Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 24, 1884, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1884. Cheaper than Stealing! “I understand thfct burglars entered your (tore lut night. Ur. leases?” “Y», aber dey dond dr.Ice anythlngs.” " Were they frightened awny 7” *'Ya, der low bricea marked on dergoota frightened dem avay. Itlme-by dey come rount und bny der goods. Dot's cheaper den stealing. Dot’s a t-velutTdollar coat; take him for dhree dollar.” . Why His Salary Mas Reduced. N. Y. Star. “I shall be compelled to reduce yoursal- ary. Ur. Johnson, until cold weather sets in,” said a mean employer to bis bald- headed bookkeeper. '•Why 7” asked the old fellow, with a Sinking heart. "Because I notice that a large portion of the time which should be devoted to my service is spent by you in fighting (lies off the top of your head." The Poor Surgeon. Medical and Surgical Reporter. A prince of nodical science advised one of his patients to submit to a su gtcal op eration. "is it painful?" Inquired the sufferer. "Not to the patient," replied the doctor, “but very much to the operator.” “The operator?" " Yes; because it is an. operation that It'successful only about once In ninety times." Pushing Hla Canvass. Philadelphia Call. gtmnger—Ah 1 my dear old friend, how delighted I am to meet you; and how well you are looking 1 Been away? Jinks—No; but pardon me. sir, you have the advantage of me; I "And pray, how la your estimable wife? Buch a charming lady, by the way. My Wife often speaks of her.” "fihe is quite well, tbsnk you; but, par don me, you have " "And those precious little children! What darlings they are, to be sure. Bo like my own. They are all well, I hope?” “Very well; butpai ” "Ah 1 I must hurry off. Don’t forget els a yonro ticket. ir old friend on election day. Here E Whr Ha Visited Saloons, Merchant Traveler. “My. my 1" said a tempsrauce advocate to a friend of hla whom he met coming out of a saloon, "I didn’t know you went into such places.” “Ah, Indeed? Then yon have learned something this morning." "Yes, and t am sorry I have learned it.” "I don’t think 11 very wrong.” “Ah. my friend, that’s where the barm is. Your finer senses are blunted by auch associations, and the demon drink is changed in your sight to a beautiful siren whose song transforms you Into a beast. Wby, dear friend, oh, way, do you go in those places ?" "Why. really, old fellow, I can,t say un less it is that the darned lalom-keepera hare become so aristocratic they won’t bring it out to a customer and let him drink it ou the street I’m bound to have . it, so you see I’ve got to go in after It’”’ Too Much of n Lady. • New York Herald. “la that a vail over your face, Maggie Leddtr?” asked Jostle* Murray, as he looked hard at a begrimed famtnlna who was propped ua before the bar. “Niver a veil, yer Hanne. ; it’s the eun- boorn 1 got dnriu’ my lut visit to the Is land.” "How long ago was that, Maggie?" “I came down yesterday, Judge, after stayin’ there six months like a lady,” said the prisoner, toring with a greasy lock of hair that fell down ever her nose. "Six mr nths more will do you good, my girl," said Ihe Judge, benevolently, “(or when yon coma out again yon’ll be ao sun burned that yon can pan for a colored woman, and then vou can turn over a new leaf." "It’s little I care for the six months, Judge, bat ss fur pusin’ msself sir fur a black negur, I’m too muen of a lady fur that, bleu ysr Hauner’a aweet tongue." . West Virginia's Record. From 1801, when West Virginia cut her first vote for I’resldent, up to 1870. the Re paid In u much sa fire dollars on Us capi tal of five millions, but as it keeps no books, the exact amount cannot bp aecer- talned. „ "The English-American Gold. Silver and Iron Mining Company," of Alabama, capital $600.000, owns an acre of stone quarry, and its president is somewhere in Mexico to avoid life in an American 1 -til "The Milwaukee Racine and Far West Mining, Banking, Navigation and Lumber Company" has a capital of $3000 000. and lias paid in enough to enable the president to get new "hits" on the beets nf his of boots, and a dozen standing collars. Broncho Bam. Prom the Erratic Bill Nye. Speaking about cowboys. Bam Stewart, known from Montana to Oil Mexico a- Bronko Bam, was tbe chief. His special delight was In break ilie warlike heart of the vicious wild pony of Ibe plains, and wake him tbe servant of man. There may be joy In a wild gallop across the boundless plains, iu 'lie er sp morning, on tbdKiack oi a fleet bronko; but when you return with your ribs sticking through S our vest, and find that your nimble steed ss returned u> town two hours ahead of you, there is a tinge of sadness about it all. Bronko Sam, however, made a specialty of doing all the riding himself. He would not enter into any compromise and allow tbe horse to ride him. In a reckless moment he offered to bet $10 that he cou d mount and ride a wild Texas steer. The money wu