Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 31, 1884, Image 1

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ELEGR aPH AND MESSENGER. ESTABUSO 1826 THE PEAL ISSUE. in ADDRESS by the democratic na- * TIONAL COMMITTEE. , s .y e re Arraignment of Mr. Blnlne'» Methods In the Ohio Election.- Advice to Democratic Voters —Success Certain. m BuotUd here left them to tbai» devices, knowing that their expenditures would be unavailing; but while of these managers agreed to stop work at their factories unless their workmen will support Blaine. This attempt to coercothc workingmen of th* country to vote for Mr. Blaine will be remembered at the polls In iber, not only by the sturdy men it was Intended to effect, but by all Jen In the United States. You have fully [tiuorapbid to the associated pbess.1 The following address has been made imb ue by the National Democratic Committee: New Yobs, October n.-To Tilt Peons or TBtl’siTEDStATSs: There Is only one great i.,ue Involved In this campaign. The question li whether thli country shall be governed honestly and wisely or corruptly. The elec tion ol Governor Cleveland u President and „I Thomas A. Hendricks as Vice-President, will insure good government. The election of James o. Maine os President and J. A. Lo- ean as Vice-President, will insure bad govern ment Mr. Blaine would not be purer a President than he was as Speaker and member ol Ihe House ol Representatives. You are burdened with unnecessary taxes. One hundred millions of money, aot needed to de fray the necessary cipeeses ot the govern- nfut o:e annually taken from the people of Sc Vnlted Stotea aud kept In tho treasury. The withdrawal of this enormous amount of money 1mm circulation baa hampered your Commerce.depressed your trade,Impoverished Crtab.tr sir. Blaine Aided In the needles. •nA rpcklts* accumulot'on of tbit unnecessary int% .HoIsresponsible for the mischief ft has occasioned, lie cannot be trusted with iu disbursement. The methods which he has employed In this campaign prove conclusive- lTtbst the administration ol the government 3 the country ought not to be placed in his hands. A candidate capable of using itn- nniix*r means to Increase nls chances of elec- lionfor the Presidency would not, If elected, discharge the duties of that office honestly. Mr Blaine itcrsonally supervised the preparn- tion made by his managers for the r work in the State election in Ohio on the 14th of Octo ber It i* expressly provided by an existing statute of the United States that no man shall be appoin’ed a deputy marshal unless he Is a (manned voter of the city, town, couuty, par ish. election district or toting precinct in wiuch his duties are to be performed. It la cfftalnly the plain intent of the Federal law that the deputies empowered to execute the duties ot a marshal of the United States ahouM bo reputable men, leading decent lives and cujoylns the confidence of the community in which they Hve. These plain provisions of the Foderal law were wholly disregarded at tho late Ohio election. Ruffians not living in the election district in which they were appointed to act and not in many in stances even citixeus of the United states, were armed by the marshal of the United Ststes, under tn* eye of Blaine, and were used in the districts to which tney were appointed, with his knowledge, for the purpose of obtain ing majorities by violence and fraud. The effect produced by tnl* outrage hoc been re markable. Tno blow struck by Mr. Blaine at the rights of the citizens of Ohio has welded tho Democratic party In New York. There is no longer anv doubt as to the manner In which the electoral vote of that State will be cast. The Demo crats and independent Republican-, working haud in baud In »he canse of good govern ment. and resolved to labor with all their might until the eiidbae been achieved, will give in November an OTerwholmlng majority for the Cleveland and Hendricks electors. Mr. Bisine and hla manager*, despairing of suc cess In the state of New York, are attempting to carry Indiana. New Jersey and Connecticut by tho discreditable means employed in Ohio o i the 14th of Ohio. While they are struggling to accomplish this evil purpose, Ohio, rid of the swarm of vagrant deputy marshals by which It waa Infested at the < ictobor election, is rallying with a determined purpose to vin dicate its good name. In Indiana, New Jersey and Connecticut men are forewarned and are ready to meet the Jasue. They un derstand that the deputy marshal who was not at the time of bis appotntmeut a qualified voter of the city, town, county, elec tion district or voiiui pf«clsct in which his duties are to be performed, Is an intruding mercenary, whoso claim to authority no citi zen U required to respect. They know also the precise limits of the authority of every su- State,under the provisions of the Federal Con stitution determines for Itself by whom and In what manner Ite Presidential elect>rs shall be chosen. No supervisor ol elections, mar shal or deputy marshal of the United States has the power to Interfere in the smallest de gree w Itn any person claiming the right to vote lor electors of the Presldeut and Vice-I'resi dent of the United States. The functions of these officials art limited to Congressional ♦lections, and U is time that they should un derstand that there ore well defined bounds to their lowers in such elections even. Citizens who are entitled to vote In any States for del egates to the Legislature or General Assembly of such State are entitled to vote In their re spective Congressional districts of such State for Uepresenta’Jvcs In Congress. The power of determining, upon the day of anv electlou. the i«er*ous who are entitled to cast their vote* in any electlou distiict or election precinct ol any Congressional district Is vested primarily and exclusively In the State Judges of election of such election district or pre< lnct. ‘ The intended dnty of martlials and deputy marshals of the United iut sat Congrc*»tounl elections was to protect the voter on his way to the polls to submit to the Judges of electlou bis claim tn the elective franchise; to preserve at order while such claim was under consol ation, and tn secure the arrest of thoso who were detected In attempting to deposit fraud ulent v«Hes in the ballot-box under tho care of the Judges of election. U such stare*—.1 or deputy, having this limited authority, usurp the rljjht to arrest a citizen who is proceeding B acefully to the polls, they moke themselves. fact, Judaea of elections, and violently take Intobhelrowu hands the determination oi the l«me of stu b