Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 24, 1884, Image 3

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- THE WEFKLY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, OClOBER 24, 1884. FROM ATLANTA. ■ EVIEW OF THE EVENTS OF A WEEK ** without SENSATIONS. Th» Fugltlv# OtmM»r»—A Banker's Com- m.nVbl. Ek»mple--A Ca.e Be- fora the Raanrdar-Con- carninsthe Fair. Etc. nnnnnmnnq ..... .. wamuiir^H i£* *»***•,/KTCotptrt rseatTad atelegram fromMmyor’K. 1. while tho law of tne Uultea ptates wouia do I tim't th* tnwn THE STATE FAIR. la of a pimple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of (erxciAL corbespokde»c*.1 ATLANTA. October 18.—Tho dty baa not been „ product** Of sensation. at utoal thli week. !!.” coroner ha. found bu.lneu comparative y iicbt and ha. therefore bad the opportunity nf eninylnf a much needed re«t- Thtelope- jU docket ha. been .mall. There hare been no scene, of excitement about thepollco auuloD, and all In all, the mstropolUha. not c.rrled the air of cheer reportera have a right *°n tamoten been quiet tn the Immediate vl- of the artealan well, where the unccr- tain drill has off and on punned lta way*nto the granite depth.. Atlanta la evidently making ready for the coming legislature. A l.rge crowd t. expect- «1 here the lint week of tho acaalon, and the member., the candidate, and their friend, must need, have accommodation.. After the lonx financial drouth, tho ducat. expected to b, turned lose upon the community by that hooprable body and thenumerouahattgeraon, will fall a* grateful and refrcahlngahowen. A number of tho candidate, for legislative olllce. and for other po.ltlon. are already here. In deed they have been In and out for a week oi tift ind hereafter they will be here In greatei to nli not likely there will he any hot contest. moit of tho honor* of tho House KdU.8en.te For two or three of ‘, ofllce. there are at till, time k number of prominent, popular and itmiig cm.,.Inc candidates, but It i. likely the con- D hSFIGUEINGr HUMORS wnueiMiiw oi meuuiiea maici wouia uoi I i djjccu/ mm ucriuancni cure oi administered with utmost loyalty to their Mufpney, of Bsrncsv me, laying tnat tne i >wn W hat Superintendent Hatehor Has t0 8ay I Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh TTTTTTTT T i rrtX%T/^1 KagSMX HUMI I, I A IING .Ion... woulajead to tlac fact reported yea L.„ ““.“a m.„^ 5 I We found Col. Hatclier yesterday afternoon | tiona, algo apoaltlvo ntld radical cure E HUL’Tl'>.\ 5 Itching 1 Burning TOItTUBES . I UUIBI VIUCI. Ul tUU JJIWUU UIU Uiijrta.ua*VI.a, terday, the HTght of a'reipccuWo citizen happened to be riding by, and Mayor Corput •Imply upon the in.piclon that be would be gave Instruction, at once for a steamer and in the United States Court .ulllclent hoH to be gotten In the Supreme Court on Friday, the Chief readiness for a special train If Justice nald a high and deserved compliment was grauted by tho railroad author! to Mr. Gustin, of tne Macon bar. He remarked tleB chlef Joncg immediately dispatched a I that the court was always glad to hear from ™ I!!«#« atlnt< rval1 - Mr. Gustin, who always argued a case with “An to each engine house In tho city to keep I clearness, and Quit when be got through. I the members of tho company in the houses ™u , rv cx ‘ c,li, "'‘ i, hocourt "' atu,o ' i “ too , r , r^' or b or c ,, f‘ he “r w#r J. ? ,ho ^^n^LJM ........ ur i„. nKfiJ^«SK(5&SftStfth. l»thaw.yofdl,pUyA IM. Uaml.uke.be. glUh, with full directing for liropar- witneuteHlfled to thcMuneunt and .aid he had I Central -rail road, was then consult- cau.ethcipncctakciiupl«oneevldence. The ing and lining. Sent by mat’, by ad- -sienineaio meMnounilana.iua e with In.tructlon. from truth of tho matter la, the Macon merchant, dress ng wit 1 stamp, naming this oa- ■Vhe cmle ..vMhm narolcvfdence l. headqmrtc-. order, were given th.t on- and bu.lne.. men are preptrfng -urprl.c. and WAN .m 1II) D. mJ? In JlmU.Tble* 1 parolcvioence glne jia. 11 .hould be .temodup and held In donotwanl It known thatthey have tccured K®V V \ 4 - ll »FoweTB Block, Tho rniirtM rtnf-iHro «nnnd law in * beautiful Kadmesi. »pace. Now, for Instance, there Is one concern Itochester, N. Y. way now aod^henA New!fersey judge uses The Are alarm brought out the fire depart- that has engaged apace that will make a very thesentence! ‘‘Whateverfraudcrrateajuatlce ® en t In full numbers, but they remained at heavy display-larger than the same concern. VAtdWIlStsiT-Vo SI their re.peetl e engine home, .waiting or- haa ever tt 1. Intended Mi A lutedlfaiid .hall tomh the a pure 1 'founUln. P ol 1 ller *- The boy. were .nmowhat curious to I surprise to other partlea In the tame line lustlre ** 1 know what such a roeeeding meant, and the Usually the business men anuounce wdat they j Q C j rcult Court I citizens rushed over the streets to loolc for the I will have on exhibition a month beforehand, Jtiihp litrlfp divIflfHl In thn Circuit l!ourt I civiwui rumivu uv«r uio nre«w w uiua tur uig i " **.