Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, December 26, 1884, Image 5

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TUP, TE1-.KOKAP11 aND MESSENGER: FRIDAY, DECEMBER2G, 1884. stances under which plaintiffs received the negotiable paper sued on to put an ordina rily prudent man on inquiry which, U (air ly prosecuted, might have led to the dis covery of equities between the original par ties that would have relieved defendants from liability. It is evident that neither the paper in suit or the others offered In evidence bear ing o j the transaction from which it re sulted, purport to contain the whole con tract, and hence parol evidence was ad missible to prove other portions thereof not inconsistent with the srrltlng. Code 3803 and citations. We express no opinion as to what the iury should find on the next trial. Judg ment affirmed. J. R. Ssussy, for plaintiff; Chisolm & Erwin, contra. Galliher vs. Smith. »t al Equity, from Oglethorpe. Before Judge Pottle. Hali., J —The verdict in this cate wst decidedly and strongly against the weight of evidence and was properly set aside. Judgment affirmed Pope Barruw, Oeo. I). Thomas, for plain tiff; Samuel Lumpkin, W.O. Johnson, W. M. Howard, John C. Kecd, contra cmPREME COURT OF GEORGIA, concluded, and which we think, was ad JUrnEiut mlssibb. There was enoughtatheclrccm- hiAelalont Rendered Friday. Dsoember “* 10.1884. IsrsciAt. export BY u. c. FKrLM.l n.ho ;rv, next Mend, vs. McGovern, exr. teuity, from Muscogee. Before Judge Willi. Will*- Co'.s.ruction Estatee. Timiution trust's Estat®. TdU. judge.-Hugh Dolan died tesUte r-uSfVaviug surviving him his wife and L n ,mtl litdaughter, hi. only heir, at law; thereafter in the earns year his widow also In 187d the daughter became of age, December. Is70, married with J. A. VXi McCarty qualified, etc., as sxeentor Md took possession of the estate. consist- fffolreal * od personal property of the r.T.iA of 150,000 In November, 1882 rihn McCarty died testate, end William sirGoVern qualified as his exeentor in De- «miir 1882, and took possession of his es tate A bili was filed by the said child by hisneit frienda aln.t McUoveru as ex- erator of McCarty to compel an account- in. for the property which went into the brnds ot McCarty ind under that bill the tames to be passed on here arose. The o5e tarns on the construction ol the will ol S U me first hem of the will he provided tar his burial. By the second item for the Mr-eent of his debts. Bv the third for s home for his wife during her Me and at her death said property to re- vert to bis estate to be disposed of by his •all ss part of the residue. By the fonrth he gtresn annuity to bis wife out of the tacome of his estate and declared that tt“proTisiou for hU wife should be in lieu of dower. By the fifth he tare his mother 8100. By the sixth he live his brother his watch and chain. By She sever th he gave 850 to a church. By the eighth he gave the proceeds of a note he belli against his brother to beexpemled In the education of the eldest son or eldest surviving son of said brother, if any, and if not then for the education of the eldest surviving daughter of said brother. By the twelfth he appointed his executor. The ninth, tenth and eleventh Items of the will are as follows: Item!) "It is my will and purpose, like wise by this my w II, to secure to my dear daughter, Mary Ann Dolan, for the sole sed separate use, benefit, enjoyment and u if ol herself and her lawful issue dur ing brr life, and not In any wise to be et the control or disposal of any husband she msy have, or be at all subject or liable to biadebts. etc., all of my other property of whatever kind or nature soever; and with this view I give and bequeath all the residue of my estate, real and personal, including • * * * * to my said exec utor and bis successors, at my legal repre- sentstivev, iu trust nevertheless. and with the ipgdal confidence to have and to hold tba same, when realised in money, to and for tba sole and separate use, benefit, etc., of my said beloved daughter end her law ful issue. •••*•! will and delire my executor and hit successors iu said treat to retain in his snd their own bends the porarslion of said residua and ita pro- ceeds a*. Irut until my said daughter shall arrive at full age and oontrol, and manage the same, its rants. Issues and profits, ac- ' cording to the brst judgment snd discre tion for (he best interests cf my ssid daughter, snd the preservation and en hancement of siy estate; and Whenever he ■hall deem It advisable (or those pur poses before she arrives at age and afterwards and she thereto gives her eon- sent to writing, I hereby authorise * * • to purchase other real property, or sell said residua or any puritan thereof snd invest the proceeds, as well as its rents, iaanes snd profits in other real estate • • * • taking titles thereto to himself or themselves ss trustees as aforesaid, with tbs Ilka provisions for the sale and sepa rate use * • * * of my said daughter ■ud her issue •••••. It is also, further confirming said trait, my will and desire that out of the Income of eaid residue my executor defray the reasonable snd proper charges snd ex penses for board, elothlug, maintenance snd education of my laid daughter nntll •he arrives at (nil age, and that laid in come or a sufficiency thereof shall after wards ba devoted to the support and com fort of herself and bar issue during her life * ' - - Banders vs. the State. Keeping open tip pling house cn Sunday, from City Court of Savannah. Before Judge Harden. Hall, J .