Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 03, 1884, Image 8

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1884. AM ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. A DOUBLE DOSE. Prompt Application of a Stomach-Pump i Two Black Man Meetlrtg®, and all at Saves & Life. Mr. Horace D. Christopher, aged about twenty, attempted to commit suicide at the JJational Hotel, in this city, on Sunday after- soon. Mr. Christopher lived in Macon. He is a *on oi Hr. Christopher, who formerly conduct ed the Porter stables on Third street. At bis lather's death young Christopher had some money, which he invested in horses and mules, but lost It in speculation. Not long j»go his family, consisting of mother and sis ter, left Macon for Nashville, leaving some of their furniture, including a piano, in Macon. ▲bout ten days ago young Christopher re turned to Macon. A week aro Sunday, be •went to board at the National Hotel, and was assigned to room No. 96. He was financially embarrassed, but bis pride prevented his making known the fact, except to a few personal friends, who loaned him small bums of money. | To Mr. Wiley Jones, the proprietor of the National, he did not talk of his affaire in a de spondent way, but on Monday Mr. J. R. Hicks, igbt of suicide did not enter One Time, The Republicans held high carnival last night. The Long faction packed the Superior Court room, and the Clarke faction held forth in the United 6tates Court room. The Long meeting was a big one. The room was packed, and, as some of the delegates had forgotten to put on their Sunday harness, and some wore overcoats, and the night was hot and the room was close, one may imagine wbat little chance a flfty-cent bottle of )>augi- pani had in a crowd like that. A few cigars (fourteen centaahundred) were smoked, and the air was thick euough to be sliced like cheese, limberger at that The circus opened with prayer by Deacon Roberts, and everybody arose and those who were smoking smothered their smoke. Then Rev. Joshua Blms gave out the hymn:— "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow," anffeverybody JOINED 1* THE CHORUS that shook the building, and it was sung with u fervor that caused the good old Methodist brethren from Antioch and Stinsouvlllj to Khufflc the camp-meeting lick, shake hands and look happy. One old grizzly bearded brother from Blue Ruin was so wrapped up in the singing of the bymn that he wanted to He was found with his head leaning on a pass around the hat nnd take up a collection, counter at llicks. Heard & Co.’s store, and on When the hymn won linlnbea, Allen Riling- being asked by Mr. Hicks what the matter was ton gave his cigar stump to Mark Curry to replied that he had taken aome laudanum, take care of and ascended the stand. lie ana that it had made him very sick. The called the meeting to order and then flopj»cd r Mr. Hicks's down into Judfe Simmons’* chair. L. C. Fields was made secretary and the convention On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Wiley Jones • ard groans in the hallway of the hotel and informed her husband. He supposed it was Mr. Christopher talking In bis sleep, as it was his habit to sleep all the morning, and sometimes nntil after dinner. About 5 o'clock Mr. Jones went out upon the veranda, and ithe groans were distinctly beard. He »called to Melissa, one of the chambermaids, to go Into the room and see what was the matter. She tried the door and found It locked from the inside. 8he informed Mr. Jones, and the two then went upon the back porch and entered the room by the win dow. Mr. Jones saw at once that something was wrong, and sent for Dr. J. P. Stevens and also Dr. lilackshear. Dr. Stevens was first to arrive, and a glance at the pupils of the young man’s eyes revealed the fact that he had taken poison. He then gave three or FOUR HYPODERMIC INJECTIONS Judfe ... . lade sec proceeded to business. Jeff Long then arose high and above the seething crowd and began a speech that evoked any amount of applause and amens nnd "dat so's” from his nearer*. He began by denouncing the electoral ticket,'which did _jg tn not coDtain the name of a negro. Then he piled into the United States authorities and raked them OVER RED HOT COALS. He pictured the marshals dragging pris oners over the streets by ibo hair of the head and mentioned their arsenal of E istols each oue carried. He advised his carers not to monkey with post-office or United states Court officials. [Just here a Stinsonville negro who wore a heavy overcoat and had become too warm, unbuttoned the coat and flopped the two sides as a sort of double fan aud caused the franglpanni to I smell louder.] He asked every man in the A WESLEYAN CIRL Tells How She 8pent Her luiWRir Vaca tion. The reporter met her in the ladies’ parlor of the union depot. She had returned from va cation to resume her studies at Wesleyan Col lege, and it was while waiting for Prof. Derry, who had met her at the train, to deliver tho checks for her baggage to the drayman, that our reporter questioned her. He had seen her during the last commencement and hav ing the advantage of a slight acquaintance, to- C er with the reporter’s license, he felt no tancy in interviewing her. He— scarce aud the hungry public must bar "What have you been doing with yourself?” The question was thrown at the little beauty because the reporter was anxious to tell the hungry public now a school girl kills vacation. "What haven’t I been doing, you had better ask. Why bless your dear guileless soul, I ve been doing lots of things. You men folks think we sit down and twiddle our thumbs, crochet, croquet and coquette.” ••You don’t imagine we do anything but go to picnics, flirt with the boys and all that soit of thing, do you? Some girls chew gum and do lOs of things that don't amount to anything, but, let me tell you, I'm not of that stripe. Now, let mo see what I have done. Oh, yes! 1 made lour craay