Weekly telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1885, February 06, 1885, Image 1

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Weekly Telegraph and ESTABLISHED 1826 ^FROM WASHINGTON. .SSTEROAY'B PROCEEDINCV OF ?BOTH HOUSES of concresb. So , n te Busy With Inter-State Com- ntsioe--Tho Tims of tns Houss con- stinted By FlilBustsrli'B Motions ..porter's Appeal, Etc. rnuoiuraiD to thr amociatib raaas.1 Wasbisotok, February 2.—Ths chair l»ld before tho Senate the credenthfle of JohnC Spooner, elecled United States Sinttor from Wisconsin for six years from the 4 h of March next. Also the creden- ,1,1, of the re-election of Senator Vest, Imm Missouri. Also a message from the ffident informing Congress that the ..rpmment of Corea desired theserncea SfonTor more American military officers i, instructors for the army of Corea, and Scmmendlng tns ossssge by Congress of . cm current resolntion authorizing the President to comply with the desire ex- Also the President's messsge re- f.tinz to the "Alert,’’ recommending its to the British government. re Tn e8m«'e took np the foil tic railroad Mil A few verbsl changes were made in it. end it then, by agreement, went oyer ^o'awoliouofMr. Dolph, the Senate then tnoi up the bill to repeal the pre emption and timber culture lawe. After eome die- ms.ion by Messrs. Dolph, Morgan and Coclcrrll, the bill was displaced by the in ter S ate commerce bill, the consideration of which was resumed. Mr. Culiom said ha hoped the bill W-nld be completed o- d»r If not, he wonld ask the Senate to tvmsln in session to morrow until it was disposed of. and wonld in'erpret a deciina* Uonof >bs Seosts so to remtin In session to-morrow a: an evidence of an Intention not to do anything at all on the snhjrct. After speeches by Messrs. Hanlson and lltbone, a vote was taken on Mr. Beck's amendment to strike ont from theUnnee bill toe prorisino relating to equal factll-les and accommodation* for passengers. The Senate, by a vo'e of 22 to S3, refused to itrlMnut the clause. The bid provides tnst railroads ahall not chirrs more fur a shorter haul than for a longer haul tkatincludes the shorter. Mr. Beck moved to amend this so as t> pro hibit merely the charging of more for transportation any distance less than the whole length ot the line than is chsrg d for a similar vervice oyer the whole tongh ol the lln*. To this amenuiu-nt several others followed, led smld a long debate all were voted down, except one by Mr. Flamb, on which a mte was nor. reached. It was to emend Mr. Beck's amendment no ts to make it apply only to cases involving "simllsr circumstances.” Mr. Sherman, in moving thstihs Sena's proceed to the con.Id-radon of executive business, said he would to-morrow support Mr. Calhm's proposition that the Senate lit continn- onsfy nntil the bill ahall be completed Without action on Mr. Plnmb'a amend ment, tbs Senate, at 5:25, went Intoexecu. tire sessi n, Ind when, at 5:45, the doors were reopened the Senate adjourned. 1IOB3*. I I Under the call of 8 ate* a number of bills were introduced and referred. Mr. Ktndill called np tbe resolntion providing that during the remainder of the sriflon thirty minotee every morning shall be devoted to the consideration ol tneunrre called np by individual mem bers, 11 there are not five objections made thereto, provided while thte order Is in force the Speaker shell not entertain a re- 2 nest for unanimous consent at any other me. After several amendments had been offered and defeated the previous qneslim was ordered, and the vote stood 132 to CS upon Ur, Rsndatl'a motion. Tbs time wea then extended to one hunr, instead of 3d minutoi, si apec tird in the resolu ion. At this point and ne- lore final action sras taken onlht retolu- tl», Mr. rolllns,of MarsAChn-etrs, nioveu that the House t ake a reoese till 11 o'clock to morrow. Thle was done (or the par pose ol continuing the legislative day ol Monday in o ri-r that an oppoitunlty may be bail to more the passage of the bank mptcy bill nnder a suspension of tbe rales. Hr Ihomproo.ot Kentucky, Interposed a motion, to adjonrn. Loit—toss, 103; nays.157. Mr, M intlon, of Illinois, then made some filibustering motions, on which the roll ni called. A yea and nay rota was ordered st 0:20 on a motion of Mr Bloant, ol Georgia, to adjimrn. Before It was taken Mr. Hnctck of New York, asked of Mr. Collins, of Mas ••ebusettt, "What can we accomplish? Yon know it's not poerible to accomplish anything” Colllna retorted: "Allthings are possible in aseonlbla assembly." Thai pitied anotuer hour, and then Mr. Bpringar. of Illinois, rose and said that early in Ibn day b* hid yielded his right to call op a bill of local importance, and that n* now hoped that unanimous consent wonld he given to hare it pasted. Mr. Wane, of Keutucky, objected. Roll cad followed ro’lcalltn monotonous mcersdon till 9:20, the friends of tho bank- ruptcy bill heing in a majority ranging from two to elx. and Toting down every motion to adjonrn. Tbe attendance of members, whlcn at tbe beginning of the struggle was large, aggregating aoont 250, gradually dwindled away till at0:30 U was bat half that number present. At midnight the House was still In Mon, with no prospect of adjournment. The time w>s mostly occupied with roll falls th. ddstory proceeding* diver sified with banter, fan, humorous remarks, MACON//l(Il)AY FEBRUARY 6, 1**5. come a day or two sooner. Gov. Cleve land will «o to the Arlington like any other guest, and pay his own bills. On motion of Ur.Cullom.the Senate then resumed consideration of the Inter-State commerce bill The question was on Mr. Plumb'e motion to add tbe words “under similar circumstances" to tbe amendment offered by Mr. Beck, which amendment would prohibit a railroad company from charging more lor the transporting of goods over a part of it* line than f *r trans porting the same goods over its whole line. Mr. Piumb's motion was agreed to—yeas 26, nays 20. The question thea recurred on Mr. Beck's amendr ent as modified. On this Mr. Vance took the tloor. He ridiculed tbe Idea that Senators did not have auffi dent knowledge and common sense to be able to •ay that railroads should be prohibited from pooling and diacrl i lasting against persona and places. There were, no doubt, matters of railroadimanagemeot that Sena tors did not understand; but there were also simple matters that even the Senate's pages could uudentand. Much eloquence had been expended in tbe Senate ou this railroad subject, but Mr. Vsncc thought tbe eloquence of Senetors was in inverse ratio to their disposition