nut up. That settled it Bam never took water. This wu true in a double sense. Well, he climbed the cross-bar of tbe corral-gate, and asked the other bays to turn out their best steer, Marquis of Qjeensberry rules. As tbe steer passed out Sam slid down and wrapped those parenthetical legs nf bis sround thathigh-headed, broad-horned brute, and he rode him till tie fleet-footed animal fell down on the buffalo grass, ran hla Hot red tongue out across the blue hor- ixnn, shook his tail convulsively, swelled up sadly and died. It took Ssm (our days to walk back. A ten dollar bill looks as large tome as the alar spangled banner some limes; but that Is an avenue of wealth that baa not occurred to me. I'd rather ride a buzz saw at $2 a day and found. lS76^iOTfrnor,« ltce-ITci ideal „ ,wo-Governor-. ivo-Presldent ■ ISSl-Huprems Judge. or by 2,123. In 1872 the Republicans sup- ' ported an independent Democrat (or Gov ernor, and he was elected by 2.583, and Grant oarrlad tbe State, From 18711 down tbe Democrats have maintained an unbro ken bold on tbe State. Tbe vote during there years wu u (allows; 43.177 54,209 12,72* 4!,out ICO I —is,its ...+46,2U 57,:eji 11,111 .. 143,440 44,001 3,221 •The Greenback candidate received 12,3s. ♦Weaver. Greenback, received 9,070. I Repub licans and Grrenbacken fused in support * Ibe same candidate (or Supreme judge. In West Virginia Congressmen are not elected until November. The Tallapoosa's Foa. Bath Independent Broad smiles were everywhere notice able yetlerdey morning, u citizens gath ered on tbe etreets and wharvee watching tbe grand old repreeentatlve ol tbe Beth commercial fleet, the echooner James 8. Lowell, slowly moving np th river on her arrival from Portland, where tbe dis charged her cargo. alter sinking the United States junketing gondola and official pleu- ure yacht, the Tallapoosa. There wu a large hole (urward bearing a striking resemblance to a smashed nose after a pugilistic dispute. Tbit hole, which wu covered with cenvu and vs- rious white patches, detracted from the usual nea. and handsome a.nneer.ru-. of the echooner. Her rears, however, are considered badgsa of honor, as with them •be bu gained the title of tbe coasting Sullivan ol tha Kennebec. Bbe will at once be repaired and put In first-claas condition at tbe reilwey, end then go forth agtin upon the briny war- path. It is rumored that ibe Navy De partment Intends so keep e close watcb upon the LoweU't movement, end when ■he leaves tbe river United btati-s ships of - warwill be ordered off this coast Wall-Trained Engines. Detroit Free Press. "Yes, I've been running over wbat they call tbe Butler branch of the Wabash, down through Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana and Ohio,” said the en gineer to the railroad editor, “and I most lay, thongh I’ve been an engineer (or over twenty years, it wan (or a time tbe most Interesting and exciting experience I ever had." "How wu that?” said the railroad ed itor. "Well, yon eee, though that Bntler branch is in good condition now, it wasn't a couple of years ago, and we used to have more fan than yon could shske a •tick at. I never knew how an engine could be trained before, Tbe road wasn't ballasted when they first pat trains on, and I’ve known the cars to lop over so that the wheels would only touch nne side ot the track for a mile at a time. We ran a sleeper on the passenger train for h few days when tbe road was first opened, but passengers would (all out of their bcr'hs when the cats canted over and then there'd be tbe dickens to pay. One night an old maid fell out and the cars were tilted overso at the time that she shot right across tbe aisle ln'0 the tame berth with ■ Chicago drummer. Yon ought to have heard her squeal. Of course that wouldn’t do; it made too many acsndals on tbe tram, and so they finally took tha sleepers off alto ether. “The most fun. though, wu with the locomotives,” continued the engineer. “We used to train 'em in the round house at Detrplt for work on toe Butler breach; teach 'em to jump things and dodge •round, you know. H C. Townsend was Passenger Agent of the sold then, and be took such an lntereet in the thing tbit heusedto come over from 8L Louie just to see the engines exercised He h td great hopes that we could teach some of the more Intelligent locomotives to swim a creek, but we never got that far. So 'em got to be mighty knnwina, though. I ran one myself that didn't mind it at ell wi en the track on the Butler road vas washed away, or anything of that sort She used to turn nut and go around, through a field and dodge the stump i on tha darkest night She never got lost bui once end that wu abont te > miles from Adrian. Tbe track wu mostly under water and not ot eight, u usual, and she mistook a coon- MITCHELL MAKES A “KICK.” He Says the Referee Was Prejudiced Against Him. New York Star. Thera wu great excitement yesterday amonReporting men over tbe unexpected result of the sparring