Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, December 26, 1884, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and Messenger BT1BUSB© 1826 M ACO>>V RID AY. DECEMBER 26, 1884. VOLUME LEX-NO. 4. NEWS IN THE STATES. ..^^M. LE,HAW6ST - °:.rT , ,Vn.7.r«t.am.,8unK ..Fatal Acoldanta. [tn* »s*rnn> to THI ASSOCUTID HIM.] T1 . Tt „z, Da*- December 21.—A spy has ’. l iremW.lmot. ne says a conlereacc of «"' rf 'Ll ui.il titty men «u being held In a l‘ i a "ffl«.I IVli»o«. The chairman,»tand- SUmp o'f* ■“>>'“ “** Snail.™ bad been te'cgraphed for and if RSotmcelred by Sunday morning he *i. would be blown open, and naked toe ST ••" bat 'hall we do If the book. ’ ,i„ the sate?'’ A motion wai -node Sarrled.amblcheeraandhowla, to go to Sm .ndi.ck and bum every bulldl-g Hd bug every man found. AU the men at £ S»* «™ * rmed Wlth WU,Chc ‘ ,tr " *°n 'the receipt Of this newe tho Traverse -or n ^ h,Mr t r, && asMysa '.‘“S uleMincs are being barricaded and tairearemnuera out all over toe county tor InJm.n. Tho force lu Traverae at pres- •’“■‘“ V.V mall for auch anemeracncy. but »<L'.’IontheTroundMC well.rmedand w 11 ‘ffiXit? fight All the weak-kneed Sfre betDMked to leave the town. None deleft. Men from the norttaeMtern part of ISJlinntr are comlne to the rescue, but may S«uw?ta tSSf Oor. Pierce will have SSira bere by to morrow evening, but tttey Saomybe too late. The omceraherc are JSS and make the moat of their clrcuui- ’oov'Herce baa tc.egraphedthe sheriff to Juven man In the county to hla aaalitancc and to note every one who refused. Ex lie- ientruna high. The county records have keen Orated, and no ono except the reglater of deeda knows where. THE SllkRON-UlLL SUIT. The Caae Decided In Favor of tho Pla'n- ttff-an appeal gipectoo. inuoturuiD to tb* associated press. Saj Fsancisco, December 21.—The cele brated Sharon divorce suit has been de cided in favor of the plaintiff. Tbe tnit, nt brought by tbe plaintiff, Mias Sarah At than Hill, claiming to be the wife of es- Senator Sharon, was for divorce and divU ion of the community property. Judge Sullirin'a decision Is very comprehensive, containing twenty-six hundred wot dr. After reviewing the testimony, bs concludes by declaring that under tho laws ot California the plaintiff la the legal wife of Snaron, and. as such, on the ground of wilful desertion, is eDtill.ll to divorce and a division of the common property. Tho letter is estimated to be worth 110.000.000. Tho verdict is a great surprise to the pnblio. It having been gen erally supposed from the contradictory character of the testimony that the plain tiff would be non-suited. It is believed that Mr. Sharon will appeal. Sax Fsaxctaco, December 24.-—W. H, Bunn, leading connsel for Senator S!ia ton, says of Judge Sullivan's decision: "It is an entire surprise to the profession, both as to law and facts. Tbe Judgment, if it stand-, will not bea serious pecuniary injure to Mr. Sharon. I don't think he has 11,000,000 ot property whloh could bt made subject to thedcclslou. Mr. Sba ron is greatly annoyed by tbe present drei Inn. but has not tbs slightest idea ol submit don. and of cjnrac will appeal, and wears confident of reverting tbe decis ion Tee suit brongbt by Mr. Sharon in tbe Ur.ited Mates Circuit Court to bare tbe marrisgs contract declared Invalid will be proiecuted." SOUTHERN TELEGRAPH COMPANV. Th't -piilr.tvient of n gee, . 1 oStpun t ew Till Tywgbiu' (mioaArngn to tbx associated Patna. I Baliiuori, December 21.—The btarlng is the cast of General Mabone and others venut the Southern Telegraph Company, for lbs appointment of a receiver, was continued to day in Ibo United 8tatcs Cir cuit Court before* Judges Bond and Hughes, s itlrg as for tbe eastern district °* Virginia. Tbs cass wss argued at Norfolk lut weak. Altar briaf statements by comp el to-day, Mr, Thomas, represent- lag the Uteenvilla, Va., Land and Lumber (Nmptny, nominated Bobt. T. K. Bayns, Ofp 0 ;Umouth, Va., aa receiver. Johns. Wise, nVf tenting General Mabone, op pose the U(1 .■'dnatlon of Bayns and n ini- tatted the prci"* 0 * temporary receiver, the CniteJ r 8iatt-» of Vir ginia. General Bra^ T : l , ,ol ' n * on ; representing the Banks.’* *"? Marchauts’ Telegraph Company, rajmed I># Haven, of New York, 'Vm. W. Barfs, ot I'hlbsdelphi* Jm'*** «"*•»* sail it was important to preset ffe the to- terms ol the corporation, and the? toe in terests o! til parties were identical; that tbe court wav of tbe opinion that on« re cefver ought ute onruwntod. and not two, sod all the pirtiea should agree on im»i ooe. The court would give them usstil nest Tuesday to name the receiver, and if they did hot agree by that time the court will appoint. ______ THt COTTON EXPOSITION. AN ANTI-MORMON MEETINC. A Meeting In Chicago to Innugurnte a Crusnda Against wcligamr. iTSLEQEArHXD vo vug AseocuvvD press.] CmcAoo, December 24.—At a largely attendedjanti-Mormyn meeting here last evening resolution! were unanimously adopted expressing sympathy with tbe Gentiles ot Utah In tbelr straggle to estab lish American civilization, condemning the apparent indifference of Congress to the evils of polygamy, catling upon the Illinois Senators and ltepresentatlvcs to support ihe Callous snli.polvganiy bill, which provlddl tor tbe legislative govern ment of Utah by a comniiraio: to be appointed by the Presi dent, urging the citizens of other States to co-operate in tbe work of forming a strong public opinion against Mormonlsm ana patting ii down, and pledging tbe signers o( the resolution “to keep up tbe agttstlon of this question through tbe pulpit, pisiform and press and In erery way in which a wholesome public opinion can be created, until polygamous Mormonlsnt, a relic ot barbarism, a twin to slavery and like slavery, is smitten to death und buried forever." ARCTIC C0b?' MOUNTAINS CF SNOW IN THE WESTERN RECIONB. Railroad Trafflo Suspended and Several Lines Abandoned for tha Winter— The Meroury 40 Degrees Be low Zero-High Winds. THE FIRE RECORD. The Matonlo Temple In Cincinnati, With Ita Valuable Contents, Greatly Damaged. iTaLxoaArnin to thi associated yazsz.j Cincinnati, O, December 24.