to do anything effective. It hsd been ssld that to many people were Interested in railroad stocks that we ought not to pass laws to restrict their charges. The same argument wonld apply to the business ol robbing henroosts. The clamor*of railroad meu were like the protests of tbe chicken steal- era, who would li. form legislature that they did not understand the business of chicken alealiog—that It was a very com- pllca ed business and differed totally from the vulgar business of stealing things other than chickens. Reference to railroad au thorities as ‘experts” was in Mr. Vance s opinion t-l though chicken stealers shonld insist that one of their number, BdlSyk.s. for example, ahouid be consulted by the representatives of the people before laws were passed on the snbjectof chicken stealing, because BUI Sykes thoroughly understood the subject. Bill Sykea bad been in ths business for forty years and c aid tell an old hen from a pullet by star light in Ilia top of Ihe loftiest apple tree In the farm yard. There was In Mr. Vance's opinion one great mystery about the rail road business, and that was the meek en durance and long suffering patience of tho American people. The claims of Vanderbilt, Jay Gould, Albert Fink el Id ornne genus to having cheapened tbe price of ommodlUe* by railroad trantp irtation were claims that properly belonged to science and not to the uartles named. As well might the sieve claim credit fur letting water pan tbrongn ' There was not n uch cre lit to be given people who said "the public be damned.” The Culiom bill was the direct progeny of the Circumlocution Office, and went 1 result in no'htng. Tbe Senate should not dodge the iasne by passing inch • bill. Mr. Vsnce favored tbe House bill. Mr. lleck said Ihst he would now vote against nis own amendm nt, since it had been moiified by the amendment of Mr. Plumb. It would mske the bill utterly nsel-ss if passed. He severely criticised the bill. Mr. Beck's amendment, umndifieJ, was then voted down—yets 6, nays 41. Mr. Sherman followed in a long speech on tbe general subject covered by these bills, itinln rout with the statement that lie preferrci the Sanate bill, but would have voted for either the House or Senate bill if die other were out of the way. Mr. Kenns esnte next in opposition to Ihe'coinraisiisn feature of the proposed legislation. Mr. Beck's am"ndmcnt, permitting a reduction ol retrs ntmout prorinus notice, wssagroedto—y.j. 16, nay«7. The Hou-e bill provides that no dlscrimiuation shall bo mule between pissengers on nc- i-ount of rate or color, "bit the furnishing ot separate and equally comfortable ac- commo rations should not be deemed dis crimination." Mr. Ingslls more l to strike out all ot tbit provision except the sta-e- nient that there should be no discrimina tion on account of raea or color. Mr. In ga Is s motion waa agreed to, line atriking out i lie proviso regarding "separate nccoiu- ino rations." Tbe vote on striking ont was 31 yen to 17 nays, Messrs. Butler and Jackson heing ihe only Democrat* Toting tn the sffirmatiye. Mr. Hoar, from the committee on pr'vl. leges and elec 1 ions, reported that the cre dentials of Mr. Hearts, Ihe newly elected Senator from New York Htate, had been examined and found defectiea, not being elgnad by the Governor or countersigns r by the Secretary o( Stated New York, as required by the revised statutes, whila tb* detailed procecdlun ol tb* Lrgtelatnre which are fur iilnl are not necessary. Tbe credentials and report were laid oil ihe table, Mr. Hoar saying tb* dvfi denclea would doubtless b* t applied befort Mr. Evarts'a term should begin. Tbe Senate, on m tllon of Mr. Culiom. resumed consideration of tbe Inter-State commerce bill. The bill haying bean per lected it was reported to the Senate Iron Ihe committee of the whole, read thn third lima and patted—yea* 43, nays 12. The VJ a in detail was sa follows: Yeaa—Aldrich, Allison, Blair, Call, Camenon of Wisconsin, Cbacs, Conger, Callout, Dawes, Dolph, Glmunds, Frye, Oroome, Hampton, Harris. Harrison, Hawley, Hill. Hoar. Ingslls, Jackson, Jo- etc Tits taxis os iniman. The President has 1 faced nproclaroation directing that tbe collection of the tounage tax shaikhs inspendcd, beginning to-mor row, ai rvgerrls all vessels srrlelng in any pond ths United 8utn Irora any pirt in province of Ontario, Canada, from the ports d8tn Juan and Mayaguese, in the “tend of Porto llico, from the porta of Panama and Aapinwill, nr from porta in ths island of M-mserrat. No duty it Im posed ts tonnage on American vessels in , — -J fits parts named, and under the shipping jset, though bn thought morn •ct of 1881 the President is empowered to suspend the collection of tonnage taxes ksgards teasels sailing from ports where '•* is no: collected from yeusls of «be United States. thiooii areuiuruaxa. The Secretary of War to-day transmitted “ progress a a element prepared by the adjutant-general of the army, sbowlugth* Bomber of militiamen, organised and un- organized, in tbo different 8tst*s of tb* Union tbs total number d commis sioned Offixrs, pi Ivatet, etc., number S3,- »™. . Thn total number of unorganised aiiiUamen (or men available (or military fiut>) i* 6.50. COO. New Yurt rank* Dial Jn It* somber of organized mtbtlamsa, I if "ten; Pennsylvania second. With 5.30) men; Florida third, with 7,263 ,*nd Ohio fourth with 5.M3. In Georgia. Mississippi, Arkanaas.TeoDcasee JJd Oregon there is no organized militia •twice, BUT STATOItST. and perhaps eome mede ol iti removal should be provided." HOUIE. Under the new rale adopted yesterday tbe Hpeaker pro Ins, Mr. Blackburn, pro ceeded to recognize members to call no •pedal rovasnrea. Several hills were call ed up but were objected tu b> more ibau ten members and were not considered. Then Mr. Limb, of Indians, moved to ad journ, a* Judge Holman seemed to have decided that no bnimess should bo done On a division the vote stood a tie at 105 and the motion wse lost. Tbe remainder of the hour was used np wi’hout remit. Mr. Diogley, from (be committee on ■hipping, reported a bill to amend seo ions 4153 3177 and 4371 ot rhe revised statutes, at regardidooumen’lng vessels and de-ig. natlng their numbereand tonnage Hon*e calender. The bill repeals the piovMom ol law forfeiting tbe vesestortinp mug the alien toonsge tax on a vessel which is without docume us, or whxh nmi's to carve her tonnage un her maiu beam, and ■ubitltntei a slight penalty. Mr. Lore, from the sa ne committee, re ported a bill to allow shipping commis sioners to ship seamen for ve-sele in tbe coastwise .trade when requested