Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, October 31, 1884, Image 5

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THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1884. the NEWS IN GEORGIA. h.THERED BY CORRESPONDENCE AND ° FROM THE PRESS. Politics In McIntosh county »re laid to ^Theapprwsn'*’ 0 ' frost seam* to hue 'sssst;»hou, going to*SSidsd fir “ cl "‘ flte ,team - ha* been the victim of the firJaend. Three fire* are reported In the current i*.ne of the Times. (WMivo high school. under the prind- oeUbip Of prof. Hall, will open on the Kit Monday in December nexi. The Caroming Clarion eaye "there was ■ ikulless man in Atlanta last week. lie must have been a regular "soft bead. The Athens factory ‘ broke down Sat- nrfaT morning, and work will beius- pended until the necessary repairs can be ^THOMasvittt Timti: It may be a little oremature. but as the legislature meets JSn WC wish to go on record In favor o Hoe law. Kill out the worthless cure and Jive the sheep a cbauce. Ykab by year the country is approach- In. nearer to a regular wet and dry sea- ™ Farmers had as well prepare for the change mat will benece-sary in order to roeet the necessities growing out of the change of seasons. Cotioit tires are becoming very frequent, cwrience in this line would seem to rngest that cotton should not be allowed to accumulate in gin-hooses. It ought to * ginned, packed and marketed as rapidly u possible. In this wav alone cm the farmer be aaved from the posslbi'ity of iloss. Osa of the questions to como before the next Legislature of Georgia ia the decision U the contested election case of Pike monlv. The two prohibition candidates nmtesttbe election ol their opponents, nnd Mchside will have a miss of testimony. Possibly this contest may array parties to the Prohibition question against each other in the Legislature. Tu* Savannah, Florida and Western railway will make an exhibit at the New Orleans ex osition. This great corpora tion is mlwata in the load ia matters ol progress. But (or this road South Georgia would hardly have been known at the late cotton exposition nt Atlanta. The Havan- nab, Florida and Western Is the best equipped. Use moat liberal and most con summately managed railroad in tha South. Tua mission of the glowing sunsets has been established at last. A wise Georgia editor has noticed that “they attend the unprecedented drouths, inch as the present and that ol aiiullar character which pre- yailed last falL" We are glsd of this, both fortbesnosets and a mtU-ring public. T truth Is there are but few things Georgia editor cannot determine wben be triea real hard. The Georgia editor la an institution of which we sh mid feel proud. Tai Thoms villa Times states: “Messrs. M. Holey A Son, of Savannah, closed a contract with the Piny Woods Hotel Com pany on Tuesday to lurnisb the Piny Woods Hotel, binding Ibemcclvts to hare furniture, carpets, etc., all in place within sixty days from tbe date of contract The amount involred is between $35,000 and $25,000. Everything ia to be first-class. No houl In the South will be batter furaishtd. The bed-room sets are all walnnt with marble llnlihingi. Over 700chairs are in volved lo the transaction. 200 of which are walnnt chairs for the dining-room.’’ Bausudgi had two Incipient Area last week—one at the store room of Mr. John Ingram and tbe other at that of Mr. Town send. In the Ant the alaimwas sounded and Ilia At* department tamed oat, bat the blaze was extinguished before tbe boys could reach the scene. In the latter case the cook kept tha davonrlog element down until some gentlemen wera called in, who extinguished the Barnes. Both oc- ccurred in tbe day time, else more serious results would bava been seen. Too much care cannot be exercised these dry times with Arc, aod wa again urge extra precaution upon everyone. Tna Darien Gazette complains that ’’One of Darien’s moit precious needs la pare water. If we could have, as our push ing, thriving little sister city Brunswick, an artesian well we are Arm In the opinion that oar city would be tbe healthiest in Georgia, as tt D. drinking surface water, tiintedai it is with drainage, we are able to show a clean bill ol health for tbe tarn- mer just ended. Give us a railroad and pare water and we would be a happy and elected community. If Brunswick s deep will water cures rheumatism, as we arc In formed it does, who can say what a like well'a water in Darien would do. Can’t somebody start tbe boom to work in Da rien?’’ Tax Dmnawick Adrertleer ol Saturday says; “A few days ago a man (no one seems to know hla name) purchased of Messrs. J. J. Dinner A Co. a small bill of r i Is, and offered in payment a draft of K. Walker's of Darien on Hilton Tim ber A Lumber Company to order of J. K. Clarke A Co., dated October 4tb, for $120. Not having the additional amount in money on band, Mr Dinner took the drait to the bank, aud there learned that the signature was not that of Mr. Walker, in formation was at ooceaent to Mr. Walker, and be answered: “Draft a forgery: ratch the thle.',” but by tbia time the Dlrd Led flown, and no one teems to know bit name or piece of abode. He la abroad In the land, and will no doubt try tbe tame game tlstwbtte." . Ter. Washington Ga-.ette relate! this curious incident: “One day last week a negro man who was at work in a Held on Mr. M. M. Situs'* plantation on Pithing creek, heard his W hsrking for tome time in a clamp of bashes In the iwamp, The man went to tee what it waa when be saw bis dog run up and Jump back screral times, and Anally discovered that it was a large red fox at hay. l'ba negro then got some rocks and walked up very close to the fox when the usually timid animal Jtiteped at him alio. He struck him sev eral times Willi rocks and iiunlly killed him the fox nut attempting to ruu at all. We navi never known of another such case where a fox attempted to lirlit. when be h&d a to run. Mr. Sims saw the fox and Ihe lact» are w ell established.’’ Inr. Mstiitirnige l> in -nt sla'r. ' Ar- t'-ian well N.I _ Starred on Wednesday morning of last week, bv Superintendent Icenliower, ol the PfeAer Artesian Well Company, of Cincinnati, bis at thiswrit- ing (Wednesday morning) reached the deptli of 173 feet, eighty feet of which is through earth and the balanre through ditlere-it grades of in tone, shale rock, etc The process employed bytlie present contractors is the dry pr*x-eat—hence it will not be nec.-ssry to reduce the size of the well anv until quick sand is reached— which Mr. Ilrfright found In wcli No. I at Wed No - is a \ ,. S Se.i all I Carroll Free Prtet: Just before the ad journment ol the grand jury a member of that body informs us tout it was polled upon three important qaestions before tbe people of tbe county. Upon petitioning the ordinary to order an election upon the whisky question, it stood 10 for ordering an election to 2 against; upon the fence question 14 were for no fence, 7 for fence and 2 on the fence, and lastly 10 were for Harris and 2 (or Feraons. Them are two gentlemen doing business together in Americas whose lives form c striking parallel. They are about the earns age; went to the war In the same compa ny; detailed at same time ae sharp-alioot- ers; captured at the line time; both tent 'o Fort Delaware; took email pox at same time; each received two wonnds, nearly in the tame place, and came home together. They are now doiDg business together, and when one takes a drink, both (eel (risky. Yet they are no kin, and were strangers prior to the war. Tua Pike Cbuufy Aetet writes in this commendable manner: “Barnesvillc pre sents a sad spectacle lo those who law her a few days ago in her pride and strength. The s-sir ft of ner pen pie,I hough broken .tsn’t forever crushed. From out the asbea sbe will rise, and with new strength take her place among her sisters. Her people are not the sort to whine and fret over that which cannot be helped. Facing their terrible losses with becoming fortitude, they will build up tbe city again, and wben It ia done, it will be well done. Already the rubbish is being cleared away, and foundations being laid of solid granite. Mark ihe prediction! BameavlUe will go to the front again. The number ol people in Amencus tha day of the circna was estimated at 12,000. Tux Middle Georgia Argue saya “the cotton is about alt picked out and over half sold.” Putstam cocxty, though as dry as an other, manages to get Tt “next" by Jugs from a distance. Mrs. Jobs 8. Hxjte*. of Monroe, has some peach brandy that her father made slxty-ttve years ag>. Thi Gainesville match factory 'a 2.000 gross behind their ordera. Steps will be taken immediately to increase their capao Hy. Tiix Fairbum Scut-Letter sends os its eighteen-page trade issue, ft is a large paper, and u well atoexed with Interesting matter. Qairesvilu is enioying a building boom. Tbe Southron saya, “in every di rection tbe tonnd of the taw and hammer is heard." Tbe new Baptist Church at Monroe, when computed, will be a Aua one, and one that the cltixtna of Walton can be proud of. Tux Paulding .Veil' F.ra tends us this week its promised trade iasue. Altogether, tt is a nice piece of work, sail redeem ad- ofllce is sure to suffer. It it too 'much to require ol one man, and there is nothing saved to the county treasury by it. Wc say tbe two ofilcti ought to be severed an 1 ,i third i •:i.:i. ■ -:.,-r ‘"1 the position now Ailed by the ordinary on the board. It la to the Interest of tbe county and tbe people to have thla done at once.” Tux Fairbum AVwi Letter states that: ‘On lost Saturday night an outrageous at tempt at incendiarism was made in Fair- burn. Some unknown parson piled slot o( old pieces of planks, papers, etc., be tween Westbrook A Code store and Newt Keoce’s shoe chop, and set Are to them, with the evident attempt to barn the town. Fortunately, nnd we might say miracu lously, the lire burned out, alter consum ing nearly all tbe pile o( traab, without in jury to tbe buildings,further than charring one or two planks on the aide of the atore. The space between tbe houses being only about one foot wide, It la Indeed remarka ble that they were not both burned. Had tbe Are that started gotten under good headway, almost the entire central por tion of the town would, beyond peraflven- lure, have been totally destroyed. Woe betide the wretch whom the cltisens of Fairborn detect in each devilish schemes." Capital nnd Youthful Enjoyment. Colon and Recorder. It ia sad to see how little our moneyed men take in tbe aocial enjoyments of the young, it didn't use to be eo in this towo. We well remember bow the young men of moderate means brought the young of both sexes together at a dozen different homes daring tbe fail and winter, and the results were pleasantness, peace and mat rimony. Now look at the picture 1 It is so different—so tad, you see, not (air, I ID 19 B IllkC |>4CV.C Ul n'JI A, OUU laiivwiw mirably the resources of tbe aection from which it comet. Tux