Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, December 12, 1884, Image 5

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V THE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1W4. fHt- MhWS IN latUKtilA. tlttlltf no. ,t»nl.. th.drokglrte H,r n-ii area itailuivad to heap aloohol : ai A Y"Uau lady who bH b*»n tM . _ lmiiy ttii- * Inter owned A parrot that waa .'Belli'to ho 49 ye*r-t oil. Tireae t o t« IJ w* In the lower Honie of tin Uairgia ti»gl*ia ure. and there are no iiimiu kjm oo ttw tt »or. Thb nuwMpsl •laotiun in BriniWW* ♦akt* nine* Saturday. am Cr-.v4ii tint Aid-«r(u*.» Joh'iJ. nnrT#/are tu« eainiMet***. it *nt lively. Prom r*n t-i twenty and thirty particles of sr.lt oati tM o-it«ln«4 from one “pan* nln<” of me gr»vel that wai wayhed on Saw »rn~ in Jotalo hity years ago. fm ntirp«ira*e limits of Brunswick ®x- tend over *evral 'u'lei of territory. The Herald favor* reducing the present fire limit- of me citv, or else extending them “ell ov**r the corporation. Tuaaa are now eighteen convicts in (he Oeogia poiitentiary from McIntosh county. Of tuat number Charles Ferrell In tiiH only white until Ho ia nerving a bhu'mvv of two year* (or forgery. A little girl tn Gumming found a pin in the ch Her faro**tei potato trie other day, which had evidently been there from the for ua-1 m of tnt tub-r, as it was quite rus-y *v ill noma scU-nrat volunteer an expUna io i of its presence? • When both the railroads are com- piet><l 'o Luuipkm. Stewart c mnty far mers will get foil market prices for their -coiton igtit at home as there will be • orn K -tiii >n for cotton from tbatsecil »n for the ew (Means aud Savannah markets. Tu* engineer corps of the A. P. & L Tallrti.nl having nearly completed its work reduced its force on Holiday. Mr Ribert Fesgm and Mr. Roberta, wno filled iiqpor taut posltio is in the corps, wll assist in aurveynig the route of the B. C. <S C road. Tub Savannah Times, heretofore one of the most regular of our contemporaries, greets us now only at long intervals. Its vidts, like those of the spirits, are few and far between. We would like foro r content mrarr to return to its ac customed promptness. Albany Med'um: It is as difficult to keep up with the management ot the Brunswick and Western railroad as it is to understand the true inwardneasof Dough erty's free bridge movement. First the road is sold, then it isn’t, and again it is abont t • be This Is said to ba ous of the times when it is not sold. Tub Albany Medium declares that great incces* in the tfosiness has made gin house in *ndi tries bold. The negroe* on one of Mr. Z. T. Mavo’a plantations, last week, threatened to burn the whole place. Two of them was pat in jail, and the others were probably awed into subjection as there has been no further trouble. Tuebb are a number of thriftv negroes in Hurt county who own good farms and homes. Hut they never trouble themselves •bout politics. One of them said to the Hartwell Hun: “The white people own the moat property aud are intelligent, and if they m ke law* good enough :or them, they will be good enough for me.” Sensi ble. The negroes cannot control politics in this country, and it is better for them **Thb work of remodeling the old Telfair Mansion, Savannah, and arranging the many valuable works of art that have betn secarnd.is progressing »s r.pluly »s clr- cumstroces will allow. Professor Carl L. Bran it. who Is superintending the work, hopes to be able to have the work suffi cieutly advanced to throw the academy open to the public for a temporary inspec tion about the middle of February, on the rnniversary of the Georgia Historical So ciety. Mb Weight R. Rbavxs. the victim „ the foul assau.t and roonery near Valdos ta last week, has since died from the effects of the several wounds received. The brutality of the crime calls for speedy legal vengeance. The perpetrators are still at large, but very fair descriptions of them were obtained from Mr. Reaves be fore hU death. The county commission ers of Lowndes have offered a reward of S100 for the apprehension of the murderers, and it is expected that the State will in a few days offer an additional