—A Are started this morning In the cellar of J.IL Mills & Co.'s stationary and mercantile printing establishment, situated on Wal nut street, above Third, In tbe northwest corner of Masonic Temple, it extended rapidly into other portions ot the temple, which is a large building, fronting on Third street and extending to the al'ey midway between Walnut and Main streets. The first portion ot Ihe temple to burn In cluded much valuable scenery, an organ, and olher property belonging to the Scot tish Rite fraternity, and known to be the most complete in tbe West. It was large ly the result of the lifelong labors of Knocli f. Carson, who has devoted much time and study, as well as money, to making this cathedral the most complete of its kind. The loss of the Masonic fraternity will be heavy. Mills & Co.'s establishment is necessarily a total loss, as water de stroyed what was left by the tire. The to tal loss will reach above $100,010. Two firemen were sererely Injured by falling walls. By 11 o'clock tbe fire was fully nnder control and was confined to the Masonic Temple and mainly to its northern half, Ihe building being divided by a wide hall running east to west. It was built at a cost of about 1201.000. It waa insured for $125,000, much more than enough to cover the loss on Hie building. The principal item of loss is thst ot tbe Scottish Kite. whose property was on third and four tit fionrs. In tbe por tion of tbe building damaged by tho tire was Enoch T. Carson’s Masonic library, worth $10,000, and containing many works Impossible to replace. The library was totally destroyed, and waa un insured. It will be regretted by Carson, as well as by alt Masons who knew its character and value. The lossea to other lodges were not so heavy, at much prop erty was carried out J. K. Mills it Co., in whose establish ment tbe lire started,'-aunot estimate their loss,but as their printing house, which was separate from their other premises, it not burned, It is thought that $30,000 will cov er their Ion*. The total lots on the struct ure D estimated at $00,000: insurance $10,- 0 0 The loss to the Scottish Rite it $75,000, to J. R. Mills A Co.' *30.000 and to obers smarm. The 8coliih Kite insurance la $18,- OtO. The insurance office and banka on Third street removed their property, fear ing its destruction, bat they escaped with a wetting. IS BEN BUTLER HARD UP? Hla Loaeaa In tha Lata Campaign Compel Hlmtd*'\. act cfe two .Nonane, Wasiiinutoz, Decamber 21.—The Capi tal today says: "Itteems tlmoat incred ible that Ben Butler is herd up, bat iucb it believed by many people to be tbe facL Tbe recant transaction by which bo placed a $00,000 mortgage on two of his Capitol Hill nontea was quite astonishing to a multi tude of people. It has been believed that Butler was always ableto draw his check (or at least $100,000 Ha has been reputed to earn that amount by hla law pra.Uoe every year, and fifteen years ago ha wav worth more than $1,000,000. "The common explanation of Butler's financial condition It thst he hat spent a great deal non money In politics this year than he • an Immediately command; that he bad no property that ba wished to tell, or conld not sell axcett at a great a scrifica, and therefore .was compell-d to mortgage hla homes. Tha money was raised by Mr. Cassell In Philadelphia It it said that the General has apant o. er $200.0 0 in politics this year. Mott ot ibis anm would have baen rtimbuited by tha Republicans If Mr. Blaine bad been elected, and it wav a part of tbe agree ment that Butter should have a cabinet poeitlon In that cate. Wbat a lot of nice little plans were spoiled on lbs Mill day of last November! "It it said that Butler borrowed la all through Cassell $100,000. Thirty thousand, dollars wu iuoned io iiiul fsr use <" to.« eampatgn in which ha was defeats* f 0 , Governor of Massachusetts. Seventy t52 a ?* n -dollars w»» botTOW«to In 8eptera- “** iast He gave bit note for $10,000 nay able In February next and a mortgage on the two houses for Ilia balance. TKLEORAPH1D TO THI ASSOCIATKD rSEM.) Chicago, December 29.—Tho weather con- tlnues very cold but the signal service reports show It has moderated somewhat throughout t&e Northwest. The temperature here at 6 o'clock this morning was four degrees below sero; st St. Paul twelve degree below, at Fargo twenty-five below, at Omaha seven below, and a*. Dubuque eight below. A snow itorm pre vailed on Sunday night and yesterday throughout the prairie flection of tho West and Northwest, and the thermometer ranged from sero to forty degrees below, with heavj snow, over a great part of that territory. Sheboygan, Mich., tbo snow Is two feet deep and the country roads Impassable. From Du buque the news comes thst heavy tuAws and winds have partially blockaded the northern branch of tho Illinois Central railroad. A dis patch from Denver repo ts the San Juan branch aad the Utah line of the Denver and Elo Graude rood now Impassable—the 8sn Juan line In the vicinity of Soltec Gorge, and tbe Utah at Marshall Pass, where live engines have been battling with tho heavy drifts forty hours without making any headway. In the vtclnltv of Durango mild westber is reported, ana the snow tbeie fs rapidly melting, but the only rail outlet Is over the Coutjos range at an altitude of nearly 10,000 feet and with an Arctic temperature. There are rumors current thst the company will abandon that part of the line this winter, asi the efforts last season to keep It open cost them many hundreds of thousands. This will leave the people of the 8onthwe»t with a trail lacrosstbe country to Gallup Station on the Atlantic aud l'acitlc road as their only xuesns of communication. Leadvlllo reports »now three feet deep! level, but It Is drifting bsdly under a fierce [ ■ale Ore hauling Is suspended and even foo* ocoinotion Is excessively difllcalt. Drifts