucred tbeir intrusion, angrily ordered the in McKendree church, in that city, ana vounv ln - n * Q * »h« presided over bj Dr. I_ C. Garland, the J° U " renlnS to kill hta chancellor of Vanderbilt Unlverrity. It ^“^"‘^msfe.d of quiUlng tbj grave and the cemetery Hewlett and h’s a memorial service, father insultingly replied to Graham, and and the resolutions passed were expressive drawing their Pistols called upoa the lat- of condolence. Dr. J. B. McFernn, who I ter to defend himself. Graham fired, kill- had been retiuented by the meeting to rep- in* young Hewlett. The two fathers then resent them on the occasion, was then fought a terrible duel over young Gra- introduced and pronounced n pathetic ham ■ grave. The men were close to one eulogy upon his dead friend. Dur- another, and * everal shots were exchang ing its delivery, the speaker became so *d. Both fell mortally wounded and died overcome with gnef that he was forced to I before they could be removed from the retire. The remarks of Dr. MeFerrin were cemetery. Friends arrived on the scene very tender, and made a deep impression too lste to separate the contestants." upon the audience. When he had con® Mr. W. J. Graham, the party alluded to eluded Dr. Haygood camo forward and I in thc report, is a brother-in-law of Mr. read the following | A. B. Small, of this city. A letter from tileoram FROM pR. TALMAQE, Mw. Orahaui, Mr. toafl'. alitor, taya that i,t . ... .. . the story is untrue, loung Graham waa which hail juat been received: killv.l by young Hewlett. Ttut there wa. ACOLCEN CIRCLET. HOW the North among tbe aympathetie mourn ere at Bliliop l'ierce'a grave. A great light not extinguished, bnt pasted Into a higher anJ grander orbit. They that turn many to righteouineas shall •nln. at the atari I forever and ever. t. d. talmaur.I* Young Lndr Kept Po.ieeeion of Her Sweetheart's Ring. A rich case came up oefore Justice Free man yesterday. J. L. Smith It a young man fresh from ruralshadea, and it In the employ of Mr. Henry Jones, in East Ma con. He saw Miss Lucie C. Hudgen and fell in love with her. As an earnest of his lore he gave her a gold ring, in which was engraved hit initial.. Miss Lucie is a very pretty miss, and ap preciated the gift so much that she dis played it around to a considerable extent among her girl associates, who were green witheovy. Mr. Smith as a matter of conrse, was in demand among the young ladies, as any young man haring an inclination to distribute gold ring, would be, and toon FOUND ANOTHER FACE that suited his fancy better than the fain Lucie's. She had his ring and he wanted it, but the placed too high an estimate on it to give it up without a struggle. To get It, Smith resorted to strategy. He called up on her and afler getting her in one of tbe best of humors safd he wtnted to have another ring raado and would be glad if she would loan it to him so that the jewel er could bare a model. She falfrd to note the smile of satisfaction tnat flitted across hit face aa the handed him the gol den band, aod be left with a promise to see her later. A few days intervened but Smith kept not bis promise. Mitt Lucie regarded the ring aa her personal property, and as lie would not return it aha swore out A rOSSESSORT WARRANT before Justloe Freemen, and yesterday the cate was beard. Smith acknowledged giv ing her the ring, and the Judge could not do otherwise than turn it over to her. She took the band and departed happy, but now there is a co'dncst between the two sweethearts that is absolutely chilling in this September weather with no rain (or The cotton crop is cut short by the extreme drouth. The outlook for an active competition in mercantile mat ters is promising. Quite a number of new firms and houses have entered business. It is about settled, from what we can learn, that there will be a triple contest for Congressional honors in tins dis trict. Judge Crisp, the regular nomi nee, will be antagonised by an Inde pendent and also by a Republican. There has been