election. They ore wrong doers whom the cl?l**n may lawfully with stand and resist, when be is thus unlawfully interfered with. The Interposing of a gang of ruffians, psld out of the vubllc treasury, be tween the cltiien aud. the ballot box on the ‘ ,SM especially upon the November, whom It workmen awakened to the sense of the supreme Impor tance of good government. You are putting forth all your power to secured!. This com mittee, placed m a position which enables and compels It to see the effort of a great popular movement, can forecast the issue. That Is *ue will be the triumphant election of Grover Cleveland as President of and Thomaa A. Hendricks aa Vice-President of the United States. [Signed] a P. Gorman. Chairman Executive Committee. Wm. U.Barmum, Chairman. Ho Tell* Him In Plnln Words He Lies, and Nomas the Wltnesseato Prove His Assertion---Cod Hove Mercy, Etc , He Prays. ATLSNTA NOTES. MACON, //UDAY. OC TOBER 31, 1884. o'. VO L U ME LVIII—NO. 48. THE OLD MAN MAD. Democratic Meeting— Rp.llroad Passen gers Poisoned—Convict Caught. [special telegram.1 Atlanta, Ga., October 28.—The Democrats had a public meeting to-night in the Superior Conn room, which waa packed full. Addresses the national campaign and the situation were made by Senators Brown aud Colqulti, Governor McDaniel, Hon. N. J. Hammond, Capt. Jackson and Henry Grady. The meeting was quiet and orderly. The Federal authorities here to-day began the appointment of supervisors for next week' election. Passenger train No. 11, of the Western and Atlantic, came In yesterday afternoon with a crowd of sick folks. The passengers break fasted at the Dalton hotel. Everybody was taken sick after eating, and are supposed to have been poisoned by something eaten. The physlclaus think the poison camo from the milk and was due to something po'sonous eaten by the cows. The moat seriously af fected was conductor Hargis, of the sleeping car. Conductor nargls la at a hotel to-night sick, and cannot take his train in several days. A negro, giving the namo of Bob Davis alias Bob Venable, excited suspicion yester day evening by trying to sell a lot of watches to a merchant. An officer was telephoned for an the negro ran. After a chase be waa captured and Jailed, ne is believed to be an escaped convict from the Dade coal mines. Atlani a, October 27.—Dr. George W. Wilson died here last night of a fever contracted in Savannah. Ho was about fifty years old, wore a gray beard, and was five feet ten inches high. An examination of his effects showed him to be a homeopathic physician, two diplomas from Phlladclphl i colleges being found. He had quantities of medlclno and an outfit of surgical Instruments. His papers indicated him to be a Chicago resident who, venturing to Florida in search of fortune, became disgusted and out of money and was struggling to get back. Among his effects wore twelve dollars and two bonds of a hundred dollars each of tho Northern Pa cific railroad; alto a letter addressed to Col. Charles Blanchard, Chicago, with whom he seemed to hold lutlmato relations. A dispatch to Blanchard brought the following to-night: Sell effects. Ask Masonic aid to bury Wil son. No funds here.” The body Is embalm ed and will be kept several daya. Among papers wasfcrnnd a severe criticism o! Florida people aud tho South. Ills body Is being cared for by them and will receive Christian burial at their hands. T. W. Taylor, a well known young man. formerly with J. J. Williams J: Co., died yes terday of typhoid fevor.andwaa buried to day. Billups, of Athens, brother of lion, J. A. Billups, died lost night. Captain Ed Mercer has secured the restau- rnnt privileges at the Now Orleans Exposition Rev. Walter P. Branham will be urged as chaplain of the Honso of Representatives. FAILURE IN AUGUSTA. New York, October 28.—The following letter has been given out tor publication: Brooklyn, October 28, 1881.—Mr. Joy—Sir: You said at your own table, before me, that Mr. Blaine offered to form a committee as you your chair, put your thumbs into your vest pockets, and add with coutempt: “That a the man Blaine !*.” I did not violate the laws of hospitality In using the Incident. I never spoke of It publicly until your Injudicious friend, Gov. Alger, made a garbled statement, which under your denial made me a falae witness. Then I was Justified In self-defense. A member of Plymouth ChiDch, who Is ashamed of his own name, explains la close connection with your letter ol this morning that "Kpi'I'Iiae <■ Irnnvn tn l.n v..rv fnnri.tful " JACKSON'S DEFALCATION. day ol any election, and especially up day of a Presidential election, la unout »>!y the greatest outrage which can be tfated upon « citizen of the United 8tal the independent men of Indiana, New and« ounccticuL knowing their rights and Ue- tennmeu to uuuuUIm iUm, ! by ♦ fell and (tee votes add the electoral George T. Jncsaon & Co. 8uccumb—Lia bilities About. $100,000. [•FECIAL TELEOEAM.) Augusta, October 25.—George T. Jocluon A Co., proprietors of the Excelsior Flour Mills, tailed to-day, with liabilities of 1100,000 and nominal assets of $125,000. The entire lndebt- ednees Is held In this city, with tho exception of $10,000 In New York. The National Bank of Augusta la the largest creditor, and holds mortgage on the mill and Harrlsonvllle real estate. A creditor’s bill was filed by the Georgia Railroad Bank for the appointment of a receiver. Their claims amount to $ft,5to, par tially secured by grain In the elevator. MaJ. Jackson has been prominently Identified with leading enterprises of the city for years, and possesses the esteem and confidence of the community. It Is earnestly hoped that a set tlement will be arranged with the creditors and the firm allowed to continue business. Work on the great sewer that la intended drain the lower portion of the city is progress ing satisfactorily, 100 bands being employed. It will be about one mile in length, and cost $10,000. _ | FIRE AT FORT VALLEY. that “Beecher is known to be very forgetful. Yes; ten thousand things I fo get and ten thousand things 1 remember. 