* ° v,u « unmtia uv.uivuau<i. this wVekthtt thfliSt thata n.S, claimed .moke or Maze that wax gjJUu.gggfflg.gf.Ag Kfig “ J . under a deed given by a United 8t»*.ea ma^ forty milks away. iSvi° r ii ffcS in PJi^nh r 6 Hi5 n nnt X 2f?n The steamer of East Macon Fire Company pare a display up town, and then before cora- 8*2 No 6 tn< * ho,€ ****• Nob - * and ® were selecte * petltors can get up a d {splay to excel it, take j**L*gg I”™”?”??. Pi a controversy | ujgp. and oySJO they were on hoards flat ear it to the fair gronuds and put «t In shape.'* at the delivery depot of the Central railroad. I “Any recent applications for space in the I Some delay was caused In the departure art and needle work departments?’ of the train by the arrangement of a “Great goodness, yea! Only yesterday oi schedule so as to avoid three regular freights Q f Georgians fairest daughters, living in anot peotlng the property sold. THF. JURY SYHTRM. Tho jury system is strongly attacked *n lany hands. But it Is imbedded in all the iitif coastltutiona and entrenched In the popular I and a lumber train then on their way to Macon! I er ^iSTenfmmS^^n&e^n fm canT<u * JoUn B * Dori, » heart, bo that It la more practical to labor for The schedule arranged, the special train of To-day several lad tea in Macon, who ce*»ful showman of many season*, promt' lt< improvement than to advocate its aboil- Macon firemen, who were eager to lend their have been in doubt whether they yotf an attractive aggregation of museum and Won. One reason of its permanence Is lta im-1 aid to Batneavllle, was placed In charge of could get their work finished in time, engaged I . . 7 . personality, which Is not^aj>oaitlTejncrit ; hut I Conductor,TIm O’Connell, and, with the steady | space.and I can promise the people oneof the I moca * crIe curiosities, and a grand series of S ,. u .... ‘ reatest and finest shows in these departments tey will ever see. You can form no idea of . misnomer. Mam largest and most „ OU. body, it 1. oaky to welowkn everlncreu-1 longer irifa"found' tho aremen“at 7:3Tknxtbui I “Talk oibut mfidoyed Jereo;,! If you w«nt I traction ’o^lforW wide' eiSobritjr'uS <D h» lug opposition wou'dho aroused. Loch ouc-1 to go forward, and glad when it wo. on- I to teo Jonevi, go to the fair. Our premium. I formed a clrciu corp. of artl.t. famou. both -v- «... ■ I -• •>— 1 alone loot up fin, and thl«, with | here and abroad. The of election. THE 71.UTIVX iPOETS. Chief Connally went to Sew Orloen. reveral Ansavo with requisition, for .evvral violator. JSJeTw.“ ihf. State. While gathering In a .men to th- Creeeent City he chanced to “ _ .a-... U liVnomen and I'rnf Jnhti TUB ORIOIN OF TUB F1RB. noon you will see some But under our system this is impossl ......... !“ d i vI,, '' H ! are , c , 0 ‘i tln ;, u ‘ 1 ^„ e ‘“ e . r *!, n , K our reporter went at once to the ruins, but alone will be well worth a long trip to see.” ow,n * 10 toe confusion atSTdemoralization of And horses?” !ra.h , \hTttocS f n^ m ZreS r l.Tr n on h c: £Xn Pl “ w " m "‘" 1 * g * U “° r mUC “ ln '° r - B!I'herii neii H Ereernkn and 1'rof. John Berafr! ° l !oWSlmtait5j?. , *«uSaffiS , rC ^ r, ^° u X W !he t. tun wcll-kuown g mhlers of this city, thus separated from the individuality of those I a . mQ i, c *lltv One reDort Is that nbov in. ... „ ...« . «... Sho ime month* ago lied the State to avoid " mo kI»* cigarettes threw the Hump o/one looking for some from Montgomery to-mor- ■undrv Indlctmc ta of the Fn ton grand Jury, country la ready to overthrow the jury system <j own upon cotton halo on the row. You will therefore aeo that the racing ** - lhe colton - y'Jji which]wm_b«||^ have arranged wmehand; - Ich ’ r,'iu„ a to" mirronder "these guest, the requisition . of the Governor nt>on tne rra"i*»ivu »»» uwvviuv, ol Georgia. .Since that time nothing has been heard of them, and their whereabouts b«s n«»t been known until now. Chief Con- nslly immediately notified the authorities here and requisitions.were promptly f.. ed to New Orleans. The latest advice the chief Indicate that be, will probably sue ceed In bringing the wanderers home, and to ^Ifhesba’l sosnccecd. it will create quite litue sensation in sporting circles, which hare, however, here shrunken to very small proportions, owing to the continued vigilance of the authorities. A NOMINAL FINE. Capt. Couch, of tho police force, was aiTAlgned before the recor der’s court this morning. Mayor Good win presiding The caso grew out of a difficulty boiwoen Capt. Couch and I)r. 8hnrman. the Whitehall phorjnaclst. The ev idence indicated that several days ago Capt. Couch’s little boy and soother youth were having a belligerent tilt In front of the Doc Ur’s drug store. The latter attempted to-part them, which some witnesses testified he did with some force, and threatened to box Mu- ears of young Couch. Tne shape in which the matter was reported to • apt. Couch had the effect of exasperating him no little. He aubaeauenUv approached Dr. shttr- man as a private citizen and treat ed that gentleman with considerable Indignity. Ill* Honor, in commenting on the case this morning waa of the opinion that while Capt Couch was not legally Justi fiable in his course, still as a parent aud - man, his provocation had been very grea., and he would, therefore, Impose only a nomi nal fine of and co ta. The case attracted considerable Interest, and crowded lhe court room. There Is some probability that Dr. Shnrman wl 1 endeavor to have a Htato case made out of the atrair and Institutes prosecution against Capt. Conch for *.