Augusta Md Sanderavllie railroad, under Ihe management o( President Mitch ell, continues to meet with popular en couragement. lie success it now taaured beyond the shadow of a doubt. Tin Southron, of Gainesville, is informed that tbe "capacity of our foundry la to be Increased eo ae to make tbe larger castings for gold mills. This it a very proper move and we hope it will be done at once.” A echos to the effect that a prominent citiaen of East Dougherty bad shot and killed hie overseer gained circulation in Albany yesterday afternoon, but the Ariel and Adrertinr waa unable to trace it to any reliable source. Tux Governor of Georgia wilt be inaugu rated e few dtye hence. The ceremony will occur two or three days after tbe Deg filature meets. At that time State Treas urer Speer will retire sad give place to Mr. Hardeman. Mr. Speer will not leave At lanta He it president of the Exposition Mills, Md considers that city bis perms nent home. SAtnixaavtLLa Mercury i Mr. Simon Slade brought to onr cilice a cluster of elev en email ears of corn which grew from the tassel of tbe stalk; also a bunch of twelve sweet potatoes, grown in one hill from tbe cutiirg of the vine plMted on the 21et of June, tome of the potetoee ere smell bat others are a very good cattna siae. Metre and Adrertieer: Places south of Albany art claiming to have had fioit re cently. There mutt be tome mistake about it The temperature at tbe ttmaof the Arst (met must be below forty-live de grees, oaring to the warmth of the ground. On tha coolest morning of tbe recent spell at AlbMj tha mercury did not get below Afty at eunrtae. Aniatcct Recorder: Fit it river it lower than it has been tinea IBIS. In tbe fell of USB Mr. Hoegenln drove a pine poet in ■he river down to where tbe water had re ceded. A lew days ego Ihe water again went down to the tame point, exposln t tbe post. At a mark for future reference an other poet waa driven down by tbe elde of tbe old one. Tbe river ia to low that it can almost be wtded ecroes, Some trouble was caused at IndiM Spring last Saturday, when the marshal attempted to arrest a drunken negro named Ike Lawrence, Joe Smith, anotner negro, attempt id to luterfere and present the arrest, wnen tbe marshal dabbed him nod took them both to JetL A party of negroes then gathered around the house and threatened to release the prisoners. Peace anally prevailed and the offenders Cood Society. Union and Recorder. Many parents who have tons and daugh ters growing up are Mxious for them to B et lot > good eociety. Thle if M honora- le anxiety. Parents, yonr daughter is in good society when she is with girls who are pure and truehearted- who are not vein Md frlvolotu; who think of some thing elec besides dress, Aiding and mar riage; between whom and their parents there is confidence; who are useful es well as ornamental in the house; .who cultivate their minds, and train their hands to use ful and skillful workmanship. Neither wealth nor fine clothes make good society —they me counterfeits without character to back them. Intelligence, simplicity, modestv and goodness are tbe true coin- end the eame rale, with manliness, applies to boys. What the Farmer Might Be. Exchange. I. They might, if united, be the con trolling power in the iMd. 2. They might repeal every unjust law that alllicts them,and enact such statutes as would secure to them justice,equity Md protection. 3. They might pass laws to obtain from the government all the currency they need it Is M found w Tbe mar best we I beliuidei to have i an-1 | ed tint art,- tembs ntyof it." people of rill be it soon cinsting Parisian female who bad not pre- \ i.:-iy i Iii-iiu-ed wil!l niv l , 1:i tance. Decked out in my holiday attire, I presented a very pretty and fascinating spectacle, but I wasn't n bewitching Pari sian female. As between tbe charms of my society nnd those of tbe beautiful un known, a man possessed of Mr. Bennett’e line sense of discrimination could not be expected to consume w.y much time in coming to a decision. V said he, eyeing the georgeous- neasof my attire wi’h a skilled and criti cal eje, ”1 have a faint recollection of In viting you to breakfast with me this morn- ^Yee, eir," laid I; “I received a note from you by the terms of which I was so honored.” “Sorry, Smith," he replied; “but I am really afraid we will have to call it dinner instead. Since penning that note the course of human events has changed. You will find my carriage at the door,” Mr. Bennett continued, "the driver of which will transport you to tbe cafe which I fiequently patronize. You will breakfast there and return here to dine with me thle evening.” The glance which Mr. Bennett cast In the direction of the door at this juncture may have been purely meditative, but I deemed it prudent to go out into tbe ball and see what bad attracted hie atten tion. I forgot to retarn at that particular time. LOST ON THE STAGE, The Seedy Man Becomes an Italian Cho rus. San Francisco Call. Tbe seedy man came in humming in a low voice, Md seated himself nt the table. ‘Good evening, gentlemen,” said he, as he fixed his hat easily on his head and carefully raised a coat-tail that had inad vertently got under him when he aat down. ‘‘Still to the fore." Yea, air; still to the fore." How it business with you now?” 