quilt*. Now don’t laugh, because those quilt* were made of castaway scraps, and they will keep me warm all win ter. Then I put up twenty-eight Jars of pre serves, lots of Jsm, two gallons of pickles, and Lord kubwa how many peaches I put up. I had three proposals of marriage and refused them all. I made all the winter clothes for my little brothers, made mother twodfrsses, fixed up my own rigging, painted aboutMycnty pictures, kept up with ray music, went to three picnics and six balls, had the mumps and chilis for a week, to say nothing of a bad tooth and an Ingrowing nail. I’m going to study hard this U rm and graduate next year, aud then perhaps I’ll—here I am, Professor, ready to go." The reporter took up the broken thread "and perhaps I’ll,” and in his own mind concluded the sentence thua, "marry some no account fellow who cau’t appreciate the good there is in a girl who can make such excellent use of a school vacation.' In the arm. Dr. Blackshear soon arrived and I a, i? l , eI ? c ® ?".ftuvjLi. d wwS%aiKi!SS applied his elec rlc battery, but neither course officials to hold up his hands. Then 400 black of treatment seemed to revive him. His respiration was seven to the minute (the average natural respiration being twenty), suid as every Indication pointed to a dyiug condition, the two physicians so stated and As there wa* no hope entertained qt hi* re covery, and as his death was a matter of an hour or to, a search was made by several gen tlemen in the room for any scrap of paper that might throw light upon the cauae of the sui cide. In hla coat pocket were found two letters,one addressed to a young lady In Nashville, and one to Messrs. W. R. Phillip* and J. R. Hicks. It was opened and read as follows, and it will be noticed la dated Monday, the day on which he told Mr. Hicks that he had taken the lamia- rsram: THE LETTER. ••Macon, Ga., September 21.—Dear Friend: Please try to sell strangers, without a d hands, homy with honest toil, shot up into the air. Jeff then assumed a tragic attitude, and In a voice with| the flavor of Bangs and Freddie Paulding |said he would plunge the cold glittering steel dagger into his heart and stagger to hi* bed-1 side with the crimson gore pouring from hit, wounds like the water over tne rock at Toccoa.1 rather than follow tho officeholders. He told] his hearers to ask Hon. Nat Harris topa-s - to go t<^ms est work. Jeff then took up the Mechanics Protective Association recently organized in Macon, and said it was a blow at the negro mechanic. He denounced it in strong terms, and then went on to say that he wanted Blount, Colquitt and Drown to investigate the corruption in the United States court-1 houses. nnd the Congressmen who did the most Investigating would be followed! by the colored race. He said the tariff ques- - u*., ncpwniuvr I'r.An Please sell the piano if you possibly can. and »cnd mamma the money. 1 could not stand to sec her come to want. I have suffered a thousand deaths this week. I would have been so glad to have seen my dear mother and sister once more. Tell her to go to her brother and lister’s. Telegraph her of my death. the piano. She Is among dollar. Yours, truly, "II. D. Christopher.' Mr. Hicks did not feel satisfled about the yonngman, and with Mr. Wiley Jones con cluded to send for Dr*. Moore and Mettaucr. When Dr. Moore arrived he sent for a stomach pump, bat before it could be brought. Dr. Met- laucr arrived with one In lilt hand. The pump was applied nnd the contents of the ptomach brought up The patient began at once to revive. Dr. Moore remained until about 2 o’clock aud went away satisfied that the young man would recover. ARRIVAL OP HIS MOTHER. Telegrams were sent to hla mother iu Nash ville. who replied that she would leave on the first train. Khe and her daughter arrived last night to find the unfortunate young man in a fair way to recover from the effects of his at tempt to take his own life. The cause of the step is attributed to finan cial troubles and sickness. He borrowed-some money from a friend a few days ago and on Batnrdav night returned it all but fifteen cents, which he said he must have. On Htm- day morning a negro woman tmught fifteen cents worth of morphine, and it is supposed that it was purchased for him. Mr. Christopher is well-known in Macon, and hla rash act is deeply regretted by hi* Irienda. ». emocrntlc Meeting. Pursuant to a call mode by the executive committee of Bibb county, a meeting of the Democracy was held at the court house jester- day at noon. Tho meeting was called to order by Mr. R. A. NUbet. chairman of the executive committee. Dr. A. P. Collins wa* made chairman and Mr. Wales Wynton seer* : iry. *’ **’ * ' ‘“ T » <SA1 > froi cratic Executive « unraittee saying that they were in need of fowl* with which to maintain a campaign. He,.Leu offered the following resolution, which was udopted: Whereas, the National Democratic Execu tive Committee has lately addressed the peo ple oi the United States for procuring ats THAT DOUPLE PENALTY. An Explanation of How 'Tla Dona, nnd Also a Correction. We have received the following in reference to the case mentioned on Sunday: Editor* Telegraph and Messenger: have read your article,"That Double Penalty," and, having investigated and reported the case referred to, 1 desire to explain the mat ter and show that there Is nothing strange In the (demand made by the eollector.and that he proceeded as the law directs. The case Is limply this*. A. Randall la reported to the col lector for assessment as retail liquor dealer lor the year ending April 30, IMA tax ami pen alty amounting to JOT.