of leu fen feet deep are plied up, l and commerce Is practically suspended. The South Park road hss sent no |tra(n out from ta dville to day. and it is stated its high line has been abandoned for the sea-! son. Its passcugern for Lcadville will take the Klo G nude at Huena Vista The branches of the Denver and Klo Grande from l-eadnlle. known an the Kaglc Pas* and Blue Elver lines, are burled In impenetrable drifts, and no ef forts arc being made wnlte the snow is drift ing to get them open. All tbe energies of the company are concentrated on their Leadville line and the route to Utah, with but little hope of accomplishing much as long as tho fierce winds In those altitudes keep tbe snow in mo* tlon. At Lesdville many weakly-constructed cabins have been crushed In on the occu pant*. Up Clear Creek canyon It bos snowed steadily for three days, and it is still falling mountain passes are Impenetrable, and it would be certain death to attempt to get through. rentage are school-teachers. . Pnparatlbns for their reception are already .being completed, the accommodation bureau having secured rooms for those who communicate with its officials on arriving. The excursion ists are booked to return within fifteen days, tbe limit of their tickets. Though rather far to look in the future, preparations for the Mardl Gras reception to visitors have already been Inaugurated, and it is confidently auerted by the accommoda tion bureau that tho regular tribute of 100,000 visitors will hardly inconvenience them. An Vx-Confedernte Officer Suicides. Baltimore, December 23—The steamer Avalon, at this port this morning from Great Wicomico river, va., brings news of tbe sui cide of George Walker, a prominent lay yer at HeathvUle, Northumberland county, Va, Sat urday last. Tbe decease d served In tbe Con federate army, when he lost a leg, from which he has suffered severely slnee. FROM ATLANTA. Bloody Work of a Cotton Comprosa— Job for the Coroner—The First Mur- der*-Plonennt Reminiscences of an Old Inhabitant—Lsr- itlatlve Remnants* AlUKU, December m.—A report gained circulation on tho street this morning that there had been an accident at the Bell street cotton compress resulting fn the Instant death of three men and the serious wounding of as many more. Your correspondent consequent ly hurried to the scent of carnage to find the report had greatly exaggerated the facts. There had been an accident about 10 o'clock, in which one negro was killed and another was seriously wounded. The two men were working at tbe compress, one at each end of the bale, engaged in sewing the bags. With out any warning tho huge wedge, Iron casting weighing 10,000 pounds, which works back aud forth over the paton, to regulate tho pressure as required, gave way and shot out one side, gracing the head of one of the negroer, who crouched down in time to prevent the mauulacturoof human jelly by the “instantaneous process.'’ Kemarkable to *ay, the negro on tliu other side, Abe Thomas, was klllc). According to the physicians, who wero called In at one* 1 , there was no apparent Injury on hla body, but tbe Indications were RAIuROaO ACCIDENT. A Train dumps the Track when Running Fo»ty Milas an Hour. [TlLXOlArntD TO THE ASSOCIATED NIESS ] ■Chicago, December 23. -A bod accident oc curred on tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad yesterday morning about 100 miles east of Chicago. By some lucky chance no serious Injury was suffered by any of the passenger*/ but all received a shaking up that none will Isoon forget. At 6:45 a. in., when the fast train| of the Baltimore sad Ohio road, which Is due at Chicago at 9:20 a. m., had just passed Bre men, Ind., it struck a spread frog The train was making up time and was I running at the rate of 40 miles an hoar. The engine, baggage car, smoker and one coach paased lfi safety, but the dining car, which came next, jumped the track and two sleeping cars m the rear went crashing on top of It In the sleeper were sixteen passengers, but no one was In the dining car rxcept tha cooks and waiters. The latter car was turned complete ly over, and catching lira scq» bnined up. The sleepers wer^eftaply thrown oa a»«tr side and did not take fire. Tbir were both bedly ■pattered, however. Of the people Injured those most seriously hurt were the rooks, who 'were not only bruited but also burned and bt*. sides scalded with wster from thecjsrboller. The negro waiters were badly bruised and burned. The others Injured were pesMLgcrs In the altering cars and their harm Were lu no cate dangerous, although t Bom ® them were painful. .The list of In jured Is: Kdward McCabe, cook, badly burned and scalded-may die; Joe Fiats, cook, burned .arm broken and seal «el-wld recover: Kdward Gray, netro waiter, burned and scalp wound; Robert McNauguton, negro waiter, I burned sod badly shaken up; Congressman B. T. Hhtrely. South Bend, Ind.. brul*ed about tho tilings; JJJrsm Y. Smith, DcsMoInes,Iowa, legs and feet cut aud lacerated; lion. O. S. Gifford, Canton, Dakota, injured abcut the shoulder; Frederick A. Wheeler, Baltimore, cut about the .face; Mrs. Frtdrric-k Wheeler. Baltimore, cut about the bead;»!. 