'I am sorry to say I am once again up- the rude world. It seems as U the tide that leads on to fortune had not turned up my affairs. I bare struck every tide I bare met with, but it has always stranded iy skirmish followed, causing a general stampede of the crowd, the three cowboys endeavoring to mount their plunging, bucking, frightened tonies, who evidently did not like his heirship. Tbe feat was accomplished, however, Md then came me.’ currency on bond security at 1 per c.-nt for twenty years. 4. They might establish a transportation K stem, that would be operated at cost, as e postal system now is. 5. They might abolish the debt and us ury system, which la filling the land with a few rich end mu? poor, by providing means for labor to do a cash justness, as capital now does. U They can swap places with those who are robbing and oppressing them, and make their farms as good aa government bonds, by making them the basis of cur rency of the country. Future Rewards nnd Punishments. Albany Newt. The doctrine of (nture rewards and pun ishments stands on unassailable grounds. There are caaea in which human punish ments would be utterly Inadequate to meet tbe demerit of Individuals. Taka the case o( the man that Invented tbe accordeon. Hup pots be bad been put in tha stock* and fed upon gruel for months and months, end bad been finally executed. Does any one donbt tbet he would etill have died ahead of the game? But there ia stm a worse case than that There it the fellow thet Invented the horrible little rubber toy, that comblnae all that if piercing in thahowlso! a colicky baby with tha most dlscordMt notes of a party of serenading tom-cats. Does anybody Im agine that human ingenuity could be equal to the infliction of aiequate punishment on such a wretch? If be were ihlpWreCIM, or blown np by nitro-glycerine,or lodged in the top of a pine tree by a cyclone, or com- r tiled to spend four-filths ol hie time prey ing lor his enemlee-tbe public.—or eom- p'lled to listen to a score of puffy cheeked boya performing on his diabolical Inven tion for the balance of hie unnatural lift— and any one oral! of thaae calamities were visited upon him. aa tha equivalent for hie ' face *- - Haven't seen yon lately." “Oh. yes, you have. I eaw you in—if ;rou please, John—saw you iu front he other night.” "Where?” "Atthe opera.” "I didn't notice you. ”1 am not surprised. I hare appeared i eo many different costumes ana I have sung in ao many o, eras that there have been moments when I did not notice my self.” “What part did you take?" “To be perfectly candid, I was not one of tbe principals. I occupied an abecare position at the back and Joined In In tbe chortife’’ "How do you like ItaliM opera? ‘From what I know of it I don't like it. It is less arduous than the drams, but it Is very depressing on tbe intellecL I wouldn't mind if I bud only a chance to find out what liras doing, or was even supposed to be doing. It is a certain charm to some chorus singers not to have the least idea wbat it is all aboat, bat 1 am a man of an analytical tom of mind, and the chorus parts in ItaliM opera, I am sorry to say, do not stand Malysis. I never knew whether I was a bravo, a sol dier, a gentleman of the court or a peas ant. 1 simply listen, and wben the man in the box looked up at ua Md called out ‘Che terapa,' or something that was quite unintelligible, we all started in and yelled.” Can you sing?” 'I don't know. I never had a chance to hear myself. I think I can. You see, thera wu a costume there between every act, Md I pot it on. Tbe leader of tbe chorus walked ou, end we all did what be did, and then the man in the pumpkin, wicked he would still have OAISHVU.U Southron: Captain H. W. Howell baa just returned from a six months' vblt in Texas. He brought Ills granddaughter, Mrs. Will Smith, a pickled centiped and a couples of tarantulas. They are said to be two of the moat deadly things of their else on earth, and If they ar* as polaonjut at they ar* ugly, w* do doubt It. No Texas centltedes or tarantu la* lu cure, if you please.” Tna Augusta Ann itiia ua that there is much suffering among the factory opera- tivei, growing out of the ehutting down, the catting of rates and the short time that has been aflllcting them aince tbe de- creation in bntineee has «o tally developed. Tbe same autuority infutma that Mrs. W. O. Sibley and other kind ladles have com menced to CMvasa the city for a relief fond to eld these unfortunates. Tbe p.«,pl, Dl-slix Gazelle; On lut Saturday morn ing the boy employed to feed the gin at tnbba* mil stepped uptn a matrh that had been cara!es»lv dropped upon the floor. Iniuntiy lb* rapidly revolting brash to tbe gin ewept the fitmea Into the lint cotton. Mr. Frank Hightower, who wav near, seeing the blaze, gathered the cotton in bis arms and started for tbe door. By this meant he was not only successful In burning himself badly hot also in spreading the flames to the other cotton. The cltizene of tbe town, ever on the alert to render every aaa la tance In their power, were toon on bMd, and, by almost auperhuman effort*, eucceoded in ex tinguishing the fire. There were eight bales of cotton in tbe room at the time, . end tbe Bra in oo* sheet swept over all. .. tub,- i Several hundred ponnde of cotton and the l is tbe I gin were destroyed. nil The Union and Recorder eajs of MU- ledgevllle: "Thera Is not a town in Qeor- gia with an equal population to Mtlledge- villa that ia so unifortnl v quiet end peace able. We have no fights except those that occur between negro women. Though thera are eight or nine barrooms open ev ery day, it la a rery ran right lo set • drunken mM on tbe streets. Tbti Is all well