1 do both thor oughly, and your statement waa burned into my memory aa with fire, and your falsehood will, I fear, be burned into your memory aa with fire. 8uch mendacity la marvelous even In th s political campaign. Do you dare look ex-Govcrnor Baldwin, of Michigan, In the face, who aat next me at your table, and deny that you made such a statement? Whut will he think of you? Do you dare say that you never made a like ►tatement of Blaine’s conduct in the transaction alluded to to Mr. Smith? The president of the Oregon Trans continental and Charles K. Niel.ofthe New York Elevated railrr ad, both say that Smith stated to-them that Joy had made to him like statements. Will Smith publicly deny it? Will you deny It? John Harrison, of Detroit, who was roar attorney and was conversant with the whole matter at the time of Its hap- pening, vouches for the correctness of the substance ot my statement. Allow me to ask, by way of refreshing your memory, whether tho amount which Blaine required was not nearer flO.OOO than $25,u0u? Whether the in termediary between you—between Blaine and yourself—was not Subsidy Pomeroy, and whether , proper and honest in- diguation on that occasion was so extreme that you would have sworn out right had it not been that you were a church member. Mr. Joy, you have told this story too many times ana to too many people to make It prudent to deny It now. The adv toge which Is expected from vour dcn.sl i last now but a day or two. but tho lie will . dure forever. It will abide with you—follow “ou home, dwell In your memory, be present your old age, staud by your coffin aud meet u In God s judgment day. May He who found a way to forgivo tbe lying Peter forgive you and have mercy on your soul In that aw ful day. [Signed] Henry Ward Beecher. A MININQ TRACEDY. fourteen Coal Miners Killed by an I«» plosion of Firedamp, Uniontown, Pa., October 28.—The worst fear* touching the fato of the men Impris oned in the coal mine at Youngstown, four mllci from this place, by an explosion of fire damp last evening, have been fully confirmed. Six of tbe mluers were taken out soon after tho disaster. Two were dead, and two of the other four arc so seriously injured that there Is no hope of tbrlr recovery. There are still th oughout tho night, and by morning tho dead bodies of twelve had been brought out and delivered to their friends and relatives at the mouth of the •it. This makes fourteen dead in all and with he four who were injured account-* for eigh teen, ortho whole number supposed fo be in dne. Whether there are any more re- j is vet to 1* discovered, but It Is believed all hare bee found. The scenes at the month of the pit as the disfigured bodies of the dead were brought to tho surface and given into mind the 'piteous wall* ot —_ bereaved families who walled at the opening of the Lelscurlng ml e last Feb ruary for the bodies which they knew were com ng lifeless to them from the uncompas- ilonate bowels of the earth. It was a sad spec tacle Indeed, wh ch moved to tears many of the hundreds who had been drawn to the glace by the news of tbe disaster. It cannot ^^^^hdr States to the already assured electoral vole of the 6tateof New York. Mr. Blaine ami hit managers add usurpation to fraud on«i % faience in the conduct of hts cam paign. They del ounce the national Demo cratic party as a sectional party. The 2,714,4 J Democratic votes cast In the Middle State* * e»tcrn and Paclfle states, and 612,**s Demo cratic votes east In the border States of Del*- wore, Kentucky. Maryland and Weet Virginia In the same year, all now Immensely Increase*l iu number, were not sectional vote*, but were votes of a people who love their country and cUeriah iu constitution andl form of government. These voters and the Demo cratic and Independent voters ol all the States will manifest lu no uncertain way In Novem ber their opinion of the effort made by Mr. Blaine to Untie anew and use the fires of sec- “Mr. BUiMdtiSma the credit of aiding tn imposing duties on imports with the m of protecting American labor. Tho debt on January 1, was $2,MO,«l7 r *«»H was necessary to lay increased dnties ou all Imports la order to pro- Jjde foe the annual Interest on tills indebtedness and for,a sinking fund intended for lu redemption. These duties, increased for tho purpose of providing:for the public Indebtedness, necessarily afforded pro tection to all forms of American Industry, and stimulated to greater activity. Such protec- never been ham or tt the Republican nartr bad f.uol to ex tat. Tbe nelloual debt ou hl.hdutk, “ion Import, to provide tor tho raiment of iutereit on thta nee. dobt end lor tbe increase ( I the ilnktoKhm.l Intended lot lu redemp tion. The debt ol tbe United Htalee is an obligation tndeh b absolutely raered, ind the IoumK’SSK In'tK S8SJ ' The Enterprise M ile Seriously Crippled -•Tne Sum Involved flOO.OOO. [SPECIAL telegram.] Augusta, October 29.—The Jackson failure and the Enterprise Factory complications are the all-absorbing topic of conversation on the ■tree s. A number of parties in the city have lost by the failure, under the mo*t trying cir cumstances. The experts ore still at work ou the books of the Enterprise, of whleb Jackson was president, and their disclosures are of the most startling nature. A deficit In the neighborhood of $1.0,020 hss been discovered. MaJ. Joes son baa resigned the presidency, and fno. A North teen elected president pro tem. K. NY. Armstrong, secretary, hss also resigned. The fraudulent manipulations date back for a period of several years, but have been skillfully and systematically concealed. About one year ago a statement was made showing a profit on hafcd of $50,000 and a dividend declared. It now transpires that the profit was fictitious and the money to pay the dividend was borrowed. It is charged that the funds misappropriated were used in speculations and' developing the Mogrnder gold mines in Wlikes county. A meeting of the stockholders will, be held Ko- ember 8th, when a full exposure of the affairs of the compcny will be made. * A criminal prosecution of the president Is threatened, w. h. barkett pails# W. H. Barrett, wholesale dn%jist, hod a creditor's bill filed against him to-day and sold outtohlsaon, Glascock Barretlt Thero- are liens on the stock to the amount $30,000. 1 TELEGRAPHED TO TUX ASSOCIATED PRESS.] Augusta, Ga., October 29.—Few several days past there have been rumors af.eat of a heavy defalcation on the part of George T. Jackson, president of the Enterprise cotton factory, and a committee was appointed to Investigate the books of the company. Jacksi-u confesses to a defalcation, Imt cannot give th| amount. He claims all responsibility for the deficit. Enough already known from th4 .Investigating committee, however, to state th*t the defalca tion, Is over $tk),000 and may $eoco $100,000. The money, It is stated, * aa lest In various operations. Notwithstanding the defalcation, the comnany is reported to be Movent and the mill will continue to ruu until ibe stockhold ers’ meeting November 9th. Toe matter crea tes general surprise, as Jackson has been one ol the most prominent and public spirited citi zens. It will be several days before the full amount of tbe defalcation 1*' known. The loss m running the Enterprise mill and tho defalcation will together amount to $180,000. These lostcs>ill make the mill* stand: stock in round numbers $1.0CO,000; capital $500,0(0 in stock and first mortgage bonds to the amount of $230,000. The cost when finished will be over $800,000. The developments have created A CHICACO HERO LOSES HIS LIFE. A Crent Building Full of People Suddenly Fired--SevBral Working Clrla Bnd- ly Hurt In Escaping—Tr.e Brave Foreman’s Death. [TELEGRAPHED TO TUX AMKH.TATED PRESS.] Chicago, October 29.