8. Haller, Chleaso,badly bruised; J.W. Mills and wile. Chicago, both % bad hr shaken up and slightly bruised; R. W. Nel son. Ro ckford, Ills., scalp wound; J.C. Mo- mere, Fierce, Dakota, scalp wound: Daly, steward of the dining car, scalp woand. Con older!ng the speed at which the train was go ing when It Jumped the track tbe only wonder Is Lust there were n<** t number titled oq». tight. A TWO-DAVS tfORM .. hlch bad evidently been thrown with some vi leuco from the machinery, which probably hit the negro on the breast and crushed lu bis ‘ mgs in such a way that strangulation en- led Mr. George Parrott, the manner, stated that this was the first serious sccldcni that had harpened thera In compressing over a half million ba es of cotton. Tbe damage to tbe machinery la terious, and will probably cause a suspension of work for several weeks. THE KlItST MtTBDEK. Elding out on aDccUur street car to look up tbe accldeut just mentioned, a hearty old gentleman sitting opposite me, who bore him- seif with the dignity and decision of one of the oldest inhabitants, suddenly pointed to a telegraph pole at the corner of the Air-Line depot and said solemnW: “Tho li st murder ever commuted In Atlanta occurred right there. It grew out of the heated Taylor-Coss P/csldcntlai campaign. The klllina was done pn the day of the election. A party had been over to Deratur to vote, and. return ing, $ topped at that corner, cr. aincnted then by a grocery. A Taylor man and a Casa man became Involved In a controversy over their chiefs, when the Taylor taan, one McDonald, stabbed the other with a knife, killing him al most instantly. McDonald waa given four J cnrs In tho penitentiary. Tbe next man llied was Dan llllbtirn, father of Coroner Hllbarn.’’ The rain poured dbwn on tho car, and the few passengers drew nearer aud listened with profound interest. The old gentleman warmed up to his narrative and recount me 1 murder after murder which folloircd, until your cor respondent reached his destination aud had to jump tbe car. Tho last statement made by tbe old luhabitant was his firm belief that there had been at least SCO mttrdr rs committed in this vicinity. If 1 cbauce upon him again It may bo interesting to take down more of the bloody history. * LEGISLATIVE KENNAMTS. Tho committee on enrollments, tho secre tary of the Senate, clerk of the House and their assistants, are holding over at the Capi tol under a resolution of Saturday, finishing their work, preparing tbe last batch of bills for tbe Governor’s slgnainre. They will prof ab’y be detained there till Wednesday night. There are quite a number of bills yet to bo signed by tho Governor, some of them of eon- ■Mcrable Importance. A PERILOUS RIDE. An Old Man's Unsuccessful Trial of a New Flying Machine. HtBTFOtD, December 20.-/eph»niah Phelps i, a man seventy-five yean of age andia regarJedby tbe fair of hie neigh- bora who know him aa a crank. Pbelpa lives fn an old bat In the woodz near Avon, and baa for yeare devoted all biz attention to mechanics! Invention,. He ha, two pet bobble,, perpetual motion and an aerial navigating cralt. Incidentally he baa de' vised several machines which In no caw have been patented. Many years ago be applied (or a patent but (ailed to obtain it and, ditguited with ihe whole eyitem, be made no (ubeequent attempt, to zecore legal protection tor bie inventions Tbe model, were thrown tilde aud In many cazee bnrncd by their eccentric inventor, l'kelpalia distant relative ol Congrew- man Pbelpa, of New Jcraey. The whole region In which he lives thronged with people of bit name, but Xephinlahbeloogi to a branch now almoit extinct. He mar ried early in life, but for years haa been n widower. One daughter was tbe remit of hla matrimonial venture. She la married and livea aomewbere In the vicinity of West Troy, N. Y. Wadsworth tower i, a tall wooden struc ture over one hundred feet in helghL It ii built on the eummlt of Talcott Moun tains and gives one ol tha fiont views in tbe country. It la fitteen milea from this city and la in summer a favorite reeort of pleasure ecekera. In winter U ii utterly deserted, the keeper, a man named Bart lett, leaving it. breezy and freezing alti tude fur warmer, if more lowly, quarter*. On Friday morning Zephanlah Phelps made bit way to tha top ol the tower. He made several tripe, each lime carrying up pieces of machinery. No one inter fered with him, and about 10 o'clock be had bie latest machine In order and ready for uw. It consisted of a atrong but light gas generator, a combination of cog wheels and pulleys and two light pilch turbine wheels, both arranged at a slight angle to the vertical. The whole contrivance, in cluding two triangular wings, weighed about sixty pounds. CHASED BY A JEALOUS WIFE. any mat Ilian, my hoy. I he great man, —— | with nit weight ol cares anil years, envlra Mrs. Willard Raymond Confronts Her I yooeyarjUme'ha passe* youby;and if you Husband with n Revolver. ! f* D t be a leader, d'uib.( ued, acniatnn ,, long on the second page, you can be > une- Minvoan, Conn., Deeember ».-Eidte- Uilng Just as useful You can be a little ment has been caueed.ln social circlet by paying four line solid nonpareil "ad." on the filing of an application for divorce by <he ln»lde, down under a Picture of f.ydi* Pinkbam, and that will help the msVe-up Mr. Willard^Raymond and the counter- aml fl „ p i ace ln the piper. Be any. •ult by bit wile. Both are well known and thing In tbe world, my boy, that Is alien bolding prominent positions in Bridge-1 and awful. Be anything but a "dead aAV port, nine miles from here. Mrs. Usy- "" mond wai formerly the wife of Henry The Wnsnlnaton Monument. Tomlinson, who was kUlad ln the Ashm- fe^^^^^hrjotot remt- bula railroad accldenL Mr. Tomlinson umc nt lo-dav submitted to Congress a re- waa a man ot extensive property and bush port showing the progress dnring the patt ness interests located In 8L Louis year. The report .hows : Weight ol the iuen?^'dm it km** ?n° society h *both St°at of°wh”h D CongrM« appropriated ? Jt.tio! i^li.£?!n1?rtd«ix»t^foe/reildeneelri Relative to the section to be completed of Hretl* are re i n erblnai nn' was t hr? * see n eT ot lbe monument, tbe engineer in cha. ■> of m“uVb,“ianfS g.’“rir h g,.*8he.S ^^“ue*,"‘J ) . rt "Two^Udr nllilifd'ahicer'audoften aang In'uubHc'for proposed Is to erect a retaining wall of the nVrermma^locaYeharlGea Shn mostbeaullful tuarblo around the terrace, g* mm,^t. 1 nffVr?mln^ lT.»rertl T n4y which arall la to be surmounted with a tenUon* to othfr la . mont $ •reomnan into l * ie surrounding aurfocr; and Iwn nthP*r P,MiVl$■ Leu anti three la- thii l* to be done with ro much aktll as to lwo civo the mound an noDearance as far from nuMid^ suspicions were aroused, ind dMi? and* < cart “t,* SSJZlISl KBSOT*T!£rb5^vfil'b&SS rno'retmin’.