-'iO. This amount i* charted to the collector, and he Is required to maho demand within the time prescribed by law, and either to collect the taxes, or prove them to be uncollectible, with in six weeks after receipt of the assessment 11*L The criminal prosecution has nothing to do with the eoileetor’* coarse in the case. If the party was acquitted by the courts, the col lector’s coarse would be the same; as the amount la charged to the collector, he must get cn *llt for thc-wune, either by collection abated as •‘uncollectible,” or "erroneous. The party. If not liable, has his remedy by making affidavit denying liability to the tax. Richard Neiaon, Dep. Collector. The following has been received Iran: C’om- xnUaioucr Erwin. The error comp’alned of nil unintentional Editor* Trlborahi and Memrnurr: in cenmentlng upon the action of Internal Rev enue Collector Johnson in the case of Aaron Randall, charged with violating the revenue Illegal." In a casual conversation with jour reporter a day or two itoee, I was asked ay ffMMOnuto the legality of forcing a aaa to pay two penalties—ou« to the collector of Internal revenue for non-payment of taxes, before conviction, sad the other under sen tence of the court, after conviction. 1 replied ••that l regarded ouch a law un- ccrntTiotlonal.’’ but 1 did not say. as lam oiii«do «ayr, "that Collector Johnson’s action Undersectlona 31 St and .11*7 cf the Revised Statutes, the coUeatev of internal revenue baa th« right to demand the payment of any tax due thc.g •vernment under the. Internal reve nue law*, where the party liable to _pay such tax n< gleets to pay the same; and be u also authorized under the etetute to collect the same by distraint and sale in the manner pro vided by law. Section 31*7 of the Revised hututes enumerates the articles exempt from clMraintaml sale. Not knowing the facts in the case, of coarse I cannot say whether the collector's action to •legal or Illegal, and the language alleged to .have been need tar me in this connection does a manifest Ini’ rtire to a moat worthy ami effi- xJent officer oithe government. The collector certainly has a legal right to demand the tax .and penal, y where probable - cause has been shown that pay pent has been evaded, amt If the party liable voluntarily .pays the penalty,even though prosecution has •been in-muted iu the courts, It would In no -wise affect the legality of the collector's ac tion. The acnin^f however, may refuse to y tho tax, and In that event the collector, If satteted that the party Is liable, may lory on am! »cL his property If not exempt from levy and sale under the section above quoted. L.M. Kkw:v. UiUtentlvely, and evidently had the strongest kind of a following in the crowd before him. When through shaking he introduced the fol lowing resolution, which was signed by over two hundred and fifty names, so the secrc-j 1^^ "WHRRXAt AND RESOLVED.” B "Whereas at a recent meeting of the State central committee of the Republican pan y of Georgia a lliaino and Logau elec’orai ticket [ was chosen and put in the field, and. ordina rily , It would be the duty of every Republican to Indorse the action of the committee and support the nominees, hut, in this instance, the committee has absolute!v and boldly ignored the colored man, who Is the breast work, bulwark ami mainstay of the p-rty in Georgia by not placing asingle representative oi the black race on the ticket, and. Instead, has nominated a set of white mru. «ome of whom ate strong iu the Democratic faith, sue’t I action on the part of the central committee we deem as an insult to the black man, without whose support in the past there could never have existed a Repul.lican party in Georgia, and without whose aid tn the future It would quickly a. d completely die: therefore, be It "Resolved 1, That we declare against this action of the committee as Impolitic, unjust and ungrateful, and denounce the committee | as a set of ringsters who care only for the^H POLITICAL FI.EM! ROTS and with whom financial gain and frffleo is the sole consideration, and the negro 1* thought of only for hie vote. That we Indorse the course and action of the llev. W. J, White, of the Georgia Huptlst Church, in espouidng the cause of the black man relative to the electoral ticket, and we urge Mr. White to promptly take step* in rail ing a State convention for the purpose of noml mating an electoral ticket on which theeol-l ored man shall be represented, and thus give S ncral and better satisfaction to the bulk of e Republican party through<ml Georgia. "3. That we condemn in aaqnaltfUd e. ... Ithe maliclons conduct of the United States deputy marshal* In arrest.ng not only black but white persons, men and women, on ibe most frivolous ch rges, and dragging them handcuffed through the streets, and often- Mmes maltreating them with many Indigni ties as though their prisoners were only brutes. Bach officers are a disgrace loth. Republican patty and should not t>e tolerated We call npou and beg the proper authorities to have such conduct speedly discontinued, for not only basil weakened the strength of the party, but has brought It into the gteatesidls |- Only Two Weeks, and What a Victory! t ISSj^ d */ t>, atue .* • ' ing pelitl*vn nf n«n It Vlt,"?L . Ve " n d 'OfCBtl AND haven t we stirred them up! Now, when too late, they err for peace. But there is no j\ peace. As the friet-ds of tho people, we give no quarter and PROCLAIM WAR TO THK ,t,e toThe victor belong tiie spoils'. Each day onr force has become more numerous and better drilled for the campaign. The crowds in search of bargains become greater and our sales count higher and higher. We view the situation from our standpoint. 97 CHERRY STREET, The Leaders and Controllers or tiu Dry Goods and Carpet Market or Middle Geoboia. SUBLIMELY We wear the/calm smile of conscious supremacy, and like the victorious General, we view the situation with amused surprise. BUT WHAT A CHANGE ! The human tide has left Its.old channel in which it flowed for lo these man^yetrs,. and to-day lies bare to the \ T course. We ree the crafts 1 land dry BLAINE nnd LOGAN. 712 Royal octavo pages; 67 full page illustra tions. T1LDEN, CLEVELAND nnd HENDRICKS. 