by the misters of sneb vessels. House calendar. Mr, Mntchler, from the committee on civil service reform, reported adversely tbe bill prohibiting the removal of Union sol dlers in the civil aeiviee except fog cause. House calendar Mr. Millard obtained permisii jn to file a minority report nereaf-er. Mr. Money, Ironi the committee on poat offioes, reported a bill to reduce the port age on mailsble matter of the second class H mse cilend »r. It provldet that postage on Mpbllcations of toe eeotnd cla-s, when rent by publisher! to bona fide subscribers, shall be one cent per pound or fraction thereof. A session was ordered for to-night and then, at 2:10, p. m., tbe House went into Cimmittee of the whole (Mr. Hammond in Ihe chair) on the river and harbor bill. Mr. Horr. ol Mich igan, while conceding Ihst thn bill had been carefully prepared, thoug it that G n- gresa shonld stop dumping money Into Galveston harbor until it knesi what it was •boat. Mr. McAdoo, ol New Jeriey,oppovd the Galveston project, it was giving Captain Gads tbe harbor todo wbai ba liked with, and tbe United States treasury to pay him (or doing i'. Another scheme in the bill was tbe ondding of a harbor of refuge at Sandy Bay, Massnchnietts. and eeUblsb- lng an ocaanio Yellowstone Park. In the shadow of these big schemes ttlrrs were numerous small schemes. He Initmceri the appropriation (or the improvement of Wttereo river, which was nutnlug but a lumber yard. Tbe engineers said that it was a net-work of logs, and be tbonght it would be more advisable to make an appropriation for an engine to be kept in readiness for lire. Mr. Brliord, of Colorado, who mule hie first appearance during the preeeut are- tlon In the House to-day, and who we* applauded as be took Ihe Door, offend an amendment directing tbe appointment ol a coin mission to make surveys lor tbo construction of reservoir* to be used in rrigatlhg the public lands In Colorado He said that tbe ouly objection to tbe b II was tnst the slices of porx wereni' cienlly large. Tbe amendment was rated oat on a point o( order. In (peaking tn a verbal amendment, J. S. Wise, o( Virgin a, opposed a proposition to set aside the Missis ippt river commis sion and plsostba whole work In the haunt of Captain Kids, whosa plans were at best problematical. It uol only ignored but in sulted tbe euginrer department uf ihe gov erument. The proposition to make the fortune of one man by Incorporating his name in a great mrasure, to the exclusion ot department of the government, in Us bsldnets and audacity snrpssssil any thing be bad ever wlinssved tn ihe House Tb* committee rose and at5o'clock look a recess Ull 8 p m. avssiao sassioa. At 8 o'clock the If onto went into com mittee of the whole to continue the con sideration of tbe river and harbor bill. than eighty memte s were In attend ance st tho beginning of tbs session. Mr. While, of Kentucky, Immediately gave no tice that at the fir>t opportunity be would raise tne point ol "noquorum," and would not permit bnainssv to proceed until * quo rum itumld be obtained. Mr. Willis, of Kentucky, appealed to bis colleague to permit the consideration ol tba bid, In order that public business might be faellfta'c I. He tsid it waa un derstood that only nnimportant items wonld be dlscnseed. Mr. White ofiered an amendment to In- create the proposed aporopri»tioo for tbe harbor at Burlington, Vt, and Insisted on a quorum to vote on It. indlvidasl ap peals were mtde to him to withdraw bis demand bnt be refnsed »nd asked for a call of tbe roll. Only 138 members an iwerert. No quorum beltg present, the committee, nuder tne rules, rose and its THE TABLES TURNED. Whole Immediately Arrsetad—Extraordi nary Cotl*-ss jt tn# Pretty Pr.s- oner— Rossn's Hutt not 8s- rlous.-WImt He Bays. (TiLaaaaraxn to tux assocutip prkss.J Raw Yota, Febrnsry 2.—O'Donovan R-nia was shot by a woman this evening on Chamber* street, near hit office, and is reported-to be dead. Latib.—Tbe thhotirg ot O'D tnovan Kot-a took place at 6 12 o'clock this after- no in. He Is still alive. He was in front of the Stewart building on Chambers street, when be w«s ap.-n&ciled by a handsome vnnna lady dressed in plsin clothes. She wore spectacles end bsd the ap pearance of an intellectusl-looklng school teacher. She drew a five-barreled revol ver Irora her dresa pocket and leveled ii el him and fired one ahot. Rorst threw his bands up shore his head and cried, I'm shot." He then fell beavilv to the hit-walk. The woman fired the remain i-ig b illet* In h*r pistol st the pr s'eate mao,and* a m’y and unconcernedly w«lk-d off with me suit-king revolver In her band. 6na wav follow* 1 by a large crowd, • biles still larger mob surrounded the wonmled dynamiter. City Marshal James McAuley, in the sbtenoe of a policeman. pleads guilty nor not gul ty." The coort remarked that she would be held toawai the result of Rossa’s injury, and remanded her. When Mrs. Dudley turned to leave the courtrooms smile played on her lace. She drew her close about her end walked calmly out of the room behind an officer. The bouse surgeon of the Chamber! street hospital sent a communication to the court stating that on an examination ol Itosia'e wound he found that tbe ball entered over the oenter of the left scapu la. taking an upward and inward course, paeslng beneath the si in for four Inches. Ibis n ornlng he was in good condition, having passed a comfortable night and sieotquletlv. He wav suffering no ptln and no unfavorable symptoms bad been developed yet. Mrv. Dudley was locked up In a cell at the Tombs. She refused to say anything to rt porter*, writing to them that she bad beenaoadrisedbybercounsel. Mr.Butts. Iier counvel, was special county judge and jnrrogate in Sullivan county fro n . 872 to J. Pierrepont Edward*, the British con sul, was asked to-day if the British repre sentatives would take any action •hatever relative to Mrs. Dudley's osse He replied that he aid not know why tbe British antboritiee should act voluntarily In 'bo raiiiter. If Mra. Dudiev claimed Itrulsh protection It wonld be given her. The consulate would advise Mrs. Dudley if she asked their aid as a British subject. Naw Yoga, February 4.