match between Vilieh II and McC.ff ey. The backert of the E-tglish champion were highly indig nant at tbe decision that their man lisd lost Tbe reeult wee the more aggravating ■nd even paralysing from the fact that the knowing ones bed b’eu laying odds of three to one on the losing man. t.'uurley Mitchell wu surrounded bv the usual nomlring crowds at Madden's sa loon yesterday morning. Thaeinly sign he bore of lbs encounter was a needy plas tered scratch over his left eye. Madden whs warm in bis indignation over tbe re sult. Tn« r. porters had no difficulty in netting at his opinions. "It was a blasted outrage," said be. "McCaffrey lick Charley? Why he can't * hip one Hide nf him. Money talks, and I've got 15,000 to bet on Mitchell for a new ma'cn." ' ’ riten you don't think last night's match was stra ght? ’ i don’t. It was put up a.-alnst Charley to give ibe fight egt lift him." Mitchell stood near by, and the reporier turned to him. "Wtiatdoyouthinkof McCaffrey?” he inquired. ihe British champion sneered. “What do [ think of him?" said he. “(don't calt him a tighter at all. He isn't one-tenth die man tqat Sullivan is. In two rounds mote I would have had him completely st mv merer. The referee uecided against me, though, and what could I do after dia’?” “Do vou think etill that you can whip McCaffrey?" Mitchell looked Intense and speechless disgust at this question. Billy Madden chipped in and took up the word for 1dm: "Does he think what?" said he. "I think it, and I'll match Charley to fight him right rounds at one day's notice for 31,000 a side and the gate receipts. More, I'tl match Charley to tight him with bare knuckle*, and have oniy four men on a side to witness it." “How do you make it out that the referee was wrong?" Whv the raa'ch was clearly a draw, I it should have been so decided " Madden was intensely di-guslcd, and went on at length with much more ts k ' tbe same sort, in which he was backed . by the bystanders all of whom were firm admirers of Mitchell. During tba day Mitchell called on Rich- d K. Fox at the Coffee Gazette office. In conversation with the patron of sports be •aid: "McCaffrey is no fighter. He struck me only one clean blow during the contest. they had the referee fixed and there was no cb ince for me. He is McCaffrey's s toat friend. Why, for months he has n writing him up as a victorious pugi- fn his paper, the‘Cincinnati Enquirer. was neither fit nor responsible to act In euts had to b* devised for the grlndiog ol earn. In 1822 a protracted heat was ac companied by storms and earthquakes; during tbe drouth legions of mice overran Lorraine and Alsace, committing incalcu lable damage. Iu 1:432 tbe heat brought about cholera in France; 20,000persons fell victims to tbe vi-itation in Paris alon*. In 1810 the thermometer marked 125 de grees in the sun Fiually, the summers «f 1800,1850,1869,1870, 18:4, etc., although excessively hot, were not attended by any oliaster. AIRONSUTlC. How Blaine Get Along. Chicago World. Coming op in e cable ear lest night from Cottage Grove avenue, en elderly men re marked to hia companion; -They may but Jim Blaine, but I doubt it" “WMr? wu tbe response. “Weil, 1 judge the man bv the boy. I knew him down in Penns. Iranis forty yean ago. IU was a charming lad, and be bad a way of gliding along the world u if be wu creased. He end I were hauled np in eeboal once (or steeling apples dating rec-as. and we agreed to tell the aome story and stick by each oilier. When the teacher asked me what 1 bad to say I made tbe explanation that had been agreed upon, not Jim elaborated bit story a> greet length. He wu an ora tor then u well u now, and when be bed got through the teacher took me by the '"lam pained to discover that you ere a tier,’ and then he pelted me over the hud with a ferrule. Just as 1 began to holler Jim crept op to tbe teacher end begged blm to stop, teeing:‘I’ll forgive him, and hope you will. I bear him no ill will.’ Tbe teacher wai so impressed with his magnanimity that he bit me once more (or luck and then ordered me to my seat. It may be poeeib'a to beet that kind of a feller, but be was' never downed in those days." For threetors. Wafi Street Newi. Clergymen, school Ueehtre, widows, or phan! anil other guileless people in search of profitable investments will please ma a in te of the following; “The Great American Silver Mining Company of Nevada” bu a capital of $U U)0,0<», of which ta bu bun paid in. -m. Great Chicago, Omaha and Vir ginia City Banting and Manufacturing W in hie eyes. "Toe Grand Pad fie Slope Arlesian and aurigating A: t vdati j u” It auppoaad to have try echoolhouse ior tbe elation. They had the ecboolbnase lit up for ■ prayer- meeting, end it took ns abont half a mile off the mein line. Yiu ought to have •sen 'e u Jump when the let oil her whis tle at the echool-hoae* door. Well, the deacons directed us beck to the track, but wamia ed itsomehow. and when morning cam* we were over thirty