—A large brick build ing, situated on tho southeast corner of La-'l lallo and Michigan streets, the lower floor of which was occupied by hide dealers, and the upper portion by Fisher’s cigar box tactory, caught fire about nooi and is at this hour (12:45) completely gutted. One man was kill ed by jumping from a window and two others smothered on tho stairs. The factory girls n be upper floor esca- ed with the greatest diffi culty. It is believed all of them are safe. The loss will reach $IUO,OUO. The building wo* owned by Mr. Culver, of Culver, Rage A Hoyne. It was a five-story structure, occupied by 8cnabel A Co., bsrbed wire manufacturers, the Campbell Printing Preas Company, Daubelzer Broa., chewing gnm manufacturers, and W. E. Fisher, cigar box factry. The latter was ou the ton story aud employed twenty-one men and sixteen girls. The foreman of the shop, James Carr, got all of tbe thirty-seven souls together in good order and coolly led them to the fire-proof stairs and sa ely to tbe ground. Troubled with doubt as to whether any were left behind, Carr quickly returned to the fifth-story, but remained a few mo ments too long, as the flames had cut off every, avenue of escai»e. He hurried to the roof aud amid the wild * xciteraent ot thousands of people he was thrown a rope from a building on the opposite aide of the street, and miking the lino fust he commenced his perilous descent, while the firemen held a heavy tar paulin beneath as a precaution, suddenly the rope snapped under the man’s weight or was burned by bursts of flames, aud Carr’s body shot down hea* foremost, and, to the horror of the rrowd of people, went directly through the tarpaulin, and was picked up from tbe stones with his neck broken aud mangled almost be yond recognition. Another thrilling scene was taking place at the fire escape from the chewing gum factory. Eighteen young girls, panic-stricken, came down pell-mell, and when within twenty-five feet of the ground the last eight jumped to the pavement, falling In a confused heap rortn- nutelv. only three of them were seriously in Jurea, they receiving painful cuts and bruises. The Crowd Vory Lnrge»The Kncea.Wnlk. log Match—Programme for To day—A Lot of CeneralNotea --The Cattle Show. $20,0)0. ______ Riotous Negroes. Augusta, November 29.—Passengers from the Augusta aud Knoxville railroad report that Mr. James Blackwell was ambushed and killed by negroes at Parkzvlilc, 8. C., to-day. It seems that on Sunday morning, during the dedication ceremonies of a new church, a crowd of negroes appeared and behaved in a most outrageous mauncr, yelling and firing pistols. Tv^lay Mr. Block- well was proceeding to serve a war rant on one of the rioters whrn ho was waylaid anl killed. Eight of the negroes have been arrested. Considerable excitement exists in the neighborhood, and arms and am munition have been forwarded from this city. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Augusta, October 2».—At ParksvUlc. 8. l\, on Sunday last, a white church was dedicated. It is reported that colored men disturbed tho services by firing pistols. The bad feeling aroused by this act on continued uutll to-day, when it culminated in th* killing of James IUaekweU, an officer, who*’ “— ** make•rretULtaravolley Ik ricaded uTanotnib. Great ixcitemetit exists. Further violence Is anticipated. Got. Thomp son has been advised of the situation. CREAT BRITAIN. DEPRESSED TRADE. London, October 2G.—The motion of Lord Dunraven for the appointment of a joint commission from the llouees of Lords and Common* to inquire into the cause of the depressed condition of trade and tgri* culture receives the support of the lords. Tbe government is inclined to refuse to ‘i[)potnt such a commission, on the ground that the inquiry would have no practical result. The Tories will make the bad con dition of the country the subject of aplink in their election platform. ANOTHER NEW LORD. London, October 2G.-It is reported that at tbe close of the present session of Par liament P.iglit Honorable Hugh C. Chil ders, chancellor of tbe exchequer. % i:l be el evated to tbe peerage. Ill-health has ren dered htm unable to perform the duties of his office. AFFAIR* IN UBINA. London, October 36 —At imperial audi. encea to be held at Pekin at November Gib aud 7th, wbich all the princes of the em pire have been suu meued to attend, it will be decided whether to open war against France or to sanction mediation. Rumors are again current in Paris that Prime Minister Ferry Is eudeavonng to secure Kaglisn mediation. DEMONSTRATION AGAINST THE LORDS. WOMAN’S TEMPIRANCK A Careless Nogro Woman Klndlaa 15,000 Flam*. *» Valley, Gt, October sa.—Quite w dis astrous fire occurred In our town this morn ing. Tbe buildings burned were mostly bust- ueos houses os follows: Express and telegraph office, losa supposed to be between $150 and $200, the instruments and some of the fixtures being saved. C. Roach, the tailor, loss Including build- ing, $250 or $.100. , . . A. Wasser. dry goods and groceries, loss about $700, M. Gta*< losing (he store house occupied by Mr. Wssscr. Ills loss was in the neighborhood of $500. W.Jt . Cook, carriage Cooper’Vllafl, owned^y MaJ. M. L. Cooper. LOIS $2,000. Hardison Hall. Damaged by fire about $150. The fire originated in a iraoll frame house occupied by a colored woman, and la supposed to tuve been caused from carelessness. There was not a single dollar of insnranec on any of the property except Hard lion Hall, and that slightly damaged. The other was a a total loss. „ , . The thanks of all good peoplo are due our colored friends for their timely assistance. . Jstated now whether the explosion was due to the carclesiuess of tbe company or nor. The miners allege that It woo, but on the heel* of a calamity like this tbe first impulse uiu-tlly Is to attribute tho blame to the coinpauy. It Is well known, however, that the Youngstown company has always been very careful, aod the knowledge that this mine was a danger ous one and predisposed to tbe gsneratlou of firedamp made them more careful thou ever. The mine was Inspected every morning, and I when the prescnco of fire damp waa delected it wax inrarlably ordered to deny tbe men ad mission to It until the gas had been expelled. This was the rule, aod the officials say tt was rigidly enforced; but it Is claimed by tbe miners that tbe commissioner discharged a competent fire boss obout two months ago and bavc sine© employed in that capacity one who was not competent to determine whether the | [mine was safe or not. YOKOHAMA OE90LAIEO. A Typhoon Causes Grant Destruction of Llf* and Property. (TELEUUAFHXD TO THK ASSOCIATED FaXSS.1 San Francisco, October 28.