Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, December 19, 1884, Image 5

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TnE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. 188*. That Awful Boy. Independent. wHHe had often stood by the win- J^radPwatched the robbini feed their raffi d u you know our hired girl eats ’^.Willle.of «^'V'y , erf1? < feidln- .I? ”hind the kitchen door this mornln'. A Bad Mlature. Burlington Free Preu. „„„. o.i,ine in the Minnesota • Am r«enTlT end booked a largewall- He began to play him, when *7 e « P h k mnnincunderthe boat,eapelied thefisb.runmnBU putting on the tt. go* i„*! ,tKr"ed for New Orleans, man ‘^ilThe'dangcr of going B.hlpg In ? S f.?e wbe e «he“llrky IV stronger tS.n ?i.^ t ?*racitY of the Inhabitants. Silver and Oold In the Arts. The Hour. noe ol the hardest things to find out in .1 Lii md silver discussion is the the gold and S ^ >rtJ and manu r ac . f^™ l)uri'ig P thi« year the directors of hi mint have sent thousands of circular K to persons known to be engaged in Iet « Oyer 5.000 replies show that 5°- C il?rms had Y uwd during the fiscal year Seized in June the total of »14 500.000 fr lh and is,500,000 in silver. A n annual ^ .'ntion of over 420,000.(00 worth of Z S'u.metala i, thus indicated. He Drew the Line. Glen's Falls Times, m, following story is told of Congress- T,,In Burleigh, of Kensseiear and Wasb- mrton counties. When he first appeared it Washington, m converselion with a brother Congressman one day. he said: Si Mrticular friend of mine at home told ™.Se leaving that after arriving here Stre would he two important things for “! to attend to. One was to stop swear- Sr and the other to appear iu a swallow; tifl'coal. Well, I have stopped aw remarked Burleigh, "but I r ll be i g?we.7 . swallow-tailed coat," Mrs. Lockwooa’a Tricycle In Collision, Washington Star. Krs. Belvn Lockwood called upon the 0 lent this morning. While she made bKvi.it sbsI left her althful tricycle eland ing in the driveway in front of the White House A coupe suddenly turned the cor- ner“snd before tbe hone conld be checked the whie s of the carriage became badly tangled in the tricycle. Fortunately the hone was easy to manage, and the tricy cle was rescued with but little damage. It wss a narrow escape, and hereafter the woman’s candidate will leave her propel ling machine aronnd the corner when she vidts the Executive Mansion. What a Cowl Boston Post The followirg is vouched for by a brother editor, and notwitlisianding his general rsputation for veracity is. without doubt, true. An elderly and well-known gentle man ol Boston, who. while lie likes to sit at the eott'dvial board, will not touch any- thing spiritnoos, devoting all hit attention to tbs lacteal fluid, was Invited oat a feW nigbti ago by a party of chuice spirits. A bugs milk punch had. however, been pre pared for him, and when be was naked what beverage he would prefer, hi* reply wss as usual: "Well, I gueii i’ll take a little milk.” The punch was brought, and ’ all eyes were turned toward him to note the eflect. Raising the glass be took a alp, and then another; at the third, however, he drained the tumbler, smacked hie lips, and looking loving at the empty glass, observed: “Greet Cusar! whataeow!" Let us Drop the Trumpet. , New York Tribune. The use ot the speaking trumpets at fires was abandoned soon after the volunteer department went out of existence. When every alarm called out from a dozen to twenty companies and large crowds of rival firemen tilled a street in front of a burning bnllaing there wa, so much noise and the confusion was so great that the com mending officers conld not make them- selves heard without the aid of trumpets. The sound of the trumpets added to the display and excitement and in a fight be tween rirsi companies the trumpets were effective weapons. Strict discipline in the present department baa made the speak ing trumpet useless. Now trumpets are used only et parades aa symbola of au thority. Free Trada Wreckers. New Orleans Picayune. With everything In favor of the Democ racy and apparently nothing to interrupt the current of smooth success which has been running more rapidly every year since 1880, with the governors of twenty- ttve States and the legislatures of twenty- two, witli almost 200 representatives In the popular branch of the Congress. the Dem ocratic party entered the year 1884 under the happiest auspieea. The raah ebulli tion, of the free traders in Congresa turned the tide in five months so com pletely that almost every hope of electing a Democratic Fresident had vanlahed when the national conventions met. It was only the wisdom of the national Dem- ocracr in checking the drift of the party’s reputation, in hatting the party’s foolish leaders and in glv’ng plain pledges to the laboring people regarding the party’s pur poses and future legislative conduct which saved the candidate, from the greatest wreck ot our electoral history, and enabled them to barely squeeze into the exccntiye department by a popular plurality of about 75,000in an a,(legate ol a little leas than 10,000,000 votes, A Moat Embarrassing Question. Evansville