reward of |250. Thb Cummin* Clarion contains the fol lowing peculiar*notice: “Wanted-to sell, ^ ve away, or oispose of by some mean*, wful or unlawful, two knock kneed, sore eyed. whamper-jawed, slim-tailed, lank- afdca, woe-begone kittens, one gray spot ted, the other yellow brindled. Warrant ed never to rib. tear, ravel or run down at the heel, and proof agai at kicks cuffs, blows and lond scats. Will receive in ex change poor pine, rotten eggs, musty fod der, blue beef and other legal produce. Ap ply at this office.” Thb Brunswick Herald publi«hcs the following: ‘About 3 p. m. yesterday, while the steamer David Clark was passing St. Simon’s Island opposite Frederica, the ■ captain inoticed somsthing unusual iu the water about ten fees from the steam er’s wheel house, and upon investigation it proved to be the dead body of a white man. The head was out cf the WAter, and the body apparently standing upright in the water. The face was clean shaved. The captain hailed a man on shore and he procured a small boat and pulled out to where the body was, and as the steamer passed ou of sight the man from the shore was passing a rope over the head of the floater. The mystery will probably never be solved.” Thb Columbus Times save the sight of the Kagle and Phenix Mill No. 3 lit up by electriot light is a sight worth seeing. An immense long buildmg, five stories high, apparently no life inside, no noise being heard from the outside, occasionally i shadowy, form passing Inside by the win dowsor some cobweb-looking belt moving up and down, all seemingly op, at a little distance off, the last two the on y signs of life. Within the building a:l is bustle and life; without all is bright, with a pale, yel low glare, and silent, and with the figures moving abou% dimly seen, seem rather a habitation for spirits than a hive of Indus try. Any ooe who has uever seen it who will go down near the Lowell warehouse at dusk, or later, and take a look, will be repaid for their tronble. The young ladles of Lumpkin, Ga., have taken to the delightful pastime of “possum hunting.” A party of eight, on last Thors- *■— — tad. of The Columbus compress, which has been but recently built, ts a Tyler with Mora* wedge and engine, and OMt in the m i hborhoodbf $27,000. It Is owned and controlled by a stock company, the larger portion of It being held by bualness men of E ifaulk. It it now working twenty hours a day. with a force ot tweu'y bands in each squad for day and night. Tlie present capacity is 000 bales for the twen ty hours, but as soon as the hands thor oughly understand their business, can ba increased to ooe bale a minute. The es caping steam, passes through a coiled pipe in the heater attached to the boiler, which causes the cold water to go iuto the boiler h«*t, thus causing a great saving la fuel, and serves to suppress the sound. The letter is very gratifying to ita neighbors. The compress Is now running day and ni^ht and is chuck full of business. day night, if an exchange is to be credited, ‘ rotothe woods for the p l one of the marsupial qi i along with a half peck of oulona for a lunch. The cruel local historian relates that the woods ware fairly “redolent frith the odor,” and “what few’possums there wars in that seotlon skipped by the light of the moon.” However, after a wear? tramp, the dog at last “treed,” and upon reaching the spot where he was making his must j two boys were found In a tree eating persimmons. [The local scribe failed to record the fact, bat it is well established all the same, that the Lumpkin boya can beat the ’possum any night eating persimmons ] The girls were amply satisfied with the game “treed,” and returned home In good * P The Jasper News reports the killing of JcffNickols by Billy Barr on the 1st inat 1 Nlckola was a cropper of Barr’s, under a contract not to carry any of the crop off of the premises without Barr’s consent until all advances by Barr to him had be*n paid. But it seems Nlckols attempted by force and againit the entreaties and re monstrances of Barr to carry a bale of cot ton off of the premises, when an altercation ensued bv Nlckols jerking Barr out of the gateway