&md ahd upon, an appropriation of $612,300 la a«ked i-'* u •5cpUd WO b!i k .' d“!S« m tb* r e€.. T r h n e .i?hcr mmiS,, ° n ia in ,av)r °* Gretman House. Mrs. Raymond was I •“* ,,,,er me,tl <1 - standing on tha piazza. As. Mr. Ray- mond and the merry party dashed up | “ ‘ ' ' u unde: were in condition io start. The old man opened the valves and testing himself in a loop ol ropaanapended uuder the gener ator pushed his machine from the lower. Tiie turbines lowered rapidly and the fly ing machine and He rider moved slowly away. For a moment the machine rose s few fret and then began to drop. I’helpe found bis generator loving power with ev ery becunl and attempted t! discover the cause. By tome mistake be opened the dis charge valve and instantly waa faUlng rap idly, with the turbine! motionless and tue- le-s. The only check on his descent wet the two triangular wing*. These spread our and checked eomewhat tbe descent Still he fell with constantly Increasing velocity and after a descent of several band red feet he struck the trees oo the Simsbury plains below. Uls fall waa broken but nevertheless ht lost his hold on the rope loop and while Ihe machine cangbt in the branches, he fell with terrl- hi- fnree to the ground below, breaking his hip and several ribe. The old man (tinted from the pain and lay unounicious for nearly half an hoar. O Hiring to his ssnies, his groans finally attr.mt-d the attention ol a chance passer by, who came to bis rescue. The old man was n-arly dead from pain and cold and fainted on being removed. He was taken to a neighboring boose, about a milt dis tant, and la now lying in a critical condi tion. Th * Attendance and Ezhlblte itend.ir Ordering. [mzut AraU) jo tui aaaociATSD raise.| S «R Oarises, Dae. 21.-Tb* World's “Position records a steadily in- t-^sasteg attendance. There .were fresh aril valt to-day ol both visitors •nd exhibits. The viMting school teachers came ln to-day .and large numbers were on the ground. Through the agency ot the accommodation bureau, 050 ol them *er« furnished accommodation at rate* considerably lata than they ex- oT'exhlblU, kiexteo mvlved"* IreS installment to-day by a apecfal ateamer. The exhibit* are mainly tropical p.anta Jjfid art spec!mens. For to-morrow (Chrislmaeday) an els u announced, fiwt 11 *—■ — Jfu»ic Hall an<1 pyrotechnic diapUra In the evening. The entire grounds will be •Nominated by electric light*. • AChrlet- m*s tree from Connecticut will be one of me "pedal feature*. Th# Color Line at Mr. Lrnch'a Wedding. Washington. December 21.—The Bee uewepaper, a weekly publleheS here and the organ of tbe colored people, devotee, in lie issue of this morning, a long snide to tbe wedding of ex-Coogreeeman Lynch, which occurred on Thuradey. Lynch la much darker than Ml** Ell* HnmmervUle, bis brids, snd * sisiar of the Utter, who It Inga, officially informed the commissioner* U>»t*11 leaks Intharoofsof tb* govern ment building, so far aa reported, bars •yen repaired, and tb* bnildiog U now thoroughly waterproof. Tbe committee appointed to Arrangement* for a delegation to at- toiu tbe inaumiration ceremonies at toth* board on tha subject of ctoring tha postponed. What tha S us store Sar, Boston, 'f.sta, Dswcihber22.—ThaGlobe to-morru-.'- will publish interviews tele graphed 11 >ni Washington with Senator Lamar,of Mississippi; Senator BuUer, of South Carolina; Senator Jons*, of Flori da, and Senator McPherson, of New Jer sey, relative to tbe question whether or not ihe Bourbons most go to the rear, and whe'her or not the South shall be repre sented in Cleveland'! cabinet. Sen ilor I.tmar would not think it an unbearable loss if no cabinet Officer rhonid be chosen from the Snith. He, in com tnon at sits a nisjoiity of the Southern men, thiuka it ia of tbe first Importance that they should bare the selection to fill Federal officer* in their respective Stales. Senator McFhertou expresses the opin ion that the South would be given lidr recognition. II not. he wss ol ihe opiu- io i that Governor Cleveland would toon find a hornet's nest about his eara. Senatr Jones lays: “I have been in the 8 male nearly ten Jeers, aud my greatest hope during thst time lias been thst we might have a Democratic administration to pul forever at rest this sectional night man. ‘ Ditcussloa of Ihe subject now does nothing but harm, and I will not debate Ihe question whether Cleveland means to „ ■ recognize or ignore what are called the Straws th* Coast with Wrecks (ram Boiirisona. Tbe South It a portion of the not recognize the young wife "bjc.uro ■uu married a nigger. This feeling extended farther into the Summerville family snd was the cause of two zeta of invitations to tbe wedding being issued— one let for the blacker, more numerous and more plebeian element, and the other for the whiter and aristocratic le*. die former attending the brie! and feastleaa afternoon ceremony and the latter the ■wall reception and dinner of Ihe evening. , _ elaborate programme Tha Dea crmciOT Lynch In very harsh consisting of concerts to terms for "drawing tbe color line" snd catering to aristocracy, though the bride groom Is quoted as alleging that he had nothing to do with the invitations. The incident has created quite a row in the bUck district. t Tramps ioaMatf* Chicago, December 24.—A special t) the Dally Newe from Uccoln, HI., s»ys: Last night thirteen tramps elept on top of a boiler at a coal ebaft here. At j o dock this morning one of their numt-er accident ally turned the blowout valve, al owing tb* eteam and hot water from tix boilers to escape. Kieht of the men were se- rerely horned end scalded. It it tbongbt that two of them cannot recover. The men were panlcatricken and found much difficulty to escaping from Ihs building. All of them were badly burned about the face and throaL M it.rlaS for Ratting a Meeting House. Boston Part. The following (ram thi parish records to Halifax to Hattora*. ImaokArusD vo the *«wi*r»s rnsze.’ Washington, Deeember 23.