—Mra. Dudley was interviewed by a > jporter, to whom she stated that many of the stories pub lished concerning her are made np of tis anes of lies. "Reporters on this si le of the saw the revolver in the woman's hand 1 "***![.” said Mil. Dndlsy. "seem to be and arrested her. Mis e.i conducted to lheTwen'y-*lxth preen ot station house. In the city nail. Her imp-ttn.nable privity and coolness of demeanor were remark able. When arraigns I at the sergeant's leak, McAulsr handed tbe revolver, a small ralibre live-shooter, to Ihe sergeant and said lie found ihe woman brandishing the weai-on in the (treat. A citizen who rn-ered the polios elation with tbe prieon- •rsa'd she bad just ahot a mao on Cham bers street "tin yon know the man 7” asked Sergeant Cass, turning to the wo man. "Yes; I shot O'Donovan Rosas,” said the prisoner, with a alight English accent, cbe looked very pretty as -he stood at tbe bar, and betrayed uo excite ment whatever. She gave her name at Yeeolt D idl-y. Naw Yoaa February 2.—O'Donovan R nss m*de the tollowlog statement to Coroner Kennedy: On Saturday, January 81, about 4 p. m., I received s letter at my odee, No. 12 Cham bers street. Tbe mess-go was in writing and wat delivered by a meuenser boy. Tbe note stated <h*t a lady wl.hedtn seems: that she Lamar, Laplrtm, McMillan, Mander-on, Miller of California, Miller of New York, Mllcbell, Morrill, Pile, Platt, Plumb. Pagh, lUddleberger, Sawyer, Sewell, Sher- man, Si tier, Vest and Wtlaou—43. Nays—Bayard, Butler, Cockrell, Coke, Colquitt, McPhenoo, Maxey, Morgan Pendleton, Salisbury, Vance and Vac "Tht’Texa* Pacific land forfeiture bill was laid before the Senate, but waa displaced by a rate of 37 to 22 by the Home bill for me retirement and recoinage of the trade dollar. The bill, as amende 1 by the Sen ate, providee also for a suspension ot tbe coinage of tbe standard dollar. Mr. Ingalls moved to strike ont the fifth section, which is tha section suspending tb* coinage of tba standard dollar. Mr. Morrill addressed tbe Benats on tha .JL He accepted the Senate committee’s amendments os the House bill, be said, on tha Idea that something ahouid imme diately be done by Congrees upon the sub ject, though be tbonght more heroic legis lation would ba more ialoUrv. In the ooarae ol bis remarks Ur. Morrill uid: "For my own part I confess that I do not feel that tbegorerament ot tbe United Slates is under the ilightsit legal or moral obligation to »• earn tbs silver coin known as tb* trade dollar. It originated solely from a supposed dt mend for export and waa •tamped under tbe act of February 12m 1875. as containing 420 grains of ailver, and at that time was equal lo 1U.8 in United States note* or 10U.5 cents in Rold. It is true that by soma inadvertence it happened to bo included as a legal tender by the coinage act of 1873, the tame as subsidiary silver coins, to tha extant only of 55, for three years or nntil July 22 A76, when even Its limited lejal tender character was repealed. Up to that time the whole amount issued waa 315.418,450. L'ooat this lime Mirer began to ^raclale in kadUnhedB*^, not^ hadso much apprecte^d that lb* silver dollar , , wat wcj^ 1;1 „ re than the trade one. Spec- Tha debt elitement,iseued id-day.aliowi Liitors therefore carried silver bnllion to tbe decrease ol the pub le debt during Ou the mints and exchanged Ihe tame lor trad* UHlUUIltKOi UUUffl IUU mini, liftr milt condition was reported lo tha House; Mr. Willis ssld itwu not rignt to tax Ihe patience ol tbe House by demanding a cell, and moved so adjournment, which waa taken at 6:10 p m. TBS 1XTII4TATS CUNSBSCI BIU- As pssted by the Senate, tba inler-Staia commerce bill providee for a commission to It* composed ol nine members,one from each judicial circuit of ths Uoitinl States, lo hold nffle* tor six ysars, except that of tboss first appolotsd three shall hold office for two years on-v and thr** others fur (oar year* only. Vacancies ar* to b* filled by the President. Not more than fiyaol tba commissioners shall belong to one political psrtj. Ths dstlfS of tho ywwtfiwn im defined to be to txercte* the powers and duties gran'ed by tbs bt I pertaining to tbs matbods SBd ngolatiog tb* operation ol all transportation companies engaged in In ter 8ut* commefte, and to tat a into con sideration and investigate all tbe yarioos questions relating to commerce betwaea Htetei. and especially tbe metier of trans portation (solar at may banecessary toes- tablisb a just system ol regulations for tb* goys.nmentof ths asms) Tas se'aryof the commissioners it fixed at 57,500 aud they are author a d lo appoint a secretary at 53.500, ail ntceasary traveling expeneea to ba paid by Ibagoy- •rnment, and Ihe witnesses summoned be fore lha commission art to bs paid tb* oiail feel. 'I he commission bis power to send for persons and pspart, to administer oath*, and to require the prodoc-ion of all books, papers, contracts and documents, or prop- arly certified abstracts thareof, relating to matters under consideration. It lastrhor- lied to require Inter-State transportation companies to furnleh an na! reports, giv ing (nil Information as to their financial condition, the cost ol their property, tb* number and salaries of employes, etc. It shall report annuMly to tha Secretary of tb* Interior. The commits loners shall, daring tb* first year, investigate and re port on tb* subject of maximum and min imum chatg-s, pooling, ''watering” of tineas, and unjust discrimination, etc. Tna bill being in lta present form a sab- •titatstor tb* Hons* bill, it now goes to tb* Hons* of Repressnlatirts for concur rence or non concurrence. was Interrsted In the Irish esu-e to assist It. Bhe didn’t cars to goto snd remain walitug there until I came, eae only would ask for ten minutes ol time. The boy io d me tbe lady was st the telegrsi-b office In the Stewart building, cor ner of Uroedway end Chambers street. 1 went with him sod I met her. 1 told her It would be well logo to some hot k as thn telegraph oQce was uo place to tela In. We osme ont end went to H weeny's hotel. We went Into Ihe ladles’ parlor, sod she sold she would he ■ble to give conitd.rAhlemottev If anything good could bedoue. Kholh n said she would call Moudty. February 2 st 4 d’cloek. Today she sent another message to my of fice, and I went to the same ltlrgrst-h office, end there I met tho lady, eh* showed me a paper which I was to slen. 8h* then suggest ed that we go ihe same p see. We walked down Chambers street toward Broadway, aud wo got a short dliteuce toward Broadway wnen tbo woman stepped beck and fired two nr three shots. One of the bells cnleied my heck. (digued) Jeiixiah O'Donovax Roisa. R wea. after being sho*, was able to rise to bis feet, and. with the assistance of a man on each aide, he walked to tb* Cham bers stmt hospital, abo.it a quarter of a mile. Tbeto lc was tnnnd that on'y one •bt>l bad atru ik him; that was in the bsck, •nd tbe bullet i* I-diced In ths mnsclss •b rat hs'l an inch