—Tbe steamer Arabia, which arrived .Sunday from f’hina and Japan, brought the following additional details ot the great typhoon of September 15, which caused such terrible destruction of life and property at Yokohama and Tokol: The] storm came up so rapidly and with such tre mendous fury, that no precautions could tel taken. In Yokohama, the entire lower part | of the city, called the “Settlement,” was com- r mletely wrecked. Not a noose was lets susnu- ng. The Inhabits ts made no attempt to save their property, bat fled for tbelr lives to es cape drowning fr«>m tbe rushing waters driven upon the land by tbo fury of the wind. The newspapers make no attempt to furnish detail* of the destruction In that part lot the city. They summarize by saying as the Scttlemcntl was destroyed It Is u*ole*s to pub lish any detail*. The higher portions of the I city, being more exposed, were equally un fortunate. Several of the largest and roost substantial buildings were swept away as if built of pasteboard. In that section alone 128 houses were destroyed and 990 damaged. The lots of life on the snore was less than at sc*. Out of 80 sailing vessels 5.T were lost, with 123 persons qp board. One hundred and twenty- three vessel*, with 120 persons, are also miss ing. Of five lifeboats that went to the rescue of the drowning crews, four were swamped and ten men of their crews were drowued. The typhoon Is the severest experienced since 870. Suicide In Marietta. [SPECIAL TELEGRAM.I Marietta, October 29.—Mr. James Northern, % young man of this place, committed suicide this afternoon, by spooling himself through the heart, at Chnek Anderson’s stable. lie has been connected with John Kecly, of At lanta, for some time, and came home today to attend the funeral of Geo, Dobbs. While at the funeral ho expressed a desire to be in George’s place, and said he was going to kill himself, but no attention wo* paid to It, until about 5 o'clock, . hen the shot was beard. Cleveland's Movement*. Albany, N. Y., October 29.—Gov. Cleveland, accompanied by his private secretary. Cot lament, leaves to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock lor New Haven. Conn., returning to Albany the same night. OnBatarday morning he leave* here for New York, for the purpose of reviewing a parade of basinets men, re turning to Albany Saturday nlghL c»oy. Cleveland will go to Buffalo to vote and will retain to the capltol Toysday night, receiving the return* of the election at IM executive New Haven,Conn.. October».-Cov.Cleve land wil'» review tae state parade in this city r evening. He will leave Albany in the Houston 1c road to Bridgeport and thence via the New York. New Haven and Hartford rallload to this city. other of Murat HaUte* •-'sl-.l. The Negro Asked to Step Down. pKTKaisuao, Vo., October 2».—Hon. Joseph I\ Evans (colored). Republican candidate (or t’ongre«s In tbe tth Virginia district and the opponent of Col. James I). Brady, the candi date of the Mshone wing, to-day received a letter from B. F. Jones, chair man of the Republican National Committee, requesting hi* prompt withdrawal from the conUtt in favor of Brady. In hla letter, which is dated New York, October 29th, Chapman Jone* says: “Now tbtt the Demo cratic party ho* i»ut up a candidate In tho Fourth Congre**Ionol district, and are pressing hi* candidacy, hoping by the division of the Republican vote to elect their candidate, the national committee feci con- ►trained to a«k that you w ithdraw from the contest, and that you will support actively, earnestly and cordially the regular Republi can ticket.” To this letter Evan* returned* telegram declaring that under no circum stances would he give up his nomination. The Episcopal Deadlock. Baltinooe. October 20.—In tbe Episcopal Convention today the first ballot resulted: Rev. J. II. Eccleaton 56, Her Henry A. Cain Hi, scattering 16, Total votes 127; necessary to a chop* a*. A motion that a majority vote Instead of two thirds should elect was lost and a committee of layman and clergymen wa» appointed Co consult and candidate and report tonight. At the evening session of the Protestant Episcopal convention tbe commlttee of con- srT . CoH 4, ___—. -- hollo* resulted: P»J Halstead teg lo-no choice. ' suited: It, Annual Mating in "t. Louis-.Repcrt* of tn. Work Don.. Ft. Loch, Mo., October 23.—The Woman 1 , Christian Temperance Union reenmrd ita union tbli morning. A re port ol tb, work among foreigner, waa read. Thirty thousand page, ot German literature bare been put in circulation and diatrlbuteil In Tariooa States, and r.ew paper superintendent, have been appoint ed in aeveral Stare, having a large Ger man, Scandinavian and Dutch population. On motion It wav reiolveu that tba work among tbe Indians should contti lute a separate department. The lepurt ol Ura. C. K. Buell, ol Con necticut, wbich present* a brief blatory of Ihe asaoclatton for tbe past ten years, showing tbe birth ot the Woman's Christian Temperance Union to have oc curred durian tbe crusade which took place at Cleveland in November, 1874, was read. Under the bead of evangelical work, It waa atated that saloon visiting has given place to gospel meetings. Other di visions of tbe report weraufoilows: Work for children, in which the announcement was made teat a cutupti >ory temperance law la p;ovided by atatuie in tbe etales of of Virginia, Michigan, New Hamp hire. New York and Rhode Island; educating th* masses to legislative work and educa ting the soc.al classes; educating Urn la boring class**: education of th* criminal classes; oar foreign population; organics tion of summer camps, tie. Tbe recommend.uons mane by iU. re port were as follows: First, that th* headquarter* be continued in New York. Second, mat the corresponding secretary be allowed t clerk. Third, that local ad vitory hoards be allowed headqnarte-a to which shall be committed all business per Mining to its local needs, and that this board be constitu ed of ladies whom tbe