for the wagon to pus, when Barr •hot him. Barr has aver been a quiet and ■l citizen. Sumter Republican says: “There are constant expressions of discontent on the part of the citizens in rafaranoa to the manner of withdrawing the names of two of the candidates for mayor, and it Is mute likely that a petidon wifi be circulated for gassssBrCTfgSig tbeJr alessuratn the premises. They think i they are entitled to consultation and that their voices should be heard. The election 1 comes on next Wednesday week and the time is short for action. What thay do A Family Surprise. Valdosta Times. # «tiome time ago a colored citizen of Val dosta went to Florida. He g »t sick aiid liis wife, who remained, beardthat he was dead. Moutt s passed and haring heard notiiing contrary to the first report, the widow began to “look round. Dick H. became a suitor. One night this week the lover* were enjoying the proipects of fu rore tdiss in each other’s company when a bart-h ran at the door broke in upon the still night air. “Who dat?” “Me Billy.” The voice of the dead was recognized by both. "Hold on. aietsr." ..id Dick, “d»t'» da debtl." And in a trailing he .hut oat at th. window. , ... Explanation, were embarrassing but they had to come. A Sweat toy. Letter that tha Wrttar Couldn't ambit”.-An Order for Soap. Albany Newt. A. roou a. the average darky learns to make letter, he begin, to think himself possessed or a good EngHsh education, and be la known among his acquaintance} at a inau who “kin write He Is proud of his accomplishment, too, and considers It a high privilege to communloate with another “la wrltTn," or to, write ordere ••Jen da aama ae white folks.” Their pro. dootioni sometimes abound In riebnesi, not only for their orthography, bat lor the blundere tbet are made in the use of big words. Two such communications that are celonleted to provoke a amile were banded to the Newe and Advertiser yester day, and we print them below, verbatim et literatim. The Until from a love-tick swam to bis aweeiheart Hereftts: "Albasy, Ga.. December 0,1884.—Mm Emma dear girl: I tryes with ell o’ might to Prohibit from Writing but I fine} ib}t love bee Coblnes this neart of mine if It is Kecessaryly I Could tell you that my heart i» most Wholly yonr* & npon vou alone my happiness depends for I do not believe there is in this Wide Worlld enotherledle betide yourself Whom I could lov} Withe the heaviness of my heart dear girl do not think I csnfnot not love you for I »mag- Ine When you are absent life has no Charm What even ae much tho first spark of love Wounded my heart and buslm Very harmonious on dear Emma i withes to'make a beautiful speech to you it opportunities will omit. Yours Crowned in much love I still Re main yours Warm bosom Friend Nathan. Nial. HI WANTED CASIOLIC 80AF. The following le a true copy of an order received by a druggist of this city yester- dB *t'the Drugestor Albany GilOots worth of the Blue Cowbolloxt Saope to Wash a wone of, V. McFarland. A Dttperate Encounter with Burglars. Tree Citizen. Last Friday night about 2 o’clock our night policemen, Captain Amos Lsmbeth, heard e nolee In the small room up stalls over Mr. E. C. Lanier's store, which le oc cupied by Mr. L. U. Rou'shan, who Is en gaged in selling off the remnant of hts stock of goods. Going up stairs and ap proaching the door, he dltcovered that there were parties In the store room, who bad broken a padlock and a stocklock, and with a light were going through the stock of goods. Captain Lambeth threw the hasp over a staple, and was la the act of calling for help, but the parties on the in- side were too quick for him, and jerked open the door. TheCapiain ordered them not to come out or he would shoot, when one of the burgltrs shielded himself behind the door and thrust out a Brit ish bull-dog, central-fire, seif-cock ing pistol, which belonging to Mr. Rout- zabn, and whlco he had left in the store, and both parties fired simultaneously. The captain does not know who fired first. The thiol emptied the five chambers of hit pistol without effect, and spinning by CapL Lambeth, ran down the steps, the captain sending his last two shots