above ths left ehuu der bled*. Tne wound will not cause him much inoooyenisncr. I -a waa placed oo a cot Jo the same - trd lit wb-cb Capt. Phelan Ilea ™ Snd within twenty-five feat of him, who was nearly ent to piece* in Ros-a'e c files by Short. Further questioning hy tb* sergeant at the ponce nation si-cited lb* a'ateinsnt that tbs women's name was Yaenlt Dnd •ry,age-125years; that aba wai snorts and married, and that tbe lived at No. 06 Clinton Place. She waa asksil why the •hot O'Donovan, how long ah* bad been In America and other questions, to which aba mad* no answer. Altar bar "pedigree” bad beau taken, abe was es corted lo a rear room and tbe crowd slow ly dispersed. As there were no ecoommo dation< for prisoner* in the city bell sta tion, Mrs. Dudley was removed to tba Oak street station at 7:15 p. m, and thare placed In acell. Her entire demeanor was that of a rational person, and B cool-head ed one at that. Boorily after tbe surgical examination tba coroner waa sant for and Roeia mad* bis ant* mortem statement. Ha was then moved to soother ward. Captain Poelan, who it still gnardad by a policeman, whan inform-*] ot tha particulars ot tha shooting, smiled gi imly, but refused to say anything on Ihe suhj-cL The office ol the boepttai was visited by a lava* nutnmr of Rosaa's frleods to-night, all of lli-m determined looking men, and their talk boded no good to Rosas's enemies. To a reporter who interviewed him to night Rosea txpre.aed tbe opinion that ba was Iba victim of a conspiracy by tba British government; that tna woman waa only ■ Mid Millin. Patrick Joyce, Rossa'a right band man, •xpreaeed a similar opinion, accompanied with many threats. Mrs. Dadiey discarded hsr glaiseato- ulgiit eud soute of lw»a’s friend: szrrr! that they were merely worn ** a disguise. Bhe refnsed lo *a'k to any person. Naw Yobs, February 3.—Tbs headquar ters of O'Doooran floats bay* beta tempo rarily removed to tba Cham bare Street Hospital, where lta editor-in-chief Ilea to day with tha ballet tram Mrs. Dudley's tlielnl ralltl in this Itarlr UfMIB** much more inventive than English report ers. I cannot for my put see any need ol making op lenaaffouel articles from anch an Insignificant affair. Why couldn’t Ihe newspapers dittnls. it with a paragraph 7” “The papers this morning piiut a dis patch from London wnich states that yon were confined in Hayward's health Insane asylum, in Sussex, for a year, for an at tempt ataulclde. lathis correct?” “Yon bare no right to ask such a ques tion,” said Mrs. Dudley impatiently, "bat I will say that I never was confined In an English prison of any kind. Tbe newsospera on tbe other lido ought tn know better than to print such stuff. If one was to believe all tuey aay about me, I wan d indeed be an impossible character." "How about Ihe report that yon area spy and employe of the British govern ment?" Mrs. Dudley langhed as she rep'lcl: “Ami gave chaniDagne sappers lo certain English bairisters su-tpoted to be in sympathy with the drnamltc move ment. I will not even admit or deny that I ever did snob a thing or acted as a spy. If John Boyle O'Rrlliy, who thinks 1 am Mra. Tyler, will come lo the Tombs,be will have the‘ * can. Un ,... give ont any more stariea,” pistol atiil Im tedded in hi* back, Rons' office in Centra street is dosed today. Tbe physidsna at tb* boapitel thought that Roaaa bad Improved in condition daring the night. Tb* only visitor to Ross* up to 11 o'elock this raornlug was hie secre tary, Patrick Joyce* Mrs. Ross* went t> her bom* In Brooklyn 1st* last ulgbt snd had not returned this morning. Mrs. Dndlsy was taken this morning from the station boos*, where eh* bad been eocflned daring tba nirbt, to tha Tombi pci!.-* court. A number of people gathered at tbe station boot* and followed lb* officer and bis charge while they walked to lta court house. When was roach* i Mrs. Dudley waa c lots tba private examination room, when •ba remained Ull her cat* was called by Ju.Uc* Patterson. Arthur C. Butte, Uw- Jar, accompanied tb* accused lo the court When tb* fact ot tb* presence ot tbe prisoner became known, tb* hall of juatlca became rapidly occupied until entrance was dented to later comen. Tba enctoenr* reamed for lawyers was oecopted by a number of these genii, men, sersre po lumansand a •warm of reporters. Whan Mrs, Dudley entered tbegesa ol every person in the room waa rfysted on her face. She walked calmly to tb* bar hetw.cn an officer and THE PATENT OFFICE. Its Operations Last Year—Better Ac commodations Demanded* fTSLEQBAPlISD TO THI ASSOCIATID FKKSS.J Wasiii.vutos, February 1.—The annual report of the Commissioner ot Patents for tbe year ended December 31,1881, has been banded to the Secretary of the Interior. That part of the report which relates to the finances of the bureau shows that there was received daring Ihe year Irom all sonroes 81.0 5.709 and that there was expended 5070.680—an excess of receipts overexpen- oltures ot 3105.219. There is In the treas ury of Ihe United States a balance on ar. count ot the patent land ot 32,781,605. TI.6 summary of Ihe work of the office for the ye ,r show* that there were Issued 20,297 patents and dc-igna; that 110 patents were tel-sued and that 1.021 trade marks and 613 labels were registered; 12,361 patents expired daring the year snd patents were withheld In 2,830 cases for non-payment of the final fee. Uf Ihe patents iasued 19,013 were to citizens ol tbe United Suites aud 1,281 to citizens of foreign countries. The commissioner ag tin calls attenUon to th - inadequacy of the rooms and of the facilities for conducting the business of the office and to the onfitness of the ro ms now occupied for occupation by human beings, and s*y« »"ei several deaths have already occurred irom diseases contracted in foul, damp rooms. He also calls atten tion to tbe Imoffidencyof lha facilities for comluctlugexamlnstlona.and recommends that an appropriation be made fnra labor story and such appliances and fixtures as are neceesary. He asks that the force of exsmtnen be largely Increased, stating that the present force is inadequate. Id connection with this matter he asya: ' That those having boslnesa with this office have paid lo the government funds ample io provide everything essential to the prompt and proper dispatch of bu Iness, luolnding an Increase of room, an increase uf fo co and additional facilities, Is cer- tain, and I respectfully submit that It would bs difficult to find a satisfactory reason for withholding the fund from the use fur which tbo government received it, to wit: To pay tne expense of a prompt and proper diatrtnmlon of the business brought to the patentofllce.” FITZ-JOIIN PORTER AND ARTHUR. the privilege of identifying me. if be Until be does that, he had better not AN IOWA MOB Protests Against a Judge's Action by Hanging the Aocused. [TSLSourHSD TU TUB ASSOCIATID raise.] Chicago, Feb. 4 — A sped si from Audu bon, Iowa, says: On April 28,18J4, Hiram Jel'eraon, an old, inofienalva cripple, wu taken from hie bed in the night and hanged to a tree. His sod, Cicero Jefferson, and his aoss-in-law, John A. Smyth and Joel J. Wilton, were arreated for the crime, and Cicero made a detailed confession, admit ting guilt himself and implicating Smyih and Wilson, They were subsequently In dicted by tbe grand jnry, but got a contin uance. Last Wednesday Judge Loof- oorow convened court her* and ba aata was called for trial. Toe defend ant! filed a motion for change ot venne, on tb* ground of prejudice of th* prop!