774 Royal octavo pages; 35 f ill page illustra tions. Beat Terms Ever Offered to Asente. OUTFIT FREE, and ALL FREIGHT PAID. Address H. 8. GOOD8PEEO A CO , octtwly New York and Chicago. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Wherea7. O. F. La*crquist, of said county, has applied for letters of giuriHanthipof the person and prop erty of Augustus and Kitty M. Lloyd, minors under fourteen years of age, resident of said connty. This fs to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at the court of ordinary of said county ou the Dm Monday in October next to show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be grame 1 *. Witness my h«nd and official »(gesture, thl* Sept-mbe* 5, ihn j a. MctfAKU*. Were thrown wide to the public and their prices proclaimed inplaln figures. Hut what an sepfi-.awfw Ordinary. awaking ! What a consternation! Competition viewed the situa ion with surprise, and after .... . .—... considerable thinking the truth gradually dawned to> their minds that thts was the nlnotccnth Libel for DlVOrCC. 10 B'bl) SlJDCrior century, the age of progress, aua the days of big profits had passed, aud as the Haven would «. « say could be practiced on the people NEVER MORE. The people to-day seethe difference between low prices for the cash aud the big profits changed by houses that sell on thirty minutes, thirty days, thirty weeks and thirty year* time, and as money is one of the scarce commodities an 1 for every dollar they want its worth, and have come to the conclusion that they cannot afford to pay the debts of others, for they now realise that the extra percentage charged by time houses Is to meet bad de s ts. The people appreciate our pluck, our vim and our euergv. and say to us you came In the hour of darkness and displaced to us the light o! wlslora. Now, when too late, others pro- c'aim themselve* our friends, but too late. The faint echo of their cry haa grown dim. Ing petitioned Geo. D. Mathews vieSiraW* last vdll aud test ament of Enoch ultwlir* ate of said countv. deceased: whereof; !« orde-ed that ELa flatter, a leg tLJ tt *>«*>“'•« ‘aw Ki to, dertued, be un,l lip [MM r before" mjr offlee on ibo tint Mtrailny in°if„ r J° , k ** belt to wltneMA final eetUemeut ofth?b? connu of retd exooutor wbta aald wit! V, V* ,h « “Art tbit i.i!i SRSKTiSS? ““ o'-Mg view of the people its empty c v .— In the commercial channel amidst the rocks and at the mercy of ths equinoctial storm of the September prices that has been born with such terrific effect from 97 Cherry street. • .a. a—j. -* slept. Its slumber was the Rip Van Winkle For years the retail Dry Goods trade of Macon slept, pose. In ita sleep was*ever displayed a vision of hir**" It was a bright Monday morning to the people of Rip Van Winkle GeorgtaTwben the doors of LYONS & GLINE ide to the public and their prices proclaimed InpUdn figures. Read our Sledge-Hammer Prices for this week. SOdozen more of ladles' Brilliant Lisle Ribbed Hose just received at 25 cent,, worth 75, full regular. 100 dozen of ladies’ full regular made Hose pin stripes Inst opened, at 2} cents, worth 50c. 150 dozen of ladies’ regular made silk clocked Hose, all colors, at 20 cents—last week at 25, worth 60c. 100 dozen children’s gray mixed Hose at ', worth 30 cents. 100 dozen Hoop Skirts and Bustles at 15, 25,50, 75 and |1 each-half price. 10 cawa of Bleaching equal to Wamsnt- , in weight and quality, at 8% cents. 10 cases of good Bleaching, yard-w!de,at A cents, worth 8c. Jnst rereived 10 bales of Sea Island at GK> worth 10 cents. 600 corsets just opened and will be of fered at prices that will astonish yon, from the ch apest to the finest made. 5 cases more of thoie short length cali coes. They are the best quality of goods and ran from one to ten yards at 3\i cents per yard. Best Prints, 6}< cents per yard. ISO pieces on hand of 10 A bleached and brown bheetmg at 18,20 and 25 cents. Come at once, as tt is a big drive, and going fast. OUR PRICES TELL, And the People tell our prices 300 pieces more of onr dve cent worsted dress goods to be oeeued this week. Our 10,11 and 12J{ cent dress goods is the wonder of the age, and our dotthle width Cashmeres in all the colors, at 15o. ■Miaw>iMu..wuw sets competition to thinking. In by Messrs, t*. H. Jemi-on, Geo. W. Qustln, In lsct, our dress (foods, silk and velvet " ’ ' departments i -one we take great pride in. newspapers 'against the Kepublican party, be it Resolved, that we, the Democrat* of Bibb county, again assert our loyalty to the Demo cratic party, and declare our hearty willing ness to co-operate with the National Demo crat le Executive Committee. Resolved, that a committee of nine, to be appointed by the chairman of tb's meeting, be appointed to solicit contributions, to be forwarded Immediately to Chss. J. Canda, treasurer, No. H West Twenty-fourth street, New York. Col. J. II. Blount said he was gratified that the call bad been made, and he thought the Democracy of the South owed it to the De mocracy of the North, in this campaign, to make prompt response to the call. Some dlscu sion then f llowed as to the _ mber of the committee and the best means of raising funds, etc., which was participated In by Messrs. t«. H. Jemison. Geo. W ~ ““ U. W. Patterson and Judge McManus. The chairman then appointed the following committee: Messrs. H. J Lamar, J. if. Campbell, Geo. C. Price, J. H. llertx. C. L. o'Gnrman, W. R. Rogers, A. B. Hubers, '* * J. Stine, (’has. Herbst and N. R. Jaques. On motion Dr. A. P. Colli-s was made chair man of the committee. * The meeting then adjourned. Opening of .the Schools. Yesterday was a busy day among the chil dren. The books were taken down from the shelves, the new clothe* brushed up and the lunch basket was Ailed for the day. The attendance on the publle schools was not qul'o so large as was expected. Many people had moved out of the city limits and some were kept away by sickness. Ask to aee our 42-inch All wool Cashmere in nil the new shades, at 50c., worth 75. Ask to see our 42-inch all wool Cashmere at 72)£ and 75 cents. All the fashionable jhades worth $1 A few of those Jeraeva left in imall sizes at $1—all wool. Wo will open the coming week a hand some line ot misses and ladies' shoes from the beat manufacturers 150 dozen ladies hemstitched Handker chiefs, in plain and colored borders at 10 12^ and 15 cents, up to the finest, away below their value. We carry the handsomest line of black Mourning Goods ever before seen in thi* market. Full line ot black Cashmeres from \l%. all wool, to $1.50 per yard. Full line black Biretz, Bhuda. Ottoman Mourning Dress Goods, from 80 cents to per yard. Our black Cashmere Silk at $3 per yard is the handsomest silk in the city. Our black Silk at $1 per yard is said to be as good as auy in the market at $1.25. Ask to see o ir $1.25 black Silk. Black and colored Velveteens at 37}4. 