after him with out any kilo, n effect. About this time the captain discovered that there was an other party iu the room and ordered him not to come out. Tho second thief made an attempt to come out when the captain snapped his pistol at him, by which the burglar knew that hia pistol was exhaust ed, and boldly springing out grasped the cspteiu, who is an old man, and twisting him around, fled down the steps. The thieves were not recogn xed, only so lar as to know that they were both negroee. An examination shows that the thieves secured <2 in cash, which was left in a cigar box. aud a lotol dry goods, groceries, and the pistol wilh which they attempt, ed to assassinate Mr. Lambeth, all ol which Mr. Rouixabn values et ovrrfilfO. The thieves both lost their hats, which may yet lead to their discovery. The I atest —It appears thst Capt. Lam beth did his work last night effec ually, as one of the burglars, a negro named Jake Griffith, was found dead with taro bullet hoes through him, in a clump of woods several hundred yards from tno scene of action. The ball entered jnst below the right shoulder, and ranged through the left breaat. He hai met his desert, few mo e crossties needed on that end of the good. In the near future the Buena Vtstlnas will be thrilled with the echoes from the welkin and hills around which have never been waked since the dawning ot creation, it will be afresh and inspiring sensation upon which they may be con gratulated. Counterfeiting a Valuable Article. The publisher of the Madison Coun ty Record writes from Huntsville, Ark., as to the effect of Brown’s Iron Bitters on his wife. Mr. Daugherty says, ‘‘My wife baa been using the Bitten for some months; the effect in her case is remarkable.” He also writes that owing to counterfeits and imitations, it was difficult to get the genuine article. That difficulty has now been remedied, imitators have been exposed and put to flight. There, as elsewnere Brown’s Iron Bitters can be had of all the respectable drnggiste at a dollar a bottle. The Political Millennium. N. Y. Sun. The regular organisation of the Republi can party tn this city have determined that no man shall belong to the party hereafter who did not vote for Blaine and Logan. They are resolved to maintain the stand ard of Republican orthodoxy, and no mu- take. On the other hand, the Independent Republican who went over to the Dem ocracy in the late election and voted for Grover Cleveland, now declare wiih singular unanimity that, uulma Cleveland ia willing to make a end fallure as President, he malt lend all the old Jeffersonian and Jackionltn Demo crats to the rear. Mr. Henerlcks, Mr. Thurman and Mr. McDonald, are especi ally mentioned at people whom he most ignore. How They U«ed to Do It La*B 8 7 n From *n old theatrical handbill. The public is forbidden to laugh, because lit.’ plaj i It trifMJ* Whut Ara Mr. Cleveland's Vltwa, Than? Courier-Journal. Mr. Randall's views on taiatlon are not in accordance with thpee of the President The Baby Suffers. Rochester Poet-Eipreu. “Jane, pleaee bring to my room at once lotus Icc and a imdage." “Ii the baby elck again, mum?” “Yes, he came in at 3 o'clock this morning." A Verr Old Chestnut Warmed Over. Somerset Herald. Here's a turkey for me and a crow for you, and a crow for you and a turkey for me,” says tne Democrat aa he divides with bia little Independeat brother. A Promteououe Dlechnrge. ras St. Louis Pott-Dlepetcb. The New York Tribune (peaks of Ar- thur'i menage •• "the simple unpreten tious discharge of hie duty.’ It is, and it le to be followed by the simple, unpreten tious dieciitrge of Its author. The Coming Bt. John. Philadelphia Press. Senator Oolquitt,of Georgia, says the South will be Prohibition before another Presidential election. Itie possible the great Suoday-ecbool worker does not know Kentucky is part of the South. And Robert Smiled. Cincinnati Commercial Oaxette. In the conrae of a lecture in Chlosgo, Col. Bob IngereoU wanMU to know what minister had ever done as muon for tue world as Djrwln, when a voice sang out, •• Burchard.” Even theOolonel had to join in the laugh that followed this pat rrply. A Rnther Harrow Dietlnotlon. Philadelphia Cell. A New York correepondent re/ere to a society war between Gotham's “ptrvenue and the “nobleese." Io New York the “narvennj" are those whose money w*i made by their father. The “noblesse’ 1 are tuose whom money was made by their grandfather. It may seem rather a nar row line, but H te the beet weceu do In thle •tblahsted kenlry.” A Chip from a Wonder of the World. Baltimore Son. Sixty tone of rock fell weterday after noon from the arch ot the Natural bridge in Virginia. Tha report was deafening and the shook eoniiderable. There ia notn- log to indies te the place from where it fell but a square niche. The curved lines of the bridge were not disturbed. Thl; ie the first fall of rook from the bridge since it was struck by lightning in 1789. Tha .tap-Wlfe. Arkanxatv Traveller. HU slap wife: “It thU woman yonr wife?’’ asked the judge of an o l negro. “Not 'stctly, salt. She’s my etep-wfle.” "How do you make that? • I was mar ried befo', sah. but my wife died." "Th»t makes no difference, this—" “No. enh. didn’t makes no difference with me." "I mean that It makes no difference If you were merried before; thl. woman It your wife.” “My full wife?" "Yea,if you will have tt that wav.” “Thank yer, jedge. Now we’ll get down ter businesj. “Jes write me out cr 'vorce from die lady, please.” Poltgamlsts Punlshedi Prfscott, A. T., December 5.—Judge Howard to-day sentenced the convicted poligamlsta Ammon M. Tenny, Bishop F. J Christofferson and 0.1. Kemp, each to pay a fine of 3500 and to be imprisoned three and a half years in the United States House of Correction, at Detroit. Mich. Much sympathy is expressed for Kemp, as be leaves two wives and twelve children in destitute circumstances. He desired to plead guilty, but was prevented under pain of excommunication from the Mormon Church. The sentences of Bishop William J. Flake and James F. Sklnseu, who pleaded guilty, were 3500 fine each and six months’ imprisonment in the Yuma peni tentiary. _ Pride In One’s Wife. N. Y. Son, “Yes,” said old Firmer Jones to a trav eler who was stopping with him over night, “I’ve got as good a wife as any man in these parts, if I do sty it.” “1 am not married myself,” returned the traveler, “but oeveriheiea* I can app'eci ate tho pride which a husband nitght take in a good wife.” “Why, stranger,” went on the old farmer earnestly, “I’ve known that woman to git up at 4 o'clock in the moruin’, milk six teen cows and git breakfast for twenty men and have the hull thing done afore sunrise.” “You don’t say so,” exclaimed the stranger. , . “Yes, sir, an’ not oncet only, but week in an’ week out, an’ you kin see as well as I kin that she ain't a strong woman uuther.” _ Usod ‘Mil for a F?o**Ball. Hartford Post. “My son, my son,” exclaimed a good mother as she welcomed her stalwart pride home, “what is the matter? What has happened. Have you been run over by the cars?” “No, mother, no, it is noth—” “ Thero, it’s dynamite, I know, or you wouldn’t have your face all patched—” “It’s nothing, nothing, mother.” “Felldownstars and broke both legs. Oh, those crutches—” • No, I didn’t fall downstairs; I—” “Then you must have run against a lamp-post in the dark, or you wouldn't have your arm in a sling ” “Do keep quiet. Don't be alarmed, mother. We won by two goals and three touchdown!.’’ “Well, I’m glad, if that’s all: bat why did they nse you for the foot ball ?** Choose Your Place. The number of postmasters in each State receiving less than ¥100 per annum, and who are appointed by the Postmaster General without consulting the President, the Senate or the civil service examiners, is as follows: am a 9M New York.. 12M uies 788 North Carolina 1325 California 441 Ohio 1831 Colorado 221 Oregon....... 24A Connecticut 12' Pennsylvania ..... 2047 Delaware SI Rhode Island........ 38 Dlat. of Columbia.. 3 South Carolina. 637 Florida 2G0 Tcnneuee J327 Georgia 888 Texas 847 Illlooisrt.MMeM...^. 875 Vermont 175 Indiana ...1027 Virginia —13 9 Iowa 773 Weit Virginia........ 819 Kansas.999 Wlsoonaln 762 Kebtqcky.... MM .......ll6l . Territories. Louisiana>14 Alaska 6 Su?f.ni“.™'."" »e «0 Massachusetts 141 Idsho 72 Mlohigan..