Argus. Mr. Wllberforee is not a bad man in his way, bat be wa, sorely pnt out the other Catting the Paper Out. New York Sun. "I have got to have half a column more of editorial matter,” said the foreman of a country weekly to the editor, "and I’ve got to have It quick.” "And I haven't an idea in my head!” groaned the editor. "Just put in last week's editorial on the tariff and mark it 'Republished by request'" The Texan's Sacrifice. Teeaa Siftings. A Texts cattls man married a refined yonng lady belonging to the best society of Dallas. A friend meeting him shortly af ter hi, marriage congratulated him on bit bappr fortune. "It’, all right, but I had to make sacrifices,” replied tbe newly. Bucklen’s Arnica Snivel Tbe best sal re In tbe world for cuts, braises, sore, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ebilblalna, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cares piles, or no pay required It la guaranteed to give per fect sat stactlon, or motley refunded. Price 25 centa per box. For sale by Lamar, Ran kin A Lamar. made husband, shaking his head. "What U ,„. r r„Vmu «mnrerilntv sacrifice,!” “I hare had to give up go- > age for my amusement. Tho Latest Disease. 8pringfield Colon. A new disease called bundle paralysis has. broken out and is expected to become virulent just before Christmas. It attacks a business man whose wile has been dowr town shopping and has ordered the pur chases left at hia office in the expectation that he will bring them home at night. A word to the wives la sufficient. A Washerwoman's Scorn- Cologne Zettuug. Actress (to watherwoman who has brought her bill— 1 "How can you be so im pertinent as to dun me in this way?" Washerwoman—''Impertinentl What do you mean ? Who are you, I should like to HARD TIMES NEARLY 0VEB know? If I coose to pay sixpence for a gallery ticket, you hare got to faint on the THE FIELDS ARE WHITE WITH COTTON. NOW IS TUE TIJIE TO SUBSCRIBE Harper’s Weekly AND Harper’s Bazar. when I came borne t Behind tha Scenes. Philadelphia Call. To Protect Cold Coin from Wear. I p| ri t Ballet Girl—Fanny London Truth. Second Ballet Girl-What! dear litUe The Financial Reformer aays that Mr. ? *P T n F ‘vm^remembe'l'how'ie^ Childers is seriously considering the adop- wVhenshemsde herded lion of a patent, intended to protect gold jus wewtre»*hat whenshe_ma(lehcr de- coin from wear. It consists oi a ring of hut. 1 RiX? UD aJd dead steel or bard metal, which is put on the n e ii,?u°««v measies and whoonimr- coin hot, and then contracts round it while Well, ‘V “ SiSS "® cooling, if the calculation be correct that | cough are very dangerous sometimes, the current life of coin would be doubled 1 * „ by the adoption of this device, It ti evident Weather Too Cold, that it oogntto be tried, for. at present, the “Will thii ■♦uft wash? asked a tramp, Mnuual loss on our gold coinage bjr detri- in a dry goods atore. • lion is about £56 000. “No,' 1 said tbe proprietor, angrily; “do Arlurlom harvest la nt Imml, nm* prosperity ulllaoon prevail. TIioiin« nnilaol fauittlesxvtio have bten want* InK l*lnu»a nuil Ormns for uinny long First Ballet Girl—Fanny ElUler is dead, scnrawill UUY mil YE VK. Aullcl. pntlnsr thedeinnnd, we have you expect to get goods that'll wash for Whan ro Drink. I three centa'a yard?” ", ' ", “Well, if you're sure it won't waab, you Bo ton Transcript. can tear me off enough for n shirt. Gra- Among other occasions not already c | 0 „, i” be added, with a shiver, "I don't enumerated when a drink is necessary to I want anything around me that'll wash." one's health and happiness may be men- . ..... — tioned the following: When you have The Ruling passion, heard good news; when you have received .. [wM KrTJ he „ ^ your wife', death, bad news; when voi are in danger of tok* 1 .. . „ ..m a gentleman entering a lg cold from becoming over-heated: ue s 'hen yon feel feverish or feel that you " said Mr Isaacs, wiping away a may [Ml feverish afleror before being ex- ' .\ he *ed tasietening." 1 J posed to the cold; when you bare pur-1 „m,,i * V,. funeral take place to-mor- ebaaed any article of clothing; when you _”} u «• Iuner “ ““ pHrce wmor *9 ■f’end a. wedding, a funeral, «| „ Tl , to-morrow efdernoon. You rant DOUBLED OCR CONTRACTS with MAKERS anti Intd tuna immense stock of no. perb Instrument**from ten isOAillnic Hnbcn, wlilcli we Rlinll otter on our iisimi;* n«jr innlallmeut Term*, To ac commodate those who wlsli to bnj uow«and hold their cotton until later, we make this Special offer to Piano and Organ Buyers. Cath Prices, with Three Months Time. A JOURNAL OF CIVILIZATION AND PICTURE HISTORY OF.OUR O A/N TIMES. Subscription per Year, S4.00. The Twenty-Ninth Voluxk will beflnwlth tbe Number Issued on December 31,188b AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF FASH ION, INSTRUCTION, AND DO*. .