—When it la shown that a house Is a tippllag house, that defendant is its owner and that it bss been kept open on the Sabbath day or night the charge is com pletely matte out, snd without more the jury onght to convict. If the house was opened and kept open without the owner's consent, or It opened for any cause which the law would juatlfy or excuse, and this is shown, then there should be an acquit- ta’. Toe mere (set that the owner was not visible tu those resorting to the hones will not establish such a defense. Judgement affirmed. Garrard A Meldrin, for plaintiff; W. G. Charlton, aolicitor.general, contra. Gnckenhslmer & Son vs. Day Sc HI Attachment, from Appling. Before Judge MershoD. Affidavit. Bond. Levy, Amendment. Declaration in attach ment. Hall. J.—An attachment affidavit alleging that Joseph Day and Isaac Higgs, doing business under the name and style of Day & Higgs, were Indebted, etc., and that the said Day & Higgs conceal themselves, is an affidavit that the indi viduals and r.ot the firm conceal them selves. 2. A levy of the attachment “dta all the goods in the store nf Day dc Higgs as the property of Day & Hixgs, If not sufficiently •peclfic was amendable, even if it needed amendment, which is doubtful. Code 3316. 3 A band in an attachment proceeding may be signed by the agent of the party reeling attachment, without hit showing written authority to do so. Code 3265, "W6 4. The declaration In attachment alleged that plaintiffs were plaintiffs in the attachment then pending in the Su perior Court, that the attachment had been levied on certain goods, de- •crltn-d in the lew, which attachment wav of file in tiie cleric’s office ,ano|prayed gen eral judgment and special judgment against the good* attached. There waa tuereforein thv declaration a sufficient reference to the attachment proceedings. Id certain est quod certain reddi potest Judg ueLt reversed, G. J. H ilton its Son, by H. B. Tompkins, (or plaintiff; K iberts A Smith contra. earnest to bind the bargain, and that the promise was not In writing snd signed by them, nor by any person authorised by them to sign it. Code 1950 sub. aec. 7. The testimony as to Freeman’s capacity and authority in the matter and as to the nature of defendant’s dealings with him, was conflicting, and there waa enough ev idence to sustain the verdict for defend ants. 2. It was error to admit the telegram and entry in evidence and parol evidence to explain and connect them. While a memorandum of sale may be made in two or mole parts, which them selves are intelligible and show their con nection, pet In this case the memorandums are utterly emb’guons and unintelligible and disconnected, without parol evidence to explain and connect them; the ex clusion of evidence of snch a character being the very purpose of ths statute of frsnds. The memorandums do not show either the parlies, the terms of sale, the goods •old or tiie price, without parol evidence to explain them. The transaction does nof fail within any the next election, of our atatatorv exerp-ion* to the statute of frauds, aud those exceptions will not be extended beyond their strict pnrport. I Benj. on Salee 23>aiiclnote 24; 66 Ua. 338; Benj. on Sales 210 and citations in note (I) and 7; ib. 323,236 247, 219-252lnclbslve. S. Though the evidence was improperly admitted, the verdict was right ana will will not be interfered with. Judgment af firmed, Lawton A Cunningham for plaintiff; Richards A Heyward contra. Item 10. It la my deaite that my executor will from time to time * * • proceed to invest all of the cash means of ray es tate and the Inrfttne accruing therefrom for trents, etc. • • • all that sbail not be neednl to meet the exigences of ths be quests herein before made, the cur rent disbursements herein directed—In other real titles there! the Use limitations for Uss sole, separate sod independent use and enjoyment df my said daughter and her issue. * * • Item 11. upon the event of the death of my daughter without child or children, or tba issue thereof surviving her, I desire my executor or legal representative to sell all of said residue tipou the beet terms they can, reduce the same to cash means and from tbs proceeds thareof I give and bequeath to my dearly remembered moth •r, 8Hi); to my brother, B. Dolan. 8300; t my sister Catberin* Delgan, 8100; tom; sister Anne 8100; and of the remainder,* give and bequeath two-thirds thereof to my ssid brother M Dolan, and the other one-third I give and bequeath to my slstar Mary Grunan and inr i isterBridget Flynn to be shared equally between them " Held, 1. Th* words "lawful lime.” when taken io connection with the ei- Ptauatorysuperseded words uifd by Hugh Dolan In his will are words of purchase snd not of UmltaUon. 2 That no estate tali was crested by the wiU. A That a trust estate wsevestad In John McCarty, executor, and henca in defend ant, for the use. benefit and behoof of Mary Ann Dolanduring her Ufa. _ 4. That the estate to her waa auhjeet to be opened noon the btrtn oi s c'oiiu iou*>, to let In such child, for a nse, enjoyment, maintenance and support with its mother during her life. 6. That upon the death of the mother Without a child, or the issue thereof, living ■t her death, tba whole relate would have gone over to testator's mothar, broth era ami sisters 'I. That having leit a child living at her death, thelimltation over was defeated, and the sbeoiuta fee simple estate vested lb the child. 7. That the trait in thedefendant, Wm. McGovern, became executed upon the death ■,( Mary Ann Oaboury, aba having lift a living child. 