<vault aud bathtry. However, tho matter may drop where the recorder’* court leaves 1L A RANKER’* BXAMPLE. Mr. John H. James, of this city, has set commendable example to the numerous bank en of the country, who from one cause or an other have been overcome by financial mis fortune. When be failed in May for a half million dollars In such away and at a time that the large community tn which he did business, where be was considered abeolu ely solvent, waa well nigh paralysed: when he saw the trouble . brought on his thousand and one* depoaltor*. instead of making off to Canada or looking Into the muzzle of a loaded pistol, exercising wit h the agile raa -r. or taking poison, or other of tho desperate methods resorted to by financial gentlemen In similar straits, he threw him self upon the mercy of bla creditors, and sur rendered his property to them. He has slnoe seen bis large U.debtednes« adjusted, and the het la of a failure which hat no parallel the history of the 8UU, opens business again at the old stand. He hsa just burned a circular to the pub’. Ic which Is rather unique, all things considered. Among other ihiuga hesaya: “I wish the pul Uc to uro'ersland that 1 have quit speculating, and that I am doing business on a solid baits That thers Is no bank that stands better than mine, aud none better abla to give accommo dations. . "Now reinerabof, 1 aay. and yon can rely.... It, that you run no risk In flolnfwiawi bith me, because 1 have qu.t speculating and amout of debt, and my past txperlcnce ft val- h AU truant bankers should past# this In their FAIE WAEN1N0. From all 1 eon see and bear tha State fair at 'Jfaron will attract a ttry large crowd of vlsi tors from Atlanta and from this section. Kr- rired. Quito a master* of ladles here whi have been successful exhibitors oa post occa sion* have luqulred for th- premium lists, as U»ey deslrsd to make entry of various articles. f avi «w of the general internet manifested In this section, there 1a yet time for the manage ment to ilvegeneral features additional adver- {Jaljff. and U will io doubt prove sufficiently CHANGE or KHKnCLS. A new schedule will go Into effbet on the ventral railroad tomorrow. Th* change* worthy of note to travel between Atlanta, fic- f°n and Savannah affect the through night adjonmed term here In January. If the Pres-1 BARNESVILLE’S BIG BLAZE. 1 Nightfall found the people tired oat. A I Consumption Cured. blent shall be bo fortunate In designating as ——— steamer and seme faithful firemen remained »_ .ij t ‘ 0 appointee a Judge who will preside with One Half of the Town Almost Complete- I on duty all night to Peep guard over the .. An Old phya Clan, retired from prac- h Impartiality, ability and courtesy which ly SweDt Aw}lv smouldering ?mbera. tice, DAVUlff had placed in big handfi larscterlzei Judge Locke’s administration of 1 ■■■■■■■ --«■— >» ■ - by an East India missionary tliof irmn- A 1-tor It <> tnnmw that ho wniilfl fiillv Ypstr-rtlnv aflPnmr.n at »• t » oVUn k Mnvor w u<uw iuiboiuuoi/ Hiriurua busily engaged in putting hand bills into I for Nervous Debility, and all Nervous wrappers and addressing, them to parties all I Complaints, after having tested in the . along the lines of the various railroads leading I wonderful curative powers in tliou- ono ' out of the city. He was to? busy to stop, and I sands of cases, has felt it his duty to In answer to our questions be cuuld talk only I make it known to his suffering fellows, tnfenrals. Actuated by this motivo and & desire 'There Is an ides afloat,” said he, aa ho I to relieve human suffering, I will send rote an address on a large bundle of bills, I free of charge, to all who desire it, that Macon business men are not doing much I this recipe in German, French or E»- COMINO. Tha Mighty Monarch of All Latge Aggre gations—John B Doris'* Now Moneter Shows, Uffited with tn* Great Inter- Ocean Three Ring Circus, Museum and Menagerie. The time will probably never eomo In tbc history of the human race when the people will get tired of visiting a fir-t-cl-ss eutcrtalu- ment under canvas. John B. Doris, mired of a terri le aHn dlsexso. TheCutlcura Remedies (Cutlcura Resolvent, the new b*ood piuifler, Internally, and Cuticura, the great skin cure, and CuMcuia'Soap, an exquisite skin beautlfier, externally) bsve done In six w, eks what 1 have trie t for eleven >-lars to hsve done. ? ou shall have the particulars aa m as I can give them to you. and os we are well known in thia part of the country, it will he eflt you. and the remedies will cure all who use them. CHAS. H. WHITE. » aysvil e, Ky. Blood Blotches. AT THE FAIR NICE CHEAP GOODS. QO and see R. F. Smith’s New Sto--»», Mni ?erry street, between Third and Fourth eeta, where can be had the Nicest Goods in llacon Tor the Money. Don't forget the place. THE FAIR. •USKHdAwtf I naed your Cutlcnca Remedies for blo'ches and am 1 omplctely cured, to my inexpressi ble Joy. Cutlcura Soap is the best 1 have ever ustd, and to the profession it la Invaluable for rlepnslng the skin, thereby removing all "co.