corresponding secretary shall nominal, and the ex-entire hoard confirm. Fourth, that meetings under our auspices be field at every aumnier camp-ground both East and Weal, and that oar ladle, be invited to apeak and ba paid for their service# from the national treasury. Fifth, that all literature peruining to the department ot tbe organisation be placed in charge of the corresponding secreUry. The report of tbe treasurer showed the receipt, for lssl to ba 17,886 and tbe ex penditures 86,581. Tbe remainder of tbe morning service was consumed by devo tional i xercises. A monster radical demonstration in favor ol the abolition of the House ol Lords was held In Hyde Park today. Over 100.000 persona were present. A lone procession, with bands, flags, etc,, marched through the principal streets. The march ers groaned while passing tbe headquar ters ol tbe various Conservative clubs at the West End. Many banners were dis played, bearing such inscriptions aa "Uown with tbe Lords" and "Tba Lord, are opponent, of civil and raUglous lib erty, and must ba aboilahrd." Speeches wer* detivared from mine platforms. Min Jessie Cralgen, the well known agitator, presided at one of tba platforms. Resolu tions were passed declaring that tbe House ol Lords is useless and dangerous and ought to be abolished. No speeches were made by members of tbe House of Com moos. THE STATE FAIR.- Mere Branch & : m.mi-e have i'l hid! have B Ugh almost i fine Jeru.. ecu re blue ribh rod. “Sir AID mentioned. He took in lv>l. lie is a grnn« Europa.” ‘‘gem of rr. CLOUD.” Next comes the “Gem of ,-t. Cloud daughter of 'TrUtalm Shandy,” * 1th full black jioints .-he U a of the celebrated Yesterf ay was a big day in Macon. Treas urer Powell, of tbe Agricultural Society, says that between eight and ten thousand people passed through the gates at tbe park aud saw tbe fair. • The day opened well, though the sun was very warm, and the dust circling In great clouds. The many engines on exhibition blew medley of whistles, and the rattle of hacks and the music mode the park noisy, but it wss Just such os the people like to hear, for it seemed like a business bustle and stir that was enjoyed. Floral Hall was the centre of attraction, and from morulug till night was filled with a throng of people looking at the huudreds of splays, and enjoylug the sight which was al together pleasing. In the many exhibits in Floral Hall, we may have over ooked some display. Tbe following were not mentioned in previous reports: Mrs. Thomas Hardeman, oil painting; W. O. Bealle, Carrollton, pend* drawing; Miss Wil lie Ltpford, crayon drawing; Miss Annie Ste ven*, Bartlesville, crayon drawing; Miss Car rie Johnson, collection painting* etc; Miss Wilhemina Wheeler, man drawings; Fred Ballard, nap drawings; W. P. Jones, Astor, cabinet of Southern woods; L. F. Livingston, I ol«l bracelets and Japanese fans: Mrs. Bene- let, Madison, etching on Canton flannel; Mrs. T. D Kline, Turkish rugs: Mrs. 8. A. Thomas, arosene work; Mrs. L. N. Wilmore, Lexington, Ky., arasene work: Mrs. T. Williams. Atlanta, arasene work: Mrs. 8. A. Torrencs, ribbon work and embroidery; Mts. Lula Nelson, rib bon work; Miss Annie Hanson, plush work; Mrs. C. B. Callaway, embroidering: Mrs O. B. Dettre, applique work; Mrs. II. B. White, Griffin, pillow slums; Mrs. C. H. Richardson. Islington. Ky, silk and worsted embroidery; Mrs. Kate Martin, child's dress; Miss Julia Cox, Woodvillc, child’s dress: Mrs. M. A. Wammack, child’s dress; Mrs. W. E. Flanders, lambrequin; Mrs J. M. Ball, Jackson, ladies’ underwear; Mr*. Sam Baer, table cover: Mrs. Hugh McKervey, dlsp’ay handle raft; Miss Ada Glorer. Senoia, lacework; Mr*, Ada Goolsby, fancy tidy; Mrs. Marla Burton, Herndon, fancy tidy: Mrs.Clara Jossey. dsrued stockings; Miss Ruby Jonc-s, darned stockings; Miss Margie Flanders, plain S >rou; Mrs. <». W. Adair, Atlanta, crasv quilt: rs. I)r. Head, Atlanta, crazy quilt; Mr*. W. A. Lofton, crazy quilt; Mrs. B. 11. Richardson, Savannah, crazy quilt; Ml** Della Keys, An derson, 8. C.. crazy unlit; Mrs. M. J. Hatcher, crazy quilt; Mrs. M. s. Klmbrew, umbrella and grass vase; Miss Madglo Reed. Savannah, sl.k uullt; Mrs. V. 8. Cope, sllK quilt; Mrs. it. II. Baker, Beaver Dale, knit spread; Mrs. 8. D. Crumley, silk scarf, shawl and cover: Armory Knitting Company.display of hosiery; Miss L. M. McOehce, Griffin, lamp mat: Miss Jessie Berad. tapestry: Miss Irene Odom, Newton, rick-rack. The next feature ou tbe programme was THE WALKING MATCH. This match proted to be as exciting as the horse racing, esnet lolly as the seventh mile was reached. The walkers were on hand a few minutes before 10 o’clock, each In his own selection ol costume, and it rosy be said they presented a motley crew. All eyes were turned on Ford ot Macon and Prater of At lanta; with an oecasloual squint at Moucricf, from whom some good work was expected He was the Warrior wonder, and waa known to possess good staying qualities Promptly at 10 o'clock the pedestrians stood x- v .x ~~ . —- — perfect bean- d took the lir*t prize in Macon iu ift-i. ‘‘BXSGIB” comes next, a solid fawn, with white switch and tongue, a daughter of “Beacon Cornef,” and five»— old. ‘COWSLIP OF BRULAl!" is also on band; a handsome, solid, light fawn, with dark switch, and four years old. ■■■ ‘TULIP OF BEULAH.” U Another one of Brsnch A Son’s beauties. Uwu and white in color. 8he is granddauza- «*r to "Rioter.” "JAPHY.” Other exhtbits from the Beulah herd ire Jnphy, a magnificent, zolid, mahogany fawn, four years old, “AOILITY,” who took ho first heifer prize in Mn?< 1881, and was sired by “Lite! white spots on both s ‘ .ftchfleld.” She has In line, os follows: Piper. No. 6; J. M Lewie, No. 7; Sheridan. No. 88; Bassett. No. 11; J. W. Ford; No, 1; Devil, No. 3; Kliaoie, No.' 17: Prater, No. 16; Whitmore. No. #7; Moncrlef, No. 4: Bartlett. No. 10; Hobbs, No. 29; Toland, No. 36; sam Ford. No. 20; Haskins, No. S; W L. Lewis, No. 12; Page, No. 25. TOTALSCORE: ilgii»asasssg-..» EGYPT. col ntwAK'a tacaci*. Caibo, October 20 —It i* officially atatrd tbat no doubt exists that Colonel Suvurt's party were massaoree i by Arab* near Merawe. The Canadian contingent (or the Nile expedition has arrived at Wady Haifa. ' CERMANY. 11BBMAB OrXXATIOBS III AF*ICA. Pabu, October 26.—'The G<111I<11< affirms that Germany, at the request ol tbe Sultan Bargasch Bar Bald, haa assumed a pro- teetorrtte.over 7. inzibar. and ihst Dr. Ger hard has been authorised to ratiiy tbe protectorate treaty. Tbe same pater says two German corvettes are about to leave W lvelmsbaven for Zanzibar, and tbat Austria will send tbe corvette Freunds- hurg to icixe part of the coast south of Zanzibar aa a baela for a colony. Cl’MBEBLAXD'S PBXTBRSIOXt. Btaux, October 26.