miles from l:>* line! We didn't get back till noon. But it wun't often that engine got left 8h« got so uied to going acrore tha fields tba’ when we were pittty nearly on time or ■witched off at a station I've chased deer with hr, just for fun. II tell you it was a big thing for the Webuh, the training them locomo tives to go on tbe Bntler branch. France Chandler Is passenger agentnf Ihe W bash now and he wan't go over the road unless therreln Isdrewn bv s iocomo lvethst was lexerdeed on ihe Bu'ler brunc h—aye be wouldn't trust any other to know wlnst to do In case of an accident—and h 'a r ght, too. You can just tie to one of them en gines end know ynu'ro all right. L'e al most a shame they've ma le that branch in what r»lltosd men won'd cell good cou-l I slitiou. It's a good thing in a business Iwav. no ilniihr, h'O thes'-e - tt no sue* place left (or making engines way up.”B| Wanted to Bu the Mugwump. St Paul Pioneer Prase, I “Is Ihe mugwump in?" asked a Hnosier,I E ing into Ihe wholesale house of Franklin ■asVeagh yesterday, “This is a bu-itieaa house," answered Ihe head man, “and nnt a political lies' quar ters. You are evidently a stranger. You will find —" J "Now, don't you be too gotdarned fresh, I reckon 1 know by bit. I want to see tin mugwump." i "This is not a ward meeting remit svnuil Now. I don't wan' to be bothered with any cranks, rbere'a tha door.” "Look here, misier. I know where the dour is, end I ain’t tucb a goldarned f < ; u you mought think. I see by the ms papers that tbe men that rune tbit the bang ties bolred Blaine. Now, if be bee, he'e a mugwump, ain't be?" I ‘Tybeileve some people say that of a gen- t'eiuan w ho acta upon bit owu conviction .,”i replied tbe tuan in charge in hia politest I manner. | “Weil, now trot oat the mugwump. 1' emue mil Ihe w«y from Ini'anuy to -I huu. t-iil goldertuil ef I'm gom' ba-ktill I AtMB him" A Veteran «JoumslistCare<l For. Clkvklaad, O.. October 16.-John Wr»t, one of the o de»t editor* of tbe We . whoie abandonment to the city poor bona by bis relatives »ai qot-d aorae weeka W» »as aent to Cincinnati to-night. where hli day a will pats in t»a>-cfn *n Institution for tbe a$.ed poor. When Edwin Cowit *, editor of tbe UaHer, beard of bit eondi «®°»be a* i a acriptioo paper on foot and railed 1600, which turn will keep tbe v*l Peek \tuek lots of tha hair may — &&£r ,,ud by tbe ore of Burnett'i Thc superiority of Burnett's Flavoring Extracts consists in their perfect purity end strength. Frank Hurd Dafaatad. Baaei'eav, October 15.—Newman 801 majority in tbla county. Frank Hurd for Congress, la defeated by Jsom Rontris, of Toledo, by 181 majority. Hurd was •l.sughiere I on account of his Ires trade views. Tbe Democrats Inlb eOHintve'rct the enti e ticket by majorities ranging from 400 to 1800, 8 8 PkRSOXS is billed (o e't'lrcss Utetliixt of Green villa next Wednesday. capacity of a referee Then you think you can get away with him, Charley, barring the referee?” said he sporting editor. Mitchell laughed through a frown as he replied: "Yes. I do. I cau whip hint any day at short tint ce, either with or without al-iyet, Q lemteb-rry rules, to a finish, London prize ring rults, just as be hlense.". I want to leave now a deposit jf $230 with Mr. Fox mini alia lengo McCaffrey * i fight for $1000 to $2 500.” He deposits I bis money and the chal- ng- wits formally written oat to be trans mitted to the enemy. •There,” said tha bold Briton, "I'll see it tbe next time that ihere is a referee wbo knows tbe rul-a. who understands boxing and wbo trill not give a wrong de cision beeanse be ii afraid to Rive a fair one. Wby, tbe referee we had last night knows nothing about fighting and doesn't snow fighting men. Why I would have to kno k McCaffrey out before McCormack would have given a decision in ray favor. *' iu no tour-round dghter any way. Tnat tbe furls of tha champion, fiullivan. My (ortii is fighting to a finish, and that's the way I'll light McOaOrey the next time.” I.-eving hie challenge end hit money with Mr. F x t > bind the new match, Mitchell lair with hie friends. At the Putnam Home, McCaffrey wu enrrontided oy friends end admirers. He bore no marks of Ihe encounter, and hie boyish countenance wore the tame smile tbet hid lantelli-d Mitchell tbrongbont tbe desperate struggle in the garden. When questioned heaald: “I wou the fight—there's no use in lay ing otherwise. It wai a hard one, to% I followed Billy Edwards's instructions all through. They were tbe wlu end cautious kind, end they landed me winner, but I now think if l hetf followed my own local ( could have got tba but ol it earlier. Billy gave good advice, and was cautious because he wu anxious l should win, but if Mlicbsll ever nieete me again, I think I ■hail give a surprise in myetylaof doing things. I vent to meet John L Sullivtn ' tat once, end then drop the whole bust Alter the battle et tbe Garden had been decided, Pete McCoy, wbo wee under the influence ot