45. 50,75, fl up to $5. Plain and brocaded Velvet* at (1214 75, 87H $1 up to $5. In colored Silk we have a beautiful line in all the new shades at 07J^, 72J4. 87U 07aud $1.38 per yard. Our Carpet Department I, still on the boom, ami we propose to keep it at the bead ot *11 competition. This week onr forces have been kept busy filling order,. When yon visit oar store don’t fail to examine our C irpet Depart- ment. We have Carpet, at t 14,15,25 50. 75, $1, $125 an J 11.80 per yard, and a beau. ■Court.H ■Fannie Potts vs. William Fotts.—It appearl ing to the court, by the return of the sheriff in the above stated case, that the defendant does not reside in said county, and it further ap-1 pearing that he does not reside In the State, or that his whereabouts are totally unknown, t lis therefore ordered by the court that service i be perfected ou the defendant by publication of this order once a month for four months, before the next term of this court, in the Macon Telegraph and Messenger, a newspaper published at Macon, Ga Granted. md T. J. SIMMONS, J. 8. CM F. J. M. DALY. Petitioner's Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of Bibb Su perior Court. A. B. KOSS, Clerk. majrJS lam 4m GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Whereas, A B Ross, administrator of tho estate of Mrs. Vlp ginia B. Wade, has made application for let ters of dismission from said estate. This is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at the court of ordi nary of said county on the first Monday in December next to show cause, if any they can. why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this September ©.1804. J. A. McMANUS. scp5-law3m" Ordinary. said estate. f t that laid tesidedin Ordered:'that service be perfected h* Mention of this order once a mouth for mouths in the Teletr-pb and Me*sen«f?"* paper in which said c&nte idvSagS&i are published, and In the Galveston NV» e . nta pap.rpnbli.hed in oSuSSEaSf bSH\S Texas. By the Court. July 7. ism W 01 VIRGIL 8. HOLTON, Ordinary True extract from minutes. 17 • Jyti-w-iam-im MEDICAL DEPARTlvtOrr' OF THE University of Georgia. A.\igiiNta. Liu, FACULTY. L. A. DUGAS, M. D.. LL. D.. Emeritu, Ptoleworol the Vrii.ciple, Practice of Rnrgrry. JOSEPH A. EVE, M D„ Profcor of Obst'tric* an.l Diaease, of Women and Children. GEO. W. KAIN8. LL D„ M D Profeuor of Multcnl ChemLtry and Phar- HENRY F. CAMPBELL, M. D.. Professor of Principles and Practice of 8nr- gerv and Gyniecolngy. DeSAI'SSURE FORD. M. d„ Professor of Dncriptive and Surgical Anat omy and Operative Surgery. EDWARn GEDDINQ>, M/d., ^‘•Sobe^e^em.T 010 "- Protestor of the Inititutes and Practice of Medicine. GEO. C. DUGAS. M. D., Professor of MsterU Medics and Medical Jurisprudence. The fifty-third session of tills Institution will begin on the first Mondty in N’ovsm- NOTICE. Crawford Superior Court, March Term. 18AI. It appearing to the court that John D. Whit tington, William W. Whittington, Minnesota Whittington and Walter 11. Whittington, four of the defendants in the above stated bill, are not residents of the State of Georgia, but are residents of the State of Alabama. It Is therefore ordered on complainant’s mo tion, that service of said bill be perfected upon said defendants by publishing this order in the Te.cgraph and Messenger (the public ga zette in which the legal advertisements arc published for said county), once a month for four months before the next term of said court, and that aald defendants have until said next term to appear and plead andai swer to said bllL T. J. SIMMONS, J. 8 C. A true extract from the minutes J. W. JACK. Clerk. March 21st, ISM. may27-law4m ber. EDWARD GEDD1NGS, M. D., sepl9w4t Dean. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY fcl Bv Mail Postpaid. tiful line of Rugs and Polite attention given to a l. whether they pnrehassor not Crumb Cloths Bowt Chocked Homowpini, 7 contH. O’Gqrman, W. R. Rogers,^A. B. Subers, G. J. ! Li Y U r* RS OLMVJfcS Leaders and Controllers ol the Dr/ Goods and Carpot Market, 97 Cherry Street. Macon Griffin and Milledgev lie. r-EORGI*, CRAWFORD COJNTY.-AU- 'J gustus J. McAfee, administrator on the cs tate of Abraham J. McAfee, late of said coun ty, deceased makes applicaHou to me for leave sell the real property of said estate. This is therefore to c'te all person* con cerned to show cause, if any they have, bv the first Monday tn October next, why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand officially. September 1, ISM. VIRGIL 8. HOLTON. acpS-1aw4w Ordinary. IT IS NOONDAY! Jo,tiu. 81m, Uwn another The election Y.aterda, Very UtUa tntvrait an taken la tbc election yeateifiay. The poll* were opened in do* time la Ibe morning, but the crowd oanally on band at the opening waa couplcaotuly ale At tbn Coart JUmro pre.