Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, November 14, 1884, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenger. established ih26 MACON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1HH4. VOLUME LVIII—NO. 50. COUNTING THE VOTE. Cain. SIlBhtl, In Brooklyn, but •SEjubW 200 m Haw York—A Negro Fir® 8 '"to u Dem ocrats precession. [rtuanArBEB to tii« associated raisa.l Htw York, November 13.-Tke Reins Jdlomc. in returns oi both candidates so hr M t be canve.5 ba» been made, as corn ered with prees returna sent ont election Sire as follows: First Assembly d!.- Inin,—In the Third election district, Blaine has a gain of 10 total i in the Sixteenth election district, Blaine lo.es 1 vote and Cleveland lose, 49. Second Assembly dla trlct-In the Third election district, Cleve land gains 3 votes-, In the Twelith election district, Cleveland gains 1 vote; in the Flf- teenth election district, Cleveland loses 1 yote; in the Seventeenth election district, Blaine gains 78 votes and Cleveland loses 165 votes. Third Assembly dlstrlct-In the Tenth election district, Cleveland loses gvetes; in the Twenty-first election d s- toict Cleveland gaina 2 votes; in the Twenty-third election district, Cleveland gains 1 vote; In the Twenty-sixth election district, Blaine loses 3 votes. Niw YowcNovember 13.—All bnttwelve of tlAcounties of the ,-itate have repor ed the Unit of Ihrlr official canvass. Those outside ol New York show Blaine gaina aggregating 12. Blaine lossea-aggrcgatlng Hand Cleveland gaina 7-net gain for Cleveland 0. This docs not Include New York and Kings conntlaa. Niw York, November 13,-The total tote to Brooklyn for Prrstdent, at officially announced to day, was as followe: Cleve land 60.274, Blaine 63,612—Cleveland's plurality 15.702, being t gain of atX votea (0 Cleveland over the published figures. Washisotov, 10:30 p. m.—The official canvjss jqyet wanting of the New York enmities ol Franklin, Queen*#, Monroe, New York and Niagara. Balancing the various small changes so far reported out side of New York county, a net loss to Cleveland of 20 votes is shown, and taking CUARDINQACaiNST CHOLERA. A Circular to Lccnl Offlce.-e Fromtlle New York Board of Health. fTRLEQEAPUKD TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.] Albany, N, Y., November 13 —The Gov ernor to-day t ransinitted to the Btste Board oi Hea'th a long communication from the National Board of Health on the subject of cholera. Immediately upon its receipt Dr. Alfred Ludlow Carroll, secretary and executive officer of the Stato Board o! Hea]tb, issued the following: At) local officers and boards of health are hereby apprized that the rapid advance of cholera lu Europe threatens an luvaalott of thts country, which mayoccurat auy moment, notltled that the mate board 1 the strict performance of th R Imposed upon them by law. Among theso dulie, are the determination of the quarantine of vessels, vehicles or persons arriving from an Infected locality, the regulation of inter- course with infcctetf places, the suppression and removal of nulls met, the examination of R loccs where the conditions are dangerous to re public health whether known or believed to exist, aud to report promptly to the Btate board of health alt facta relating to eptdemto disease, and to require such Isolation and quarantining of persons, vessels aud sources of Infection as shall be necessary—in brief to use all possslble means to avert the intro duction and prevent the spread of an epi demic so dlsssircus as cholera has everywhere been. These duties arc not discretionary with local boards of health. The law is manda tory and evasion or neglect wilt not be tol erated In the face of the danier which men aces the community. Experience has shown Ison does not extend where its, Cleveland's .the counties' pitted. (TXLEURAPIIKU to Tilt ASSOCIATED rRESS.l Paris, November 13.—The cholera epi demic seems unquestionably to be spread ing gradually throughout the city. In pite of this, however, the people show nn signs as yet of a panic or fear. Precau tions of every kind are being taken by the public and by individuals to impede as far as possible the deadly progress of the plague. On Monday one warehouse io’.J 20.000 yards of red llannei, the wearing of which is suppoard by many to bo efficient in guarding against contagion. 6uch of the troops and policemen as ere detailed for night duty are given an allowance of rum In their coffee. Many people have already left the city In the hope of getting beyond the fatal Influence of the disease. Latterly the exodus has been increasing afid a continuons string of vehicles can be seen in streets leading to various railroad ■tations tilled witli people eager to get out and at a safe distance from city. The physicians are of the opinion tint people who are strong end healthy need have small tea- of being attacked None of tire attendants at the hospitals have so far been seized with the malady. Many, therefore, consider tire disease not conta gions. Efforts were being made lo pnt the slums in better aonitaiy condition by (lush ing them with wa or mid carbolic acid. Three cases of cholera have occured at the police depot In the prelcc tare. The conditions ere such that there it is feared the disease will make rapid headway among the prisoners who are awaltlog trial, or who have al ready been sentenced ai.d have not yet been sent away to their place of punish ment. Too rooms in which tho prisoners are huddled together pel.