liquor, made a little circus on hia own socouut He went into McCaf frey's druflng-room and began boasting lhatbe bed "bested'' the Pttisbn:g man in a • oarring match at Boston. "Billy'* O'Bti-n, a fri-nd of McCaffrey, gave the Intruder Ihe lie direct, whereupon McCoy struck blm. and tbe two man clinched In a tight. The byetanders separated them, however, before anv harm wu done, and McCoy left vowing venge tnre. This topic, ■dtlttl lOIhe Mitchell McCaffrey talk.made sporting circles look all alive yesterday. HOT OAVa OF THE PAST. A New Orleans 'nvantor Thinks Ha Has tha tona-tooked-for Ship.' Timez-Dcmocrat. The world of to day is moving and ad vancing in all directions of thonght, In genuity and invention. From the discov ery of the mysterious power* of steam to tbe wonderful possibilities of the subtle electric fluid u used by recent inventors, the science of mechanics has sped onward with amazing results. The mind and thoughts of genius are ever at work for still further accomplishments, and seem to be constantly occupied in devising some means by which to navigate tbe air and ucend into the unknown regions that lie (ar oil In tbe fields nf space. Who knows but what tbe secret of tbe stars that make tbe nights so beautiful mav yet be de veloped and the war systems of the world revolutionized. Once overcome the difliculiy of going up and the coming down Is simply a question of detire. Air-sailing vessels as navigable in thc ether as the present style are In the water, loaded with exploeive and combustible materials that can be burled upon the enemy, will cause widespread terror and destruction. Then rig these formidable war machines with long, sharp-pointed steel rams, so they can come down with tbe rapidity of an eagle upon the men-of-war of the opposing forces, driving tbelr Instruments of demo lition through their decks or into thclr sides, then quickly pulling out and taking flight like some wlla mountain bird, leav ing thc object attacked to sink with all on board, Tbe possibilities are terrible to contemplate. Latterly two French scientists, Messrs. Renard end Krebs, have constructed ■ machine to be directed by currents of air. Now comes ayounggentlemqnof this city, Mr. G. O, Gonzalta, 124 Ursolines street, with theories, ideseand plans of an aerial ship. Tbe body of tbe btiloon ts 60x20 feet, and will have a capacity of 11800 cu bic feet ol gas. It is pisiform in shape, having running through it a pipe frame •nd containing a sufficient quantity ol gas to counterbalance the weight ol the ma chine. The basket will be skiffshaped and con nected with tbe balloon by four fixed bzrs for the purpose of holding the whole sol idly together. The motive power is to be e five-horsepower engine making 300 revo- I tions a minute and weighing only 200 pounds. Fifty pounds of fuel and eigbty- four pounds of water, Mr. Gonzzles says, will run an ordinary-sized machine for three hours. There ate two propellers, one in front and one behind, placed on either eutl of ■ eb ift running midway bet: tbe balloon and tho boat The back propeller drives the machine ahead, assisted by tbe pulling a-’lion of tbe one in front, thus obtaining a speei of twenty five miles an hoar. When once the gas pipe is filled it requires no renewal or replenishment, only m case of an acciden tal escape. If this happens while the vessel is on high tbe engineer merely at taches a steam pipe to the gas pipe, thus heating the gas contained the ‘ indenting Its aeriform qualities. Directly underneath the basket is another propeller, the workings of which raise the vessel iu e straight line to any desired height or bring It down In the emme man ner. The lateral motion It given by e per pendicular rudder at the back, tbe alant- log. downward motion by a horizontal rodder in front The entire weight of the machine Is only 1.069 pounds. Tbe Renerd-Krebs vessel has but one ropeller, which Is attached in front ot the lalfoon Itself, thne causing the working apparatus, baskets and contents to hani btiow as so much dead weight When no in me tbe Gonsalas machine rests on four light aupporta, which preventi it from coming In contact with tba ground. Mr. Gonsvea has, as yet, constructed no mod- ala, nor baa ha attempted to make any ex periments wi'h hit proposed invention, but it positive that a ship constructed ac- cording to hit plana will prove an astound ing success. TRAGEDY IN THREE PARTS. Only a dog, but be waited there By tbe picket fence In tbe chill night air; He heeded not the dying day, He'd a job on baud and c-ante to stay. He had seen a. strange pup an hour before Boldly enterthe parlor door; - lie had seen bis mistress feed him on pie And regard blm withal with a kindly eye. And the ■fog’s heart hardened; be feared that Nolouger petted doggy would be; So ho vowedveugeanee on tire upstart} GOSVIIMG COMING The Mighty Monarch of all Aggregations I •TOHIY 33. DORIS’S And eworo that night To would chew f "sass. NEW MONSTER