*. Without ruling on the motion J ndge Loot borow Bstnrdey surprised all by Mating that Judge Henderson, of tb* Maraban- town district, wool-1 b* bare Monday to Uks bis place on the bench. Tbe latter arrived Monday, opaoed court and an nounced Loofborosr’e ruling on the mo tion, which was to tb* street that tb* ▼*- nna wonld be changed to Csse county Nothing lisa ever occurred that lias to thoroughly aroused Ike indignation of onr people generally sa this announce ment. It ia charged that Judge Loot- borow want away to dodge Iba itorm that has followed his decision. Last night upwards of 100 dU- z-ns held a secret meeting. It waa rumor ed that a special train would laava bars daring tbe night to carry tha prisoners to At'amie, so guards wire stationed on every •treat leading from tha jail, and they pa- [TXLxaaarnxo to tux associatxd raise.] WasaiauToa, February 2.—In response to the House resolution offered by Repre sentative Sloonm, the President to-day transmitted to Congress the recent appeal ot Fill John Porter to him in bis own be half. Mr. Porter says in part: I ask yon lo deal with the prerant, not with tbepa.t. The vflect of the sentence of the rourt-marti«l Is a present and continuous one. t c-raUtues as loot as I am kept out of a pro vision In which I was bred aud from which It • rally shown by farts whlcn have eome lo llaht lino* my trial 1 was wrongfully rJetted. Acting on your own sense of duty and Justice, yon bare removed that part ol the continuing scntcoco which alaqnslinr-1 mo from restoration to the army. It Is la your power lo terminate ths further fore ol this continu ing sentence by appointing snd nominating me to the 8en-tefor restoration to the army, fur which I am mede eligible by the action yon have already voluntarily taken. The law providee lor Inst surh cane as mlno, and there are many pre cedents, with which 1 Ir-mMe you In thte appeal. Yon had objections to tho special course ol action prescribed In the vetoed Mil. II yon contluue to adhere to the views eapress. ed In ynnr mrsss|e,mey I not Indulge the hope that under tbo geucrel act ol MW you will, In the exercise ol four consUtutlouel power, rS- appot-t and nominate me to a sit table rscan- oy ttblcb may exist or may occur In tho army. ■I, however, you betters ihetibl- course Unot within your power, I respectfully ask you by special menage to refer my caw to Con- lib th. •uxseetlou tha- the recommen- >1 the advisory board be carried out by such action aalu tbvlr wisdom thryeheU deem expcltent and Ju-t. This appeal to B u Ip prompted by a deep mum ol e wrong and Injustice done me. and ol my right to recelva Ute utmost measure ol vlaitf- cade* that oaa be aesorded lo me. I hero m>da my appeal tor re- Icont'i u tusly from time to lime. In every furm which seemed For Action Against tho Murphy. fTltiaaaraED to tub aztociatxd rr.raa,] Naw OaLXAhe, February 4.—Mayor Gnillette submitted a message to city council last night in which he said: "The trial now progressing in the Crimi nal Court, of employes of the city govern ment, charged wilb the 'assassination ot A.H, Murphy, has de veloped tuch horrible (acts and details as to caU on our part for Immediate and summary action in lha premises. It wUl be laid by curtain per sons that as the question of guilt or inno cence of tho persons referred to is now st issue before n court of jostle*, council should remain inactive and make Its ver- diet on the'finding of that conrt. This conclusion la erroneous and nnfeir. No one esn deny that Thomas J, Ford and his accomplices in tbe murderofA.il. Mnrpby are city officials. No one after reading the evidence ae already elicited will dare deny their guilt, direct or indirect Ho one due say that Ihe jurore now sitting In judgmenton the case are all men of incorruptible bonestv. . ‘onieqnendy, what connection un be* traced oetween ths finding of Ford end others notgullty by the jury and the con viction ana certainty on tbe part oi tho city conned and community of their unde niable gnilt,” Alter dwelling on Ihe subject at consid erable length, tbe mayor concludes by charging Thomas J. Ford, of the second recorder a court, and other attaches of Ihe court now on trial, with conspiracy and nttlicious murJer, and advising that im- medtste steps be taken for tbelr impeach ment The ma ter wat referred to the couimitcc on public order. TBS Tr.IAL. Tbe testimony in the Murphy mur-l-r closed to-day. The general impression is that tbe defense has broken down All their efforts to discredit the evidence ol the colored womtn I.lohsrda, who testified tbe law Judge Fold walk np to the dead body of Morphy, - urn hie head and fire . two shots Into him, failed. It is believed the case will go to. the jury on Saturday. Six witnesses for the defense have been held for perjury. HENDRICK# SXPECTED. Tlte Courtesies wnlon will be Eitande* Him In Atlanta. [sraciAL TXLXOXAH.J Atlanta, February 4.—V'ce-Prealdent elect Hendricks and party are expected to arrive here to-morrow morning on the way to New Orleans. They will remain over half a day and will be given a rccep tlon and inch other courtesies as the oc caaion will admit The State board ot examiners of phu- macista met and organised to-day. It will be in session to-morrow. Mist Lina Hunt apent Ihe day in the city at the KimbaU, and exhibited at De catur to-night. Sba will probably appear in Atlanta again about tho middle of the month. 8he 1* greatly improved si nee her last appearance .here, and Is prosperous and vary happy. Her wonderful powers havo not diminished. William B, Johnston, of Maoon.Ia in Ihe cily to-day to attend tha masting of the Western and Atlantic lessee* to-morrow. one In which 1 TH* Justice my case. I would respectfully bet earnestly appeal to yon to take anch action as had for tha purpose restoring ma f was sounJusUj sod CREAT BRITAIN. Loanos, February 3.