-mell are nause ous holes, in wtiich scarcely a ray of day light can penetrate. They are extremely tlithy and reck with fou’eat odors. The bed lint n, such as it is, is seldom cleaned. These disgraceful quarters are now being surprised with a thorough cleaning, and disinfectants are freely used. A single death from cholera has occurred in . „.■■■■ ■■■pOWPHWflWflWa each of the outlying vilagea of Au- in winch the canvass is com- u . v T% , CTt m.D., Alfred II- Loom!*, M. D., Spaniard* wno>na that the cholei Ilea , of inch pond! once removed. r A PETITION TO 8ECBKTARY MCCULLOCH WAannioTOS, November 13.—Secretary McCulloch to-day received tbe following petition in regard to the importation ol o.d rttgi from European ports: New Yobk, November 13.—We, the under- ■tgued, recognizing the fact that there U great dauger uf tho Introduction of Aaeatic cholera into the United States through the medinm of old rags Importer into t c co untry and com ing from European ports, do hereby respect fully suggest and urge upon you the necessity for immediate and decisive action in reference thereto. We are prompted thus to appeal to you because of the recent remoral or restric tions on the importation of old rags, and it Is our Arm belief that this thrcak-neJ danger can only he avoided by tho most thor ough and systematic disinfecting of all old rsga c mlng 'romany and all European ports. Trusting your honorable department will see tbe urgent necessity for spec ly aud definite action, we beg to subscribe ourselves, very»re FOREIGN AFFAIRS. 13.—The Phi holding a lar?e Numerous New Cases nnd Deaths—Horri ble Filth nt the Communal Prison— London Seriously Threatened —War Expenditures. PHI DELTA THETA. ! Largo and Enthusiastic Meeting cf the Fraternity at Nashville. (TELEGRAPHED TO THE ASSOCIATED rRF.S". Nashville, Novem Delta Theta fraternity and moat enthusiastic convention in this city, forty-nine active and eight alurunl chapters being represented, i ie dele gates yesterday mornirg visited Vander bilt University in a body, and were cor dially received by tbe faculty snd were shown through the various buildings and over the beautiful campus by the resident phjsician. Literary exercises were held last night in the Hall of Representatives at the capitol. There was a large and cul tured audience present, who seemed highly pleased with tho programme, which consisted of an oration by lion. J. F. 1*1x11 lips, a poem by W. Jones of Chicago, a prophecy by Geo. Bryan, of Richmond, Va. and an addre?B by the hi o I in of tbe fraternity, A. A. Blear s, land. The association this me ceived and rejected application* ters from the (state College of O: two colleges in South Carolina a Kentucky. A charter was gran plicanta in New York ” * chapter. The Ublisbment of a chapter at Col 1 ;'•*. President Brown’s report ahows that there are G5 active and 13 alumni chapters in existence. Judge John F. Phillips ad dressed the convention this evening. BILL NVE IN ROWE. wi.:.M r ;tl; i;r:r,. Ancient Reminiscences, Some of Which hor.-*.* are Not Fragrant. <>U P u >'h the ti; K m<*Corrc-:-*!iden Denver Opinion. ]{ a j r |j rs t ,, tvp Wt arrived hi Home last evening via ! after ihit ,-i ri 11 >rk !-!.»!..1, r il. ii-.d * i < ! . Ah.*11 she went 1 |d ini: • r ..i N <- ! . 1* rk. -v * .- - •• 1 .| staying here, Inviu d me to come nnd visit the track :• • tin him during my stay in the city. He ia three-quarter no here, he says, to obtain that polish which and came down he was unable to obtain on the range. It thevore N. tr has long been his hem's dearest wish to ! head fur the - go abroad and com; lete an already very I the turn and int thorough education. He was always pret- I! first quarl ty fair in arithmetic, and could cipher the i half in 1 :ul. it socks right off our most eminent men, I was keeringlw but he was a little rusty on Rome, he I effort, j i,- ; thr •tya: i : 37. At thi He has been showing me the town nnd joined l,\- Mi.,-, ade by he hv • The bail buy of Rio is rest rot ky i rmg**. Kvery garden, in wl.i- ‘ . a anylhlnir that can be ho,iked or d« .ved lias in* front a high fence of ir.a gate locked a* night, on the side ’ wall, backed like befo ith hr b ittle: Julii equi iderim I one in irking i >ace, thi Or ,i*li loot hi v lutifully .udly as ore reaching tbe sooie Bair wor truck her with his whip, and as <).