-.k.” grease, paiut. and all the stuff used by them, leaving the skin pure and white and ft My grea'est pleasure la in recommend- Youp*G*wn, ohlo. isltlon to It. I Macon at 4 40. The train made the 1 arenic performances never seen before. That form no idea of I its title, "The New Monster Shows” may be no Salt Rheum. It would be the “accident of an accident” if Summerfleld In thirteen minutes, but here the Interest token in needlework, paint- | misnomer. Mauagt-r Doris baa gatherad the the same Jury ever tried two cases. If the it was1 stopped by three delayed freight trains, ing, etc.” largest and most Interesting colltctlon of anl , ury of twelve was an organized and continu-1 At thli point the uorth bound Atlanta pas- "llotv about stock?” I.-.V-. ••—..... . elements, odde<l to personal antagonisms, would gradually develop an opposition more | „ .. s Influential against a permanent jury, sufferers. f pco them on account of abstract objection to it as a sjrs- raUtform in the cotton vard wl tem, it will be the mode of tnal in the admin- [ n g i tuat od a ahort distance from the largo lstration of law. | t> r lck depot, which, like tho cottoa yard, is just at the railroad. Another report Is thata stray anark from a passing locomotive fell ... upon the cotton, and a strougsouth wind blow- falrproper? Mnw n u.H *« pnos, i ing fanned it into a flame. This was “There la a perfect world of them. Clay 1 How a Man Undertook to Paper Hio • three-day walking match at the bippodromt Own Domtolle. .. T, f gTAKTI . XO ropr f» # ^ „ | will be thp greatest match ever mi PLASTERING A WALL. I for JeracTS afone loot up $215. and Ibis, with here and abroad Tho people- will have eu great interest recently developed among I opportunity of seel gthuNrw Monster Shows people in this breed, will bring together a I at Macon, Thur-day, O tuber 90. tremendous herd. at the nark are all f on extra number. 1 think the cattle show | The troupe of Brawny Turks The Helbinl French Bicycle Riders, the Siberian Roller Skaters, Turkish Knife Throwers, Professor Moore’s Troupe of Educated Dogs. aTruupeof . . ..ffiffiffiffii _ . horses from I Royal Egyptian Jugg era, a scu e of famous Izouisvilie >nd some from Conyers. I hsve ] Athletes, the best male and f male rldi-r here Informing me that horses from Nashvillo I known to the profession; Us three chariot will start for Macon In a few days, and I ant bands of fifty uniformed musicians andtn - Hm I fact its thousands of attractions aud scores of the moate« Ichrated equestrians k town to I _ arena will oil be exhibited. Judging from ... some purses for the teces.both trotting and numerous press notices we Hav. seen In the * ^ |H Mn ahjak lc- ding jourrals concerning ibis mammoth will T I have bad the Salt Rheum for about three vests, and have spent time and money to have It cu cd, without success, until I tried the Uuilcara Remedies, which sro doing the work. G. J. YOUNG Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon. SCIENCE CONQUERS' Suffering 1 FRIEND. I This magical good Is simply ln*li«|>«una- l»e in every inert-<-;•< family. None who hare ever once used it will he without it.and we desire it $200 for Nothing. Take Courage. running. Our purses amount to I (.000, which must be an inducement to horse men.” What are tne amusements outside of the ■how, ] 1 be a rich treat Haring paid abont £00 to first-class doctors ta c re my baby, without success. I tried the Cutlcura Remedies, which completely cured after nstng three bottles. 4 WM. GORDON, 87 Arlington avenne, Charlestown, Mast. Bold eve ywhere. Price, Cutlcura, SO cento; Soap, 28 cents; Kcsolvtnt.il. Potter Drug and Chemlonl Co., Beaton* ’Bend for How to Cnre Skin Diseases,” f T1T1CVRA SOAP for Rough. Chapped v L 1 I J and Reddened Skin «nd Hands. —Ulcer* cured with Holme’s Wash. , the starting POINT, I will be thp greatest match ever matJe^i^tho . . . . . .. *,•»»„ and hero the destructive work of tho fiery South. The wheelmen will have a bicycle I don t thluknnybody has as hard a time in element began. There were 241 bales In tournament, and there will be bicyclists front this world as ia amateur economist The am-1 the yard and a large force was every portiou of tho State and some from Ala- A Crosswise Collision. Dost night as an engine was backing into tho — - ,...