an unusual amount ot sicknesa in the county. There have been a few cases of sickness in town, but comparatively few. All those who exclusively use artesian water have es caped, so far as our knowledge and ob servation extends, One thing ia ceij tain, the artesian water is a blessing to the town. Tbe fall term of court in this circuit, will begin with Dooly on next Monday. Judge Mershon gave us a pop call yesterday, to preside in a case in which Judge l’ate was disqualified. In addition to the nice brick block of stores erected where the re cent fire swept out suclt a gap there are a number of handsome residences in process of erection. Messrs. W. L. Joiner and G. W. Turner will soon complete their new houses. Mr. T. S. Lewis has just completed an elegant residence. The Episcopal church has been enlarged and much improved in appearance. Kev. Mr. Stanlierry is again visiting Hnwkinsville, and will spend aomo time among his many friends here. The political pot has abont cooled down. The race tor county offices was close and exciting. As soon os the re sult was known we wrote, bnt tho ar ticle was misplaced and not mailed, aa we afterwards discovered. J. Emmett Slackshear, M. Dj Maoox, Ga.. July 14,1S&4.— I take pleas ure in adding my testimonial to tbe snpe rior excellence of yonr Horsford’s Brest Preparation (Baking Powder) as an arti de healthful and nutritious, and in an swering all the purposes for which iti recommended and used. So long as su perfine wheaten flour is made use of fo bread-making, so long will there be a ne cessity for restoring to such flour the r tritive elements of which it Is deprived b: the refining process; and so far ha I an aware, this is the only baking powder ii the market that possesses that quality while in giving lightness and porosity t the bread, whether made of superfine, c unbolted (Graham) flour, there is non better. Yours respectfully, (Signed) J. EMMETTBLACKSHEAR, M. D. living. was at an end. •W. Death of a School Teachsr. Rowing to the death of Secretary Folger I The friends of Mr. 8. N. Kelfer, iormcrly JJ e custom house is heavily draped in of Bibb county, will be pained to learn of ^ . tribute of rt-i-t-ct. bU dcatbi w hlch occurred at York, in rStatoSiffl?US'u iuhontol Hourioo county, yesterday morning. Mr. the custom houses Several able orators Kelfer was principal of tbe high school at »brass band amutod the crowd. that place, and some time ago taught , A Blaine And Logan dub ii to he organ- school near Macon. He wasqulteayonng gedhere to-night under the auspices of man. full of promise, and bis death will be non. J.C. Jenkins, late ami-tant ohtriet deeply regretted. put out a Th-v will Attorney, and p___ # . ... cni candidate lor Congress. H ought to get up a real fat dob « is reported that the Prohibitionists jnll meet here to-morrow i*r. ddential electoral ti.: thus contribute their little the Democratic vote of th* enable a few of their oratora to mount the ! {“tehngs end dip out c >M water t > unp ; 5*cted citizen*, who ought to fed a grea interest in the maintenance of Democratic supremacy in the South than the prevent movement of the prohibition element. A report, not Totu hed for,wav forwarded 12 . correspondence tome time since , that there was a movement to get a fusion te®Pr»»ce and Republican electoral tick® * . thing wookl hardly be complete I ttnlesethf|Whlg Republicans could be fused ln »t the same time. i , 1 ^ttite a number of the prominent mem- [ hers of tbe Athens bar are before the Su- preme Court this week. I h was reported last night that a teie- I 5!*? 1 l been received here an noun* i <ol. Foreacre wa* dying. It crest fV - , ’*nderable uneasiness and concr , >n $ the many friends of that w« •nown gent!. u. A ui®uatcbwa* e< “dbeettv tod it by Mrs. Foreecre I jw condition of her htubnnd was more I tevormbie and bopee tnenterUdnAd bmw I c ‘ ms recovery. 