>4 MESTIC ECONOMY. Subscription per Year, 84.00. The Eighteenth Volumb will begin with the Number tinted December 19,1881. Did Any One Make Them a Promise- New York Sun. Mr. Horace White, an owner and edit r ot tbe Evening Post, and in that capacity mm •- •—afient iavor j Boston Daily Advertiser a, saying, in reply to the queitlon whether the Independent Repub lics!:, expected office under President Cleveland, that “they know, probably, that d^lred!" h ‘ T# ,ao11 recognitlon “ l “ ey Dce> this mean that Mr. Cleveland baa made them a promise to that effect? Or that any person authorized to epenk for Mr. Cleveland has made «uch a promise? In other words, does Mr. White bear witness to a bargain between the gentle men who managed Mr. Cleveland s can vas, on the oilier? Or does does he merely testify as to hi, own under,tanding of the eircumitanree, proprieties and obligation, of the case? The Paeers Outpnelns the Trotters. Turf, Field and Farm. Whether tbe paco or the trot Is the faster gait hae long been a source for argu ment, but as the years go by and more at tention is paid to the development ot the side-wheeler the opinion be, gained ground that tbe lateral movement is tbe more rapid. This seem* to be borne out by tbe performaucaa ot Minnie R. and Jewett, the former with a trotting record 0(2:18 and tbe latter with one of 2:28^. When eoOTerted from a trotting to a pacing gait tbe former paces in 2:16 and the Tatter 2:11M, both In the Brat year of their con version. Taking the six fastest pacing end trotting records, we find tbe follow ing: Fleets. Trot tecs isSSfgSftid BuSfo 01™:" "litaji jllijir.r.Ranu • Rlchball __.2:ll i 4 2:1:1'?...Maxey Cobb Matite Hunter.......,2:t£. 2:in? „maltal An regale UOTK U:I<K On a general summing up it le ebown tint the pace™ are three seconds ahead. If the tables were carried a little further it would be found that they were atill more in edvance. for, while tbe tlx trotters mentioned ere all that have ever beaten 2:14, Ficn Belle, Gem. Fuller, Rowdy Boy, end Westmont bam al' beaten tln.se fig- urea, making eleven pacers to six trotters tbst have gone tbelr miles better than 2:14. When it ia considered that there are eo few pacers. In comparison with trot ters, the condution ia that tbe pacing gait is faster than tbe trotting gait. morning at breakfaat. He bad lent neighbor most oi his parlor chairs, end when he entered the room he found but one of these ueeful articles of domestic economy left. He immediately called his dmughter, and turning angrily to her, demanded: “You entertained Augustus 8mith for two hours last evening in this room ?” “I did, pa,” confessed tbe maiden, with a blnsh. “And where did he ait?” “On that chair.” “And where did you sit?” "No prevarication. Where did you sit?” •‘I—oh, gracious! I—I sat on the coal' Mr.* *Wilberforce says he doubts the statement; but where could tbe poor girl hare sat? Hendricks and theOmces. Speech et CrawforderiUe, lad., Tuesday. I am very glad that the election has f ine aa It haa. I mm anre it le not became was on the ticket myeelf. That was an accident. I am glad that Democratic prin ciples once more predominate, and that tbe lawe that are to be enacted are to be construed and administered for the benefit of ail the people and not for tbe few. There ere reforms to be made, men that ere ca pable and honeat will have to be placed in office, and if some who ere not of tbst character shell here to give way for men of this class, they may tbank their own fortunes for It. The men that have inter fered in the politics of tho country, using the officee to defeat the will of the people, must understand that they hevelostthe battle and they must go. Honest men that bare made falthfol public servants, I don't chooae to diatmb them. That ia not necessary. There ere many places that ought to be made vacant to accommodate tbe young Democrats. christening or a horse trot. some fine gioching, Mr. Prospectus. Luting Wasp. G. B. Collins ii editor-in-chief of this piper, end we nave quite a corps of as sistants. The local editor ia bulte an ob servant young man of varied attainments, “I call) and the agricultural editor doesn't know cabinet? 1 kin from e potato bug, but he will “ * v Another Cabinetmaker. Chicago News. Ia Governor Cleveland In?" 'That’s my name, air." I called, air, to see if I might make t a pumpkin irom s potato oug, dui ne win i -Ah, I see. You are one of thoee fel- learn nuring next crop season. Our musi-1 lows who think they weie elected President cal critic runs a genuine Cremona in the at the same time I was. You want to — orchestra at Bowen balf, and our marine make a cabinet auggeatlon, eh ? Well, go editor baa nacowon the ban Marcos rivrr. ahead.” . , V1 . TMmVoToa^nL H^W Our dlariugulahed war correspondent, Sir • No, air; I want to make a cabinet ot you. Terms o[ paymenL hhouia Garnet Wolseley, la now in London, while I am a photographer.’’ edit ' ttl—’ oar political editor has gone to interview Mr. Cliveland. We have no religions | An Errand Boy Not aa Fast as Maud 8, —i!or. I Yonkers Statesman. Look here,” exclaimed Crimaonbeak. rushing into his grocer'o in an excited manner: “I ordered fresh egga from you her ami Octoler, last, we will ae'i Pianos and Organa at our Loweit Rock Bottom Cash Prices, requiring only $25 CASH DOWN ON PIANO. $10 CASH DOWN ON AN ORGAN. And allowing three months time on the balance, without Interest or advance In price. themselves nnaSle to complete payment after tbe three months will be given further time. egular Installment _ Installment Terms’ of payment- ild they pay one-naL the amount due at three month*, or make a treated fairly, and charged .prices in accord ance with the time required for the purchase. All purchasers under this special offer are re quired to sign oar usual form of lease con tract, and furnish references as to their re sponsibility. Instruments will be sent on the usual fifteen days trial, whon reference! are given. UFor twenty-eight years Harisr s Weekly has maintained its position as the leading Il lustrated newspaper in America; and its hold upon public esteem and confidence was never stronger than at the present time. It presents week by week, in faithful aud graphic pic tures, noteworthy events of tho day; portraits men of the time;. reproductions of the works of celebrated native and foreign ar tists; cartoons by eminent pictorial satirists; and bumorons illustrations of the ludicrous aspects of social and political life. Every one knows the value of pictures in conveying Immediate, vivid, and permanent impressions. Pictures are a universal lan guage, understood by people of every tongue They supplement and Interpret the words of the poet, the historian, the scientist, the trav eler and the novelist. “A picture paper" ought to come to every house, and It pays to get the best. Besides the pictures, Haspis's Wkbkly is full of good reading. It always contains in stallmenta of one, occasionally two, of the best novels of the day, with fine illustrations! Its short stories are bright and entertaining. Poems, sketches and papers on Important live topics by the most popular writers, and col umn! of humorous and perional paragraphs, make It lntersatlngto everybody. Every one who desires a trustworthy polltl cal guide, an entertaining and Instructive I ca and Europe, flwhile i's superb wood cn- llARPna’s Bazar Is th& only paper in tho world that combines the choicest literatures and the finest art illustrations with Informal lion about the latest fashions, methods of household adornment, aud all the minor use ful arts that are dear to the model house-keep er,laud make home attractive. Haspcb’s Bazar Is acknowledged as an ar biter of taste and fashion. Its weekly illustra tions and descriptions of the newest Paris and New York atyles, with Its useful pattern- sheet supplements and cut patterns, spread the news of the changes ot fashion all over the land, and, by aiding ladles to be their own dress-makers, save many times tho cost of subscription. It also furnishes Information concerning the materials in vogue, with sug gestions at to tha bast methods of making them up at home, and adapting last year's wardrobe to the style of to-day. Its papers on cooking, the management of servants, and house keeping, from the best sources, arc cm cently practical. Its Illustrated articles and designs for household adornment, art needle work, etc, are from the blgb*«t unthorlilcs. Its pithy editorials are marked by good sense and good taste. In literary and artlstto merit, Harncr's Ba zar la unapproached by any Journal ofit* clsas; Us stories, sketches and other articles being furnished by the best writers of Amcrl- Very well known la the description of a,® other morning when I was here, and acaulay as a “book In breechee,” with you lea t me some eggs that tasted like the occasional llasheeof eilence that makes pyramids of Egypt! p t ^ w „ TJTDnEX & BATES’ his conversion perfectly delightful: but •*i i that a fact, Mr. Crimsonbeak? Well, I U U af 1'liJ t* OJA A Ajo leaa w Smith's remark to Rogeri: “I with d 0 you know I wasafraidof that You 1 omiTUCDW MIIQIP H(1USF I could write poetry like you, Btgere; I see. I was away that afternoon and wife OUU I il tin Is lllUOlU nuUOC .J—>4 t-£.„ m~A ! I—La *£. SAVANNAH. OA. family Journal, entirely free fromobjectiona ble features, should subscribe to Harpee'i WEEKLY. (.PRESS NOTICES. For years the Weekly haa enjoyed the dis tinction of being the best Illustrated paper in America, and every successive volume shows new strength and enterprise.—Boston Trans- script Harper's Weekly Is beautifully Illustrated and filled with the choicest matter. In poli tics it la thoroughly independent. It is one of gravlngs are marvels of perfect execution. A host of novelties Is Iu preparation for the new volume. PRESS NOTICES.’ To take it la a matter of economy. Nols iy can afford to be without 11—Chicago Evening Journal. This is certainly the first of American week lies. Its literary features are excellent.