-Thc signal corps station at Cap# Hatleras, uedet date of tbe 224, reports that the harkentlne before re ported off the Big Klnnvkee Ilf* soring su tton proves to be th* Ephraim WUlUms, exp lain Morrison, fiom Savannah to Providence, lumber laden. The vessel encountered a north- week gate on Thursday last, seveaty mites off Hstteras, and became waterlogged. The cap tain trying to beach her. struck on Hatleras Shoals Sunday night and dragged anchor. This morning Keeper Daly and Ihe crew of tho Cape Hatleras life savtng Hatton went to her assistance and rescutd the crew of nine men through a very heary sea and strong northerly current. The captain snd crew had boon leaned In the rigging without food or wa ter ever since the l-til Instant. Washington, December a.-Many wrecks are reported to the storm ot the last two days all along th* Allabtlc coast from Halifax to below Helieras. The schooner Warren Saw- ver with MOO bales cotton, from New Orica-1 For Boston, went ashore on the south Md. .f Nantucket Island. The crew were with dlffl- wrald b" h* life-saying station. Th. English steamer Olivette (a ashore near the east end ot Long Island on the south shore and will prove a tout tons. Everybody wm taken off by the lUesaving new. The bark Chart** Hickman, from Liverpool.for New York, also went ashore on the south side ot Lone Island and went to pieces. Tho crew were all saved by ihe Forgo Elver llle-saverr, excepting one man who waa iwcpt out ol the breechea buoy by the wave*. An unknown rcoiel come ashore bottom upward at Groat Ea*le harbor. An Amwsr wv.t t«il. Can any one bring na a ease ot Hvereomptatot that Electric 11 not cart? W# tty they cannot, aads of cases already permanen anil who art dally rgcomiaodin ■•«*>*, sill more. Bright's tk weaA bo£k. or any Mini Pjaint quick if cored. They pt Mood, tEf-..at# lb" bowet*. 0n4 . ! - T ' .l.i-AM-ii parts. Kre ir:*roaFor aa.*-at ’*» ' rw by I-aruar, Kank.n A I-axnor. THE COTTOM IKROilTIOR. Tha axhlbOoca. kowsttr, are ehaarfuU t las lhaljha UtmUbi ruwaaalty haa ; mas. The sear approach ot tho Chrli $!•• had tu effect fin a ww will be a fieM day, aa l VIQETABLC LUNCHES. United States. Her people are faithful usd law sb’-'.’off citizens, and no aenatble man can doubt that Governor Ctevelend ii aware of that facL H* will do wbat b* believes to be jnet and fair toward th* Sontb, and the Sonth will support hi* ad ministration.” Senator Batter stye: "1 hart the ut most confidence to President Cleveland to give th* Sonth tha political recognition to which aba la aoUtled. Toe South does not demand any thing. The Sonth will maka no Immodest nor Inordinate request The Sonthsm people pey their proportion of the texts anl bear tbelr share of tbe burden! and responsibilities ot th* gov- trnmaat. They would Ilk* their share ot : t< honora and emotumante. I am per fectly contented to let lbe President decMa whatthoaa honora and emoluments shall The dispatch aayi: Th* temper of the Southern men her* Is folly Indicated by the vleir* exprMted by the gentlemen quoted. Nowhere is there a grasping dis position manifested, but they have the ut most confidence thst Governor Cleveland will deal with them at he will deal with the people of any other part of tbe Un- iop." p.onl# Who Eat Fruit hr Wholesale and Make a Dessert on Turnips. at. Paul Day. 'Fruits pretty brisk,” said an np town dealer to g Day reporter. "The fruit crop was good this year, and nothing It lacking. It's odd. but people bay mor* apples than anything else, probably because they art the cheapest Some take lemon* and chew them down without a shiver. They mast tit* them at an antidote to a soar disport- Son, or els* they haven't any liven. II beats all bow many apple* some persona can eat, though. Yon at* Urat pU* of ap ples T I don't know how manv there are, but I've a cnstomrrthat would eat them all at one titling. Yet, is* woull, too, And 111 tell you what he did. “Hecame In onedsy with a friend, aald he conld eat a half bushel of apples and the friend raid 11 be did he'd p>; for ’em Well, be started. I don't know how many he ate, but ha took Use seeds ont at be went along, aiLi when he quit he bad a qnars ui seeds. Fact; ba waa a regular apple fiesd.” "Do you sell many grapes?" "Yes, some people bay nothing alee. Ooaol my customers hoys nothing bat bananas, and 1 fancy th* wears store teeth. Then there are the vegetable fiends. I've a lot ol customers that are wild tor tomatoes, and several that carry celery to tbelr pockets and keep gnawing 1L Bat the latest craze is on turnips." "Yon don't mean to say that anybody eats raw tnrolps, except John T. Raymond, of conns?" “Yes, Indeed. It's nothing to sail a hun dred a day lo alngle customers. They peel and cat them; and thay'ra awaet and Juicy. It'a Jost a* good aa taking a drink. Thm’s a turnip eater now," said tha datlar. aa a 1st man earn* to and asked for a nice, ripe, mellow tnrnlp. An Editor In th* Cabinet. ler her seal-1 Chicago, December U.—^Western papen akin dolman a nickel-plated revolver with generally have regarded es a joke the can- pearl handle, and, pointing It at her hut didacy of Dr. George L Miller, of Omaha, [ l1n ,I for a cabinet petition, but to New York "Now I have got you." Stale many paper* have treated Mri Mil-' ' The lady sitting beside Mr. Raymond let's candidacy In aU seriouraetj, note hly. laughed, and said: "You dare not shoot; ihr lMc. Prea*. tbs Democratic organ of you are too ranch ot a coward." Oneida county, Miller 11 old borne. Miller’* Mr. Raymond, fearing the would fire, intimacy with Mr. Tllden, Got. Seymour utnped out o! the carriage, and springing and other prominent Democrat* ol New o the veranda, telted his wife and harried York 1; said to have given him special her to o Uie hotel. Ooe ot Ihe gentlemen claim* for consideration at the hands of followed and attempted lo pacify her and toe fnoomfog administration. A letter explain mailer*. While he was so doing, ba* been reeelred from Dr. Miller by a Mr. Raymond jumped into hit carriage gentleman ot thie city to which this signifi- •sain wheeled hla horses around, and cant sentence occurs: “Allow me to a l l started for Bridgeport. He had driven as that when I ehall have been frtrl, Installed far as the brow of the hilt descending tu In the cabins t of Got. Clivelatid I hope the Housatonlo rtoer and the Washington von will not hnlUto to accept an torita- bridge, rom# four mile*, when th* p rty tjontomy WashingtonhoepUaUtT." from were attracted by the sound of hnr- tbit It la surmised thst the Omaha states- . rylng horae-stepa behind. Glancing track man has reoeiTed positive notification that they beheld Mrs. Rsymood lath- he will be wanted In Washington for the lug her horse and folio ting nt a breakneck j next four years. pace. The ho.