- and a largo force was I every portiou of tho State and some from Xia- I UQ {°P depot with a coacb to bo carried out by atcur cornet blower who splits the night air |P u * to Jf ork 10 roll the cottoa to the brickjrtc- bama. Then the shooting mat h of the Colutobns train. It was knocked Into the with fierce, piercing ,ound. and get, curecd ££ tb™ y ,iS*“to th? “w wo^fcuwlrt' drcu/Sm boh ere a“d te^orawe'Cride Sd holl °* ,h « cnd ot th » out by every true citizen In the vicinity thinks I house In the vard,where were stored 140 bales, tent shows, betides any amount of curiosities, I P°t- 11 wa * caused by some sort of mlacatcu- ho has a hard row; and the amateur base- These, as well aa th? building, were entirely lung.tcstcrs. rop-com makers and all those latlon In tho running of tho engine and tho bdlUt who hM hi, finger, knocked torty. ^ToT^kving the w.rchonee, the flrew.. ^T.^'andV^lnSiTfi!?” 0 " gle^ h on .' no which collided with It .Wan an ■oven wavi (or Sunday thinks the world Is not swept by the wind to the livery stob o of And then we left him at work mailing the The baggage master waa In tho car and In such a beautiful fleeting show; but the ama- KJambcrs 4t Mathews. By thli; time nearly I posters. ^ I some way Was thrown several feet away and tour at rtrzctlrine cronomr In his household cUUcn . ,n tho and “any from The arrangements were completed yester- not injured. Another car was brought out at mllessroundwere on the ground fighting day for the bicycle tournament at the park 1 flsgftg* 1 I** «!•-. Jeff .Davis.Fire, company went | during the fair. Five races have been ar* trouble than Job hod bolls or Cat ter had oato. I I am an amateur In that llne.^M whereof I speak. Kora long time 3 rvirii promptly to work.but Mayor Murphey saw that tH?aLiS2.to " c on'y a pigmy with which to grapple } with a giant, and he telegraphed to Macon and •Ing i_._ iged and will be the largest ever given in the Mate, the most novel feature being a slow race of a quarter mile. This Is the unstdifll- A Card. To all who are sufferiag from errori and UvnitoVhlx Morri * loadupa fiat car with Stonewalls The exhibits for the (air have Commenced rctIre<1 P lumber .toamer and the Hook and Ladder truck, and to arrive and some of them arc already bn ♦/, hm-m firemen from the entire department. They ar- I tbe grounds and«then at the depoto. h It 1 i iSf I r,Ted !n Barneavin# about /o'clock, but at that 1 Visitors will have the *~r«flt o# ch—p rr'cs Into .ilh tSimw a ctiVi tln, .° flrowo* beginning to get under con- on all railroads, the East Tennessee, Virginia tog s^e of the rich neighbors toborrow a cup | r °| The firemen went to work, however, I and Georgia giving a round-trip threc-cent s 222, "S® Hhi%mm miri25 fhed?rirS 55' 1 “ ved mach P«>P«rty on the wen side oi rate. tadan? Thomaston streeL the waleinc match. to me. which meant that it had to hedone, Tllg nRK . g PRO orem Manager CUv has decided to have the boys’ wiSuS From the livery .table, tbe flame, leaped 1 - * - room. This staggered me. and I con- upon the Lyons House, a pretty bo mien m. n g ril?s to the tint * he house myself and save on little hotel of fifty rooms. The contents of the - n ,i tb ird list bor* ^ rl C * *° l ** e it 110 worth of wall paper and hotol were hattily taken up and piled In what The follow I nsTmimhow hav*. Wn »rk. la known as tho “square/ which is altltle Th® following numbers have been assly veph T. Inman, Station D, New York. .used. I can Indore Holmes's Wash for all it It recommended. W .C. Wardlaw, Dentist Augusta, Go. MILlS AND FEVER BARRY’S Southern Malarial Antidote. A certain and tore core; it nerer (alls. For further information addrna IC. UADBY, M. U-, Augusta, 0,v LAMAB, RANKIN & LAMAR, Oanmal Atont. (or Vunn ami Atnniv. whlrh meant th.t It had to he done, I tom. th. !*!•»• — I thatch (under 1.^ Jeers) ou TueKl.z, bexlnnfng Xt J O'clock and ending nt A. Three wntehe. e“SiSlo^r^h:^!?m7iil.X.U onIT?prett, | ^ ^ aa vriMtoth.firet, .ccon.l h *^n'M3,Vctt,roST f J D Ford’’ HSW^ SlYtS b.n Y0U *“ f,hU ’ "—rou,chance, for £opon I made a pot of whst might be called paste; I aion a few chimneys, smoking debris ami ed n WlllLewGS ^ Bartlett io, Bas.ett Tney Unded itteln tve^nay rods * “an I - I AtliSto^-Maitk is. Baker 14. Prater IV D. s. I Snfely Landed from a Balloon. ■ AMiTWii.i.r.. L. I., Octobtr 16—The ba’loon * ‘ Twith 1* ‘ ffi step-ladder that rocked Ukc a shin In a storm I brick store* In the same block, and from these I ju whenever you rot on It, and as there was no | ran nimbly over ell that portion of Barnes | table long enough for the business I used tbe vllle known es the east ■ dc. Tbe firemen -V floor of the next room. The peptr and cltlxcne worked manfully, though under «i Mayfield Ford 20. Sandersville-Wickers ayn* . ... __ ....... ‘’Prini 1 cIpotl«^"^e 8 ”*”"cc«tuJ- uic^o^wont^vo I arereM-hcdihnpo.t^acn build In,, the opch | Mnntcznma-Hobh.a. Jonccountj-Xorri, I H. J >®*J *' I .TO. ('ijthbt-r^MjgQTgt^^Milllnor :il. K. Hj| next lengths ... - wnlli and then pasted. The first few sheet* wire awfully contrary, and made mo sorry I storofthe Southern Company remainct at I «o r, 1 thb«-rt—dcofwe M Milliner h*d undertaken the work. Up the ladder I his post anxiously awaiting some word of the ij n er 92. McDonald^ man •CL # BarhesTllle— feaMa-bSaaf I H'W*’ «« 7Jl“m ‘Thl'^ram? 1 of 0 ’th'c‘WcVrera I I Sirt ta^c^S-biaSWfflRSf then <am« the work ot kccplnx It .tr.ii ht and Union,. Mr, felt t6c heat of th. fire In htr coVtume bnllu are rcTmlrcd to klmc cxJud,. Il.ritj, until re .moothln, out the wrinkle. It waa no ■*«., lotce, which waa In a hulldln. acre- the „„2T|Ski reqtttred to woar xncc- | conU» chief Ju.tlc.of the Coot tot Appe.i,. !l'\u : “ h ' f "** PA ‘" w ‘* tnoUl ' n °’^ ----' I »*.