8. That complainant takes the whole es tate, not tar inheritance from hie mothar, but by purchase under the will of his grandfather, and a right of action having accrued to him at the ileatii of his mother, he Is entitled to the relief he seeks. Bee ood* 2456; 8 0s. 37, 14«; SO Oa. 638: 63 Penn. 8L 4S1; 8 Amer. Rep. 5<M; 5 Wright 213; < Id. 29: 7i Penn. St ITS; 4 Kent’ Couini. ft Ed.ip. 306 lo 311 lncltuive; (la. 52; 12 Id. 357 ; 30Oa 224 ; 7 Oa 76; 62 Ua. ll2;CS(;a. 37;GOCa. Wiand617,cited anddU: rigutahed. Judgment reversed. Ooetchlua A Cbsprell. Smith A Russell, for plaintiff; Peabody and Brannon, contra. Kennedy i _ • ily Court of havanl,ah. Before Harden. Master aud Servant. Contract. Rea adjodicata. Hall, J.—V! here one employed as clerk, as hs alleged, by the year, haring been discharged, brought suit at the end of Uie month Wk>«.ng his discharge for »*•: • Whisk SO • «.,-de. led in his far r an.: the amount found to be due him paid, by tba employer, and lire snpioy* after ward sued tor wage l doe for the balance of his tana, tire same Issues being ms ie ■ in the former suit between the same par- ties, the re-ulto( Ure first suit mentioned is bald to be decisive of and to control the latter, hi Ua. 64. (a) U does not matter what tba justice M I I tried gave nntro!. lodgment affirmed. Garrard A Meld rim for plaintiff; Den mark A Adams ^ ■ What the Blue Lipped Fops Smoke, Christian Messenger. Opium and sawdust enter largely into Riveuside Whisky and Windsor Cabinet Whisky are the two purest brands In ths mar ket. For sale only by LaxakT Ratrxix A Lahax. now Llaten. Caterer. Oh I you fireside fairies of the tea table, learn this lesson: In the first brewags of tea the major part of tiie flavoring oil is sxtracted consequently the Brat cup pour ed Is the best. An Advantage in Living In Texas. Montrose Republican. There la one advantage oi living In large State. A good many Texas people who had beta on the State • majority sue- oeededin having them declared off, owing tu the uncertainty of getting the complete returns before it would be time to bet on A Novel Street Railroad. N. Y. World. A French engineer, Captain Edward Ms- set, propoees io erect iu Ports a "railway without rails, cars, bridges or tunnels.’’ Tbsre Is to be no forest of unsightly pillars in the street, no continuous track from station to station, no deafening noise aud uo disfiguring of the thoroughfares. His idea fa to embellish and not defaca the eity, and, if tt ia practical, the configura tion of Paris will remain unchanged. Ac- or tunnels." Upon these columns an set _ car or boat, long enough to always rest on two columns at once, will move. The iron columns may be used as ornamental lamp-posts, electricity may furnish tbs motor for the car, or the engine may be dons away with and the power furnished from a central station which can act wheels in each column ill motion. Upon these wheels the serial car could slide from otic post to another. It it a novel proposition, and. if successful, will inaugurate a era In elevated railways. The advanti ot the proposed plan are many. Arches wonld be done away with, river navigation would be no longer blocked by fixed rail ways, there would be a greater facility in construction and the expense ot building would be reduced. A Naw style. Whitehall Times. The coat was a very bad fit—too full In the back. "That’U never do,” said the customer: "it's like a shirt on a bean pole.” "Dot coat, mein front," replied the deal er, “iah a vary stylish garment. Look at dot back. Mein gracious, it is lady. See dot beautiful puffing—der latest style, and don’t you forgetiL It was made on Fifth avenoo. It la der Fsdder Hubbard style, and ie actually worth so much ash five tollar more for dot cut.” And five min. a tea later the delighted customer left the store with his Father Hubbard cosh The Cincinnati Sunday. Philadelphia Call. Cincinnati Mother—Well, my daughter, you were very good in church. Now, you •hell have lots of nics Christmas presents If you can tell me what the sermon was about? Little Cincinnati Malden—Oh, yea, of tourse. It was about heaven. Won t it be nice? Nothing but mnsio gardens and raoes and base bill games and theatres. ‘ Mercy on us, child I Where did you get that idea?” "From the preacher.ot tourse, mamma." "The preacher! Why, what did he ■Kff. The Baseball Pitcher’s Clory Shorn a Little. Peck's Sun. One of the new rules adopted by the Na tional Baseball League, while it is a d|. rent blow at the liberty and pursuit of hap piness of tire pitcher, nevertheless lain excellent one. It had got to be so that high salaried pitchers seemed to think ail the people esme and paid in their bud' rarned half dollars for was to see thsm pose, and thereby the game was some times prolonged unreasonably. Undsr ths new rule tne pitcher cannot take the ball iu bit two thousand apiece hands and fumble it, then moisten his Un gers snd thumb with saliva and wipe them on the tide ol his trousers, cross his right foot around in front of the left, just touch ing the toes of the former to the ground, stand in this picturesque attitude leveret seconds, while the feelings of the specta tors are wrought up to ftrer heat, ana then suddenly unite bis legs and go down in his pocket for a chaw of tobicco. and wink at ths pretty girl who is watching his contortions through an opera glass. Any ons oi ths peculiar habits Into hicb celebrated pitchers bare fallen- even to looking with au eagle glance around the horiton of the diamond field, or hitching up hie trousers—msans that there Is no retreat; the ball must bs de livered immediately thereafter, or it will be a balk. Of course, the pitcher can go through all and singular bis little idlo- syncrsetae every Ume hepitchee a ball, but he can’t do U and then, when batsman, umpire and pnblic are all torn up with suspense, impend delivery and sing a song or propound a conundrum to a abort •top. • ■ Jordan A Uollidry vs. Golden. Equity, from Brooks. Before Judge Hsuaeil. Practice. Equity. Injunction, Discre tion. Answer. Hall, J.