-se was lathered with wt.ltei loam, which fell from hi* shaming flanks a cood Joka on Htndrlcks. aa ha leaped under the fnry of to* relent- IsDIANAroLis, Iso , December Iff.—Mr. lest lash. Mr. Raymond whipped his pair I Hendricks's chronic candidacy for office, and away they went down bill toward Ihe which began at a time when the memory orldge The bridge, which ii a long one, of man runneth not to the contrary, was re-eeboed with tha tonud of tba daablug the source of a good Joke at his expense hoofs. The toll-keeper at Ihsi Stratford 1 the other day. In these latter times bo end hearing th* unusual sounds, rushed Idstts everything from last July and the lUtofhii "keep" and acting whst be great event at Chlcnim. He desired to see thought to be a runaway pair ol hone*, some pa; era to a suit In which he wss an tu-lantly Hang his toll-gate wide open. On attorney, and asked Deputy Courtly Clerk they came. Ur. Raymond lashing nit pair. Joyce to hunt them up. He did not re- and hi* wit# close behind, desperately member the number ot the cue aid Joyce will; ping her horse. asked him when It was filed. ' Jnst ht-Iore Drawing her revolver again she fired I became a candidate,” said toe Vice- four shots In qnlek succession Into the ear-1 Presldentelar L “Well, lam sorry, Mr. rlage retreating betoi a her and tu load of 1 Hendricks,” said Joyce,. “but I can’t ao- occupants. None of tha thote. however, conimojalc yon then. Oor records don't took tiled. The firing Incited Mr. R«y- gobackmfsr." mond to urge bis horses into greater exer tion and the hUl upon the Stratford side ot the river w»s rapidly gained. Mrs. Ray mond's horse waa so blown and need np that the chase waa abandoned end ib* re- South Caroltnlana In Liberia. . Columbia Register. Saul Hfll, colored, want to Libert* ear- ' from York oounty. gunawar Train. Knoxville, Dac. 24,-ThIa morning at 4 o'clock, forty miles north of this dly, on toe Knoxville and Ohio railroad, tb* engine broke loose fnm the southbound freight train. Th* engtoser ran bis engine to Caryvifie, th* nearest station, and wad!*d on the etde-lraek for tb* train to overtake him Alter waiting roma time he started back and met tb* train coming down grade at a fearful rate of *P**d. Ha was unable to revert* 1>U engine and get ont of the war. A ooUiflon occurred, throwing sertrai care from th* track. The engineer's thigh waa i.roken. He zeceircd Internal InjuriJ*. but may raporer. The flremaa was (rightfully Braided, his right leg crushed and ha reoelrad other iijuriea which wifi prffiMtoi^proTS latal. The Order Appearing Out or Chaoa—Th* at tendance Increasing. [TSuauAtrnrn to ttn saaocuno raaze.l New OeiiAXs, December 2l-To day At th* world's exposiUon wa* a repetition ol yester day In point of mtendanc* and generally fa vorable atmospheric conditions. On the —— .— . . ground* the work of Improvement U being ?»»ductoe was doubted uound a ^ttelgreph ptuhsdaa rapUIy A* an am; ol workmen can Pj? ■“’•“’i 0 ' PfSfrx fatauy. proeecoto their labors. Within tha baOdiags to* exhthUora *ro cormtog thojpu* with A Du>n , or lira Oold Coost. gnat rapidity. Everything ha* voulod down tnionryswmsrtegwrarw Whns tha stand- uim aaa g. Harris, a Bntta eoonly anca la seed. Tory UtUe hootnoo* haoboen brtle. wmst forth tbe otoar day and toot way.*$ sale*, dlrart at hy aarajlaa. fire quail at one shot and sptortd four '(pur teat Ion*. young lo advise other people waa ninety-1 ”nrat'uJurictlman (hotly)-I denounce ei-ht Tears old and bad Just begun to the gentleman Irons Fankhollow, air, a* a ^tturtYiadMtVtknow anythto^You g alwaye pay for tha bast advie*. Really | honest Jobber wants "tocomoUva" tnsiead rood ad rice Is never frea. Did you aver of "care" on the signboard because Ule a ask your lawyer a question, myaoo? Audi *®ni« word, sir, and will taka more lam- rf^v^rto&^toli^d A-ndmentlo ! t___ I r ■ he It dead, and this ia a lire world, that Baltimore Dispatch, wants living men. When 1 hear a man Judge H. Kant McCay, ol tha United talking too much about bis ancestor*, 1 Bute* District Court of Atlaot*. Oa.. lay, ‘There ia a man who needs them.’ I whoa* mind has become detangad, arrived have known men who war* vary proud ol In Baltimore Tuesday evening and was ‘ ‘— ‘ ' ■ ■’ ■hlabrotber, tamed to her home ln B-idgeporL eral year* ago froi _ Mr. Raymond Immediately t-ok up bis hat prospered la hi* new home and Is now residence *t toe Sterling Hotel, Bridgeport, the owner of 700 acres inland In tost where he ttol remains. Ha has retained country. Last week hie father to Y'ork Uoodain Stoddmd aa bis attorney In bis oounty recelrrd a sack ot ccflee which had divorce proceedings against his wife, and been shipped from Liberia to him by h!» •he hu retained Senator Robert K De von. Forth*pastflriivearaBaulha-. en forest Her attorney hu already aub|-i - shipping hla an tire coffee crop to a Phils- need th* entire party who accompani-d dalphla firm and it Is pronounced ot good Mr. Raymond, as witnesses, Th* trial I quality. Hit inccem in Liberia 1* exc«>- piomiaes to be one that will excite more (tonal, ba bring ln very good financial dr- totlal Interest than any that has ever oc-1 cumatancea when be leu. A numbtx ot curred within tbe history cl the