<• thti •our.tied forward amid loud htu^n. Mr [loin { inner exclaimed as his eyes brightened : low She trotted i. in 2:09” Another watch t i, but tho judges dot i led hm Cleveland's plurality of 1 280 as given In ipjcltnllr. New Ynrk Tiire/ai Sunday no thebt Frank II. Hamilton. M. I>., Jno. C. Peters, ine ntw ZOTKi arcs oi Ol luajr ■■»«««*”» « n u « a-,,,1 n ain p«iu n Ortat Damonst.at WASHlkpTC N. D. t\ Democrats of this f it bratrd the ele. • Ion of dricks tO-ldght by a , cesision. Atle»>•!■>< 500 of wl number of tlicae w» r ington amt (le«»r| contingents from Marjlmd 1 which.marching in copied nearly thr, . pas ing a givo t a f rocessioB w from ; IrnniylflnUi avenue section of tlu «y, pa \ W. Corot ran'-t lu»u* 1 In W.ifiMi ’KtOr*. lonabcr IS.—The and vicinity cele- 1* v. l ind and Hen* ■ id torchlight pro* i :m n were In line, nUd. The greater "(Willi- mwn, hut large Virginia and roll the parade, "ft ight, oc* in»*r- of an hour in 111* ! by way of hwesU-ru ::g the D.i .... .* ro imp, Mr. \Y a;id the house of Chairman Lutirell, of the District Den.ocratic c.mimif.e', nt each of which placca tho column raised in r vu-.v before prominent Democrats. Private hui.F s mid stores along th v«*rt* i! mi .-i*. <1 and the residences ot • h j . . in nr t Democrats u Mr. Cori’i i i uni \i •. M* trick were decorated and bong with Chines# lanterns from root to piveun ut. - of spec- tstori were * n Um aloig the i >t thft i r . • ■ ion and greeted tbe i .himu at it m oetl with cncera and w.oing of l .i's and hand kerchiefs. Colored fires w*-«* burned at Intervals slot ; the r. ut.*, a: .1 r*-. kc'sand other fireworks we-r«* , giving great brilliancy t»» .h • i *. fht trans parencies ca i t in the j.ro-e.'ion bore device*; . , - . . bar,luring tbe campalm|M tortment ot 11 •Toked the r tutors. Kvery colon m ra» ri«*< a hiootu.’ The aeve themselves l.u.vsc a ferent revlewfog bt- fcl: ’- houtlng the nan ' ni!i • i M,third bearers catch pbru'en of the <*a. lar feature of the celc I* •’> imgnjli ent n< which so modi WM J c.t i ii.-u. w*i* hrillljut « > * • 1 f.. in Mr B’.i o. I : ' • aim j, a He Whilt* the prbce»l« throush a part of the«i many negroes r->i.l#\ u i log in the cr iwd on the aoy i rovocuiiou, shot I mar-Idng nun, the •orch-be^rer temple. He fell a' 1 anunil.t rofth*opru« on the crowfl of i o'oi Wm. D«tKSlV Hi. D.’ FaranVll m! t>., It. Og6eo llormeta, 31. D.. Jno. C. Draper. M. D.. 13. C. Dalton. M. D„ J. L. BmlOi. M. D., Ismc B. Taylor, M. D. In speaking on this subject to-day, Sec retary McCulloch said be wss fnlljr .live to the Brest rrspoasibili.y resting on him. and proposed to do srbat seemed to be tor tbe best int. lo.creit, of »I1 concerned. GREAT POWDER EXPLOSION. -Np The Concussion 'elt SUtr Miles- One Seriously Hurt. [TiuoxArato to yui associated rxxae.l Toledo, O., November 13.—A lirgc quantity of povtder itored lo a shed on DeUw.ro creek, four mile, from thl. city, xploded at 10 o'clork this morning, rn.k lug . report which was heard for forty mile. In everjdlrcctton. The aindow. of hotue. Id thatq|U»rtcr of the city near the scene were generally broken. At the Broadway school, three miles distant, the windows were smashed aid slats lioldiox the windows up « ere broken. The explosion occurred In the giant powder factory of O. J. Brummcl 1 , consistingofe paoklnghoine, luaxaslne end stock houses, a.tuqt'd on the crown of a little knoll on Delaware creek, and surrounded by adense ticket ot t res. The workmen in the pecking house were lbewingo.it a tub containing twenty- six pounds of nltro glycerine and set it too near tho tiro. Tho luh caught tire, end the men threw it oo'slde and gave the alarm. An Instant after the mb • exploded. The oonens-ion sat off the msgastne, con taining ten tons of giant powder, known to the trade ee Great Western powder. Nobody wss killed and no person serious ly Injured, though several were bruised and sti eked, and one workman's clothes were nearly mimed off him. The House of Kefqge, bait a mile away, had the wall on tbs' side nearest the so. ne of the ex- 1'l ttlon shattered near the top. -Orer 80 of the windows were smashed, Including sashes. One side was blown oil an ice house one hundred yards away. Barae snd fences near by were demolished and a number of telegraph poles thrown down. A panic was canted in two of the tlty schoolhouaee, and In the stampede msny children were badly bruised, hot rone seriossly injur,d. Tee total lose of the powder works on powder in slock Is about ltd 00. The t-xplo-ion was felt at Detml', Mich., a distance of sixty milrs At Cleretand it was attributed to an earth quake. THE PLENARY COUNCIL. tic, MiVi. rc.-nain.iig i Jbpubli Spaniards who have been residing in Tatis have burrled back to Spsin to avoid the itisranUna. Numerous fugitives from ffuria ere staled to have arrived at Genoa. It It believed that the number of cases of "holers at Tonion In the fresh outbreak o tbe epidemic has been understated through tbe influence ol the hotel keepers, who have had a dreadfully bad season. At Marseilles, three friars ot the Beds I’briticnue hare died of the choler®, and inconsequence ol this the eeole has been closed. It Is repotted thst Austria will es tablish a sanitary cordon at tbe frontier against the cholera. Pasii, November 13.