-l. As no other proofs were of fered on the hearing hut wlmt wnsc iinaiii- ed in the bill, snewer and exhibits, and as these are all a part of ths pleadings, they come up as a part ol the record and tt, ere was uo necessity to copy them in the bill of exceptions. lOGa. l(3);62 Oa 017 (1); 41 Oa 203. 2. It was not necessary for plaintiffs In error to join their co-defendants in the bill and serve them, since the temporary in junction granted was only operative on plaintiff- in error. 64 Ga. 463 490. 3. tVe rannot say that the chancellor abused bis discretion in granting the in junction in this case. If defendan • had relied solely on the demurrer filed thereto there might, perhaps, have hern no ground left to the cha icellor for the exercise of Ids discretion, but when they went further and died an answer In aid ol the demurrer arid that answer was nof full ns to all the uiattrre set forth in the bill, we cannot say that ttr-ra was not something in view of the peculiar facta of this case, that might not be seised upon to arrest Ibis sale, until the complainant’s rights could be looked into. She is ■ minor without > guardian; her mother, who le a eo defendant with plain tiffs in error.seems to have dealt with'thetn in such a manner »a to involve in their drillings the entire pa'rinmnv of this child. It Is not certain that plaintiffs in error did not have such knowledge oftte facts as to put them on inquiry and to charge them with notice of the complainant's right-. Indeed, from the face ol the title deeds ex hibited to her bill, however defective in form and tuostance they may have been, of which the defendsnta evidently h-d knowledge, there was enough to esclte them to Investigation wnicli, ha t it been properly and fairly pursued, would proba bly havo revealed her whole interest, if any she hail, in the property in question. Tne romplainant'e rights. If any she has. do not depend upon the sufficiency of these evidences ot title. She had no part in their execution and is not responsible for their Insufficiency—from her lender age ehe could not protect tier rights, even if she bad been consulted, and lt;does not appear that abe waa. Sba is endeavoring to trace her funds into the property in controversy and the smount invested sod the specific properly in which it was invested is left in doubt Her mother has not answered the hill as she was caleJ cn lo do. The bill wai evidently hastily prepared and ia defective aa lo soma necessary alle gations, but these defects can be remedied by amendment It dors not appear that the objection of niultifarlniisness or rnisj liuder Is well founded. Whether it exist* or not will depend largely on the extent to which the mortgaged property It chargeable with complainants demand, and the knowledge brought home to plalutiffs in error, the mortgagees of the Improper diversion of her funds and their subsequent participation io rendering the diversion effectual in de fasting her rights. They are non-residents, and the mother of complainant iv insolvent; their defense islargelv technical, which is not to be overlooked in requiting an investigation of (he dealings between the parties. The bill and exhibits are not treated by us ■•evidence, any further Ilian they are made edectual by the answer or by what the an swer (ails tu disclose, nor do we think its verification sufficient without more lo au thorise the injunction. It was discretionary with Uie judge to imposu Urms, and if the injunction should be m.siifled it is still in his power to modify ib Judgment affirmed. K. F. S. Denmark, Denmark A Ad ams, by J. H. Lumpkin, for plaintiff ;D. L. Gsnlden, by Harrison A Perp'ei. cjmra. North A Co. vs. Mendel A Dro. Complaint, from City Court of Nsvannsh. Before Judge Harden. Contract!. Broker. Memorandum. Statute of frauds, l’arol evidence. Hall, J.-l. Suit was brought on ac count for five boxes pork bellies. 121 pieces 2817 pounds i'tSe. 822538, sent from Uoitoo to Savannah by steamer. The goods were sent upon the order of Geo. C. Freeman, who was alleged by plafaiifft to bea broker, hut who defendants regarded as plaintiffs’ agent. The shipment wav made on a tele- B ira sent from Sivnnnah to Bo-uon. as lows: “Men lei five hell et eight. Ehr lich offer, seven eighth) ten bell es lighter than lasL"—ssid telegram being sent by Freeman. On the some dey the telegram waa sent, in Freeman's entry book the fol lowing appears in Ids handwriting: “Sold account of C. II. North A Co., Mendel fire bellies eight.” This telegram and entry were, the only Bwaorandums or not* In writing of the ... aw.. contract sued on. Ths steamer and cargo "Yaa—tun. V, ell, perhaps. tag* “Dat's what I reckoned on was gwino lo remark dat laa' _ .daoyst The Political Eunuchs Who Wish to Run Cleveland, Washington Special to the N. Y. World. The other day through the World, a very prominent Democrat sent a message to Oov. Cleveland urging upon him the im- portanceo! investigating theprevions rec ord of every alleged Democrat who would be urged upon his notice in the make-up of a new administration. From the class of men who .re prtsdng themselves to ths front as the managers of the inauguration c, r.'monies it would reran that this advice was good. There is a large class of men in ■be District who are simply epoilemen. They thrust themselves upon every person in power and they have uo mors political principle or morals than arabbih It is important to detect thee* mtn iu advance of their becoming too intimate with the new administration it it desires to make a clean reform record. For instance James O. Barrett, ths president of the local committee in charge