city oi I other colored men went to Liberia at tha Bridgeport, I same time, bat some of them return-d to ‘•yearorcoafterward u poor u church rule* and thoroughly disgusted with Ihe advice TOVOUNO MEN. new country. What gurdotta Hag to ter to toe Young MgBlc , pBl Jobb . r , E Ib o..a. Philadelphia Call. Robert J. Burdatte. th. lemon. Burilng- ,^ t ^“ntW ,3 ton Hawkey* man, lectured at Hit Yousg] ercsslrg bearing tha words,"Lockout (or Men’s ChrttUan Aeaociatlon HaU 1 “‘| evening. Thera wu gllarg. altendsnca. Lgj^J SSSu Hla subject wu, Advice to Y oang Men. I j m0 Te to amend. The elgn should read. It la mors blessed, tbe lecturer said, to "Look out for the locomotive," sir: for, alva than to recelre advice. The only man sir. while a man I* looking out lor tha J ^er kulwTho frit that he°was Z ■*'^ Washington Casslp. Special to the N. Y. World. Doney Indicated pretty well in * convar- •alien with Bpringor before ha want away In tha spring wbat h* would testify to If ha want on tha stand. It w Ultra remembered that tha post-offica, daring toe lut year of n rule. sent up a deficiency’biU call $2,OOO.aX>. Jo* Blackburn wu chairman of tha sub committee ol tha S ition* committee to which this r estimate was referred. He wu I from the start. The sub-com mittee finally reported ln favor of giving only $1.000,(kJO, but u ia usual in auch caeca th* steal wu fixed up to a conference commlttea so that tha star-routa paopla ~H fill that they wanted. Doney sold »... , „_, , , . ^ i*t there wu • fund of over $100,000 stay here. A young man must do bis puced In an asylum, raised foe the purpose of manipulating bast and hardest work now. When you Congress. This enormous corruption fund can got $50 a line for your poetry, my boy, .. wu raised by assasomsota upon tha star- u Mr. Tunyaoo does, than you can afford I no suopusvou ir. route contractors. Dorsey -aid that ha to write u poor poetry a* Mr. Tenuyaon himself paid $7,UOO u hit share of this does. Wearing aBtarnstdehatdoeta'tgtva § bribery fund. Every dollar of this fund a man a war record. Twenty-eight inches | ba was disbursed. It wu paid to members, ol coat psddad ocroaa tlxtean tnehuof to — r . .. ^ to tha confldeotlal friends of Ssnston, fo shoulders doesn't maka you a gymnasL | “Well. vet. Heard about tha Standard ex-meiuber lobbyists who have tha privl- lekaaof tbe floor, and to tha trlba of petty hangers-on about tbe capttol. To get at th* averaage market rate (or Congressmen I asked Mr. springer to give me toe sum* alleged to bars baen paid to their ancestors, who** ancestors would taken to tbo residence of bis brother, Prof, have beenmoetdtsmally ashamed of them. Cbarlu McCay, on North Charles street W* eara more for tha pedigree of tha bora* Lut night daring 'he u rrible snow storm wa buy than (or that ol tha man who sells tha Judge wu picked up by toe police and him. Altar all, hard work la tha groat se-1 taken to tb* eution house Ha wu found crat of toccata. It accomplishes more sitting in tha bitter cold on the stepi of the than genius. There are wblta crows, but Baltimore *nd Ohio railroad building. It Usay are no more useful than black ooet. ba* baen ascertained tha Judge evaded bis Hard work doesn't kill men. "Fun' watchers and escaped from bom*. He kills man. Tha “good times" tha boy* told hla valuable gohl watch for $1 and hare lay them out Tha bard bought a bottle of whisky. As tha Judge Wall Street Newj. "Is tbar anything new to tha papers?^ . — . _J ukad, u he turned around in hi* east ol coat p add ad Across sixteen Inch** of | to tha pasaaogar who wu readings daily, •bouhteri doesn't maka you a gymnaaL "WeU.ya*. Heard about the SUndard Men do not value a turkey for Its plumage, oil Uompsny'e latest move, haven't youf" Don’t go Into debL If you can't art along “Bought tha Ohio Legislature, eh?" wltbirattuora toanyouhava,doo tborrow; I “Worse than that. •teal. It would not worry you hall sol “Gobbled up toe hull Ohio river?" much, and ii you steal eiwugh you can | -Won* than that.” You don't uy!" drawled the oJ man. lall. I'U ba Mured UI wasn't aavto to not two week*ago members. YVitbout giving any names he ran over tome ol toe alb zed payments. The amounts ranged from $1,0(» to $2,15)0. Two thousand dollar* represented the price of a first-chop member. The firat-cbcp member la g man honeet bacaraaa you bofiera to that mean I niy old woman not rwowwAzofi'j - who hu never barn bought olduylnglhat'hopeatylathabest ioficy.thu must ba cog tooaaeomawharaa fro* bafors. da always eotnea higher. Tha HooretyUn't a policy ,lt’a a prlncl|Je, and ] the way our etura refused aalt ^^to^^bo hu war aoid himsalf to an U^^on e “ ' HUHnnHi cood actor oa Ih* Boston sod shad ageacy of tha lobby la after- in Its power and hu to accept leu Mr. Springer hu In his poaeeea- k» today a list of th* mamtere to whom money Is alleged to hava bam paid for thrtrvotea la passing the deficiency stert. He refoam to give anyone of them name*, utbarawu not- a ilngte witness th*'. be could find who would go oo the eland snd swear to any oo* of to* paywsentt. ft*duo«<I Cabl* R*»!••• Naw Yota. December 2L-TM Direct Cnii-t tttaiaa Gable Company and tha Frenr 1. Cable C-mpany made s reduction of cable rate* this morn.:..- lo Gross! Britain, honest manly orcius* you vara* » wm cabinet ror poy; not 11 youare honest baeausc you "Youdoi are afraid to U o rogue; not If you're 1 “Wall, I’U honest btcaUM you betters In that mean I my old wi ■fi t be honest because your eoul s lie and desprae* a It Waa Harmless- id and Ft - »4W by tha Mac) nates a tie aim ucspiee. * uses* -1 you can't be booeet for th* eaka of the dear white truth btnelf, don't try to be ►oweet- be araoaal: tom's wnat you're to- a ^'^d ^> rtorv of a young er t *0sitmarned, efftte? L»*•»to. a hurry about U. bat ^oojl b# too | gurlog 6iodlf at her. ss-jsxsts^tsriis. g55Sgt.w.J8. J ' nuaMgReSsS ■ , “Well, modem, tost wye wea l du act. Don't repine orer 'i£i& & terras and Cklotow path*. Don't wavy ^ a*A** eyv- inupo/uu only