^..698 Indian 73 Minnesota. 637 Montana 81 S—i .15 Nebruka..._ an Wa hlngtoa I8t Nev.il. til Wyoming 41 New Ilempihlra.... N6 — New Jerwj"™.... 299 20,040 old school Democrats. All this would Mem to Indicate that a political meienniumls at band. Adelina Patti. Tho great songstress, ssvs of Solon Pai nter’s Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and other Toilet articles: "I unhesitatingly pro nounce them superior to any I ever need.” must "be done promptly or it will De" too Principal depot, Sl\ and 3i0 Pearl street, m, I New York, If Vour Cough Is Growing More Trouble* some, It you are losing flesh and strength, and are beginning to here night sweats or.any of the well known and alarming symp toms that indicate pulmonary trouble, write to Drs, Starkey & Palen, 1U9 Girard street, Philadelphia, stating yonr com clearly, and ask their opinion as to your condition, and whether they hare trra’ed similar eases with their new Yitelix-ng Remedy. It wilt coil you nutkiny, at they make no charge far amtultatioru. They will, at the earns time that they reply to your enqalriM, furnish yoa with each doc uments and reports of oases M will enable you to determine whether in your cue a cure is possible. rihtaw&y than anything elec in thl* world. Fortune! await tho workers r oaolutely *.. re. At once uddreaa Ties A Co., AuguiU, Maine. lebSvrlj DUTH’S • 6QMPAMI0 N For Young People and the Family.—58th Year. nrilE COMPANION has notv attained a weohiy circulation larger than that of any other literary paper In tho world. Ita steadily increasing success imposes an additional re sponsibility upon its conductors to deserve the appreciation and encouragement of American parents. It will use all Its abilities, and all its resources, to uuko the young people of America manly men and womanly women. Illustrated Serial Stories A SERIAJj STORY for Boys, by MY BROTHER FRANS. A Serial Story, by BEBIAIr STORY for Boys and Girls, by ▲ COUNTRY COUSIN. A Story lbr Girl*, ADAM! JUNIOR. A Serial Story, by SUSPECTED. A Serial Story, by SERIATa STORY for Bad Boys, by Travel and Biography LETTERS FROM SPAIN, by LOUISE CHANDLER MOULTON. BUSH LIFE in Australia, by ARCHIBALD FORBES. LETTERS FROM PERSIA, by 8. 0. W. BENJAMIN. FAMOUS AMBASSADORS and Their Triumph!, by JAMR8 FABTON. IN THE HEART of the Sahara. Incident* and adventure, daring . soar In the gnat African d—eri. by COMPANION AUTHORS at Home. Chrtty de. aerlptloD. of the home, of Jam.# Payn, Tbonua Hardy, Mr*. Ollpbut, and other EnglUb contrib utor, to tho Oospamios. J. T. TROWBRIDGE. Mrs. OtIPHANT. ALPHONSE DAUDET. EDGAR FAWCETT. GEO. MANVILLE FENN. ? FRANK R. STOCKTON. O. A. STEPHENS. Tales of Adventure THE LIGHTHOUSE Keeper’s Stories, by JUSTIN CARRICE. HUNTERS’ TALES of tho Rod River Country, by F. W. CALKINS. A YOUHO IMMIGRANT'S Journey to Colorado, by D. L. CHAMBERS. H.H.1 WM. H. BIDEINJJ. IN THE FORESTS OF VENEZUELA, by UF THE TE AIL. Oattle-Driviog on "the break," of lha Llano Eauicodo, KtoMi, by MY ENCOUNTER with the Black Flags. An la- eldtatof the Froach eooqoeit of Tonldn, AMONG THE 8AVAGE8 of Patagonia, during an expedition to the great autre apple orchards of tb. Southern Andos, by W. T. H0RNADAY. AMOS M. SEVIN. HENRI MF.CNIER. 0. A STEPHENS. $3,000. Prize Stories Nearly seven thousand manuscripts were sent In competition for the Comtaxion prixei of $3,000 offered for the boot Short Stories, many ot them by eminent writers in both Europe and America. For eight of these, Frisco have boon awarded. They are delightful etorlcj. There itoriee, with othere selected from the seven thousand rent, wfil be a feature of tho coming volume of tho Companion. Instructive and Entertaining AN EXILE'S Eeeape from Siberia, STORIES OF MILL GIRLS, by THOSE TERRIBLE PARISIANS, or the Deogar. on. Cluwa of Fuia, by CLEVER THINGS DONE by Joumaliits; ar tho rtmegie. of Now. Gatherer., by ODDITIES OF JAPANESE LIFE, from. Japans* point of view, by COL. TH0S. W. KNOX. An "OLD OPERATIVE." JUNIUS H. BROWNE. Humorous and Other Sketches AMONG THE “CRACKERS,” by THI OINUm PLANTATION HIORO. numor- ooa Sketches, with original negro Sosga, by THREE SHARP FELLOWS. The