of the inauguration ceremonies, waa mixed up wlththa ex posure connected with the investigation ot 'ha Pacific mall service made in the second session of the forty-third Coogrew. H* was employed by Irwin, tha agent of tbe Pacific Mail Cotuany. Upon page aoi of the House report of this investigation it appears that ha and Sam Ward, the king of the lobby, worked together and re- He Snowed Croat Heroism. Judge. I see there will be no performance of the burlesque to-night.” "That’s too bad; what ia the canaeT” “Why, a bold thief entered tbe theatre last night after tbe show aud atola about forty costumes.” "Haven’t the police a clue?” “Ob, yea; the man waa followed and ar rested. It was ascertained that be had been hired by the other show to do iL However, the property was not recover ed. The fellow showed great heroism.” What bid become of the costume*?” He had swallowed them." FRIGHTENED TO DEATH BY FIRE. A Young Wife Dies of Shock at tha Raising of a Needless Alarm. New York World. A fire at No. 50 Division street, yesterday morning caused only slight damage but waa sufficient to frighten a woman to death. The three-story brick building is tenanted by several families, the rear rooms of the first floor being occupied by Abraham Moss, a cigar dealer, Mary, bis wife, her two children and mother. On the ground floor la a confectionery store, while tbe basement ie used as an oyster saloon. The water-pipes were frozen, aud about 10 o'clock one o( tbe inmates of the house went down Into the cellar to thaw them out. He used burning paper for that purpose. A few minutes liter smoke wav seen coming out of tbe wainscoting, and when a tenant broke out one of the panels at tbe foot of the stairs a sheet of flams burst forth. He raised the cry of fire. HsJ he been cool-headed and not lost his pres ence of mind be might have put it out with a pail of water. Lying in bed sick from her recent con finement, Mre. Moss heard (he cry. Her mother was the only person iu tbe room with her. The children were In the»treet snd the husband sway to work. The wife, who was twenty-seven years old, sprang trom her bed in a terrible state of exclte- menb Her half-erased mother sought to pacify her, snd finding that to be in vain, caught her iu her arms and carried her into tbe yard. Mrs. Moss, enfeebled as •he wss, could not with.tand the (hook to her system or the cold withouL She died while her mother was still car rying he-. She was carried into the oys ter-saloon where her huaband, whs had been informed of the breaking out of the fire, came rushing in only to find his wife a corpse. The children and friends of tho family were alto clustered around the dead booy of the young wife. The scene was heartrending. t, Meanwhile the alarm had been given, and a firemen who rushed np first put out the flames even before any engine arrived. After all danger was over the tenants re turned to their premises, which were not even touched with water, and Mr. Moss had tbe sad duty to perform oi carrying his wife’s dead body back to the bed she had left alive a few momenta before. Tbe rest of the family and the friends ot the deceased came trooping alter, and the weeping and wailing were continued in the apartments. Coro ner Kennedy, during the afternoon, viewed the body and gave the necessary burial permit. He will hold an inquest next week. Wlt-wiBOTOY, Dec, -1.—Cotton cloved steady; -'"filing 10/4: net reciots SOT. gross 3S: ; 10; stock ffiOTt. exports, coutwfro 1105 .TAMAm, Deo. 24,-Cotton steady; mid. tc«to. 2400: stoex 102,01.'; expotts, to coni COAftWllO 9002. .NSW IIHLXAHX,Dec. 21.—Cotton quiet;»M- filing 10?<; net receipt! S711, trott taut: MW: «tock WO.SlO; exports, to Great Brit ain «739. to France 95, to continent 2100, coast- .Marrei quiet ana easier, light. We quote: Bacon—iidoa dera G’$. Bulk meata—aides lyf; dera Hi.mi 11**, aa to aixe and aui Buoklen*a Arnica Salva. Tha beat aalve in the world for cuta, brulsca, ■ores ulcers, salt rheum, ferer aorea, tetter, coma, and all akin _ curea plica, or no . _ guaranteed to rite per- jtafaetlon, or money refunded. Price 25 centa per box. For Bale by Lamar, kin A Lamar. chapped hands, chilblains; c eruptions, and positively c pay required It ta guarani Btalna in tha Job, Washington special to Springfield Republican Gossip about ths capital credits tha New York Tribune with obtaining its copy of the Nicaragua treaty from Mr. Blaine,who bad one of tbe confidential copies sent to the Senators. Mr. Blaine has taken upon himself to assume the role of sponsor to this canal project and to set the matter out to tbe public. It is claimed that he gave tbe Tribune his treaty. How much truth there ta in tills report noons has been able ta find out, for none of the Senators will make any statement onthesubJecL At Brat Van Wyck was rather suspected of being tbe leaky 8enator, but that belief ia now given up and suspicion points else where. So fearful are the Senators that an Investigation will show np some delin quency in thsir own ranks that they hiTt decided to make no formal Inquiry. Grandfather's Teeth. N. Y. Sun. Henry Simmons of 51 Gartnlus street wears a set oI falsa troth which his grand father wore for thirty years before him. He ta naturally proud of them. On Thursday night ussy did not sit easy, aad he did not elwp peacefully. Yestgrday morning be felt queer palus In his stomach and head, and these were aggravated when be discovered that bs had lost his family inheritance. "I've swallowed grandfather'! teeth,' ha cried, and he ran as fast as ba could to SL Vincent's Hospital. Tne doctor pro cured grappling irons and other inetru- meats, and was about to make search for the molars, when Mr. Simmons cried