-in.ct there w«r> only 288 vote* polled, at Ea>t Manga 60, and at the lower city precinct SI. An edbit to aeratcb vu ill- -wareddurtn, the dqy. but promptly "VnTrauntr precinct* will iu* be beard from Tbr Wlo.lng U the vote: Court lloure. Macon. nenryP.M - ‘ meeting came into the room and bejan jell Inz lor Wallace, Logan and other*, bat the hymn bexnn to roll out from between a hun dred pair* of big lipa and all etna,wan drowned. thz oTHza azrrttto Even one hundred ncfioee and *lx white men were preaent at the nan meeting at the United hlaua Court room. Jamea Taylor waa made chairman and John W. Marlow aecre- Hkv. ulavke offered a resolution to the ef-l feet that It was inexpedient to put out a ticket for the Legislature. Speeches were made by Joe Trlppc. M. U. Clarke. Thomas fe reeu and a fellow from Warrior named Mims. . . , , . The meeting wa* very tame and lacked the Arc of Jeffs packed house. The ftdlowf _ curious resolution was introduced by John Si at low and adorned* Whrrzxs. We have no candidates in the] field for the Legisture, and do not deem it kmpedlent to put forth any, and i Whrrrji*, Lynch law haa been practiced I in our state, and nlue times out »f ten the negro is the victim, therefore be It Resolved. That we will support no candid mate for the Lrgialature who favors such law.} Burned Cin Houses- H Fire caught In the old Fulton Mill ia^rl Warrior district, on Saturday test, aud near destroying It. The mill U a grist mtU, and its power is also used for ginning cotton. It is run by Mr. John Braswell, who bad con siderable trouble in putting out the fire. Only one bale of cotton wo* burned. | The gin hours of Dr. Worsham, cn the Co lumbus road, also caught fire on Waturday, but the fire was extinguished before much-damage waa done. A bale of cotton belonging to Mr. Tom Bonner waa burned. 1 On the same day the gin bouse of Mr. James Eubanks, in Crawford county near the line of Bibb, caught fire and was totally destroyed, ( with twelve bales of cotton. The boose was a new one, and the engine was also new, and bad Just been put up. No insurance. 4 On Uunday at daylight, Mr. Steve B. Ren- I free, living in Jones county, near Mecon. dis covered his rln house on fire. It was burned down, together with seven balea of cotton. There were two cotton gin* burned up, onr * them belonging to Mr. James Stubbs. The I* supposed to have been caught from a match. While finning Saturday, Mr. Renfrue found a Match in the cotton. A Negro Shot. | On Sunday morning about l o'clock a negro boy named Henry Williams, employed a* | water-carrier for the chain-gang, now en camped i n the Columbus road, bad a quarrel with a convict named Ed. lie was told re peated? to atop it, but continue*!. Finally vneoftne/.iania. Ikjc llamlln. firsd at him. the couteuu *.f * shot-gun entering the right thigb of * llliams. Hamlin then threw down hlsgun au-l walked off. Williams waa taken to the hospital, where his wound was attended to by Dr* r. II. Wright. The wound is not a The lower lay prostrate, and there was no light. Egyptian darkness threatened our fair city. The oldest in habitant shuddered,at probable consequences. In tender- Th,ra ..re tat-nty ov* children more than est solicitude the gracefut form of gentle Luna is bent over the scene. Spectral bands and ghostly visions of marvelous proportions and movement come and go. W ith wild ges ture and uplifted brow, an idle tale is urged upon every hand. An awful silence prevails. Hark! The wild«ood is filling with the merry voices ofhappy songsters. Behold The Prince of day approaches, dispensing joy and gladness as he comes. His eye pierces the remotest corner. “Ways that are dark and tricks that are vain” are exposed to the view and people cry: Aha! aha! The processi n moves on. One pleads “an auction sale,” but the people want none of it. Another rushes out and boasts something about “leaders and controllers,” but the people grow restless and hurry on, saying: “We have heard that before.” Bent The total attendance on the public schools wa* whites 1,0*1, colored KO. East Macon «M. There were twenty-five children more thi.. could be accommodated with seats at tbo Or ange street ecbool, though at Mulberry there were forty vacant chairs. children. Weeleyaa received a full share, fuller, In fact, than ever before, and yet the young la dies arrive on every train. The children requiring new books for the term are flocking Into the book store*. Cnptnln Hardeman In Brunswick. At the recent annual parade and prize drill of the Brunswick Riflemen, Captain J. L. Har deman, of Macon, was the field officer during the parade and one of the Judge* of the drill at night. The prizes were also presented by him, and In hts address he alluded to the re cent movement to secure aid from the State for the military as follows: He deprecated the fact that the proud State of Georgia does nothing for her military ex- • m their — Crawlbrd Couu'v* GEORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY.—W. B. v* Arnold, Administrator on the estate of Yoaug Jessup. Ute of id county, deceased, makes application to me for leave to sell real roperty of said estate. This will cite all persons concerned to show cause, if auy they have, by the first Monday in October next why said application should not be granted. Witness my hand officially, September!, 18S4. VIRGIL 5. HOLTON, sc pi law4w Ordinary. reptto commission officers, although -th?*i^*^Kf th (urouhM'by“h“/rfcSj' upon having only good, honest, reliable and seasonable K”™»K.