career of three hoy. who thought thomaelrea “amari,"aod who mad* three “aharp" venturer, and are now Ilf log with other "aharp fellows" la three large atone bulldiogr, by ELLIOTT BERN. “UNCLE REMUS.” WM. M. ACTON. Science and Education A remarkable series of articles by Eminent Writers will bo giren on the following subjects: „ POEMS 5 * SSEgMaa JAMES ANTHONY FEOUDE, PROF. TYNDALL, on PROF. MAX MULLER, on CANON FARRAR, on PROF. T. STEKRY HUNT, on RICHARD A. PROCTOR, on E. P. WHIPPLE, on E. A. FREEMAN, on JAMES PAYN, on on The Study of History. Popular Soienco for Young Peoplo. Tho Cultivation of the Memory. Tho Study of English Literature. Tho Chemistry of 8oa and Land. Star Clouds, and Other Articles. Precocious Boys in History. Children a Thousand Years Ago. Bohool Life in tho English Lake Country, Natural History THE RIVER W0LP, end Other Fapere, by FELIX L. OSWALD. TAME COCKBOACHES, end Other Paper., by REV. J. 0. WOOD. THE WILD HORSE and His Wanderinge. ARABELLA B. BUCKLEY. FISHING ON DRY LAND, end Other Corioeltie. ol Natural nistoiy, by PROF. 0. F, HOLDER. A BEE'S BRAIN; The Sooga ot Ioseets; Insect. Useful to tho Farm; sod Other Papers, PROF. A. S. PACKARD, Jr. Etiquette and Health ' THE MISUSE OP MEDICINE, by DB. WM. A. HAMMOND. DELUSIONS CONCERNING HEALTH, DB. M. GRANVILLE. ETIQUETTE AND HEALTH. A aeries of Paper*, by the editor of “Don’t.” 0. B. BUNC& PICKED UP BY AN AMBULANCE. A graphic '1 account of the treatment of Street Accident* Io the New York Hospitals, ALEX. WAINWBI0HL Tho Children’s Page filled with charming pictures, poems and stories, adapted to very young rtadera, has always been an attractive feature of tho Companion. The Editorials will continue to give clear views of current events at home and abroad. SPECIAL OFFER Bubicription Price, $1.75 a Year. *1 Announcement and Specimen Copies Free. J Pleaee mention this paper. Addreu PERRY MASON & CO., Publishers, 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. To any one who subscribes now# and send* tu 11.75, we will tend the Companion FREE to January 1*1. 1885, and • full year’* subscription from that date* THE FIELDS ARE WHITE WITH COTTON. HARD TIMES NEARLY OVER THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. 0NLY$1 Bv Mall Postpaid. A glorious tiarveat Is at hand, aud prosperity will amra prevail. Thoaa- aoUs«l lanstilMWhobavo brenwnnt- InK Plano, mi l drlCIVi* Tor many long rearswiri nUY rillk YCaR. Anllcl. paling tho demand, wo have DOUBLED OUR CONTRACTS with MAKERS nnd raid (nan immense stock of Pin* perb In«srnmeauilrom ten loeadlns tinker*, wblcb we stroll offer on onr uNimiynty installment Term*. Tone comiuodntu thaw who with to bay trow,nnd bold their cotton until Infer, we make ihiw Special offer to Piano and Organ Buyers. Ca?h Prices, with Three Months Time. Durln* the month* of SAptem* ber an.d October, 1884, we will ■e l Pianos and Organ* at oar Lowest Rock Bottom Cash Pi Ice*, requiring only $25 CASH DOWN ON A PIANO. $10 CASH DOWN ON AN ORGAN. And allowing three months time Those who bur under this plan and find themselves unable to complete payment after the three months will be giren further time, by agreelnx to pay our regular InnUllment Mofs, and complylnr with our Installmen' Terms of payment. Khould they Y>ay oae-nsb the amount due at three months, or make • large cash pa. ment, an equitable prlco for the Instrument will be arranged, all will be treated fairly, aud cb * ’ aitca with that All purchaserp tract, and furnUh referauoe* m to their re- sponslbll'ty. Instruments will be sent on the usual fifteen days trial, when references are LUDDEN & BATES’ SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH. GA. FOR RENT. Tha Wilburn plantation, two and a hair miles from Macon, on tha Clinton roes! Ons of the best places In Bibb county. Good land, a fine dwelling and outhouses, on the Ocmulgee river end Walnut creek. Address J. O. -WILBURS, KNOW THYSELFsj A Great Medical Work on Maohood Exhausted Vitality. Nervous ahd ftiytlca) Debility, Premature Decline In Man, Errors ot Youth, and the untold miseries resulting from Inattentions or excesses. A book for every mtn, younp, middlc-tge<l