—Dr. Windhorst, the Clerical leader, bsa bad a conference sritb tbe Duke ol Cumoerland at Umar- den. He advised the Duke to come to an agreement with Prusei* on tbe basis of tba abdication of his claims to tbe throne of Brunswick and Hanover in favor of tbe son cf the Emperor. D*. wiadthorst re fused to receive Count Grotcae, envoy ol the Dttkeof Cumberland. Hbblik. October 26.—it Is reported tbat Count Herbert Bismarck ba* been nomi nated under secretary for Ionian affairs, tn piece of Dr. Butch, who trill be zest 8s a !t!!frnr!r!r^ -rVvv’f frrWrVrtt* ,r rt e 'errpr i T i tvf t ffT* frft J u * a» , 9_L r V7'*** f 0 * * * , VY , 7 , I "OUIDA.” a solid chestnut fawn full, black points, sired by *‘3Ialvcrson” and four years old. “BOSE NUGGET," a solid dan-colored cow; sired by “Nugget’ and two years old. "ALICE CARPENTER." Fawn and white; a very flue helfei, bIi I ‘3 "Bonnie Boy.” "ISABELLA.” Solid fawn-colored heifer; sired by "Bonnie Boy,” and very handsome. "SIR ALFRED’S DARLING." A solid fawn heifer; a magnificent colt whoso dam Is ZUla 5th. a fine four-gallon cow, "QUEEN’S OOI.DYI/X K8.' r Fawn and white; sired by "Jersey Goldust 9th.” Very handsome. "PRINCE ALFRED VICTOR.” Sire, "Alfred of Darlington." A fashionable young bull; solid mulberry fawn with full block points and switch. Dam, "Gem of't. Cloud.” "FRESHET.” Fawn and white, with fine udderdevelop- ment. A calf of tine promise. "LADY ALFRED.” A calf by "Sir Alfred of Darlington," from lesdy Royal.” There are more than one hundred Jersey? on exhibition. The breeders present agree that it Is by far the finest exhibition of the kind ever seen In the South DEVONS. W. B. Jones & Sou have a splendid exhibit composed of Itevons. These fine animals < ..of which esn bo said without disrespect to the Jerseys, not so well known or as often seen. A FINE HERD. Dr. Jones' Devons on exhibition aro "Banker Boy," I »ree years old and very handsome. "Lady Banker." a b i ut Iful heifer, os pretty os a sixteen year o,d girl. "riunny South,” the finest Devon In the South. Her mother yielded 21 pounds in seven days. Sunny South is but three ye ts old. "Nymph 1,” a fine heifer, two years **M. a .ree-quarter grade Devon who yields three and a half gallons per day. "Devon Yoke," a magnificent pair of oxm. were awarded, the prize. They havci ui' d 2,500 pounds easily. In addition there are two very fine c '.y-x, one registered and one a grade. SIONAL ROOM." The finest bull on the grounds (of hi« ;:ge) "Signal Boom,” the property of Mr ' \. •bet and a grandson of "Signal.' u fawn-colored, the tint shading Into 'lark, and was pronounced by all who saw him perfect. He took the ribbon. "aoxo.” Mr. B. W. nunt, of Eaionton, •« Roxo,” a venr handsome bull, two v». i. He is fawn colored with dark trimmings. v ■006. * After leaving the Jerseys the reportt robum- ed a right of way Into tbo hog and sh* cj- de partment. Tho dljfiay of Berkshln - • ry fine. Messrs. 8. T. Cotem John L. Hardeman, W. H. Mansflei' M. Walker, and tho Beulah stock farm all tin fine sitcclicens of the black and red Berkshire*. The display from the Beulah farm d< u <•* special mention. Mr. I>av Barron exhibited a ■■•id i n book, as did also Mr. lTm. Stewart. t!>- r Sliding a flue ewe. N. 1'. Pratt, of \ti- -a, baa on exhibition "Marquis of Lorn*- \ magnificent Cotswold buck. Wm. Lundy exhibit* afinemcrinn l.u- w Mr. \Y. O. Wndley show* axine loott. ;wo buck. The Beulah exhibits of Berkshire* contains tbe venerable Tom H'h^I VI., a perfect ben »ty as a bog, but frlgntfully ugly as an associate. WWFWWsWlIf e.Snra-Q.iai ..a-x-.-IS- Antons in. Jerseys. ‘•nOXBAVBil." "Tbtre." said Ur. J. 0. Wade, al Atlanta, aa ike retainer entered Into J.neydoni, "ta a pet." The pet wa. a lara. Jersey bull ol the must dkentaed and prepnuesaluB appearance, ■luo colored, tbe tint abedlna * IT into black. Till, kcntlemauly bull U a member of uuc of the tno.1 aristocratic Jcrrcy families, bciua a ton of tbe i-clebrelcd Ten*-!!*, whu wa* tbe In-.: dsuabu-r of the royal "niaual," and broth- minuter to Copenbagex. , Washington, agreed upon ballot wa* —- k* aw second ACCUSED BY HI* WIFI. A Husband Who Souaht to Bond HI* Wifo and Child to an Aavtum. CiacurxAit, October 21.—Mrs. L. A. Ragsdale, of Meridian, Miss., is at the Gibson House in this city, accompanied bp her daughter, 15 years ot age, whom tbe had taken out ot a private asylum at Oxford, this State, on a writ ot kahtas corpus, Hhe is very wealthy in her own right. Her husband, also wealthy and prominent in businera in tb* South, re cently built * cot too compress In Meiidtan At a cost of 880.000. Mrs. Ragsdale claims that her husband is anxious to get poser.,Ion of all her for tune, and to that cud endeavored to lock her and her daughter up as insane people. Hhe says that h* started with the daugh ter ostensibly to place her in school at Htauatoo, V*., but instead of that took her to Oxford, this Staid, aod placed bar in a private asylum. Mrs. Ragtdalt had lait her husband, sh* soya, after overhearing a conversation be bad with a lawyer * rred that he wa» her. It wot during daughter was taken aw ay from ho FRAACE. TUB CROLSSA. Havas, October 26—Dr. Gilbert, the official municipal physician, denies tbat there is any rho'ern in Havre. He eaya tbat all aitarknt with cholera at Yparie were notorious drunkard.. He dtclares that thc.e is no uece.tilj tor a quarantine at Havre. Negro Insolence In Wilmington Wiunsovox. N. C„ October 23.—Late last night wliils Gen. Alfred M. Beales, the Democratic candidate (or Uovarnor, wa* addressing a large meeting, Including many ladies, in front ot the city hall, a procession of negroes, who bad been at tending a republican meeting in another part of the city, passed withm a few fiet of tbe Democratic meeting, and acted in a moat disorderly manner, shouting and yelling and making other noisy demon strations that compelled tbe meeting to suspend lu proceedings. Stones were thrown at the speaker’s stand, one ot them narrowly musing General Scales and one striking in tbe breast Colonel Jno. N. Staples, candidate for elector at large. The Democrats quietly submitted to tbe outrage, but it has created intense indig nation. There is much excitement on the streets to day. The meeting appointed a committee to wait upon the Republican leaders and inform them tbat they would be held responsible for any repetition of the outrage. “Perm agent." There are medicines which give only temporary relief and then leave the suflerer worse off than before, especi ally in cases of dyspepsia. Remember that this is not the way with Brown’s Iron Bitten. Bee what Ur. J. M. Gaines, of Gaines, 8. C., says about this prince of Ionic*. "My wife has been greatly benefited by it; she had A Locomoti** Eipiode Baltimo**. t • I'.Altlinon LrtCUAt Pulut • aglns.