—From midnight to noon tu-day there were 63 deaths from cholera in Paris, 19 of which occurred in tbe hospitals. A revised report for yester day gives a total of 61 deaths, all but Ji of which occurred Id the hospitals. Eighty- four fresh eases were received Into the bos- {-itsls yesterday, Pasii, November 13 - Fifty-eight death, from cholera are reported to hare occm red slaoe midnight, ol which number thirty were lu tha ctly proper. >lie remninder be ing in the hospitals. Two deaths are re ported at Orao, Algiers. OOEDOS MOT DEAD. I*axis, Nov. 13 —Prime Minister Ferry communicated dispatches to tbe cabinet this morning from which ft would appear that General Gordon had been shot dead wbdu passing from Khartoam to Berber. GREAT BRITAIN. THE CHOLERA IX LOSDOX. Lennox, November 13.—One fresh cue of cholera end one death have been report ed here to-Jgy. In consequence of tbe popular Indignation at the liliht condition of tbe city the municipal authoritiea are having the streets and gutters cleaned. The sanitary condition of the city Is there by belof greatly improved. TUB rEAXCIUSE BILL. Lobdob. November 13—In tbe House of Lords this afternoon tbe franchise bill passed its first reading. Tbe bill will be read the second time Tuesday next. raarAEATioEs roa war. Lcedob, November 13 — A blue book has just been published which giTra much in formation concerning tbe recent military expenditures ol the government. Tbe government has sanctioned tbe txpendi- ture of AMI,809 pounds for the speedy manufacture of the latest patterns of breech-loading ordnance and £417,000 for works aud armaments oi defense at Aden, Ceylon, .Singapore, Hong Kong, Simon’s ll.iy, Sierra Leone, Mauritius, Jamaica and SL Lucia. The principal expenditures art at Aden and St. Lucia. The cotonlee them.elves contribute £233,000 towards ' - works snd and noo towards arm aments. Reprieved. Atlabta, November 13—Warren Price wan to be hung to-morrow in Johnson county. A very strong petition ie before the Governor for a commutation. There is such e mass of evidence to be examined and tbe petition is so 'strong end earnest that the Governor to day granted a re prieve to December 12 to enable him to propeily look Into the esee. COHMUTATIOX. .The Governor to-day commuted tbe sen tence of Henry Cato, who ares to be hung in DeKalb county to-morrow, to imprison ment foi life. Also ordered a new election fur Repre sentative In Fannin county. In the last election Ben Duggan and J. T. Oh attain, candidates, received the same number of votes. It is likely tbsy will make the race again. The Broadway Raltrond. New York, November 13.—In the board of aldermen to-day President Kirk an nonneed tha dissolution of the injunction which had been served upon the board, in which they had been enjoined from taking action in the matter of the railway or Broadway. Tbe Broadway .Satfsce Kail road Company was given permission to build a road on Broadway from the Bat tery to Fifieen-h street, the road to pay Into the city treasury annually 3 p-r cent, of lta gross receipts per ■> ontb, 340 0 0 a year being guaranteed. Tha resolution of Augnst 30th, in which permiseion had been. glvur to ths same company, was re telling me all about i>. Rome, he has been the CYMiutv seat of this country br for upward of 2, r -< I year-. n::.l »tiit they at “olid I haven’t got a flrat-CUSl hotel in tho place, re taa u f Hamulus filed ou Rome under Hie I>, t : I,, Lend net '-■! years befoie Christ, and as , rc . i built a lunatic asylum on tho Cap toline > to c li lr .! Hid. In those days everybody was high-) Me . t ly educated, an t every common Dago on 11 the streets could talk the dead languages a Normal School graduate. Creek 1 Latin were talked just as common at a The convention ratified the *-■ t’ r, ‘ ” tight or church sociable in Haute, among the middle and lovtr clas.-es, as I It 2:00' nn i cigar box Spanish is in Southern Colorado I ont*than w to-day. crowd Before the Christian era U une was ru* 1 by Kings who wars elected for life c during good behavior. This was done t '-’!m[dus n.'nfis c 8 ould : be'fHUerS away “on I A Lonrt ° n «»* ,he ° wner °' w ” lch '* Si,id hr. 1 other Uoi».i:i delicacies. There! to Estimate os Wurth 8800,000. was also a Senate and a College of Ponti- I Iaondon Letter in lu>s‘on Herald, lices and two inch augurs who explained! “Com* along,” said Miss Fite, a noted ''jejUl M the godA The-e augurs be- dea!er ln c , tJ| at the cat show the other caaio at last a great bore (KtHtscan relic , ,, . , , , , Zoom 1 near a Ro:u:ii; orral) ;'lay; come along and look at a Mv J For many years there whs a squabble raised myself. I have taken many priz s hetw.cntlm pair:, ians and the plebeians. ; for cits, for this is the sixteenth a- at i nepatricians were people who h.nl mide a 1 . t . .... , . . . ,, puotl deal of money, and wl;.. e blue-! rttt *“ ow a * Crystal 1 ul ice, and 1 ve blooded danghters showed their proud l»ad cats at every one of them. Befoie the ar.