and old. It contains 126 prescriptions for all acute aud ohronio dis eases, each one of which is Invaluable. Bo found by the author, whose experience for 23 years ia such as probably uever be fore fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages bound in beautiful, French muslin, embossed coven, full gilt, guaranteed to bo a flnm work in every sense—mechanical, literary and E rofcmional—than any other work sold li us country for -2.50, or tho money will be re funded in every instance. Prlco only 11 00 by mail, postpaid* Illustrative sample C cents. Bend now. Gold Medal awarded the author by tho National Medical Amoclatlon, to the offi cers of which he refers Tho Science of Llfo should be read by the young (ot tuftirucUou and by the afflcUed for roller II will benefit all —London Lancet. Them is no member of aoclety to whom this book will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian. Instructor or clergyman.—JjwMaaJ, Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or Dr. W. H. PARKER, No. 4 Bulflnch street. Boston, Mass., who may be consulted on all disease* requiring skill and experience. Chronic and obstt”ati disease* that hat* baffled the skill of all other II1? A 1 .physi cians a specialty. Such UlJ treat- remn^Mnre ou “ ,, THYSHLF Mention thl* paper. deo7wly C00KST0YES ALWAYSSATISFACtory EIGHTEEHSiiSAND KINDS ALL PURCHASERS CAH BE SUITED WANCKAOTKICD BT Isaac ASheppard & Co. .Baltimore.Md. AND FOIL NAI.lt BY GKO. 8. OBEAR, 110 Cherry Street, Ma jan2S-wt < (ia. 750 ACRESJJF LAND Will bo Sold Cheap to Close up an Estate. I will Mil cheap 730 acre* of vainabla lend in Uougucrty county. The railroad from Albany to Arlington runs through It. Thgfand Is near Wicker's Station, 12 mile, from Albany. The large part of It cleared and iu cultivalion. Ad,Ire,, WM. RUTHERKOHD, oet2wtlljuil CoJIodon, Ga. SILVERWARE! For Household Use. birthday j * — AWD— WEDDING PRESENTS I Large stock and Low Price*. £9*Sendfor Catalogue. WILLIAMS & STEVENS feh8 wly Macon 4 Ga, ' M>l .:\m :,v„vs. K«a [FERRY’S Will tooll applicants and to customers of lost year without ordering It It contnlns illustrations, prfCM, ■ .descriptions and direction* for planting all V«g*kiSaandPlowar B.M.FERRY&CO. D, 22£' T NOTICE. All persons having demands against the es tate ol Charles A. Beasley, late of Bibb coun ty, a*., deceased, are hereby notified to rea der In tholr demands to the undersigned, ao- cording to la»; and all person* Indebted to - . ngtolaw; and all pi saldestato are required to payment. B, Administrator of Gluts. A. Peoeaber 1st; 1884. to u ’ay, deoMjed. dec 2 law6w STANDARD 110GRAPB1ESL 17 8 T READY. Rays! SJuvo pages; §7°iuU page Ulmitra- jj'imWss; siuH?.?; Rlt?rtratlon. 4 Address U. B. QOOD8PKBD AGO., ett4wU Mew York and Cklosgo. WANT If 11 and gentlemen In IT AillEi/ town or oountry, distance no objection, con have steady work at their own borne* all the year round and can make from |10 io |15 per week. No canvassing. Work sent by moll Address OAKLAND ICANP’Q OO., Box 8222, Boston, Mass. dseSwit Tl.nr.F-LTf tor l* nijtlo • . tho oil re of - . . •. i...tniim-iil t tlir col ,V,. ;,‘:LSS ‘•111 .*» t!:o niD* HlfflU lajfes A G ENTStSlis?® Mrurxi t Kit Kl>. Burin Queen th jfeldrrf. Great From Pyramid ® Queen the South UTC3X *17J\~T-sTP FARM MIL 8 10.000 33.T TT—fl . WrlUhrnu,.UM. Cimx-rcn Sc Oauii K’tg Cls EuocNriS' in to Btsaus MfixOa*. CINCINNATI. O. C utThisdut^ * n ik y^* ^OOLDIN BOX Of Mg NfsornlljuI*. oT. Yo u'h'l^aUnvire GREENBACKS 13'IL ■ EASILY MAO no HARD VV(pKW. "•A cr «*• _ 'J&vszxASs Atlantic M/g, Co, 00 Uvuil'iiit'Ml. N. nuk sorer 10) AGENTS. ififfiiwij lng Mill msds for ho tels, farms and private ^ residence. Agoodsnpplj jaffiftsassauf* 1 circular and price. Adaress W. R. ANDREWH, Savannah, Oa. Agents wanted. novliw4t A OlNTg, something new. Kgr* cu. A outfit* tree. Write to-day. Empire t Canal street, N, Y, t-ORSEE A McMAWN, Cli 20 DOLLAR WILL BUY TnB TAVO CINCEI w-5Tvrnrl SEWING MACHIA Equal Lithe odm wM*m for §40 » bgfore fntymtrm.4 it atkM.' noydlrerifnmitheMju CO-OPtRATWE IEW1NQ MACHINE CO.PhHsdq.Pl “-roe BEST 10 CHEAPB8T i THRESHERS IMS FREE Silks for Patchworj