enough, and a report alike honorable to the officer* of the city as it fa to the men who Mil liquor. Borne ot tbe latter refuS* to sell liquor to a man whom they believe lo be drank, no matter bow much money tbe nun baa. Now, tbia is com mendable. There it ten times more whlaky drank out of the town than than is in it. I A w!m, a Arm administration of the ordi nances of tbe city is tbe mein source from which oar peace amt quiet come. An honest, feariets, faithful bead of n city government is a aura gaarautee of peace, l and also of prosperity." Ingenuity, to coant himself a lucky indi vidua). Nc, no; considerations of public lattice demand that there should be a reckoning with such hard-hearted monsters In the world to come. What about the small boys that perform i these Instrument* of death? Alia, for era! It will be no mitigation of tbelr torments to know that they bad good, kind-hearted parants and innumerable Sabbath day privileges, that they contrib uted an occasional nickel to tbe heathen end fudged only semi-occasionally wbil* engaged In pitying aweepatekae. The vis ion a of tbe racked nerves end disordered systems of tbair many victims wlU rest like shadows of death over them, and they will bowl like tbe small boys of Sodom and Gomorrah who were caught oat In Mother ' - Jiiatice mail take its course. CUTH8ERT. AH ATTCXrT AT BCSOLABY—rSSSOHAI# AID OTHERWISE. October 29.—An attempt was made last night to burglarize tbe store of It. D. Crazier A Co. The thief had effected en trance at the rear of tbe store by the assist ance of a crowbar. He was frightened nt the Sep- lie question with the fol- fffi; against ted SuMin-t ve counties Md began to run for escape. Marshal Spann being the person to And it out, was on band and Bred two shots at the negro as lie was leaving the stole. Don't know whether the shots took effect or not. The negro must have been after clothing, aa he was In an almost nude elate Tbe crowbar and clothing have been identified, Md the thief will be brought to justice when cap tured. This makes the third attempt ' burglary on this atore. Mrs. Caleb O. Adams died here last Saturday. Her remains t carried to Stewart county thi following day for Interment. 8he had been in feeble health for a long time, and her death, thongb sadden, was unexpected. Sh* leaves a husband Md several children mourn her lost. Colonel Joseph J. Dodgers, ol Barn Se ville, on* ot tile iesdlng attorneys ot Mid dle Georgia, spent several days with rtla- Mr. IL J. Anthony and lady, Messrs. Ed ward Harden, Clint More, Ben Dnnn, Charles Bailey Md D. A. Duggan are tak- •ing in the sights of the Bute (air this MONT1CELLO. avreRtoRooCRT-oo* ceimixal docket. ■ OcvoaXB 28.—Our Superior Court b now] in aeetion, Hou. Them** <). Lawson in the chair. In addition to our local bar we no tice a good number of attorneys from other (daces. The court b better attended than wa have teen in a loug time. The criminal docket will be taken np sturdily against tbs tremendous strains ot the lariats wound about tbe saddle horns, were with their riders dragged hither Md thither over the hard, smooth ground. A girth snapped, and a saddle went spinning over the horae'e head, leav ing the nimble rider astride tbe neck of the snorting equine. But tbe war was unequal, and Bralu at length, utterly spent, surrendered, and ily allowed himself to be led off to ward the Zoo in the park. Crossing tbe lone Well Creek, "Una Major's” spirit utterly failed him, and be laid him down In tbe shallow water and gave up tbe ghost. A SCULUNO RACE. Teemer nnd Gondaur Come Out Even After n Desperate Struggle. Sv. louts, October 20.—The single icnll race between Teemer and Gondaur for 8500 a aide, three miles with a turn, Teemer to give Gondaur Aveseconds start, was rowed it Crere Coetir Lake, near this city, tbit evening. Rain felt steadily during tbe day until half an hour prior to tbe race. ' The attendance wu emalL The start was made at 4:90 p. m„ Gondaur getting away two and a half lengths when Teemer stilt ed, five seconds later. Oondanr manltalned this lead abont smile, when Teemer spurt ed and gained one length Gondaur turn ed first, n length end a halt in advance. Teemer spurted again after turning and canght hb antagonist in a quarter of a mile and In the next quarter gained a lead of a clear length. Gon- danr then epurted and drew up level with Teemer. From this point, about half a mile from home, tbe straggle was persist ent end desperate. Each was evidently doing hts very best, neither one apparently could get away from the other or gain a lead of even a foot, and the finish was so close that the referee. Thomas J. Galla gher, decided thet neither had won, and that the race must bs rowed over. Teemer Md Kpb Morris claimed tbe race by two feet, while Parker. Judge at the finish (or Gondtur. claimed ihe latter wu one foot and a bait in advance. The referee, how ever, wnoee boat wu a little In the rear of the rowers when they crossed tbe line, de cided as abovs and gave tbe friends ol tbe scullers the privilege ot naming a day for the trill. No offlcia! timekeeper wu ap- E aimed, but the men on the refene'a boat med the men and gtv* Teemer'a time as 20.