-# :h linf igebye! .; i g with tbe f.i n- MboIOciu!« . all entries havo ■» be in.i.h- ily coachman. The plebei.mt a** a rule, .... i v . ...... thr ..,. # i,ni, r .,„ ...,,1 s ; r . ' were not checked up .*■> high, but thev ! for • J..* int.-r.'.i «• .1 fo/i-Ir' generally got there KU with 60th feet, ai a j smali gr( JJ of kittcn , xvhidl) if loo y ™v‘ is label-! »rei Orpbi ?d the fatal draught. It 1 it Bio, but it \ < SIR THOMAS, THE BOSS OAT. | logs at the f- polished shoes and boots. Ilut’the b.i one i$ the benefit of another. Tin negro vho has been ont of work f <rt .t now funis j» f i • w .rk pressed into a few hours in carry in g ! tlemen and ladies from one Hand t of the municipal arch! ■ The adverti* If'. the III | i pal arcmpelHgo. lend has found his w;i of Ul proud Roman Uld tne yesterday as he tocked his Roman nose into a tumbler of Roman punch. Rome got this term "plebeian,” I learn, | from West Point in an «iarfy day. They had pretty hot times from that on for four hundred years more. Sometimes one was on t<^> and sometimes the other. 1 could giva a loug and glowing resume cf the history of heathen Rome iu my own crude way if I had space, but I have not. The present Rome is built over forty or fifty feet of debris that U between two aud three thousand ylars old. Thoie who have been in Chicago when the street gang was engaged in raklrii up old ptrionali- » be taken fro nth h» 1 thi ato ba*k. t. If ; Id 10 pv Whatever may be tin* mTo, he h not n drunka those of the Brasi.eiro, • f f tobacco. d; an 1 what( catalo All this having duly me, wo pushed through the crowds to Ic at the cats ot all ages, styles and colors. Little girls had been brought thither by their nurses. It was as good as a show to hear them exclaim delightrdly at the va-1 A N ‘NCI DEN I OF THE WAR. St. John Interrif w*d. Kansas City. Norember 13.—A repre sentative of the Times visited Olanthe, Kansas, and interviewed * x-Gf.Ternor St. John upon the politic:tl -Mustlon. The £TOoremor dedared most emp!;atlca]ly that he had hsd no relations whatevtr with any political P*rty in cam* ■ ii..:iNtu m ties and things lug for fifty years will remeu ti e odor of the deceased \ men uomeut while I g> and ♦ i*. a little j as.ftctida to take tbe t.»* t** on* uf my mouth.) Well, Rom** sold. r, tr. l there fore, it is worse. I hate to sp- ik about it, but when they are excavi r f * a building h re and irn up a :• w discard** 1 socks of thetln.«:of Romulo-*, aim ; wi'li other relics of a fonrotton era, tne exr.a rists run and •tlek tnet^Miiiaetffto the bo* | pie »to the mou 1 tains till* it is safe to who did 1 “kittlo d ml pre Preside in the acc •ion by G to. Fitz-Johr •1 O ktown, maHe the fight M -. tly ui he represented, and tta’ea taking th*®* field again aftei rest, continuing Lis eftu constitutional proMbttior assured woald be ultimate f-rli J lii« pats a kind of damper on building, nd real estate is rath»*r d**a l. At least, it :Vt ling well. Si they oiilv bull.I ixty years. Was Middle Atlant slight cb nte CrifTIn'a Jubilee. Wiicitworth'a Majority. Memorial Services for Dead Bishops and Archbishops. (TELtUKArBEO TO THE ASMK1ATEO rRESS.l ltti TiaokE, Nov. l:t -Nolegi it .live ses sion of tbe ri.narjr Coondl was bad to day, services being held et tbe cathedral, where a requiem mass for deceased pra- lates was solemnized.' At tbe end of the mux Archbbbop Corrigan pronounced an <ul"iy on the deceased bishops and ,r>-l. -1. ip«. JI0 ennmerated the list of ,ased I i-hops, lorty two in number, on.l -i-..ke ot tlie duty of the faithful in praying for them out of the spirit of fi nrnal charity end as a tribute i,l lore ami gratitude for thooe »l...)' .'1 borne the burden in tlieir day m 'i ii.t I L' ’ to their rest. After the r-.-r.i" 11 Archbishops KennWt, Aicmay, Day ami It it.isms delivered ihort addreasea. The Apuetolic delegate Ar- ul. -'.op Gibbons, pronounced the it- -,l ui ^lotion. The venerable Arch- bt.hop Kennlck wss scarcely able to C.ffitlate at this late ceremony, his feeble condition compelling him to pease several times whilst reciting prayers. Mia Kmll; liar;" r, »f Cathedral atreet, this evening t.11.1. red tire delegates a reception born it t.r 10 o'< lock. ‘ ‘ow that Wadseorth elected to Congress try Bower.- (Democrat.) An Earthqunk* Shock. I.oxiXi’f. Omt. Noven.ber 13.—The shock I nionwi*dltli’s att< rnfy, who sabl that it »l an . an tinn ke was fell m Colchesie and w,-r!d la' impo sihle for him to go to trial Klngsvi K-.ez county. Out. this morn. », 'ngal.nut to o’clork. In tire former place (,.