—Lou- liea. IU literary leaton UylUe Courier-Journal. . ap by ooi ^ Macaulay among a number of disputants, they were all right when he left here, bat and gag him.’' Bu t to Rogers, Smith I he’s so powerful slow I suppose they himself was as great an offender as Macau changed during his joarney up to your lsy on this point, and one evening, when house." uests were crowded about Siduey, the I canker-poet was heard to growl out: “No- Jutt Before Chrlatmae, body can get a word to when you are here. 1 York Star. lo?d, M « "“-“^itifrrt P chirab” Jug 1 .Youngledle, -ho.bar. qu.rr.led with “one or two Grote. tbe blrtorian, entering the room at a party, having on a rose-colored turban, Sidney suddenly exclaimed: “No— I know tbe meaning ol the word grotesque!" rcAPITAL PRIZE. S75.000.' Tickets onir (3. snare. In Proportion Sh. Preferred Her Own Ragglee. ArgonauL A well-known American lady artist, resident In Rome, relates that, while stand ing one day near the atatnc of tbe Apollo BelTedere, tbe suddenly became aware ol tbe presence of » countrywoman. The new comer, ■ well-to-do-looking American woman, Introduced heraeli as Mra. Hag gle., of Missouri, and then aiked, "I,i this Vibe Apollo Belvedere?" Mil* H. tratlfled to tbe identity of tbe werk, and the tonriat then said: “Considered a great itatae?” The interrogated lady replied that it wa, generally thought to Be one of the meiter- plccea of the world. "Manly beauty, and all that tort of thing?" said the lady from tbe land of the aettlng aun “Y— —- •ponded the now amazed artiat, “1 toL on* of the nobleet representation* of the human frame." “Well," exclaimed Mrs. Haggle, doting her Baedecker, and, with erm, akimbo, taking a jaat end ear nest look at the marble, ‘Tv* teen the Apollo Belvedere end I've seen Reggie,, and glv, me Higgle, Olvlng a Definition of the Bourbon. N,w York Son. A, far a, we can make out from the ■cant data that are now aeeeaaible, every Democrat who doesn't believe competitive examinations or tenure for life to i>* nec- essary to civil servlet reform, is considered A poser. Rev. Ralph Erskine, on a certain occa ... 4 . . . . sion, paid a visit to his brother Ebeneezer, While they are expected to give in re in Abernethy. “0, t mtn !" said the latter. | tarn rings, 4 Jewel tnd greatly The^omen’* worry themselves sick in in Abernethy. “O, man!" said tne latter, tarn rings, jewel cases, toilet s< * but ye come In gude time. I have a diet brass-mounted photograph albums, of examination to-dap. an* ye maun tak* The Sunday schools all show a iLas'I hae matters o' liftman' death to settle increased attendance, at Perth." “With all my heart." quoth The »omen worry themselves •;0J»ira.*faud 8. i ,U n , r^ r T‘i„ Ch * "My th^°ry^a^inenwUUralo'qe^ I notes, me wue oi air. | -j^g joung mentally hop* they won’t teceed in their endeavore. Even bank cashiers and plumbera Anx iously examine their finances to tee if they can stem the holiday*. 8 idety voung men dream of receiving watch pockets, necktie,, •Upper,, and «o forth, from tbelr girl,. at Perth.” "With all my heert," . — . Ralph. “Noo. my billy," eeld Ebeneezer, trying to keep eecret the fact that they are ''ye'll find a' my folk, eA»y to examine but making a dressing-gown, amoking-cap or ane, an' him, I reckon ye had better not hat-mark for some one. meddle wt'. He haa aneoid fashion way I — o' answerin' a question by putting an- The Wise Man and th. Pumpkin, fiber, an’ maybe ne’ll affront ya." "Af-I waiblnfton SpecUL front me I" quoth the Indlgnant^theolo: | ^ Hou>e (nda^ed lD a p i ece o( Not Cxnotlv Murder. Detroit Free Press. “Murder!” This cry iu a wt-:i-k:wwnhotel in Detroit the other nltcrnovm, proceeding from a room on the third floor, caught the ears of Several chambermaids and created instant consternation. “Ob! Heavens!'' It was the voice of a man who shrieked the words from room No. 48, and the chambermaids et once acuta messenger to the office with the liens that murder was being committed. "Don't kill me by Inches!" Three words alarmed others besides the chambermaids, and tire group of three or four presently grew to a dozen. Who orn copied rhe room ? One oi tha chamber- niaide recollected of seeiiu- abeetie-browui man of general i-:mtii-al look, accompa nied by a woman closely veiled, enter No. 40. was be killing her.' "Oh! oh 1 you are killing me!” It was the voice (he men. Th* vetted woman had got hir-- in her posrei, and teemed to be submitting him lo tome sort of torture, ckreral of tiie crowd knocked at the door at once, and one of the cham- berm aids demanded In a faltetto voice that it lie oiiened at once. There w as a ha! ha! La! from the veiled woman, and the man cried out: "What! do you mock at my misery? A clerk came from the office ana d minded admittance In Ibe name of th. .aw.th* continental Congress and » other things, end after tome little the done waa opened and a woman in tbe opening and atkoo what waa wanted. “ What'a going os in thetw—who « being burtT" flhe laughed her ha I hat ha* again, and it wot echoed by the voice of anas behind failed. IV tbiadtfinl the right cne, what .n array of Bourbons are lo be round in iu. Democratic p«riy In feet, Hie Democrata'tre prelty^nuch all Bourbon*, end tbs exception* among them. like Mr. Bayard and Mr. Cleveland, are wry few indeed. This abowe how valiant the Independent* are in instating that tbe Bonrbona must go. It !