^riorie r w*2i 1 |SS7ii52‘S2 goods, the procession heads for Triangular Block. Meanwhile, the man of marble features, forgetting his dig nity for the moment, cast .iis hat aloft and shouts "THREE CHEERS AND A TIGER FOR THE EMPIRE STORE. Here is a partial list with prices of the mammoth and well selected stock of seasonable goods from which the peo ple buy and are satisfied: A Bad BUI. Yesterday evening a negro man went into several of the stores on Mulberry street near the Floyd House and asked for chanie for $20 bill, but wa* refused. Ue weal into The Fair and asked Mrs. Smith to change 1L She took the bill, but found the safe closed. She then handed U to her husband to change, but he mw that it wa* a ra sed bill. He made a K b for the negro, who managed to break le and run down the street. Mr. Smith called for police and Officer Golden quickiy iponded, and gave chase to the negro, who . _ a in the direction of the river. All trace o him was loot on Walnut street The bill ha< been neatly raised from a one-doll or bill and required a quick eye to detect iu An Enterprising House. Lamar, Rankin A Lamar can always be relied upon not only to carry iu stock the beat of everything, but to secure tbo agen cy for such articles as have well-known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining tht reputation of al ways being enterprising and over Tellable. Having secured the agency for the cele brated Dr. King’* Xew Discovery for con- sumption, will soil it on a positive guaran tee. It will surely cure any and every * faction of the throat and Chest, and _ ■bow our confidence, we invite yon to call and get a free trial bottle. HU 1 ILL. u, e. lactseui, executor o line estate o ibussu- n*h Lesaeur, vs. Ewell Webb, principal, and John 11. Senders, security.—Complaint, In Bibb Superior Court r r appearing to the court that John n. Bon der*, one of the defendants In tho above- named cause, Is dead, and Wm. R. Sanders la administrator on his estate. It la ordered by the court that Mid Wm. R. Sanders b« made a party defendant to Mid suit, and that be being a non-resident a copy of this order be served by publication as pre scribed bv statute. Signed this sth day of November, IMS. T. J. SIMMONS. J. rf. C. A true extract from the minute* of Bibb Su perior Court, April 3d, lass. A. B. Rons, aprt-lawtf Clerk. "TlEORulA, BiBB COUNTY.—Notice is here* >v given to all persons concerned the! George if. Hazlehurst, executor ot the estate of Jet. A. Nlsbct, late of Mid county, deceased, haa departed this life and no perron has ap plied for administration do bonis nou rum testamento annexo on the estate of MidJas. A. NlsbeMnsald State; that administration do bonis non cum testamento annexo will be vested In W. W Carnes, county administrator, or tome other fit person, after the public"— of this citation unless valid objection la to his appointment. * line** my band and official signature.this September \ l&M. J. A. McMANUS, sept lawlw* Ordinary. KNOW THYSELF.* \ Great Medical Woik on Mask*d 1 Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical lability, Premature Decline in Ma*». Errors oi Youth, mid tht* untold miseries resulting from Indtecrrtion* or exoewes A bonk for every man. young- middle-sged end old. It contains t>rtse<lpllon* for all aente and chronic dis ease*, esen one of which is invaluable. Bo found by the author, whose experience Ifor vs years is such as probably never be fore fell to »ht lot of any physician sou paces, bound in beautiful, French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a Ann work in every sense—mechanical, literary and irofesslonal—than any other work sold it his country for • 2.60. or the money will be ro unded In every Instance Price only si 00 by moil, postpaid- lllusuzttve mm pin 6 cents. Send now. Gold Medal swarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the offi cer* of which he refer* The Science of Lift- should be read by the young for Instruction and by the alftrited iox relief It will benefit all -London /.»*r f. There Is no member of society to whom tali book will not be useful, whch* r youth. ,-srvDL guardian. Instructor nr f-Ientyo.an.—Ara -uiuf, Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or Dr. W. H. PARKKR. No 4 Wulfincb street, Bouton, Mas*., who maybe rnn*ul:e* ee all disease* rt-qulrtnr skill and experience. Chronic and oLsti au disease* that have baffled the skill of al! other f I L* if i hy*l- clans a specialty. Much irt»t* <*J successfully without au f || yS 1'Ij F deeTwlv ally v Instance of falln Mention this paoer. Domestics. 10 cue, itaiuUrd print*, new atjlea, 3% caul*—fcj. and 7 came elaawbere. 15 raze, yard-wide, soft Hoiibed bleach' Dress Goods. . pralty 300 place* American dren I bright colon, 5 cents, worth 11 200 piece* aolid Armures, wool filling, 0 bo—p™ V^pMfooo! S*M UK canu. ficuMdrea' gloghamz, elegznt itylee. ‘ 80piece, HI wool Camel’. Hair, 15 centi. [, 8 and 10 cents* »cases ticking, good quality, 8,10 and 12X cento. Hosiery. r 2hi~&ia 7vU1t«hcu:. tiro Croat Wi.iunc Maioti. The Inlcreat la Ibe treat walking Batch to taka place daring Ulr « c «k 1* on the Increue. la addition to the Ford brother*, Monerltf a ad Haiklna, leTcra! other eotrtea bar* been mad*, among them Wicker* of ftandemlUe, Cairo of Mecca, Dart* of raraaaah, who won the fifty-boor maltb In that city, and llarria of Macao, who woo the Metro 1 money at cur park. Xiajl. Clay and llarbaam ere Madia poeten to e.ery part of tha Mate. ttx. •peod a goad dealaf money to make i. * accea* ol the laatch Tb. hlptrodrome where the amteheameeoWI* the otdy place In the fcroth that leadaMad loth* para** It l«one ran amphitheatre when everybody can be com fortably Mated aod ret remain la foil view of tbawaOen darlag taa ealire walk. Thl* feature ol the fair will be made a *" ***• Unprecedented relueln black and all the faihiooable eolid color*. 200 dozen ladle*’ balbriggan zilk clacked, 20 cents, worth 23. MI0 dozen children’i gray mixed ribbed, 15 cent*, cheap at 30. too dozen British half ho*e.regular made SS cent*, well worth 30k worth 25. 150 pl-cee all wool dreaa plaid*, 25 cent,, worth 35. 30 piece* 45 Inch all wool Cashmere*, all colon. GO cant*, worth 76. 20 piece* 45-inch all wool diagonal Serge. GO cent*, worth 75. Merino Underwear. Anelmnt quality gents’ Merino Under- ve*t, 25.35. GO, 75, fl and upward*—not in tile for the money. Splendid quality ladles’ Merino Under cut, 50,00,05,75 fl and upwards—unex ampled value. Flannels. dlood quality Canton flannel* at the unpre cedented prices o(8,10.12M45 end 30 cants Splendid quality all wool Flannel, 15, 30, 25.». 