-06. ill CipetitioD ami Wrali-k Rivalry Crashed Bv the Mighty Power of LYONS & CLINE. While tbe perched earth for the past several week . w of the Heptomber and October nun, the last ve*tUo of energy Hod from tlon. The beautiful end glowing mnseti of the dying Indian Summer i id new pd| “ ** ‘ derthe he yell revived id th Leader He Wenr. Chicago Herald. "Beg your pardon, miss,” remarked a Sunday- school - superintendent • like - tbe- big-girle looking sort ot man, as he sit down betide a young lady who was wiping her eyes with her hMdkerchlef; “begyour nsrdin, mbs, but I see you are in trouble. I oiler you my asaistMce. Nothing pains me more than to see a woman In distress. Woman was made to be happy, and it makes me sad to see you wasp ben with noon*here to comfort you. It always grieves me grievously to see a tear in a woman's pretty eye. I was drawn toward ou by tbe magnetism of sympathy. Can do something for yon?” "Yes, you can,” to* young lady replied, withdrawing her handkerchief Md show ing one red ay* and one ssucy one; “per- haps if you will go in the next car and sit there for m boor th* nuty, mean cinder tn my left eye will be attracted with yonr the world moved on and new pages In the world's history are written. There la the city of London Lawrence Barrett, the great American trageaian, i let to crowded houses and electrifies the people. Here la the city at Macon th LYONS A CLINK resounds throughout Middle Oeorzla. and the echo of their I> heard In every home for miles around. The people love the dramatic aituattei astonishment created by our morveloua prices will cause thousands to visit o tbe eomlngweek. Many attractions await their coming. To the meehanloAl xentua wUl’ho displayed the thousand! ot new Inventions; the farmer will view with di-llsht the nmnrla- boraering msehlnea and hundreds ot other attractions too numerous to mention that will make our state fair of 18*1 to one and all a pleasant remembrance. Rut the ladles, who are always on the lookout for the molt beautiful and attractive- will be drawn to 97 CHERRY 8TEKT, where the banner ot CLINE, and. Controllers OF THE DRY GOODS AND CARPET MARKET OF MIDDLE GEORGIA, PROUDLY FLOATS TO THE BREEZE. Who have annihilated competition and electrified the pu rrh as In* public by their crushing r<v 4 ictlon of price*. We extend toone and all a hearty invitation t • visit our atore early anJ*>f- ten, and look at our itntneni* itock of beautiful foods are to be found in every dr;-irtnVnt. To the ladle*, we announce that we have fitted and frrnlsh 1 a room where they can tind rest *“*—i they are tired and weary. This room Is In charge of a lady. One of the greatest attractions to be seen during the week Is the Lannwn Cash Railway system now In operation at our store. Everybody Invited to rail and wttncM Its uawlous movements. No more cash boys; all moneys carried to the cashier In Mils which sre elevated from the different stations. Nine stations and each one connects with the cashier Gallon. Onr cashier we have elevated above eusplclon and out of the reach of temptation and specula* tlon, and It will not be necessary for him tor take a hasty trip for parts unknown. Our Slack and Colored Silks. nvlng in price from 48 cent the city, our Mack Bilk i cent< would lio chrsn at (>T cents. Onr stock of VAvets In black and all colors from 40c; to fl.75. li section, fully 40 per cent below rompe*Ulon. onr stock of Brocaded Velvets fromtlkc. per yard, has been the delight of the ladies. Our Dress Qoods stock Is the largest and most complete In the city. We hare a full 1 ino of Cashmeres in all colors at lOc^wortn » c. Our double width Cashmeres at 15., worth r>c. Our double width Cashmeres at and *5c. Is superior to any goods ever before offered lu this market. Onr tOc. Cashmeres In all shades Is as fine as competition sells at 75 cents. Our Black Goods Department is complete in evory line. We have a beautiful line of black Cashmeres, all wool, double width, from 42J£c. to 11.50 per yard. In Camels Hair, Henriettas, Ottoman, we hare a full line. Our price* have caused such » valvar to past through the veins of eempeiltiMi that they L.. irtly paralysed. This week we will finish the Job, lor we are going to offer our visiting friend* and strangers suck bargains that competition cannot nnd dare not mat< h. Many may ask the qxc&tinn, why Is U that LYOSN A CLINK 1IAVK 80 DISTANCED ALL COMPETITION T We answer the qn*stlon—New andvanced ideas crowding out the old fogy system—Pluck Instead of luck. Lluck (s ebanoe. but pluck Isa hero. Casbnuttad ofexadlfi. Onr low prices for the cash crush Into oblivion the credit merchants with their tough and long time price*. Thirls tho music that crowds our store dally and Into the late hours of night whilst ether merchants sleep and dream of the past, when the people submitted to high prices. We have Just receirsd 1,000 Jerseys for tho fair week. They are genulno stock—all wool. We will sell a Jersey at $l.r». chewhcreH We will sell a Jersey tor 12, elsewhere If. \v« will sell a Jersey for 11.75. worth elsewhere two. CARPETS. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, Ingrain from filo. to7Sc. TAPE8TRY, from 12k| to 90. BODY BRUSSELS, $1.96, best five frame OIL CLOTHS from 40 to 75c. Everybody luvlted to call, examine and be convtnood. Our rules are polite attention given to all. whether purchasers or not. LYONS & CLINE MACON, GRIFFIN AND MILLEDGEVILLE P.8. Oar line of Cloaks. Silk Bro:a<le 1 Djlmatn, be mtiful Far-Trimmed Rus sian Circulars, all tbe newest and most stylish Wrapt, Including the popular New market. Oar Cloaks range in prise from $1.00 to $50.00. ENGINES, GINS, SAW MILLS, ETC. UIU, OLA LA SUCH SUV AAA ASA* til IUO with hla bjok on tbe stage, gave us a cue. Md the leader waved his baton at us, and away we went." “Bat didn’t you know where you were?" “Never—never could find oat. Some times on the stage, when I didn't have a helmet on, or something over my eyes, I •tw pillars Md things, but we all sang ju,t the same whether wa were In a tem ple, or in a drawing-room, or in a grave- yard.