out again. This Urns hs exclaimed: "Why, here they are, in my vast pock eL" And so they were. Then the old gen tleman trotted home again, relieved of all anxiety. Kate Oastletonlothe Case. Virginia City Enterprise. When Kate Castleton, tbe actren, car ried San Francisco by storm. Sprockets and Da Young were both dsvotsd lo hsr, and the rece for a time seemed to the pnblic ta be about seen, although Spreckiss really had tha advantage. Alter the battle for tha heart had progressed (or toms time, it Sprockets I " ' CnxxsE should always bo served be fore desert, as it helps to digest the dinner, Briilst Savarin says: “A dinner without cheese is like a bandsoma woman with only one eye." How Frank DufTr, an 8-Year-Old Bor Wine 8.SOOO. Frank K. Duffy, an eight year-old-son of Tbos. Duffy, dealer in gent's furnishing goods, purchased a one-fifth ticket in the November drawing of The Louisiana State Lottety Company, and received an express package oontaunlng 85.800 in oath, The number of the winning ticket wav 13, 023, and the whole prise was 325,000. J Times reporter has verified the case of this Hartford boy.—Hartford (Conn.) Times, November 29. diamonds (or tbe smiles of ths charming Kata, which were bestowed on him for nothing. This coming to the ears of De Young, be rot to work ta secure a number of love letters that Sprockets bad written, and be sent Word to tbe young sugar king that hs proposed to published them. At that time the Cnrookle began iu bitter war on tba auger monopoly, and Sprockets, thinking the tore letters would soon be published, shot at and attempted iu aUi D« Young, in order lo put anAnd to tha entire war. own testimony admitting bis employment will he found upon page 401 ot ths same report Berrett was also the president of Boas Shepherd's ring club boose, while be was at the ume time one of Shepherd's pollc* commissioners. He wu intimately associated with Shepherd Iu tbe worst days of ring rule In this district There are others of Shepherd's old men npon tha inauguration committee. Tbos. J. Fisher, who ta on tba committal, wu one of the old ring contractors. Ils hu now a suit in the Coart of Claims for un settled biUa amounting to over 340,000. Henry A. Willard, another committee man. hu always been classed u a Bet lion. He wu a former member of I Shepherd's board of public works. John W. Thompson, a fourth committeeman, was a member of tbe upper boouof the Shepherd legislature, and was a former partner of Shepherd's In th* plumbing huslDc;;. and shared with him tha profits of tome very notorious contracts. William If. Ctigett, a committeeman, wu a mem ber of tbe old ring. There are other mem bers of the committee wbo wen sympa thisers with tbe Shepherd ring. Nearly all of these gentlemen bare plenty of money, and through social entertainments hare made tbe majority of people here target the eonrea of their fortunes. On Th* Safe Sid*. Detroit Pro* Press. “Well?” ha queried, rob* turned around in his cbalr. "Ye*.ub—I wanted to apok* to you a mtnit,” replied the old man uhs bung in tba door. “All right, coma in. AhiyoaaraMo- "Yessab. Lu' y'ar.de day beta' Ch-ist- a as, yon—you presented die Ota man wid a turkey.” “Soldid-eol did. I remember tha cfrcuoistance now.” “Zsctly, sab. I called to gay dat in case—'" -Yon want ta know If I am going to pre sent yon with another turkey this rear?” ••Dat's 'boot de sire of It, sab.” ""es—am. Well, perhaps." at's what I reckoned on. ash, an' I twin* ta remark dat hu’ y 'ar vou for- 9SS3SKF* Lou tariff* Evening Port. 8urely ths States of Kentucky, Tennes see and Alabama hare reason to lore Mr. Randall it Mr. Randall hu no reason to lore them. To him the South is more in- debtsd tor deliverance from ths Force biff than to any dozen turn in Congress. The bill wu poshed hard against tbe desolate and afflicted Statu at a dark boor, when the wounds of war ware fresh; when Our Lady of Sorrows wu weeping throughout the homeless and dnder-strawn section, and whsn the passions of tbe North were howling tar persecution snd vengeance. Nowhere did these passions blaze fiercer than in Pennsylvania. It required a true man indeed to brave and defy them. But when tbova wbo sympathized with the vuflirrings of the conquered gave way, one by one, from fur or exhaustion; whan the coo tact In the lower Hoove set inoet desperate and most hopeless, there •rood Bam Randall on the floor tor sixtv- three boors, with only cofTs* snd a crack er tor nourishment, beating bask tba an gry craw, and. byhu superior ability ant matchtau power, driving them defeat* rod discouraged from the prostrate and beipian form of the South, which they a »ght to hack and tear. Barely there M some manbooi left in the Statw of Ken tucky. Tennessee and Aiabsma. Barely oar memory hu not been blotted out nor all eense of gratitude banished from a peo- lIs who** pride and upiratton ar* tote known in btatory u at once tha moat sbiT- • Iric and the moat hospitable of any eae- liun or any country. Ha would Like to Em It. Pittsburg Telegraph. “Well, well i" said Ur. Jarphly. "Well; what?” asked his wife "I'm just reading of tba American mis- lc.,10. fiacre ribs '8.50, rli nominal at ttsjfj prime steam 17.00. Inal —shoulders r . vj r ■stViO. Hama—'.igarlciL™ l-prlw.; leaf t Corn'flrmemd qilctt^mlxed’fiL ,t prime Wester wise fdi^l Mobils, Dee. 21-fottoa firm; mlfiddngl 103-10: eet reoelpta 2278 gross 2287; sale* WOO; stock 50,072; exports, coutwise 45* Msurma, Dec. -.4 -cottonsteady: middling 10SIS: net roentota 2014; shipments 2155: sales i7 AuocwA, 1 Dee!24.-Oottonclosed firm; mid dling ff84: reoelpta 9W, shipments —; sties dsARLinoir, Dec. :i.-Cottou quiet: mid- thug 10 7-lfi; net receipts 8600 gross 3500; ulss 150; stock 72,911: exports, to Great Britain 11350. coutwise 2141. CITY MARKETS. 