—Extra edidans ot the newspapers containing tab!* die patches from New York giving details ol the shooting nf O'Dsnovsn Rotas arc sell ing like wildfire on tha itreeta in every city •nd town tbrou;hont Great Britain. Naanywrery person W jubilant over the announcement that 0>* Mtegad eh : th- dynamiters has had soma of his medicine given him. It haa been made public that Mrs. Dud- ,“riE > y , l!lS‘rt 0 .id Wh “ h My waa tegudtd here « eccentric, ll not conscious ol my lonzcsnca and lcta ally Insane. She attempted suicide. - - risuieoumuera . oi 0 n a railroad train on one occasion by tak ing prison. After a short imprisonment foMhteMi* was released through executive Lokdon. February 5.—'The officials at the Chelsea Hospital, where soldiers' widows are trained as nnries, express surprise at mooih of January to be 36 <®,016; tbe decrease of ihe debt ainca June 1881, **'921,810; ca-h In tbe tresv.ry J1-0 311.- 804; gold cerilfi -ales outs:andingll34.2iP,- 5*>; silver certificates outstanding 5141,- IteiTOl; rertifica'esof deposit on Islanding 530,130,000: refunding certificates ont. •taodlnr 1268.6001 legal tenders outstand ing 5310.681016; fractional currency out- sUnnir g (not including the amount esti mated at lost or destroyed) fo,060.006. tub acrant court. A..T& 8npr*m« OoaK adjourned Unity tUl Monday, March *2. cuyklavd’i quAmm. Tb» proprietor of ib« Arlington Hotel, wildly, rretired a letter from Private S.crrtary Lamoot. definitely en- rsging rooms at that hotel lor the Prtsl, dent elect, his three slaters and brother- and lor OoL Umoot and famUv. The. time Im Ikterawfwal karels dsHgml-al i Harr h 2.1, Ik it It is thought they mss dollars, not for sxport, of profit, if not of fraud, so that ths amount eo,nad In ths fiscal year* of 1877 and 1878 waa over UO.tOO.OOO, swelling the total amount to 535 850,34; Tba govern man t, being paid for barely tba eoit ot coinage, naver bad any interest nor profit in the trade dollar, never received I bam at tba treasury nor paid them ont, bnt furntehad titans only to partten who ostensibly wanted them in thi* form to taka siiTar bullion out ot tba country nod K special favor to tha silver miners, body blundered. There ate supposed from seven to tan millions of these trad* dollars now bald by onr ora people, pertly by those who htve received them st fad valae nod partly by tbore who bare received them In barter or trade, or who as brokers hare purchased them at a discount. Bnt however bsid, whether helplessly and hopcintlyor otherwise, oar mints were led open for the birth and r>'growth of tbisp RANDALL AND THE SOUTH. Numerous Invitations from Bow Cities to Visit Them. TSLiGOArasD to tbb AieociATXD r Wasbibotob, February 2,-Reprti tire Randall baa wrltien a latter thanking lha Cotton Exchange and citizens of Mobfle, Ala., In snswar to an Invitation to visit them. He taysha will try and visit thatdty nhtaha goes to Naw Or leans in April nett. Mr. Randall bu alto received Invitations to visit “ Huntsville, Pensacola and Char Porter c. Bliss Dead. Naw Yoaa, February I.—Porter C. Btlaa, ca* ot tbe beet known men ■ ” ~ ‘ died to night at tba SL Lot. which institution ha bal ' Ic-eomaUmapi ' >•—* orier a;, ttuss, stf.g&iLrSi been an inmate »£!•. uw Mr*. Dudley. She said aba knew noth ing about tba dispatch, bnt ana desired him to Uks charga of bar rasa. Uelrarned words, tb# British consol, dsnlsd bsving sent any dispatch whatever. Mr. Batts said ba bad not bun consulted by any of Mrs. Dodlse’s friends, and bsdld not know shot ba ebon Id do in tbs cssa. He con tinued : "flba toll ma that ebadeeiredma IO defend bar. While reserving my rights u counsellor lo act In tba east or with draw. 1 shell ndeavor tpdo whst will ba lor Mr*. Dudley’* best interest. For tha present my diem w.llbemut t oiled tha loan all night. There Is a de termination that tha prisoners r hall never leave this county, The excitement rani high amt trouble u imminent. Du Moiaxa, February 4 —A report has reach!-1 lire that Smyth, Wilson and Cice ro Jell ton, tba murderers of Hiram Jtlli- son, were lynched at Audubon this morn- ing. Smyth snd Wilson ware sbbt In tbalr call*, after making n desperate fignt. and Cfcaro Jalllaon wu hanged from the band stand in tha park. Tae latter confessed be bad murdered bis father and Implicated Smyth and Wilson, bis brothm-ln-law. AStASSINSTION IN KENTUCKV. Jaalousv Prompts On* Mae to Fire Fite Balia Into Another, Matsvilu, Kt., February L—Coonty Attorney John Whittaker giro* details of tbe auuiination ot William Coilini by William Catron, at hr ad is, on tha 2uu> nit, as follows: Colllna bad worked railroad and boarded at Catroo’s bona* from early lut ram mer nntil aboot New Year, when Catron, becoming Jealous of the apparent food ness of his wife for Collins, sent the latter away, forbidding bint to enter tbe beusa anafn. Catron and Colllna mat about a week ago, talked tbe matter over end mad* np, whereupon Cstron Invited Coilini to visit him. C dllns accepted lb* Invitation and cam* to Catron's hotua lut Titnnday night Alter rapper, white Colllna wu silting by tba lira with Catron and bis wifa. Cat ron's bona, which wuloou in tha yard, robbed lu nose agsloat tba door. Collins playfully aaid to tba bona, “Coma In." CaU on want out Bid drove (be hors* away, then returned by another door, stepped op behind Collins and, without any warning, quickly find five pistol-balls Into CoUlns'a back Irom a self-cocking revolver. Etch wound wunaceusrtly mortal. Catron is tn custody. _ A Peddlsr Murdered. LvgcHivao, Va., February 1.—Tba naked body of an unknowa man, aapnea- cd to ba a peddler, waa found lut night on Cove Mountain. There waa a bullet bole in the forehead, and several In Ihe body. ItUsoppos-dtba man wu mur dered by Iba oritanfsed band which bu committed nnmaroua crimes in that vicin ity recently. _ Murder Hear Chattanooga. CHATrAxoooa, February 1—A shocking nnrder occurred fiundayIn Jamaa county, . a lew mites from this city. George MARINE ACCIDENTS. Ona (shooter Struck br Lightning and Another Wrecked. [TBLBOBAraiD TO THI ASSOCIATXD VEXSI.] Kit Wist Fla., Febraury 1.—Tbs seboontr "Jacob M, link.II,” from Pen- aacola for Naw Haven, with pig Iron, which arrived hare to-day, was atriiek by light* nlog January 30. Hsr mlusnmut wu •hivsred and topsail and gear burnt, but bar ball wu not damaged. Hahilvox, Bsshuda. January 28.