• equivalent to taking the family that have lived for gene ration in the house, to clear out and hand tbe property orertoalotof new romen who have never before been admitted in- aide of tbe door*. It doe* not aecm proba ble that lb* Democrats will consent to ac cept such an Inrltatlon. No Fr*. Trad* la she South. Philadelphia Time* It Is now more than a month aitc* lh» election of a Democratic President, and leading Statae and infiuealial journals of tbe South have been heard from on tto subject. Two Democratic United States Benatora bev* been elected in tbe South since tbe sucocas of Cleveland. Georgia returned ber most pronounced protection ist, (Senator Brown, to tbe 8enate with but two dissenting vote*; end Alabama re elected Senator Pugh practically without a contest, after his manly declaration in fa vor of Jad.c4ona protection before tbe cmn cuathat nominated him. There wee not a single voice heard in either of th* State* in favor of th* Mon iron-WetUraon theory of of free trade, nor bat there been e single 'expreaslon from any representative'Demo cratic tody in conflict with the distinct attltnd* assumed by Oeorgta end Ala- warnin'; ye bad better no ,*• „,“ lm tlonal cabinet officer to be at tl up." Th* recusant waa one \\ alter Simp lh# Agricultural Department. Tbe dutiea •9“' *5>a ft'tha ol «h* h»«d of this bureau, aa now conati- bare hies of wch ip I'lltwlte cfoin cb--1 tuted, are to look wlae at agricultural ping divlnlt; gravel him a . _ unanswerable question. Accordingly, af ter patting a variety of aim pie preliminary j j7~~ thfIr ' const! tuenU. The average inttrrogatoriea to tne minor clodhoppers, mein wL r 0 f Congress who represents an - w ! L5* * “He d re V ° air "^ssti Mricnltnral district thinks he can gnU his “Walter Htnpeon! Here, itr, tela I . liberal distribution of poor Walter; “are you wan tin me? Atten-1 - ari ^ C n farm assortments which cost li 00 ’ ft ! m il ?/■*t?nf m°T" noting. AconstUnency which esn thus tong Adamstood in a sate of Innoewioe? be bought must ever expect to haves Btfoj.'MSSYflSWiSSn J h o! tile said'the ISS." d ° WD ' | SS"TfrttftZ&gSBSl very men who voted for the bill know this. Hew the Confederate Documei.t* are it | a about time for a Congress ol more Used. j ideas and lee* policy. Wiahlngton Special. M Daring the prerioa, Interview with Pen- _ .,9 '®“ K "? w “ M “? ■tor Vance the mention n! thlv letter-book I Whole wife !» troubled with debility, which wt* captured celled up intereeting nervouaneas, liver complaint or rheu- reminiicencet. mutism? Just tell him it U a pity to -'Hnm. veers ago." said ibe Senalqr, | | e t tbe lady suffer that way, when 'Forney made a bitter attack upon me m j brown's Iron Bitten wi'ti relievo her. by m* r °UMO Federal*«oldl*re*dartng tb* ??"• L- B. Edgerly. Dexter,Me,,..,.: war, at Halifbury. N. C. I was in corre- L 1 " rown The only Illustrated paper of tha day that, in its essential characteristic!!, la recognized as a national paper.—Brooklyn Eagle. Haiprs’i Weiklt is the leading illustrated paper of this country. * * * it is always fresh and lively, and Its Illustrations indicate The ladlM'favorite paper. It Is finely and profusely illustrated, and ts highly attractive In Us literary and artlstto features.—Lulhcraa Obicrrer, Philadelphia. It has brans potent factor of culture lu many households, a teacher of etiquette aa well as of fashion.—New Orleans Tlmea^ Dem ocrat. To dress according to lUr.rsa’a BXzar will be the ambition of tho women of Am .>rtc.i,— Boston Transcript. HAaraa’s Bazar la not only an Authority lit Incomparably ahead of similar publications, tha world of fashion and on matter! relating —Bostou Traveller. the progress and highest advance of the plctc- rial art.—Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, h same are conducted with honesty,fairntaajaa£ in good faith toward all parties, and wee* thorlse the company louse thiacertlflcate.wltL fac similes of our signatures attached, in lti advertisementa." * Oomalsttonen Incorporated in 1M8 for 25 yean by the I*g Ulature lor educational and Charitable pur poses—with a capital ;of 11.000.000—to which s reserve fund of over $866,000 has since beer By an overwhelming popular vote its f ehlso was made a part of the present State i stttutton adopted December 2d. A. D„ 1879. The only lottery ever voted on and endoi by the people ot any state. it never Scales or postpone*. Its Grand single Number Drawings Ut place monthly. A. IN I UK \l»h MY OK Ml -I<\ NKW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. January 13. 18(8, .. I7fith Monthly drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE. 87S.OOO. 1C0.000 Tickets nt Five Dollar# Inor Fraction* in Fifths In Proportion. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE rA008 Confessedly at the head of American illus trated weekly Journals. •Living Church, Chi cago. It Is (he best ot all the illustrated weeklies. —Southern Churchman, Richmond. The ablest and most powerful Illustrated pe riodical published in this country.—Louisville Courier-Journal. It* presence in the household is a never falling delighL—New York Journal of Com mere#. Htarsa's Weekly should be In eYery fami ly throughout the land. A purer, more Inter- 2«« 11 do do ZE^FK'.OOO... | 1.000*1 i nuaeny, JJTAirt, tuc., oa; ■ . all,burg. N.C. I was In rorre-1 :'“ rown , 1 Iron . cu , re 'A. m ,® niw,». at th* tima Forney rlrefi with billty and palpitation of the heart.’ .LaFedcialautboritleelnNewYorkatout Mrs. II. 8. McLaughlin, of Scarbor- the granting of certain additional pilvt- ough, Me., ear* the bitten cured her iegev to Federal prison an in exchange for 0 j debility. XIra. Harding, of Wind- dvilitie, to to extended to LoofederaU ham Cen t„, t h 0 aame Sute, aay« it prUonera. My step taken in thiematter pureJher 0 , aUzinesa In the head. 60 to“w‘«mmulto'j*frR5l^^ftoiholeI it hwcured thouwnd. of other ladle*. IrtUr-took,'and Da. W. F. Ctox'^Milltogevillj., hu of making eacerota from It to vindicate realgned th* presidency o( the Middle myeelf of Forney'• chargee. It wea Georgi* Military end Agricultural College, during the time of the beaoti- and Prof. O. M. Cone elected temporary ful Belknap regime, and when I president. mtol£to examinV to. P toS?itwM*m Tnafriend,el Ur.JamaeA.Findley.of tt rat refused but finally grunted, with the I Oainestille, are talking seriously of con* express nnder*tsn«iin>; that I should not j tejtins the election of Mr. 8am Dunlap mikf aov ooiiee froi th* documentirr for mayor, on toe grounds of forty or fifty volume. y To crown the affair, a man waa illegal voter* having been eait lor that detailed to watch me daring my Invest!- gentleman, gallon, to see that I kept my word. 1 r, higher toned, better illustrated paper . t published in this or any other country. —Boston Commercial BulUtia. An Indisputable fact that Harpes's Wisely and IlARi’KR’fl Monthly are indlapcnsable In •very intelligent and cultard family.—The Journal, Mason City, Ill. to the home, but it also contains in number an abundance of useful an luiucr- tslnlng reeling ot general interest.-O’nerT- With Harper’s Bazar there Is no opportu nity ot instUntlng a comparison with any pub lication ot its klnJ.—Brooklyn Eagle. Bo Intereeting ami useful every women wants to see 1L-N. Y. Star. A necessary companion for all who wish fit keep up with the latest styles. It it also aa artistic Journal of high order.—Worcester Spy. Par excellence the ladles' paperof tho coun try. a mirror of fashion a minuter of comfort and ornament In the family.—1 ho Watchman. It Is supreme la lts department, ami that department Is a very wide one.—Provident Journal, In Its 111 EAR Its literary and artlstto features the Da- Is unquestionably the best Journal of its 1 In tne country.-Saturday Evening ua- sette, Boston. It haa bocomaan establlstud authority with the la-ttra of Amtrics.-N. Y. Ky.-ning Post- HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Year It 001 HARPER'S BAZAR IN 4 001 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE... HARPER'S MAGAZINE. HARPER'S WEEKLY_ HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY (52 Numbers) Per Year 910 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In tho United States and Canada. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lots. When no time Is specified, subscriptions will be begun with the current Number. The last FIyo Annual Volumes of Barfer's Weekly or HAarxaV Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (providing the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. MI^nARPER'S CATALOGUE, comprising the titles of between three or four thousand volumes, will be sent by mail or receipt of Ten Cents. Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. AFYROXlXATlOfl m«*. 9 Approximation Prises of 750 -~. Prises. uawHttt ui... hm .. whm J2I5 i B00 'Application (or ratft [a data should r«maa« onlTtoUMOOceof Ut* company iall.w Or For further lnlormattoa write clearly,glrtnt full addre... postal notes. Kiireii Money Orders, or New York Exchange tn ordi nary letter. Currency by Kxpreu (all rams of 14 and upwarOi at our expense), addressed M. A. OAUPHIN. New Orieane.La*. Of M. A DAOVHIN. 007 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. Make P. O. Money orders payable and ad dress Registered Letters to hiiYefreqaen:ljr applied to the War De- Many Have Reasons for Thankagiving part men t etnc*. ,f continued Senator This year, but none more eo than the for- Vance, “for permlsrioo to have an official tunatr winners in tbe 174th Grand Month- copy made of the volume lo order to use it |y Drawing of the Louisiana Sir*- *“ in '-?al and official transactions In my at New Orleans, on ruesday (all State, bat was refused. In 1870, when Don day), November Uth. Ticket ber •wi s ail this abooMhontod tha clerk, air.” the di murelv replied, “I [.ulling^a porous plaster of! m mriffl Mkkji (wera Wood .Utviibri ' ^ *- T “ w< But while only two BUtee haVe token p-witiro action on th, tariff tone aloe* the November election. Iht leid'ng ioornale of the Sooth have apoken with a toUpese I and deanwea never before exhibited by 1 the j ublic Journals of that "ciUm Wtto tha ainala exceplioa of Mr. Wattenoa’a LaolariUt! Courier-Journal, there baa not bean a single promiaent expreaslon given In the South in favor of th* theory «free trade. The Charleston Xe«, and Caorier «ei tbe ooe other JooroJ of the South| that has token extreme view* ia 5"JTOrt of th* MorrUon-Watterioo theory, but It hta epofcen with wise caution •< nee tbe elec - lion id Cleveland, end Mr. Wattenon U ■Mffy alone in potential toother-1 Him, in preuing the free trade ■gg^our revenue law*. On the other [hendTal' th. widely read and iuiaeniiai