«“”• .Pd fctrlnathe rwult g | , % e h walker mn.t hare hi. number on both because . had more mother, lint I managed to keep pener wm no ,oo<l. or Mutethlu, el». detached the tn.tramcnuju.tu a f.llloxw.lt "hMcffiSS The JS lawjer end P re.l. Esritri'.&’ss 1 . stfsir”.i h .'«s; , . , :ii. Tl,, So , ?}d ramu j , i L,ea,h * ne, * M PS- mother. But I managed to kevp on at work. I entirely cut off, and tbe suspense of 1.^-b walker* Is entitled tot 1 i From stooping down so much my knees began I the people who knew not whether aid was tliouih trainers can be Vhanaeil to ache audit'd etUT. ami when I looked »t the I comm, or not, can be Imagined. thcwilk <-'h»n«e.l . - . -- - tog. a wt) lawyer and president of the Southern F.xpo«l-l argument In an Injunction casJ rgls made a remark reflecting on I Mr. Young, who Immediately denounced the uiatttr «u<i |ci ■itu, nu.1 wti clock aud fouud half the da; 1 quickened my gait 1 wouh a week, 1 co— • * • 1 time Mr*. Ai h«»M thing* ay gone, aud unless ildn’t get through in .enced to feel mad. About that »»» w«. in t0 * h d eSird mvaP w ® « 0U >S Ectno estimate of their loaf. > wers getting on, a.d called my at-1 chambers A Mathew*, stables. Ixiss 62.000: teution to the fact that T hail put on two of the ^ i n , urauce on building, lengths upside down. She dldn t mean an> I j yon House, owned by John Neal, of At- harm, I dou’t suppose, but tho remark fired my I || n [, had II000 tnsuranco Southern heart aud 1 felt like throwing the I f - - •••• nco paste down her throat. I ml vl*ed her to leave thcroora.bnt.woraan like, she wouldnt, and my trouble! commeucedriii ®*roesL She tow | w. IL Murnhy A Co^ general merehandlse.' I aml any"walker jMtllng'a how Jtwprri.ed “®.andlfltertU anything I twortoree loss |aVooo : Insured for 68,000. impeding the progress of itto. buildingcoutolnlngpost-offlce, be guilty of a foul, andfoi LIST of tiir sufferers. InZri tih Jtl! 1 nf ex-chief Justice oe an infamous ltor. At this »ngc*l each day of Judge Hgnrlg h||flet| lwo )gw hooU ^ Mf twk tottnitotoat nn »ho Toung. They clinched and ware having a be allowed on the 1 ---..i.- min a h.n th-« Ian for each and every violation. Trainers will be required to keep within tbe Idea f km 1 i track without permission from the judges. Violation of this rale trill cause a forfeit of one "l® 00 ** lar mill wben they were separated by The Indicted Bank OfTlelale. Petersburg, Va., October II.—In the Unit- Court this morning R. R. Davis, at conn provided for them, and no other be allowed therein. lings ---- - | w.H», uto) r.."w lUKimuru. i Walkers are required when wanting wa'cr | mi tor W. W. White lateteUerof the Pianten' SZfto dSlrn'hJrthroit f< i'ailriaedherto'feave ..J 1 ’ bu, i' lln */ ooeart* by Arthur or any att nt'on fromtbeir trainers, to go to and Merchants’ Bank, against whom tbe grand ■h?Vouldn ? L ard c 6f%^9Ri5S V ln ■*»«>• *-»■■ aoi known. their r spcctive spaces. . , „ Jury last evening found three separate true tho room,but, woman like, ane woman l, ar.a T.G.MlddlebrtKiks,drug store; no insurance. The signal to start will bo the word ‘go,” I bills for making fraudulent entries on the my troubles rommeuced-ln ®*raesL »Ijmw W. R. Murphy A Co., general merchandise, and anywalker Jostling against er in any way 1 - ‘ • - «• how it worried * wo ,lor ®® w*®* W 0 ® Insured for 6®,W0. Impeding theprograasofi fellow walker, wifi im.MthbeaMMaillkdrej.anda.Prtnf hon- n, 11.Sw.tt., buIMIn*co„ulnIn«po.t nci lhal Mm. ArtMloTto that thin* to worry j j g™,,,., Uw „ mco me when I am wonl«l wort. Th& jho dl.l by fraph office. No ln«urance. m»k n* .Uffiictt™. a. to the border, etc., hut . j ‘ 0 Porc r confection.ry .tore Ju.t opeoe I irttu.ll my.teeth and keep on atwork, h„ , tm¥0 bulidlnx, .a»cd nearly crcrythfnir. M hen darkness came I was so stiff that 1had || Arncsv |u e savings Bauk. brick Duildtnw to stoop down by sections. Andlonee, while 1 vacant; loss aud Insurance not kuown. was spreading the ilour lumps uf^ntbepaper 0 8 Higgins,store and dwelling. LossA5.00C young Tom came in, and of course, bad to ask i n , urc j ( ur s» you. some quo*!Ions. Then he tried to step - - • urea lor the i>ai*cr as ll lay upon the floor, ami stej —aklog ii--' in i books of the bank, asked that the case be eon a fellow walker, will I tlnued until the next term. The court stated forfeit one lap for every I that it would dispute of all eases against the I indicted bauk officials at thia term, and next When about to pats a walker, take the out- Wednesday was agreed upon byc6u»s*l for the defense and the commonwealth's attorney for fixing the date for the trial of the the Indicted teller. trains. ?srr r i'. w wm Jtora at ,10 p. m. In ord.r to make conucctl tz with tha Wcrittn utd Atlantic. t»in will roach Macon at 11:15 p. nx, u***•> 12qclock, rrxchlcg ttarasoah al»:» _ No. SI, np nl(M paucncer, nlUlcara Caoan- tv, vssi , .