1 *»m. Turner, a penitentiary Attache, or* I rued here today, bound for the coal Isorting two negro convicts from {*.omytb-Clafton Worthy, sent up five I £er» for staple larceny, and John Batter, I fcur years for forcery. , "~Tho Uepublicans of tbi- fifth New £ricy district bare renominated Hen* oLjjua Yfx.’.tT i u®. i, v for Congr- A Dun Transaction. Some time ago Mr. E. C. Pearce, princi pal of tbe Planter’s Academy in Rutland district, was robbed of a shotgun. He in formed Mr. Nat Birdsong, bailiff, and quested him to keep a lookout for tbe weapon. On Friday morning Mr. Birdsotag learned that Mr. John F. Skipper, of Rutland, had just purchased a gun from a negro, and on going to Skipper's house found tbat&Uie gun belonged to Mr. Pearce. Tbe gun waa promptly given up by Mr. Skipper who im mediately instituted a search for WALTER FARBOT, he negro who sold it to him. He was in town on Friday and discovered that Walter was doing the chore* for the Lanier House bar, and pUdng the matter in the hands of Messrs. Murphy and Phillips those officers arrested Waiter ••any yesterday morning. He was Uken to tbe barracks where he The Public Schools. Messrs. Burke*A Co. have juat issued Mention was also made of a letter re* I tbe annual report of the public schools ciived from tbe Bishop's life-loving friend, in tbe city and county. The organization s assasnstsar ,or “■ ,m neit > - * , ” n •- u ‘« »•«•. *«« The proceMlon then moved to the village • total of aeventy-eight teacher, employed, cemetery, where the remains were laid to I Of IhU thlrty-cix are in the city Mhools re-*- The jerries, at the grave were can- eod forty-two in the country. d.teted.bv Dr. Jamei K. Evans, and then , v w . . .... diipereed one of the largect funeral audi- n h *‘ , h ,; iilL l, ': p ,^J d * n ‘. 11 < !f,i^! enee. the State baa ever witnessed, and Li?. a .V.^!h| l r y one of the mo.t touching funeral rervlce. ?L* c r ^ n V ‘^Jto that ha, ocmtrred tu th. State', history , b a *^ r SSteEKblZ cut difficolty, particularly those (of th. T . , whiu childrra. The rehool honae*. in Tne snort Term. maD _ in.tance*. are too close together, or A few day. ago a correspondent ligning injudiciously located. Ac a e hi. name "Patron," made the Inquiry of < f“®“ c ®. attendanc. ti (01011, the school board a, to ihe abort term of Sfit the public ichooli and long vacatloDi. The I little iudueemmt for tbe teacher, to re inquiry cropped out of diiMtlafacUon I main permanAtt, and they are drawn off itontljr denied th. tb.lt, thaugb admitted among tho patrons of the school, at the 2.“® *he c .untry one day last week. •nnnnnee...nt th.t th* u-hnnl. wnnld n„t °? r “““toy teacher*, or many of them. A warrant wu Uken and Walter now re- tnnouuccwent that the Mboou would not change year by year, and thus retard the fleet, upon hia wrongdoing in jail, open until October lit I steady improvement of the children. The The county authoritiei, at the request o! ««• to®®"* wlU be to taorgau- th. t_._t It L, ... ixe end relocate the country •cbooihou.ee. , n .UjS “ a seneral rule, but with exception., » e . h °? 1 .!toPJ°? r lr Uu ° t “ r . n ? ]t i y,a - r - t ^‘ om when the number of children warrant it; • «!n!riu 0 tn mam. ^Thu'to I *° have no two scbo-1 houHi nearer to ®* nt . ,a * V* u yJ > .» f*. This in- gather than four mile., aa it te believed ShfJhHo , to*th!^JJninS*nf 0 !S?. ,C i?d!j; that two to two and a-half mile, ia not i™* ny ’ * <U3 ‘ 1 ,,x > tor for children to walk to kIiooL Twenty yeara ago. when wa all had to furnlih school homes and pay tuition for our children, this waa considered no hard ta?k. and parent, were well eontent thus to educate their children. ; Death of Cnpt. Gsorgs Cherry. _ — ■—, it. » ,-i The news reached Macon yesterday !h.