Demoeratie journals of th* South, atva tha •xaeptiona noted, hare spoken oat with even greater diatinetneea and ampbaais in favor of judidooe protofllori sine* the •teeton than ever before: and It u now no longer a matter ol doubt that the South '■ wfiTfarnlsh a more united prera ami stotra- ■ mauhip in favor of protection iu future I battles than will th. ilorth^^^H "Jrma'a Broruktml JVoebe**’ act dl- tbe throat of the Louisiana State Lottery ' ‘ways Tnee- No, 6UBt» Cameron waa Srorelary of War. I ran for I drew tha firat capital prise of 175.000 It Governor, end .ome ot the shining ligate I ,u sold in fifths at $1 each—ooe of which of lire Republican party in North Caroline wee held by Frank Crocket, engineer of detailed * reipomlble men to com* to No. 12 enrin*. in the fire department of Washington •» examine this letter-1 Ran Franci-c->. and cu'.lectnl throu ih th* took, in order to ue* the data bank of California—another fifth was held gleaned against me in th* cam- by John M-Moberlev assistant c.ubler <' paJgn. He wrote to the managers. I after- the Mercer National Bank of Darrodatorg, ward ’earned, that nothing could be found Ky.—another by Mr. Tboe. Uulhearn, in tbe volume which could tend to injure I fiqaor dealer. No. 20S)H 'V aihlogton me In th* .lighten degree. Subsequently .ueet. Barton, Mera. and thebal- another emittory. who waa a notorious ancealaawbere. So. 13.0J) drew aecond political rarcal, wal seat to work np Urn capital *25 000: two-fiftoa of which wen matter, and he made numerous small da- held by Lonl, J.Wlid, DonaldaonvfUr. I.a, toched excerpt* from the corrranondence another fifth by M-ator Frank K. Dntfr, which be imagined would be detrimental I an eight-year old son of Sir. Tho*. Djffv, to me. A eeotence hen and a aenience No. 47 Washington etrert, Hartford.Conm. there, with the epecee between filled np another by Mr. R hret R’chter, at No. SH with nnmerouv aura to indicate what was, Cbriatian atreet. Pbiladelphu. Pa. No. leftoot waa the way it waa dona. Thl, so 330, drew the third capital prixe of *10,- fact waa enffirient evidence of bad faith, 00*; sold tho in fifth,, me to D. I.. <)rr. of and Instead of Ih* documentor, data Rtv- Htephenvifle, Trxai, another to My. i... any affrat atainttm*. I marl* political Brotherhood of Mil.sake*. Wie, and the capital out of tt and gain*! numerous balanceehewber*. No*.73.133 and07.135 tmm.- | draw each ana of the fourth capital prion — —— Of *6,000, scattered in fractional parto in Never civ. Ub. He Loula, Mo.: Victoria. Texaa; Ind'“ If yonareanffering with low and de- apotls, lad.; Cincinnati, O. COOK STOVES A T*W A YS SATISFACTORY ALL PURCHASERS CAN BE SUITED jczscrzcmun it Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,Baltimore, Md. AND FOR HAI.B ItY GKO. 8. OBEAB, 110 Charrv Street, jan2Vwl Macon dm. SILVERWARE! Por Hotuehold 0 at, 'ISTHDAY j WEDDING PRESENTS 1 Large stock and Low Prices. £ffip*£cnd tor Catalogue. WILLIAMS & STEVENS leMwly On. T - r"“pJ55BP lUM Bdf(4 inuntt JSt to til appSSinu FREE^^SS» cvdsingit Itcoauiaa iilojuatit.at, prices, deseripUOBS and dtracskmi for panting a! YeCtUble and Mower RKfcUa. Bl LUa, etc. D.M.FERRYACO. Dl J^ ,T (tile wtuT* £*rO «‘!«ertiw -I t.» run. .... jga?a»4S5 inf >r»i til n. a-.’ Ut,«»«■ tln^tLaSCvtCBictifo, 111. Queen Souti. w rcr.T-A r.rx FARM MIL S 7«r Strek IV4 or Mctt tag . k amilj iO.CC O T2.7 \JSX. W r.t* f,r I'uapbUV Empeca & Osut Ok buvCUi .* USlIACB MuxOa. CINCINNATI, ft C ufThiiOuti^w^ '• i.'.v-.w.h? 1 !? MOI,n UrtlltocALtill, a I u ! J i, ~WUU. ic.vi'art GREENBACKSr ■T^WgMEASILY MADE preued eplriu, low of apprtito, general debility, dhmrdered blood, waak canvtltn. or any itleaaa, ol n bllioua | g L Counterfeiter,. e .. ^, — -t *.. th* xravl blood porUUr, it le eah natura, by all mean, procure a bottle of monvxieomvelr counterfeited and imtti Rlectric Bitten. Yon will be tarprirad to tbeu any other medicine known. - ••• roveraeat that will fol-1eofllctentevidvae* that illa.aq. tee the rapid Improvement that tow; yon will toTtoepired with r atrtpgthand activity will return: I nilir/II Bend elx cealaforpoctace a weSZ Furtoaea await tbe workers rbnlrisli i.re. At ence address Tac* A Co„ Augusta, Malme. rlbt away than anything else* “ •‘•- workers rt NOTICE. All persons baring demands against the es tate ol Charles A. Beasley* late of Bibb conn- 3 r, Ga., deceaseil. are hereby notified to ren- er in tbelr demands to the un leriigned, ac. cording to law; and all persons indebted to Id estate are required to make^Immediate Atorof Cha aber 1st. 1884. JU HT READY. STANDARD BlOSRPBlEi BLAINE nnd LOCAN. 712 Royal octavo pages; f tlons. TiLOr RICKS. ml' Illustration. B»at T*rmi Ever OfTer«d to Age-tts. i i y.. -• t l u.I. i i. • -:it r.viD. Address U. 8. GOODSFKBD A CO.. octtwly New York sad Chicago. WAHTPD Ladles and gwllfisen In *» Ad A Eli town or eountry.ej-:* « no objection, can hare steady week “* NO HARO WOHK. » : 4. ,; ,.r * NASirUl If MUSSA^J 50 A. Yfe. AGENTS Reflecting Safety nulieovcr lOOg c*t.t m I ling m ICO Kill VATS FORSCt 4 tfcMAKIN, Cloitaud, * 20 DOLLARS WILL BUY TH* FATOBITK mm \ CSNTS • • S-nx n-.* t-«r- -i :\ •» -• + w r.’.c to <1*7 I.a;