■ ( wr." qui'e severs and greatly alarmed I ,|, t'*® nl the village. In Kingsville I p, N. II November 1 earthquake was felt aitout SWITZERLAND. NEW SAS ITALY EOal'LATtOEI. Beebe, November 13,—Tbe government century eathoritzes here Issued an osttar forbidding railway cars bom Park to cross the frontier ol fiwltxerland until Ota pas sengers shall he subjected to fumigation and a medical Inspection at lira zraitin depots. ITALY. WILLIAM WALOOar aznom. VtsEEA, Norember 13—The roUHelu Ciirrtifomfent says that William W. As- tor, tire American minister at Rome, re signed his position as soon as he received the nears of the election of Governor Cleveland. _____ IRELAND. A REW raOOaAMME. Doaua, November 13—The United In land, in a leading article, says: It ia prob able that a general fiscal revolt will recom mend itselfas the simplest and mcataf- fectual way of compelling the government to yield to Iriab demands. ECYPT. the Manor's adtasct. Cairo, November 13.—A late di-patch from ths Muillrot Dongola atates that one of the Mahdt’e chief UeatenanUIs march ing against Dongola with 13000 men and another with 9,000 men ta advancing egaluBt Kafflsb. A Macon Engineer Shot. [tnrUL TELEaEAK.] Mosioomeet, Novsmlier 13 — Jack Phillips, of Macon, was shot and killed here to night by a man named Jack Cook. All accounts make Phillips blameless in the matter. Both men wire raiiroLd en gineers. r.urlhw?«: to sontlrw northerly; higher bai For tbe Booth Atlantic 8iet«s, generally fair weather; stationary tarapera'ure; slight southsait winds, followed In the ex treme southern portion by local reins and partly cloudy weather. For tho East Gulf 8tates, local showera and parly cloudy weather; variable winds, generally northerly; slight change in tem perature. Oen. Harn.y Married. Sr. Louis, November 13—Gen. Wm. 8. Harney, sue ot the bast known officers of the United States army before hie retiring, wee tntrried last evening to Mrr. Mary E. Bt. Cyr, who hes been for many years a member of his family. The ceremony wee S .rfortued In the Roman Catholic Cba'he- rat, and tras strictly private, not more than half a dozen being present. Tbe newly married couple left the city Imme diately after the etieraony for Pas* Chris tian, Mist., where ths General has a band- some property. Fire on a Sl.ameh p. New Oeleaee, November 13—Fire was discovered lest night in the cotton Cored amidships on ths British steamship Rhc- dura, loading for Havre. About 1,600 balsa were aboard and much of it was bad ly damsgvd. Tbe vessel was from Pen- arth, Wales, was owned by Edward. £ Robii son, Liverpool,and chartered for the Harrison line. The extent of tbe damage to the vessel and cargo will be known to day. _ A Prenchsr SuiciJea* Taxrrow. N. J., Norember IS.—Rer. Flenrr Williamson, rector of Kt. Paul's . use e*ery flUy i T:.* a : t i.tkcs h i t a ci Mtory fjr f | to icet fresh again. I I hare been trying for several dare to t find some Roman candles to tako home . with me, but have failed so far. I should I ftel ailianicdof myself to make this long and expensive trip to Rome, the very hot* i bed of Roman candles, and then go home r, RLp in %u« My next fetter wifi be Verona or Obey* » a slight fall; enne— I do not know which. I've got to ids, shifting to hear from Eli Perkin* first. We agreed to j write from the same place at the seme time, for we might get confuted. t for a t fair o'clock In Hopkinton, Hillsborough, Brs'l- teMcr'e book, one fpr_tilfift rrtiBtttl ford si:11 Warner. It wiut |»nrtn ularly n«- ti. |M.*n. I hv rhotnat J«it ary The FFterehurK Triage 1'r.rEK'hrK V’a . N-ivtml>er 13.—In the rasa "( tl": I nimonwi-alth rhoma- W’livte. I»t«. CA-hir® "! :!••■ B .«•.’<• ■ 1 Mt rh.mil .’ Hi: k. wl: !l Wa, - t l!" Ul f'T trill in III" II ,--1 • irt a ta, at tl." -ucgciiion ot Ith’a ait r:.tv, *h" .-.til ttia: il r> »nli ill- t--tlmoi.i he b.vl It tie co-i! 1 get "th®r anil ty against th® .< — ti ll of the court, he would driw up another ii.d. • ••■» await •• it..- pr!-oner taut . • . -- 1 . .. i d .! .■.: IP" oi-" would L" ut an i n I. TI.-- | ipal Wilt."-- "1 ll.il • Wl- W. W. White l.te trOer of tbe hank and e nephew of JPSSPl n.or ■ 'A byte, who arts Indicted for I thlnl day of tbe rases bare was e race fraodnhnt_ (mtito. JnJhsItnpotBtdfaireiidsnes. The weathevwas [ as heavy. In ( THE ODLI TIES OF RIO JANE I ,0. rued a new revolver and fir.d through the tempi*, bis brains budy was found I is known for the ex Chancellor Williams ju, ot Elizabeth. ini being rcattrred. His 1 by two boys. No motive e deed. He was a son of Facts About tho Presidents. Baltimore llersld. Mr. Blaine or Mr. Cleveland, as the case may be. will be the twenty-second Presi dent of the country. Of tbe Presidents, •eventeen were elected aud four—Tjler, Fillmore, Johnson and Arthur—encmd* ed to the office from the Vice-Presidency. Thomas Jeflenon ecd John Quincy Adams were elected by the llouae or Rep resentatives in default of nn election by the Sectoral college, and Rutherford B. It ayes was declared elected by the commission lected to decide the disputed election 1870. Heron of the Presidents—Wash ington, J^tferson, Madison, Monroe, Jacx- son, Lincoln aud Grant—were elected a second time. General Gratit was the youngest of the Presidents when inaugurated, bttog 47: Pierce and Garfield were 49; Pu.k and Fillmore, 50; Tyler, 51; Lincoln 52; Van Burcn and Tauor, 65: Washington aud Johnocn, 67; Jetfcr>on, Mndhou and John Quincy Adama, 60; Monroe, 60; John Adriins and J *n. 01; Buchanan, 05; Harrison. 