-vr, Jo*Daa Dixon, and UM firv&.a; . a i.'Buikc, IDftngtAfUaWUlwrKk ot any breed, of auy |.!ac© tn the world. Tula XQAgulticeul cow ta yet uuly (our xeara old xlisNALSANMiM, Mr. WimIv haa al»o on the grounds "Signal RAtisota," fifteen mouth-, oul, a granuaon through bli tire o( Tennelia. aud of —— through hla dam. TUeaetwocows are the beat dnugbier* of Mgnal. combining the Grand Duke Alexis blood. Both grand dama have made better r cords than three pounds of but terperdey. This valuable young bull haa a squirrel-gray bock that shades away Into darker tints and has. in the language of herds men, full black points. "DONNA FAY." One of the handsomest cows on the grennds Is **noted heantyef BihtVJlldgreyr ‘ the original "Jersey Lilly” and m (risky. "lH>nna Fay" has had seven calves that sold for $l.4uo,and Is seven years old. The reporter walked around her with his hat off "M1 LLtNXO.” Another one of Mr. Wade’s b antics Is M1U1- cur. solid gray, black points and famed has lng taken tbe first premium at tbe Atlanta Ex)h>s tlon ‘GOLDEN ROSE.’' Still another is the magnfleent "Golden oee,” cream 1 *— J — - ■qa gallons of tlx yean old. Mr. A. F. Ross, another enthusiastic and successful Jersey cattle breeder, Is on the grounds with same noted animals. Among them Is a mulbemr (awn. from Kuroyaa UUderoy, who has a record of fourteen cows that have averaged sixteen pounds one ounce of butter per week. The animal above de«crlbed Is only twenty months old : to nse Mr. Ross' expression, ho has unusually rich horns and skin, with full black points.” He was certainly the most gentleman looking, refined Jerseyite that tho reporter met.durlng the day. "TEXNKMSR.” Nothing could be handsomer than the thir teen mouths heifer "Tennessee.” When yon K on the grounds get Mr. Ross to cam you ck to "Tennessee.” 8hc U a lemon fawn, with full black point*, ami a head that Inspires even the most callous with admiration. Evi dently there is a "upper tendotu” among the cows and their swow«, as well as among the bipeds who own them. There are some udder points shout "Tennessee’’ that need only be seen to be appreciated. "VICTOR HUGO BOV.” This Is another fine animal belonging to Mr. Ross. He has 25 per cent same blood as "Mary Ana, of tn. Lambert.” "JACOB NOBLE” Is a fine ball belonging to Mr. Robert Cole man. He Is fwenty-tbreamonths old, and at tracted much attention. Mr. -Sam '.'demon baa three exhibits, "John W. Garrett.” a fine silver and black sixteen- months old bull, "Ida Lake.” eighteen months old, silver gray te color and a beauty, as is also "Raja,” with like prints. This trio is much admired. ” "SIR ALFRED DARUXGTOE." This magnificent animal Is the property Branch A eons. Augusta, go. He is tike on son of imported "Violet,” and attracts from all visitor*. He Is the bead of the “Srtt.TthoJenerbon ■ends Mat to ell. Ueta disposed lobe civiL The Is on* bottom the A Few Premium Awards. The committee on cattle, sheep and awl mode their report yesterday afternoon, s te following premiums were awarded Best herd of Jerseys, to consist of al l< one bull, three cows and two calve*. *i Awarded to Branch 4t Bon, Augu-ta. Best bull three years years old andov $1". Awarded to J. B. Wade, Atlanta. A. F. Rose, Rome; 8. T. and Hoht. Cole ■- h. Macon; J. B. Wade, Atlanta, and Branch <v (ton. Augusta. Beat cow. $:». Awarded to J. B. w>de. At lanta, and diploma to Branch 6c Non, An main. Best heifer, $30. Awarded t«. A. P. Ro.,. Rome, and tonorable mention on all exhlbiir ora. Best milch cow, $20. Awarded to W. 11. Jones A !*on. Herndon. who>ere n!»o a*.i t ed $J> for best yoke of oxen. $•-« for bust ht l of Devons, beet Devon ball $55. l.v*t Pr. * $*J. Diploma for same awarded to Branch a Best Devon lteifer. $>•> Award to W. B. Jones A Non, and $J0 for the best grad* « *. A diploma for same waa awarded to i v. Dark aud J. L. Hardeman. J. V. Jones, of Herndon, waa awarded the prize fur the best u llker. FOR HORSE*. Por the beat stallion owned in Georgia, $ ». Int premium awarded to John Giles, Macon, •cond premium, $15, to J. G. gmitb. ■-( Best ruckilng colt, first preroinm $10, to J. C. Thompson; second, $\ to C. L. ffflors an. ^ Best brood mare with sucking colt, first pro to urn $k>. to J. C. Thompson; second premil u $lo, awarded to C. L. O’Uorrnau. thaeii rears old and over, | • : premium $20, to J. C. Thayer, cojumoue, oud premium $10, to R. A. NUbct, Macon. q Best year old colt, fir*t premium, $1", to Ar thur Gray, second premium $5, to R. A. Uen- “fcst stallion, roadsters, first premium $25, to A. 8. Reid, Eaionton, second premium f i0, to W. 8. .Went. Rest mare, roadster, first premium $25, to Miller A Brady, of Atlanta. CREAT BRITAIN. MOVEMENT AOAINST THE BOKOtar . London, October 29.—In the House uf Co mons to-day Hon. A. Evelyn Ashley, ttedarB secretary for the colonial de|«iU3t, stated I that tbe government waa preparing to send a force to expel the Boers from Montisa's terri* tory. FBENt'U ANNEXATIONS. intelligence reaches here tbat the maa-oi- war selgnelay baa hoisted the French flag >$ Tsp-Wlah, Hogolo and Rod Ison, on the Bay ol Aden. U la reported that France will annex them. WOUKLKY’S ADVANCE. j Cairo, October 29.-Geu, Lord Wolseley or* rived today at Ambtaal in bis progressuptoj N He. Tbe Canadtanboatmen have succeeded In getting 12 boats over tbe second cataract. tux rort DPurrsovE*. London, October 29.—Tbe Rome correspoa* I dent of the Times states Hurt the Vatican ate approves and deplores the new movement gr , the Irish bishops In favor of ParoelL CHINA WANTS NO MEDIATION. Official advices from Pekin have reached the Chinese embassy and have boen Cfwmsi neae government la* averse to i _ bctwtx-n that country and France. ■ITKNESS AMONG THE rSENC*. Rumors have reached here via Bhat:*ha! that a severe type of cholera Is spreadlac through tho French squadron under Admliri Courbet, now blockading Formosa. An End to Bona Scraping. Edward Shepherd, ol Harrisburg, Ill., ■ays: "Having received so much benefit from Electric BUlers, 1 feel it my dnty to let goffering humanity know it. H*vw bid a running sore on my leg for eight my doctors told me I would have t the bone scraped orleganipu’.atoi. cad, three bottles ol Lite trie seven boxes Backleu’g Aruum sy leg is now gooidaadvH^ inters aresoM at fiftyemtaa 1 Hodden's Arnica Solve •I -Ac y Lxunor, Ronxin at Ioraor.