0 ) save.—5fsrxet quiet and euter. Slocks shout- alioul- - quality. Laso.—Market quoted cuter; stork am ple. We quota: In tiercel and tube MSoM; 10 tt rails tejj: 5 tt palls io;q; s n> rails ii&. Buttxil—Market steady and iron stocked; oleomargarhio 22a2Sc;newMay gilt edgo 2Ca28c: creamery 29aJ0c;country 30e26c;Tennoaaceu0 •22. Candy,—Axsorted, In boxes 9/8103, barrels 90. Cou User.—Cooked, in SIOS, 2 lbs 83.01. Nuts.—Tcrrazona almonds 2to per n>: rrin cess paper shell 24c: French walnuts liaise; Naples —: pecans 15c: Brull 15c; Alberts—; cocosnnta |40a45 per 1000. Ltqcoss—Kyo 31.60*5.50, Bonrbon tl.60a5.00 rwltstUtad rye and com tlal.30, gin and ram { 1.05a 1.75, N O com tt.GC, peach and app e randy »2(>)aA75. catawba wine II 25, port and Sherry wine II 95*11^ cherry *n,f xinser brandy “'call .50, French brandy 1X25*5.75, do- L L4XB, CALCIXID PLAXTXX ADDCXKXItT.—Ala .00, cbo 118.50. Fork steady and unchanxed at hat? dutat: Metros (refined) K00i ksg'jSAg Bulk u. ati qutat aud unchangedT\hot,,- dors, packod, (7.17/4, long clcxr ij.70 , .... rib 88.70. Baron qutat aad uaebatuSr ■hpufsn M, long clear rml etaarriS ■Ides 110.23. Hat;-.- —t not- «lugar-cured quiet* Prime, 71*011. Sugar study: bta to taffr fair 194*314 prim* 4/4 yellow Slutted MS Mol**... • -jufet and tirm: common to good 20 fair Kiri, prime ta ch.Hart Kl< «. *2 Loulalana ordinary to prime IM dAYAtlNAH, December 23.— Kosln i pales) -t.U'ly .untiled to good Mralnc.l st (1.(1,at 10- laics, 803 barrets. Spirits turpentine steady; regular 57,(f; sales 403 barrels. (;nani,xsTO.v Dec. 23.—Spirits of turpentine quiet at 28 M<1 Kosln Arm: strained h. good strained SI.00. Wilkinoto!), Dec. 23.—spirits of turpentine Arm st 27?. Kosln steady: strained 96, good itrslin-i It") l»r II.u. Crude turpentine steady: hardlLOO, yoffow dip and virgin 11.60 Naw Yoax December 23 — Ecetn — rotln-e dull at H.22'4aL27/4. rplriu ot mrpeaUMb steady at 80/4s3l. 70o; cotton seed 60; headUgat 90a22o; kerosene iiec2i l.fe vl-n 17c; ncatifoot 78c; machinery 35a40c: llnueed '"*710; mineral seal 83c; cotton seod roAned l good demand, quote: ttommon It 00; family ll.'i'i: c (amity 34AO: fancy 15.00; patent fc.50a6.75. Dry Goods.—Tho market ta quiet; demand moderate; Hocks ample. We quote: Prints t'. 5C„ *'Y4c; X Georgia brown shirting So; 14 do 5';::; ” 14 brown sheeting 6/4c: while osnaburgi 8 re; check* f,'«f.Vn: yarn),82/4o lor boat make.: brown drilling* fr/Jara. * Onus*.- Market higher; stacks ample. Wc quota: Full cream ltc; lower (trades ijal3c Corral.—Thu market U quiet aud steady; chilco 14c: (mod 13c; modlara Hbifoi common UaltMa Tu.hNirs—ti.50 per bbL OxiONa.—Yellow and red 11.00*3.25 per bbl. Uaaowaxs.—Market Ann. Horae anoeatsuxj per keg. Mule shocsS6.cn. Iron bound hemes I iUhUl Trace chains *5*50o per pair. •bond* lll.tu c-t doa. Plow hoe* 4/4*4' tt. Holman's plow stocks 31.25. Axe* 3.00 per dro. Cotton cards 34.00. Wall buckets ♦4.25. Cotum ropo 16a20c per tt. Hwede Iron 5*5/40 per tt, roAned XasUc per tt. How stoi 1 Scpertt. Sail* IXti-baataef 10sL Powder 114.00 per sag. Biasungpowder 83.00. Lead So ^■tt. 9npm^u|rtromuuroum| Naval storoa- NOTICE. All parties Indebted to the late firm of Carhart & Card mast come forward and settle within the next thirty days or their accounts will be pat in suit. E. H* CAUnART, Rarvivlnir P*r?n Clay’s McCuller Oats. The late freeze hat demonitrated tha com mon OaU will not win. With Clay’s McCuller Oats, which can be n'anted in January, there 1« no poMiblllty of falling to get a go vl itand. They are genuine ruat proof and have boon thoroughly te*ted. Do not compare the Chat ham with the Clay Oats, for the Chatham U light, and not liable to yield, while the Clay oat Is heavy, firm and is a zuro producer. Their yield li always heavy and lure to <• me. I have three thouund (3,000) bushels on sale at Hrhurapert A UonoyHarris & James’s and G. W. Glover's, which I offer at tho ex tremely low price of $1.25 EER BUSHEL. Addreu all orden and remittance* to C. C. CLAY, wit* Atnericnz. Ga. —Major Ben: Perlcy Pooro insists in marking the abbreviation of his name with a colon because Geb: Washington and Thoa: Jsfferson did It, and he fears thvt his feeble "Reminiscences.” will not suf ficiently indicate that he wav contemporary with the otter famous fathers ol the re public. —Mr. William Blair Lord, one of the official stanograpbere of the House of Rep resentatives, died io New York on Mon day. His wlfa died about two weeks ago, and friends of Mr. Lord say that he broke down completely when he lost her. He became very despondent and gradually sank. He wav a stenographer of tbe House tar more than a quarter ofacen- tury, and was known as one of the best in bta business. —Joseph Chamberlain, the most radical of Mr. Gladstone s colleagues, dresses iu tbs height of fashion, wears the choicest flowers in hta buttonhole, drives to ths House ot Commons in a tins car- riai;.\ drawn by a pair of high-mettled horses, and lives in style. He Is sloqusnt, ftnd.icioui, isttrlcal, a trills reckless, does not always pans* to wonder if be is telling the truth, and can accept the ngllcit repar tee snd give in kind. "commercial. COTTON MARKET REPORT A sho tl.85al.90 per bag. Barbed SSk anotii tt «} U2H; * mall lota 91.1011.20.' ^i.kmonb.—Higher; good domxnd; Messina In good demand and MM. Funcy stock t9.7Hf.60 Busam. Tho market la quiet; crnihedSo; powdered 7*$c; granulated A •Me: white extra 0 <%c; yellow 6a%o. WAX—22 lo 24c. <)r.AKGc*.-Market well luppUed. Florida •ell lug at 92.7SaS.25 per crato. !Vaif:m».“Fair demand; market steady; new layer* 92.50 per box; new London ltyen 93.00 per box; leoae moacateU 98.00 ^Drizd Piachm—strictly No. 1 peeled«c per Ueai*.