SHOWS For bli shoes were long and bis trousers tight. A Ilckly smile played on bis face, Tic sucked hli cauc with ctrelc.ta grace, And r marked, e> glaze In eye he stuck, "ft ■ the softest snap I ever ztruck. ’ Water purified by electricity is the very lateet You are dead sure then of not drinking any microbes. A medical enthusiast lias started a peach cure near Wilmington, Del., similar to the grape cure of Germany and the pear cure of California. While oiling a tlynnmo machine at the Health Exhibition in Lor don on Sep tember 27th, one of the workmen inad vertently touched it with the oil can he held iu his band and was instantly killed. -Ix campaign excitements we tem porarily lose sight of the crazy-quilt girl. One comes to tbe front, however, who has just completed her stint, 1.061 pieces of neckties joined together by 21,399 stitches —we should have said a good many more thin that last. The Methodist ministers of Troy discussed tbe political issues of the hour Monday, one ol them contending tbst tbe Republican party declared for Protection only to sheep. This brought from another minister present tbequeztlon whether the speaker didn’ like mutton. The remains of aa English traveler had been exhnmed (or interment in tbe family vault When the coffin was open ed the ipectatora started back in affright Wby, these appear to be the remains of a lion.” "Yes,” replied a nephew of ths deceased, “that's the lion that ate him uncle's inside of him.” Timas Whan tha Itivara n»* the Alf Wdi a F«ry Furnac*. Boston AWcrthcr. Thus far this season a stranger coming to Boston end being told ihet owing to th- change to standard time It wu Octo ber here, would find IliUe In tbe tempera ture to undeceive him. In tba midst ol such coolness It Is Instructive to recall the frlgb'ful heat of put years, In 027 A. D, aocordlng to a Preach pe- rio.ll. el, the heat wu so great In Francs end Germany that all springs dried np; w tier be sms to scarce that many people •lied ol thirst In 879 work iu th# fields bed to be glean np; agricultural labor ers persisting in their work were (truck down in a few minutes, to powerful wu the son. In 990 tbe euo’a rays were ao Hrrcw that vegetation wu burned np uude-tbe action of fire. In 1.000 rivera ran dry under the protracted beet; the fieh were left dry in heaps end putrefied its ■ few boure. The ateuch that ensued produced Ihe plsgae. Men end animals v-nturing in tbe in the sumenrr of 1021, fell down dying, tbe ihroitperched to a tinder and ihe blood ru-hing to tbe brain.' In 1132, not only did tbe rivers ary up. bat tbe ground cracked on every side and became baked to tba hardness ol atone. Tha Rhine in Alsace nearly dried up. Italy wsa visited by a terrific heat in 1.39; vegetation and plants Were burned np. During the hauls of Bala in I Or, th-r* were m ire victims made by the run than by weapooa; men fell down euoeiruek in regular rows. The t-immerof 1217 wu also severe; there wu an ebeo ute deer'h of forage. In 1615 tbe beat throughout Europe became excessive, ficotiand suffered lerticulerty In 1625 men and beats died in ecorea. Tbe heat In severs! departments daring the rammer of 1805 wu equal to that in a glees furnace. Meat coaktba cooked by manly exposing to tba aun. Not a aoul dared venture out betwean noon and 4 p. m. Iu 1718 many shops ba.1 to cluaa; Ihe tbea- treat never opened tbeir doors for several oioa the. Note drop ol water (ell daring six months. In 1753' be tbe inometer rose to lid degrees. In 1779the best et Bologna Wee ao greet that a great number of peo ple were eitffed. Tb-re wu not sndlcient air for tbe breath, and peop'e had to taka refug- tinder gr mnd In July, 1793, tbs beet became Intolerant#. V-getabl-s were htirnedup.and lislt dried up on the trees. Ins furniture and wo -Iwork in dwell- •ns boo-ea craesed and split np; meat want bed in aw boor. The rivera ran dry in several provision dtnLng Ull; expedi- UNITED WITH THE GREAT INTER OCEAN. Macon, Thursday, October 30th! > np; Nat Quite, but Near enough. San Francisco Post During the campaign ol tbe Pint Regi ment et Santa Rose the pickets found con siderable diffi 'ulty In preventing tbe men absenting themselves without leave, a cir cumstance for which the mint jutepe of the town bar-rooms and the large contin gent of pretty Santa Rosa girls—small blama to them -ware chiefly accountable. One particularly enltry evening, while the untinels were pacing tbeir beets with tbeir tongues fairly hanging out of their months with best end wondering whether tbe piratee in tbe meet tent would drink every hit of beer before tha “relief” came, one of the guards observed a private ap proaching wbo wu staggering along un der tbe combined load ot much conviviali ty end an enormous T 'Jtermelon under bis arm. Who goes there?” Kr—hic-er Iren," responded the tru ant Advance, friend, end give the counter sign." Hein' amiably repl —hie—givey .