—'The German Bark • Ceres" bu landed ben tba crew ol tba American schooner. “Joel* M. Anderson” (Capt. Grant.) which w*> abandoned at tea oa tba 18'h Inst In lat itude 36 north, longitude 00 west, while on a voyagalrom Perth Arnnoy, N. J., to Port Royal, 8.G.Ubeaalled from Perth Am boy January 11 with a cargo ot railroad Iron. On tne 17ib 'ho wind blew furious ly, tba saa running moan Inina high. Tb* vessel w.s leaking and ad bands were ent ployrd at tb* pnmpi. They did not gain oo iba teak, and u>* captain decided to try and throw overboard soma of tba deck iutsd. etude «ugigsd is this work tb: second mate got hrafoot bidly crashed. All night the crew worked at Ute pumps, but lbs water still gain'd and tba proapezts were very dark. In the morning of the 13th a anil bore In tight, snd it wu de cided to abandon tbe icln-oner, gs there was no rtuonable hoptof keeping her afloat, and the crew were thoroughly exhausted. The signals of distress set were answered by tbo strange sail, which iteere 1 for the schooner, and at 12 m. CapL Grant and bte crew, numbering ten in all, left their own boat and were soon on board the Ceres. CapL Grant and bis craw are now nnder ths protection of the American consular sntboriiha and will ba lent home on tba steamer Orinoco. NECROEB MALTREATED. ■be, quarreled over a trivial matter, and tbe first named drew his knifa an l attack- ad tba latter, wbo wu armed. and who at ■ I hli adversary dead. MtUk-i.ua o! leading famlliu. A Remarkable Escaoe. Mrs. Mart A. Dailey, ol Tunkhsnr.o'k, Pa., wu afflicted (or alx Tears witbuth- ms and bronchitis, during which lime tha physicians could gWe no relief. Hsr I' was das paired of, nntil In last October ■ procured • bottla of Dr. King's New E covsry, wbsn immediate rutluf was h •nd by continuing its nss tor a short ti •ha waa eomptetafy cured, gaining in fiesh uib iiwiMN no uuiici. t'Aj'ir'i lurprise a. tha statement* ctbl.-i from New York that Mrs. Dudley, wbo abot Rotsa, claimed to hive graduated as a non* at that Inatitn- tioo. They say no woman ot her nanteor description wu aver trained there. Sever 1 neatpaperi have ideniifled Mrs. Dudley ol New York wil It a woman named Lncilla Dooley, who wu lonnd insritiibte on soar ol the Great Eastern railway Irom lint effects ol chloroform, and whonpon restoration attempted lo • sallow mor- plane. Tbo description snd history of tbn woman tally vary closely with that ol the Mrs. Dailey Iff New York, and with cer tain parte ol her hit tor. as related b7 her self. Tba ebgptelb of tba prison In which -lu-was then confined hu etaurd for New York for the purpose of Identifying her. ■vintaca aoubst ccmnanaAM. Loxnox, February 4.—In addition to tba general evidence collected by the police against Cunningham as one of the dyna miters wbo were actlra in last yur'a explo sion at different stations on tbe under- eround railway in London, Bupfrin'eodent Williamson has obtained special Informa tion which will probably warrant an In- dle-men' egelnet rk# leWirvar fnr rtareon- ally operating the dyn smite wbieh'cstued the explosion on Ihe 21 ot last uooth near the Gower street station. Tha guard on tbe attacked train and the Mrs cant of po lice who examined the pusengera when the train arriv'd at tha Gowu street sta tion have Identified Connlnghtm as ona of three men who were at that time suspected of having caused tba explosion. thi SRoonaa or boua. The Standard, referring to tha shooting of ltoua, says: “It Is not hntnaa neture lo rappoas tbe attack will evoke a spark ol oily. In taking tbe law into her own hands Mrs. Dudley followed Roma's pre- cep's. Thou wbo lira by the sword mast perish by Ihe sword. This ought to set ss a timely admonition to 0m>m wbocontem- plat* adopting the doctrine of prirateTen- . bkt neither 5LS8. Th* Parents Threatened and tha Chil dren Driven from School. [tslboiateid to ns amociatbd rang] Chicago, February 4.—The Tribune and Inter-Ocean bare specials from Blooming ton, Ute., saying within tba lut few days a number ot threatening lattsrs hare been received through the mails hy several cd- ered residents of tbe village of Belle Flow- er, stating If Ihe recipient* did not Imtna dlately move away from tba place it would ba worn for them. Tba colored people ■re represented to ba greatly excited and alarmed, and it is staled their children have Men insulted and beaten in tbs Ucd* Flower Dubiio school, until obliged to tear* tha Institution Assertions ore made that much tba same treatment la bring given colored people In other central Ilunote precincts, notably tba towns of Baybrook, oilman and Sibley. Tba attention of Iba Puat-offica Department hu bean called to the threatening lettare mailed in violation ot tew, and an investigation la on foot Fire In a College. SrmxorttLD, Mass.. Fstrnary 4.—Tha north dormitory of tba Ag'lznitnral Col lege at Arabs rat wu destroyedby fire •boot 1 o'clock lUs rooming. Tbs fire originated In Iba northeast room loth* fourth story. Mut of tb* fnraltnnwu ■•nd, a* rra also tba Msamcfcnsstts his torical collection snd Steam’soollactJoa of birds. Tba brick lug. Tba dorm Commenting on tha shooting of O'Dooa- van K< - v by Mra. Dudley, the Tuna* •ays: “Thte man, whoa* thoughts, one would Imagine, ran Irom morning till night oo matbods of mouter, at one* placed himself in tbe power of an unknown woman. He now ebew* ths ccd of rtfiee- tfoo. which must bs bitter encungb. Mra. Dudley’s act steals that of Charlotte Oari d*J. THE C0N03. MBTL'atL iiizu ma tbbbitobt ib dbiwl Bbbub. February 3. -It is announced that a Portugese man-of-war hu formilly annexed both banks of tba Cooco and tba contested coast line. Portugil hu em phatically rejected tba propoeaii of tba African International Aavoriailon, which Franca bu approved. She demands tba wbo eof the territory on ibe rishtbank between tha French frontier andTiehl-tan go down to Iba Congo and eutward to tha “Z^FM^kprilMaUC.- xette, corn mm. ting on lbs erinro of both banks of th* Congo rte» r by Portngal, say*: “It mn*t bt admitted that by ih« *trok* the gorernmer.t at L*»bon h*t forestalled the decision of th* power*. Tb* power*, ■I Ib# very moaent fb*l PaM^nwll* nu** in* tb# inofxilloii." lb# Qentt* siyt* “art diicaistag Germany'# pr*po***» which bMlb# rapport of Waju*n i, tb# Iol#rn*U*n*l African A*r ■ i#>kw tb# •out hero bank of tb# rirer whica i bu |wind/ m nion unu cream icoiwciwaw 777 ... u rick wall* alone remain stand- A LA ana portion of tbs Uls th*Z ...p .JS.u-ri.ll0t V was built to 1887 at a brirlo arise fronaan teenorerijuafiA# SS is; &?e to xa^ te .ls^?Kr»« kerotene lamp in an Incubator. The I