^w5^n T | b J’toraSSi , n^!! e t7.'2 afternoon of the death of CapL George F, ttm^eax adopted were kept open tm Fherry, one of tbe beat known dtixeniof month, ot tbe year, and aa tbe public Macon. Kbool. have taken the place of there, they HU brother, Mr. Dean Cherry, received P«« fa ;to be^keptopre. foe the rente num. I ^ new , Uiat h ;; a , ^ "My motto'with'the achooU baa ever and was a. much .orprUed aa the public, been: They «»•! to Mlu/octory to our but to audden waa the death. He died about 1 people, or tAey are not •rortbmniMtutntmf ot O . dock at hla fann , n UuUand Ha ” Superiatondent Pubiie'schooU." wa. Uken with acoogreUve chill last 8un- I day and waa sailed with another yeater. % proportionate .here ol the fund. Prof. Zcttler bands tu Ihe following skfly TO rATXOX. "I have been aaked by so many people whet I thought ol -Tatron'a” complaint about the .bolt Kbool term, it «eem. to me I ought to give my opinion pubUdy. I think “Patron" U right. Tbe term ought —A Macon man has bit upon a acientific method of foretelling rain ten dajre ahead. He ha. put down Saturday morning ai the time when the ten daya trill e\plre and rain fall He aUo predict, that It will rain for reveral day.. We will watch this man aod hU method. Greenvills, Cr., May 8, ■ SS3.—'"Wa. at Ucked with revere kidney dUeare. Hunt's Kidney and Liver Remedy was advised. gpSg||VnMHMSSmHMPMVL JSMB ®~» home comEteteiy cured^me.'' barbe „ hop of Ed An.ley on Focrtl. .treat. to th. Forty-fifth 8hefuckeLMifi«i>d*r’ ^ D? ® .k. v..i„n.l Hotel bnildin. .nd I I Jf*i?^ nt ' comm “ d * d 9^ "I will certify to the tmtb of theai>ove." —John A. Morgan, Druggist, Greenville, Conn. Robbing n Countryman. » ... Yesterday Mr. J.mre lfaya, of Warren olA P H « ^Jt aerj^it county, arrived in Macon en route for Fior- tecood lieutenant of the Floyd Kffie. of the ids. About 12 JO o'clock he went into the Second Georgia Battalion, but wa. after- —Mr. J. O. McMillan ha. commenced raising hog. for profiL He ha. engaged an acre or so of land near the county hos pital, through which rani tha \ tnevflle branch, and will make a mammoth pen of iL He has now quite a number of Es sex pig. only two month, old which com mand $5 each. H« think, tbe venture will pay. iu tbe National Hotel building, and asked ThoSre H^deinia on Tu org.nix. to be shaved. After .having he gar. Gw. tion in 1882. He wa. afterward major ot Jones, a barber, a $10 blU, out of which to *!>• regiment, and made a gallant and taka hia day. The change waa brought I hr*va soldier. correctly, and Hay. placed it in hia pante Oo tbe reorganis itlon of the Floyd Rifles pocket, at Ihe .ante time patting a $10 and ■*«•» the cap- $ j) bill in ble upper vest pocket. He then teloey. He wa. iheril! of the county two settled himself in a chair and aiept about I term.. month. DugA.g, propensity and passion bring! mankind numberless ailments; foremost among them are nervous debility, aud unnatural weakueu ot generative or gans; Ailen'a Brain Food auccoetfuily overcomes three trouble, and restore, the sufferer to hi. vigor. $1. At druggists, or ov mail from J. II. Allen,3L5 First avenue, New York city. —Mr. John Hastings ia stilt efficient- Ir discharging tbe datira of town clerk of Onondaga at the age 03. He waa gradu ated at Yale College in the clam o( 1815. FOR8ALE BY ALL GROCERS. TRY IT. sep3wed.friA.un6m AYER’S Ague Cure contains an antidote for all malarial dis orders which, so far ms known, is used In no other remedy. It contains no Quinine, uor my mineral nor deleterious substance what ever, aod cuuwR.QUCi.ily produces no lnjurioos effect upon the constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as it was before the attack. WE WARRAHT AYER’S AGUE CURE to curs every case of Fever and Ague, Inter mittent or Chill Fever, Itcmlttent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial,’ dealors arc authorized, by oar circular dated July 1st, 1882, to refund tl»* money. Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. To The People of Bibb County. T A 51 a rnndlda'efor rc-clcctimi to the i House of lt-prisentatives ot tho next General A-sembly, .ubject to the Demo cratic nomination lo be mad Sfptpm- b« Oth next, (nd »repwtfnny *»j support. aug20-ditwtd. C. L. BARTLETT. -THE BEST TONIC. 