— Pretty toon the officer of Ibe day came around, and laid to the sentinel, who wu absorbed iu munching a hugs piece of wa ermeion stock out on tha end of ble bayonet; "Did Perkins pus yon jut now?" "Yea, lir." "Did he glra the countersign ?" inquired the lieutenant, taking a bite hlmiell u the man orcsenteu arms. "Well, no elr,” said the sentinel, confi dentially; "tba password wu 'Cholera,' but be said'Watermelon.’ ao 1 passed him and put tha othar half in your tent" "Did,eh?" mused theofflcer. “Hum! watermelon, eb? Well, I guess that wu near enough1" The verger at tho University chapel, Cambridge, bu occupied bis piece for many years, and when tbe bishop of Lon don lately said to him: You have much to be thankful for,” he replied: “I have indeed, my lord, for I have heard every sermon that bu been preached in tbe chapel, for fifty years, and, bleu the Lo;il, ’ am a Christian still.” The white missionaries among tho Fljis have succeeded in introducing some very peculiar usee of civilization among tbe natives. They have taken to cricket and play with great energy. The rival clubs challenge each other and tbe games are desperately contested. Each game is opened and closed with prayer, and tbeir challenges are imbued with a religions spirit always ending "with great love, amen.” The two-tailed rat has again made ite appearance in tbe dime museums. The animal Is not a freak of natnra, bat the victim of antiseptia surgery. The tail of • healthy rat ia cut off and inserted in a V-shzpea cut in the note of a second. Antiseptic dressings are applied, and the (oar limbs tied to a little frame to prevent scratching the new appendage. The sec ond tell "(eta" in twenty-four hours, end In lour days nervous connection is estab lished. Thereafter the rodent guards ite front tail as zealously u tbe other. Until within quite a recent period the Chinees soldiers had no uniform. They were distinguished from civilians by a little hedge which they carried on the breut, on which wu written the word Ping (warrior). The Chinese god ol war, whose Image mty be teen in the temple of Te-klen, st Pekin, it also represented In an ordinary costume, without anything military about it beyond the badge above mentioned. Recently, when tbe Chineu army wu uniformed in tbe European atyle, tbe prieeta began to think ^■Hte Royally Racrod Wonder, THBOD9RU3, the White-Spotted fleered F.lephant eecored forth': New Monster .Shows at great expense. The actual cost of this celebrated Proboscidian is IOO,(HO Rupees. 50 Cago Menagorle. More anil Rarer Wild Beats than were ever before ex hibited tinder canvas. All qusrters of tho Globe havo been ramacked for Wild, L'arntverous Bouts. 20 open duns of Wild Beuts exhibited free of charge on tbe public strsots.] 3j GREATJJCIRCUSES, 3 Embracing 100 leading and undisputed champion performers In 3 SEPARATE RINGS. Tha l* r *“e* t .“!«™ bl, » 0 °f Clrctu ealebrltlo* together In tho civilised world, including 14 REAL BR 4WN Y TURKS, who will appear attired In their Native Costumes, presenting Thrilling Ac- Vaulting and Leaping, Maneuvers on fliKh ling HUMtN PYRAMIDS. 8 William Hhowlei.tho Champion of all Cham- robatlc Achievement*. Athletic ^eaK Wonderful lead den, and Herculean Exercise*, tho whole forming 8alblnra French Troupo of Btcvclo Rider*, * tbe a iknowlcdged Champion* of the World. Moore Family, Siberian Roller Skater*—Tb< mo»t skillful lady and gentleman ikatersoi The Charming Katamorpa, Queen of tho Reptilo World. Klffia Bey, the Dexti-ons Knife-Thrower. 3 Biegrlst Brothers, tho Greatest Acrobat* "vlng or dead. 4 Ouofri Brothers—Musical Specialist*. 3 German Aoriallsts-Rudolph, Etcbeln, Frans. Mile. DeGranvtUe, the Iron-Jawed Lady. The Groat Eldora—Japanose Wonder. Miss Antonio—Gymnlc Evolutions on the 81ack Wire and Instantaneous Costumo Changes. plon Bare-Back Riders. Salllo Marks, the Pleasing, Popular PetUe Premier of tbe Arena. The Champion Dog Circus—Digs that Talk Sing. Langh, Dance. Pray Read, Play Cards, Hold School and Smoke Cigar*. * Mr. John Petterson.the Rambler from Clare, Tom Ward, Champion Leapor of the World. Mile. Llxettc—Ucrolno of Flying Kings and Trap In addition to theso there are an almost numberless lot of lesser lights, making up the ter of the Best Circus Company throughout Space will not permit further details. For : particulars see other publications. Tlie Grand Free Street Parade Takcyplace dally at 10 a. m , and surpasses In magnitude all other parades ever *ccn In Amerlcaf It is nearly three solid mile* In Length, and requires nearly an hour to i um • given point. Extensive arrangements have been effected for cheap rx union rates on all railroads. imam Doors open at 1 and 7 p. ONE TICKET ADMITS cheap v *Kp* TO ALL ADVERTISED SHOW#. Performance begins one hoar later. On THURSDAY oett$52tw94 October 30* li. not It beyond Recently, « as unuori , tyle, the prist of living the god of battles a uniform; bat Jast what kind of a ode to put on him wu tbe puzzle. Whether to make him en in- I't got no—hie—countersign," replied