‘t*i u ‘^u p u , 3i: am! since the action of the r morning Chaii IMS." movement and v f JJ*wSSto well U 2<ho day oi tho election. They think It nn- S" “Aj-toSi* to pnt on. ellcktt, end in- asstg> legal news and notes. Preparad for th® Talagraoh and M« Ear t» W. B. Hill, of the Macon I TOE STATE SAB ASSOCIATION. Among th* subjects which have b ***** pa pert and dlacuaalon at the next •»“»! meeting of the Georgia Bar As*oclaUoi **• Uto following; "A ConstitutionalConven -1%* History of Land Titlca In Georgia, 1 7 ***** Act of 1MV* “Practice In Af P*iial« Courts,” -Tbe Improvement of th •■rytyitom.” Ancmlr.^nt lawyer andoiaL. *a null ud 2h? WUI b* ta?lud 10 *** llTer ** a matt*a of state fridi. -^n'hSfuSi m WhUh > aide. All fouls must be reported oa soon as com mitted to the Judges. Every walker is required to deport himself In a gentlemanly manner, and any departure from this rule will subject tbe offender to Un it 9. Crutcher, two furniture stores. Lots mediate removal from the track. upon a lump skater, mussln »Inwnne* In view of the fact that no entrance fee la] a JU® P “IJSX»!!« nf B rtoth?ih£ I * J - Murt.hr 4t Co.. llVery stables. Lost 6L- charged, walkers and trainers ... I** *5* SSfiJSJiS °°°! partially Insured. to pay their admission fee. I Hummers Jc Murphey, buggy and carriage 1 —■— »-*ms^»-. Shlwid !rij? No, udSn-l^MkJ^nSS! I. My very soul was on tiro, but closed over tbc crslcr of the within me. It waa 10 o'clock that nl«ht before 1 finished * following la the mortuary report for ick end nf last night: White males 0, fe ll colored malee 2, females 2—total ft. will be required Give vonr boy Bmith’s Worm Oil. & Mg, -• ssi iV'l'v ,, r,:7 L vn]V.r,V, *b-> ■ tow other vchlelce lhe burning \olc.no j „ uerdner, deelllng. Lot, ,1,00); no In- dw ‘ mn *- i — |sm ! ion m slept r * acne' WW: no Insurance. 'I “'-'■■'ebrook.AO >m It.to); no Inmrenco. . No.ib.um, dry good.. I —Holme.’. Waib cure, tore ibrotti. Tho United Slate, Court. The (oliowin, bu.lneee wee tranucteS on yeeterday; On motion oi the United State, attcrcey, an order oi nolle proeeqnl was taken In tbe cnee oi the United fitetce re. Frank Dillon, Ran dolph county, charged with reteiltn, aplrita without paying the epectsl tsx. I.aac smith. Morion county, filed hie plea ol guilty to tbe charge ol illicit distilling nnd lug n length of pep-r- 1 loet my belnnce.nd L^kVru.te, "All "for* "Seek“SS •ffiSESSS' 1 “ d ^ 1 have bteu unable to do morei mSSlbSm waa. I am too longer a healthy man. aud 11 AUen ' of c “**“• *** 610.0U0, no j case was suspended uutll the further order of ie court. In the ca*eof the United States vs. Tbomta Thompson, Jasper county, charged wllh re. dollars, fifteen bottles of liniment at one dol- , - lor, fifteen dollars, tout gift, and one solid r x w _ ^ . week of agony before I brill be able to get low I vlJJjJfc con ‘® c «<««ry- ao®« 61,000; la- i xbompeoo, Jasper county, charged with re. n!m!&ble Sum'.” “ mT P ** T * r * ,B * AT. Blalock, Urery *UWe. Loea ®,0W; no tollln « *P triu without boring paid the special economist ha. • hard t "j} l, g > T^-.. uv „ tax, the Jury returned* rerdlct of DUty.and | time of IL Tom Arteo. I rixv noTnnSu* 7 BUES^SESRL I theemrt sentenced him to two month* im- ~ ■■■ Mrs. W BADDLY SCARED: Mrs. . i — I 6-5,000; DO insurance. I rinw nvuiumu, rannuiiw cuuutj, pimni How n Rurnl c.ntl.man B.cnmo Fright- drygoode. Loec t*,000; In- en.d About Literally Nothing. T. W. t'oenren A Co,, general merchnndUc one uumth'il I 1 * *“ ““ — It In related to ne by a gentleman from Thy- Izw. tt.neO; Insured (nr^oai, Bnll.llniTwnS 1^' “d *o P»y, - - . b - „ loe county that a well-to-do ciUaea of Teylor I by Mr. Ouuubere. lays 11,500; no luinrunee. J ££S{' mmnty who imd mm. trouble with Urn Uniud ^ -«•! «» W No In- kFjStTSlJSft States oflieUU, hot from which he wee entire- j. c. MeMIcheel, Guette ofiles; lose 17,000 I rerdlet ol not guilty, ly telleeed, became co utterly frighteuhd from No tneurenee. eererel good mnlee nnd other personal er- jeets. rr.’l fieri the equnty for ports unknown. Three of Horsfdrdk f~ui.rr-\isiNC G) Bread rrepamlion. THE HEALTHFUL AND NUTRITIOUS BAKING POWDER restores to the floor lbs •trangtb-ciTing phosphates that are moored with the Li an nnd which are requred by tho system. No other baking powder does thia. it coats lea., ia healthier and itrongor than any other powder. HOME PAIN IS PAST. Friend at her fourth l__ fluement, and her testimo ny Is, sbe paa>ed through it with one naif thtrsuffc-rlng if her confine- incuis, mm recovered from Us effects in much lets time. She also recom mended it to a lady friend in her first confinement, and lays: 1 have never seen any one pesa through this great trial with so much eaes and so little mi tering. Treatise on the Health and Happiness of Woman mailed free* The Bradfield Regulator Co., Box Atlanta. Oa. GEORGIA MADE HOSIERY. Armory Knitting Hills! 