3 This nsdidna, combining Iron with ymrs vegetable tonics, quickly sod completely t'urr* DyspepcISw Iiiillgrwtlon, \\ rnUnrww, Impure ltloo<l,.llalarta,i hUUuudFcvrrs* .I'd Nf iir.iliiiii. It Is an unailing remedy for Diseases of the Iildarys nnd l.ivrcr. It U tnvalusbls for Diseases peculiar to It enriches and purifies tbe blood, stimulate* tho appetite, aids tbs sastmHalloa of food, re lieves Heartburn and lklchlug, aud strength ens the muscles andlames. . For Intermittent Fevers. LsssUodc, Lack of Energy, Ac., it has no equsd. 49- The jrrnuios has abort trade mark and ■tossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Mtahh KWWl CWISIUL CO. SUTIULP Announcement. T HEREBY announce my-rlt a candidate J. for Rcnrc-scntative in the next Gen Anembfy subiect to the norninntioi tlic Democratic j ar y lllbb c ” UIltv °“ Oth September next. angMdAwtd W. A. Lofton To the People of Bibb County, j AM a candidate to repr. *ent tbe cu :nty in the next Legislature, subject to the Democratic nomination on the nth of Sep tember. N.E. HARRIS. auglOdAwtd lo the Democratic Voters of Bibb County. T AM a candidate for Repr.'. :.tativt> in 1 the next General AMembiy.euh 1 .'. t to the action of tbe Democratic prim September Oth. ti. \v. t; ltin. angCO d A wtd. . HEUOUtAL HERVtCKN—THE NEW ORLEANS EXHIBIT—REPUBLICAN LEADERS OU- jOAMZlNO. Septender 6.—Memorial lerrices were held at the Methodist Church on Friday in commemoration of Bishop [Pierce, whose recent death canted men E .found sorrow all over thc State. v. II. 0. Brewton, pastor, and It. D. Gentry officiated. Eastman remembers the kind offices of. Bishop Pierce sev eral yeara ago, when he and his vener able father viaited us on the occasion of tbe district conference, and the Bishop inaugurated the subscription which built the church here, and afterwards came to dedicate it. The members of hia church here, and the people gener ally, remember with pleasure the grand sermons he preached in the court- houae, aa well aa the sermon of the aged and venerated Dr. Pierce, and I will ever cherish and remember the, kind expressions and solicitous regard ' he expressed and entertained for ue. { No successful effort ha* yet (Iteen made to get up an exhibit for the New l Orleans Exposition. It seems tli.it a I commissioner who would give hi* time I and attention might get up aomething j that would illustrate our immediate section. Aside from our agriculture | we have timber, lumber, turpeutinc and rosin, and we feel assured that, I with properly directed efforts, the co-' operation of such men a* J.T. Coh-or.l, Frightful Catarrh. PIECES OF BONE. For four years I hsvt been afflicted with a very troublesome catarrh of the head. 8o terrible has tu nature been that when I blew my note small pieces of bones would frequently come out of my month sod nose. Tho discharge was copious and at times exceedfiigly offsosive. My blood became so Impure that my general health was greatly Impaired, with poor appetite and worse filgiatloa. Numerous medicines were used without relief, until I began the use of B. B. B., and three bottles acted almost like magic. Since their use not a symptom has re turned, and I (eel ia every way quite !•» stored to health. lam aa eld citizen of Atlanta, and refer to almost any one liv ing on Butler street, and more particularly to L. M. GUlam, who knows of my ease. Mas. Euzabbts Know. A LITTLE GOLD. Mr. X. A. Clark, of Atlanta, cia., ia •pesting of 100.00 in gold, desires tu say to the readers of this paper, that the whole of tbe above amount was spent in s fruit less effort ia finding relief from a terribU blood pofiM affecting his body, limbs and nose—presenting ngly running ulcers. He is row sound and well, having been cured by thc most speedy and a wonderful rem edy ever before known, and any interested party who may need s blood purifier will learn from him that thraebottlesof B. B. B. 'incurtLi ia.ua IRON TONIC WillpnrlfVt*^ BLOOD, l-itot . LIVER t KIDNEYS, *:»•! I: i• 1 i.i. i,:. llKAXTlf mid VIGOR t f YOU TIL l>T*- prptla, Want of API • frv- »it 1 1 l r« . .irlY Orel. Ii « and n« rvt i r< .tktfi wforc*. ill.’ »• n* tr •! f ill I and , . m ^ supplies lira' i I'owrSL LADIES $4 ia DU. HAHTEHn IKON TONIO re »relw read »pe,*dycure. <ilTr«ndc*r. hi Aiti.y coiup.« »lon. I rL'<juenl attrii.fM al C"untrr:< ltlng only add lo the popularity of the orUuiit. l»o uut expert- u ent-felUio Oru.in ai. A>ultEsr. < B*ody—r*dd«»Mt.» i r ii .".--M-* < ■ v 'I.Iat.u. Wu .f r our ’ DREAM BOOK." 1 i a.let u.'mr.kn read useful Iniurnrettoo. trwre.^ You nu Men—Read This* Th. Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall. Mich., lifer to >*od their rai.br.ted Etectro Vol taic Belt ami other Ktectrric appbaacre on trial (nr thirty days, to men (young or id man th uerrbus debility, low of ' od. and all kindred lieumatiam, neuralgia, other diseases. Cora* leslth, vizor and man- [orhik is incurred ns allowed. Write them J pamphlet free. two hours. THE MOXKY GONE. When he awoke he went up town to the X T., V. A G. railroad ticket office to buy a ticket to Jacksonville. Here be nriared hit thirty dollars. He then reported tbe lore to the police, and aa officer Good roe , retuemberea teeing him in the barber'• ?!“T“ < ^!® Trr j!, 0 ® 0<!T I •»* membera of chair with Jones fumbling about him, the Bacou Lo-lg. will attend. ^cerirant at once withbffirar Dock Fen- ^•to2F JwUluk ®P 1 ** this afternoon nd to tho barber chop and arrested Joure. I ataoclock. He altetnpted to run, but war caught in tlm*. . . . 8 urnstt’s Coronlne Later anoth»r t.arher name! Grerge I WILL aava Tna x>ta Talley.way artreted and tocktd op. An AndteepUi , a„- mg,h . ’.yeoml tion, iaveatigation wilt be had thia morning. beratare Tt wiu atimuUte tha roote of tb* *'— hair, and featore tbe natnr —Nilsson lias signed a contract with wl.i- lt ila Kr..«tb .irnend*. Colon.1 Ifspteaon t.. tine^n England and | Bcastn a Vut A. B. Steele & Co., W. 8. Bette, W. W. re*tond bla aptH.|lte, healed all ulcers, re- The newt of his death will be recti red with deep regret by hia many frien.l). lie was worshipful master of Rutland Lodge, and at the funeral Ibis action upon Ashbum, E. B. Carr and W.N. Leitcli, of oar law mills and manufacturers of lumber, shingles, laths, etc., and C.B. Parker, Albert Peacock, Powell, Royal A Co., W. W. Harrell and others ot our turpentine industry and manufac turers of spirit* an<l rosin, coahLbe se cured and a creditable showing be made at the exposition. I*, would seem to be tn order for ilia cotrmii-- ner to call a moeting and lay betore (be pt Be what Information be nisy_pqreere. ■ We regret to tee the drift (be. anvaes > : ■ is- • ■ ill.- I - r tin; 1 Hi ! 11 IH km-. :l!<- -V, lifted bis kidneys, aud added twenty-one pounds to hit weight in thirty daya Two Druggists. have bean handling B. B. B. only a -fli t tr In customers entire «hecrfally recom* • xrty other »>!•• **1 Private School for Gi Is! No. 137 ORANGB 8TREXT, MACON, GA. Or. and Mrs. I. R. Branham. K * XEUCISE3 resumed September ."t. 1 ^t. ■ The eonrre of ready euibraere Ml nb English branches included in first-ela« fe male colleges, together with the I.itin and French languages. German maybe sub stituted for Latin and Greek taugbt if de sired. Aa thorough inatractioo given in piano phiving and singing aa is afforded by any Kbool in the city. Our Kbool rooms arc well furnished, thoroughly ventilated and pleasant during winter and aominer. The Kbool iaanpplied with apparatus for illus trating tbe principles of natural pt. :-»ophy and chemistry. The acboo! is limited to > small number of pupil, sud each one la daily subjected to a tret ,'h«r kuowl. I of the lessons assigned. Catalog™ior- niahed on application. 1 augl3 tuthoAauntiiaepS LUCY COBB INS 11 1 l I K. ATHENS, GEORGIA. HIE exercises of this school will be L Burned September 10th, i?»4. For csta- »gue apply to t lli.it tii »- p i :d aU.^UU 1 , alu.-ir t ot jn uforth allot i<l If \~.IKI: .t MOn'tK. OniKfi.t*. AJa'iU, l. BELLEVUE HIGH SCHOOL BE^fORO CO., VIRCINIA. P.»r bor« and yoaag men. Pr»p*w for sa tongas «r islroiky, Tlseooykly —w t. v nmmmm uninis