tbe private; 'bat I’U sr five yer er—Kin—watcrmeUIn." STATE FAIRI BEGINNING PERSONAL. —George Smith ot the London Mer ry Rovers' Bicycle Club lately made the fastest run yet—ltO miles in ? hours 11 minntee. —Adam Forcpaugh, the well-known ■howman, wu married In Philadelphia lut Tuesday to Mlu Mery O. Tetlmen, of that city. The bride It 20 years of age, and the bridegroom 51. —Mr. Swinburne Bays In a recent ar ticle that ‘George Eliot, tbougb not ex actly ■ petticoat#.1 Shakespeare, was at once something more ant something leu than in Eugliab Balzac." —Professor John H. Hewitt, ol Bal timore. it eeid to be the oldest living grad uate of West Point, He is eighty-nine years of age, end wu a member of tbe class that grades ted In 1818. — 1 Theodora Roosevelt la said to have astonished ilia Underfoot and even to have gained an approving nod from the grizzled hunter by hie proweu in killing been out in the Yellowstone region re cently. —During tlie grand manoeuvre ol thc Swiss federal troops it wai learned that \ ictor Hugo wu staying at Ragatx, where upon Colonel Pfyffer tent him apses allow ing him tc Closely follow tbe troops, and treated him to other courtesies. —Dr. Deechamps assorts that the microbe o( scarlet (ever ia a bacillus, shaped like ■ heir with e long swelling of janu, Particularly by tha new chemical, —Mr. J. C. Cook, city editor ot the Nashville Banner, bu upon exhibition In that cit] aa egg laid by ■ brown Leghorn pul let oo the Uib instant Tbe pallet wee hatched on tbe4 li of July last, and wu consequently only a few daee over three months old. This, tays the IFortd, of that dry, is about tbe only losta- ce known ■here.pallet commented laying at that fentry soldier, a cavalryman, an artillery- men, or an officer btlondng to the engin eer corps nobody could determine, la tbeir perplexity they referred the matter to the minister of public worship, wbo re plied: "Let the Image of the god of armlee here the costume that he hu worn np to tbe present dey, but hang up In hla temple uni forms of eukinds. He blmwlf will choose the one he prefere." This advice wu Im mediately acted upon, and tbe retultis that at the present moment tlie temple ol Te- klen luoka like Ihe shop of e costumer or the dressing room ol a set of strolling play ers. The god la evidently not estisfled with any one of the antformi, or et leut be bu not u yet made up bis mind which one to take English aa She Is Spoke In Yankee Land Philadelphia News. You »y “clever" wbex yon mean smart, You say “»tore" when'you only mean . shop. s You say “canning" when you mean tricky or cute. You lev "now I went to know" whanynq do not mean it. Yon say "depot” when yon have In mind a railway station. The caramels which yon U)iok “lovely” are oniy toothsome. You find your eating “elegant" when you mean Itia very good. Tbe lecture which etrnck yon ss "per fecllv splendid" wu in reality admirable. Yon (bought you had a "reelgood time.” bat yon only enjoyed yourself very much. It you do not quite understand any one, you look up in a blank way end uy Whet yon laid wu “too good for any thing," wu simply better than yoa thought It would be. Allix’s Basin Food botanical extract strengthens the brain, and positively carat nervous debility, nervotunete, headache, unnatural losses, and all weakness ol gen erative ay stem; it never fall*. $1 package, 6 for $5. At druggists or by mail from J, II. Alien, 315 Flret Avenue, New York dty. October 27 and Lasting One Week. The Finest Exhibits, The Fastest Horses, The Best Strains Cattle, * LARGEST MACHINERY AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAYS! The Greatest Walking Match’! Exciting Shooting Matches! Skating Rink 1 PYROTECHNIC DISPLA YS And all kinds of Amusements will make this the most inter esting fair ever held in Georgia. L. F. LIVINGSTON, President. M. J. Hatcher, General Superintendent THOUSANDS LOST, 7. jur 2 BEST TONIC. ^ . combining Iron with pare Ml Bwfc ffcjlirM JpBIHMr $ l>»•|H |iwl I, Indlyt ■lion, \\ rill*nt-**, ireHtoods .'Inlurla,C bill*and Fevers* remedy Air Diseases of tbe This medletoej Yfiable tonka, “ Impiir s.n.1 V HU I Kt tbs muscles and mnrm. Uc * 0 ' (r ism iMjfhi 11 uTs,* **j <OT< ^ tbe bondred, lerma eaay, Don't waste your money on cbrmp M » chineiy. Thousands lost every y»*nr bj buying third-class (roods. Come and s<*«■ or write and at pncca. PlYe Lidding Krnrinea and I'-au Millsl Three I5< *t Otai. Two B<*^t Grbt Mills. Superior 3- Holler Cam* MM. Beat Mowers, Davis's Wstsr Wh**cl.* TheaepMulH took premiums at Atlsa* ta and Louisville over the lar>^«*^t *lir*t$la*> of F : ►' rit s tun! M.u tiHii<-r\ et>r unul* ib the United States. Bum^es and Warms from the leading UuMx*r jilting—largcht lincof any house Long time. M. J. HATCH Kit Sc CO., General Agents, Corner Fourth and Poplar streets, Macon, u*. GRAND OPENINGS OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF CLOTHING AND HATS IN THE STATE, AT WINSHIP & CALLAWAY’S.