08. Garfield dietl the youngest, not having reached his fiftieth Dirthdav; Polk was 51 at hia death; Lincoln,60; Pierce, IK: Taylor, 00; Washington and JvuuiOu C7; SirTradS, Trier zzl Men rot. 73; Fillmore, 74; Buchanan, 77; Jatkeon, 78; Van lioren, 80; John Quincy Adams, 8L; Jrfferson, 83; Madison, 85; John Adams, 0L The honor of furnishing Presidents has not been evenly distributed among the States. Virginia, Maisachusett*. Tennessee, New Yora, Ohio, LoulsU*. *. New lUti.p* ■jtto, PStv>/iv«uia mm l!!.;.• (irnishi: g ell the incumbents so far. if Cleveland is electe<l he will be the third President from New York—Van Baren and Arthur being bis predecessors—snd if Mr. Blaine is „ elected he will be Maine’s first contribution »he rich - to the While House. wa»!i !>oiIer liMH)Ve<i A ■ • It : i« • I!.* !li | lh j Jy the- ;r|t ks/l |„- a ’ rat-, black cotJ, whit* ats. tabby » »t Per-lan, Angora, tortoise-sheU nrs. nno ««• y < M:» •• I it. I'iu U l! 1’ 1 •• !• J jcri'-'-cats, amiab’ec.Vf, cantank* :• i . it- reconD"i ! !•■«•,*>• . a' •. 'i.i I ns if by ... ' « " l-ent ;i "1 rea izlug tint they a, r* all on I her of n t'neir -• • ! ’• ii.ivi )i. t: . »_• vas ■* • «r.-. lv •» there w.i t i "i ''tt aft '•1 \v!l'» '.*. .4 I .. 4 " ('ll ' d bcosled out of its prop*r f!iar<- "f «1 nner i raking 1 by iu oeatiferous liu!*- bnr!i* r r - -•*•: k.i '<*' :5M >' Three little kitten**. wh*» pti-ibly had its fun I "lo^t theirmittera.” for "ihev a !l b-gant*> j yar is-;' cry,” were named F:ully, Puffy nnd fuffy. i loon. T The*e were half Peis'annnd were ten shiil-l Propatf logs (|2 80) apiece. In the next c :ge aai n dignified kitten, as black as a coal, named Tinker, only eight weeks old. priced ar |5 Lottie and Tottie, two little “swells, M oue block, one yellow, gamboled about their { roud mother, who wmked knowingly at he scrutiny of the moving crowds ‘Now,*’ said my funny little spinster guile, “here is one of my family.’ 1 And she halted before a pure Pendan. which bore w price ticket of 11,000 aud had taken a half dozen prizes. Five, ten, twenty aud one hundred . pounds were frequent prices tacked on others were their cages; bnt when we came to Oasi* It is impost dine, late Tiger, lying on an einb.oldered end expi satin cushion trimmed In Kngli-h boMnet *rsl lace, ai d marked £100.000, or $600,000 I »°vl sitnidy.took aback seat, metaphorically. lrsa vLible, It s*?<mm Well, Ossidlne was • pretty tabby cat, but the Union ormy^ and i I don't think I'll ever own him, unless he Is rallied for at a shilling a try. One gen tleman, evident )- of a sporting turn of mind, who values his blue Persian at £1000. gave hh pedigree on a tinted eerd, , .... as follows: “Dam Viola, by Mfsa Ack- snd away in the din laud's Tisza snd Saltan; sire Rough, by ti'ff balloon. Tin Mrs. Powell’s Lady Piora and .Shah, all winners of numerous prize*.” The owner - of tbit rura mHs, named MUlget, \\i years adjusted 1 old, was a physician of Boutn Norwood, who evidently is not anxious to tell hla cat. il 'l I Xp. t .1 1 men |o .ill Ilf* * i. ithI I j erment. ritb gre* »r air. 1 of Failure la Richmond. Richmoxd. November 13.—The failure of John Booker, a commission merchant of this city, wss announced to-day. Mii assets end liabilities caunot bo ascertained for a day or two. He is rated at $75,000. Booker is one of the oldest merchants here. < Miners to be Tried. Pittssubo. November 13.—The coal mi ners couffulim'j cases will be called for trial at Washington, Pa, next Monday. True bills have been found against Presi dent Coetollo am! seven or eight others en gaged in the late trouble at Goal Centre and Woodson. Hur s In Effigy. Bt. Jobxibuby. Vt., November IS.—Last night Gov. Bt. John and M. .Stone, ed itor of the 8t. Johns bury Caledonian snd candidate for Governor on the Independ ent ticket, were hung in e:li xj from a tele graph role. The citizens generally con demn tlie act. _ Christmas Is Comln«. Philadelphia Record. The next election la Pennsylvania will doubtless show some Democratic gains. ith hope. I; t ads of the union men. H icend, but with s rspidit tewed apprehension. Q of cavalry plu of sodden honor moment tha1 He droppe*l t the valve.” tt and set aboi wss sensible pan wss not at ad nerv > is. 11. w ihc a had taken him over the intrench men te. Having n In among them. h« let tne valve takei of it*. :f !• l pf.ta - !, ,l t.j take advaut of his sliion to note the shi>«*< * of rebel oM-ctx below. * Crowds of sold rushed from the Wi*>K and he heard tl shouts distiui r y. J-u.-kfiy, bo whs at the reach of : heir bulb-1*, so be w afraid on thU store. The map of ber of the United But** Senate sboald ever I ^Ji have been elected to the Pr. ^Jdency at the 1 ^ time of his Incumbency. Disregarding the wp ] fact that experience In thie boatyonght toliB fit a man for the high office, the peo- w it pie have Ignored the Senstois.