** ''But, confound It all, didn't you know whoee muiic you wera singing?^ “! girt you my laered word of honor, ■Ir, that 1 did not remember tome ct'O- Idgi which opera It was until I saw the name on a programme as I cams oat of the theatar. I guessed by the costumes sometimes that we wera soldiers and then we kept step and marched. Krery now and again w* would forget we were gen tlemen of the court Md march, too, and we would get confused about the operas and do the ‘KraanP business In 'Aida,' and ao on. ItaliM opera ia a great thing, but all tb* tool is given to the tenor, thu soprano, the baritone, the contralto Mil tha basso, Md the chorus bai non*. I don't believe the chorae In en ItaliM ope ra will evsr need to be saved. Sir, If yon want to (sal small and maan and utterly InsignificMt go end be a chorus singer there. In a comic opera a fellow hat a chance. He's generally mad* nsefni end cote tome kind of a figure; bat In Italian be it nobody and nothing. Ht it a role*, a noise; ha Is a machine, and when the leader tome the crank he squeaks. He, beano identity whatever. Helaaoottum: and a larynx, and not even to indi vidual larynx, at that He doesn't Imow whet he is saying; nobody can* a darn whit he he is singing; nobody heart him In the crowd; and he take* off bis •teg* clothes Md goes home with a pro found conviction thatb* it at beat a kind of human phonograph. ’•You take a very meu view of IL" “So would you it yon had to come in every now and again, when the tenor got tired, with 'lo choco poco andiamo,’ or something like that—something you are I>erfecl!y helpless about. How would yon teel if you bad to atMd np Md yell in a strange language—tn no language at “But you get applause ?*' “Do we? Did you ever see a chorus call- ed before the curtain and string tbem- •elres across the ettge? People applaud the four characters tn the front row, Md we come In to make a climax, bat we lev- *r get m eocore by onraetvee, do we? I with somebody would write an opera for tiie chorn and give us a chance. Bat no. 1 get four bits at night to be a noise, and Gisnntni gets the applause, the pay and theflowen. I am going into the concert basinets, or tb* minstrels, or eomething where a fellow has in JiridusLty and gels a chance to be beard. Good night.” And th* leedy mM Jammed bit bat over bis eyes and strode out with m ItaliM opera stride. A Sunday Scene In Texas, 8L Louis Olebe-DeasocraL A party of hunter* returning from a trip on tb* plaint captured eleven miles from Colorado City, Texet, a bug* black bear, weighing, in hi* half-famished con dition, about 300 pounds. For daye be would neither eat nor sleep, and kept th* curious at respectful distance, as ht paced unceasingly t-> Md fro tbe length ot bis chain, rolling hit blood-shot eyes and giv ing Tenttotiundey morning, as the choreh balls wera celling the children from at) di rections to Sabbath school, bruin waxed It Waa Dismal Without Funerals, ‘Til not stay bore another month, to that's settled,” th* said, bringing her foot down with considerable emphasis. "It Is the dullest, dryest, dreariest, most dismal neighborhood I ever saw." "But I think it is a very nice neighbor hood,” laid the startled husband. “Ye* that'a beran»e yon see so little ol ib You might at well live in a deiert at to live here. It hasn’t any life at all." "What do call Hie?" meekly inquired the husband. , "Why, onr old neighborhood. There used to be about one funeral there a week, but there hasn't been a single one in this month ago. I do declare, a nelgliborhooJ The Largest Dealers in the South. for live people to live In. How*%l tin- 1 , S, 'u m F" 9ine L, Mjtis, Saws, Shingle, Lath, Planing and nitigbbort ever know that I ban a set Of I Matching Machines, Water Wheels. Grist and Flouring Mills, Cane Mills, goO-bMddlabeaU they don't ooeailonal-1 Wagons, Separators. Cotton Gins. Presses, Sulky Plows, Rakes, Reapers and ry borrow them for a funeral feut?" Mowers, Shifting and Pulleys. Steam Pumps, Boiler Feeders, Whistles, Giuget. Lubricators, Saw Gummers, Tanlte Emery Wheels, Rubber Hose end Belting, brats Goods, Piping and Engine Fitting! of all kinds, Machinery Oil, Etc. WW7!e.:^t.i.!Aad MA*b-i,^y at lew f>- , .. I_oo< to yocr nt-r-u aor'l g,tour; r C-, i ; ? ln 4- PERKINS BROTHERS, 39 and 41 West Alabama Street, - - ATLANTA, CA. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. An Important Discovert, The moil Important Discovery la that which brings the most good to the greatest number. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds will pre serve tbe health end save life, Mil is a priceless boon to tb* eiilicted. Not only dots It positively cure consumption, but coughs, colds, bronchitis, aiihmt, hoarse ness, Md all affections ot th* throat, cheat Md lungs yield at once to ite wonderful curative powers. If you doubt this, get a trial bottle free, at Lunar, BMktu A Lemar's drugstore. THE FOSS & PEVEY COTTON CARD. THE FIELDS ARE WHITE WITH COTTON. HARD TiJIES NEARLY OV&fi ME PEVEY, Pr prietor. A glorious hsrvMt Is at hssd, sou proap«rl(j will oo*s prsvsll. Thou* snds ol ismiiin wiiw frees trsssl- lng Plano* slid Organ* for m*njr long tears will BUY I* III* TURK. Aullel. pnllagthedeiunud, we bsvs a Off ELI Massachusetts DOUBLED OUR CONTRACTS with MAKERS UPWARDS OP 8IX THOUSAND IN OPERATION. wVSR SSVSf! KUKDRSD IPi CIORRIA {MILLS fjy* Inference, Jo F* HANSOX, Agent Bibb MAnufacturingX’ompany^Mscon, Ui, t HE~STOVEFTWINDTmILL7 node tor hoSSsTtonn* tn<l prtrate residences, iifplr of wstsr esa be Usd from a . well half a mile dts*aaL dead for Mrs and pries. Address 2fwlt lass lot mease alack ofsa- pevb Instrument*Irons lea Leading Makers, which we aball offer on onr j Af- iiti wante<l« uaaal>a*jr Install meat Terms. Te ae- T?r\ 13 qat r commodate tho*e who wleb to b*ur rUK now,and hold tbelr cotton natlft later, 17KGINES, Boilers, Saw Mil!