40, to cents and upward*—do better goods for the money. Table Linens. 30 plcee* bleached table damukof ex quisite design. 40 cents, worth 50. 60 pieces colored table damask, extra wide, warranted all linen, of beautiful pat tern, 50,00,05 and 75 cents per yard and upwards," Towels and Napkins. SOOdosen all linen towels, beat quality and good sizes, 10,12J(, 15 and 30 cents. The largeet and beat linen towel In the State for the money, at 2fi cents. 50 piece* linen crash, extra wide, 10,12}i and 15 cents. GOO dozen blea< he<l and colored damask napkins, good quality, 50 cent, per dozen, and upworda. 300 dozen bleached linen doyliez at 40 cent* per dozen worth 50. Bargains. We are ottering what we call bargain, in 104 sheeting*, pillow cation, bad spreads, coverlets snd comforter,. Be sure to see POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl* powdtr never varies. A marvel of purity, (Length and wholesoneness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, asd cannot b* eoM In compaUtioo with tha maltitude of low tat, abort weight, alnm or phosphate powders. Mi m/y f« cent. Eot»l Bakixo Powoaa Co., US Wall street, hew York, Millinery. Only tb* latest novelties in shape* and trimming* will b* kept at the lowest price*. MiisOiU, who haa been ■ pending the summer North,-has returned and will ee- •ume her poiition with na on the lit proximo, which la aiuffident guaranteeo< refined taste and elegant workro»n*hip. Boots and Shoes. Our Shoe department la our (pedal pride—23cent*lot 1 fared on every pair o( shoes bought of us. Good quality children’s shoes, GOA up. Good quality ladles' shots, |l up. Good qaality man's shoe*. 11.25 op. Good quality men's calf boot*, 12.75, worth 13. W. Handkerchiefs and Neckwear We hart lutt opened some novelties and immense drire* in these good*. Ladies' or rente' ail linen. hemstitcheJ, plain or B ln ted bordered handkerchief at 8,10, K, 15,3) and 25 cents, worth double tha Notions. Good quality Agate shirt buttons, 5c. for twelve dozen. Dejt quality Pearldreu buttons. 10 cants Three paper* pine for 10 cent*. Two paper, bait pin, for 6 rente. Three cake, toilet wap for 10 cents, etc. xtEOROIA, BIBB COUNTY,—By virtue of an order from the Coart of Ordinary of Mid countv. will be oold before the * door houraof next, the county: 1 lets, hounded by the landa of Gonnau, San der*. Graham aud the Houston road, and known as the Holly lot. Bold aa the property of James P. Malone, deceased, for dlvuion among the heir* of Mid Jamea P. Malone. J. A. MITCHELL, MPtt-law4w* Administrator. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Whereas. Robe A. Johnson, administrator of the estate of . . . .. ..gecMMd, a R. Johnson, late of Mid county. made application for * di of said deceased. leave to fell the concerned to bo and appear at the court of or dlnary of aald county on the flret Monday in October next to show cause. If any they ran, why laid application should not be granted. _ Witness my hand and official signature.tbit r5,1*04. J. A. McMANUS Ordinary. Postponed Guardian bnio n BORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—By virtue UT iinler of the court of ontinsry of Mill 8 r, will be *old to Ute hl*bc>t Didder, < retTueedsy In November, MM, betwet lcssl hour* ol **le, at the court home door of Mid county, one-half intrrvu In the following property, to-wtt; One, lot containing ono ria- room dwelling, double kitchen, etc., oaths corner of Johuon and Hhort rtreeta, la lot No. 4, block H, fronting on Johnaon rtreet M fed, more or le*i. and on Short beck lo s ten foot alley TO feet, more or le**. Al*o the vacant lot adjoining fronting on Johnson amt —feet and running beck^Teet to tha ten (not alley in the rear, the whole being owned Jointly by X. F. Fannin, guardian of B. P. Walker and Miss E. A. WtTkerlwho will nuka deed* to the whole on day ol *ale. Terms cash. M. F. FANNIN, Guardian of Benonl P. Walker. octl lawtw Guardian’s Sale VintvQL Lind T)Y vtitnaof an order of the court ofoc D dlnary, of Bfhb connty, Ga., I will ohkr for sate baton tho court bouao door of s*M conn ty, on the;first Tuesday In October next, be- on the ro*,l __ _ - i. known as the of Dr. Wm. B. llurcf m, .Ing Utue.ro two and I to and on the sonthcast We Intend to continue to meet and beat the price* of competitor, with a superior ■ I quality of goods-mind you, with a sop*- rthtaway rior qualify of good*. Do you hear? Now I oil at—1 get sanq!-rand carefully conn are fabric and prices, and put u, to the test, THE EMPIRE STORE Triangular Block. In* i late Dually . now three acres, *-!. of CoL Isaac Hardeman's residence, being h» tween that residence and a twenty foot alley on Ita southeast aide A plat of aaM land, I •bowing lu dimension!, will be shown at the •ala Bold asthe property of Wm. ■UMtiku- and Mrs Winnie B. Kntltdg* (former* Butgerr), minor ehlldrcaof Dr. Wm. I ■rgeu, deceaMd. Terma raah. H WM.C. JONES, Hcplav4« Gu&rlliB of Mia ChlMreo. EXCELSIOR C00KST0VES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY ILL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED MAXrrAfTTRED BY Isaac A.Sheppard 4 Co.,Baltlmore.Ud. AND FOB HAI.K IIY Jon25-wl OEO. P. OBBARa 110 Cherry *tre*t Umtem < G ANGER CU RE No Cure ! No Pay No Blood! No Knife ! Fond for circular*. DR. AV. H. CHRiSTCFHSS « SOS un20-wla Box 173, Atlanta, Go. D ■Hrtnt BrfiOou. MB vl 20 DOLLARS WILL BUY THK FAVORITE SiBSPR SEWING MACHINE CO-OPERATIVE SEWING MACHINE C0.pt,’ada.Pa AGENTS"" 11 Queen i THE SOUtH rcRTAHT.r FARM MIL S I.r *t- - 1-1 orMMlfrtJ ic.cc o ri I WEI-jS^ggS AUUt Of I utter acx, t< n »r- money this oeythlag eUe letlna vuMb await t}..- workers rta'jluteiy » .rp. Slmprcn & Oault )Ctg Cfi, r.UZTBA0» MillCO. CINCINNATI. O. agents, : Reflecting Safety Lamp Llfbr»nt- • : - im far.-, w f.ivia tenVlF I lamp M-nl f«»r flrty F0RSEE A McMAKIN. ClncInnrtLO. ss mT-z'ZYwv-K-m WANT SOLS u*4.'i asiacQ a'( WOOLO MANUFACTUniNCCO., 122 Naaaau Straf. N«w York*