—Corn—market firm: itock Uligh good milling corn 67c bv car lota, 75ab0c, •mall ioli: mixed com70a75c. Oati good maud and higher; wo quote: Wo«Umia**56 Georgia^ruAVgroof 70; rnit-prcof 75&Texa« r.u rr.—B an an m , rod, 9L50a2.00 per bunch; FOR SALE. K KOINES, Boilers, Haw Mills,Corn Mills, Cotton Proas es, Mill Spindles Pulleys, Shaftings, Hangers, etc. Ail kinds cast- lD ^Vrlto for prices onany kind of machine ry. K. D. COI.E ft CO., marl! wly Kewnan, Ga. NOTICE. All peraoni having demand! «galn*t the es tate of Charles A. Boaaley, late of Hibbcoun- B r, Ga., deceased, aro hereby notldotl to ren- er in their dcra«n<li to the uii'lerilirneil, Ac cording to law; and all person* indebted to ■aid esuto are required to mnko Immediate payment. B. II. ZELLNER, AumlnUtrator of Chat. A. BeaiYy, deceased. December I>t, 18M. «w IV A \ f r 1*' 11 l*<Ue«aua geuucinuii in ” L LI/ town or country, oittHtice no objection, can have itoady work at their :i • ■ n i’l !»•* ' 'if ' 'in 1 n i l mil make from910to915per week. No c-mva-iing. Work acntbymall Addreu OAKLAND MANK’G UO., Box fi 15222, Boston, Mau. dccSwlt Potaton.—Good demand for new poiatoca at 9ifc>a3.00 per bbl. Cabbaox—i to 11 cent! per bead. Km.—Good cc; prime Me; lancv 7c. ^EiAncn.—ReflncHl pearl box©* So; do. 1 Ib aABDnm.-qnirter boxoa American 16.25* 60; imported 113.60. Bai.t.—The demand li moderate and the jurtK M*gd3^Uir»^1jgLh; Virginia |ULJ»; Liverpool *1; bye Good l TBLBOBA.ro AND MxtflKNOBB. Macob, December 28-Evening. llddiyng,..^ 10; i ng... mM .... MWM iqQ , aw middling T , Low middling ZZ Strict good ordinary « Good ordinary.. Ordinary Stock on hand.. COTTON MARKKTS BV TILHCIKAWH. Liverpool. Dee. 24.-Noon.-Ootton.bu!in w* ood at hardening rate!; middling uplands American 3780. Futures Arm. December and Jmmry Januat y and February. upload! 8 M6; ^mld- ’ uplands 6*4: ordinal 53-16 good'middling Texas «S?i • Texas 6 Mi: low middling Texas Texas! 13-16; ordtMtfjT ^Orleans _ ordi nary Orleans 5% 'Fates; of American 1708. Futures quiet but December, value. 86346 December aud January, value.8244 middling Texas 4M8: low middling T 814*18; mod ordinary Texas 813-18; ordt 51V16; good ordinary Orleans 513-16; < MBWW8 W gMlwry. VllW.m.JWW January aud February, buyen.^J 8244 liMaiiiiMiaiiMt a«t 17-84 41144 New Tons,Dec. 24.-Noon-Co«oa nominal: middUng uplands 111-18; middling Orleans Fttttrmmarket momd steady: sales *700. llteMtertogjtaMsihows tit. epwlngand i these prloes can bo rJM , quar- Kbbffh.ffiffetlro 0 ’ ^ M ' w - Mu'Jts.—About throe car loads In the uutr tt, which ta active; trade medium; tlOOelSS. Hides, Wool, urc.-nidiw-recelpu light; 7 ' " dry dim 6al2; sailed x*iq. Wool uomlnal: an* washed wwihM 24a38o; burry 12al6c. Wax ZJGS24Ce fallow 60fe. PICXLBB.-Pinufl.5fj-quart! 9Z25, hall oar* rail, plain and mixed, 97.00. GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKETS BV TELEGRAPH* Baltiko&b, Dec. 23.—Flour steady, aulet* nw.7'1 slvaat area* •^77udiMrtivejW*»iSB5^^^ff Southern red friuii. do amber &U90; No 1 TREE TO ANY LADY *f utejsfc hi erAt^SkU gaaasssmr 1». HAlH'lK'li dk C'On fcmcrbrwk, l ono.3 Gold Watch. GOSSAMER GARMENTS. CARDS ffERRTS 1NV ALtAULr. TO ALL! \v. : t< m. ..1 COCCo^ V)*:' applicant* r and to customer* oxl»»l year " r.Lout ^ < r-'.t: : g.t Ils .' t.:.* lii-trai.. 1.* rdfM, •• n« fc: 1! >:■-.«• • -•?.* f r 1 ng all Vegrtxf lc and Mower bKEUN, 111 i.iih, rtc. D.M. FERRY AC0. 0, ^' r pofiTE«oa. 1 MV3jroSHM'lu3S!» — Kvo quiet at 46*57, Nxw Yosx. D«emher23.—Flonr-Hotuherii J***?l. ! teak—rt f* fail I'ltra 4! '.1.90; good lochulc, extra irv,15,40. w „..t, .,-,1 itrm: rod 17a'-7 ' No 2 re.l ch - Corn, spirt lower: unsraded ro-t <;.i re-1 December tU4*31 C a .ba-le better: _ Ij: new ’.0425, t _ S.W _ _ Porto Ku o 4 lt-16, molu.o auxar 1 ■ ial’r xo.;.l reouins i'..i'.. reflaod aUa-ly-0 extra O 4>.awtill.- eilra tl Tellow I'falfj, Otr K y;. mould At', —ii.l*r.t A 5‘.. confectioner.' A 513-'.4. rut .1 t rru.:.,-l 6)4 powdered A ' 1 . sranutaied 51 >:6, rate.s , * 1, New orloan. 43. J cub. '.lu-.i rettntns tv Klee -l- . Ij: domeallo 4> 4 Ot',. raus-»u 4J£»U4- Cotton »-n-i Oil mart; crude mil. Puts dull, unchaose.1; u,-w mesa, spot 811.25.. Mi Ilea dull: tons 1 lear U V. Urd opene-1 teHowswutdetaaea very dud: We.tem -.cm I “—_. _ : Out This Out Cbicaso, December 23,-FIour dull: soo.1 SjegiSvAmn greenb t a t c ksi a*g«»im«!3PwirOjg—yjtA*«■* ■ ■ —EASILY MADE NO HARO WpWU, * • ‘ I ' • - ' *** - Ouueii the GOuti v zrcx^’T •nT.'E FARM MIL 8 r *xM«Uam _ i~,c:: zit URW WrtU f*» Cimr-cn 4 awlt )ttg Oft STl.Am'Burtiu 'ia A COlil’t 10! on MOsrT. ala»7H- ..Lard ta moderate demand: c-n MMMUHHB|U8slJ7Ji Bulk mcau • *uort rib* tYCJ'i h>«v --LA.lv rt i 68.8JHOAS5, January 9MM.S7 [SueHsisidmyy^— sn !tr. Lorn. Decen f unUy t. ...VU, 8 .1.2 Wbeal [hetforreih: 2 ntudard A 6;i cut teat 754. hanred: Mr. Jarphly. "Oh, nothing particular, only I've it in calf and in Russian leather and in cloth, and I thought I wonld like to sc* it December J.-Flour (3.25a un, jilt Kteady, closed N j 2 rc'l < Mh A} «... , * Corn caiier AU'i *1ow: < *>h gyary Sl/k^K.. Oats ch d .11: ,... m *:?$&1 MW, Jobbing't u U 2Ul“ 24 1 It ' u ‘mil •ten riba ta.75, abort clear (4 SV.7.CM. Haw rttadr as IlLMtULUi. Lard higher at «L5V Whisky steady as XLU. I Dae. 23.—near quiet, family «»:■• K.o;ws.'A xood to fiucy H^^S^nlxed'm. Mtanui^ STu yasmeLiip^jss^ . mismor'cstissAfi J ‘ a'-' - •- ttero ,An*4 n * n.-rna I ‘IJLOQ Atlantic ?Ifg. Co. 5u'liomi Sltv«4, 5. Vro.* kmxkto 104 pm AGENTS Reflecting Safety Lamp F0RSEE & UtVAKIN, Clsclansffi» 20 DOLLARS 1 A \ t iKITU ;IJVGER ^ STYLE 1 ^ SEWING MACHINE CC r = ATiVE SE'a.S . V ■ 5 : t U P* ida.FS_