*,Com Mills, we make ihl* i-i Cotton Presses, Mill Spindles. Pulleys, "Lofting*, Hangers, etc. All kinds ca*t- Special offer to Piano and Organ • ' , r a >V rite for prices on any kind of machine- Buyers. Cih Prices, with Threj Months Time- During th* months of Septera* her and October, 1AM. wewtll Mil Pianos and Organa at out UwMt Rock Bottom Cask P.tcea, requiring only $25 CASH DOWN ON A PIANO. $10 CASH DOWN ON AN ORGAN. And allowing three t 1 ou th* balance, without Interest aradneculB price. ■ SrriHDAlD BMRAPEia Jj XJ 8 T D <R KADY. BLAINE nnd LOCAN. 712 RojaI octavo l'Aete 4; s7 full pegs illuitn TILOfN. CLIVELAND RICKS. 774 K-yal ufopagcj; illustration. Bast T*?mi (ver OfTerfd to Agents. I Ki.l K ' ‘ I.; : li T I* Mil Address II. 8. OOOD5PKSD & CO., nd H*WO 1,700 Acres of Land. been tried or postponed. I Bra Hon. James H. Blount spoke today to n Laung l'tog taab yl «!.'-: • vr.th: h:i • li,.- a; j.. , TucSylvania Telephone thinks that it would be to th* Interest of the county ami th* people generally to eever the officet ordinary and commissioner It «*? ; "In the first pise* one men ebould not be permitted t> reap the beoefiti of t offirn it tbf Unit; and In the next I'! vre- • ... .1 .• - i -.a > * .71 '■> r. . • - t * to properly j -rf I'- .. : • 1.:. »' and • !- .-•? r •. • I : . j nt.‘•• t.y >n» Th- r.-» ntv :.i« . ujinn? or t> u? the ord.r.ary * * »or»l Tho«e who bujr under tide x-Ina end find .• tr* I\. «•■•. v-> m , m; ' to |.atm t aft. r the three months wlU be given further time, desperate. Md with a powerful tog. Map-j !T;"qdL“c^pinng' 1 w‘‘h' r e« fSeSSeS pea the chain that he! 1 him, mnd was o:! Terms of pejrment. should they pay one-half I idamsT gallop through town. A I Jhc amoautdn# at three months, of Drake a *1 -{rumenf** If t lk.rl a?i« e thus hard beset, issle a break fc , In tbt dining r of the* Rendrvbr'nA Hotel, Unling wii crash in ttw ahht of the miI flNBl8» wbo "flood sol upon fb# onto tl.‘ / tin.*. ) *’. we-ntAt O ** Amid A flreakfaet with Bermetti Ballard Smith la I•.t Times. eUn^* 8bc -t.y after tnj arrival in Peris 1 ws« hay m a iincon'*< ioc :!Alter, -l by re--citing a note from the mil- : ,n ‘ : h «>f h< l. n r.- ,'.r . ». -• . * u :. h .f.Yitcd .1.- , • :• . -• -.1 b*rr,*!or apartment*. Jamea thiM followr-t, en>l the great t» it ttbe.,. I P I - •>*:>• bef-.ra the court !, ■ . n • -t r l—dav :n S n> at F'.r-vtb M ..troe ,'ountv I 7 " a.-res „f :•«•••! k en as the land of J-,Tav;.ir, Sr., 'I- •■s-il. Improvement* amp:- a:. 1 iu *'..l condition, vent room t«r,>«tory •i». :iz. ovcrOJO acr.'t in "risiual » -)dj 1 ret in bermuda i cane, rbere ar-- -"••■It • W*»l running t: the place. All but P-) acres !eveL .-.a bun- dred u r. - inculliva:. m It.:, year. The !•:*'•• - one m:V from S:t:arr'» station , , a ; i»:v miles from Forsyth on the Central AU wlU 2? railroad. A Baptist and Methodist church Edfalrir, and Chanel prirov in accord >chool house one and one-half miles ■■ wlththe time req ilred for the purchase, from the rail Jeoce. Tuep.ace is noted ( m All pirchAN- r« ua !• rthl* special on-r are re- Its health and the moat desirable place f • qu;r--11-. «i*u “ir osnal f irm of l«-««a» con* l % stock farm in middle Georgia. Anyone bed tract, - .1 fil.bratereaeM m to th^ir r* I0 Hr the place or wanting SrETi— n! further information concerning It will ate ‘ 'v-erenci. are|dr,.„ tbe und.-r.,<u*d at llolingbrol M'jnr< e county, Ga. Tennt ca*h. Joa K. Tavd>*. Kdkx Tatum, E. IL Taylor, ■ i viltt *t-l. A 1: ... wtrat-.rw of *!“' ■; •• • LUDDEX -Y HATES’ ; SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, , llenneit th .Sj wa* a Irap-vl into t 750 ACHES OF LAND Will be Sold Gheip to Close up an Eitate. I will *ell cheap 750 acres of valuable land in I)oUi{ii«-rty county. The railroad from Albany to Arlington runs through IL I he land is near Wicker's Station, 12 miUni from Albany. 1'he larc* 4 part of it cleared and in cultivation. Address WM. RUTHKRKOKD, o:t2wtiljanl Cailoden. Ga. M. J. CHRISTOPHER'* CO. Wholesale anil Retail dealers in all kinds of Northern Fruit md Vegetables I Cheese, Butter, Florida Ora nges, XoHhn Dffi-t'l ml Western Liu Polity FLORIDA EGGS. BTC. Regular report of the Jacksonville mar- is-1 .f S-) ith,-r . | - ! . ■* >:i- revised week ly by M.J. CHRISTOPHER A CO., Com mils ion Merchants, otHee No. 32 City Market, ; Jacksonville, Fig. 4 o deck p. m., Tuesday, Sept. J3,1SA4. Oranges—Not in. - [e-r u.x Fine hud.led Heck small iu.w,$1^0tO$JCtl. Largeoograg-ektamdnativeaftoct si oo Limes ner box $1 .< *) to $L5d. Grape fruit notin. wntMcn legs per Ana by tbe fee POULTRY. Chfekene, half to fall grown J5c- to tio. Geete 00c. Id 73c. Turkey* 7$c. to $! 25. Cabbage per hundred $10 ■ 4i' ■ i * V) to $2.08, • is • • • : i •> ;•> $5 <J0. flpeeiel ettenfhm Md t > C‘jn*:gnmenta. A . i s*ild