'a?noon, G» or grin,. F OR ♦*:<• t'ur; • I nu I « dihtrf- butlon of thebo popokr gocds,the following low prices arc made for th? next thirty days: Misses French mixed Cambridge and Oxford ribbed hose, 7 to Inchc*. 11.25 pt-r dosaa. Misses ribbed hose, solid colors, a*‘orted black, seal brown, navy bice and cardinal, 7 to 8V4 inches. 61.50 per dozen. Ladles' ribbed nose 1 r. Frenrh mixed, Oxford and Cambridge, 61.50 per dozen. Ladles' ribbed hose, solid colors, sMort.-d black, seal brown, navy bine and cardinal, 11.75 per dosen. Children’s and mlasea' plain or ribbed tops, toild color*, assorted bUrk. seal brown, navy bine and cardinal, ft* to Is, |1X0 per dozru. Ladle*' plain or ribbed top*, solid color*, as- iortc.1 black, seal brown, navy blue and cardi nal, in fine finish and extra lengths, 61.75 per tozen. Order by mall, accompanied with the i » The Only WATCH FACTORY fj N IN THE SOUTH. Fatronlza a Home more dosen of a kind. These goods are manufactured In Mam areof flue finish, and will render vice. They ore cheap and the wive* and mot era of Georgia are solicited to give them U *Ub«rtl discounts to the trade. Address W. T. LANG, Proprietor. •ep28eodAw2m Macon, Gs WILUAMS L STEVENS, SOLE AGENTS FOR MACON. utThis Out : .• > . 1. Uflac money. tlhanaajrtMntfftotolnAvto-rV*. Abauiawt’i N«®doucai>iUU. M.Young4-3<<r.i-it« MihhL a A GOLDEN 101 OfGOOOt Month. J.P. STEVm&CO ATLANTA. GA. WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS ? •• i Mt-f r -T fM-iin.)i>. iifvri.urrp, J 12E GOLD MLDAL, I'AKIH, ii\ BAKERS v | Ul Wairantod abtolutely purs* 1»m„, ■ < . — -)f Ollhaabeearemov d. D Im tSrtt time4 t\e itrrnftA of Co. t mixed with Starch, Arroww .ter >ugv, an«l la therefor j fkr more eeonofut- cal. It Is daflrious, u -H.thing, ■trrngthening,easily dig« !. u>d admirably adapted Ar ima., is ms well u fix persons la bqJiS. Self byt-coeer* f*- 1 • ««**. i Cl. 1 Si Attractions for the Week -AT- J. W. RICE & CO.’S. 100 PIECES KENTUCKY JEANS At selling elsewhere at 15 and 200. Just received fifteen pieces more of those ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMERES, yard and a quarter wide, at 50c., cheap at 65c. "mire Moms Splendid styles, atioc per yard. Sold in other stores for 15c. 10 PIECES FINE BLACK SILK At$i—good as can be found in the city for $1 25. Splendid line of FANCY CASS1MERES for winter 3uits just in and selling rapidly at low figures. Po not fail to visit our CAE PEI WARER00MS, Where we dispfay the largest and most varied stock ^ It hud bm .xpiruri thatth, tout, would I j. , _ <1 by Mayor nijiurn finally for th, Urm on ywttrri.y, “T“r“0“T“ IRA A R |\/ in the State J.W.R1CE&CO S2£sn&is%i I S^wir. '"vs l* 1 ? »>oToogrt ceopUkd ■ t* ttnrnie w itb 1 **”**?£*• a*d f«N setlaffeiiftotf ■* «*»*wld aaoka .uzhniSL; — j ;*f *- , « bt - ™ >o1 ‘” »«• • . TMR rxrrxo rrxTri <:■•< at riptlou of him. ■ • lv 4t the. i'ra 1 ■!«•»( will appoint • •• x * r ar.J U.*t he will bvl.l al 1 —Mol with them official aasurancee^MMHPi^HH^VMI^^^V It la ttr.Rxc, hut nerrrtbrlr,,' trur, th.t Th* rernr (rum th* e r proptcln th* rural rilririct, h.rc a >ln- when within . r tn.l riremriful fe*r ..I btlng brought Into h*«n Unlleri rutretpurt,. | tloa l. A Bold Thaft. I* ‘ "! OuThunrixy .(tenirwo x n* Into th* rnl-lcoce . ( Pr. M. 8. .pplleri for work. While In th* r th* .lector, h* .pled • fine gold 1 over the mantel He .l-lld xradnally, » n .t th tempUnr h, m MeeeMlul .n-l It H ■ thex-t- 1 - Il*erlriently knew of th* doctor' »talking to | boy went | Cent . t*ckyroun l to whft _ rss aX ’.1^ ■i.’fLSrr-sil watch, made a grab for u. He waa | ^jl^C^hibtr.fcy >• kfl at.wwk oaAhoagb 1 • , ■ l"“ ■ ■- ■ , , .* *'-‘ r v , rto&sr FROM J.tmmeltBlacKsliear.M.D. Uxcov, Oa., Znly H, 1SM.-I l.he r'-.xs- tm in Adding rny tatintenial toth« ripe- rfor excellence of your Hotiford'. Bread paration (Baking Towder) u an trU- itraUhfol and r.utritlotu, And InAn- mmetiJud and md. So long u in whcAten flour|8 n .de i.-eof for ul-m.klng, to long will there be a •Itv lor tutoring to inch « irthc - tthA*. •»«’ sJ • Cum aodt“ t*U by 2u\ f!v A Co itboUrd (<»rabari FORriALK BY AI-L *ep3 wed ,fri,«*j d A w T. B. ARTOPE, 178 Second Street, Macon - Geor{ ' /la * Marble, Granite and Limestone Works, Wrought Iron , 5 Railing? of every description. Best Force Pump in the mar ’ ixmjket. Plans, prices and estimates given S CJ-V 3IP15KLL 4V JOIN ED roR^« ,K0ttKS. IKY IT l>,-til COTTON l^VtJ IOO POPLAR STREET MACON, CEORCIA. I-LLVIKIIH' MUPPUf-f iiou.r • 1 y ,ei„T«drit.nn» w3ia