} t The army has furnished a number of President*, snd, with thiLJHPHm |lion of Hancock. McClellan and H ott, no I has Rio Janeiro Letter to i*l!t«burgb Cbros Telegraph. Tbe cow it said to have bien tbe orig surveyor of Boston, and the narrow and tortuoa* streets of the Athens of A are pointed to with pride by the Athenian Yanks in atteststton of the truth of the assertion. Who the original surveyor of Rio Janeiro » u (■ neither known nor coo. jrctawd, bnt the chkt erainMrof tl,. ^4 —BfX.fra. ri'Jl] njg Uniton of th. city during ths l.,t fitly !! , years, op and down the mountain steeps 1BBU - - winumg*, ana and along the rocky leJge*, presumably has been a goat. The Italian peddlers of Rio, like the ^ ks of a <• w lire drek, go in pair**. In • way. in traversing a street, *•,» ; the benefit of tbe other'* din,by hamn on s pan if lie b • a tinker, or by clai twohti ki to^i-'her U he b<- adeilfri goods and notion*, or by (muting l( f gla.ii, or th- Uke.^ And slirL^iSoVof' r 1 t the t low without a w I in Rio. And D ot the City military man nominated for th fail'd of election. Washington • •:1b The Fourth of July of Bra, of September. ~ e Cora Rarlof Rio is St •ae of the tonicst turn-ou HKafCliri 1„'~ I. ■ •-. I u : t ) i u*. It.. 1 hts of moMy-l rierallon tohUsuows ln th. tuu; T -- rtriTsi^nil nftarijSRtvVst son’s rercrU to the war of U» was the about W; but tl.« very stonsa th u.’, w.itb which l.ftcil him Into the Whitt itrceta erroot u^nat her tor .11 i Houra, rad H.rrtson. Taylor, Pierce,! with . Ttramm-'y-strSnip-stram,. e. House, anil Harrison, Taylor, Pierce, Grant, Hayes and Garfield wore the epau lets of a general before they were honored with thtchlef magistracy ot the nation. Tbereannow two ex Pre'Llents living —Grant and Hayes—and after the 4lh of March Mr. Arthur will nuke a third, FASTEST MILE EVER MADE. jut ncr Ndiitgiieatni 1 , November IL—Maud S. has ,A itra’.t-d her title to tho proud r ,\\ i very v «-nt. Th*- Arrutyf •x >^.l a p*r c»-n' xrw# l 10 per rei >uKh-nn icrist« IS; the fint i t (ir 13 180 si d.po ited Hols, Jsnttary flf US. Meood. ;i:rt,d y'-ter-tay. The In th< ..r.-r Th • vvhyte rlraiX'-t oar i 'K and ata-tlll'K lh« fhm St. JoV* Vote Inaicattt. CLlcSfoTtmii. John to'." ii !>:.rprislngly hire*". "fore: •> lyha.."!, | isfatyrralized „icrv r »A- |wr«d Maud S. Comet Home to be Crowned a Qje*tn--How Sre Lowered Her Record on Her Native Heat Lxxixotox, Na again demonst po>ition of queenof the totting turf. For ; foi several days past the track at the fair grounds bte be-.u carefully worked snd repaired for her greet trial. This morn, ing it was all that could be wished, and everyone predicted thst the greet mare much ilnful lucr •on between the party of •t the party of the second p The beast of burden, of ev*-n r »n u»e than the mule, in Men heed. A riMh mmIi rylng everything in t:hes to a barrel of tl > pkin to taken be mult*, var *i!«‘a ; . mu •• is prefern-.1 to t:i•; ise, the mink, the tar sud tin b!e head Is regarded the best exit paddling and ina^H rur.bc Marrl«a«v nt Hi* nuoMti, Vi., N ve:«t Pearl I v!er. daughter ot tbe (lent Trier, m*rri» u thie Hon Win. Muuford ElU*. u Hour* oi Delegate* from county. 1 be rerenioay »ook u —C*i beef rai. R*gnt Re in the third r '• ; «■ K- tb’ 'd » nil IS Mm* »3V first ami ex Pre.,:- | 1 >rnoon to I In the fourth !*er of :be | tw., ir* three. Lb .ntgomery and 2 44H i with the private bottle. If* Com na VVInt r a. t by the i Ah idahi if*, trot i i’e«lro * f*K match, , 2.45 of lb that (ha irnlrpendent lU-puiu an* ibould t J Keane. otVi Utiny. A largo number of c^huua ami nerfe».t thetr orgsoizaUoas l inend* wera preaont. The couple have torougboot the country. 1 North on s wwading tour. You *«-e urn thu emu-r he be one _ _( two. fl he ta^o. warmeroa.1 be b* lias run av.1}' with trxxl th the hn«hand enojuroged the thuig because ' you . he ha tee Clansmen. } winter—he D%b^ QWTCr , Johr abbi id field, way. a. r P. p. taelntri Jiiel W. in* kit< in tho -*d. J. .Smith * I) irln* the wait k - l attracted the nncty- he goes over them. The plaster of Paris Imago-maker of Rio will not sell bis simulacra of Christ and the saints—not he; for that would be a gross sacrilege; but he will intro- ru flam <1$ *w..behind Maud S. (?Sori#l JohnaUm nounced from the itand that Maud 8. would * tart to beat her record of 1.00)4- aad, aboold she beat it, Woodburn farm the tr .ence i but oil* :ik."ill.i’,,rth. ra il: .T,,:vini? iall.h: .ud i r . , * ht ynt.nl.y. A "i-M iu In •J.fcl,::.rt.-iro to b« —A duerci lo titza .t Ao,fr (iiiiitno «. au<t a.w w Li’. in th* infinity ot fits poetic, pht:o-1 t 1 * 01 fi* 1 ! * K 1 *.-"( h** r - Th. roon- *jphio .,,.1 pictuZMqu pL..*., 11. ta •*' »“ •<* ‘Duns » ‘ h « <■«« Grat be .U«- n in Uiy urn hAl? Uu cifici of A. fsrcfi »h«° he walked, hat wonld oevsz globe. refuse a drink when prceLtad.